• 検索結果がありません。

旅行傷害保険のあらまし 被保険者カード あなたがアメリカン エキスプレス コーポレート カード会員として 保険契約者アメリカン エキスプレス インターナショナル インコーポレイテッドに発行された国内旅行傷害保険証券および海外旅行傷害保険証券により その約款 特約および特約書に従って 被保険者となって


Academic year: 2021

シェア "旅行傷害保険のあらまし 被保険者カード あなたがアメリカン エキスプレス コーポレート カード会員として 保険契約者アメリカン エキスプレス インターナショナル インコーポレイテッドに発行された国内旅行傷害保険証券および海外旅行傷害保険証券により その約款 特約および特約書に従って 被保険者となって"


読み込み中.... (全文を見る)



Travel Accident Insurance













アメリカン・エキスプレス・インターナショナル・インコーポレイテッドに発行さ れた保険証券に表示の保険期間(毎年8月1日より1年間)とします。



1事故、1傷害、1疾病による1被保険者あたりの保険金の限度はいかなる 場合でも被保険者カード記載額とし、この記載金額を超えて支払われるこ とはありません。 アメリカン・エキスプレス・コーポレート・カード会員がクレジットカード付帯 保険契約のある他のカードをお持ちの場合、国内旅行傷害保険の死亡・ 後遺障害保険金に関しては、アメリカン・エキスプレス・コーポレート・カード およびその他のカードに付帯している最も高い保険金額を限度とし、保険 金が支払われます。また、海外旅行傷害保険の死亡・後遺障害保険金 に関しては、ご所属の法人とアメリカン・エキスプレスとの契約形態が「連 帯責任(Joint & Several Liability)」、「限定条件つき連帯責任(Combined Liability)」、および「会社責任(Corporate Liability)」の場合、アメリカン・エキ スプレス・コーポレート・カードおよびその他のカードのうち、アメリカン・エキ スプレス・コーポレート・カードを含む法人カードに付帯している最も高い保 険金額を限度とし、ご所属の法人とアメリカン・エキスプレスの契約形態が 「限定責任(Limited Liability)」の場合には、アメリカン・エキスプレス・コー ポレート・カード、およびその他のカードのうち個人カードに附帯している最 も高い保険金額を限度とし、保険金が支払われます。ただし、法人会員が カード会員のカードご利用金額(コーポレート・エキスプレス・キャッシュを含 む)に対し何らかの支払責任を負う契約の場合は、上記の「連帯責任」の 契約形態の場合と同様の方法となります。 死亡・後遺障害以外の補償項目については、アメリカン・エキスプレス・コー ポレート・カード、その他のカードおよび一般の傷害保険を合算した保険金 額を限度とし、かかった費用を保険金としてお支払いします。 注/他のカードや、一般の傷害保険の保険特約によって、取り扱いが異な る場合があります。


死亡保険金については被保険者の法定相続人、その他の保険金について は被保険者とします。



事故の日から30日以内に下記通知先までご通知ください。報告が遅れま すと保険金のお支払いができない場合がありますのでご注意ください。





(フリーダイヤル/9:00〜17:00/土日祝休) 携帯電話、PHS、自動車電話からもご利用いただけます。




「オーバーシーズ・アシスト」センターへご一報ください。 「オーバーシーズ・アシスト」センターがカード会員の方の保険金請求の手続きをお手 伝いいたします。 ※ このしおりの内容は概要を説明したものであり、実際のお支払いの可否は、 普通保険約款および特約の規定に基づきます。


あなたがアメリカン・エキスプレス・コーポレート・カード会員として、 保険契約者アメリカン・エキスプレス・インターナショナル・インコーポ レイテッドに発行された国内旅行傷害保険証券および海外旅行傷害 保険証券により、その約款、特約および特約書に従って、被保険者と なっていることを証明します。


傷害死亡・後遺障害保険金  (最高)¥50,000,000

注 1 / た だ し 、 ア メ リ カ ン ・ エ キ ス プ レ ス ・ コ ー ポ レ ー ト ・ カ ー ド で チ ケ ッ ト 等 を 購 入 さ れ た 公 共 交 通 乗 用 具 に 搭 乗 中 の 事 故 、 ご 予 約 の 際 事 前 に 、 ア メ リ カ ン ・ エ キ ス プ レ ス ・ コ ー ポ レ ー ト ・ カ ー ド で 宿 泊 料 金 を 支 払 わ れ る 旨 を お 伝 え に な っ た 宿 泊 施 設 に 宿 泊 中 の 火 災 ・ 爆 発 の 事 故 ま た は ア メ リ カ ン ・ エ キ ス プ レ ス ・ コ ー ポ レ ー ト ・ カ ー ド で 料 金 を 支 払 わ れ た 宿 泊 を 伴 う パ ッ ケ ー ジ ・ ツ ア ー に 参 加 中 に 発 生 し た 事 故 に の み 適用されます。


傷害死亡・後遺障害保険金 (最高) ¥50,000,000

傷害治療費用保険金   (最高) ¥4,000,000

疾病治療費用保険金   (最高) ¥4,000,000

賠償責任保険金      (最高) ¥40,000,000

携行品損害保険金     (最高)  ¥500,000(1旅行中)

(自己負担 3,000円) 注4          

(最高) ¥1,000,000(保険期間中)

救援者費用保険金     (最高)  ¥4,000,000(保険期間中)

注2/ 海外旅行については、自動的に保険にご加入となりますので、ご旅行のた びにお申し込みになる必要はありません。 注3/ 海外旅行の目的で住居(日本国内)を出発されたときから住居(日本国内) に戻られるまでの間(ただし、日本国出発の前日から入国の翌日までの 間)で最長90日間の補償が適用されます。 注4/ 携行品は、1個または1対について10万円が限度となります。











(フリー・ダイヤル) アメリカン・エキスプレス・保険ホットラインまでご連絡ください。海外 の場合は、<オーバーシーズ・アシスト・センター>へご報告いただ ければ、コーポレート・カード会員の保険請求手続きをお手伝いいた します。



もちろん、何度でも補償の対象になります。ただし、1回の海外出張に ついて合計50万円、保険期間中(8月1日より1年間)で合計100万円 が限度となります。(1回の事故につき自己負担額は3000円となりま す。また、1個または1対について10万円が限度となります)



国内の公共交通機関の場合、その公共交通機関のチケットあるいは パッケージ・ツアーをコーポレート・カードで購入されたことが確認され なければなりませんので、「売上票」の「お客様控」を大切に保管して おいてください。海外で事故にあわれた場合は、それを証明する書類 や治療などに要した費用を証明する書類が必要になります。







本サービスについて、 ご不明な点等ございましたら

メンバーシップ ・ サービス ・ センター




ご所属の法人とアメリカン・エキスプレスとの契約形態が「限定責 任(Limited Liability)」の場合 *ただし、法人会員がカード会員のカードご利用金額(コーポレート・ エキスプレス・キャッシュを含む)に対し何らかの支払責任を負う場合 は除く。 死亡・後遺障害保険金は、他の一般の傷害保険と合わせてお受取り になれますが、他の個人カードに同様な旅行傷害保険が付帯されて いる場合、死亡・後遺障害保険金はアメリカン・エキスプレス・コーポ レート・カードおよびそれらのカードのうち最も高い保険金額を限度と して支払われます。つまり、 1.アメリカン・エキスプレスのコーポレート・カードと他の法人カードと の契約がある場合、カード会員の受け取る保険金額は合算金額に なります。 2.アメリカン・エキスプレスのコーポレート・カードと他の個人カードと の契約がある場合、カード会員の受け取る保険金額は合算金額で はなく、それらの契約のうち最も高い保険金額になります。そのう ちアメリカン・エキスプレスの支払い保険金については以下のとお りとなります。 計算方法) アメリカン ・ エキスプレス保険金 (アメリカン ・ エキスプレス分) (アメリカン ・ エキスプレス分+他社個人カード分) =最も高い保険金額× 注1/ご所属の法人とアメリカン・エキスプレスとの契約形態について は、ご所属の法人の管理責任者にお問い合わせください。 注2/他のカードや、一般の傷害保険の保険特約によって、取り扱い が異なる場合があります。



コーポレート・カード会員が日本国内における宿泊の予約をされ、 コーポレート・カードでお支払いになることをホテルなどの宿泊施設に 伝えていたことが確認できる書類があれば、補償の対象となります。



例外は、自殺、戦争、被保険者またはその保険金受取人の故意など です。


被保険者が死亡された場合は、その法定相続人が受取人となりま す。その他の場合は、被保険者ご本人が受取人となります。












国内の場合は、 公共交通機関に搭乗中の事故、 宿泊施設での火災・ 爆発が原因による事故および宿泊を伴う募集型企画旅行 (パッケー ジ ・ ツアー) 参加中の事故による死亡 ・ 後遺障害が補償されます。 注/アメリカン ・ エキスプレス ・ コーポレート ・ カードでお支払いをさ れた場合にのみ適用されます。 海外の場合はさらに幅広く、 事故による傷害死亡 ・ 後遺障害のほか、 病気や傷害の治療費、 賠償責任、 携行品損害、 救援者費用などが 補償されます。



ご所属の法人とアメリカン・エキスプレスとの契約形態が「連帯 責任 (Joint & Several Liability)」の場合、「限定条件つき連帯責任 (Combined Liability)」の場合、「会社責任 (Corporate Liability)」の場 合、および契約形態が「限定責任 (Limited Liability)」で、かつ法人 会員がカード会員のカードご利用金額(コーポレート・エキスプレス・ キャッシュを含む)に対し何らかの支払責任を負う場合 死亡・後遺障害保険金は、個人カード付帯の海外旅行傷害保険およ び一般の傷害保険と合わせてお受取りになれます。ただし、カード会 員が持っている他の法人カードに同様な旅行傷害保険が付帯されて いる場合、アメリカン・エキスプレス・コーポレート・カードおよびそれら のカードのうち最も高い保険金額を限度として支払われます。つまり、 1.アメリカン・エキスプレスのコーポレート・カードと他の個人カードとの 契約がある場合、カード会員の受け取る保険金額は合算金額にな ります。 2.アメリカン・エキスプレスのコーポレート・カードと他の法人カードとの 契約がある場合、カード会員の受け取る保険金額は合算金額では なく、それらの契約のうち最も高い保険金額になります。そのうちア メリカン・エキスプレスの支払い保険金については以下のとおりとな ります。 計算方法) アメリカン ・ エキスプレス保険金 (アメリカン ・ エキスプレス分) (アメリカン ・ エキスプレス分+他社法人カード分) =最も高い保険金額×
























ᅜෆ᪑⾜୰ᛴ⃭䛛䛴അ↛䛺እ᮶䛾஦ᨾ䛻䜘䜛䜿䜺䛜ཎᅉ䛷஦ᨾ䛾᪥䛛䜙䛭䛾᪥䜢ྵ䜑 䛶㻝㻤㻜᪥௨ෆ䛻㌟య䛾୍㒊䜢ኻ䛳䛯䜚䚸䜎䛯䛿䛭䛾ᶵ⬟䛻㔜኱䛺㞀ᐖ䛜ṧ䛳䛯ሙྜ䚹 ᅜෆ᪑⾜୰ᛴ⃭䛛䛴അ↛䛺እ᮶䛾஦ᨾ䛻䜘䜛䜿䜺䛜ཎᅉ䛷஦ᨾ䛾᪥䛛䜙䛭䛾᪥䜢ྵ 䜑䛶㻝㻤㻜᪥௨ෆ䛻Ṛஸ䛥䜜䛯ሙྜ䚹 ᾏእ᪑⾜୰䛾ᛴ⃭䛛䛴അ↛䛺እ᮶䛾஦ᨾ䛻䜘䜛䜿䜺䛜ཎᅉ䛷஦ᨾ䛾᪥䛛䜙䛭䛾᪥䜢 ྵ䜑䛶㻝㻤㻜᪥௨ෆ䛻Ṛஸ䛥䜜䛯ሙྜ䚹 ᾏእ᪑⾜୰䛾ᛴ⃭䛛䛴അ↛䛺እ᮶䛾஦ᨾ䛻䜘䜛䜿䜺䛾䛯䜑་ᖌ䛾἞⒪䜢ཷ䛡䜙䜜 䛯ሙྜ䚹 ᾏእ᪑⾜୰䛾ᛴ⃭䛛䛴അ↛䛺እ᮶䛾஦ᨾ䛻䜘䜛䜿䜺䛾䛯䜑஦ᨾ䛾᪥䛛䜙䛭䛾᪥䜢ྵ䜑 䛶㻝㻤㻜᪥௨ෆ䛻㌟య䛾୍㒊䜢ኻ䛳䛯䜚䚸䜎䛯䛿䛭䛾ᶵ⬟䛻㔜኱䛺㞀ᐖ䛜ṧ䛳䛯ሙྜ䚹 ᾏእ᪑⾜୰䚸അ↛䛺஦ᨾ䛻䜘䜚䚸௚ே䜢Ṛയ䛥䛫䛯䜚䚸௚ே䛾㈈≀䠄䝺䞁䝍䝹ᴗ⪅䛛䜙 ⿕ಖ㝤⪅䛜㈤೉䛧䛯᪑⾜⏝ရ䜢ྵ䜏䜎䛩䠅䜢ቯ䛧䛯䛯䜑䚸ἲᚊୖ䛾㈺ൾ㈐௵䜢㈇䛳䛯 ሙྜ䚹 䛺䛚䚸఍ဨ䛜ᡤ᭷䞉౑⏝䜎䛯䛿⟶⌮䛧䛶䛔䜛≀䛾ᦆᐖ䛻㛵䛩䜛ᦆᐖ㈺ൾ㈐௵䛿䛚ᨭᡶ 䛔䛷䛝䜎䛫䜣䛜䚸௨ୗ䛾ሙྜ䛿䛚ᨭᡶ䛔䛧䜎䛩䚹 䠄䜲䠅䝩䝔䝹䛾ᐈᐊ䛺䜙䜃䛻ᐈᐊෆ䛾ື⏘䠄䛯䛰䛧䚸⿕ಖ㝤⪅䛾ᒃఫ᪋タෆ䜢㝖䛟䠅 䠄䝻䠅ఫᒃ➼ᒃఫ᪋タෆ䛾㒊ᒇ䛺䜙䜃䛻㒊ᒇෆ䛾ື⏘䠄䛯䛰䛧䚸⿕ಖ㝤⪅䛾ᒃఫ᪋タෆ 䜢㝖䛟䠅 䠄䝝䠅䝺䞁䝍䝹ᴗ⪅䛛䜙ዎ⣙⪅䜎䛯䛿⿕ಖ㝤⪅䛜┤᥋೉⏝䛧䛯᪑⾜⏝ရ䜎䛯䛿⏕ά⏝ရ ᾏእ᪑⾜୰䛻䚸⿕ಖ㝤⪅䛜ᡤ᭷䛧ᦠ⾜䛩䜛㌟䛾ᅇ䜚ရ䠄䜹䝯䝷䚸ᐆ▼䚸⾰㢮䛺䛹䠅䛜┐ 㞴䚸◚ᦆ䚸ⅆ⅏䛺䛹䛾അ↛䛺஦ᨾ䛻䜘䜚ᦆᐖ䜢ཷ䛡䛯ሙྜ䚹 䠄ὀ䠅 ⌧㔠䚸ᑠษᡭ䚸䜽䝺䝆䝑䝖䜹䞊䝗䚸䝁䞁䝍䜽䝖䞉䝺䞁䝈䚸ྛ✀᭩㢮✏ᮏ䚸タィ᭩䚸 ᅗ᱌䚸ᖒ⡙䛭䛾௚䛣䜜䛻‽䛪䜛≀➼䛿ᑐ㇟䛸䛺䜚䜎䛫䜣䚹 䐟ᾏእ᪑⾜୰䜎䛯䛿᪑⾜⤊஢ᚋ㻠㻤᫬㛫௨ෆ䛻Ⓨ⑓䛧䚸䛛䛴་ᖌ䛾἞⒪䜢㛤ጞ䛥䜜䛯 ሙྜ䚹䛯䛰䛧᪑⾜⤊஢ᚋ䛻Ⓨ⑓䛥䜜䛯ሙྜ䛿᪑⾜୰䛻ཎᅉ䛜Ⓨ⏕䛧䛯䜒䛾䛻㝈䜚 䜎䛩䚹 䐠ᾏእ᪑⾜୰䛻ឤᰁ䛧䛯≉ᐃ䛾ఏᰁ⑓䠄䝁䝺䝷䚸䝨䝇䝖䚸ኳ↛①䚸Ⓨ⑈䝏䝣䝇䚸䝷䝑䝃 ⇕䚸䝬䝷䝸䜰䚸ᅇᖐ⇕䚸㯤⇕䚸㔜⑕ᛴᛶ࿧྾ჾ⑕ೃ⩌䚸䜶䝪䝷ฟ⾑⇕䚸䜽䝸䝭䜰䞉䝁䞁 䝂ฟ⾑⇕䚸䝬䞊䝹䝤䝹䜾⑓䚸䝁䜽䝅䝆䜸䜲䝕䝇⑕䚸䝔䞁䜾⇕䚸㢡ཱྀ⹸⑓䚸䜴䜶䝇䝖䝘 䜲䝹⇕䚸䝸䝑䝃䜴䜲䝹䝇ឤᰁ⑕䚸⭈⑕ೃᛶฟ⾑⇕䚸䝝䞁䝍䜴䜲䝹䝇⫵⑕ೃ⩌䚸㧗⑓ ཎᛶ㫽䜲䞁䝣䝹䜶䞁䝄䚸䝙䝞䜴䜲䝹䝇ឤᰁ⑕䚸㉥⑩䚸䝎䝙፹௓ᛶ⬻⅖䚸⭠䝏䝣䝇䚸 䝸䝣䝖䝞䝺䞊⇕䚸䝺䝥䝖䝇䝢䝷⑕䠅䛾䛯䜑䛻᪑⾜⤊஢ᚋ㻝㻠᪥௨ෆ䛻་ᖌ䛾἞⒪䜢㛤 ጞ䛥䜜䛯ሙྜ䚹 ᾏእ᪑⾜୰䛻 䐟 ᛴ⃭䛛䛴അ↛䛺እ᮶䛾஦ᨾ䛻䜘䜚㐼㞴䠄⾜᪉୙᫂䜢ྵ䜏䜎䛩䠅䛥䜜䛯ሙྜ䚹䛯䛰䛧 ⿕ಖ㝤⪅䛾⏕Ṛ䛜☜ㄆ䛷䛝䛯ᚋ䛻Ⓨ⏕䛧䛯㈝⏝䛿ᑐ㇟䛻䛺䜚䜎䛫䜣䚹 䐠 䜿䜺䛻䜘䜚䚸஦ᨾ䛾᪥䛛䜙䛭䛾᪥䜢ྵ䜑䛶㻝㻤㻜᪥௨ෆ䛻Ṛஸ䜎䛯䛿䠓᪥௨ୖ⥅⥆䛧 䛶ධ㝔䛥䜜䛯ሙྜ䚹 䐡 ⑓Ẽ䛻䜘䜚Ṛஸ䛥䜜䛯ሙྜ䚹 䐢 Ⓨ⑓䛧䛯⑓Ẽ䛜䜒䛸䛷᪑⾜⤊஢ᚋ䚸䛭䛾᪥䜢ྵ䜑䛶㻟㻜᪥௨ෆ䛻Ṛஸ䛥䜜䛯ሙྜ䚹䛯 䛰䛧᪑⾜୰䛻་ᖌ䛾἞⒪䜢㛤ጞ䛚䜘䜃⥅⥆䛧䛶ཷ䛡䛶䛔䛯ሙྜ䛻㝈䜚䜎䛩䚹 䐣 Ⓨ⑓䛧་ᖌ䛾἞⒪䜢ཷ䛡䠓᪥௨ୖ⥅⥆䛧䛶ධ㝔䛥䜜䛯ሙྜ䚹 ⌧ᆅ䛻㉱䛟䚸⿕ಖ㝤⪅䜎䛯䛿䛭䛾ἲᐃ┦⥆ே䛾᪉䛜ᨭฟ䛧䛯ḟ䛾㈝⏝䜢ᩆ᥼⪅㈝⏝ಖ㝤㔠㢠䛾⠊ᅖ ෆ䛷䛚ᨭᡶ䛔䛧䜎䛩䚹⌧ᆅ䛸䛿䚸ᾏእ䛻䛚䛡䜛஦ᨾⓎ⏕ᆅⅬ䜎䛯䛿཰ᐜඛ䜢ᣦ䛧䜎䛩䚹 䐟 ᤚ⣴ᩆຓ㈝⏝ 䐠 ⌧ᆅ䛸䛾ᅜ㝿⯟✵㐠㈤➼஺㏻㈝䠄ᩆ᥼⪅䠏ྡ䜎䛷䠅 䐡 ⌧ᆅ䛚䜘䜃⌧ᆅ䜎䛷䛾⾜⛬䛻䛚䛡䜛䝩䝔䝹➼ᐟἩ᪋タ䛾ᐈᐊᩱ䠄ᩆ᥼⪅䠏ྡ䜎䛷䚸䠍ྡ䛻䛴䛝㻝㻠᪥ศ 䜎䛷䠅 䐢 ⌧ᆅ䛛䜙䛾⛣㏦㈝⏝ 䐣 Ώ⯟ᡭ⥆㈝䛚䜘䜃⌧ᆅ䛷䛾ㅖ㞧㈝䠄㻞㻜୓෇㝈ᗘ䚸ධ㝔἞⒪䛻క䛖ㅖ㞧㈝䛸䛧䛶䜿䜺䜎䛯䛿⑌⑓἞⒪ ㈝⏝ಖ㝤㔠䛜ᨭᡶ䜟䜜䜛䜉䛝㈝⏝䛿㝖䛝䜎䛩䠅䚹 ᚋ㑇㞀ᐖ䛾⛬ᗘ䛻ᛂ䛨䛶䚸ᚋ㑇㞀ᐖಖ㝤㔠㢠䛾㻟䠂ࠥ㻝㻜㻜䠂䜢䛚ᨭᡶ䛔䛧䜎䛩䚹 യᐖᚋ㑇㞀ᐖಖ㝤㔠㢠㽢㻟䠂䡚㻝㻜㻜䠂䠙യᐖᚋ㑇㞀ᐖಖ㝤㔠䛾㢠 䠄ὀ䠅Ṛஸಖ㝤㔠䛸ᚋ㑇㞀ᐖಖ㝤㔠䛿㔜」䛧䛶䛚ᨭᡶ䛔䛧䜎䛩䛜䚸ᨭᡶಖ㝤㔠䛾⥲㢠䛿യᐖṚஸ䞉ᚋ㑇 㞀ᐖಖ㝤㔠㢠䜢䜒䛳䛶㝈ᗘ䛸䛧䜎䛩䚹 䛯䛰䛧䚸ಖ㝤ᮇ㛫䜢㏻䛨䛶ྜ⟬䛧യᐖᚋ㑇㞀ᐖಖ㝤㔠㢠䛜㝈ᗘ䛸䛺䜚䜎䛩䚹 䖃⿕ಖ㝤⪅䜎䛯䛿ಖ㝤㔠ཷྲྀே䛾ᨾព䛻䜘䜛䜿䜺䚹 䖃䜿䞁䜹䜔⮬ẅ䚸≢⨥⾜Ⅽ䛻䜘䜛䜿䜺䚹 䖃ᡓத䚸䛭䛾௚䛾ኚ஘䚸᰾≀㉁䛾ᙳ㡪䛻䜘䜛䜿䜺䚹 䖃ᅜෆ᪑⾜യᐖಖ㝤䛻䛚䛔䛶䛿䚸ᆅ㟈䚸ᄇⅆ䜎䛯䛿ὠἼ䛻䜘䜛䜿䜺䚹 䖃⿕ಖ㝤⪅䛾⑌⑓䚸䜎䛯䛿ᚰ⚄႙ኻ䛻䜘䜛䜿䜺䚹 䖃㢕㒊⑕ೃ⩌䠄䛔䜟䜖䜛䛂䜐䛱䛖䛱⑕䛃䠅䜎䛯䛿⭜③䛷་Ꮫⓗ௚ぬᡤぢ 䛾䛺䛔䜒䛾䚹 ↓චチ䞉㓇㓉㐠㌿䛺䛹䛻䜘䜛䜿䜺䚹 䖃ᒣᓅⓏ䛿䜣䚸䝇䜹䜲䝎䜲䝡䞁䜾䛺䛹༴㝤䛺㐠ື䛻䜘䜛䜿䜺䚹 䖃᪑⾜๓䛻䛩䛷䛻Ⓨ⏕䛧䛶䛔䛯஦ᨾ䛻䜘䜛䜿䜺䚹 䛺䛹 䖃බඹᅋయ䛾බᶒຊ䛾⾜౑䠄㼀㻿㻭䠆䛺䛹䠅 䠆㼀㼞㼍㼚㼟㼜㼛㼞㼠㼍㼠㼕㼛㼚㻌㻿㼑㼏㼡㼞㼕㼠㼥㻌㻭㼐㼙㼕㼚㼕㼟㼠㼞㼍㼠㼕㼛㼚 䝔䝻㜵Ṇ䛾䛯䜑䛻ᶵෆ㡸䜚䛾䝇䞊䝒䜿䞊䝇䛺䛹䛜䚸බᶒຊ䛾⾜౑ 䛻䜘䜚㛤䛡䜙䜜䛯㝿䛾ᦆᐖ䛺䛹 䖃ᦠ⾜ရ䛾⍗⑅䜎䛯䛿⮬↛䛾ᾘ⪖䚹 䖃ᦠ⾜ရ䛾⨨䛝ᛀ䜜䚸䜎䛯䛿⣮ኻ䚹 ⿕ಖ㝤⪅ᮏே䠄఍ဨ䠅௨እ䛜ᡤ᭷䛩䜛ᦠ⾜ရ䛾ᦆᐖ䠄೉⏝≀䜔㡸 䛛䜚ရ➼䚹ἲே䛻ᡤ᭷ᶒ䛾䛒䜛䜒䛾䜢ྵ䜏䜎䛩䚹䠅 䖃ᒣᓅⓏ䛿䜣䜔䝝䞁䜾䝷䜲䝎䞊䛺䛹༴㝤䛺㐠ື䜢⾜䛳䛶䛔䜛㛫䛾ᙜ ヱ㐠ື䛻⏝䛔䜛⏝ල䚹 䖃ᾮయ䛾ὶฟ䚹 䖃እ᮶䛾஦ᨾ䛻㉳ᅉ䛧䛺䛔㟁Ẽⓗ஦ᨾ䚹 䖃ᦠ⾜ရ䛜ᒃఫ᪋タෆ䛻䛒䜛㛫䛻Ⓨ⏕䛧䛯஦ᨾ䚹䛺䛹 䛺䛹 䖃⿕ಖ㝤⪅䜎䛯䛿ಖ㝤㔠䜢ཷ䛡ྲྀ䜛䜉䛝⪅䛾ᨾព䛻䜘䜛஦ᨾ䚹 䖃༴㝤䛺㐠ື䛻䜘䜛஦ᨾ䚹 ↓㈨᱁㐠㌿䚸㓇㓉㐠㌿䞉㯞⸆➼౑⏝୰䛻⏕䛨䛯஦ᨾ䠄↓㈨᱁䞉㓇㓉 㐠㌿䛻䜘䜛஦ᨾ䛷Ṛஸ䛥䜜䛯ሙྜ䜢㝖䛝䜎䛩䚹䠅 Ṛஸಖ㝤㔠㢠඲㢠䜢⿕ಖ㝤⪅䛾ἲᐃ┦⥆ே䛻䛚ᨭᡶ䛔䛧䜎䛩䚹 Ṛஸಖ㝤㔠㢠඲㢠䜢⿕ಖ㝤⪅䛾ἲᐃ┦⥆ே䛻䛚ᨭᡶ䛔䛧䜎䛩䚹 ᚋ㑇㞀ᐖ䛾⛬ᗘ䛻ᛂ䛨䛶䚸ᚋ㑇㞀ᐖಖ㝤㔠㢠䛾㻟䠂ࠥ㻝㻜㻜䠂䜢䛚ᨭᡶ䛔䛧䜎䛩䚹 യᐖᚋ㑇㞀ᐖಖ㝤㔠㢠㽢㻟䠂䡚㻝㻜㻜䠂䠙യᐖᚋ㑇㞀ᐖಖ㝤㔠䛾㢠 䠄ὀ䠅Ṛஸಖ㝤㔠䛸ᚋ㑇㞀ᐖಖ㝤㔠䛿㔜」䛧䛶䛚ᨭᡶ䛔䛧䜎䛩䛜䚸ᨭᡶಖ㝤㔠䛾⥲㢠䛿യᐖṚஸ䞉ᚋ㑇 㞀ᐖಖ㝤㔠㢠䜢䜒䛳䛶㝈ᗘ䛸䛧䜎䛩䚹 䛯䛰䛧䚸ಖ㝤ᮇ㛫䜢㏻䛨䛶ྜ⟬䛧യᐖᚋ㑇㞀ᐖಖ㝤㔠㢠䛜㝈ᗘ䛸䛺䜚䜎䛩䚹 ᦠ⾜ရ䠍ಶ䜎䛯䛿㻝ᑐ䛻䛴䛔䛶㻝㻜୓෇䜢㝈ᗘ䛸䛧䛶᫬౯㢠䜎䛯䛿ಟ⧋㈝䛾䛔䛪䜜䛛ప䛔㢠䜢䛚ᨭᡶ䛔䛧 䜎䛩䚹䛯䛰䛧䚸ᦠ⾜ရಖ㝤㔠㢠䜢䜒䛳䛶ಖ㝤ᮇ㛫୰䠍ᖺ㛫䛾ᨭᡶ䛔䛾㝈ᗘ䛸䛧䜎䛩䚹 㕲㐨䞉⯪⯧䛾஌㌴⯪ๆ䚸⯟✵ๆ䚸ᐟἩๆ䚸ほගๆ䛚䜘䜃᪑⾜ๆ䛾ᦆᐖ䛻䛴䛔䛶䛿㻡୓෇䚸䝟䝇䝫䞊䝖䛾 ᦆᐖ䛻䛴䛔䛶䛿᪑ๆ䛾෌ྲྀᚓ㈝⏝䜎䛯䛿Ώ⯟᭩䛾ྲྀᚓ㈝⏝䛸䛧䛶᭱ᐤ䜚䛾ᅾእබ㤋ᡤᅾᆅ䜈㉱䛟⿕ಖ 㝤⪅䛾஺㏻㈝䚸㡿஦㤋䛻⣡௜䛧䛯෌Ⓨ⤥ᡭᩘᩱ䛚䜘䜃㟁ಙ㈝䜢䠍ᅇ䛾஦ᨾ䛻䛴䛔䛶㻡୓෇䜢㝈ᗘ䛸䛧䛶 䛚ᨭᡶ䛔䛧䜎䛩䚹 䠄ὀ䠅䠍ᅇ䛾஦ᨾ䛤䛸䛻ᦆᐖ㢠䛾䛖䛱㻟㻘㻜㻜㻜෇䠄ච㈐㔠㢠䠅䛿䛤⮬㌟䛷㈇ᢸ䛧䛶䛔䛯䛰䛝䜎䛩䚹 䠍ᅇ䛾஦ᨾ䛻䛴䛝㈺ൾ㈐௵ಖ㝤㔠㢠䜢㝈ᗘ䛸䛧䛶఍ဨ䛜㈇ᢸ䛩䜛䛣䛸䛻䜘䛳䛶⿕䛳䛯ἲᚊୖ䛾ᦆᐖ㈺ൾ 㔠䜢䛚ᨭᡶ䛔䛧䜎䛩䚹 䠄ὀ䠅㈺ൾ㔠㢠䛾Ỵᐃ䛻䛿஦๓䛻ᘬཷಖ㝤఍♫䛾ᢎㄆ䜢ᚲせ䛸䛧䜎䛩䚹 䠍ᅇ䛾஦ᨾ䞉⑓Ẽ䛻䛴䛝䚸஦ᨾ䛾᪥䠄⑌⑓䛾ሙྜ䛿་ᖌ䛾἞⒪䜢㛤ጞ䛧䛯᪥䠅䛛䜙䛭䛾᪥䜢ྵ䜑䛶㻝㻤㻜᪥ 㛫䛻せ䛧䛯ḟ䛾㈝⏝䛾䛖䛱⌧ᐇ䛻ᨭฟ䛧䚸䛛䛴ᘬཷಖ㝤఍♫䛜ጇᙜ䛸ㄆ䜑䛯㔠㢠䜢യᐖ䞉⑌⑓἞⒪㈝ ⏝ಖ㝤㔠㝈ᗘ㢠䛾⠊ᅖෆ䛷䛚ᨭᡶ䛔䛧䜎䛩䚹 䐟἞⒪䞉ධ㝔㛵ಀ㈝䛺䛹 䐠ධ㝔䜎䛯䛿㏻㝔䛾䛯䜑䛾஺㏻㈝ 䐡ධ㝔䛻䜘䜚ᚲせ䛸䛺䛳䛯ᅜ㝿㏻ಙ㈝䞉㌟䛾ᅇ䜚ရ㉎ධ㈝䠄㻞㻜୓෇䜢㝈ᗘ䛸䛧䜎䛩䚹 䛯䛰䛧䚸㌟䛾ᅇ䜚ရ㉎ධ㈝䛻䛴䛔䛶䛿㻡୓෇㝈ᗘ䠅䚹 䠄ὀ㻝䠅᪥ᮏᅜෆ䛷἞⒪䜢ཷ䛡䜙䜜䛯䛸䛝䚸⮬ᕫ㈇ᢸ㢠䛸䛧䛶⿕ಖ㝤⪅䛜་⒪ᶵ㛵䛻┤᥋ᨭᡶ䛖㈝⏝䜢䛚 ᨭᡶ䛔䛧䜎䛩䚹 䠄ὀ㻞䠅 ᾏእ䛷἞⒪䜢ཷ䛡䜙䜜䛯䛸䛝䚸⿕ಖ㝤⪅䛜་⒪ᶵ㛵䛻┤᥋ᨭᡶ䛖㈝⏝䜢䛚ᨭᡶ䛔䛧䜎䛩䚹 䠄ὀ㻟䠅 ᪥ᮏᅜෆ䛷἞⒪䜢ཷ䛡䜙䜜䚸೺ᗣಖ㝤䚸ປ⅏ಖ㝤➼䛛䜙ᨭᡶ䛔䛜䛺䛥䜜䚸⿕ಖ㝤⪅䛜┤᥋ᨭᡶ䜟 䛺䛟䛶䜒䜘䛔㒊ศ䚸䜎䛯䚸ᾏእ䛻䛚䛔䛶䜒ྠᵝ䛾ไᗘ䛜䛒䜛ሙྜ䚸䛭䛾ไᗘ䛻䜘䜚⿕ಖ㝤⪅䛜་⒪ ᶵ㛵䛻┤᥋ᨭᡶ䛖䛣䛸䛜ᚲせ䛸䛥䜜䛺䛔㒊ศ䛿䛚ᨭᡶ䛔䛷䛝䜎䛫䜣䚹 䠄ὀ㻠䠅 䛚ᨭᡶ䛔䜢❧ド䛩䜛ㄳồ᭩䛚䜘䜃㡿཰᭩䛾ཎᮏ䜢䛤ᥦฟ䛔䛯䛰䛝䜎䛩䚹

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When an American Express Corporate Card Member sustains loss of life or physical impediment in Japan, or sustains a loss, sickness, or injuries outside of Japan, the indemnities up to the aforementioned amount will be paid. In the case of domestic travel, this insurance applies only when bodily injury was sustained due to an accident while on board a public conveyance for which payment was made with his/her American Express Corporate Card, or fire or explosion while staying at a hotel which the Corporate Card Member reserved and informed of his/her choice of payment by his/her Corporate Card, or an accident while taking part in an overnight package tour for which payment was made by American Express Corporate Card.

Insurance Period

The insurance period is stated in the Insurance Policy issued to American Express International, Inc. and is effective for one year from August 1 every year.

(The insurance period is scheduled to be automatically renewed thereafter.)

Limit of Indemnity per Insured

The limit of indemnity per insured as per accident, per injury or per sickness is to be, under any circumstances, the amount stated on the Insurance Certificate and there will be no payment exceeding that stated amount.

When the American Express Corporate Card Member possesses other card(s) and such card(s) offer the same type of insurance, the total indemnity limit for all such insurance benefit will be the maximum loss of life indemnity and physical impediment indemnity offered by any one such card in the case of Domestic Travel Accident. In the case of Overseas Travel Accident, when the Corporate Card Liability Type is specified as “Joint & Several Liability,” “Combined Liability,” or “Corporate Liability” based on the agreement made by your company and American Express, the total indemnity limit for all such insurance benefit will be the highest maximum loss of life indemnity and physical impediment indemnity offered by any one of corporate cards. When the Corporate Card Liability Type is specified as “Limited Liability” based on the agreement made by your company and American Express, the total indemnity limit for all such insurance benefit will be the highest maximum loss of life indemnity and physical impediment indemnity offered by American Express Corporate Card and any other personal card. However, it will be handled in the same way as “J&S Liability” when your company is liable for any charges, including those arising from Corporate Express Cash.

Regarding the coverage other than loss of life indemnity and physical impediment indemnity, the total indemnity limit for each will be the total indemnity amount offered by any one such card and general accident insurance.

Note: The condition may differ depending on special policy conditions of the other card(s).

Outline of Travel Accident Insurance


The beneficiary of the loss of life indemnity is to be an heir-at-law※ of the insured; other indemnities are paid to the insured himself.

The definition of heir-at-law is subject to the terms of the Japanese Civil


When Involved in an Accident

・Please submit an accident report to the address below within 30 days from the date of the accident. Please note that delay in submitting the report may result in the indemnity not being paid. When loss of life or physical impediment occurred as a result of the accident, please report it immediately to the insurance company noted below and file a claim according to instructions received.

・Where to report an accident:

Sompo Japan Insurance Inc.


(Toll Free, 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m., Monday through Friday, closed Sat/Sun/holidays)

Answers to all types of phones including mobiles.

・In cace of an accident overseas, please contact an "Overseas Assist Center" and the staff at the center will assist you in filing a claim.

This leaflet explains the outline of the insurance.

Actual payment of your claims shall be based on the General Provisions and Coverage of the Travel Accident Insurance and Rider Clauses.

Insurance Certificate

This is to certify that you, as an American Express Corporate Card Member, are insured under the Domestic Travel Accident Policy and the Overseas Travel Accident Insurance Policy, issued to American Express International, Inc. as the Policy holder, subject to the provisions and conditions of the said policies, of the endorsements and the agreement thereto.

Insured Person(s)

American Express Corporate Card Member.

♦Insurance Coverage Amount (Domestic Travel)

Accidental loss of life and/or Physical Impediment

(maximum) ¥50,000,000 Note: 1) In the case of domestic travel, this insurance applies

only when bodily injury was sustained due to an accident while on board a public conveyance*, for which payment was made with the American Express Corporate Card or in an accident due to fire or explosion while staying at hotels that were reserved and for which payment with the American Express Corporate Card was indicated or to an accident while taking part in an overnight package tour, the payment for which was made by American Express Corporate Card.

Insurance Coverage Amount (Overseas Travel)

Accidental loss of Life and/or Physical Impediment (Maximum) ¥50,000,000 Accidental Medical Impediment      (Maximum) ¥4,000,000 Sickness Medical Impediment       (Maximum) ¥4,000,000 Personal Liability        (Maximum) ¥40,000,000 Baggage       (Maximum) ¥500,000 (per trip) Note: 4)      (Maximum) ¥1,000,000 (per insurance period) Rescuer's Expense  (Maximum) ¥4,000,000 (per insurance period)

Note: 2) In case of overseas travel, the insured person is automatically covered by the insurance. It is not necessary therefore, to fill out forms or pay a special premium for each trip taken.

3) In case of overseas travel the maximum 90 days protection applies from the time of departure from one’s residence in Japan until the time of return to the residence (specifically from one day prior to the date of departure from Japan until the following date of return to Japan).

4) Indemnity is paid for the current price or repair charge up to ¥100,000 per price or per pair. There is ¥3,000 deductible charge by the insured.

* For the purpose of the Insurance Policy, a public conveyance means scheduled transportation facilities such as aircraft, trains, ships, buses etc. operated by organizations managing business in accordance with laws or licenses controlling such business.


When the Corporate Card Liability Type is specified as “Limited Liability” based on the agreement made by your company and American Express except when your company is liable for any charges, including those arising from Corporate Express Cash: Loss of life/physical impediment insurance amount may be received together with other general accident insurance amount. However, if similar travel accident insurance coverage is provided by other personal card(s), the loss of life/physical impediment insurance amount will be divided proportionally among American Express and the other card companies, and paid up to the highest insurance amount offered by any card company, i.e.:

1. When a Card Member has an account agreement with the American Express Corporate Card and any other corporate card(s), the insurance amount that he/she receives shall be the combined amount.

2. When a Card Member has an account agreement with the American Express Corporate Card and any other personal card(s), the insurance amount that he/she receives shall be the highest insurance amount provided by any single account agreement, rather than the combined amount. The insurance amount that will be offered by American Express is calculated based on the following formula:

Insurance amount offered by American Express = The highest insurance amount

× (American Express portion + other personal card(s) portion) (American Express portion) Note 1: For details about liability type agreed between your

company and American Express, please contact your Authorizing Officer.

Note 2: Handling may differ depending on special contract clauses specified by other card(s) or general accident insurance.

Accommodation fee is usually paid

afterward, but will an accident be covered

before the payment was actually made?

In case domestic hotels were reserved, the payment with the American Express Corporate Card was indicated, and the evidence to prove can be submitted, you will be covered by the insurance.

Are there any cases in which indemnity will

not be paid?

Major cases in which indemnity will not be paid include injury inflicted by suicidal or criminal conduct by the insured and injury inflicted due to war.

Who is the beneficiary?

The beneficiary of the loss of life indemnity is to be heir-at-law. Other indemnities are paid to the insured himself.








Who is the insured person?

American Express Corporate Card Member.

Are there any differences between domestic

and overseas insurance coverage?

In the case of domestic travel, you are covered for loss of life or physical impediment, when bodily injury was sustained due to an accident while on board a public conveyance or in an accident due to fire of explosion while staying at hotels, or due to an accident while taking part in an overnight package tour.

Note: This insurance applies only when the payment was made with the American Express Corporate Card.

In the case of overseas travel, the coverage is even wider, you are covered not only for loss of life or physical impediment due to an accident but also for accident and medical impediment, personal liability, baggage indemnity and for rescuer's expense.

I am covered by overseas travel accident

insurance provided under other credit cards

as well, but will my indemnity be paid together

with indemnity of other insurance program?

When the Corporate Card Liability Type is specified as “Joint & Several Liability,” “Combined Liability,” or “Corporate Liability” based on the agreement made by your company and American Express, or when the Corporate Card Liability Type is specified as “Limited Liability” and your company is liable for any charges, including those arising from Corporate Express Cash:

Loss of life/physical impediment insurance amount may be received together with other overseas travel accident insurance amounts provided by other personal card(s) and general accident insurance amount. However, if similar travel accident insurance coverage is provided by any other corporate card held by a Card Member, the loss of life/physical impediment insurance amount will be paid up to the highest insurance amount offered by among American Express and the other Card Companies, i.e.: 1. When a Card Member has an account agreement with the

American Express Corporate Card and any other personal card(s), the insurance amount that he/she receives shall be the combined amount.

2. When a Card Member has an account agreement with the American Express Corporate Card and any other corporate card(s), the insurance amount that he/she receives shall be the highest insurance amount provided by any single account agreement, rather than the combined amount. The insurance amount that will be offered by American Express is calculated based on the following formula:

Calculation method:

Insurance amount offered by American Express = The highest insurance amount

× (American Express portion)

(American Express portion + other corporate card(s) portion)














For further information concerning this service, please contact

Membership Service Center


(Toll-free, 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m.,

Monday through Friday, closed Sat/Sun/holidays)

When involved in an accident, where should I

report the accident?

Please report the accident to 0120-234586(Toll-free) within 30 days from the date of the accident. In case of an accident overseas, please contact one of our "Overseas Assist Center" and the staff at the center will assist you in filing claim.

When I have my personal belongings stolen

during two different business trips, will both

of them be insured?

The maximum amount of payment during one business trip shall be limited up to ¥500,000 and its payment during the insurance term (12 months from August 1) will not exceed ¥1,000,000.

Are there any documents I need to keep

when claiming the indemnity?

When involved in an accident in Japan, a copy of "Record of Charges" will be necessary to prove the purchase of a ticket of a public conveyance. When involved in an accident overseas, the Card Member is required to submit accident report and an evidence to prove the amount paid for the medical treatment.










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Indemnity payable cases

Type of coverage

Indemnity to be paid

Major exclusions

In the case of death which occurs as a result of bodily injury caused by an accident and within 180 days of the date of the accident.

The total amount for death is paid to the heir at law. ●Bodily injury intentionally caused by the insured or by the beneficiary.

●Bodily injury caused by recklessly aggressive, suicidal or criminal conduct of the insured etc.

●Bodily injury caused by earthquake, volcanic eruption and Tsunami (Domestic Travel Accident Policy).

●Bodily injury caused by war or other disturbance, or nuclear reaction.

●Bodily injury caused while driving a car without a driving license or under alcoholic influence.

●Medical expense for injury concerning cervical syndrome (generally known as “whiplash syndrome”) or back pain without medical objective symptoms, regardless, of the cause of such symptoms.

●Bodily injury caused while engaging in hazardous athletic sports or action, (e.q. Mountain claiming, skydiving) etc.

●Sickness intentionally caused by the insured or beneficiary

●Pregnancy, delivery, miscarriage or sickness resulting from these

●Dental sickness

●A sickness received medical treatment by a doctor of which the cause arose before the commencement of the covered period of overseas travel or after the termination of thereof, etc.

●Defect or wear and tear of personal effects.

●Mislaying or loss of personal effects.

●Loss of damage to personal effects that the insured borrows or keeps but that are owned by a

corporations, a rental company, or another party, etc.

●Accident intentionally caused by the insured or the beneficiary.

●Bodily injury caused while engaging in hazardous athletic sports or action, etc.


●Accident directly connected to performance of one’s job

●Accident against relatives

●Accident caused by possession, use, or management of a car, airplane, or ship. etc.

The total amount for Death is paid to the heir at law.

3% – 100% of Permanent Disability Amount Insured is paid according to the degree of disability suffered. (Note) The Death indemnity and the Residual Disability indemnity claims can overlap. However,

the limit of the total indemnity is to be the amount for the Death.

3% – 100% of Permanent Disability Amount Insured is paid according to the degree of disability suffered.

(Note) The Death indemnity and the Permanent Disability indemnity claims can overlap. However, the total indemnity is limited to the maximum insured amount for Death.

Up to the designated maximum insured amount per accident, payment is made to cover the amount of damages the insured is legally liable for.

(Note) The decision on the amount of damages requires prior acknowledgement by underwriting insurance company.

Indemnity is paid for the current price or repair charge up to ¥100,000 per piece or per pair. If the damaged property is railway, ship, air tickets or coupon tickets for sightseeing or lodging, the amount of loss shall be limited to ¥50,000. If the damaged property is a passport, the amount of loss shall be limited to ¥50,000 for expense of re-issuance of passport or issuance of travel documents for return to Japan. However, the payment per one year is limited to the amount insured under Baggage Insurance. (Note) There is a ¥3,000 deductible charged per accident to be paid by the insured.

Indemnity is paid for expenses incurred by the insured or the heir at law for the following items, up to the maximum insured amount for Rescuer’s Expenses Insurance.

(1) Search & rescue expenses.

(2) Transportation to and from the site, such as air fare (up to 3 persons).

(3) Room charge of lodging facilities such as a hotel at the site and on the way to the site (up to 3 persons, 14 days per person).

(4) Evacuation cost from the site.

(5) Overseas trip procedure expenses and miscellaneous expenses at the site (up to ¥200,000; excluding expenses covered under Accident or Sickness Medical Expense Insurance).

Per one accident or sickness, the indemnity is paid for the actual amount incurred for items specified below for a period of 180 days from the date of the accident or from the day on which the doctor’s medication started, up to the designated maximum insured amount for Accident and/or Sickness Medical Expense and to the extent underwriting insurance company deems appropriate: (1) Expense relevant to medical examination and treatment.

(2) Transportation expenses for hospital confinement or hospital visit.

(3) Up to ¥200,000 per accident/sickness for expenses necessitated by hospitalization, for international communication or purchase of personal effects (personal effects alone limited to ¥50,000) (Note 1) When the insured receives medical treatment in Japan, the indemnity is for the expenses

that should be borne by the insured personally and which he/she pays directly to the medical facilities of his/her own account.

(Note 2) When the insured receives medical treatment outside Japan, the indemnity is for the expenses he/she pays directly to the medical facilities

(Note 3) There is no indemnity for the portion which the insured is not required to pay directly to the medical facilities when he/she receives medical treatment in Japan and for which the payment is made by Social Health Insurance or Worker’s Compensation etc., or for the portion which the insured is not required to pay directly to the medical facilities in foreign countries where similar systems exist.

In the case of Permanent disability which occurs as a result of bodily injury caused by an accident and within 180 days of the date of the accident.

In the case of death due to bodily injury caused by an accident which occurred while traveling abroad within 180 days of the date of the accident.

In the case of Permanent disability which occurs as a result of bodily injury caused by an accident and within 180 days of the date of the accident.

When the insured causes death or bodily injury to a 3rd party or causes damage to a 3rd party’s property (including goods the insured rented from rental agencies) and is held legally liable for it.

In case the insured’s personal effects which he/she owns and carries while traveling abroad (such as cameras, jewelry and clothes) are damaged because of accident such as theft, destruction, fire, etc.

(Note) Cash, check, credit card, contact lens, various documents, etc. are excluded. While traveling abroad,

(1) When involved in a disaster caused by an accident (including a case of unknown whereabouts). (2) In case of death or hospitalization of 7 or more

consecutive days due to bodily injury arising within 180 days from the date of the accident.

(3) In case of death from sickness.

(4) In case of death within 30 days of completion of the trip due to sickness which started while traveling, on the condition that medical care by a doctor was started and continued during the trip.

(5) When the insured became ill, received medical care from a doctor, and was hospitalized for 7 or more consecutive days.




incurred at the

time of bodily

injury or


When medical treatment by a doctor is received for bodily injury caused by an accident while traveling abroad.

(1) When sickness occurs and medical treatment by a doctor commences while traveling abroad or within 48 hours of completion of the trip. In case of the sickness starting after completion of the trip, the indemnity is payable only when the cause of the sickness arose during the trip.

(2) When medical treatment by a doctor commences within 14 days of completion of the trip for the specified infectious disease (cholera, malaria, recurrent fever or yellow fever) caught while traveling.

Payment of Indemnity


Note : The English document is a translation of the Japanese "Travel Accident Insurance." In the event of any conflict between the English and Japanese versions, the Japanese original will prevail.



〒 167-8001






死亡保険金受取人は、法定相続人と なります。ご指定いただく場合は、銀泉


保険金 GMOペイメントゲートウェイが提 供する決済サービスを導入する加盟

被保険者証等の記号及び番号を記載すること。 なお、記号と番号の間にスペース「・」又は「-」を挿入すること。

○特定健診・保健指導機関の郵便番号、所在地、名称、電話番号 ○医師の氏名 ○被保険者証の記号 及び番号


6 保険料の納付が困難な場合 災害、生計維持者の死亡、失業等のため、一時的に保険