• 検索結果がありません。

㧔 1 㧕☨࿖ߦ߅ߌࠆ᡽ᐭ㐿⊒េഥߦኻߔࠆળ⸘ᬌᩏߦ㑐ߔࠆᬌᩏ

Τ㧚☨⧷ 2 ߆࿖ߦ߅ߌࠆ᡽ᐭ㐿⊒េഥߦኻߔࠆળ⸘ᬌᩏߩ⁁ᴫ

1 㧚☨⧷ 2 ߆࿖ߦ߅ߌࠆ᡽ᐭ㐿⊒េഥߦኻߔࠆળ⸘ᬌᩏߦ㑐ߔࠆᬌᩏ૕೙


ᬌᩏࠍᜂᒰߔࠆ࠴࡯ࡓߪหㇱ㐷ߩઁޔㅢᏱޔ⹏ଔᚻᴺࠍᜂᒰߔࠆㇱ㐷㧔Applied Research and Method Center for Design, Method, and Analysis㧕߿ኻ⽎ಽ㊁ߩኾ㐷ኅ߇ෳ↹ߔࠆ૕೙߇᭴▽ߐ


᭴ᚑߐࠇࠆޕ৻ߟߩᬌᩏႎ๔ᦠߢᐔဋߒߡޔ500-600ੱ㧛ᣣޔ⚂ 9 ࠞ᦬㑆ߩᦼ㑆߇ᛩ౉ߐࠇ ࠆޕ

࿑⴫ GAOߩ૕೙࿑

⾗ᢱ㧕GAO࠙ࠛࡉࠨࠗ࠻ http://www.gao.gov/about/workforce/orgchart.html 2㧕⋙ኤ✚⋙


⋙ኤ✚⋙㧔Inspector General㧕ߪޔⴕ᡽ᐭߩฦᯏ㑐ߩౝㇱߦ⸳⟎ߐࠇߡ޿ࠆ⁛┙ߩᯏ㑐ߢޔ

1980 ᐕઍߦޔ᡽ᐭߩਥⷐ⋭ᐡߦ߅޿ߡౝㇱ⛔೙ߩ፣უ⁁ᴫ߇⬧ᑧߒޔ᡽ᐭో૕ߣߒߡߩ⺈



ޕ 1978ᐕߦ⋙ኤ✚⋙ᴺ㧔Inspector General Act of 1978㧕߇ᣉⴕߐࠇޔ⋭ᐡౝߦ⁛┙ߒߚᯏ㑐ߣ

ߒߡߩ⋙ኤ✚⋙෸߮ߘߩࠬ࠲࠶ࡈߢ޽ࠆ⋙ኤ✚⋙ቶ߇⸳⟎ߐࠇߚޕหᴺߪ1988ᐕߦᡷᱜߐ ࠇޔዊⷙᮨߥઁߩ⁛┙ᯏ㑐ߦኻߒߡ߽⋙ኤ✚⋙෸߮⋙ኤ✚⋙ቶ߇⸳ߌࠄࠇࠆߎߣߣߥߞߚޕ


⋙ኤ✚⋙ߪޔᄢ⛔㗔߹ߚߪᒰ⹥ᯏ㑐ߩ㐳ቭߦࠃߞߡછ๮ߐࠇࠆޕ⋭ᐡ෸߮ߘࠇߦᰴߋਥ ⷐᯏ㑐ߩ⋙ኤ✚⋙ߪޔ਄㒮ߩഥ⸒ߣᛚ⹺ߦၮߠ߈ᄢ⛔㗔߇છ๮ߔࠆߎߣߣߥߞߡ߅ࠅޔ⸃

છߢ߈ࠆߩ߽ᄢ⛔㗔ߩߺߢ޽ࠆޕ৻ᣇޔਥⷐ⋭ᐡએᄖߩᯏ㑐ߦߟ޿ߡߪޔᒰ⹥ᯏ㑐ߩ㐳ቭ ߇ᯏ㑐ߩੱຬ⊓↪ߦ㑐ߔࠆᴺᓞߦᴪߞߡછ๮ߒޔ⸃છߔࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈ࠆޕᄢ⛔㗔߹ߚߪᯏ 㑐ߩ㐳ቭ߇⋙ኤ✚⋙ࠍォ☋߹ߚߪ⸃છߔࠆ႐วߦߪޔォ☋߹ߚߪ⸃છߩ30ᣣ೨߹ߢߦℂ↱





113 GAO1999, ‘INSPECTORS GENERAL Enhancing Federal Accountability’

114 Inspector General Act of 1978 Sec.3a㧕෸߮㧔bޔSec.8Gc㧕෸߮㧔e

ળ⸘ᬌᩏ 㒮㐳

ਥછㆇ༡ ቭ ⚵❱▤ ℂቭ


㒐ⴡ 䇮⢻ജ䇮 ▤

⽷ോ ▤ℂ䇮଻

䍪䍉 䍸䍻䍚䍼䍍 䍖⋙


࿖࿯቟ ో଻㓚䇮 ᴺോ

ITᖱႎ 㑐ㅪ䇮 ᛛⴚ

⺞ᩏ䇮 ᚻᴺᡰ

ᢎ⢒ 䇮ഭ௛䇮 ᚲ ᓧ଻㓚

㊄ⲢᏒ႐䇮 䉮 䊚䊠䊆䊁 䉞ᛩ⾗

ஜᐽ䇮䊓䊦䉴 䉬䉝

ᄖ੤䈫 ᄖ࿖⾏

ᄤὼ⾗Ḯ䇮 Ⅳ

䉟 䊮䊐䊤 䉴䊃 䊤 䉪䉼䊞䊷

ᚢ⇛ ⊛䈭ኻ ᔕ


⺞㆐䊶 ᄖㇱᆔ

⸤▤ℂ ᬌᩏ䉼 䊷䊛



ߡޔ⚻ᷣᕈޔല₸ᕈޔ᦭ലᕈࠍଦㅴߐߖࠆߚ߼ߩ⺞ᢛࠍⴕ޿ޔ໧㗴ὐ߿ᰳ㒱ࠍ᣿ࠄ߆ߦߔ ࠆߎߣߢ޽ࠆޕߘߒߡޔߎࠇࠄߩ໧㗴ὐ߿ᰳ㒱ࠍᤚᱜߔࠆߚ߼ߩචಽߥᖱႎࠍ⚵❱ߩ㐳߿




⊛ߥᓎഀࠍએਅߩࠃ߁ߦ␜ߒޔߎࠇࠄࠍGAO ߩၮḰߣᢛวߐߖߟߟ߽ޔGAO ߣߩᬺോߩ


a) ฦ⋭ᐡߩࡊࡠࠣ࡜ࡓߣᬺോߦ㑐ଥߔࠆ⋙ᩏߣᝡᩏߦߟ޿ߡ᡽╷ߩᣇะᕈࠍ␜ߒޔᜰ


b) ⋭ᐡߩࡊࡠࠣ࡜ࡓߣᬺോߦ㑐ଥߔࠆᣢሽߩޔ޽ࠆ޿ߪឭ᩺ߐࠇߚᴺ઎ߣⷙ೙ߦߟ޿

ߡ⹏ଔࠍⴕ߁ޕ߹ߚޔඨᦼႎ๔ᦠౝߦ߅޿ߡޔࡊࡠࠣ࡜ࡓ෸߮ᬺോ▤ℂߩ⚻ᷣᕈߣ ല₸ᕈޔਇᱜ߿ᶉ⾌ߩ㒐ᱛ߿⊒⷗ߦᴺ઎߿ⷙ೙߇ਈ߃ࠆᓇ㗀ߦߟ޿ߡឭ᩺ࠍⴕ߁ޕ c) ࡊࡠࠣ࡜ࡓ߿ᬺോߦ߅ߌࠆ▤ℂߦ߅޿ߡ⚻ᷣᕈ߿ല₸ᕈࠍଦㅴߒޔਇᱜ߿ᶉ⾌ࠍ㒐



d) ᚲዻߔࠆ⋭ᐡߣઁ⋭ᐡޔᎺ᡽ᐭޔ࿾ᣇ᡽ᐭޔ㕖᡽ᐭ⚵❱ߦ߅ߌࠆ㑐ଥߦߟ޿ߡޔ㧔A㧕

⚻ᷣᕈ߿ല₸ᕈࠍଦㅴߔࠆߎߣޔ޽ࠆ޿ߪਇᱜ߿ᶉ⾌ࠍ㒐߉⊒⷗ߔࠆߎߣߦ㑐ㅪߔ ࠆోߡߩ੐㗄ޔ㧔B㧕ߘߩࠃ߁ߥਇᱜ߿ᶉ⾌ߩ㑐ଥ⠪ߦߟ޿ߡߩ․ቯ߿⿠⸷ߦߟ޿ߡޔ


e) ႎ๔ᦠ߿ߘߩઁߩᚻᲑߦࠃࠅޔࡊࡠࠣ࡜ࡓߣᬺോߩ▤ℂߦ㑐ࠊࠆਇᱜ߿ઁߩ㊀ᄢߥ




⋙ኤ✚⋙ߩᬺോౝኈࠍᢛℂߒߚ߽ߩ߇એਅߩ࿑⴫ߢ޽ࠆޕᬺോౝኈࠍᄢ೎ߔࠆߣޔ⋙ᩏޔ ᬌᩏޔᝡᩏߣߥࠆޕ

࿑⴫ ⋙ኤ✚⋙ߩਥⷐᬺോ

⋙ ᩏ 㧔audit

⽷ോ⻉⴫ߩ⋙ᩏ ৻⥸ߦ⹺߼ࠄࠇߚ᡽ᐭ⋙ᩏၮḰߦၮߠ޿ߡ⽷ോ⻉⴫߇⽷ോ⁁ᴫޔᬺോߩ⚿ᨐޔࠠࡖ࠶ࠪ


⽷ോ㑐ㅪߩ⋙ᩏ 1㧕⽷ോᖱႎ߇ၮḰߦᴪߞߡ␜ߐࠇߡ޿ࠆ߆ޔ2㧕⽷ോߦ㑐ㅪߒߚ․ቯߩㆩ቞ⷐ᳞੐㗄ߦ ᓥߞߡ޿ࠆ߆ޔ3㧕⽷ോႎ๔߿⾗↥▤ℂߦ㑐ߔࠆౝㇱ⛔೙ߩ᭴ㅧߪ⛔೙ߩ⋡ᮡࠍ㆐ᚑߔ ࠆࠃ߁ߦㆡಾߦ⸳⸘࡮ታᣉߐࠇߡ޿ࠆ߆ߦߟ޿ߡ⋙ᩏࠍⴕ߁ޕ

ᬺ❣⋙ᩏ ᬺ❣⋙ᩏߪޔ⚻ᷣᕈ෸߮ല₸ᕈ⋙ᩏޔࡊࡠࠣ࡜ࡓ⋙ᩏޔࡊࡠࠣ࡜ࡓ⹏ଔࠍ฽߻ޕ


޿ࠆ߆ޔ2㧕㕖ല₸ޔ㕖⚻ᷣ⊛ߥᬺോߩේ࿃ޔ3㧕⚻ᷣᕈߣല₸ᕈߦߟ޿ߡᴺᓞ߿ⷙ೙ߦ ᓥߞߚ߆ޔߦߟ޿ߡ್ᢿߔࠆ߽ߩߢ޽ࠆޕ


߹ࠇߚ⚿ᨐߣଢ⋉߇ߤߩ⒟ᐲᓧࠄࠇߚ߆ޔ2⚵❱ޔࡊࡠࠣ࡜ࡓޔᵴേޔᯏ⢻ߩലᨐޔ3 ࡊࡠࠣ࡜ࡓߦലജࠍ⊒ߔࠆ㊀ⷐߥᴺᓞ߿ⷙೣߦᓥߞߡ޿ࠆ߆ߤ߁߆ߦߟ޿ߡ᳿ቯߔࠆޕ ࡊࡠࠣ࡜ࡓ⹏ଔߪߤߩ⒟ᐲࡊࡠࠣ࡜ࡓ߇ᯏ⢻ߒߡ޿ࠆ߆ߦߟ޿ߡߩ๟ᦼ⊛ޔ⚵❱⊛

ߦⴕࠊࠇࠆ⺞ᩏߢ޽ࠆޕࡊࡠࠣ࡜ࡓ⹏ଔߪޔ1㧕ᗧ࿑ߐࠇߚࠃ߁ߦࡊࡠࠣ࡜ࡓ߇ታᣉߐ ࠇߡ޿ࠆ߆ޔ2㧕ࠕ࠙࠻ࠞࡓᜰะߩ⋡ᮡࠍߤߩ⒟ᐲ㆐ᚑߒߚ߆ޔ3㧕ࡊࡠࠣ࡜ࡓ߇ሽ࿷ߒ ߥ޿႐วߩផቯߣᲧセߒޔࡊࡠࠣ࡜ࡓߩ⚐ലᨐߦߟ޿ߡ⹏ଔޔ4㧕ࡊࡠࠣ࡜ࡓߩࠕ࠙࠻

ࡊ࠶࠻ޔࠕ࠙࠻ࠞࡓߣ⾌↪ߣߩᲧセࠍ฽߻߽ߩߢ޽ࠆޕ ᬌ ᩏ 㧔inspection

⋙ᩏ߹ߚߪᝡᩏએᄖߩ߽ߩߢޔࡊࡠࠣ࡜ࡓߣ⋭ᐡߩᵴേߦኻߔࠆ⹏ଔޔ࡟ࡆࡘ࡯ޔ⎇ⓥޔಽᨆࠍ⋡⊛ߣߔ ࠆ߽ߩޕᗧᕁ᳿ቯߩߚ߼ߦ▤ℂ⠪ߦᖱႎࠍឭଏߒޔࡊࡠࠣ࡜ࡓ߿᡽╷ޔ⚻ㆊޔ▤ℂᵴേߦᡷༀࠍଦߔߎߣ ࠍ⋡⊛ߣߔࠆޕ

ᬌᩏߪޔ੐ታߦၮߠߊಽᨆ⊛ߥᖱႎޔࠦࡦࡊ࡜ࠗࠕࡦࠬߩ⋙ⷞޔᬺ❣⹏ଔޔᬺോߩല₸ᕈߣ᦭ലᕈߩ⹏ଔޔ ਇᱜ߿ᶉ⾌ޔỬ↪ޔࡑࡀࠫࡔࡦ࠻ߦ߅ߌࠆࡒࠬ╬ߦኻߔࠆ⺞ᩏࠍ฽߻ޕ

ᝡ ᩏ 㧔investigation


⸽᜚ߦߟ޿ߡ⸘↹ߐࠇߚ૕♽⊛ߥ⺞ᩏޕ ᝡᩏߪⴕ᡽ޔ᳃੐ޔೃ੐ߢ޽ࠆน⢻ᕈ߇޽ࠆޕ


⾗ᢱ㧕GAO1999,’INSPECTORS GENERAL information on Operational and Staffing Issues’ߦၮߠ߈MURC



᡽ᐭ㐿⊒េഥࠍᚲ▤ߔࠆฦ⋭ᐡߦ⸳⟎ߐࠇߡ޿ࠆ᡽ᐭ⋙ኤ✚⋙ߦ߅޿ߡޔ᡽ᐭ㐿⊒េഥ ߦኻߔࠆ⋙ᩏ߇ታᣉߐࠇߡ޿ࠆޕએਅޔਥߥᚲ▤࡮ᓎഀಽᜂߢ޽ࠆޕ

࿑⴫ ᡽ᐭ㐿⊒េഥߦ߅ߌࠆ᡽ᐭ⋙ኤ✚⋙ߩಽᜂ

⋭ᐡ ᚲ▤

࿖ോ⋭ ᄢ૶㙚

USAID ੑ࿖㑆េഥ㧔ήఘ⾗㊄දജޔᛛⴚදജ㧕

⽷ോ⋭ ࿖㓙ᯏ㑐╬߳ߩ᜚಴㊄

ㄘോ⋭ 㘩♳េഥ

࿖㒐✚⋭ ァ੐េഥ



ߢ޽ࠆޕหᯏ㑐ߩ᡽ᐭ⋙ኤ✚⋙ߩࠝࡈࠖࠬߪޔࡢࠪࡦ࠻ࡦߩ߶߆ߦ 6 ߟߩ࿾ၞࠝࡈࠖࠬޔ

߹ߚࠕࡈࠟ࠾ࠬ࠲ࡦߣࡄࠠࠬ࠲ࡦߩࠝࡈࠖࠬ߇޽ࠅޔ⡯ຬᢙߪ⚂ 200 ฬ⒟ᐲߢ޽ࠆޕ⋙ᩏ ߦߪޔౝㇱ⋙ᩏߣᄖㇱ⋙ᩏ߇޽ࠅޔౝㇱ⋙ᩏߪ⡯ຬ߇ⴕߥ߁⋙ᩏߢޔ৻ᣇߩᄖㇱ⋙ᩏߪޔ ᄖㇱߩ⋙ᩏᴺੱ╬ࠍㅢߓߡⴕߥ߁⋙ᩏߢ޽ࠆޕౝㇱ⋙ᩏߪᐕ㑆 100 ઙ⒟ᐲߢ޽ࠅޔᄖㇱ⋙


߹ߚޔᄢ૶㙚ߦኻߔࠆ⋙ᩏࠍⴕߥߞߡ޿ࠆ࿖ോ⋭ߩ᡽ᐭ⋙ኤ✚⋙ߪޔࡅࠕ࡝ࡦࠣߦࠃࠆ ߣޔో਎⇇ߩᄢ૶㙚ࠍዋߥߊߣ߽ 5 ߆ᐕߦ৻ᐲߪ⋙ᩏߢ߈ࠆࠃ߁ߦߔࠆޔߣߩᣇ㊎ࠍឝߍ ߡ޿ࠆ߇ޔ⃻ታߦߪቢోߦߪጁⴕߐࠇߡ޿ߥ޿ޔߣߩߎߣߢ޽ߞߚޕኻ⽎ߩㆬቯߦߟ޿ߡ ߪ⁛⥄ߩၮḰࠍ⸳ߌߡ߅ࠅޔߘࠇߦᓥߞߡ⋙ᩏኻ⽎ߩᄢ૶㙚߇ㆬቯߐࠇߡ޿ࠆ߇ޔਛߢ߽

․ߦᴦ቟਄ߩ࡝ࠬࠢ߇㜞޿ࠕࡈࠟ࠾ࠬ࠲ࡦ߿ࠗ࡜ࠢߩᄢ૶㙚ߪ2-3ᐕߏߣߦ⋙ᩏߒߡ޿ࠆޕ ᄢ૶㙚ߦኻߔࠆ⋙ᩏߩⷞὐߪޔޟExecutive directory㧔ઍ⴫⠪㧕ޠޔޟPolicy, Program㧔᡽╷ޔᣉ

╷㧕ޠޟResource㧔੍▚ޔᣉ⸳ޔੱຬޔ૑ዬ╬㧕ޠޔޟManagement Control㧔▤ℂ࡮ㆇ༡㧕ޠߦ߅ ߌࠆല₸ᕈޔ⚻ᷣᕈޔ᦭ലᕈߢ޽ࠆޕ໧㗴߇ᄙ޿ߩߪޟResource㧔੍▚ޔᣉ⸳ޔੱຬޔ૑ዬ

╬㧕ޠߢ޽ࠆޕߥ߅ޔ⋙ᩏߩ㓙ߦߪታᖱࠍ⍮ߞߡ޿ࠆరᄢ૶╬߇ᬌᩏ૕೙ߦ⚵ߺㄟ߹ࠇࠆߎ ߣ߇޽ࠆࠃ߁ߢ޽ࠆޕ





☨࿖ߦ߅޿ߡ߽ᚒ߇࿖ߣห᭽ߦ⋧ᚻ࿖᡽ᐭߦኻߔࠆળ⸘ᬌᩏߦ㑐ߔࠆ৻⥸⊛ߥታᣉᮭ㒢 ߪ᦭ߒߡ߅ࠄߕޔGAO߳ߩࠗࡦ࠲ࡆࡘ࡯ߦ߅޿ߡ߽ޔ᡽ᐭ㐿⊒េഥߦ㑐ߔࠆᬌᩏߢߪ⋧ᚻ


⊒េഥ⾗㊄ߩᡰ಴ߦ⋥ធ㑐ଥߔࠆ᡽ᐭᯏ㑐෸߮ታᣉᯏ㑐㧔᳃㑆ડᬺޔNGO╬㧕߇ኻ⽎ߦߥ ߞߡ޿ࠆޕߎߩὐߦߟ޿ߡޔGAO ߳ߩࠗࡦ࠲ࡆࡘ࡯ߢߪޔᬌᩏౝኈ߿ߘߩ㒢⇇ߦߟ޿ߡߩ

໧㗴ߣߪ․ߦߥߞߡ߅ࠄߕޔㅢᏱޔᬌᩏߦ߅޿ߡߪ⋧ᚻ࿖ᯏ㑐߳ߩછᗧߩ⸰໧⺞ᩏ߽ⴕࠊ ࠇߡ޿ࠆࠃ߁ߢޔߘߎߢߩදജ㑐ଥ߽৻⥸⊛ߦߪᓧࠄࠇߡ߅ࠅޔᬌᩏߦᔅⷐߥᖱႎߩ෼㓸 ߪⴕࠊࠇߡ޿ࠆࠃ߁ߢ޽ࠆޕ㧔ฃ⋉࿖ߪ੹ᓟߩᡰេࠍឭଏߒߡߊࠇࠆᯏળߣߒߡᬌᩏࠍᝒ߃ ߡ߅ࠅޔ৻⥸⊛ߦߪදജ⊛ߢ޽ࠆߣߩߎߣߢ޽ࠆޕ㧕

ઁᣇޔUSAID ߳ߩࠗࡦ࠲ࡆࡘ࡯ߢߪޔ☨࿖ߩ㐿⊒េഥߩ߁ߜޔ⋧ᚻ࿖ߦኻߒߡ⋥ធ⾗㊄

ࠍ ଏ ਈ ߒޔᒰ ⹥ ᡽ ᐭ߇ࡊ ࡠ ࠫ ࠚࠢ࠻ ࠍ ታ ᣉߔࠆ ੑ ࿖ 㑆ᒻᘒ ߦ ࠃ ࠆήఘ ⾗ ㊄ េഥ㧔Strategic

Objective Grant Agreement㧕ߢߪޔ⋧ᚻ࿖᡽ᐭ෸߮ࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠻ࠍታᣉߔࠆਥ૕ߦኻߒߡ߽

⋙ᩏᮭ㒢߇෸߱ޔߣߩߎߣߢ޽ߞߚޕߎߩⷙቯ㧔Section 5 Reports and Information, Agreement Books and Records, Audits, and Inspections㧕ߦࠃࠇ߫ޔUSAID߆ࠄ⾗㊄ଏਈࠍฃߌߚ⋧ᚻ࿖᡽


ࠍᢛ஻ߔࠆߎߣ߇᳞߼ࠄࠇߡ޿ࠆޕ߹ߚޔេഥ⾗㊄ߩ✚㗵߇ 30 ਁ࠼࡞ࠍ⿥߃ࠆ႐วߦߪޔ

USAID ߩห૏ߩਅޔ⋧ᚻ࿖ߩળ⸘ᬌᩏ㒮෶ߪ⁛┙ߒߚ⋙ᩏᴺੱߦࠃࠆេഥ⾗㊄ߦኻߔࠆ⽷



ᯏ㑐ߦ߽෸߱ߎߣ߇ⷙቯߐࠇߡ޿ࠆޕߘߒߡ⋙ᩏႎ๔ᦠߪᬌᩏ⚳ੌ߆ࠄ30ᣣએౝߦUSAID ߦឭ಴ߔࠆߎߣ߇᳞߼ࠄࠇߡ޿ࠆޕߥ߅ޔ⾌↪ߦߟ޿ߡߪᒰ⹥េഥᄾ⚂ߦ฽߹ࠇߡ޿ࠆߣ ⷙቯߐࠇߡ޿ࠆޕߎߩࠃ߁ߦޔ⋙ᩏߦߟ޿ߡߪޔේೣߣߒߡ⋧ᚻ࿖᡽ᐭ߇ߘߩ⽿છߩ৻Ⅳ ߣߒߡᒰ⹥࿖ߩળ⸘ᬌᩏ㒮෶ߪ⁛┙ߒߚ⋙ᩏᴺੱࠍㆬቯߒߡ⋙ᩏ߇ⴕߥࠊࠇࠆߎߣߦߥߞ ߡ޿ࠆޕߐࠄߦหⷙቯߢߪޔUSAID ⥄ࠄ߇⋧ᚻ࿖᡽ᐭߦઍࠊߞߡ⋙ᩏ߿⽷ോ࡟ࡆࡘ࡯ޔᡰ ᛄ޿ᯏ㑐ߩࠕࠞ࠙ࡦ࠲ࡆ࡝࠹ࠖߩ⏕⹺ࠍⴕߥ߁ߎߣ߇ߢ߈ࠆߎߣޔߔߥࠊߜUSAID߇⋧ᚻ


࿑⴫ USAIDߩੑ࿖㑆េഥߦଥࠆ⋙ᩏᮭ㒢ߦ㑐ߔࠆⷙቯ


ߐࠇߚ⾗㊄෶ߪ USAIDߩߘߩઁߩ⾗㊄ࠍ↪޿ߡޔߎߩදቯ߇᳞߼ࠆ⋙ᩏࠍⴕ޿ޔ⽷ോ



࡮ ⋙ᩏ㧔audit㧕෶ߪ⋙ኤ㧔inspection㧕ߩᯏળޕⵍេഥ࿖ߪޔUSAID ߩઍℂੱߦኻߒߡߎ ߩදቯߦࠃࠆ⾗㊄ߢታᣉߐࠇߚ੐ᬺޔ⺞㆐ߐࠇߚ‛߿ࠨ࡯ࡆࠬޔળ⸘Ꮽ★ޔ⸥㍳ޔߘߩ

ઁ ᧄ ද ቯ ߦ 㑐 ߔ ࠆ ᦠ 㘃 ࠍ ⋙ ᩏ ෶ ߪ ⋙ ኤ ߔ ࠆ ߩ ߦ ච ಽ ߥ ᯏ ળ ࠍ ឭ ଏ ߒ ߥ ߌ ࠇ ߫ ߥ ࠄ ߥ


⾗ᢱ㧕http://transition.usaid.gov/policy/ads/300/350mac.pdf p.17


ഥ⾗㊄߇᳃㑆ડᬺ߿NGO╬ߦኻߒߡᡰ಴ߐࠇޔߘࠇࠍㅢߓߡᡰេ߇ⴕࠊࠇࠆ Unilateralߩ ᒻᘒࠍขࠆេഥߩ႐วޔ⾗㊄ߪ⋧ᚻ࿖᡽ᐭߦߪᷰࠄߥ޿ߩߢޔߘߩࠃ߁ߥ႐วߦߪⵍេഥ

࿖ߦߪ⋙ᩏᮭ㒢ߪ෸߫ߥ޿ޔߣߩߎߣߢ޽ࠆޕ᡽ᐭ⋙ኤ✚⋙ߪౝㇱᯏ㑐ߢ޽ࠆ߇ޔᣢㅀߩ ࠃ߁ߦ㜞޿⁛┙ᕈߣ⋙ᩏᮭ㒢ࠍਈ߃ࠄࠇߡ߅ࠅޔGAOߣห᭽ߦᄖㇱ⋙ᩏߦㄭ޿ᕈᩰࠍ᦭ߒ ߡ޿ࠆߎߣ߆ࠄޔߘߩታലᕈߪ㜞޿ߣ⠨߃ࠄࠇࠆޕ



ߘߩઁޔMCCߢߪᡰេߩන૏ߢ޽ࠆCompactߩන૏ߢᄖㇱ⠪㧔⋙ᩏᴺੱ╬㧕ߦࠃࠆ⋙ᩏ ࠍ⟵ോઃߌߡ߅ࠅޔUSAID ߩήఘ⾗㊄දജߣห᭽ߦ⋧ᚻ࿖᡽ᐭ߇⋙ᩏᯏ㑐ࠍㆬቯߒߡޔ⋧

ᚻ࿖᡽ᐭޔታᣉᯏ㑐߽฽߼ߚࡊࡠࠣ࡜ࡓߦኻߔࠆ⋙ᩏ߇ⴕࠊࠇߡ޿ࠆޕߥ߅ޔߎߩ⾌↪ߦ ߟ޿ߡ߽ห᭽ߦេഥ㊄ߦࠃߞߡ⾔ࠊࠇߡ޿ࠆޕ

࿑⴫ USAIDߩੑ࿖㑆េഥߦଥࠆ⋙ᩏᮭ㒢ߦ㑐ߔࠆⷙቯ㧔ේᢥ㧕

Section B.5. Reports and Information, Agreement Books and Records, Audits, and Inspections.

(a) Reports and Information. The Grantee shall furnish USAID accounting records and such other information and reports relating to the Agreement as USAID may reasonably request.

(b) Grantee Agreement Books and Records. The Grantee shall maintain accounting books, records, documents and other evidence relating to the Agreement, adequate to show, without limitation, all costs incurred by the Grantee under the Agreement, the receipt and use of goods and services acquired under the Agreement by the Grantee, agreed-upon cost sharing requirements, the nature and extent of solicitations of prospective suppliers of goods and services acquired by the

Grantee, the basis of award of Grantee contracts and orders, and the overall progress of the Agreement toward completion ("Agreement books and records"). The Grantee shall maintain Agreement books and records in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles prevailing in the United States, or at the Grantee's option, with approval by USAID, other accounting principles, such as those (1) prescribed by the International Accounting Standards Committee (an affiliate of the International Federation of Accountants) or (2) prevailing in the country of the Grantee. Agreement books and records shall be maintained for at least three years after the date of last disbursement by USAID or for such longer period, if any, required to resolve any litigation, claims or audit findings.

(c) Grantee Audit. If $300,000 or more of USAID funds are expended directly by the Grantee in its fiscal year under the Agreement, the Grantee shall have financial audits made of the expenditures in accordance with the following terms, except as the Parties may otherwise agree in writing:

(1) With USAID approval, the Grantee shall use its Supreme Audit Institution or select an independent auditor in accordance with the "Guidelines for Financial Audits Contracted by Foreign Recipients" issued by the USAID Inspector General ("Guidelines"), and the audits shall be performed in accordance with the "Guidelines"; and

(2) The audit shall determine whether the receipt and expenditure of the funds provided under the Agreement are presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles agreed to in section (b) above and whether the Grantee has complied with the terms of the Agreement.

Each audit shall be completed no later than nine months after the close of the Grantee's year

(1) A "covered" sub-recipient is one who expends $300,000 or more in its fiscal year in "USAID awards"

(i.e., as recipients of USAID cost reimbursable contracts, grants or cooperative agreements and as sub-recipients under USAID strategic objective and other grant agreements with foreign governments).

(2) The plan shall describe the methodology to be used by the Grantee to satisfy its audit responsibilities for covered sub-recipients. The Grantee may satisfy such audit responsibilities by relying on independent audits of the sub-recipients; expanding the scope of the independent financial audit of the Grantee to encompass testing of sub-recipients' accounts; or a combination of these procedures.

(3) The plan shall identify the funds made available to covered sub-recipients that will be covered by audits conducted in accordance with other audit provisions that would satisfy the Grantee's audit responsibilities. (A nonprofit organization organized in the United States is required to arrange for its own audits. A for-profit contractor organized in the United States that has a direct contract with USAID is audited by the cognizant U.S. Government Agency. A private voluntary

organization organized outside the United States with a direct grant from USAID is required to arrange for its own audits. A host-country contractor should be audited by the Grantee’s auditing agency.)

(4) The Grantee shall ensure that covered sub-recipients under direct contracts or agreements with the Grantee take appropriate and timely corrective actions; consider whether sub-recipients' audits necessitate adjustment of its own records; and require each such sub-recipient to permit independent auditors to have access to records and financial statements as necessary.

(e) Audit Reports. The Grantee shall furnish or cause to be furnished to USAID an audit report for each audit arranged for by the Grantee in accordance with this Section within 30 days after

completion of the audit and no later than nine months after the end of the period under audit.

(f) Other Covered Sub-recipients. For "covered" sub-recipients who receive funds under the Agreement pursuant to direct contracts or agreements with USAID, USAID will include appropriate audit requirements in such contracts or agreements and will, on behalf of the Grantee, conduct the follow-up activities with regard to the audit reports furnished pursuant to such requirements.

(g) Cost of Audits. Subject to USAID approval in writing, costs of audits performed in accordance with the terms of this Section may be charged to the Agreement.

(h) Audit by USAID. USAID retains the right to perform the audits required under this Agreement on behalf of the Grantee by utilizing funds under the Agreement or other resources available to USAID for this purpose, conduct a financial review, or otherwise ensure accountability of organizations expending USAID funds regardless of the audit requirement.

(i) Opportunity to Audit or Inspect. The Grantee shall afford authorized representatives of USAID the opportunity at all reasonable times to audit or inspect activities financed under the

Agreement, the utilization of goods and services financed by USAID, and books, records and other documents relating to the Agreement.

(j) Sub-recipient Books and Records. The Grantee will incorporate paragraphs (a), (b), (d), (e), (g), (h) and (i) of this provision into all sub-agreements with non-U.S. organizations which meet the

$300,000 threshold of paragraph (c) of this provision. Sub-agreements with non-U.S.

organizations, which do not meet the $300,000 threshold, shall, at a minimum, incorporate paragraphs (h) and (i) of this provision. Sub-agreements with U.S. organizations shall state that the U.S. organization is subject to the audit requirements contained in OMB Circular A-133.
