• 検索結果がありません。

.i U.kl-M ~ f. i ;:. II M,> f i]w sti"i'.- V-im.: j:\-ii: で li'itrijsi; L 白 ゐ bll 't 封 ~ 1,-, 1!: * \ F ' l!!!,'rj.":t. II W. l' 'j*h ^'"!H!'l;i.'.fli


Academic year: 2021

シェア ".i U.kl-M ~ f. i ;:. II M,> f i]w sti"i'.- V-im.: j:\-ii: で li'itrijsi; L 白 ゐ bll 't 封 ~ 1,-, 1!: * \ F ' l!!!,'rj.":t. II W. l' 'j*h ^'"!H!'l;i.'.fli"


読み込み中.... (全文を見る)




J A E R I - M JP9105156



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Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute











. J1'9105156








*~IO 外川織必・ 1~ /lU 依光・松制 売た・小休

日 本 原 子 力 研 究 所



































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I A K R I - M reports art' issued irregularly

lni|uines about availability of the reports should he addressed to Information Division. Department of technical Information. Japan Atomic I nerpy Research Institute, l o k a i -mura. \ a k a - g i i n. !haraki-ken MK>-\ 1. Japan

Japan At.mm Km-in> Krs.-anli Institute. !"''!

«,U. ft 'r.'i M 1- V. I' 'J W '£ '"i

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Inqlllfll'、 ah"Ilta 芯 allahllll~ "f thピrcp(lrt"i、hl川Idbピaddn'同 山1tυInformatlOn llivisioJ1.

IkpJftl1l<'nt 1<11山 hntc.al Illforntal1on‘J辻p.tll-¥!川llh: I (ll'r~y R~おC 訂ピ h Ins!i!lItc. lokal・ l1lura¥ak.t-!-'1JIl.Ih"rakl.~<'n 31止11.J.tpan

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111 ワイフル間数を他川した,付面白.Ji,Ii. ',



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(3) IJ{j 児lUJ 被|爆による l阪発↑1t;jl~併後び免述J't 'r~;\'・のモデル

!.l.Uf!jIiJf究所 〒:1l9 11 決城県m;InJm:栄潟村(1Ji' j-:(I~H ~ 牟 h!(Q.f紛!Y~"?総 0M'先 lifi


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:l II!HI Ili 1 '.1:1立からり:lq:l~止まて 1 1


JAERI-M 91-005

Health Effects Models for Off-Site Radiological Consequence Analysis of Nuclear Reactor Accidents

(Eds.) Orihiko TOGAWA, Toshimitsu HOMMA, Hideo MATSUZURU and Sadayoshi KOBAVASHI

Department of Environmental Safety Research Tokai Research Establishment

Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki-ken

(Received January 9, 1991)

A first version of models has been developed for predicting the number of occurrences of health effects induced by radiation exposure in nuclear reactor accidents. The models are based on the health effects models developed originally by Harvard University (NUREG/CR-4214). These models are revised on the basis of *-he new information on risk estimates by the reassessment of the radiation dosimetry in

Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The models deal with the following effects: (1) early effects models for bone marrow, lungs, gastrointestinal

tract, central nervous system, thyroid, skin and reproductive organs, using the Weibull function,

(2) late somatic effects models including leukemia and cancers of breast, lungs, thyroid, gastrointestinal tract and so forth, on the basis of the information derived from epidemiological studies on the atomic bomb survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,

(3) models for late and developmental effects due to exposure in utero.

* National Institute of Radiological Sciences


JAERI目M 91-005

Health Effects Models for Off-Site Radiological Consequence Analysis of Nuclear Reactor Accidents

(Eds.) Orihiko TOGAWA, Toshimitsu HOMMA, Hideo MATSUZURU


and Sadayoshi KOBA工ASHI

Department of Environmental Safety Research Tokai Research Establishment

Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute

Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki-ken

(Receiv巴d January 9, 1991)

A first version of models has been developed for predicting the number of occurrences of health effects induced by radiation exposure in nuclear reactor accidents. The models are based on the health

effects models developed originally by Harvard University

(NUREG/CR-4214). These models are revised on the basis of 汁le new information on

risk estimates by the reassessment of the radiation dosimetry in

Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Th巴 models deal with the following effects:

(1) early effects models for bone marrow, lungs, gastrointestinal

tract, central nervous system, thyroid, skin and reproductive

organs, using the Weibull function,

(2) late somatic effects models including leukemia and cancers of

breast, lungs, thyroid, gastrointestinal tract and so forth, on

the basis of the information derived from epidemiological studies

on the atomic bomb survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,

(3) models for late and developmental effects due to exposure in


古 National Institute of Radiological Sciences


JAKKI M ill 0(1;,

Keywords: Health Effect Model, Off-Site Radiological Consequence, Nuclear Reactor Accident, Harvard Model, Risk Estimate, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Early Effect, Late Somatic Effect, Atomic Bomb Survivor, Exposure in Utero


,. ¥ 1I・:1¥I . I H ¥ I 1111:,

Keywords: Health Effect Model, Off-Site Radiolo広ical Consequence, Nuclear Reactor Accident, Harvard Model, Risk E日timat,日

Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Early Effect, Late Somatic Ef:巳ct ,

Atomic Bomb Survivor, Exposure in Utero


.lAF.KI M dl Dil.".

From 1985, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute entrusted a four-year research to Industrial Research Institute, Japan (1985 and 1986) and Japan NUS Co., Ltd. (1987 and 1988). This report summarizes the results of this research. In making the research, a committee was set up.

The members of the committee are as follows (affiliation of each member is that as of the end of March, 1990):

S. Kobayashi T. Aoyama M. Doi ;'" K. Fujimoto •'•• I T. Iijima T. Iwasaki H. Kato ''3 T. Kusama Y. Nakamura Y. Shimizu M. Uchiyama H. Yonehara •M •M

(Chairman: National Institute of Radiological Sciences) (Shiga University of Medical Science)

(National Institute of Radiological Sciences) (National Institute of Radiological Sciences) (Nuclear Power Engineering Test Center) (National Institute of Radiological Sciences) (Radiation Effects Research Foundation) (University of Tokyo)

(National Institute of Radiological Sciences) (Radiation Effects Research Foundation) (National Institute of Radiological Sciences) (Shiga University of Medical Science)

1 From 1987 to 1988 2 1988 only

3 From 1986 to 1988

/ ,


。1.¥1・:Ii1 ¥1 HI 1111;;

From 1985, Japon Atomic Ener広y Reseorch lnstitute entrusted a four-year research to Industrial Res己arch Institute, Japan (1985 and

1986) and Japon NUS Co., Ltd. (1987 and 1988). This r巴port summarizes

the results of this research. In making the research, a committee was set up.

Th巴 members of the commlttee are as follows (offl110t10n of己ach

member Is that as of the end of Harch, 1990):

-11i - n s a a 内 ﹄ v d m a a -b v d ・1 0 0 O H h A A n u -c u T A M U K. Fujimoto T. Iij ima . ~ T. I¥"asaki H.Ka to 3 T.KusaITla l Y .Nakamura.l y.shiIT1121I3 H. Uchiyama H. Yonehara・1

(Chairman: National lnstitute of Radiological Sciences) (Shiga University of Medical Science)

(National Institute of Radiological Sciences) (National Institute of Radiological Sciences) (Nuclear Power Engineering Test Center) (National Institute of Radiological Sciences) (Radiation Effects Research Foundation) (University of Tokyo)

(National Institute of Radiological Sciences) (Radiation Effects Research Foundation) (National Institute of Radiologic呂1 Sciences)

(Shiga University of Medical Science)

。 From 1987 to 1988

-;-2 1988 only

¥3 From 1986 to 1988


.IAKKI M IM (in.;>


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状腺'fti:'il;リスクモデルについての:1¥J:m..,'.¥、…...・H ・H ・H ・..… 97 3.1..1 モデルの改,iJ ………...・H ・...・H ・..…・………...・H ・..…...・H ・...・H ・ 99 3.5 ',1'脳筑前i ……...・H ・..………...・H ・..………...・H ・...・H ・H ・H ・...・H ・..……… 101 :3.5.1 はじめに ………・・・…....・H ・-…・・・…....・H ・-・…・・・・・…・・……...・H ・…・・・…………・・ 101 3.5.2 リスク投影モデル ……...・H ・H ・H ・...・H ・H ・H ・...・H ・...・H ・...・H ・..…...・H ・..… 101 :1.5.3 リスク係数 ………・H ・H ・..……...・H ・...…-・・…...・H ・..…・・・…....・H ・..…一・・・……・・ 101 :i.5..1 リスク係数に対する修飾│火1(- ...・H ・..…..,・H ・..…...・H ・...・H ・..…...・H ・...・H ・.. 101 35.5線:,t-IX:Lr.:モデル ...・H ・・…・・・…...・H ・..…・・・ …・・…………...・H ・..…… 102 :3.5.6 その他の条件 ………...・H ・..…...・H ・H ・H ・...・H ・...・H ・..…...・H ・..……… 102 VIlI


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.IAKKI M !M Mil:.


1. Introduction 1 1 . 1 Background of the study 1

1 .2 Summary of the study 3

1. V.a r 1 y effects 6

2. 1 Whole-body irradiation 6 2.1.1 Acute death from whole-body irradiation 6

2.1.2 Quantitative expressions of dose-response

relationships 6 2.2 Bone marrow and lung 9

2.2.1 Radiation-induced acute death from bone marrow

syndrome 9 2.2.2 The LD50 from the Japanese exposed to the atomic bombs

in Hiroshima and Nagasaki 9 2.2.3 Information on radiation exposure at the Chernobyl

accident - 10

2.2.4 Estimates of the LD50/6O 11 2.2.5 Radiation-induced acute death from lung syndrome 11

2.3 Gastrointestinal tract 16 2.3.1 Occurrences of gastrointestinal syndrome 16

2.3.2 Occurrences of failures, and relationships between

doses and risks of death 16 2.4 Central nervous system 21

2.5 Thyroid 23 2.5.1 The kinds of thyroid failures classified into early

effects 23 2.5.2 Definitions, concepts and patterns of thyroid

failures 23 2.5.3 Morbidity rates, their ratios by sex and their mostly

occurring ages 24 2.5.4 Thyroid failures induced by radiation exposure 25

2.6 Skin 29 2.6.1 System and structure of skin and its sensitivity to

radiation exposure 29 2.6.2 Effects in skin induced by radiation exposure 29

2.6.3 Factors which influence effects in skin 30


.1. ¥ト:Iil ¥ Iリ 1111;,


1. Introducti0n

1.1 Back民ruund(l[the study

I.:! SlImmary of the study ... J

2. Earlv effccts ...•... 6

2.1 Wl!o1c-b

'dy irradi‘I t ion ....•... 6

:!. 1.1 Acute death from whole-bodv irri1d i日t.inn ... 6

2.1.2 Quantitative expressions of d口se-response

re 1a t ionships ... 6

2.2 Bone rnarrow and 1ung ... 9

2.2.1 Radiation-induced acute death frorn bone rnarrow

synd rome ...•... 9

2.2.2 The LDsO from the Japanese expos巳d to the atomic bombs

in Hiroshima and Nagasaki ...•.•...•... 9

2.2.3 Inf0rmation on radiation exposure at the Chernobyl

accident ...•...•.•...•...••.•... 10 2.2.4 Estimates of the LDSO/60


2.2.5 Radiation-induced acute death from 1ung syndrorne ... 11

2.3 Gastrointestina1 tract ...••.. 16

2.3.1 Occurrenc巴s of gastrointestinal syndrome ...•...•. 16

2.3.2 Occurrences of failur己s,and relationships between

doses and risks of death ...•...•..••...•. 16

2.4 Centra1 nervous system ...•.... 21

2.5 Thyroid... . . . • . . . .. 23 2.5.1 The kinds of thyroid failures classified into early
















































2.5.2 Definitions, concepts and patterns of thyroid

failures ...•...•...••. 23

2.5.3 Morbidity rates, their ratios by sex and their mostly

occurring ages ..•...•...••..•...•.. 24

2.5.4 Thyroid failures induc巴d by radiation巴xposure " ..•...• 25

2.6 Skin... 29

2.6.1 Systern and structure of skin and its sensitivity to

radiation exposure ... ... ...•...••...•.•.•.. 29

2.6.2 Effects in skin indllced by radiation exposure ..•...• 29

2.6.3 Factors which influence effects in skin ...•....•.. 30


JAKKI-M 91 005

2.6.A Dose-response relationships and threshold doses for

effects in skin 31 2.7 Gonads 33 2.7.1 Testis 33 2.7.2 Ovary 34 2.7.3 Internal exposure 34 2.7.4 Subordinate materials 35

3. Late somatic effects 53

3.1 Leukemia 53 3.1.1 Patterns of dose-response curves 53

3.1.2 Differences in risk coefficients by sex and ages

at the time of the bombings 55 3.1.3 Patterns of prosperity and decline of death with

time 55 3.1.4 Estimates of lifetime risk 56

3.2 Breast cancer 66 3.2.1 Preface 66 3.2.2 Epidemiological studies on radiation-induced breast

cancer 66 3.2.3 Dose-response relationships for breast cancer 68

3.2.4 Effects of dose rates on breast cancer 69

3.2.5 Latent periods of breast cancer 69 3.2.6 Relationships between ages at the time of the bombings

and risks of breast cancer 70

3.2.7 Other factors which influence risks of breast cancer ... 70

3.2.8 Risks of breast cancer 71 3.2.9 Various characteristics of spontaneous breast cancer ... 71

3.2.10 Summary 71 3.3 Lung cancer 89 3.3.1 Preface 89 3.3.2 Concepts on developT nt of models for estimating death from lung cancer 89 3.3.3 Models for risk projection 89 3.3.4 Risk coefficients 90 3.3.5 Factors which influence risk coefficients 90 3.3.6 Models for dose-response relationships 91 3.3.7 Other conditions 91 3.3.8 Simulations of death from lung cancer since exposure ... 91

XII ,J:'¥EH1•.• M 91 OO!i 2.6.4 Dose-response relationships and threshold doses for effects in skin ...••...•..•...•.•...•...•... 31 2.7 Gonads... 33 2.7.1 Testis •....•...•...••...•...••...•... 33 2.7.2 Ovary... 34 2.7.3 Internal exposure •..•••••••..•..•..••.••.•..••..••..•.. 34 2.7.4 Subordinate materials ... ... ... ... 35

3. Late somatic effects .•....••...•...•....•••....••....••... 53

3.1 Leukemia... • . . 53

3.1.1 Patterns of dose-response curves .••.•..•...•... 53

3.1.2 Differences in risk coefficients by sex and ages at the time of the bombings .•... ... ...•... .•••. 55

3.1.3 Patterns of prosperity and declin巴 of d巴ath with time ...•..•...•...• 55

3.1.4 Estimates of lifetime risk






•••.••••• •••.••.•••.

56 3.2 Breast cancer ...•..•...••..•... 66

3.2.1 Preface... 66

3.2.2 Epidemiological studies on radiation-induced breast cancer ..•..•...•...•....•••...•. 66

3.2.3 Dose-response relationships for breast cancer .•... 68

3.2.4 Effects of dose rates on breast cancer ... 69

3.2.5 Latent periods of breast cancer ... ..•... ... ...•. 69

1.2.6 Relationships between ag巴s at the time of the bombings and risks of breast cancer .... ... ... ..•... ... ...•. 70

3.2.7 Oth巴r factors which influence risks of breast cancer •.. 70

3.2.8 Risks of breast cancer ...•...•...•... 71

3.2.9 Various characteristics of spontaneous breast call仁er ... 71

3.2.10 Summary ...••..•..••..•..•.••...•...•...•.... 71

3.3 Lung cancer ..•.•...••..•...•...•...•..• 89

3.3.1 Preface... ...•...•...•..••..•..•...• 89

3.3.2 Concepts on developr nt of models for estimating death from lung cancer •. •.••.••...••.••...•.••.••..•..•... 89

3.3.3 Models for risk projection •..•..•..•..•..••..•..•..••.. 89

3.3.4 Risk coefficients •.•...••..•..•.•••.••..••.••.••...•. 90

3.3.5 Factors which influence risk coefficients •.•..••.•••.•. 90

3.3.6 Models for dose-response relationships •.••.••.••...•..• 91 3.3.7 Other conditions時.. . . " 91

3.3.8 Simulations of death from lung cancer since exposure '" 91


JAKh'l M ill (HI!.

3.3.9 Estimates of lifetime risk 91 3.3.10 Discussions on new models 91

3.4 Thyroid cancer 96 3.4.1 Original model 96 3.4.2 Applications of the model to Japanese population 96

3.4.3 Problems on the model for thyroid cancer applicable

to Japanese population 97 3.4.4 Revision of the model 99 3.5 Gastrointestinal cancer 101

3.5.1 Preface 101 3.5.2 Models for risk projection 101

3.5.3 Risk coefficients 101 3.5.4 Factors which influence risk coefficients 101

3.5.5 Models for dose-response relationships 102

3.5.6 Other conditions 102 3.5.7 Simulations of death from stomach and colon cancers

since exposure 102 3.5.8 Estimates of lifetime risk 102

3.6 Liver cancer 109 3.6.1 Preface 109 3.6.2 Mortality rates from spontaneous liver cancer 109

3.6.3 Relationships between radiation exposure and

occurrences of liver cancer 109 3.6.4 Estimates of risk coefficients Ill 3.6.5 A equation for calculating risks 113 3.6.6 Problems to be solved in future 114

3.7 Pancreas cancer 120 3.7.1 Sources of data 120 3.7.2 Treatments in the NUREG Report 121

3.7.3 Treatments in the UNSCEAR '88 Report 121

3.7.4 Summary 122 3.8 Cancers of bladder and testis 132

3.8.1 Cancers of urinary organs induced by radiation

exposure 132 3.8.2 Information available so far 132

3.8.3 Summary 134 3.9 Ovary cancer 138

3.9.1 Ovary cancer induced by radiation exposure 138


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3.3.9 Estimates of lifetime risk




























91 3.3.10 Discussions on new models ... ... ....•. ... ... 91

3.4 Thyroid cancer ...•... 96

3.4.1 Original model ... 96 3.4.2 Applications of the model to Japan巴se population ....•.. 96

3.4.3 Problems on the mod巳1[or thyroid cancer applicable to Japanese population .•...•...•.. 97

3.4.4 Revision of the model ... 99 3.5 Gastrointestinal cancer ... 101 3.5.1 Preface ...•... 101

3.5.2 Models for risk projection •... ....



















101 3.5.3 Risk co七fficients ...•...•..• 101

3.5.4 Factors which influence risK coeffici巴nts ... 101 3.5.5 Models for dose-response relationships ... 102

3.5.6 Other conditions ... 102 3.5.7 Simulations of death from stomach and colon cancers since exposure .•.••.••..•..•...•.•..•...•..•..•... 102

3.5.8 Estimates of lifetime risk ...•...••..•.•...•. 102

3.6 Liver cancer ... 109 3.6.1 Pr巴face ...•...•...•...••.•...•. 109

3.6.2 Mortality rates from spontaneous liver cancer •... 109

3.6.3 Relationships between radiation exposure and occurrences of liver cancer ...•...•...•... 109

3.6.4 Estimates of risk coefficients ..•••..•.••..•..•.•...•.. 111

3.6.5 A equation for calculating risks ...•..••.•...•..•... 113

3.6.6 Problems to be solved in future •...•..•...•..•. 114

3.7 Pancreas cancer ..•...•.•..•.•...•...•..•... 120

3.7.1 Sources of data ... 120

3.7.2 Treatments in the NUREG Report ...•...•..•..•... 121

3.7.3 Treatments in the UNSCEAR '88 Report ... 121 3.7.4 Summary ...122

3.8 Cancers of bladder and testis •.... ... ...••.••...••.••...• 132

3.8.1 Cancers of urinary organs induced by radiation exposure •.•...•...•...•...•...• 132

3.8.2 Information available so [ar ...•..•...•..••...•• 132

3.8.3 Summary... 134 3.9 Ovary cancer .•....•...••...•...•..•...••...• 138

3.9.1 Ovary cancer induced by radiation exposure •..•..••... 138


. I A K R I M 91 UOfi

3 . 9 . 2 I n f o r m a t i o n a v a i l a b l e so f a r 138

3 . 9 . 3 Summary 139

3. 10 Uterus cancer 145 3.10.1 Uterus cancer induced by radiation exposure 145

3.10.2 Information available so far 145

3.10.3 Summary 146 3.11 Skin cancer 152

3.11.1 Data on human beings 152 3.11.2 Data on animals 153 3.11.3 Models for risks of skin cancer 155

3.12 Exposure in utero 158 3.12.1 Embryo and fetus 158 3.12.2 Generative cells of fetus 159

3.12.3 Models for risks of exposure in utero

- Especially on deformity and severe mental

retardation - ... 159

4. General discussions on risk assessment models 165 4.1 Models for early occurring and continuing effects 165 4.2 Slight incidences of failures which appear in the case of using "Hazard Function " 170 4.3 Models for late somatic effects 1.3 4.4 Models for genetic effects 175 5. Subjects to be discussed in future 176 6. Concluding remarks 179 Acknowledgement 179 XIV .1.¥1・:Iil ¥1 HI 1I11:1 3.9.2 Information available so far ... ...•... 138

3.9.3 Summary... 139 3.10 Uterus cancer ...•...•... 145

3.10.1 Uterus cancer induced by radiation exposur巴 .. . . .. 145 3.10.2 Information available 60 far .•. ... ... ..•..•... 145

3.10.3 Summary •....•...•...••... 146

3.11 Skin cancer ...•..•...••... 152

3.11.1 Data on human beings



































152 3.11.2 Data on animals ...•...•...•. 153

3.11.3 Models for risks of skin cancer .... ..•... ...•... 155

3.12 Exposur巴 inutero ...•... 158

3.12.1 Embryo and fetus ... 158 3.12.2 Generative cells of fetus ... ... ...•...•..•..•. .•. 159

3.12.3 Models for risks of exposure in utero -Especially on deformity and severe mental retardation - ... 159 4. General discussions on risk assessment models •...•... 165

4.1 Mcdels for early occurring and continuing effects .•.•..•..• 165

4.2 Slight incidences of failures which appear in the case of using "Hazard Function 11 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 170 4.3 Models for late somatic effects ...•... 1.3 4.4 Models for gen巴tic effects ...•...•...•... 175

5. Subjects to be discussed in future ....•...•...••...•. 176

6. Concluding remarks ...•...•.••..•• 179

Acknowledgement ...•...•..•...•...•....•.. 179


.IAKh'1 M ill il(i;.

i . )Y' .iffit

1.1 nsoFftawit





or^o - f s a t , u^»ua,if« cifWcfe'Ktfi

•> x -f A c/) WSiiK^M 1. i. l c: 'ji-t o * ^ f i liJSMfi' I' K fc (15 /A Wi; tt W: « Alii] J r - » i i r,

* m : - j 1 5 « < Uii-Jiic*>• 11 3 w « i ! w H t % o w n © f l B L i i & w * r-iiM-f s fc*>ictt;J11 s *i & -a!

©iM'iL ^,iip:='- K t - r - ? 7 r -f ^ ; , M 5 i i 5 „ f tz, m\mm&Vi. Ai iti^itti'f;

ADD n - Kti/Afli/Kifi'JftiJ&O'xi^f-*- ?£1IH>T, A-xU|ucfc(t5/AWI;^'W:«tii!ii^ • ffii'il **!(;:*&< ^M\\^y(U^W^t Z,0 MS 3 - KliU&*fW>®&OWrKll]^*'Mft*ft »-* > 7 u > r * ? f - j0 IWA^ac»SI'fl»Kl«fillit4.iffilii-i-Sfcrt^ 2 NIKjo,H-ff 3 - KilitJfcl

fco KARI.Y 3 - K i i r ^ - A W i f f i ^ i l i ^ ^ l W i i l l i a f f t f e i r o j I i i l U J i l C £ 'I'-lSJOjJi'll^^Jlit-Sr.ll-p:

* * „ C'HKONIC 3 - K [4i4WJ|H](wjffi -, Tfi3ijS'iM^#jjfVif-^-5i41,-JWJ0Jeo//lcJJ.tflL«iRft= J: 5 AiJW

^ ( i , i | - p : 3 - Ki/xf-A IX)SDAC"TP:IIN-SO ifc. J-Hfj-x-i' S£I|M:>£ Lfcl"WI^ •* •> *

lz&ltZA\\H(.tfl&ft0M'l:M'<A'jMili&]r'&3- Kt'UWKKNTT-'VtfiBtSo I'M => - K I H L •j{«c*{fec-./.:flirt^'ijii**i5T-*^^wiMiyjst, 3 y 9 \)- nv.i^-jiMji, mm, ft.ts.wm. i f M ^ i ^ A ! l ; « £ ^ £ i y ^ ,!|-U3- K HINAN (i'Jf tt»Sicnrt-*^»^Jttirr*T?Wi>j;-T-»«+*«?*03^«!i^«[JS-r«o UK 3 - KiifikWWSfcWu i o T f c f c ^ f t ^ W S m ift^!:^W^cXii{z,ft<j^»iU'>fcfiUit^^Mi|f'5o i l ' 5 3


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x ; K 7 ) $ 1 #Clik'#Vcl#;**l/.:0 1 .1.¥ト1:

1 ¥1 !II '111;,






1. 1.1 調査研究の背景 ll;( (-) J 'i't"UliJI"の'1i((A;,H制(IJ'/,(令↑'I{:,lfflUi(1)札¥)ilJf究の・出として. レベルl:,i'!'f,lIi ・(lU次世'1・Ji'U l 江川 Wi から fl;1t;~ :;L~ ~M~,W ,(IIjまで)




tのi泊i¥'(のために . }j'H,il文が起こったHJiTに川ill公衆にもた らされるIJk射線lj};併を総什I(J~こ, i'l' Wi する I~"'t~l: コードシステム()以\!\人 I{ のIllJ it を.ìffiめている O

システムのhいえを│弐I1.1.1 ,こ 'J\ す。本システム lif地i";~'11 における放射性抜怖の人川までの移 fJ¥ それにJ'Iき続く1t1・


における被l保線!If分イ'IiIえび行何の俄山;;!jWを予測するために使JIIされる・辿 のとIH,li した,iJ l): コードとデータファイルから情 1)比される。また,線 :rtJ礎知係数.人 111えび也市,:r.~ 物中 Iq.~ :, t 分イIJ. 避'l.~tn'(:~~U) (,/:i~'I! (7) !11i II¥l変化,被爆1t卜.JIのf卜'.iJl;リスクなどの必裂な人 }jデータファ

イルをあらかじめiifj備するために数怖の独、kした,;).りコードが νステムを支Jt:しているο

.¥])1)コードは欣:1:iIJ;HN縦波びx¥象データをJIJ~、て,六 X\ql における欣射f'l: f~ 祁の輸送・拡散, それに続く地klIIIへのi'ti"i'を推定するo\IS コードは礼象条例のう}虹1 Hzび~I(flí' に J11~、る礼象条件

のサンフリングをfi'うο 例人法び1tトJIの被i保線111:を,ifWiするためにnn・triの,il'P:コードを11日発し


するつ〔‘ IIIW:\IC、コードは長 JþJII\lに波って f出lt:l '11 に技官{する i去、r 減 WJ の欣射性岐仰による l~JUJ の被保線 itt を行tíんする。これらの A・ t",l:コードで使川される外部投び|付郎被l燥に|則するおi~111:fli! t"l係 数は,il"Pコードシステム 1)()討[):状、でml:オる。また.対象サイトを1)1心とした1,山ンIIJメッシュ における人11及び山市内;物件':.11[-:Ilt分イ11は,l)・1?:コードじじIWE;-..;Tで呼備する。1'¥1コードはも L

N氏が起こったJi){',-に実施されるであろう以外j退避, コンクリート以内辺避司 AH)




飲食物県jfl( i!ilJll民投び\/.人 ililJllH といった防護対前による被曝 fl~ 減効*を附 ít する。, il'1} コード 11E¥.¥:¥は・jト 放時に




衆の学動を間擬する。 111<:コードは放射線被保に よってもたらされる引均j 影轡晩悦免性;影i必g響 A汝之び遺{μム[的戸内Jlj影!与31粋H刊伴~~といつた(他他札住的T町!山3ぷ却J.ili膨j形!53宇符キを子測する。,;)リ汁|十-切.ココ一

卜 ド ‘ H印1汀I日<:つ':JNサ叫JIド'L!'↑げT、はl晩晩ブ危




特持に!閃則して 1C;

叶りの'1:.ilEリスク. 被 l爆後の ljU~J呼発 生本の時 I IlJ変化など IIE コードの人 }j データを,ìf'l~l: する。ト:1.コードは j且避や避難にかかる t~J lJ. 良市陀物の廃棄や次人制限による引先などを雌'止するη ~謝fi.研究は,什.'l.?:コード IIE 及び川.;1l'¥ I'UTで)lJi、られる放射線被爆による他山影符の発 生数を予測するモデルの作成及びこれに使川する )I~ 礎データの,ì'rftlli ・検,i-fを行い, 与影t1科呼,河j盲?lド1叩'刊哨(h臼11佃刑1側ilのfバ,g'{ i 中刺粉;[jけH''性 ,t

デデ.ル CNUr代削t汀I日':G/C、'1代t 一 1211) 引を)~礎と L. 1よ!;~. 1史的のl.'i(,ir線:,1:,こ J,~っくリスク 1?:定結果な


弔点、をl苦いた。本調術研究により.I~;i {-カi'H/iXn!i における !:.'H! t,i: 健康 tjt~枠の発生数を子 ìRlJ するモ デルの第1次:1:1Jiが完成された。


.IAKUI M 111 IKK".

(1.1 IB)

1) l l o m m a , T. , (). T o ^ a w a and 'P. lijima : I Jevelopmcnt of Accident Coiisei|iiei)ee Assessment Code at d A K R I , Proceedings ol' Seniinor on Methods and Codes t o r Assessing the O f f Site Consequences o f Nuclear Accidents, .Alliens, M a y 7 11. 1990, to he Published.

2) Kviins, J. S. , I). \Y. Moeller and I). W. Cooper : I lenlth Kl'lcets Model l o r Nuclear Power Plant Accident Consequence A n a l y s i s , N T K K < ! . C l \ 1211 ll9Nf>>

Source term Meteoro­ logical data I ' 1 Meteoro­ logical sampling


i Atmospheric dispersion


Ground contamina­ tion



Popula­tion data


Health effect


IE] 1 . 1 . 1 l\W- ^ - K - V X - r A O S C A A R © I f BX 9 .1..¥1-:1

1 ¥1 !II 1)(1日 参考文献 (1,1節) 1) Ilollllll<l, T., ().'1、υ日<1¥¥'11:lIld T.lijilll:l: 1 h.¥ド│けPIIl'I1l1III,¥tγiい1l<1I(")11";(''111''11('(' :¥SSl'S計IIIυntl'od{、:1t (J..¥Iml,I'1・Ol'l'l

ding,.;01'メドllIill()I'llll ¥1ドtll()(!";:1111 (<',,<1(,,-; 1111 ,¥討討('SSIIIμ 111<'




Sill'('ons<'qw'lH'ドS ot ¥:llcl日1'1,¥じ〈白id,<nls,,¥tliドIIS,¥1.'1¥ 7 1 L 1




, t 0 hl、l'u111 islwd. :2) E¥':iIlS, ,.JS., 1). ¥¥'.~I()<'i I l' 1・:i lld ll.¥¥¥じ{川]l{'1': 11(':dth卜:rl'{川計九10th、1,'1'1 ¥lll'I{':11・i'O¥¥'{、l'1'1:1nt;¥円、i(knt(九川州、qll(、11γド ,¥11:1・¥1SIS,¥し 1{卜:c; じ I~ I~ J I t.1 !JH日)






図1.1.1 計 算 コ ー ド シ ス テ ムO S C A A Rの 椅 成 ワ

















IU>> 1I





. I A K K I M III (ii).r)

1.2 !J§g©F3EfflffilEH

*i* m\hmmo>m&vmi\wcxu•?• nuft--.-c'i-•?z>A»Ki««ii'^),ii



2. MK' tt u -i'KiO'Jft-Wt.M^tliliitoWfftiJlc: J: ••TAwt|,q-ll^M:.-f'5fiEtlililJWc'J'*L'litW.»1illlli

* > ' . ^ t;' C - A ' j . .

''WAIiWftU ^ ^'-ti 2 ^ W ^ i S t l L -C. /jWfftilU J; •> ~&1t$ U £ V-iei/fctfllSfefttt.^* ttftl!

- r - * < H £ , r i - , i f i i L - C , «J»tJi»iW'J -^^iVL'litWlCWVL'-J-ai t ^ * I M U H f t K i i h / . T S C i

C ^ / : y) I- * 1V. I* K.iVil lili; & I> "C & ' £ i l l t l ' ^ t f i i - r W ),!;[$ x'- - 9 *kSW\ l ^ fc tf i>

il) liWicfcO-^fiBUil^W-eT-'/u^o'Wf^f-'- ^coi^M;

*|i4l!luVj«^1ii|Su^liiU'*f'4;^'H:(;jp^ (WASH 1100) -e-r-'^wiiSfiliv n •>" x ? MZ>J£

I2i ftAqKKc^if-J.Wf'to^Uiwjffilli

(4) I-.,}"d 'i -r/i^rMfi^i: L T « | l*AUj$HIt 5 -& x >b co f|:i£

-ro-on, (lUflwIifej-ti-^^^T^iirtLA: k^-fc^ifim. « K«4li<-£••*£„

la) M i M i f - A l & M ^ U & i / M J $ f S $ & W & & * x ; u Ifli;1;-,1? (Health Kffects Model

for Nuclear Power Plant Accident Consequence Analysis) ( N U R K G / C R - 4214) (b) WKlN'Ml! Probability of Causation of Cancer i

(c) ^i|i«| NCR)'i Induction of Thyroid Cancer by Ionizing R a d i a t i o n J (NCRP Report No. 80)

Id) \AMY?-$'\.\£ 1986 '>\:M','i,i\-l Genetic and Somatic Kffects of Ionizing R a d i a t i o n J

le) | K | i i i H ' r:^ i l ^ l 9 8 8 < r . ^ :,; - ,1F I Levels, Kffects and Risks of Ionizing RadiationJ

cn^o^mco\H^o)^i^istH:r 1-^(2), (3)Ji'j.»fcy-r£fj-i\ ^ w t t i l i i L r (4)Jfi(cfeit

S l-^ttft!L|ta;WH'3l'TW*f'^«ft-:hR4?j:->fc0 "N"I«ft,!-tl;: J: -> T, HfcftttSPfi LTO

It, «fc'jii;»f L I'MflWMildii/iS l n - 3 A 0. f fcftK-f .* ^ y y-f IJ KAJt'Sl-«fc SfcUtlB


,1.¥卜:1<1 :,.Iリ 110九

1,2 調査研究の概要

免',[i川11;(('tJ;'H 以 11 年 l こ Í;;1 Ji~111 に欣 11: される h~ 射能が人の{ぜ!ぷに伎はす ;j~; 併を'J::I,UYJに/1)J c',かに


d 、IjlU!\ 欣射能 ωf出 Íi~Ij1移行'.If;びにそれに('/'.って'1:.'4'る人の被l泌総11:10),i'l' ltlli

2 保々なレベル投び被i係十正式 ω 似 111υ) 欣 q.f 似によ 2 て人の江}J'/Iこ '1 ずる他lぷ ljlj~#~の'J::1,1:(r.J.i'Jiflllj


勺,J.',j{t liJU~ Uこω司}~ (.)),応出l に!見IL 亡、欣斗I制によ 3 て,(l,;11とされる',', Wl 汝び 1~1t↑'1:.(1) 様々な(他 I:~ :j};11i~:に,)いて. WI保市:~~:d,とlH号1t倣:t.;との!民│係. それに│比I1j寸る'1・物,.t(I(J油製1"1の;j!3~Mf.可のJ,t!礎

デーすを険d.,i'VltlliLて.(,ぜ1:~:j};1Iifリスクを叱It!:(I(JにÎ~r'J::'~る i モデル |υ)IlIHtに役 \1.てること






における {住民;i日科研究ω1&県.特に広!;』・u.ilt:.jO)IJ;(保被爆






,¥j1"i粘~を踏まえて 検,;JすることとLtこり怜:γfの段階は以卜の主/1くであるり 1I1 1"/外における健t.U:j~九時モデル投び J,tliJt!データの11今l味 ヰ~1'41!;( (}J 11l:lil/委 ll~IJ;( ('bド



全't'loliJf (¥¥'..¥SII 11(0)モデルの改良フロジェクトの!戊 ~を11 1心として. J~li J'v)!住/,).!:i};~iJJf.モデル位びそれに111いられている Jf~礎デ- $'~~;に|刻する情報 の収f.lと険





12 凶2釦I.fJi:カが、│い',11にこおけるil川1庁f冗IJ戊比!山iμ:ω』日Jgr汗. j 欣J氏t叫身与射、1.線;彬t;幻1U;九1料呼叩i研f庁}}肘if'先加!州q折if岐えび!政J氏t射線│医イ欠片;';:乍‘'ρlJ!'t?下総総:介{附J肘ij片「ド,先l刈折9i苛,の0)f研u川f'.i'光Eを│いi小1心とする!欣炊射線{俗悠b山


彩形枠に│附刻する Iω 研u川f・1t!J比 ~ω 収1.tと.これらに JI~づく lìíPlい〉モデル岐びそのj山必データの比較・検川

1:31 :j}~~1t'l:数 Î) 正 M( のI.i.~ti恥iの li--lA 化に|比lする検,I.J

{住 Ui;;~;*,!呼モデルにおける}j};特免'U/.x:Î):',jJI"(のf,l中良市ÌI1のHf:í.Ë)jY);の検川

( ・1) t-..ic:l J!'iをJ,t礎としての11本人にj白川するモデルのf'I:1戊 このうち.(11 J(iの倹.dに、i'たって参!!(iした L攻ーな文献は.以卜.のt!)1くである。 la) 1'lh;( () J t見出1妥I1 I会i



文射線1位以tg特改良モデル│搬:I;",I}(llealth Effpt'ts l¥.'lodel i川 .:¥u('l(可U' 1'0¥¥'('1' 1'11111t ..¥c('id(、11t ('011日l'qll(、'1<'(''¥llH Iy叫 日 )(NUHEG /旬、!{-4214) Ibl 米1"1 ¥: 111 i I'roba iJdit¥"けf('i1US<ltioll of C!¥ll(,('1'i tcl 米1"1:¥ぐHl川 Indlldionof Th¥'/'oid('<111<'('1'1)¥" ]ollizillg'liadintion J (¥CHI' I{pport :¥0, HO) (dl 11<I.iT科,1(:委i1会 19Hfi'tfW;';-.Jr-1 (;prH'ti('けndおりnl<lli('Ef'fects 0'1lonizing Hadiation J

lel 1 "1.iT料'



委tl会lBHHW~u;'i,lr 11川 中Is. Eff(.l'ts and Hisks of lonizing HadiationJ これらのえ:献の│人


伐の検川をiillじてI:,ic(2), 13) J!'iの検.i-tを行い,その結果として(4)Jfiにおけ る I~裂な他/:k:j};併についてのモデルの作成を1Jった。今lillの検什によって. I続発↑tJ:影響としての

免許iに│刻しては L安なil'j¥j,i:O)j:';liをほぼ網主任してモデルをf'i'Iili:することができた。これらのモデル には,広 1;0 ・長崎の改.;1 線t,lにI止づくリスクt'1:í.Ëの*.'i~など新Lt


桜をできる│似り取り入れた が,なお山に新しい'h'if.1!がfiHiÈ公 Jくされつつあり.また特にチ工ルノブイリ 'j~~次等による健康影


JAKKI M 91 01):".

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^f^u^'iJiii.h'lT'iiM-tiSWT'A^ i ' W r ^ n , ^ I ' f . ' F K l J & x . T l f t O h i f T U t a ^ i c o n

'•1 fli;';• .Ve(i3P2 fjcJifcotV-JWHJW*f >u©MteMffci-foftiin fciB^. tfi 3 ffK*J I < TJiflfc ftt'f-:!;^«-^, ^ i : - ) i > t , I'llfllfe ?UiVi, IrtW 'iMMBtti. n H K W . Hl;«^i. II* WW.

ItfJWM, fffHStfi. M * v i . r-Wttl. UcWWi^JttO l-.if. 'J * ? f t : ' / i ^ - r ' ^ £ f i ! ' & l T i ' 5 . S A:

f W i i ! i « Kwiiij()-e<fc-s,: & . i - t « t l £ ^J^f-K i i i # nlll - f t


foif'f v;-fc5t K J ' rtih il:.'i! >jml$ ft A WH] HH J' ?i'j/k litfd I-.K l : i i ; 'i'W ?/, •. iii^c W& •SStUU

£Ut«i£ ( m m . iFrtoli f•$;L<|-- 3 J1 * 11 H.!f.'.'A)

tfsi ft ' h t t & & *WH Hi/5

M J 2 ••;'•: 'hW &&, <m K I', rtili iK'ii, 'I'M ft, •., # ; L 1?

3.1 /Jllifl Uk, i'VK

ilifcr-3.2 'J4f- & # , w.'U H/jr-. sW;u $ •: 3.3 I'flll (R. *Wl £!W 3.1 l*Jih iK'i 3.5 tflll iiS. * / « « 3.6 l*Jil| iK4i 3.7 fee & • 3.8 ' l ' W f/i '• •1 ,I.¥EI¥I ¥1 !11 00;'

},',(における判 Á1Jn な îM'~ モデルとして山り t縫うべき,t'l:目のものである。 遺伝的 ljt~~~~ についてはそ の定 t,t化が此1ご同様で‘あり. 文献 ¥d¥.¥e¥に新しL



があるものの.モデルとしては文献(a¥の モデルが刻H年).I,~では以も適切であると'1'1J断され.叶料!;I;.mこはあえて取り1-.げていないのこの 11 本人データに),Cつ‘く改山は今後の深紅jとして伐されているυ 、'í 械の汗では首~ :21';';・においてい J~Jl*;~呼モデルの j占礎的倹Hのがi* を述べ,出 :ll';'j においては l悦 党tIU!;~f.のうち,世11':/i について. 'lIlfll1Ii~. 宇U,':/i. l]IIi州. 1 jI状l出州. ','1 I1M~'ì;11':/i. )1F .1臓が'/i・ )1平l雌紛れ 1J1j1]光州.Hi~ji:li. 卵 ~1ii,'i・ ",(;1刊{:ii.J:k:h¥j1{:liを取り1-.げ, リスク~,?:'J:モデルを出'~している!また 第ltJs においては,モデル化の J,~本的概念、について,iL~ÆL.さらに抗日市に. 今後険,¥,


を吹ーする ,;拠出方について.EJ~;!i.j: ,1,'人における巧えを lì~11没している l このJ山 情!戊LW:以卜.のilliりである見 検lì .J ~tl 会委 WNilJX: (敬柄、IBX.'9rll~ は‘v・成 Jじ"1'- ) 1:Jぶ111I'j},'JJ 小林 :J:点 以射線




総fY研究所 総J斤交うで解析











fj-山 市 滋f'i1~H 人;学 lik射線),~礎 I~学教布教授

飯山lf(lul'l '(;.i1r.;j !( { l人川1

F.史 朗l桜 l:U

JJ;((}J I.'‘孔試験センター Jli;(JJ'ム'令解析l'丹 ,',\11 ,折!~ 欣射線以学総fY研究)iji ):W!""うで角INJi'/ijf-'先u 放射線│民γ


総0{iJf'先,ij-i UHe全角I(.fJi'{iJf'光'1'・;, UK身、H~~~!;科研究所低学 m~ ,'~I;以 市/Hl!JJl {- 4U;(人:"/医学i日 以 射 線 他 凶 作II!I学 教 本 助 教 段



水 山 紀f 欣 射 線 路 物 研 究 川 疫 学 部 研 究



U1i 雅止、 欣射線 I~" f:総合・ {iif'先'Ýr 安全解 fJ ï-/iJf'先t~'

1I1村 Ui'. lik射線医学総什研究19r Hf研究'i'f


米11;l 英V!!

欣身易射.J線 Ij~欠\,~.,下総「什?ω研f究}刈v折ト川.:IU次止d令全判Tで吋:イ!併w干行仰十村析!日í'/研iJ川JF'究先1 j滋』必tげr白'i1~弘災4科入太;γ: 放射綜j以去{俗礎制│医災公,乍、ρ




戸:教ヰ不 ωJJ助IJJ


また,勺報;i;J?における行委11の1吸不分111.は以ドのとおりである勺 第ltF 小 林 定 九 外 川 織 広 第 2tD: 小林辻~~f~: , {'I~ 的!((.1人jrll fi.:,.丸 IIIH ffl叫 JI事Jじ :41 第31;γ 8.1

11線 百 九 i'ti1)< 山紀f 小林正六:,市I!H IJIJ(.雌jじ ぷ 3.:1

1;- I iJ 持.米Jli; 災:~I! 3.1 内IIJ Iトー!と 3.fi "[1 I 1 i札 米 I

;i ~ljl! :1.6 内111 JI史 3.7 総Jじ:ぷー :1.向





JAKKI M 91 DO.') 3.9 Wi * t £ 3.10 f-J,<! 17A 3.11 ?;•*& Wf-, 3.12 /htt AL' # , $ 4 v- ii;u 35 5 ft


AL' M 3 5 6 ^ /Jxfl; vL'& ffitt 'M+ VL'# 5 .J.¥1-:111 入lリ1IHJ:1 3.9 t'.!i'i雅!よ 3.10 f:/,'; 雅広 3.11 目的 l( ,( lj'f,j Ui 3.12 小林山 ~I+ , IfJ村t/i 第1.・小


事J亡志‘ 第5,':i: 小 林 庄 内 首J6 ,¥;'i: 小 林 i l : 仏 外 川 織lま 監 修 小 林 liht: p h u

図 2 .7 .   1 0   精 細 管 の 横 断 面 の 顕 微 鏡 図 (4 0 0 倍〉 白~Iion o f 日 m i n i f 軒 。 凶 ¥ u b u l e M'TOSIS  MEIO T l C  DIVISIQN I  時 国 内 d
表 3 . 1 .   4  o  G  y 群 と 比 較 し た 場 合 の 推 定 相 対 リ ス ク A)  Shielded  ker~a
表 3 .1 .   7  被 曝 時 年 齢 及 び 性 別 の 回 帰 係 数 推 定 価
表 3 . 1 .   9  白 血 病 の 生 涯 リ ス ク 推 定 値 の 比 較




Conversely, Lemma 3.1.10(4) implies that every subpath of λ is contained in a tile in λ... 542 MLADEN BESTVINA, MARK FEIGHN, AND MICHAEL HANDEL.. Definitions 3.1.12. if

In this paper we consider other weighted Lipschitz integral spaces that contain those defined in [P], and we obtain results on pairs of weights related to the boundedness of I γ

Finally, we investigate existence of weak solutions in Lebesgue spaces (Theorem 5.7) and the decay of continuous solutions (Theorem 5.8). All presented results are important

のようにすべきだと考えていますか。 やっと開通します。長野、太田地区方面  

iv Relation 2.13 shows that to lowest order in the perturbation, the group of energy basis matrix elements of any observable A corresponding to a fixed energy difference E m − E n

・大都市に近接する立地特性から、高い県外就業者の割合。(県内2 県内2 県内2/ 県内2 / / /3、県外 3、県外 3、県外 3、県外1/3 1/3
