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Reaction-Diffusion in Nonsmooth and Closed Domains


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Volume 2007, Article ID 31261,28pages doi:10.1155/2007/31261

Research Article

Reaction-Diffusion in Nonsmooth and Closed Domains

Ugur G. Abdulla

Received 31 May 2006; Revised 6 September 2006; Accepted 21 September 2006 Recommended by Vincenzo Vespri

We investigate the Dirichlet problem for the parabolic equationut=Δumbuβ,m >0, β >0,bR, in a nonsmooth and closed domainΩRN+1,N2, possibly formed with irregular surfaces and having a characteristic vertex point. Existence, boundary reg- ularity, uniqueness, and comparison results are established. The main objective of the paper is to express the criteria for the well-posedness in terms of the local modulus of lower semicontinuity of the boundary manifold. The two key problems in that context are the boundary regularity of the weak solution and the question whether any weak so- lution is at the same time a viscosity solution.

Copyright © 2007 Ugur G. Abdulla. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

1. Introduction Consider the equation

ut=Δumbuβ, (1.1)

whereu=u(x,t),x=(x1,. . .,xN)RN,N2,tR+=N

i=12/∂x2i,m >0,β >0,b R. Equation (1.1) is usually called a reaction-diffusion equation. It is a simple model for various physical, chemical, and biological problems involving diffusion with a source (b <

0) or absorption (b >0) of energy (see [1]). In this paper, we study the Dirichlet problem (DP) for (1.1) in a general domainΩRN+1with∂Ωbeing a closedN-dimensional manifold. It can be stated as follows: given any continuous function on the boundary∂Ω ofΩ, to find a continuous extension of this function to the closure ofΩwhich satisfies (1.1) inΩ. The main objective of the paper is to express the criteria for the well-posedness in terms of the local modulus of lower semicontinuity of the boundary manifold.


LetΩbe bounded open subset ofRN+1,N2, lying in the strip 0< t < T,T(0,).



(x,t)Ω:t=τ (1.2)

and assume thatΩ(t)= ∅fort(0,T), butΩ(0)= ∅,Ω(T)= ∅. Moreover, assume that∂Ω∩ {t=0}and∂Ω∩ {t=T}are single points. This situation arises in applications when a nonlinear reaction-difusion process is going on in a time-dependent region which originates from a point source and shrinks back to a single point at the end of the time interval. We will use the standard notation:z=(x,t)=(x1,. . .,xN,t)RN+1,N2,x= (x1,x)RN,x=(x2,. . .,xN)RN1,|x|2=N


i=2|xi|2. For a pointz= (x,t)RN+1we denote byB(z;δ) an open ball inRN+1of radiusδ >0 and with center being inz.

Assume that for arbitrary pointz0=(x0,t0)Ωwith 0< t0< Tthere existsδ >0 and a continuous functionφsuch that, after a suitable rotation ofx-axes, we have



signx1φ(x,t)=1 forzBz0,δΩ. (1.3) Concerning the vertex boundary pointz0=(x01,x0,T)∂Ωassume that there exists δ >0 and a continuous functionφsuch that, after a suitable rotation ofx-axes, we have

Ω∩ {Tδ < t < T} ⊂

z:x1> φ(x,t), (x,t)R(δ), (1.4) where


z:x1=0,Tδ < t < T, ∂R(δ)∩ {t=T} =

0,x0,T, x01=φx0,T. (1.5) The simplest example of the domainΩsatisfying imposed conditions is a space-time ball inRN+1lying in the strip 0< t < T. In general, the structure of∂Ωnear the vertex point may be very complicated. For example,Ωmay be a unification of infinitely many conical hypersurfaces with common vertex point on the top ofΩ.

The restriction (1.4) on the vertex boundary point is not a technical one and is dic- tated by the nature of the diffusion process. Basically, the regularity of the vertex bound- ary point does not depend on the smoothness of the boundary manifold, but significantly depends on its “flatness” with respect to the characteristic hyperplanet=T. In fact, for the regularity of the vertex point the boundary manifold should not be too flat in at least one space direction. Otherwise speaking, “nonthinness” of the exterior set near the vertex point and below the hyperplanet=T defines the regularity of the top boundary point. The main novelty of this paper is to characterize the critical “flatness” or “thin- ness” through one-side H¨older condition on the functionφfrom (1.4). The techniques developed in earlier papers [2,3] are not applicable to present situation. Surprisingly, the critical H¨older exponent is 1/2, which is dictated by the second-order parabolicity, but not by the nonlinearities. Another important novelty of this paper is that the uniqueness of weak solutions to nonlinear degenerate and singular parabolic problem is expressed


in terms of similar local “flatness” of the boundary manifold with respect to the char- acteristic hyperplanes. The developed techniques are applicable to general second-order nonlinear degenerate and singular parabolic problems.

We make now precise meaning of the solution to DP. Letψbe an arbitrary continu- ous nonnegative function defined on∂Ω. DP consists in finding a solution to (1.1) inΩ satisfying initial-boundary condition

u=ψ on∂Ω. (1.6)

Obviously, in view of degeneration of the (1.1) and/or non-Lipschitzness of the reaction term we cannot expect the considered problem to have a classical solution near the points (x,t), whereu=0. Before giving the definition of weak solution, let us remind the def- inition of the class of domainsᏰt1,t2 introduced in [2]. LetΩ1 be a bounded subset of RN+1,N2. Let the boundary∂Ω1 of Ω1 consist of the closure of a domain1 ly- ing ont=t1, a domainDΩ1lying ont=t2and a (not necessarily connected) manifold 1lying in the stript1< tt2. Assume thatΩ1(t)= ∅fort[t1,t2] and for all points z0=(x0,t0)1(orz0=(x0, 0)1) there existsδ >0 and a continuous functionφ such that, after a suitable rotation ofx-axes, the representation (1.3) is valid. Following the notation of [2], the class of domainsΩ1with described structure is denoted asᏰt1,t2. The setᏼΩ1=11is called a parabolic boundary ofΩ1.

Obviously Ω∩ {z:t0< t < t1} ∈t0,t1 for arbitrary t0,t1 satisfying 0< t0< t1< T.

However, note thatΩ0,T, sinceΩconsists of, possibly characteristic, single points att=0 andt=T. We will follow the following notion of weak solutions (super- or sub- solutions).

Definition 1.1. The functionu(x,t) is said to be a solution (resp., super- or subsolution) of DP (1.1), (1.6), if

(a)uis nonnegative and continuous inΩ, locally H¨older continuous inΩ, satisfying (1.6) (resp., satisfying (1.6) with=replaced byor),

(b) for anyt0,t1such that 0< t0< t1< Tand for any domainΩ1t0,t1such that Ω1Ωand∂BΩ1,∂DΩ1,1being sufficiently smooth manifolds, the following integral identity holds:


u f dx=


u f dx+


u ft+umΔ fbuβfdx dt


um∂ f

∂νdx dt, (1.7) (resp., (1.7) holds with=replaced byor), wheref Cx,t2,11) is an arbitrary function (resp., nonnegative function) that equals to zero on1 andνis the outward-directed normal vector toΩ1(t) at (x,t)1.

Concerning the theory of the boundary value problems in smooth cylindrical domains and interior regularity results for general second-order nonlinear degenerate and singular parabolic equations, we refer to [4–6] and to the review article [1]. The well-posedness of the DP to nonlinear diffusion equation ((1.1) withb=0,m=1) in a domainΩ0,T


is accomplished in [2, 3]. Existence and boundary regularity result for the reaction- diffusion (1.1) in a domainΩ0,T is proved in [7]. For the precise result concerning the solvability of the classical DP for the heat/diffusion equation we refer to [8]. Neces- sary and sufficient condition for the regularity of a characteristic top boundary point of an arbitrary open subset ofRN+1for the classical heat equation is proved in [9,10]. In- vestigation of the DP for (1.1) in a domain possibly with a characteristic vertex point, in particular, is motivated by the problem about the structure of interface near the possible extinction timeT0=inf(τ:u(x,t)=0 fortτ). If we consider the Cauchy problem for (1.1) withb >0 and 0< β <min(1;m) and with compactly supported initial data, then the solution is compactly supported for allt >0 and from the comparison principle it fol- lows thatT0<. In order to find the structure and asymptotics of interface neart=T0, it is important at the first stage to develop the general theory of boundary value problems in non cylindrical domain with boundary surface which has the same kind of behavior as the interface near extinction time. In many cases this may be a characteristic single point.

It should be mentioned that in the one-dimensional case Dirichlet and Cauchy-Dirichlet problems for the reaction-diffusion equations in irregular domains were studied in pa- pers by the author [11,12]. Primarily applying this theory a complete description of the evolution of interfaces were presented in other papers [13,14].

Furthermore, we assume that 0< T <+ifb0 orb <0 and 0< β1, andT (0,T) ifb <0 andβ >1, whereT=M1β/(b(1β)) andM >supψ. In fact,Tis a lower bound for the possible blow-up time.

Our general strategy for the existence result coincides with the classical strategy for the DP to Laplace equation [15]. As pointed out by Lebesgue and independently by Wiener,

“the Dirichlet problem divides itself into two parts, the first of which is the determination of a harmonic function corresponding to certain boundary conditions, while the second is the investigation of the behavior of this function in the neighborhood of the bound- ary.” By using an approximation of bothΩandψ, as well as regularization of (1.1), we also construct a solution to (1.1) as a limit of a sequence of classical solutions of regular- ized equation in smooth domains. We then prove a boundary regularity by using barriers and a limiting process. In particular, we prove the regularity of the vertex point under AssumptionᏭ(seeSection 2). Geometrically it means that locally below the vertex point our domain is situated on one side of theN-dimensional exterior touching surface, which is slightly “less flat” than paraboloid with axes int-direction and with the same vertex point. Otherwise speaking, at the vertex point the functionφfrom (1.4) should satisfy one-side H¨older condition with critical value of the H¨older exponent being 1/2. In the case when the constructed solution is positive inΩ(accordingly, it is a classical one), from the classical maximum principle it follows that the solution is unique (see Corollaries2.3 and2.4inSection 2). The next question which we clear in this paper is whether arbitrary weak solution is unique. We are interested in cases when weak solution may vanish inΩ, having one or several interfaces. Mostly, solution is nonsmooth near the interfaces and classical maximum principle is not applicable. Accordingly, we prove the uniqueness of the weak solution (Theorem 2.6,Section 2) assuming that eitherm >0, 0< β <1,b >0 orm >1,β1, andbis arbitrary. Our strategy for the uniqueness result is very similar to the one which applies to the existence result. Given arbitrary two weak solutions, the


proof of uniqueness divides itself into two parts, the first of which is the determination of a limit solution whose integral difference from both given solutions may be estimated via boundary gradient bound of the solution to the linearized adjoint problem, while the second part is the investigation of the gradient of the solution to the linearized adjoint problem in the neigborhood of the boundary. In fact, the second step is of local nature and related auxiliary question is the following one: what is the minimal restriction on the lateral boundary manifold in order to get boundary gradient boundedness for the solution to the second-order linear parabolic equation? We introduce in the next section Assumptionᏹ, which imposes pointwise geometric restriction to the boundary man- ifold Ωin a small neigborhood of its pointz0=(x0,t0), 0< t0< T, which is situated upper the hyperplanet=t0. Assumptionᏹplays a crucial role within the second step of the uniqueness proof, allowing us to prove boundary gradient estimate for the solu- tion to the linearized adjoint problem, which is a backward-parabolic one. At this point it should be mentioned that one can “avoid” the consideration of the uniqueness question by adapting the well-known notion of viscosity solution to the case of (1.1). For exam- ple, in the paper [16] this approach is applied to the DP for the porous-medium kind equations in smooth and cylindrical domain and under the zero boundary condition. In the mentioned paper [16] the notion of admissible solution, which is the adaptation of the notion of viscosity solution, was introduced. Roughly speaking, admissible solutions are solutions which satisfy a comparison principle. Accordingly, admissible solution of the DP will be unique in view of its definition. By using a simple analysis one can show that the limit solution of the DP (1.1), (1.6) which we construct in this paper is an ad- missible solution. However, this does not solve the problem about the uniqueness of the weak solution to DP. The question must be whether every weak solution in the sense of Definition 1.1is an admissible solution. It is not possible to answer this question staying in the “admissible framework” and one should take as a starting point the integral iden- tity (1.7). In fact, the uniquenessTheorem 2.6addresses exactly this question and one can express its proof as follows: if there are two weak solutions of the DP, then we can construct a limit solution (or admissible solution) which coincides with both of them, provided that Assumptionᏹis satisfied as it is required inTheorem 2.6. Under the same conditions we prove also a comparison theorem (seeTheorem 2.7.Section 2), as well as continuous dependence on the boundary data (seeCorollary 2.8,Section 2).

Although we consider in this paper the caseN2, analogous results may be proved (with simplification of proofs) for the case N=1 as well. Since the uniqueness and comparison results of this paper significantly improve the one-dimensional results from [11,12], we describe the one-dimensional results separately inSection 3. We prove The- orems2.2,2.6, and2.7in Sections4–6, respectively.

2. Statement of main results

Letz0=(x0,t0)∂Ωbe a given boundary point witht0>0. Ift0< T, then for an arbitrary sufficiently smallδ >0 consider a domain


(x,t) :xx0<δ+tt0


,t0δ < t < t0

. (2.1)


Definition 2.1. Let


φ(x,t) : (x,t)P(δ) ift0< T,

ω(δ)=maxφx0,Tφ(x,t) : (x,t)R(δ) ift0=T. (2.2) For sufficiently smallδ >0 these functions are well-defined and converge to zero as δ0.

AssumptionᏭ. There exists a functionF(δ) which is defined for all positive sufficiently smallδ;Fis positive withF(δ)0+ asδ0 and

ω(δ)δ1/2F(δ). (2.3)

It is proved in [2] that AssumptionᏭis sufficient for the regularity of the boundary pointz0=(x0,t0)Ωwith 0< t0< T. Namely, the constructed limit solution takes the boundary valueψ(z0) at the pointz=z0continuously inΩ. We prove inSection 4that AssumptionᏭis sufficient for the regularity of the vertex boundary point. Thus our existence theorem reads.

Theorem 2.2. DP (1.1), (1.6) is solvable in a domainΩwhich satisfies Assumptionat every pointz0Ωwitht0>0.

The following corollary is an easy consequence ofTheorem 2.2.

Corollary 2.3. If the constructed solutionu=u(x,t) to DP (1.1), (1.6) is positive inΩ, then under the conditions ofTheorem 2.2,uC(Ω)C(Ω) and it is a unique classical solution.

In particular, we have the following corollary.

Corollary 2.4. Letβ1 and inf∂Ωψ >0. Then under the conditions ofTheorem 2.2, there exists a unique classical solutionuC(Ω)C) of the DP (1.1), (1.6).

Furthermore, we always suppose in this paper that the condition ofTheorem 2.2is sat- isfied. Let us now formulate another pointwise restriction at the pointz0=(x0,t0)∂Ω, 0< t0< T, which plays a crucial role in the proof of uniqueness of the constructed solu- tion. For an arbitrary sufficiently smallδ >0 consider a domain


(x,t) :xx0<δ+t0t1/2,t0< t < t0+δ. (2.4) Our restriction on the behavior of the funtionφinQ(δ) for smallδis as follows.

Assumption. Assume that for all sufficiently small positiveδwe have φx0,t0

φ(x,t) tt0+xx02μ for (x,t)Q(δ), (2.5)

whereμ >1/2 if 0< m <1, andμ > m/(m+ 1) ifm >1.


Assumptionᏹis of geometric nature. We explained its geometric meaning in [3, Sec- tion 3]. Assumptionᏹis pointwise and related numberμin (2.5) depends onz0∂Ω and may vary for different pointsz0Ω. For our purposes we need to define “the uni- form Assumptionᏹ” for certain subsets ofΩ.

Definition 2.5. Assumptionᏹis said to be satisfied uniformly in [c,d](0,T) if there existsδ0>0 andμ >0 as in (2.5) such that for 0< δδ0, (2.5) is satisfied for allz0

Ω∩ {(x,t) :ctd}with the sameμ.

Our next theorems read.

Theorem 2.6 (uniqueness). Let eitherm >0, 0< β <1,b0 orm >1,β1, andbis arbi- trary. Assume that there exists a finite number of pointsti,i=1,. . .,ksuch thatt1=0< t2<

···< tk< tk+1=Tand for the arbitrary compact subsegment [δ12](ti,ti+1),i=1,. . .,k, Assumptionis uniformly satisfied in [δ12]. Then the solution of the DP is unique.

Theorem 2.7 (comparison). Let ube a solution of DP and g be a supersolution (resp., subsolution) of DP. Assume that the assumption ofTheorem 2.6is satisfied. Thenu(resp.,


Corollary 2.8. Assume that the assumption ofTheorem 2.6is satisfied. Letube a solution of DP. Assume that{ψn}be a sequence of nonnegative continuous functions defined on∂Ω and limn→∞ψn(z)=ψ(z), uniformly forzΩ. Letunbe a solution of DP (1.1), (1.6) with ψ=ψn. Thenu=limn→∞uninΩand convergence is uniform on compact subsets ofΩ.

Remark 2.9. It should be mentioned that we might have supposed thatΩ(0) is nonempty, bounded, and open domain lying on the hyperplane{t=0}. In this case the condition (1.6) includes also initial condition imposed onΩ(0). The existenceTheorem 2.2is true in this case as well if we assume additionally that the boundary pointsz∂Ω(0) on the bottom of the lateral boundary ofΩsatisfy the AssumptionᏮfrom [7,2]. In [7] it is proved that under the AssumptionᏮthe boundary pointzΩ(0) is a regular point.

AssumptionᏮis just the restriction of AssumptionᏭto the part of the lateral boundary which lies on the hyperplanet=const. Moreover, AssumptionsᏭandᏮcoincide in the case of cylindrical domain. Assertions of the Theorems2.6,2.7and Corollaries2.3,2.4, and2.8are also true in this case. The proofs are similar to the proofs given in this paper.

3. The one-dimensional theory

LetE= {(x,t) :φ1(t)< x < φ2(t), 0< t < T}, where 0< T <+, φiC[0,T], i=1, 2 : φ1(t)< φ2(t) fort(0,T) andφ1(0)φ2(0), φ1(T)=φ2(T).

Consider the problem


umxx+buβ=0 inE, (3.1)

uφi(t),t=ψi(t), 0tT, (3.2) whereu=u(x,t), m >0, bR1, β >0, ψiC[0,T], ψi0, i=1, 2; ψ1(T)=ψ2(T).

Ifφ1(0)=φ2(0), then we assume thatψ1(0)=ψ2(0). Ifφ1(0)< φ2(0), then we impose


additionally the initial condition

u(x, 0)=u0(x), φ1(0)xφ2(0), (3.3) whereu0C[φ1(0),φ2(0)],u00 andu0i(0))=ψi(0),i=1, 2.

Definition 3.1. The functionu(x,t) is said to be a solution (resp., super- or subsolution) of problem (3.1), (3.2) (or (3.1)–(3.3)) if

(a)uis nonnegative and continuous inE, satisfying (3.2) (or (3.2) and (3.3)) (resp., satisfying (3.2), (3.3) with=replaced byor),

(b) for anyt0,t1 such that 0< t0< t1< T and for anyC functionsμi(t), t0t t1, i=1, 2, such thatφ1(t)< μ1(t)< μ2(t)< φ2(t) fort[t0,t1], the following integral identity holds:





u ft+umfxxbuβfdx dt μ2(t)

μ1(t)u f



dx t1





dt=0, (3.4) (resp., (3.4) holds with=replaced byor) whereD1= {(x,t) : μ1(t)< x <

μ2(t), t0< t < t1}and f C2,1x,t(D1) is an arbitrary function (resp., nonnegative function) that equals zero whenx=μi(t),t0tt1,i=1, 2.

Furthermore, we assume that 0< T <+ifb0 orb <0 and 0< β1, andT (0,T) ifb <0 andβ >1, whereT=M1β/b(1β) andM=max(maxψ1, maxψ2) + (or M=max(maxψ1, maxψ2, maxu0) +), and>0 is an arbitrary sufficiently small number.

For anyφC[0,T] and for any fixedt0>0 define the functions ωt0(φ;δ)=maxφt0

φ(t) : t0δtt0

, ωt+0(φ;δ)=minφt0

φ(t) : t0δtt0

. (3.5)

The functionωt0(φ;·) (resp., ωt+0(φ;·)) is called a left modulus of lower (resp., upper) semicontinuity of the functionφat the pointt0.

The following theorem is the one-dimensional case ofTheorem 2.2.

Theorem 3.2 (existence) (see [11,12]). For eacht0(0,T) let there exist a functionF(δ) which is defined for all positive sufficiently smallδ;Fis positive withF(δ)0+ asδ0+


ωt0φ1δ1/2F(δ), (3.6)

ω+t0φ2;δ≥ −δ1/2F(δ). (3.7) Assume also that fort=T there exists a functionF(δ), defined as before, such that either ωT1;δ) satisfies (3.6) orω+T2;δ) satisfies (3.7) for sufficiently small positive δ. Then there exists a solution of the problem (3.1), (3.2) (or (3.1)–(3.3)).

Assume thatt0(0,T) is fixed. The following is the one-dimensional case of Assump- tionᏹ.


Assumption1. Assume that for all sufficiently small positiveδwe have φ1


φ1(t) tt0


fort0tt0+δ, φ2


φ2(t)≥ − tt0


fort0tt0+δ, (3.8) whereμ >1/2 if 0< m <1, andμ > m/(m+ 1) ifm >1.

Otherwise speaking, Assumption ᏹ1 means that at each point t0(0,T) the left boundary curve (resp., the right boundary curve) is right-lower-H¨older continuous (resp., right-upper-H¨older continuous) with H¨older exponentμ.

Definition 3.3. Let [c,d](0,T) be a given segment. Assumptionᏹ1is said to be satisfied uniformly in [c,d] if there existsδ0>0 andμ >0 as in (3.8) such that for 0< δδ0, (3.8) is satisfied for allt0[c,d] with the sameμ.

If we replace Assumptionᏹwith Assumptionᏹ1, then Theorems2.6,2.7andCorol- lary 2.8apply to the one-dimensional problem (3.1), (3.2) (or (3.1)–(3.3)) as well.

4. Proof ofTheorem 2.2

Step 1 (construction of the limit solution). Consider a sequence of domainsΩn0,T, n=1, 2,. . .withn,∂BΩnand∂DΩnbeing sufficiently smooth manifolds. Assume that {SΩn}approximateΩ, while{BΩn}and{DΩn}approximate single pointsΩ∩ {t=0} andΩ∩ {t=T}, respectively. The latter means that for arbitrary>0 there existsN() such that n (resp., n), for all nN(), lies in the -neigborhood of the point

Ω∩ {t=0}(resp.,Ω∩ {t=T}) on the hyperplane{t=0}(resp.,{t=T}). Moreover, letSΩnat some neigborhood of its every point after suitable rotation ofx-axes has a rep- resentation via the sufficiently smooth functionx1=φn(x,t). More precisely, assume that

Ωin some neigborhood of its pointz0=(x10,x0,t0), 0< t0< T, after suitable rotation of x-axes, is represented by the functionx1=φ(x,t), (x,t)P(δ0) with someδ0>0, where φsatisfies AssumptionᏭfromSection 2. Then we also assume thatnin some neigbor- hood of its pointzn=(x(n)1 ,x(0),t0), after the same rotation, is represented by the function x1=φn(x,t), (x,t)P(δ0), where{φn}is a sequence of sufficiently smooth functions and φnφasn→ ∞, uniformly inP(δ0). We can also assume thatφnsatisfies AssumptionᏭ uniformly with respect ton.

Concerning approximation near the vertex boundary point assume that after the same rotation ofx-axes which provides (1.4), we have


Tδ0< t < T

z:x1> φn(x,t), (x,t)Rn δ0

, Rnδ0

z:x1=0,Tδ0< t < TOγnRδ0

, x0,T∂Rn


, x01=φn



whereδ0>0,{φn}is a sequence of sufficiently smooth functions inRn0) andφnφas n→ ∞uniformly inR(δ0);{γn}is a positive sequence of real numbers satisfyingγn0 as n→ ∞;Oρ(R(δ)) denotesρ-neigborhood ofR(δ) inN-dimensional subspace{x1=0}.


We can also assume that as an implication of AssumptionᏭ,φnsatisfies

φnx0,Tφn(x,t)ω(δ) for (x,t)Rn(δ). (4.2) Assume also that for arbitrary compact subsetΩ(0)ofΩthere exists a numbern0which depends on the distance betweenΩ(0)and∂Ωsuch thatΩ(0)Ωnfornn0.

LetΨbe a nonnegative and continuous function inRN+1which coincides withψon

Ωand letM be an upper bound for ψn=Ψ+n1, nN0, in some compact which containsΩandΩn,nN0, whereN0is a large positive integer. Introduce the following regularized equation:

ut=Δumbuβ+bnβ, (4.3) whereθb=(1 ifb >0; 0 ifb0). We then consider the DP inΩnfor (4.3) with the initial- boundary dataψn. This nondegenerate parabolic problem and classical theory (see [17–

19]) implies the existence of a unique classical solutionunwhich satisfies

n1un(x,t)ψ1(t) inΩn, (4.4) where


M1βb1θb(1β)t1/(1β) ifβ=1, Mexpb1θb

t ifβ=1. (4.5)

Next we take a sequence of compact subsetsΩ(k)ofΩsuch that Ω=


Ω(k), Ω(k)Ω(k+1), k=1, 2,. . . . (4.6) By our construction, for each fixedk there exists a numbernk such thatΩ(k)Ωnfor nnk. Since the sequence of uniformly bounded solutionsun,nnk, to (4.3) is uni- formly equicontinuous in a fixed compactΩ(k)(see, e.g., [5, Theorem 1, Proposition 1, and Theorem 7.1]), from (4.6) by diagonalization argument and Arzela-Ascoli theorem, it follows that there exists a subsequence n and a limit functionu such thatunu asn+, pointwise inΩand the convergence is uniform on compact subsets of Ω.

Now consider a functionu(x,t) such thatu(x,t)=u(x,t) for (x,t) Ω,u(x,t)=ψ for (x,t)Ω. Obviously, the functionusatisfies the integral identity (1.7). Hence, the con- structed functionuis a solution of the DP (1.1), (1.6) if it is continuous on∂Ω.

Step 2 (boundary regularity). Letz0=(x10,x0,t0)∂Ω. We will prove thatz0is regular, namely, that


asz−→z0,zΩ. (4.7)

If 0< t0< T, then (4.7) is proved in [7]. Consider the caset0=T. In order to make the role of AssumptionᏭclear for the reader, we keep the functionω(δ) fromDefinition 2.1 free, just assuming without loss of generality thatω(δ) is some positive function defined


for positive smallδandω(δ)0 asδ0. It will be clear at the end of the proof that in the framework of our method the optimal upper bound forω(δ) is given via (2.3).

Ifψ(z0)>0, we will prove that for arbitrary sufficiently small>0 the following two inequalities are valid:

lim infu(z)ψz0

asz−→z0,zΩ, (4.8)

lim supu(z)ψz0

+ asz−→z0,zΩ. (4.9)

Since>0 is arbitrary, from (4.8) and (4.9), (4.7) follows. Ifψ(z0)=0, however, then it is sufficient to prove (4.9), since (4.8) follows directly from the fact thatu0 inΩ. Let ψ(z0)>0. Take an arbitrary(0,ψ(z0)) and prove (4.8). For arbitraryδ >0 consider a function


ξ h(δ)


, (4.10)


ξ=h(δ) +φnx0,Tx1g(δ)(Tt), M1=ψz0

, (4.11)

andh(δ),g(δ) are some positive functions at our disposal. Then ifb0, we take the following two cases:

(a)α > m1if 0< m1 and, (b)m1< α(m1)1ifm >1.

Ifb >0, we take four different cases:

(I)m1< αmin((m1)1; (1β)1) ifm >1, 0< β <1;

(II)m1< α(m1)1ifm >1,β1;

(III)α > m1if 0< m1,βm;

(IV)m1< α(mβ)1if 0< m1, 0< β < m.

Then we set


z:x1< ξn(t), Tδ < t < T,

ξn=h(δ) +g(δ)(tT) +φnx0,Tηn, ηn=h(δ)2M1n1/α. (4.12) In the next lemma we clear the structure ofVn. We denote the parabolic boundary of VnasᏼVn.

Lemma 4.1. Leth(δ)Cω(δ), C >0, and ω(δ)

δg(δ)=o(1), asδ0. (4.13)

Then for all sufficiently small positiveδat the pointsz=(x1,x,t)VneitherzΩnor x1=ξn(t) holds.


Proof. By using (4.2), we have

ξn(t)φn(x,t)(C+ 1)ω(δ)δg(δ)0, fort=Tδ,xRn(δ)∩ {t=Tδ} (4.14) ifh(δ),δandω(δ) are chosen as inLemma 4.1. This together with the structural assump- tion onΩnimmediately implies the assertion of lemma. Lemma is proved.

Furthermore, we will takeh(δ)=Cω(δ), assuming thatω(δ) satisfies (4.13). Note that the constantCis still at our disposal.

Our purpose is to estimateuninVnvia the barrier functionwn. In the next lemma, we estimateunviawnonᏼVn. For that the special structure ofVndue toLemma 4.1plays an important role. Namely, our barrier function takes the value (2n)1, which is less than a minimal value ofun, on the part of the parabolic boundary ofVnwhich lies inΩn. Hence it is enough to compareunandwnon the part of the boundary ofΩn, which may be easily done in view of boundary condition forun. In particular,Lemma 4.2makes the choice of the constantCprecise.

Lemma 4.2. Let (4.13) be satisfied and C=




1 1

, whereM2=ψz0

2. (4.15)

Ifδ >0 is chosen small enough, then

un> wn onVnfornn1, (4.16) wheren1=n1() is some number depending on.

Proof. Ifδ >0 is chosen as inLemma 4.1, then at the points ofᏼVnwithx1=ξn(t) we have

wn=(2n)1un. (4.17)

From (4.1) it follows that ifδis chosen small enough, then at the pointsz=(x1,x,t) ᏼVn∂Ωnwe havex1φn(x,t). Hence, from (4.2) it follows that

wn= fh(δ) +φn

x0,Tx1g(δ)(Tt)fh(δ) +φn


fC1+ 1h(δ)=M2 forzᏼVn∂Ωn. (4.18) We can also easily estimateunonᏼVnΩn. First, we choosen1=n1() so large that fornn1,

∂Ωn∩{minTδ0tT}Ψ > min


8. (4.19)

Then we chooseδ >0 small enough in order that

∂Ω∩{minTδtT}Ψ > ψ(z0)

8. (4.20)


Ifδandnare chosen like this, then we have un(z)> ψz0

4, forzVnΩn. (4.21) Thus from (4.17)–(4.21), (4.16) follows. Lemma is proved.

Lemma 4.3. Let the conditions ofLemma 4.2be satisfied and assume that

ω(δ)g(δ)=o(1), as δ0. (4.22)

Ifδ >0 is chosen small enough, then

LwnwntΔwnm+bwβnbnβ<0 inVn. (4.23) Proof. We have


C2ω2(δ)αm(αm1)M2/α1 f(αm2)/α+b fβbnβ. (4.24) In view of our construction ofVn, we havewnM2inVn(see (4.18)). Hence, if either b0 orb >0,m >1 andm,βbelong to one of the regions I, II, then from (4.24) it follows that

LwnC2ω2(δ)αM11/αf1)/αCg(δ)ω(δ)m(αm1)M11/αMm211/α +bM2β1+1/αα1M11/αC2ω2(δ).


Hence, ifδis chosen small enough, from (4.25) and (4.22), (4.23) follows. Ifb >0, 0<

m1 andm,βbelong to one of the regions III, IV, then from (4.24) we similarly derive LwnC2ω2(δ)αM1/α1 f(αm2)/αCg(δ)ω(δ)M12m+1/αm(αm1)M11/α




Ifδis chosen small enough, from (4.26) and (4.22), (4.23) follows. Lemma is proved.

If the conditions of Lemmas4.1–4.3are satisfied, then by the standard maximum prin- ciple, from (4.16) and (4.23) we easily derive that

unwn inVn, fornn1. (4.27) In the limit asn+, we have

uw inV, (4.28)



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