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インストール ダウンロード サービス リリース ダウンロード. リリース ノート 日 本 語 版 で 報 告 された コンポーネント カテゴリ 説 明 Excel Engine ワークシートで 行 が 図 形 の 前 に 挿 入 されている 場 合 ワークシートを Excel エンジン


Academic year: 2021

シェア "インストール ダウンロード サービス リリース ダウンロード. リリース ノート 日 本 語 版 で 報 告 された コンポーネント カテゴリ 説 明 Excel Engine ワークシートで 行 が 図 形 の 前 に 挿 入 されている 場 合 ワークシートを Excel エンジン"


読み込み中.... (全文を見る)



ASP.NET AJAX は、パフォーマンスに注力して設計された グリッド、快適な UX に不可欠なツリー、 タブ、メニューなど、 ASP.NET AJAX に準拠した高パフォーマンスな ASP.NET Web Forms アプリケーションを作成するツールセットです。




2015.1 サービス リリース ダウンロード.

リリース ノート


コンポーネント カテゴリ 説明

Excel Engine バグ ワークシートで行が図形の前に挿入されている場合、ワークシートを Excel エンジン ライブラリを使用してエクスポ ートする際に行の挿入が適用されない問題。

Excel Engine バグ ワークシートを Excel ファイルとしてエクスポートした場合にシートが保護されてエクスポートされる問題。

WebDataGrid バグ WebDataGrid に TemplateDataField があり、UpdatePanel に配置される場合、値をクリアした後に以 前のセル値に元に戻る問題。

WebDataGrid バグ 親ウィンドウの WebDataGrid に行が選択され、サブウィンドウがある場合、サブウィンドウは親ウィンドウの後ろに 表示される問題。

WebDataGrid バグ WebDataGrid の CustomDataBinding イベントの説明がない問題。

WebDataGrid バグ WebDataGrid の AddNewRow の DefaultValue が設定され、アクティブなセルが変更された場合、 RowAdding のクライアント側イベントが発生される問題。


WebDataGrid バグ WebDataGrid に EditorProvider が定義され、EnableDataViewState が True に設定される場合、デ ータ ソースをクリアする際に HttpException は発生される問題。

WebDataGrid バグ Chrome で Tab キーまたは Enter キーを使用して WebDataGrid をスクロールした場合、グリッドのフォーカ スが解除される問題。

WebDataGrid バグ WebDataGrid の Grouping、Resizing、および ColumnFixing 動作が有効で、バインドされた列および画 像を含むテンプレート列がある場合、列を複数回にわたり固定/固定解除する際にバインドされた列に画像が含ま れる問題。

WebDataGrid バグ WebDataGrid の Grouping、Resizing、および ColumnFixing 動作が有効で、固定列がある場合、 ScrollLeft メソッドを使用する際に Internet Explorer 8 で固定されていない列が移動される問題。

WebDataGrid バグ WebDataGrid の Editing および Sorting 動作が有効で、単一の列が並べ替えられ、グリッドが下へスクロー ルされた場合、グリッドを上にスクロールした際に、最初の行のセルのコンテンツおよび並べ替えた列が非表示にな る問題。

WebTextEditor バグ WebTextEditor の EnterKeyPress イベントをページのその他のコントロールをフォーカスするために使用した 場合、Internet Explorer ではフォーカスされない問題。

WebUpload バグ WebUpload コントロールおよび WebDataGrid がページで一緒に使用される場合、「未定義または NULL 参照のプロパティ 'UI' は取得できません」エラーが発生される問題。


コンポーネント カテゴリ 説明

アプリケーション スタイリング バグ When there is a solution, containing two web sites/projects, then adding Infragistics con trol to some of the pages in the first web site, will suggest you to configure the site


web.config and will add section there with styling configurations, but adding the a control to some of the pages from the second web site, will not do the same.

Excel Engine バグ When a large amount of formulas are used in a workbook and when it is exported through the Excel exporting engine then Out of Memory exception is thrown.

WebDataGrid バグ When value of cell in WebDataGrid is null then get_value() method of the cell returns an empty string instead of null.

WebDataGrid バグ When AddNewRow of WebDataGrid has an editor provider and a cell is clicked then the RowAdding client side event is raised.

WebDataGrid バグ When WebDataGrid has undefined set for set_value of date column then ArgumentUndefinedException is thrown.

WebDataGrid バグ When WebDataGrid has ColumnFixing and CellEditing enabled then then horizontal scroll bar jumps to initial position after a cell is clicked if it was scrolled.

WebDataGrid バグ When WebDataGrid has a column fixed and page is refreshed the WebMonthCalendar's SelectionDateChanged event is no longer raised in Firefox.

WebDataGrid バグ When WebHierarchicalDataGrid is bound to WebHierarchicalDataSource it makes multiple request calls to the database.

WebDataGrid バグ When WebDataGrid runs the AJAXResponse event is not raised.

WebDataGrid バグ When the AddNewRow of the WebDataGrid has DefaultValue set for checkbox column and a cell is clicked the RowAdding client side event is raised.

WebDataGrid バグ When WebDataGrid has Batch Updating behavior enabled, and has set the


update is sent to the server, then the grid data is updated with the first change instead of the last one, applied on the grid cell.

WebDataGrid バグ When WebDataGrid has Column Resizing behavior enabled and if the width of the grid is not set, then in Internet Explorer the scroll position is not correct and it is partially visible.

WebDataGrid バグ When WebDataGrid has defined Editing behavior and has BoundCheckBoxField as a column, then clicking on a row, to edit it, causes a client-side exception to be thrown.

WebDataGrid バグ When WebDataGrid has defined Filtering behavior and the filtering type is set to ExcelStyleFilter, then in Firefox the filter is not applied, when selecting filtering criteria.

WebDataGrid バグ When WebDataGrid has Numeric editor as a provider and has Filtering behavior enabled, then enabling and disabling the filtering on the server, using its API, causes the filtering to be toggled, but does not preserve the filtered data.

WebDataGrid バグ When WebNumericEditorProvider is used in the WebDataGrid, then in Internet Explorer and Firefox, the size of the numeric editor is greater than the other editors, used as providers.

WebDataGrid バグ When WebDataGrid has Editing behavior enabled, then editing a cell in a newly add row throws a JavaScript exception.

WebDataGrid バグ When WebDataGrid has Selection behaviors enabled and is bound to a data, then selecting a cell and rebinding the grid with new data, causes an exception to be thrown.

WebDataGrid バグ When WebDataGrid has Editing behavior enabled and has defined Unbound columns, editing a unbound column several times and posting the update to the server, will update the data with the first introduced change of the unbound column and not the last one.


WebDateTimeEditor バグ When the maximum date, allowed by the .NET DataTime object (12/31/9999) is set to the WebDataTimeEditor, then it is not applied to the editor.

WebDropDown バグ When WebDropDown has EnableCustomValue set to "False" then the backspace behavior is inconsistent.

WebDropDown バグ When WebDropDown control has defined header or footer template, and if the drop down is opened, then clicking the header/footer will prevent the drop down to be closed, when it loses focus after that.

WebDropDown バグ When WebDropDown control has the EnableCustomValues property set to true, then it is not possible to select an item, available in the list, after a filtering in the drop down had happened.

WebDropDown バグ Even WebDropDown control has the EnableCustomValues property set to true, then it is possible to type in the input, if the typing is done in a very fast manner.

WebExcelExporter バグ When WebDataGrid has Grouping and Paging features enabled, and when exporting the grid, setting the DataExportMode option, of the WebExcelExporter component, to AllDataInDataSource, doesn't export the whole grid data.

WebHierarchicalDataGr id

バグ When WebHierarchicalDataGrid is bound to DataSet, then expansion indicators are not rendered.

WebHierarchicalDataGr id

バグ When WebHierarchicalDataGrid control is bound to SQL data base, and the second band is expanded and collapsed, then if you try to expand the first band, again the second on e is expanded.

WebHierarchicalDataGr id

バグ When WebHierarchicalDataGrid control has defined ASP.NET Radio button as a template in some of the its columns and the clicking it, causes an ActiveCellChanged event to be


fired on the server, then inside the handler of that event executing the ClearDataSource method causes an exception to be thrown.

WebHierarchicalDataGr id

バグ When WebHierarchicalDataGrid has enabled data view state and has defined template for some of the columns, them executing a postback to the server causes a "Failed to load viewstate..." exception.

WebHierarchicalDataGr id

バグ When a null value is added to the WebHierarchicalDataGrid column of type Decimal, the n it is shown as zero instead of empty value.

WebHierarchicalDataGr id

バグ When WebHierarchicalDataGrid has is created dynamically on the server, with sorting behavior enabled, and FormatFieldMethod is used to format a column, then sorting a column will cause the FormatFieldMethod to be ignored.

WebHierarchicalDataGr id

バグ When WebHierarchicalDataGrid has Paging behavior enabled, then after an

asynchronous postback to the server occurs it is possible that some of the columns to shrink.

WebHtmlEditor バグ When the ASP.NET RequiredFieldValidator is used as a validato for the WebHTMLEditor, then the validation is fired before the editor loses focus.

WebHtmlEditor バグ WebSpellChecker samples are not working.

WebHtmlEditor バグ The drop down list items, used in the WebHTMLEditor, are not highlighted when hovered in Internet Explorer, versions 9 and 10.

WebHtmlEditor バグ The focus and blur client-side events of the WebHTMLEditor events are fired twice, when the control is opened in the Firefox browser.

WebMaskEdit バグ When ASP.NET CustomValidator component is used to validate WebMaskEditor or some other Infragistics editors, then the client-side validation property "controltovalidate" returns wrong editor ID.


WebRating バグ When WebRating control is added to a page, then "Unrecognized expression: unsupported pseudo: comment" JavaScript error is thrown in the console.

WebSchedule バグ When adding all-day or multi-day event in a WebMonthView, then in Chrome browser they are not shown.

WebSplitter バグ When WebSplitter control is placed inside a WebTab one, and when the splitter width is set, using percentages, then the WebSplitter disappears.

WebTextEditor バグ Entering symbol like "&", "\" , "'" or "\n" in WebTextEditor, causes an exception to be thrown.

WebUpload バグ If the WebUpload control server message is set in UploadStarting event handler, then other event handlers, which are fired after that (like UploadFinishing or UploadFinished), will have the info for the server message, set in previously called event handlers.

WebUpload バグ When a huge file, greater than 2 GB, is uploaded, using the WebUpload control, then the upload progress bar shows that the whole file is uploaded and after that the file is cancel ed, even it's not entirely uploaded.

Note: To resolve that problem, a new option "maxFileSize", which is the maximum file

size (in bytes) that is allowed to be uploaded.It is only used for client-side validation and for those browsers which shares information about the size of the selected file.



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