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SungwonChoandMikhailSafonov HölderRegularityofSolutionstoSecond-OrderEllipticEquationsinNonsmoothDomains ResearchArticle


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Boundary Value Problems

Volume 2007, Article ID 57928,24pages doi:10.1155/2007/57928

Research Article

Hölder Regularity of Solutions to Second-Order Elliptic Equations in Nonsmooth Domains

Sungwon Cho and Mikhail Safonov

Received 16 March 2006; Revised 25 April 2006; Accepted 28 May 2006 Recommended by Ugo Pietro Gianazza

We establish the global H¨older estimates for solutions to second-order elliptic equations, which vanish on the boundary, while the right-hand side is allowed to be unbounded. For nondivergence elliptic equations in domains satisfying an exterior cone condition, similar results were obtained by J. H. Michael, who in turn relied on the barrier techniques due to K. Miller. Our approach is based on special growth lemmas, and it works for both divergence and nondivergence, elliptic and parabolic equations, in domains satisfying a general “exterior measure” condition.

Copyright © 2007 S. Cho and M. Safonov. This is an open access article distributed un- der the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distri- bution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

1. Introduction

In the theory of partial differential equations, it is important to have estimates of solu- tions, which do not depend on the smoothness of the given data. Such kind of estimates include different versions of the maximum principle, which are crucial for investigation of boundary value problems for second-order elliptic and parabolic equations. More del- icate properties of solutions, such as H¨older estimates and Harnack inequalities, are very essential for the building of general theory of nonlinear equations (see [1–6]).

In this paper, we establish the global H¨older regularity of solutions to the Dirichlet problem, or the first boundary value problem, for second-order elliptic equations. We deal with the Dirichlet problem

Lu=f inΩ,u=0 on∂Ω. (DP)

HereΩis a bounded open set inRn,n1, satisfying the following “exterior measure”

condition (A). This condition appeared in the books [4,5].


Definition 1.1. An open setΩRnsatisfies the condition (A) if there exists a constant θ0>0, such that for eachy∂Ωandr >0, the Lebesgue measure

Br(y)\Ωθ0Br, (A) whereBr(y) is the ball of radiusr >0, centered aty.

We deal simultaneously with the cases when the elliptic operatorLin (DP) is either in the divergence form:

Lu:= −(D,aDu)= −


Diai jDju, (D) or in the nondivergence form:

Lu:= −(aD,Du)= −


ai jDi ju, (ND)

whereDju:=∂u/∂xj,Di ju:=DiDju, anda=[ai j]=[ai j(x)] is a matrix function with real entries, which satisfies the uniform ellipticity condition

(aξ,ξ)ν|ξ|2 ξRn, a:=max

|ξ|≤1|| ≤ν1, (U) with a constantν(0, 1]. In (D), (ND), and throughout this paper,Dis a symbolic col- umn vector with componentsDi:=∂/∂xi, which helps to write explicit expressions forLu in a shorter form. Note that the conditions (U) are invariant with respect to rotations in Rn, andν=1, if and only ifL=Δ:=

iDii—the Laplace operator. Indeed, from (U) withν=1, it follows

|ξ|2(aξ,ξ)≤ || · |ξ| ≤ |ξ|2 ξRn; (1.1) hence|| ≡ |ξ|, (aξ,ξ)≡ |ξ|2, which is possible if and only ifa=I=the identity matrix, so thatL= −Δ. The notations (·,·) and| · |are explained at the end of this section.

For operatorsLin the divergence form (D), it has been proved by Littman et al. [7] that the boundary points ofΩare regular if and only if they are regular forL= −Δ. In particu- lar, isolated points cannot be regular in the divergence case (D). On the other hand, from the results by Gilbarg and Serrin in [8, Section 7], it follows that the functionsu(x) := |x|γ andγ=const(0, 1) satisfy the equationLu=0 inΩ:= {xRn: 0<|x|<1},n2, with some operatorsLin the nondivergence form (ND). For such operators, the bound- ary regularity of solutions to problem (DP) is usually investigated by the standard method of barrier functions. However, this method requires certain smoothness of the boundary

Ω. For domainsΩsatisfying an exterior cone condition, such barrier functions were constructed by Miller [9], and his construction was then widely used by many authors.

In particular, Michael [10,11] used Miller’s technique in his general Schauder-type exis- tence theory, which is based on the interior estimates only. One of the key elements in his theory is the following estimate for solutions to problem (DP):

supΩ dγ|u| ≤NF, whereF:=sup

Ω d2γ|f|, (M)


d=d(x) :=dist(x,∂Ω), and the constantsγ(0, 1) andN >0 depend only onn,ν, and the characteristics of exterior cones. Note that the function f is allowed to be unbounded nearΩ. At about the same time, Gilbarg and H¨ormander [12] also used Miller’s barriers in their theory of intermediate Schauder estimates. Once again, Schauder estimates in Lipschitz domains are treated there on the grounds of estimates similar to (M) (see [12, Lemma 7.1 ]). All these results deal with operatorsLin the nondivergence form (ND).

Our method is applied to general domains satisfying the “exterior measure” condition (A), and it works for both divergence and nondivergence equations. However, the natural functional spaces for solutions in these two cases are different. We use the same notation W(Ω) for classes of solutions, which are different in the case (D) or (ND), in order to treat these cases simultaneously. The classesW(Ω) are introduced inDefinition 2.1 at the beginning ofSection 2. In the rest ofSection 2, we discuss the three basic facts: (i) maximum principle (Lemma 2.2), (ii) pointwise estimate (Lemma 2.4), and (iii) growth lemma (Lemma 2.5). Growth lemmas originate from methods of Landis [13]. They were essentially used in the proof of the interior Harnack inequality for solutions to elliptic and parabolic equations in the non-divergence form (ND) (see [3,14,15]). One can also use growth lemmas for an alternative proof of Moser’s Harnack inequality in the divergence case (D); see [16,17].

InSection 3, we prove estimate (M) with 0< γ < γ11, whereγ1depends only on the dimensionn, the ellipticity constantνin (U), and the constantθ0>0 in the condition (A).

This estimate, together with the interior H¨older regularity of solutions implies the global estimates for solutions to problem (DP) in the H¨older spaceC0,γ(Ω), with an appropriate γ >0.

Remark 1.2. Estimate (M) means that from f =O(dγ2), 0< γ < γ11, it followsu= O(dγ) and in particular,u0 asd=d(x)0+. The assumption 0< γ <1 is essential even in the one-dimensional case:

u= f :=dγ2=

1− |x|γ2

inΩ=(1, 1), u(±1)=0. (1.2) Indeed, if γ0, then any solution to the equationu= f blows to + near∂Ω= {1,1}. Ifγ >1, then this problem has a unique solutionu, but estimate (M) cannot hold, because it implies the equalitiesu(±1)=0, conflicting the propertiesu(±1)=0 andu<

0 in (1, 1). Finally, in the caseγ=1, from (M) andu(±1)=0 it follows|u(±1)| ≤NF, whileu=d1implies thatu(±1) are unbounded. Therefore, the restrictions 0< γ <1 are necessary for validity of estimate (M). They are also sufficient for operatorsLin the form (ND) and the boundary∂Ωof classC2(see [10]). InTheorem 3.9, we extend this result to domainsΩsatisfying an exterior sphere condition. The proof of this theorem uses elementary comparison arguments only.

Basic notations. Rnis then-dimensional Euclidean space,n1, with pointsx=(x1,. . .,xn)t, wherexi are real numbers. Here the symbolt stands for the transposition of vectors, which indicates that vectors inRnare treated as column vectors. Forx=(x1,. . .,xn)tand y=(y1,. . .,yn)tinRn, the scalar product (x,y) :=

xiyi, the length ofxis|x|:=(x,x)1/2. For yRn,r >0, the ballBr(y) := {xRn:|xy|< r}.Du:=(D1u,. . .,Dnu)tRn, whereDi:=∂/∂xi.


Let Ω be an open set in Rn. For 1p≤ ∞ and k=0, 1,. . .,Wk,p(Ω) denotes the Sobolev space of functions, which belongs to the Lebesgue spaceLp(Ω) together with all its derivatives of orderk. The norm of functionsuWk,p(Ω) is defined asuWk,p(Ω):=

|l|≤kDlup,Ω, where summation is taken over all multi-indices (vectors with nonneg- ative integer components)l=(l1,. . .,ln) of order|l|:=l1+···+ln. In this expression, Dlu:=Dl11···Dnlnu, andfp,Ωis the norm of f inLp(Ω), that is,


Ω|f|pdx for 1p <; f,Ω:=ess sup

Ω |f|. (1.3) Furthermore,Wlock,p(Ω) denotes the class of functions which belong toWk,p) for arbi- trary open subsetsΩΩΩ.

Γ is the boundary of a setΓin Rn,Γ:=ΓΓis the closure ofΓ, and diamΓ:= sup{|xy|:x,yΓ}—the diameter of Γ. Moreover,|Γ|:= |Γ|n is the n-dimensional Lebesgue measure of a measurable setΓinRn.c+:=max(c, 0),c:=max(c, 0), wherec is a real number. “A:=B” or “B=:A” is the definition ofAby means of the expressionB.

N=N(···) denotes a constant depending only on the prescribed quantities, such asn,ν, and so forth, which are specified in the parentheses. ConstantsN in different expressions may be different. For convenience of cross-references, we assign indices to some of them.

2. Auxiliary statements

LetΩbe a bounded open set inRn, and letLbe an elliptic operator in the form (D) or (ND) with coefficientsai j=ai j(x) satisfying the uniform ellipticity condition (U) with a constantν(0, 1]. Using the notation for Sobolev spacesWk,p(Ω), we introduce the class of functionsW(Ω), which depends on the case (D) or (ND).

Definition 2.1. (i) In the divergence case (D),W(Ω) :=Wloc1,2(Ω)C(Ω). Functionsu W(Ω) and f L2loc(Ω) satisfyLu:= −(D,aDu)(,=)f inΩ(in a weak sense) if


Ωφ f dx for any functionφC0(Ω),φ0. (2.1) IfLu= f, then (2.1) holds for all functionsφC0(Ω) (φcan change sign).

(ii) In the non-divergence case (ND),W(Ω) :=Wloc2,n(Ω)C(Ω). ForuW(Ω) and measurable functions f onΩ, the relationsLu:= −(aD,Du)(,=)f inΩ(in a strong sense) are understood almost everywhere (a.e.) inΩ.

By approximation, the property (2.1) is easily extended to nonnegative functionsφ W1,2(Ω) with compact support inΩ. IfuW1,2(Ω)C(Ω), then (2.1) holds true for φW01,2(Ω)—the closure ofC0(Ω) inW1,2(Ω).

Lemma 2.2 (maximum principle). Letube a function in W(Ω) satisfyingLu0 inΩ.


supΩ u=sup

∂Ω u. (2.2)


This is a well-known classical result. It is contained, for example, in [2, Theorem 8.1 (case (D)) and Theorem 9.1 (case (ND))]. Since our assumptions in the case (D) are slightly different from those in [2], we give a sketch of the proof.

Proof (in the case (D)). Suppose the equality (2.2) fails, that is, the left-hand side in (2.2) is strictly larger than the right-hand side. Replacingubyuconst, we can assume that the setΩ:=Ω∩ {u >0}is not empty, andu <0 on∂Ω. Then automaticallyu=0 on

Ω. Approximatingu+:=max(u, 0) inW1,2(Ω) by functionsφC0(Ω), one can see that the inequality (2.1) holds withφ=u+and f =0. This yields



Ω(Du,aDu)dx0. (2.3)

HenceDu=0 and u=const on each open connected component of Ω. Sinceu=0 on∂Ω, we must haveu0 inΩ, in contradiction to our assumptionΩ:=Ω∩ {u >

0} = ∅.

Applying this lemma to the functionuv, we immediately get the following.

Corollary 2.3 (comparison principle). Ifu,vW(Ω) satisfyLuLvinΩ, anduvon

Ω, thenuvinΩ.

Lemma 2.4 (pointwise estimate). (i) For an arbitrary elliptic operatorL(in the form (D) or (ND)) with coefficientsai jwhich are defined on a ballBR:=BR(x0)Rnand satisfy (U) with a constantν(0, 1], there exists a functionwW(BR) such that

0wN0R2, Lw1 inBR; w=0 on∂BR, (2.4) where the constantN0=N0(n,ν).

(ii) Moreover, for an arbitrary open setΩBRand an arbitrary functionuW(Ω), supΩ usup


Ω (Lu)+. (2.5)

Proof. (i) By rescalingxR1x, we reduce the proof to the caseR=1.

In the divergence case (D), consider the Dirichlet problem

Lw:= −(D,aDw)=1 inB1; w=0 on∂B1. (2.6) It is known (see [2, Theorems 8.3 and 8.16]) that there exists a unique solution w to this problem, which belongs toW1,2(B1)C(B1)W(B1) and satisfies 0wN0= N0(n,ν) onB1. This functionwsatisfies all the properties (2.4) (withR=1).

In the nondivergence case (ND), we takew(x) :=(2nν)1·(1−|xx0|2). Since tra:=

iaiinν, we have

Lw:= −(aD,Dw)=(nν)1·tra1 inB1,w=0 on∂B1, (2.7) so that (2.4) holds withN0:=supw=(2nν)1.


(ii) We will compareu=u(x) with the function v=v(x) :=sup

∂Ω u+ sup

Ω (Lu)+·w(x). (2.8)

We have


Ω (Lu)+Lv inΩ, usup

∂Ω uv on∂Ω. (2.9)

By the comparison principle,uvinΩ. SincewN0R2, the inequality (2.5) follows.

Lemma 2.5 (growth lemma). Letx0Rnand letr >0 be such that the Lebesgue measure Br\ΩθBr, θ >0, (2.10) whereBr:=Br(x0). Then for any functionuW(Ω), satisfyingu >0,Lu0 inΩ, and u=0 on (∂Ω)B4r,







u, (2.11)

whereβ=β(n,ν,θ)(0, 1). Assume thatuis extended asu0 onB4r\Ω, so that both sides of (2.11) are always well defined.

The last equality in (2.11) is a consequence of the maximum principle.

In the divergence case (D),Lemma 2.5(in equivalent formulations) is contained in [13, Chapter 2, Lemma 3.5], or in [17, formula (39)]. In the nondivergence case (ND), this follows from [15, Corollary 2.1]. In dealing with these references, or more generally, with different versions of growth lemmas, one can always impose the additional simpli- fying assumptions.

Assumptions 2.6. (i) The functionuis defined on the whole ballB4rin such a way that uWB4r

, Lu0 inB4r, (2.12)

andΩ:=B4r∩ {u >0}satisfies

Br\Ω=Br∩ {u0}> θBr, θ >0. (2.13) (ii) All the functionsai jandubelong toC(B4r).

Here we show that if the previous lemma is true under these additional assumptions, then it holds true in its original form. We proceed in two steps accordingly to parts (i), extension ofufromΩB4rtoB4r, and (ii), approximation ofai janduby smooth func- tions.

(i) Extension toB4r. Fixε >0 and choose a functionGC(R1) (depending onε) such that

G,G,G0 onR1, G0 on (−∞,ε], G1 on [2ε,). (2.14)


Further, define

uε:=G(u) inΩB4r, uε0 onB4r\Ω. (2.15) From the above properties of the functionGit follows

(u2ε)+uε(uε)+ inΩ. (2.16) Sinceu=0 on the set (∂Ω)B4r, the functionuεvanishes near this set. Hence in both cases (D) and (ND), we haveuεW(B4r) anduε0 inB4r. Moreover, we claim that Luε0 inB4r. In the non-divergence case (ND), this follows immediately fromLuε0 onB4r\Ωand

Luε=LG(u)=G(u)·LuG(u)·(Du,aDu)0 inΩ. (2.17) In the divergence case (D), the inequalityLuε0 is understood in a weak sense (2.1).

Letφbe an arbitrary nonnegative function inC0(B4r). Then the functionφ0:=φ·G(u) is also non-negative, belongs toW21(Ω), and has compact support inΩB4r. By approx- imation, we can putφ0in place ofφin the inequality (2.1) corresponding toLu0 inΩ, that is,

0,aDudx0. (2.18)

Having in mind thatDuε=DG(u)=G(u)Du(see [2, Section 7.4]), and

0=DφG(u)=G(u)Dφ+φG(u)Du, (2.19) we obtain

Dφ,aDuε dx=


= 0,aDudx



Since this is true for anyφC0(B4r),φ0, it followsLuε:= −(D,aDuε)0 inB4r(in a weak sense).

Now suppose thatLemma 2.5is true under additional Assumptions 2.6(i). For any smallε >0, we can apply this weaker formulation to the function uε:=G(u) inΩε:= {uε>0} ∩B4r. We know thatuεW(B4r) andLuε0 inB4r. Moreover, estimate (2.10) forΩimplies a bit stronger estimate (2.13) forΩεΩ. In addition, obviouslyuε=0 on (∂Ωε)B4r. Hence the functionsuεsatisfy estimate (2.11) with the sameβ=β(n,ν,θ) (0, 1). By virtue of (2.16),uεuasε0+, uniformly onΩ, and we get estimate (2.11) under the original assumptions inLemma 2.5.

(ii) Approximation by smooth functions. The additionalAssumptions 2.6(i) help in ap- proximation ofai j anduby smooth functions. Note that since both sides of (2.13) are continuous with respect tor, we also have

{u0} ∩Bρ> θBρ (2.21)


for allρ < rwhich are close enough tor. Fix suchρ < rand approximateai jby convolu- tionsa(ε)i j , 0< ε < ε0:=rρ >0, which are defined in a standard way:

f(ε)(x) :=

ηεf(x) :=

ηε(xy)f(y)d y=

f(xy)ηε(y)d y. (2.22) Hereηεare fixed functions satisfying the properties

ηεC(Rn), ηε0 inRn, ηε(x)0 for|x| ≥ε,

ηεdx=1. (2.23) Thena(ε)i j C(B) and the matricesa(ε):=[a(ε)i j ] satisfy the uniform ellipticity condi- tion (U) with the same constantν. Further, we consider the cases (D) and (ND) separately.

Divergence case (D). Denoter0:=4ρ+ε0<4r. FromuW(B4r) :=Wloc1,2(B4r)C(B4r) it followsuW1,2(Br0)C(Br0) andaDuL2(Br0). Hence the functions

fε:= −

D, (aDu)(ε)CB, 0< ε < ε0. (2.24) Without loss of generality, assumex0=0. Then for fixedxB=B(0) and 0< ε < ε0, the functionφ(y) :=ηε(xy) is non-negative, belongs toC, and has compact support inBr0. SinceLu:= −(D,aDu)0 inBr0, andDφ(y)= −ε(xy), we have

fε(x) := −

D, ηε(xy),aDu(y)d y = Dφ(y),aDu(y)d y0 (2.25) forxBand 0< ε < ε0. In terms of Schwartz distributions, this property simply means thatLu0 implies fε=(Lu)(ε)0.

Next, consider the Dirichlet problem Lεuε:= −


=fε inB, uε=u(ε) on∂B, (2.26) where 0< ε < ε0. Herea(ε), fε, andu(ε) belong toC(B), so that this problem has a unique classical solutionuε, which belongs to C(B) (see, e.g., [2, Theorem 6.19]).

Then the functions

vε:=uεu(ε), gε:=(aDu)(ε)a(ε)Du(ε)CB

, (2.27)

andvε=0 on∂B. Integrating by parts over the ballB, and then applying the Cauchy- Schwartz inequality, we derive

Dvε,a(ε)Duε dx=


vεfεdx= Dvε, (aDu)(ε)dx, ν Dvε2dx Dvε,a(ε)Dvεdx= Dvε,a(ε)Duεa(ε)Du(ε)dx

= Dvε,gε


2 Dvε2dx+ 1 2ν




It follows|Dvε|2dxν2|gε|2dx, and then by the Poincar´e inequality, vε2dxN(n,ν,ρ)·

gε2dx, 0< ε < ε0. (2.29) Further, we will use the property of convolution: for any open setΩRn, and any bounded open subsetΩΩΩ, we have

h(ε)−→h inLp) asε−→0+, ifhLp(Ω), 1p <; h(ε)−→h a.e. inΩasε−→0+, ifhLp(Ω), 1p≤ ∞;

h(ε)−→h inL) asε−→0+, ifhC(Ω).


In our caseΩ:=BΩ:=Br0. We writegε=g1,ε+g2,ε+g3,ε, where

g1,ε:=(aDu)(ε)aDu, g2,ε:=aDua(ε)Du, g3,ε:=a(ε)Dua(ε)Du(ε). (2.31) FromaL(Br0) and Du,aDuL2(Br0), it follows g1,ε0 in L2(B). We also have a(ε)a a.e. in B, and by the dominated convergence theorem,g2,ε0 in L2(B).

Finally, since all the matricesa(ε) satisfy (U) with same constantν, the norm ofg3,ε in L2(B),

g3,ε2a(ε)·DuDu(ε)2ν1·Du(Du)(ε)2−→0; (2.32) therefore,

gε2g1,ε2+g2,ε2+g3,ε2−→0 asε−→0+. (2.33) By virtue of (2.29),vε20 asε0+. Furthermore, sinceuC(Br0), the convolutions u(ε)uuniformly onB, which implies convergence inL2(B). Summarizing the above arguments, we obtain

uε=vε+u(ε)−→u inL2B

asε−→0+. (2.34)

Fix a small constanth >0, and note that

uεu > h onSε,h,ρ:= {uε> h,u0} ∩Bρ. (2.35) By virtue of (2.34), the measure





uεu2dx−→0 asε−→0+. (2.36)

Now from{uεh} ∩Bρ({u0} ∩Bρ)\Sε,h,ρand (2.21), it follows

uεhBρ{u0} ∩BρSε,h,ρ> θBρ, (2.37) providedε >0 is small enough.


Now suppose thatLemma 2.5 is true for smoothai j andu. We can apply it to the functionuεhwhich satisfiesLε(uεh)= fε0 inB. ByLemma 2.2, the maximum ofuεonBis attained on the boundary∂B, so that for smallε >0,





uεh< β·sup






u(ε). (2.38) Further, sinceuis continuous onBρ, we have



u < u+h on an open nonempty setOBρ. (2.39) From the convergenceuεuinL2(B), it follows the convergence inL1(O). Using also (2.38) and the uniform convergenceu(ε)uonB, we obtain



u < 1








=2h+ lim









Lettingh0+and thenρr, we arrive at the estimate sup




u (2.41)

which is equivalent to (2.11) (under additionalAssumptions 2.6(i)). Thus we have re- ducedLemma 2.5for divergence operators (D) to the smooth case.

Nondivergence case (ND). We will partially follow the previous arguments, with obvi- ous simplification. Now fromuW(Br) :=Wloc2,n(Br)C(Br), it followsuW2,n(Br0) C(Br0), wherer0:=4ρ+ε0< r. Then f :=Lu:=(aD,Du)Ln(B), and from f 0 in Br0, it follows f(ε)0 inB, for 0< εε0. For suchε, the Dirichlet problem

Lεuε:= −

a(ε)D,Duε= f(ε) inB, uε=u(ε) on∂B, (2.42) has a unique classical solutionuεwhich belongs toC(B). ThenuεuW2,n(B) C(B), and

gε:=Lεuεu−→0 inLnBasε−→0+, (2.43) becausegε=g1,ε+g2,ε, where

g1,ε=LεuεLu=f(ε)f −→0, g2,ε=LuLεu=


(2.44) In addition,uεu=u(ε)u0 uniformly on∂B. By the Aleksandrov-type estimate (see, [2, Theorem 9.1]),






n,B−→0 asε−→0+. (2.45)


Now for fixedh >0, we have|uεu| ≤honBfor smallε >0, and from estimate (2.21), it follows (2.37), which in turn yields (2.38). The desired estimate is obtained from (2.38) by takingε0+, thenδ0+, and finally,ρr.

Therefore, inLemma 2.5 (and other similar statements) we can always impose the additionalAssumptions 2.6.

Remark 2.7. In a simple caseL:= −Δ,Lemma 2.5follows immediately from the mean value theorem for subharmonic functions. Indeed, in this caseuis positive subharmonic function inΩ, which vanishes on (∂Ω)B4r. By definingu0 on B4r\Ω, we get a nonnegative subharmonic functionuinB4r. For arbitraryyBr=Br(x0), we haveBr B2r(y)B3r, and by the mean value theorem,

u(y) 1 B2r

B2r(y)u dx= 1 B2r

ΩB2r(y)u dxΩB2r(y) B2r sup


u. (2.46) Condition (2.10) implies

B2r(y)\ΩBr\ΩθBr=2nθ·B2r, ΩB2r(y)=B2rB2r(y)\Ω


(2.47) and estimate (2.11) holds true withβ:=12nθ(0, 1).

Remark 2.8. Consider another special case, when the operatorLis in the nondivergence form (ND), and instead of (2.10), we have a stronger assumption



\Ωcontains a ballBθ1r(z), θ1=const(0, 1). (2.48) In this case,Lemma 2.5can be proved by the elementary comparison argument. For the proof of this weaker version of this lemma, we can assumer=1 andz=0. The general case is obtained from here by a linear transformation. Note that

L|x|m := −



tra(m+ 2)(ax,x)


· |x|m2

m1(m+ 2)ν· |x|m20 forx=0,


provided the constantm=m(n,ν)>0 is large enough; for example, one can takem:= 2. Fix such a constantmand compareuwith

v(x) :=θ1m− |x|m

θ1m3m M, whereM:=sup

Ω u >0, (2.50) on the setΩ:=ΩB3(0). We haveL(uv)0 inΩ, and

u=0v on (∂Ω)B3(0), uM=v on∂B3(0)Ω, (2.51) that is,uvonΩ. By the comparison principle,uvinΩ. Having in mind that





, (2.52)


we finally derive estimate (2.11):


u sup


vβ·Mβ· sup


u, whereβ:=θ1m2m

θ1m3m (0, 1). (2.53) 3. Main results

Throughout this section,Ωis a bounded domain inRnsatisfying the “exterior measure”

condition (A) inDefinition 1.1with a constantθ0>0, andLis a second-order elliptic op- erator in the divergence (D) or nondivergence (ND) form with coefficientsai j satisfying the uniform ellipticity condition (U) with a constantν(0, 1]. We applyLto functions in the classesW(Ω) described inDefinition 2.1. ForxΩ, we setd=d(x) :=dist(x,∂Ω).

Here we prove estimate (M) for solutions to the Dirichlet problem (DP) inΩ. This statement is contained inTheorem 3.5andCorollary 3.6, which are preceded with a few more technical results. Estimate (M) is true with γ(0,γ0), where the constant γ0 (0, 1] depends only onn,ν, andθ0>0.Theorem 3.9is devoted to a special case, when the operator Lis in the nondivergence form (ND), andΩsatisfies the exterior sphere condition inDefinition 3.8; in this case this estimate (M) holds true withγ0=1. Finally, this estimate together with Lemmas2.4 and2.5 imply the global H¨older regularity of solutions to problem (DP), which is contained inTheorem 3.10.

Lemma 3.1. Letω(ρ) be a nonnegative, nondecreasing function on an interval (0,ρ0], such that

ω(ρ)qαω(qρ) ρ 0,q1ρ0

, (3.1)

with some constantsq >1 andα >0. Then ω(ρ)



ω(ρ0) ρ 0,ρ0

. (3.2)

Proof. For an arbitraryρ(0,ρ0], we haveqj1ρ0< ρqjρ0for some integer j0.

From these inequalities it follows qj< qρ/ρ0 andqjρρ0. Iterating (3.1) and using monotonicity ofω, we obtain

ω(ρ)qαω(qρ)qωq2ρ≤ ··· ≤qωqjρ




. (3.3) Lemma 3.2. LetyΩ,r0=const>0, an open subsetΩΩ, and letuW(Ω) be such that

u >0, Lu0 inΩBr0(y); u=0 on (∂Ω)Br0(y). (3.4) Setu0 onΩ\Ω. Then

ωy(ρ) := sup






ρ 0,r0

, (3.5)



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