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Yoshimasa KOSAKO Lists of Bacterial Names Validated in 1994 Japan Collection of Microrganisms, The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)


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50 (3): 839-857, 1995 細 菌 分 類 ・命名 ・カル チ ャー コ レ ク シ ョンに関 する情 報

1994年 に正式に発表 された細菌名

小 迫

芳 正

理 化学研究所徴生物 系統保存 施設 〒351-01和 光市 広 沢2-1 〔受 理:1995年3月8日 〕 分 類 の どの 体 系 を 承 認 す るか は そ の人(研 究者) の 自 由 で あ る。 言 いか えれ ば,分 類 と い う ものは 学 問 上 の議 論 に な るが,公 式 な規 則 は な い。 しか し,分 類 群 の命 名 に は,公 式 な命 名 規 約(国 際 細 菌 命 名 規 約[Bacteriological Code])と,そ れ を管 理 す る国 際 組 織(国 際 細 菌 命 名 委 員 会)が 存 在 す る。 この 規 約 に 違 反 した 命 名 は 国際 的 に は 承 認 さ れ な い 。 この 国 際 細 菌 命 名 規 約 は1976年1月 に 発 効 した も の で,こ れ 以 降 の 命 名 の 提 唱 は この 規 約 に 準 拠 しな け れ ば な らな い。1992年 に こ の 命 名 規 約 の い くつ か の 矛 盾 点 が 改 善 され た 改 訂 版 (Bacteriological Code 1990 Revision)が 出 版 さ れ 現 在 に至 っ て い る。 こ の規 約 に 則 って 発 表 され た 細 菌 名 を ま とめ た のが 毎 年 本 誌 に掲 載 され てい る"正 式 に発 表 され た 細 菌 名"で あ る。 この リス トが 掲 載 され て か ら6回 目 とな るが,1980年 以 降 どれ だ け の細 菌 名 が 正 式 に発 表 され た か を,年 度 に分 け て解 析 してみ た 。 新 種 お よび新 属 の提 唱 は 驚 い た こ とに,そ れ ぞ れ 約120件,約30件 と毎 年 ほ ぼ 同 数 で あ る。 承 認 菌 名 リス ト(Approved

Lists of Bacterial Names)が 出版 され て 以降 1994年 末 ま で 通 算 す る と新 種 は 約1900件,新 属 は約460件 の 正 式 発 表 が あ る。 さ らに 属 よ り上 の 分 類 階 級 の提 唱 や 新 組 み 合 せ,修 正,復 活 等 の正 式 な 発 表 を数 に 入 れ る と約3700件 あ ま りの 細 菌 名 に 関 す る正 式 発表 が な され 承認 され て い る。(図 1参 照) 分 類 学 を 研 究 して い る我 々に と って,そ れが 我 々の 自己 満 足 とな らな い よ うに,い か に して新 し い 分 類 体 系 お よび そ れ に ともな う細 菌 名 の追 加 や 変 更 を,分 類 学 以 外 の分 野 の先 生 方 に お知 らせ し よ うか と頭 を 痛 め て い る。 と もあれ,少 な くと も 自分 の守 備 範 囲 の細 菌 名 お よび分 類 体 系 に つ い て は そ の動 向 を注 意 してい た だ きた い もの で あ る。 1994年 に 正 式 に 発 表 され た 細 菌 名(新 組 み 合 せ も含 む)は211件 で そ の うち医 学 分 野 に 関 係 が あ る と思 わ れ る細 菌 名 は 約50件 で あ った 。 例 年 どお り,リ ス トの使 用 法 と新 組 み 合 せ に よ り細 菌 名 が変 更 され た リス トを 付 け加 え た の で,利 用 さ れ た い。 Yoshimasa KOSAKO

Lists of Bacterial Names Validated in 1994

Japan Collection of Microrganisms, The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN), Wako, Saitama 351-01


図1. 正式 に発表 された各分 類群 の年 次提 唱件数

リ ス ト の 使 用 法

新 しい分類群 の提唱

Acidiphilium1) aminolytica2) Kishimoto, Kosako and Tano3) 19944)

Type strain=JCM 8796, ATCC 513615) Curr. Microbiol.6)., 27, 131-136, 1993 Validation list 487)

1) 属 名2)種 形 容 語3)著 者 名4)正 式 に 発 表 さ れ た 年 代5)Type strainの 保 存 さ れ て い る 保 存 機 関 名 の 略 称 お よ び 登 録 番 号6)掲 載 雑 誌 名7) Validation list No.


Aeromicrobium fastidiosum (Collins and Stackebrandt 19898)) Tamura and Yokota 1994

Type strain=IFO 14897, NCIB 12713

←Nocardioides fastidiosa9)

IJSB, 44, 608-611,1994

8) 旧著 者 名 お よび発 表 年9)旧 細 菌 名


Bacillus aneurinolyticus (ex10) Aoyama 1952) Shida, Takagi, Kadowaki, Yano, Abe, Udaka and Komagata 1994

Type strain=JCM 9024, IFO 15521 IJSB, 44,143-150, 1994

10) 復 活 名 で あ る略 号

命名 された分類群の修正

Acidaminococcus Rogosa 1969 emend.11) Cook, Rainey, Chen, Stackebrandt and Russell 1994

Type species=Acidaminococcus fermentans IJSB, 44, 576-578, 1994


細 菌 名 リ ス ト

Acholeplasma brassicae Tully, Whitcomb,

Rose, Bove, Carle, Somerson, Williamson and Eden-Green 1994 Type strain=ATCC 49388 IJSB, 44, 680-684,1994

Acholeplasma palmae Tully, Whitcomb, Rose, Bove, Carle, Somerson, Williamson and

Eden-Green 1994 Type strain=ATCC 49389 IJSB, 44, 680-684,1994

Acidaminococcus Rogosa 1969 emend. Cook, Rainey, Chen, Stackebrandt and Russell 1994

Type species=Acidaminococcus fermentans

IJSB, 44, 576-578, 1994

Acidaminococcus fermentans Rogosa 1969 emend. Cook, Rainey, Chen, Stackebrandt

and Russell 1994 Type strain=ATCC 25085, DSM 20731 IJSB, 44, 576-578,1994

Acidiphilium aminolytica Kishimoto, Kosako and Tano 1994

Type strain=JCM 8796, ATCC 51361 Curr. Microbiol., 27,131-136,1993

Validation list 48

Actinocorallia Iinuma, Yokota, Hasegawa and Kanamaru 1994

Type species=Actinocorallia herbida IJSB, 44, 230-234,1994

Actinocorallia herbida Iinuma, Yokota, Hasegawa and Kanamaru 1994

Type strain=IFO 15485

IJSB, 44, 230-234, 1994

Actinomyces neuii subsp. anitratus Funke, Stubbs, Von Graevenitz and Collins 1994

Type strain=strain 50/90 IJSB, 44, 167-171, 1994

Actinomyces neuii subsp. neuii Funke, Stubbs, von Graevenitz and Collins 1994

Type strain=strain 97/90

IJSB, 44, 167-171,1994

Actinopolyspora iragiensis Ruan, Al-Tai, Zhou and Qu 1994 Type strain=A. S. 4. 1193 IJSB, 44, 759-763, 1994

Aeromicrobium fastidiosum (Collins and Stackebrandt 1989) Tamura and Yokota


Type strain=IFO 14897, NCIB 12713

← Nocaydioides fastidiosa

IJSB, 44, 608-611, 1994

Bacillus aneurinolyticus (ex Aoyama 1952) Shida, Takagi, Kadowaki, Yano, Abe, Udaka

and Komagata 1994

Type strain=JCM 9024, IFO 15521 IJSB, 44, 143-150, 1994

Bacillus laevolacticus (ex Nakayama and Yanoshi 1967) Andersch, Pianka, Fritze and

Claus 1994

Type strain=ATCC 23492, DSM 442, IAM 12321, NCIB 10269

IJSB, 44, 659-664, 1994

Bacillus mojavensis Roberts, Nakamura and Cohan 1994 Type strain=NRRL B-14698 IJSB, 44, 256-264, 1994

Bergeyella Vandamme, Bernardet, Segers, Kersters and Holmes 1994

Type species=Bergeyella zoohelcum


IJSB, 44, 827-831, 1994

Bergeyella zoohelcum (Holmes, Steigerwalt,

Weaver and Brenner 1986) Vandamme,

Bernardet, Segers, Kersters and Holmes 1994 Type strain=NCTC 11660 ←Weeksella zoohelcum IJSB, 44, 827-831, 1994

Borrelia afzelii Canica, Nato, du Merie, Mazie, Baranton and Postic 1994

Type strain=CIP 103469

Scand., J. Infect. Dis., 25, 441-448, 1993 Validation list 48

Borrelia japonica Kawabata, Masuzawa and Yanagihara 1994 Type strain=JCM 8951 Microbiol. Immunol., 37, 843-848, 1993 Validation list 50

Brevibacterium mcbrellneri McBride, Ellner, Black, Clarridge and Wolf 1994

Type strain=ATCC 49030 J. Med. Microbiol., 39, 225-261, 1993 Validation list 51

Brevundimonas Segers, Vancanneyt, Pot, Torck, Hoste, Denwettinck, Falsen, Kersters and de

Vos 1994

Type species=Brevundimonas diminuta IJSB, 44, 499-510, 1994

Brevundimonas diminuta (Leifson and Hugh 1954) Segers, Vancanneyt, Pot, Torck,

Hoste, Denwettinck, Falsen, Kersters and de

Vos 1994

Type strain=LMG 2089, ATCC 11568, CCUG 1427

←Pseudomonas diminuta IJSB, 44, 499-510, 1994

Brevundimonas vesicularis (Busing, Doll and Freytag 1953) Segers, Vancanneyt, Pot,

Torck, Hoste, Denwettinck, Falsen, Kersters

and de Vos 1994

Type strain=LMG 2350, ATCC 11426, CCUG 2032

←Pseudomonas vesicularis IJSB, 44, 499-510, 1994

Burkholderia glumae (Uematsu, Yoshimura,

Nishiyama, Ibaraki and Fujii 1976) Urakami, Ito-Yoshida, Araki, Kijima, Suzuki and

Komagata 1994

Type strain=NIAES 1169, ATCC 33617, NCPPB 2981

←Pseudomonas glumae IJSB, 44, 235-245, 1994

Burkholderia plantarii (Azegami, Nishiyama,

Watanabe, Kadota, Ohuchi and Fukazawa

1987) Urakami, Ito-Yoshida, Araki, Kijima, Suzuki and Komagata 1994

Type strain=JCM 5492, NIAES 1723

←Pseudomonas plantarii IJSB, 44, 235-245, 1994

Burkholderia vandii Urakami, Ito-Yoshida,

Araki, Kijima, Suzuki and Komagata 1994 Type strain=JCM 7957

IJSB, 44, 235-245, 1994

Caloramator Collins, Lawson, Willems, doba, Fernandez-Garayzabal, Garcia, Cai,

Hippe and Farrow 1994

Type species=Caloramator fervidus IJSB, 44, 812-826, 1994

Caloramator fervidus (Patel, Monk, worth, Morgan and Daniel 1987) Collins,

Lawson, Willems, Cordoba,

Garayzabal, Garcia, Cai, Hippe and Farrow 1994


←Clostridium fervidus

IJSB, 44, 812-826, 1994

Capnocytophaga granulosa Yamamoto,

Kajiura, Hirai and Watanabe 1994 Type strain=JCM 8566

IJSB, 44, 324-329, 1994

Capnocytophaga haemolytica Yamamoto,

Kajiura, Hirai and Watanabe 1994 Type strain=JCM 8565

IJSB, 44, 324-329, 1994

Carbophilus Meyer, Stackebrandt and Auling 1994

Type species=Carbophilus carboxidus

Syst. Appl. Microbiol., 16, 390-395, 1993 Validation list 48

Carbophilus carboxidus Meyer, Stackebrandt

and Auling 1994

Type strain=DSM 1086 ←"Alcaligenes cayboxydus"

Syst. Appl. Microbiol., 16, 390-395, 1993 Validation list 48

Catenococcus Sorokin 1994

Type species=Catenococcus thiocyclus

J. Gen. Microbiol., 138, 2287-2292, 1992 Validation list 51

Catenococcus thiocyclus Sorokin 1994

Type strain=LMD 92. 12, DSM 9165, ATCC 51228 J. Gen. Microbiol., 138, 2287-2292, 1992 Validation list 51

Catonella Moore and Moore 1994 Type species=Catonella morbi

IJSB, 44, 187-192, 1994

Catonella morbi Moore and Moore 1994 Type strain=ATCC 51271, VPI D154 F-12

IJSB, 44, 187-192, 1994

Chryseobacterium Vandamme, Bernardet,

Segers, Kersters and Holmes 1994 Type species=Chryseobacterium gleum

IJSB, 44, 827-831, 1994

Chryseobacterium balustinum (Harrison 1929) Vandamme, Bernardet, Segers, Kersters and

Holmes 1994 Type strain=NCTC 11212 ←Flavobacterium balustinum IJSB, 44, 827-831, 1994

Chryseobacterium gleum (Holmes, Owen, Steigerwalt and Brenner 1984) Vandamme,

Bernardet, Segers, Kersters and Holmes 1994

Type strain=NCTC 11432, JCM 2410

←Flavobacterium gleum IJSB, 44, 827-831, 1994

Chryseobacterium indologenes (Yabuuchi,

Kaneko, Yano, Moss and Miyoshi 1983) Vandamme, Bernardet, Segers, Kersters

and Holmes 1994 Type strain=ATCC 17898, NCTC 10796 ←Flavobacterium indologenes IJSB, 44, 827-831, 1994

Chryseobacterium indoltheticum (Campbell

and Williams 1951) Vandamme, Bernardet,

Segers, Kersters and Holmes 1994 Type strain=ATCC 27950

←Flavobacterium indoltheticum IJSB, 44, 827-831, 1994

Chryseobacterium meningosepticum (King 1959) Vandamme, Bernardet, Segers,

Kersters and Holmes 1994

Type strain=ATCC 13253

←Flavobacterium meningosepticum IJSB, 44, 827-831, 1994


Chryseobacterium scophthalmum (Mudarris,

Austin, Segers, Vancanneyt, Hoste and Bernardet 1994) Vandamme, Bernardet,

Segers, Kersters and Holmes 1994

Type strain=CCM 4109, LMG 13028

←Flavobacterium scophthalmum

IJSB, 44, 827-831, 1994

Clostridium hydroxybenzoicum Zhang, Mandelco and Wiegel 1994

Type strain=ATCC 51151, DSM 7310 IJSB, 44, 214-222, 1994

Clostridium thermoalcaliphilum Li, Engle, Weiss, Mandelco and Wiegel 1994

Type strain=DSM 7309

IJSB, 44,111-118, 1994

Corynebacterium propinquum Riegel, de Briel, Prevost, Jehl and Monteil 1994

Type strain=CIP 103792

FEMS Microbiol. Lett., 113, 229-234,1993

Validation list 49

Couchioplanes Tamura, Nakagaito, Nishii, Hasegawa, Stackebrandt and Yokota 1994

Type species=Couchioplanes caeruleus

IJSB, 44, 193-203, 1994

Couchioplanes caeruleus (Horan and Brodsky 1986) Tamura, Nakagaito, Nishii, Hasegawa,

Stackebrandt and Yokota 1994

Type strain=IFO 13939, ATCC 33937

←Actinoplanes caeruleus IJSB, 44,193-203, 1994

Couchioplanes caeruleus subsp. azureus Tamura, Nakagaito, Nishii, Hasegawa,

Stackebrandt and Yokota 1994

Type strain=IFO 13993, ATCC 31157 IJSB, 44,193-203, 1994

Couchioplanes caeruleus subsp. caeruleus

Tamura, Nakagaito, Nishii, Hasegawa, Stackebrandt and Yokota 1994

Type strain=IFO 13939, ATCC 33937 IJSB, 44, 193-203, 1994

Desulfitobacterium Utkin, Woese and Wiegel 1994

Type species=Desulfitobacterium dehalogenans

IJSB, 44, 612-619, 1994

Desulfitobacterium dehalogenans Utkin, Woese and Wiegel 1994

Type strain=DSM 9161

IJSB, 44, 612-619, 1994

Desulfobacterium cetonicum Galushko and Rozanova 1994 Type strain=VKM B-1974, DSM 7267 Mikrobiologiya, 60, 102-107, 1991 Validation list 49

Desulfomicrobium Rozanova, Nazina and Galushko 1994

Type species=Desulfomicrobium baculatus Mikrobiologiya, 57, 634-641, 1988

Validation list 49

Desulfomicrobium apsheronum Rozanova, Nazina and Galushko 1994

Type strain=VKM B-1804, DSM 5918 Mikrobiologiya, 57, 634-641, 1988 Validation list 49

Desulfomicrobium baculatus (Rozanova and Nazina 1984) Rozanova, Nazina and

Galushko 1994 Type strain=VKM B-1378, DSM 4028 ←Desulfovibrio baculatus Mikrobiologiya, 57, 634-641, 1988 Validation list 49

Desulfuromusa Liesack and Finster 1994 Type species=Desulfuromusa kysingii


IJSB, 44, 753-758, 1994

Desulfuromusa bakii Liesack and Finster 1994 Type strain=DSM 7345

IJSB, 44, 753-758, 1994

Desulfuromusa kysingii Liesack and Finster 1994 Type strain=DSM 7343 IJSB, 44, 753-758, 1994

Desulfuromusa succinoxidans Liesack and Finster 1994 Type strain=DSM 8270 ITSB, 44, 753-758, 1994

Dialister (ex Olitsky and Gates 1921) Moore and Moore 1994

Type species=Dialister pneumosintes

IJSB, 44,187-192, 1994

Dialister pneumosintes (Olitsky and Gates 1921) Moore and Moore 1994

Type strain=ATCC 33048

←Bacteroides pneumosintes IJSB, 44, 187-192, 1994

Dolosigranulum Aguirre, Morrison, Cookson, Gay and Collins 1994

Type species=Dolosigranulum pigrum J. Appl. Bacteriol., 75, 608-612, 1993

Validation list 49

Dolosigranulum pigrum Aguirre, Morrison, Cookson, Gay and Collins 1994

Type strain=NCFB 2975 J. Appl. Bacteriol., 75, 608-612, 1993 Validation list 49

Empedobacter (ex Prevot 1961) Vandamme,

Bernardet, Segers, Kersters and Holmes 1994

Type species=Empedobacter brevis

IJSB, 44, 827-831, 1994

Empedobacter brevis (Holmes and Owen 1982) Vandamme, Bernardet, Segers, Kersters and

Holmes 1994 Type strain=NCTC 11099 ←Flavobacterium breve IJSB, 44, 827-831, 1994

Erythrobacter litoralis Yorkov, Stackebrandt,

Holmes, Fuerst, Hugenholtz, Golecki, Gad'on, Gorlenko, Kompantseva and Drews


Type strain=DSM 8509 IJSB, 44, 427-434, 1994

Erythromicrobium Yorkov, Stackebrandt,

Holmes, Fuerst, Hugenholtz, Golecki, Gad'on, Gorlenko, Kompantseva and Drews


Type species=Erythromicrobium ramosum IJSB, 44, 427-434, 1994

Erythromicrobium ramosum Yorkov, Stackebrandt, Holmes, Fuerst, Hugenholtz,

Golecki, Gad'on, Gorlenko, Kompantseva and Drews 1994 Type strain=DSM 8510 IJSB, 44, 427-434, 1994

Eubacterium barkeri (Stadtman, Stadtman,

Pastan and Smith 1972) Collins, Lawson, Willems, Cordoba, Fernandez-Garayzabal,

Garcia, Cai, Hippe and Farrow 1994 Type strain=ATCC 25849

←Clostridium barkeri IJSB, 44, 812-826, 1994

Eubacterium coprostanoligenes Freier, Beitz, Li and Hartman 1994 Type strain=ATCC 51222 IJSB, 44, 137-142, 1994 845


Exiguobacterium acetylicum (Levine and Soppeland 1926) Farrow, Wallbanks and

Collins 1994 Type strain=ATCC 953 ←Brevibacterium acetylicum IJSB, 44, 74-82, 1994

Filifactor Collins, Lawson, Willems, Cordoba, Fernandez-Garayzabal, Garcia, Cai, Hippe

and Farrow 1994

Type species=Filifactor villosus IJSB, 44, 812-826, 1994

Filifactor villosus (Love, Jones and Bailey 1979) Collins, Lawson, Willems, Cordoba,

Fernandez-Garayzabal, Garcia, Cai, Hippe

and Farrow 1994 Type strain=NCTC 11220 ←Clostridium villosum IJSB, 44, 812-826, 1994

Flavobacterium scophthalmum Mudarris,

Austin, Segers, Vancanneyt, Hoste and Bernardet 1994 Type strain=CCM 4109, LMG 13028 IJSB, 44, 447-453, 1994

Gordona aichiensis (Tsukamura 1982) Klatte, Rainey and Kroppenstedt 1994

Type strain=DSM 43978

←Rhodococcus aichiensis IJSB, 44, 769-773, 1994

Gordona amarae (Lechevalier and Lechevalier

1974) Klatte, Rainey and Kroppenstedt 1994 Type strain=DSM 43392

←Rhodococcus amarae IJSB, 44, 769-773, 1994

Hallella Moore and Moore 1994 Type species=Hallella seregens

IJSB, 44, 187-192, 1994

Hallella seregens Moore and Moore 1994 Type strain=ATCC 51272, VPI D238B-15

IJSB, 44, 187-192, 1994

Haloanaerobium salsugo Bhupathiraju, Oren, Sharma, Tanner, Woese and McInerney 1994

Type strain=ATCC 51327

IJSB, 44, 565-572, 1994

Halocella Simankova, Chernych, Osipov and

Zavarzin 1994

Type species=Halocella cellulolytica

Syst. Appl. Microbiol., 16, 385-389, 1993

Validation list 48

Halocella cellulolytica Simankova, Chernych,

Osipov and Zavarzin 1994

Type strain=DSM 7362

Syst. Appl. Microbiol., 16, 385-389, 1993 Validation list 48

Halococcus salifodinae Denner, McGenity,

Busse, Grant, Wanner and Stan-Lotter 1994 Type strain=ATCC 51437, DSM 8989

IJSB, 44, 774-780, 1994

Haloincola saccharolytica Zhilina, Zavarzin, Bulygina, Kevbrin, Osipov and Chumakov

1992 emend. Cayol, Ollivier, Soh, Fardeau,

Ageron, Grimont, Prensier, Guezennec,

Magot and Garcia 1994

Type strain=DSM 6645

IJSB, 44, 805-811, 1994

Haloincola saccharolytica subsp.

sis Cayol, Ollivier, Soh, Fardeau, Ageron, Grimont, Prensier, Guezennec, Magot and

Garcia 1994 Type strain=DSM 7379 IJSB, 44, 805-811, 1994

Halothermothrix Cayol, Ollivier, Patel, Prensier, Guezennec and Garcia 1994


Type species=Halothermothrix orenii IJSB, 44, 534-540, 1994

Halothermothrix orenii Cayol, Ollivier, Patel, Prensier, Guezennec and Garcia 1994

Type strain=OCM 544

IJSB, 44, 534-540, 1994

Helicobacter canis Stanley, Linton, Burnens, Dewhirst, Owens, Porter, On and Costas


Type strain=NCTC 12739, ATCC 51401 J. Gen. Microbiol., 139, 2495-2504, 1993

Validation list 49

Helicobacter hepaticus Fox, Dewhirst, Tully, Paster, Yan, Taylor, Collins, Gorelick and

Ward 1994 Type strain=ATCC 51448 J. Clin. Microbiol., 32, 1238-1245, 1994 Validation list 50

Helicobacter pametensis Dewhirst, Seymour, Fraser, Paster and Fox 1994

Type strain=ATCC 51478

IJSB, 44, 553-560, 1994

Ideonella Malmqvist, Welander, Moore, Ternstrom, Molin and Stenstrom 1994

Type species=Ideonella dechloratans

Syst. Appl. Microbiol., 17, 58-64, 1994 Validation list 50

Ideonella dechloratans Malmqvist, Welander, Moore, Ternstrom, Molin and Stenstrom


Type strain=CCUG 30898

Syst. Appl. Microbiol., 17, 58-64, 1994 Validation list 50

Johnsonella Moore and Moore 1994 Type species=Johnsonella ignava

IJSB, 44,187-192, 1994

Johnsonella ignava Moore and Moore 1994 Type strain=ATCC 51276, VPI D94B-12

IJSB, 44, 187-192, 1994

Kutzneria Stackebrandt, Kroppenstedt, Jahnke, Kemmerling and Gurtler 1994

Type species=Kutzneria viridogrisea

IJSB, 44, 265-269, 1994

Kutzneria albida (Furumai, Ogawa and Okuda 1968) Stackebrandt, Kroppenstedt, Jahnke,

Kemmerling and Gurtler 1994

Type strain=DSM 43870, ATCC 25243

←Streptosporangium albidum

IJSB, 44, 435-439, 1994

Kutzneria kofuensis (Nonomura and Ohara 1969) Stackebrandt, Kroppenstedt, Jahnke,

Kemmerling and Gurtler 1994

Type strain=DSM 43851, ATCC 27102

←Styeptosporangium viridogriseum subsp.


IJSB, 44, 265-269, 1994

Kutzneria viridogrisea (Okuda, Furumai,

watanabe, Okugawa and Kimura 1966) Stackebrandt, Kroppenstedt, Jahnke,

merling and Gurtler 1994

Type strain=DSM 43850, ATCC 25242

←Streptosporangium viridogriseum

IJSB, 44, 265-269, 1994

Lachnospira pectinoschiza Cornick, Jensen, Stahl, Hartman and Allison 1994

Type strain=ATCC 49827

IJSB, 44, 87-93, 1994

Lactobacillus kefirgranum Takizawa, Kojima, Tamura, Fujinaga, Benno and Nakase 1994

Type strain=JCM 8572

IJSB, 44, 435-439, 1994

Lactobacillus parakefir Takizawa, Kojima,


Tamura, Fujinaga, Benno and Nakase 1994 Type strain=JCM 8573

IJSB, 44, 265-269, 1994

Lactobacollus pontis Vogel, Bocker, Stolz, Ehrmann, Fanta, Ludwig, Pot, Kersters,

Schleifer and Hammes 1994

Type strain=DSM 8475, LMG 14187 IJSB, 44, 223-229, 1994

Legionella lansingensis Thacker, Dyke, Benson, Havlichek, Robinson-Dunn, Stiefel,

Mayberry and Brenner 1994

Type strain=ATCC 49751 J. Clin. Microbiol., 30, 2398-2401, 1992 Validation list 50

Luteococcus Tamura, Takeuchi and Yokota 1994

Type species=Luteococcus japonicus IJSB, 44, 348-356, 1994

Luteococcus japonicus Tamura, Takeuchi and Yokota 1994 Type strain=IFO 12422 IJSB, 44, 348-356, 1994

Mathanolobus taylorii Oremland and Boone 1994 Type strain=OCM 58, DSM 9005 IJSB, 44, 573-575, 1994

Mesoplasma chauliocola Tully, Whitcomb,

Hackett, Rose, Henegar, Bove, Carle, Williamson and Clark 1994

Type strain=ATCC 49578

IJSB, 44, 685-693, 1994

Mesoplasma coleopterae Tully, Whitcomb,

Hackett, Rose, Henegar, Bove, Carle, Williamson and Clark 1994

Type strain=ATCC 49583

IJSB, 44, 685-693, 1994

Mesoplasma corruscae Tully, Whitcomb,

Hackett, Rose, Henegar, Bove, Carle, Williamson and Clark 1994

Type strain=ATCC 49579

IJSB, 44, 685-693, 1994

Mesoplasma grammopterae Tully, Whitcomb,

Hackett, Rose, Henegar, Bove, Carle, Williamson and Clark 1994

Type strain=ATCC 49580

IJSB, 44, 685-693, 1994

Mesoplasma photuris Tully, Whitcomb,

Hackett, Rose, Henegar, Bove, Carle, Williamson and Clark 1994

Type strain=ATCC 49581

IJSB, 44, 685-693, 1994

Mesoplasma pleciae Tully, Whitcomb, Hackett, Rose, Henegar, Bove, Carle, Williamson and

Clark 1994 Type strain=ATCC 49582 IJSB, 44, 685-693, 1994

Mesoplasma syrphidae Tully, Whitcomb,

Hackett, Rose, Henegar, Bove, Carle, Williamson and Clark 1994

Type strain=ATCC 43706

IJSB, 44, 685-693, 1994

Mesoplasma tabanidae Tully, Whitcomb,

Hackett, Rose, Henegar, Bove, Carle, Williamson and Clark 1994

Type strain=ATCC 49584

IJSB, 44, 685-693, 1994

Methanobacterium defluvii Kotelnikova , Obraztsova, Gongadze and Laurinavichius


Type strain=VKM B-1962

Syst. Appl. Microbiol., 16, 427-435, 1993 Validation list 48


Methanobacterium thermoflexum Kotelnikova,

Obraztsova, Gongadze and Laurinavichius


Type strain=VKM B-1963

Syst. Appl. Microbiol., 16, 427-435, 1993 Validation list 48

Methanolobus bombayensis Kadam, Ranade, Mandelco and Moone 1994

Type strain=OCM 438

IJSB, 44, 603-607, 1994

Methanosarcina Kluyver and van Niel 1936 emend. Ni, Woese, Aldrich and Boone 1994

Type species=Methnosarcina methanica

IJSB, 44, 357-359, 1994

Methanosarcina siciliae (Stetter 1989) Ni, Woese, Aldrich and Boone 1994

Type strain=OCM 156

←Methanolobus siciliae

IJSB, 44, 357-359, 1994

Moorella Collins, Lawson, Willems, Cordoba, Fernandez-Garayzabal, Garcia, Cai, Hippe

and Farrow 1994

Type species=Moorella thermoacetica

IJSB, 44, 812-826, 1994

Moorella thermoacetica (Fontaine, Peterson, McCoy and Johnson 1942) Collins, Lawson,

Willems, Cordoba, Fernandez-Garayzabal,

Garcia, Cai, Hippe and Farrow 1994 Type strain=DSM 521

←Clostridium thermoaceticum IJSB, 44, 812-826, 1994

Moorella thermoautotrophica (Wiegel, Braun and Gottschalk 1982) Collins, Lawson,

Willems, Cordoba, Fernandez-Garayzabal,

Garcia, Cal, Hippe and Farrow 1994 Type strain=DSM 1974

←Clostridium thermoautotrophicum

IJSB, 44, 812-826, 1994

Mycobacterium chlorophenolicum (Apajalahti,

Karpanoja and Salkinoja-Salonen 1986) Hafflblom, Nohynek, Palleroni, Kronqvist,

Nurmiaho-Lassila, Salkinoja-Salonen, Klatte and Kroppenstedt 1994 Type strain=DSM 43826 ←Rhodococcus chlorophenolicus IJSB, 44, 485-493, 1994

Mycobacterium chlorophenolicum (Apajalahti,

Karpanoja and Salkinoja-Salonen 1986) Briglia, Eggen, van Elsas and de Vos 1994

Type strain=DSM 43826

←Rhodococcus chlorophenolicus IJSB, 44, 494-498, 1994

Mycoplasma auris DaMassa, Tully, Rose, Pitcher, Leach and Cottew 1994

Type strain=ATCC 51348, NCTC 11731 IJSB, 44, 479-484, 1994

Mycoplasma buteonis Poveda, Giebel, Flossdorf, Meier and Kirchhoff 1994

Type strain=ATCC 51371

IJSB, 44, 94-98, 1994

Mycoplasma cottewii DaMassa, Tully, Rose, Pitcher, Leach and Cottew 1994

Type strain=ATCC 51347, NCTC 11732 IJSB, 44, 479-484, 1994

Mycoplasma falconis Poveda, Giebel, Flossdorf, Meier and Kirchhoff 1994

Type strain=ATCC 51372

IJSB, 44, 94-98, 1994

Mycoplasma gypis Poveda, Giebel, Flossdorf, Meier and Kirchhoff 1994

Type strain=ATCC 51370

IJSB, 44, 94-98, 1994


Mycoplgsma yeatsii DaMassa, Tully, Rose, Pitcher, Leach and Cottew 1994

Type strain=ATCC 51346, NCTC 11730 IJSB, 44, 479-484, 1994

Neisseria iguanae Barrett, Schlater, Montali and Sneath 1994

Type strain=ATCC 51483

Lett. Appl. Microbiol., 18, 200-202, 1994 Validation list 51

Nocardioides plantarum Collins, Cockcroft and Wallbanks 1994 Type strain=NCIMB 12834 IJSB, 44, 523-526, 1994

Nocardiopsis halophila Al-Tai and Ruan 1994 Type strain=A. S. 4. 1195

IJSB, 44, 474-478, 1994

Oligotropha Meyer, Stackebrandt and Auling 1994

Type species=Oligotropha carboxidovorans

Syst. Appl. Microbiol., 16, 390-395, 1993 Validation list 48

Oligotropha carboxidovorans Meyer,

Stackebrandt and Auling 1994

Type strain=DSM 1227, ATCC 49405 ←"Pseudomonas carboxydovorans" Syst. Appl. Microbiol., 16, 390-395, 1993 Validation list 48

Oribaculum Moore and Moore 1994 Type species=Oribaculum catoniae

IJSB, 44, 187-192, 1994

Oribaculum catoniae Moore and Moore 1994 Type strain=ATCC 51270, VPI N3B-3

IJSB, 44, 187-192, 1994

Ornithobacterium Vandamme, Segers,

Vancanneyt, Van Hove, Mutters, Hommez ,

Dewhirst, Paster, Kersters, Falsen, Devriese, Bisgaard, Hinz and Mannheim 1994

Type species=Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale IJSB, 44, 24-37, 1994

Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale Vandamme,

Segers, Vancanneyt, Van Hove, Mutters, Hommez, Dewhirst, Paster, Kersters,

Falsen, Devriese, Bisgaard, Hinz and

Mannheim 1994 Type strain=LMG 9086, MCCM 01174, CCUG 23171 IJSB, 44, 24-37, 1994

Oxalophagus Collins, Lawson, Willems, Cordoba, Fernandez-Garayzabal, Garcia, Cai,

Hippe and Farrow 1994

Type species=Oxalophagus oxalicus IJSB, 44, 812-826, 1994

Oxalophagus oxalicus (Dehning and Schink 1989) Collins, Lawson, Willems, Cordoba,

Fernandez-Garayzabal, Garcia, Cai, Hippe

and Farrow 1994 Type strain=DSM 5503 ←Clostridium oxalicum IJSB, 44, 812-826, 1994

Oxobacter Collins, Lawson, Willems, Cordoba , Fernandez-Garayzabal, Garcia, Cai, Hippe

and Farrow 1994

Type species=Oxobacter pfennigii IJSB, 44, 812-826, 1994

Oxobacter pfennigii (Krumholz and Bryant 1985) Collins, Lawson, Willems, Cordoba,

Fernandez-Garayzabal, Garcia, Cai, Hippe

and Farrow 1994 Type strain=DSM 3222 ←Clostridium pfennigii IJSB, 44, 812-826, 1994


Type species =Paenibacillus polymyxa Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 64, 253-260, 1993

Validation list 51

Paenibacillus durum (Smith and Cato 1974) Collins, Lawson, Willems, Cordoba,

Fernandez-Garayzabal, Garcia, Cai, Hippe and Farrow 1994 Type strain=ATCC 27763 ←Clostridium durum IJSB, 44, 812-826, 1994

Paenibacillus polymyxa (Prazmowski 1880) Ash, Priest and Collins 1994

Type strain=ATCC 842

←Bacillus polymyxa

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 64, 253-260,


Validation list 51

Pelczaria Poston 1994

Type species=Pelczaria aurantia

Arch. Microbiol., 160, 114-120, 1993

Validation list 48

Pelczaria aurantia Poston 1994 Type strain=ATCC 49321 Arch. Microbiol., 160, 114-120, 1993 Validation list 48

Phascolarctobacterium Del Dot, Osawa and Stackebrandt 1994

Type species=Phascolarctobacterium faecium Syst. Appl. Microbiol., 16, 380-384, 1993

Validation list 48

Phascolarctobacterium faecium Del Dot, Osawa and Stackebrandt 1994

Type strain=ACM 3679

Syst. Appl. Microbiol., 16, 380-384, 1993 Validation list 48

Photobacterium histaminum Okuzumi, Hitraishi, Kobayashi and Fujii 1994

Type strain=JCM 8968

IJSB, 44, 631-636, 1994

Planomonospora alba Mertz 1994 Type strain=NRRL 18924

IJSB, 44, 274-281, 1994

Planomonospora spherica Mertz 1994 Type strain=NRRL 18923

IJSB, 44, 274-281, 1994

Porphylomonas canoris Love, Karjalainen,

Kanervo, Forsblom, Sarkiala, Bailey, Wigney and Jousimies-Somer 1994 Type strain=NCTC 12835 IJSB, 44, 204-208, 1994

Porphyromonas cangingivalis Collins, Love, Karjalainen, Kanervo, Forsblom, Willems,

Stubbs, Sarkiala, Bailey, Wigney and

Jousimies-Somer 1994 Type strain=NCTC 12856, VPB 4874 IJSB, 44, 674-679, 1994

Porphyromonas cansulci Collins, Love, Karjalainen, Kanervo, Forsblom Willems,

Stubbs, Sarkiala, Bailey, Wigney and

Jousimies-Somer 1994 Type strain=NCTC 12858, VPB 4875 IJSB, 44, 674-679, 1994

Porphyromonas crevioricanis Hirasawa and Takada 1994

Type strain=NUM 402, ATCC 55563 IJSB, 44, 637-640, 1994

Porphyromonas gingivicanis Hirasawa and Takada 1994

Type strain=NUM 301, ATCC 55562 IJSB, 44, 637-640, 1994


Prevotella enoeca Moore, Johnson and Moore 1994

Type strain=ATCC 51261, VPI D194A-25A

IJSB, 44, 599-602, 1994

Prevotella tannerae Moore, Johnson and Moore 1994

Type strain=ATCC 51259, VPI N14B-15 IJSB, 44, 599-602, 1994

Prevotella zoogleoformans (Weinberg,

Nativelle and Prevot 1937) Shah and Collins 1990 emend. Moore, Johnson and Moore

1994 Type strain=ATCC 33285 IJSB, 44, 599-602, 1994

Propioniferax Yokota, Tamura, Takeuchi, Weuss and Stackebrandt 1994

Type species=Propioniferax innocua IJSB, 44, 579-582, 1994

Propioniferax innocua (Pitcher and Collins 1991) Yokota, Tamura, Takeuchi, Weuss

and Stackebrandt 1994 Type strain=NCTC 11082, DSM 8251 ←Propionibacterium innocuum IJSB, 44, 579-582, 1994

Pseudomonas flavescens Hilderbrand,

Palleroni, Hendson, Toth and Johnson 1994 Type strain=NCPPB 3063

IJSB, 44, 410-415, 1994

Pseudonocardia Henssen 1957 emend. Warwick, Bowen, McVeigh and Embley


Type species=Pseudonocardia themophila

IJSB, 44, 293-299, 1994

Rarobacter incanus Yamamoto, Sato, Miki, Park and Tadenuma 1994

Type strain=JCM 6350

J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol., 39, 261-272,1993

Validation list 49

Rhizomonas ciceri Nour, Fernandez, Normand and Cleyet-Marel 1994 Type strain=UPM-Ca7 IJSB, 44, 511-522, 1994

Rhodobacter blastica (Eckersleym and Dow 1981) Kawasaki, Hoshino, Hirata and

Yamasato 1994

Type strain=NCIMB 11576, ATCC 33485

←Rhodopseudomonas blastica Arch. Microbiol., 160, 358-362, 1993

Validation list 51

Rhodocista Kawasaki, Hoshino, Kuraishi and Yamasato 1994

Type species=Rhodocista centenaria

J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol., 38, 541-551, 1992 Validation list 48

Rhodocista centenaria Kawasaki, Hoshino, Kuraishi and Yamasato 1994

Type strain=IAM 14193

←"Rhodospirillum centenum"

J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol., 38, 541-551, 1992 Validation list 48

Rhodococcus zopfii Stoecker, Herwig and Staley 1994

Type strain=ATCC 51349 IJSB, 44, 106-110, 1994

Rhodoplanes Hiraishi and Ueda 1994 Type species=Rhodoplanes roseus

IJSB, 44, 665-673, 1994

Rhodoplanes elegans Hiraishi and Ueda 1994 Type strain=JCM 9224

IJSB, 44, 665-673, 1994


1991) Hiraishi and Ueda 1994 Type strain=DSM 5909

←Rhodopseudomonas rosea

IJSB, 44, 665-673, 1994

Rhodosprillum centenum Favinger, Stadtwald and Gest 1994

Type strain=ATCC 43720

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 55, 291-296, 1989

Validation list 48

Rhodovulum Hiraishi and Ueda 1994

Type species=Rhodovulum sulfidophilum

IJSB, 44, 15-23, 1994

Rhodovulum adriaticum (Neutzlingm Imhoff and Truper 1984) Hiraishi and Ueda 1994

Type strain=DSM 2781, ATCC 35885

←Rhodobacter adriaticus

IJSB, 44, 15-23, 1994

Rhodovulum euryhalinum (Kompantseva

1985) Hiraishi and Ueda 1994 Type strain=DSM 4868

←Rhodobacter euryhalinus

IJSB, 44, 15-23, 1994

Rhodovulum sulfidophilum (Hansen and Veldkamp 1973) Hiraishi and Ueda 1994

Type strain=DSM 1374, ATCC 35886

←Rhodobacter sulfidophilus

IJSB, 44, 15-23, 1994

Roseococcus Yorkov, Stackebrandt, Holmes, Fuerst, Hugenholtz, Golecki, Gad'on,

Gorlenko, Kompantseva and Drews 1994

Type species=Roseococcus thiosulfatophilus

IJSB, 44, 427-434, 1994

Roseococcus thiosulfatophilus Yorkov, Stackebrandt, Holmes, Fuerst, Hugenholtz,

Golecki, Gad'on, Gorlenko, Kompantseva

and Drews 1994

Type strain=DSM 8511 IJSB, 44, 427-434, 1994

Ruminococcus hansenii (Holdeman and Moore 1974) Ezaki, Li, Hashimoto, Miura and

Yamamoto 1994 Type strain=ATCC 27752 ←Streptococcus hansenii IJSB, 44, 130-136, 1994

Ruminococcus productus (Prevot 1941) Ezaki, Li, Hashimoto, Miura and Yamamoto 1994

Type strain=ATCC 27340

←Peptostreptococcus productus

IJSB, 44, 130-136, 1994

Sinorhizobium Chen, Yan and Li 1988 emend. De Lajudie, Willems, Pot, Dewettinck,

Maestrojuan, Neyra, Collins, Dreyfus, Kersters and Gillis 1994

Type species=Sinorhizobium fredii IJSB, 44, 715-733, 1994

Sinorhizobium meliloti (Dangeard 1926) De Lajudie, Willems, Pot, Dewettinck,

Maestrojuan, Neyra, Collins, Dreyfus, Kersters and Gillis 1994

Type strain=LMG 6133

←Rhizobium meliloti

IJSB, 44, 715-733, 1994

Sinorhizobium saheli De Lajudie, Willems, Pot, Dewettinck, Maestrojuan, Neyra, Collins,

Dreyfus, Kersters and Gillis 1994

Type strain=LMG 7837

IJSB, 44, 715-733, 1994

Sinorhizobium teranga De Lajudie, Willems, Pot, Dewettinck, Maestrojuan, Neyra,

Collins, Dreyfus, Kersters and Gillis 1994

Type strain=LMG 7854

IJSB, 44, 715-733, 1994


Staphylococcus vitulus Webster, Bannerman,

Hubner, Ballard, Cole, Bruce, Fiedler, Schubert and Kloos 1994

Type strain=ATCC 51145

IJSB, 44, 454-460, 1994

Streptococcus phocae Skaar, Gaustad, Tonjum, Holm and Stenwig 1994

Type strain=NCTC 12719

IJSB, 44, 646-650, 1994

Streptosporangium Couch 1955 emend. Stackebrandt, Kroppenstedt, Jahnke,

Kemmerling and Gurtler 1994

Type species=Streptosporangium roseum IJSB, 44, 265-269, 1994

Tetragenococcus Collins, Williams and Wallbanks 1994

Type species=Tetragenocuccus halophila

FEMS Microbiol. Lett., 70, 255-262, 1990 Validation list 49

Tetragenococcus halophila (Mees 1934) Collins, Williams and Wallbanks 1994

Type strain=ATCC 33315, NCDO 1635, DSM 20339

←Pediococcus halophilus

FEMS Microbiol. Lett., 70, 255-262, 1990 Validation list 49

Thermoanaerobacter kivui (Leigh and Wolfe 1983) Collins, Lawson, Willems, Cordoba,

Fernandez-Garayzabal, Garcia, Cai, Hippe

and Farrow 1994 Type strain=ATCC 33488 ←Acetogenium kivui IJSB, 44, 812-826, 1994

Thermoanaerobacter thermocopriae (Jin, Yamasato and Toda 1988) Collins, Lawson,

willems, Cordoba, Fernandez-Garayzabal,

Garcia, Cai, Hippe and Farrow 1994

Type strain=IAM 13577 ←Clostridium thermocopriae

IJSB, 44, 812-826, 1994

Thermoanaero bacterium

charolyticum (McClung 1936) Collins, Lawson, Willems, Cordoba,

Garayzabal, Garcia, Cai, Hippe and Farrow 1994

Type strain=ATCC 7956

←Clostridium thermosaccharolyticum

IJSB, 44, 812-826, 1994

Thermoanaerobium acetigenum Nielsen, Mathrani and Ahring 1994

Type strain=DSM 7040 Arch. Microbiol., 159, 460-464, 1993 Validation list 49

Thermodesulfovibrio Henry, Devereux, Maki, Gilmour, Woese, Mandelco, Schauder,

Remsen and Mitchell 1994

Type species=Thermodesulfovibrio yellowstonii

Arch. Microbiol., 161, 62-69, 1994 Validation list 50

Thermodesulfovibrio yellowstonii Henry, Devereux, Maki, Gilmour, Woese, Mandelco,

Schauder, Remsen and Mitchell 1994

Type strain=ATCC 51303 Arch. Microbiol., 161, 62-69, 1994 Validation list 50

Thermus scotoductus Kristjansson,

Hjorleifsdottir, Marteinsson and Alfredsson


Type strain=DSM 8553

Syst. Appl, Microbiol., 17, 44-50, 1994 Validation list 50

Turicella Funke, Stubbs, Altwegg, Carlotti and Collins 1994


IJSB, 44, 270-273, 1994

Turicella otitidis Funke, Stubbs, Altwegg, Carlotti and Collins 1994

Type strain=DSM 8821

IJSB, 44, 270-273, 1994

Weissella Collins, Samelis, Metaxopoulos and Wallbanks 1994

Type species=Weissella viridescens

J. Appl. Bacteriol., 75, 595-603, 1993 Validation list 49

Weissella confusa (Holzapfel and Kandler 1969) Collins, Samelis, Metaxopoulos and

Wallbanks 1994 Type strain=ATCC 10881 ←Lactobacillus confusus J. Appl. Bacteriol., 75, 595-603, 1993 Validation list 49

Weissella halotolerans (Kandler, Schillinger

and Weiss 1983) Collins, Samelis, opoulos and Wallbanks 1994

Type strain=ATCC 35410, DSM 20190 ←Lactobacillus halotolerans J. Appl. Bacteriol., 75, 595-603, 1993 Validation list 49

Weissella hellenica Collins, Samelis, opoulos and Wallbanks 1994

Type strain=NCFB 2973 J. Appl. Bacteriol., 75, 595-603, 1993 Validation list 49

Weissella kandleri (Holzapfel and van Wyk 1983) Collins, Samelis, Metaxopoulos and

Wallbanks 1994

Type strain=DSM 20593, ATCC 51149

←Lactobacillus kandleri

J. Appl. Bacteriol., 75, 595-603, 1993 Validation list 49

Weissella minor (Kandler, Schillinger and Weiss 1983) Collins, Samelis, Metaxopoulos

and Wallbanks 1994 Type strain=ATCC 35412, DSM 20014 ←Lactobacillus minor J. Appl. Bacteriol., 75, 595-603, 1993 Validation list 49

Weissella paramesenteroides (Garvie 1967) Collins, Samelis, Metaxopoulos and

Wallbanks 1994

Type strain=ATCC 33313, NCDO 803, DSM 20288 ←Leuconostoc paramesenteroides J. Appl. Bacteriol., 75, 595-603, 1993 Validation list 49

Weissella viridescens (Kandler and Abo-Elnaga

1966) Collins, Samelis, Metaxopoulos and Wallbanks 1994 Type strain=ATCC 12706, DSM 20410, NCDO 1655 ←Lactobacillus viridescens J. Appl. Bacteriol., 75, 595-603, 1993 Validation list 49

Zavarzinia Meyer, Stackebrandt and Auling 1994

Type species=Zavarzinia compransoris

Syst. Appl. Microbiol., 16, 390-395, 1993 Validation list 48

Zavarzinia compransoris Meyer, Stackebrandt

and Auling 1994

Type strain=DSM 1231

←"Pseudomonas compransoris"

Syst. Appl. Microbiol., 16, 390-395, 1993 Validation list 48


新 組 み合 せ に よ り細 菌 名 が 変 更 され た もの



Acetogenium kivui →Thermoanaerobacter kivui Actinoplanes caeruleus →Couchioplanes caeruleus "Alcaligenes carboxydus"

→Carbophilus carboxidus

Bacillus polymyxa

→Paenibacillus polymyxa

Bacteroides pneumosintes →Dialister pneumosintes Brevibacterium acetylicum →Exiguobacterium acetylicum Clostridium barkeri →Eubacterium barkeri Clostridium durum →Paenibacillus durum Clostridium fervidus →Caloramator fervidus Clostridium oxalicum →Oxalophagus oxalicus Clostridium pfennigii

→Oxobacter pfennigii

Clostridium thermoaceticum →Moorella thermoacetica Clostridium thermoautotrophicum →Moorella thermoautotrophica Clostridium thermocopriae →Thermoanaerobacter thermocopriae Clostridium thermosaccharolyticum →Thermoanaerobacterium charolyticum Clostridium villosum →Filifaetor villosus Desulfovibrio baculatus →Desulfomicrobium baculatus Flavobacterium balustinum →Chryseobacterium balustinum Flavobacterium breve →Empedobacter brevis Flavobacterium gleum →Chryseobacterium gleum Flavobacterium indologenes →Chryseobacterium indologenes Flavobacterium indoltheticum →Chryseobacterium indoltheticum Flavobacterium meningosepticum →Chryseobacterium meningosepticum Flavobacterium scophthalmum →Chryseobacterium scophthalmum Lactobacillus confusus →Weissella confusa Lactobacillus halotolerans →Wreissella halotolerans Lactobacillus kandleri →Weissella kandleri Lactobacillus minor →Weissella minor Lactobacillus viridescens →Weissella viridescens Leuconostoc paramesenteroides →Weissella paramesenteroides Methanolobus siciliae →Methanosarcina siciliae Nocardioides fastidiosa →Aeromicrobium fastidiosum Pediococcus halophilus →Tetragenococcus halophila Peptostreptococcus productus →Ruminococcus productus Propionibacterium innocuum →Propioniferax innocua "Pseudomonas carboxydovor ans" →Oligotropha carboxidovorans "Pseudomonas compransori s" →Zavarzinia compransoris Pseudomonas diminuta →Brevundimonas diminuta Pseudomonas glumae →Burkholderia glumae


Pseudomonas plantarii →Burkholderia plantarii Pseudomonas vesicularis →Brevundimonas vesicularis Rhizobium meliloti →Sinorhizobium meliloti Rhodobacter adriaticus →Rhodovulum adriaticum Rhodobacter euryhalinus →Rhodovulum euryhalinum Rhodobacter sulfidophilus →Rhodovulum sulfidophilum Rhodococcus aichiensis →Gordona aichiensis Rhodococcus amarae →Gordona amarae Rhodococcus chlorophenolicus →Mycobacterium chlorophenolicum Rhodococcus chlorophenolicus

→Mycobacterium chlorophenolicum

Rhodopseudomonas blastica →Rhodobacter blastica Rhodopseudomonas rosea →Rhodoplanes roseus "Rhodospirillum centenum" →Rhodocista centenaria Streptococcus hansenii →Ruminococcus hansenii Streptosporangium albidum →Kutzneria albida Streptosporangium viridogriseum →Kutzneria viridogrisea

Streptosporangium viridogriseum subsp. kofuense

→Kutzneria kofuensis Weeksella zoohelcum

→Bergeyella zoohelcum



金沢大学大学院 自然科学研 究科 Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University, Kakuma, Kanazawa 920-1192, Japan 金沢大学理学部地球学科 Department

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