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áåñïëàòíûå), (495) 795-05-50, 795-05-51 Ôàêñ: (495) 795-05-52
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Ñàéò: www.kniga-nn.com
Ó÷åáíèêè èçäàòåëüñòâà «Äðîôà»
The quality of education: what is a management subject? (A. M. Moiseyev, the candidate of pedagogical sciences, the senior lecturer, the pro-rector on scientific work and innovative activity of Academy of social management of the Moscow Region) Who rules the quality of education?
(G. P. Ryabov, the professor, president NGLU of N. A. Dobrolyubov, the committee-man of experts of UNESCO and the International organisation of work by training)
The estimation of quality of educational services in high school: pedagogical aspects (E. A. Korchagin, the doctor of pedagogical sciences, the professor managing laboratory IPP ON the Russian Open Society;
R. S. Safin, the doctor of pedagogical sciences, the professor, dean ÊGASU)
Education in the XXI-st century:
problems of quality of higher education (S. J. Trapitsyn, the doctor of pedagogical sciences, the professor managing chair of management by formation RGPU of A. I. Gert-sena, the winner of the award of the President of the Russian Federation in a sphere of education, the expert of committee on a science and the higher school of Admi-nistration of St.-Petersburg)
How much does the qualitative education cost? (G. N. Trapitsyna, the senior teacher of chair of management of formation RGPU of A. I. Gertsena)
The quality of the general education:
different views on a problem (V. U. Eremina, the head of the laboratory of the evaluation of the educational services quality, Nizhe-gorodsky institute of further professional edu-cation; M. S. Grishina, the senior scientific employee of laboratory of an estimation of quality of educational services NIRO)
The approaches to forming the regional model of an estimation the quality of education (V. U. Eremina, the head of the laboratory of the evaluation of the educational services quality, Nizhegorodsky institute of further professional education; M. S. Grishina, the senior scientific employee of laboratory
of an estimation of quality of educational the NIRO services)
The basic results of approbation the estimation of quality of a preschool education (R. J. Belousova, the candidate of pedagogical sciences, the senior lecturer, managing chair of management of a preschool education; A. N. Shobonova, the candidate of pedagogical sciences, the senior teacher of chair of management of a preschool education)
Forming of culture of pupilshealth at the primary step of education: the efficiency of estimation (O. S. Gladysheva, a Dr. Sci.
Biol., the professor, the manager chair healthcare in the NIROS education; V. V. Ni-kolina, the doctor of pedagogical sciences, the professor, the pro-rector on scientifically-educational and social activity NGPU of K. Minin; I. JU. Abrosimova, the candidate of pedagogical sciences, the senior lecturer of healthcare chair in the NIROS education) Monitoring the quality of education in high school (JU. JU. Kolesnikov, the candidate of pedagogical sciences, the senior lecturer of chair of management of education RGPU of A. I. Herzen)
The professional field of the managers education (P. A. Bavina, the candidate of pedagogical sciences, the senior lecturer of chair of social management RGPU of A. I. Gertsena, the assistant to the dean on the educational programs)
Self-estimation of activity the additional education of children (A. V. Zolotaryova, the doctor of pedagogical sciences, the professor, managing chair of management of formation of the Yaroslavsky state pedagogical university of K. D. Ushinsky)
Purposes and estimation of expected results of the design-differentiated training of preschool children at the basic school (O. V. Pleteneva, the candidate of sociological sciences, the manager of the Laboratory of scientifically-methodical maintenance of the design-differentiated training of the NIRO)
Complex pedagogical monitoring as
a basis of quality management of music education of preschool children (E. P. Kos-tina, the doctor of pedagogical sciences, the senior lecturer, the professor of chair of management of the NIROS preschool education)
Gender specificity of spiritually-moral development of preschool children (L. E. Se-menova, the doctor of psychological scien-ces, the professor of chair of age and pedagogical psychology NGPU of K. Minin;
V. E. Semenova, the candidate of philo-sophical sciences, the senior lecturer of chair of philosophy and political science NNGASU)
Methodological reference points of an estimation the forming of pupilscompe-tence trained establishments NiSpO (O. V. Tulupova, the candidate of pedagogical sciences, the senior lecturer, the head of the design-network Center of formation of experts of establishments NiSpO NIRO;
A. B. Hodzhibekova, the candidate of pedagogical sciences, the item the teacher of the design-network Center of formation of experts of establishments NiSpO NIRO)
Methodological aspect of an estimation the quality of language education (M. A. Vi-kulina, the doctor of pedagogical sciences, the professor of chair of pedagogics and psychology NGLU of N. A. Dobrolyubov;
L. V. Vilkova, the post-graduate student of chair of pedagogics and psychology NGLU of N. A. Dobrolyubov)
Higher education quality assurance in England (N. N. Sonina, the candidate of pedagogical sciences, the senior teacher of chair of foreign languages NIRO; A. A. Sha-venkov, the candidate of psychological sciences, the senior lecturer managing chair of foreign languages NGPU by Minin)
The organisation of psychological support of students in high schools (T. N. Knyazeva, the doctor of the psycho-logical sciences, managing chair of general psychology NGPU of K. Minin)
Technological methods of pedagogical diagnostics in the primary school (N. N. De-meneva, the candidate of pedagogical
sciences, the senior lecturer of chair of social pedagogics, psychology and subject techniques of elementary education NGPU of K. Minin)
The analysis of results on experimental quality check of education on the mathematician in the elementary school (N. N. Demeneva, the candidate of pedagogical sciences, the senior lecturer of chair of social pedagogics, psychology and subject techniques of elementary education NGPU of K. Minina; T. A. Runova, the candidate of psychological sciences, the senior lecturer of chair of an elementary education of the NIRO)
The results of test assessment of primary school leavers in the educational field «Technology» (A. U. Tuzhylkin, the candidate of pedagogical science, the associate professor, the head of the chair of the theory and the methodic of technology and economy learning, Nizhegorodsky institute of further professional education)
The communicatively-focused control as a way of checking up the pupils
socio-cultural competence (N. A. Jurlova, the candidate of pedagogical sciences, the senior lecturer, managing chair of foreign languages of the NIRO)
The limiting factor in formation of professional competence of cadets of high schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (A. I. Orlov, the candidate of pedagogical sciences, the senior lecturer of chair of physical training and sports of the Volga branch of the Moscow auto-road state technical university; A. A. Lukutin, the candidate of pedagogical sciences, the senior lecturer of chair of combat training of the Nizhniy Novgorod academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; N. N. Us-tjuzhanin, the senior teacher of chair of combat training of the Nizhniy Novgorod academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
K. N. Doronin, the competitor of chair of physical training and sports of the Chuvash state university of I. N. Ulyanov)
The mixed training to a foreign language: genesis and essence of concept
Èíôîðìàöèÿ îá àâòîðàõ
(I. A. Kurbeeva, the post-graduate student of chair of foreign languages, the methodologist of laboratory of realisation the Federal Standards of the Vologda institute of a development of education)
Estimation of quality of graphic preparation of experts in the field of land management and a cadastre (E. P. Savinov, competitor of NNGASU)
Formation of concept of selectivity of chemical reactions in a school course of chemistry (Ñ. Ô. Zhiltsov, the Doctor of Chemistry, professor of NGPU K. Minina, the honoured worker of a science of the Russian Federation; M. A. Hnyrev, post-graduate student NGPU of K. Minina, the
teacher of chemistry ÌÁÎÓ Lyceum ¹ 8) Features of vocational training of teachers of sphere of an additional education of children (N. A. Muhamedjarova, the assistant to chair of management of education of the Yaroslavl pedagogical university of K. D. Ushinsky)
Musical taste of pupils: historical-theoretical and pedagogical aspects of studying (R. I. Udalova, the competitor of the NIRO)
The basic directions of pedagogical assistance to development of childrens musicality of the senior preschool age (M. P. Kazachenok, the competitor of the NIRO)