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S. A. GRIGORYAN and T. V. TONEV (Received 16 February 2001)

Abstract.We consider and study Blaschke inductive limit algebras A(b), defined as inductive limits of disc algebrasA(D)linked by a sequenceb= {Bk}k=1of finite Blaschke products. It is well known that big G-disc algebras AG over compact abelian groupsG with ordered dualsΓ=G⊂Qcan be expressed as Blaschke inductive limit algebras. Any Blaschke inductive limit algebraA(b)is a maximal and Dirichlet uniform algebra. Its Shilov boundary∂A(b)is a compact abelian group with dual group that is a subgroup ofQ. It is shown that a bigG-disc algebraAGover a groupGwith ordered dualG⊂Ris a Blaschke inductive limit algebra if and only ifG⊂Q. The local structure of the maximal ideal space and the set of one-point Gleason parts of a Blaschke inductive limit algebra differ dras- tically from the ones of a bigG-disc algebra. These differences are utilized to construct examples of Blaschke inductive limit algebras that are not bigG-disc algebras. A neces- sary and sufficient condition for a Blaschke inductive limit algebra to be isometrically isomorphic to a bigG-disc algebra is found. We consider also inductive limitsH(I)of algebrasH, linked by a sequenceI= {Ik}k=1of inner functions, and prove a version of the corona theorem with estimates for it. The algebraH(I)generalizes the algebra of bounded hyper-analytic functions on an open bigG-disc, introduced previously by Tonev.

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 46J15, 46J20, 30H05.

1. Introduction. LetT= {z∈C:|z| =1}denote the unit circle and letD= {z∈C:

|z| ≤1}be the closed unit disc inC. Consider an inductive sequence A



→A T2


→A T3


→ ··· (1.1)

of disc algebras A(Tk)=A(T) linked by homomorphisms ikk+1:A(Tk)→A(Tk+1).

Every conjugate mapping(ik+1k ):ᏹkk+1maps the maximal ideal spaceᏹk+1D¯ ofA(Tk+1)into the maximal ideal spaceᏹkD¯ofA(Tk). Sinceik+1k (f )=f◦(ik+1k ) A(Tk+1)for everyf∈A(Tk), the mapping(ikk+1)is an analytic function preserving the unit disc. The inverse limit

1 (i21)

2 (i32)

3 (i43)

4 (i54)

←··· ← Ᏸ (1.2) is the maximal ideal space of the inductive limit algebra



A(Tk), ik+1k

, (1.3)

where the closure is taken inC(). In general, the mappings(ik+1k )are not obliged to map the unit circleTk+1onto itself. The most interesting situations, though, are


the ones when they do, and this is what we will assume in the sequel. In effect, the mappings(ik+1k )become finite Blaschke products

Bk(z)=enk s=1



, 0<zs,k<1 (1.4) on ¯D. The inductive limit algebra[lim→k→∞{A(Tk), ik+1k }]in this case is called aBlaschke inductive limit algebra. Note that all algebrasik+1k (A(Tk))are algebraic extensions of the disc algebra that are isometrically isomorphic to the disc algebra itself. Indeed, letAbe an algebra and letA[x]be the algebra of polynomials inxoverA. For a given unital polynomialp(x)=xn+a1xn−1+···+an, aj∈AinA[x]the setp(x)A[x]is an ideal in the algebraA[x]. Recall that thealgebraic extensionofAbyp(x)is the algebra



. (1.5)

Apis isometrically isomorphic toA(T)if and only if the diagram

A(T) i




A(T) j A(T)


is commutative, whereiis the natural embeddingi:A(T)→Ap, andπ:Ap→A(T) is an isomorphism. In this case the homomorphismj=π◦i:A(T)→A(T)coincides with the composition operatorCB=f◦Bdefined by a finite Blaschke productB, that is,(j(f (z)))=(CB(f ))(z)=f (B(z)).

LetGbe a compact abelian group, whose dual groupGis isomorphic to a subgroup Γ of R. Denote byAG thebig G-disc algebra generated by Γ, that is,AG is the uni- form algebra onGgenerated by the semigroup of charactersa∈G:a∈Γ+}, where Γ+= {a∈Γ:a≥0}is thepositive partofΓ. The elements inAGare referred to asgener- alizedG-analytic functionsonG. InSection 2we review some results on finite Blaschke products and generalizedG-analytic functions. InSection 3, we show that Blaschke inductive limit algebras share many properties with bigG-disc algebras. We give also necessary and sufficient conditions on a groupΓ Rso that the bigG-disc algebra AG,G=Γ can be expressed as the inductive limit of a Blaschke sequence of (algebraic extensions of) disc algebras. InSection 4, we study annulus type Blaschke inductive limit algebras. The local structure of Blaschke inductive limit algebras is studied in Section 5. We construct Blaschke inductive sequences of disc algebras whose limits are not bigG-disc algebras. InSection 6, we describe the one-point Gleason parts in the maximal ideal space of a Blaschke inductive limit algebra. This description plays a crucial role inSection 7, where we find necessary and sufficient conditions for a Blaschke inductive limit algebra to be expressed as a bigG-disc algebra. InSection 8, we consider inductive limits of algebrasHthat are linked by inner functions, and prove the corona theorem for them.


2. Preliminaries. Here we state several basic results on finite Blaschke products and generalizedG-analytic functions, we will need further. Given a uniform algebra A,A and∂Awill denote the maximal ideal space and Shilov boundary ofAcorre- spondingly. Any homomorphismϕ:A→Bbetween two uniform algebras naturally generates a conjugate mapϕ:ᏹABbetween their maximal ideal spaces. If, in addition,ϕis an isometry, that is, if

ϕ(g)B= gA (2.1)

for everyg∈A, thenϕis called anembeddingofAintoB.

Lemma2.1. LetAandBbe uniform algebras. A homomorphismϕ:A→Bgenerates an embedding ofAintoBif and only ifϕ(∂B)⊃∂A.

Proof. Note that for everyg∈Awe have








ϕ(g)=ϕ(g)B. (2.2) Ifϕ(∂B)⊃∂A, thengA=maxm∈∂A|m(g)| = ϕ(g)B. Henceϕis an isometry.

On the other hand, ifϕis an isometry, then


m(g)=ϕ(g)B= (g)A (2.3)

implies that the setϕ(∂B)is a boundary forA. Thereforeϕ(∂B)⊃∂A.

Note that every embeddingj:A(T)→A(T)of the disc algebra into itself generates an isometric isomorphism betweenA(T)andj(A(T)). Hencej:ᏹj(A(T))A(T)D¯ is a homeomorphism andj∂(j(A(T)))=∂A(T)=T. If, in addition,ᏹj(A(T))=D¯and

∂(j(A(T)))=T, thenj(T)=T, and hence the functionjis a finite Blaschke product (see [6], Chapter I, 2). Consequently, for any isometryj:A(T)→A(T)with the above properties there is a Blaschke product

B(z)=en k=1



, 0<zk<1, (2.4) such that

(j◦f )(z)=f◦j(z)=f B(z)

∀f∈A(T). (2.5)

Recall thatz0Dis acritical point forBifB(z0)=0, that is, if card(B−1(z0)) <

ordB. By the Brower’s fixed point theorem,Balways has a fixed point, that is,B(z0)= z0for somez0D¯. If the order ofB is greater than 1 then by the Schwartz lemma the fixed point ofBis unique.

We will need in the sequel the following result, which is probably well known.

Lemma2.2. IfBis a finite Blaschke product with a single critical pointz0D, then B(z)= τθ(z)m+B




τθ(z)m, (2.6)

wherem=ordBandτθ=e(z−z0)/(1−z¯0z)for someθ,0≤θ <2π.


Proof. The restriction of B on D\{z0} generates a holomorphic covering from D\{z0}onto D\{B(z0)}. Ifϕ(z)=(z−B(z0))/(1−B(z0)z), then the composition ϕ◦B generates an unramifiedm-sheeted holomorphic covering fromD\{z0}onto D\{0}. Consequently, there exists a biholomorphic map σ :D\{z0} →D\{0}, such that (ϕ◦B)(z)=σ (z)m (cf. [6]). Clearly, σ θ for some θ: 0≤θ <2π, that is, ϕ(B(z))=(τθ(z))m. Hence



= τθ(z)m+B z0 1+B


τθ(z)m. (2.7)

LetG be a compact abelian group. We assume that its dualGis isomorphic to a subgroup Γ ofR. The big G-disc ¯G over G is the compact set obtained from the Cartesian product[0,1]×Gby identifying the points in the fiber{0} ×G. The group G≈ {1}×G⊂∆¯Gis the topological boundary of ¯G. IfΓ=Z, thenG=Z=T, and the bigG-disc algebraAGcoincides with the classical disc algebra. We list here some of the basic properties ofAG.

(a)AGis a maximal Dirichlet algebra.

(b) The maximal ideal spaceᏹAG ofAGis homeomorphic to the closed big disc ¯G. (c) The Gelfand transformationχa of a characterχa,a∈Γ+on ¯G is the function

χa(r g)=χa(g)ra, wherer g∈∆¯G.

(d) The originO=({0}×G)/({0}×G)inGis a one-point Gleason part forAG. (e) The groupG=b∆Gis the Shilov boundary ofAG.

(f) Any automorphismτ ofAG,G≠ Tis generated by a pair(g, ϕ) such thatg∈ G and ϕΓ is an automorphism that preserves Γ+, that is, τ (g,ϕ), where τ(g,ϕ)a)=(χϕ(a)(g))χϕ(a). The automorphisms ofAG in the case whenG=Tare the Möbius transformations of the unit disc.

3. Blaschke inductive limit algebras. Let Λ= {dk}k=1 be a sequence of natural numbers. Suppose thatmk=k

l=1dl,m0=1, and denote byΓΛthe abelian subgroup ofQ, that is, generated by the numbers 1/mk,k∈N. The groupΓΛcan be expressed as the inductive (direct) limit of groupsZ, namely

Z1 ζ12

Z2 ζ32

Z3 ζ34

Z4 ζ45

→ ··· →ΓΛ, (3.1) whereζkk+1(mk)=dk·mk, mkZk =Z. The corresponding dual groups form an inverse (projective) sequence of unit circles, whose limit is the compact abelian group GΛ=ΓΛ, that is,

T1 τ12

T2 τ23

T3 τ34

T4 τ45

←··· ← GΛ. (3.2) HereTk=Tare unit circles, andτkk+1(z)=(ζkk+1)(z)=zdk. Indeed,τkk+1(eitm)= eitζk+1k (m)=eitdkm=(eitm)dkfor everyeitmTk=Zk.

There arises a conjugated inductive system{A(Tk), ikk+1}k=1of disc algebrasA(T) linked by homomorphismsik+1k =Cτk+1

k :A(Tk)→A(Tk+1):ik+1k (f )=f◦τkk+1, that is, (ik+1k (f ))(z)=f (zdk)forz∈Tk+1.

Consider the extensionsτkk+1(z)=zdk on ¯Dk. The limit of the inverse sequence {k, τkk+1}, limk→∞{k, τkk+1}is the bigGΛ-disc ¯GΛ=([0,1]×GΛ)/({0}×GΛ)over the


groupGΛ=ΓΛ. There arises an analogous inductive system{A(k), ik+1k }1 of algebras A(D)¯ A(T) and connecting homomorphisms ik+1k :A(k)→A(k+1) defined as before by

ik+1k =Czdk, that is,

ik+1k (f ) (z)=

f (z)dk

. (3.3)

The elements of the component algebrasA(k)can be interpreted as continuous functions on ¯GΛ. The uniform closure




, Czdk


inC(∆¯GΛ)of the inductive limit of the system{A(k), Czdk}k=1, as well as the cor- responding restriction algebra[lim→k→∞{A(Tk), Czdk}]is isometrically isomorphic to the bigGΛ-disc algebraAGΛ, that is, to the algebraA(∆GΛ)of generalizedGΛ-analytic functions on the bigGΛ-disc ¯GΛ (see [10]).

In a similar way, if{Kl}l=1is a sequence of compact subsets in the complex planeC withτll+1(Kl+1)=Klfor everyl∈Z, then the closure of the inductive limit liml→∞{A(Kl), Czdk}inC()is the algebra of generalizedGΛ-analytic functionsA()on the compact set᏷=liml→∞{Kl, τll+1}in the bigG-planeCGΛ over the groupGΛ(see [9]).

Consider an inductive sequence of disc algebras A(T1) i


→A(T2) i


→A(T3) i


→ ···, (3.5)

that are linked by the embeddingsikk+1:A(Tk)→A(Tk+1). We have thatik+1 k (A(Tk))= D¯, and also∂(ikk+1(A(Tk)))=T. According to the remarks followingLemma 2.1there are finite Blaschke productsBk:DDsuch thatik+1k =CBkfor everyk∈N, that is,

ik+1k (f )=CBk(f )=f◦Bk, (3.6) whereBk(z)is a finite Blaschke product.

Letb= {Bk}k=1be the sequence of Blaschke products corresponding toik+1k , that is,CBk(f )=ikk+1(f ).

Consider the sequence Λ= {dk}k=1of orders of Blaschke products {Bk}k=1 and let ΓΛ Qbe the group generated by the numbers 1/mk, mk=k

l=1dl, m0=1, k=0,1,2, . . . .By᐀kwe denote the standarddk-sheeted lifting of the unit circleTin the Riemann surface᏾kof the functionz1/dk. Clearly᐀kT, and the diagram

k πk

k+1 B˜k





commutes for everyk=0,1,2, . . ., whereπkbe the natural covering mappingπk:᐀k T. The inverse sequence of circles

T1 B1

T2 B2

T3 B3

T4 B4

←··· ←b (3.8)


is isomorphic to the inverse sequence

1 B˜1



3 B˜3

4 B˜4

←···, (3.9)

whereBk’s is the natural lifting ofBkto᐀k.

Let againτkk+1(z)=zdk, andτkk+1(z)be the natural lifting ofτkk+1to᐀k. Clearly, the diagram

k πk


˜ τkk+1





commutes for everyk∈N. The inverse sequence (3.9) is (topologically) isomorphic to the sequence


˜ τ12


˜ τ32


˜ τ34


˜ τ54

←···, (3.11)

which on its own is isomorphic to the sequence T1


T2 τ23

T3 τ34

T4 τ45

←··· ← GΛ. (3.12) Consequently, the setᏳb from (3.8) is homeomorphic to the groupGΛ. For the dual sequence we get

Z1 Bˆ1

Z2 Bˆ2

Z3 ˆB3

→ ···GΛ=ΓΛQ. (3.13) We have obtained the following result.

Lemma3.1. The inverse limitlimk→∞{Tk, Bk|Tk} =bin (3.11) can be equipped with the structure of a compact abelian group isomorphic toGΛ, whereΓΛ=GΛQ.

Consider an inverse sequence D¯1


2 B2

3 B3

4 B4

←···, (3.14)

whereb= {Bk}k=1is a sequence of finite Blaschke products. The inverse limitᏰb= limk→∞{k, Bk}is a Hausdorff compact space. The limit of the adjoint system{A(k), CBk}1 of disc algebrasA(k)linked by the homomorphisms


Ak+1 :

CBk(f ) zk+1

=f Bk


(3.15) is an algebra of functions onᏰb, and its closure




Ak , CBk


inC(b)is called theBlaschke inductive limit algebracorresponding to the sequence b= {Bk}k=1of Blaschke products. Note thatA(b)is isometrically isomorphic to the restriction algebra[lim→k→∞{A(Tk), CBk}].


Proposition 3.2. Letb= {Bk}k=1be a sequence of finite Blaschke products and letA(b)=[lim→k→∞{A(Tk), CBk}]be the corresponding inductive limit of disc algebras.


(i) A(b)is a uniform algebra on the compact setb=limk→∞{k, Bk}. (ii) The maximal ideal space ofA(b)isb.

(iii) A(b)is a Dirichlet algebra.

(iv) A(b)is a maximal algebra.

(v) The Shilov boundarybb ofA(b)is a group isomorphic to the groupGΛ, whose dual groupGΛis isomorphic to the groupΓΛ

k=0(1/mk)ZQ, wheremk= k

l=1dl,m0=1, anddk=ordBk.

Indeed, under our hypothesisBkmapsTk+1ontoTkandDk+1ontoDk. Since the Shilov boundary of every component algebraA(Dk)is the unit circleTk, and the max- imal ideal space is the disc ¯Dk, then the properties (i)–(iii) follow from the general results of inductive limits of uniform algebras (e.g., [7]). The maximality ofA(B)is a consequence from the following result.

Proposition3.3. Every inductive limit of maximal algebras is a maximal algebra.

Proof. LetA=[lim→σ∈Σ{Aσ, iτσ}], where Aσ are maximal algebras. If ᏹσ is the maximal ideal space ofAσ, then by (i)ᏹA=lim

σ{σ, (iτσ)}. Fixh∈C()\Aand sup- pose that the algebraA[h]generated byAandhdiffers fromC(A). Clearly,A[h]= [lim→σ{Aσ[hσ], (iτσ)∗∗}]. Letg∈limσ{Aσ[hσ], (iτσ)∗∗}\A, and consider the algebra A[g]⊂A[h]. We have thatg= {{gσ}σΣ, gσ∈C(σ)} ∈lim

σ∈Σ{C(σ), (iτσ)∗∗}\A⊂ C(A)\A. Sinceiτσ(Aσ)⊂Aτ andg∈A, it follows thatgσ∈Aσ for everyσ∈Σ. By the maximality we have thatAσ[gσ]=C(σ),σ ∈Σ. Consequently,A[h]⊃A[g]= [lim→σ{Aσ[g], (iτσ)∗∗}]=[lim→σ{C(σ), (iτσ)∗∗}]=C(A). This shows thatAis a max- imal algebra.

We end this section with the following property of bigG-disc algebras.

Theorem3.4. LetGbe a compact abelian group whose dual groupGis isomorphic to a subgroupΓ of R. The bigG-disc algebraAGcan be expressed as a Blaschke inductive limit of disc algebras if and only if Γ is isomorphic to a subgroup ofQ.

Proof. The first part of the theorem follows fromProposition 3.2. LetGΓQ and let{ai}i=1be an enumeration ofΓ. Without loss of generality, we can assume that a1=1. LetΓ1=Z,Γ2=Z+a2Z,Γ3=Z+a2Z+a3Z, and so forth. SinceZΓkandΓkis isomorphic toZ, there is amkN, such thatΓk=(1/mk)Z. ByΓkΓk+1we have that dk+1=(mk+1)/mkZ. The inclusionik+1kkΓk+1generates a mappingik+1k :ZZ such thatikk+1(1)=dk+1, thusikk+1(n)=dk+1·n,n∈Zk. Clearly, the group







Q (3.17)

is generated by the numbers 1/mk,k∈N. As we saw at the beginning of this section, the Blaschke inductive limit[lim→k→∞{A(Tk), Czdk}]corresponding to the sequenceΛ= {dk}1 coincides with the bigGΛ-disc algebraAGΛ.


Theorem3.5. Letb= {Bk}k=1be a sequence of finite Blaschke products onwith no more than one critical pointz(k)0 and such thatBk(z(k0+1))=z0(k)fornbig enough.

Then the algebraA(b)is isometrically isomorphic to the bigGΛ-disc algebraAGΛ, where Λ= {dk}k=1,dk=ordBk.

Proof. Without loss of generality, we can suppose that the hypotheses hold for everyn∈N.Lemma 2.2implies that for every Möbius mapϕkon ¯Dwithϕk(z0(k))=0 there exist another Möbius mapϕk+1on ¯Dsuch that the diagram


Bk k+1

D¯ D¯



becomes commutative. Hence,ϕk◦Bk=(ϕk+1)dk andϕk(z0(k))=0. Takeϕ0 to be the identity on ¯D.Lemma 2.2allows us to define inductively a sequencek}k=1of Möbius maps on ¯D. Everyϕkgenerates an isometric automorphismCϕkonA(D)¯ such that the conjugate diagram

A(D) CBk A(D)






+1 (3.19)

commutes, that is,CBk◦Cϕk=Cϕk+1◦Czdk. Therefore, the inductive sequences A() CB1→A() CB2→A() CB3→ ···A(b), (3.20) whereCBk(f )=f◦Bk, and

A() Czd1→A() Czd2→A() Czd3→ ···AGΛ, (3.21) whereCzdk(f )=f (zdk), are isomorphic. Consequently,




Ak , CBk




Ak , Czdk

=AGΛ. (3.22)

Corollary3.6. If there is a Möbius transformationτ, such that(τ1◦Bk◦τ)(z)= zdkϕk(z),k=1,2,3, . . ., whereϕk are Möbius transformations anddk>1, then the algebraA(b)is isometrically isomorphic to the bigG-disc algebraAG, whereGis the group generated by the numbers1/mk,mk=k

l=1dl,m0=1,k=0,1,2, . . . .

Corollary3.7. If every Blaschke productBkinTheorem 3.5is a Möbius transfor- mation, then the algebraA(b)is isometrically isomorphic to the disc algebraAZ=A(T).

Indeed,Theorem 3.5implies that in this caseA(b)=AGΛ withΛ= {1,1, . . .}. There- foreΓΛ=ZandGΛ=T.


As Theorems3.4and3.5show, certain classes of algebras ofG-generalized analytic functions can be expressed as inductive limits of disc algebras. Actually, any algebra of generalizedG-analytic functions can be expressed as inductive limit of an, in general not necessarily countable, inductive spectrum of disc algebras.

4. Annulus type Blaschke algebra A(b)[r ,1]. Let D[r ,1] = {z∈C:r ≤ |z| ≤1}, andbD[r ,1]= {z∈C:|z| =r or|z| =1}. Denote byA(D[r ,1])the uniform algebra of continuous functions onD[r ,1]that are analytic in the interior. Note thatA(D[r ,1])= R(D[r ,1]), the algebra of continuous rational functions onD[r ,1]. By a well-known result of Bishop, the Shilov boundary ofA(D[r ,1])isbD[r ,1], and the restriction ofA(D[r ,1]) onbD[r ,1]is a maximal algebra with codim Re(A(D[r ,1])|bD[r ,1])=1. These results have been extended to the generalizedG-analytic case in [5]. Namely, letGbe a compact abelian group whose dual group is isomorphic to a subgroupΓofR. Let[r ,1]G =[r ,1]× G, 0< r <1 be ther-annulus in the bigG-disc∆G, and letR(∆[r ,1]G )be the uniform algebra on[r ,1]G , generated by the functionsχa,a∈Γ, defined inSection 2. Then

(a)[r ,1]G is the maximal ideal space ofR(∆[r ,1]G ).

(b)b∆[r ,1]G = {r ,1}×G=({r}×G)∪({1}×G)is the Shilov boundary ofR(∆[r ,1]G ).

(c)R(∆[r ,1]G )is a maximal algebra with codim Re(R(∆[r ,1]G )|b∆[r ,1]

G )=1.

Consequently, the algebraR(∆[r ,1]G )coincides with the algebraA(∆[r ,1]G )of continu- ous functions on[r ,1]G that are locally approximable by generalizedG-analytic func- tions in the interior of[r ,1]G .

LetΛ= {dk}k=1be a sequence of natural numbers andτkk+1(z)=zdk. Fixr∈(0,1]

and for everyk∈Nconsider the sets Ek=D[r1/mk,1]=

z∈C:r1/mk≤ |z| ≤1



−1 D[r ,1]

, (4.1) wheremk=k

l=1dl,m0=1. Hence, there arises an inverse sequence D[r ,1]τ21 E1


←E2 τ34

←E3 τ45

←··· (4.2)

of compact subsets of ¯D. Consider the conjugate inductive sequence A

D[r ,1] Czd1

→A E1


→A E2


→ ···, (4.3) where the embeddingsCzdk:A(Ek−1)→A(Ek)are the composition operators byzdk, namely,


(z)=f zdk

. (4.4)

LetGdenote the compact abelian group whose dual groupΓΛ=Gis the subgroup of Qgenerated by the numbers 1/mk,mk=k

l=1dl,m0=1,k=0,1,2, . . . .

Lemma4.1. The uniform algebra[lim→k→∞{A(Ek), Czdk}]is isomorphic to the algebra A(∆[r ,1]G )ofG-analytic functions on∆[r ,1]G .

Proof. Let ak = 1/mk, where as before mk = k

l=1dl, m0 = 1. Consider the algebras Ak(∆[r ,1]G ) = {g◦χak : g A(Ek)} ⊂ A(∆[r ,1]G ), k = 0,1,2, . . . . Clearly, Ak(∆[r ,1]G )⊂Ak+1(∆[r ,1]G )andA(∆[r ,1]G )=[

k=0Ak(∆[r ,1]G )]. There arises an inductive


sequence A0

[r ,1]G j10


[r ,1]G j12


[r ,1]G j23

··· A

[r ,1]G

, (4.5) where jkk+1 is the natural inclusion of Ak(∆[r ,1]G ) into Ak+1(∆[r ,1]G ). The inductive sequences (4.3), and (4.5) are isomorphic. Indeed, χak maps [r ,1]G ontoEk, and the mapping ϕk defined by ϕk(g◦χak) = g maps isometrically and isomorphically Ak(∆[r ,1]G )onto A(Ek). In addition, ikk+1+2◦ϕk k+1|A

k(∆[r ,1]G )k+1◦jk+1k+2, that is, the diagram


[r ,1]G jk+1k+2



[r ,1]G


A Ek


A Ek+1


commutes. Therefore (4.3) and (4.5) are two isomorphic sequences, and thus A

[r ,1]G




[r ,1]G





[r ,1]G , jk+2k+1





, ik+2k+1 . (4.7) Let nowb= {Bk}k=1be a sequence of finite Blaschke products on ¯Dand letdk= ordBk. Define inductively the sets

Fn=Bn−1 Fn−1





1 D[r ,1]

, F0=D[r ,1]. (4.8) Consider the following conjugate sequences

D[r ,1]B1 F1 B2

←F2 B3

←F3 B4

←··· ←[r ,1]b b, (4.9) A

D[r ,1] CB1→A

F1 CB2→A

F2 CB3→ ···, (4.10) where(CBk◦f )(z)=f (Bk(z)).

Theorem 4.2. If the Blaschke products Bn do not have critical points onFn for any n∈N, then[r ,1]b ≈∆[r ,1]G and the algebraA(b)[r ,1] =[lim→n→∞{A(Fn), Bn}] is isometrically isomorphic to the algebraA(∆[r ,1]G ).

For the proof we need the following version of a well-known result about Riemann surfaces.

Lemma4.3. Suppose that thedk-sheeted holomorphic coveringBk:Fk→Fk−1does not have critical points, and there exist a biholomorphic mappingψk−1fromFk−1onto Ek1. Then there exist a biholomorphic mappingψk:Fk→Eksuch that the diagram

Fk1 ψk−1

Fk Bk


Ek−1 Ek zdk


is commutative, that is,ψk1◦Bk=(ψk)dk, wheredk=ordBk.


Proof. The functionzdk generates a bijection zdk fromEk onto thedk-sheeted coveringEk−1overEk−1. Likewise, the mapψk−1◦Bk:Fk→Ek−1generates a bijection k−1◦Bk)fromFktoEk−1. Therefore the mapψk=(zdk)1◦(ψk−1◦Bk)is a bijec- tion fromFk ontoEk. Since all component mappings ofψkare locally holomorphic, so isψk.

Proof ofTheorem4.2. Letψ0be the identity map onD[r ,1]=E0=F0.Lemma 4.3 allows us to define inductively biholomorphic mappingsψk:Fk→Ekfor everyk∈N such thatψk−1◦Bk=(ψk)dk. Consequently,[r ,1]G =limn→∞{En, zdn} ≈limn→∞{Fn, Bn}

=[r ,1]b b. The conjugate mapCψkmaps the algebraA(Ek)isometrically and iso- morphically ontoA(Fk). Hence the inductive sequences (4.3) and (4.10) are isomorphic, and therefore,

A(b)[r ,1]=



A Fk

, CBk




A Ek

, zdk A

[r ,1]G

. (4.12)

In the setting ofTheorem 4.2the listed below properties of the algebraA(b)[r ,1]

follow directly fromTheorem 4.2,Proposition 3.3, and the results in [6].

(a) The maximal ideal space of the algebraA(b)[r ,1] is homeomorphic to the set

[r ,1]G .

(b) The Shilov boundary ofA(b)[r ,1]is the setb∆[r ,1]G = {r ,1}×G.

(c)A(b)[r ,1]is a maximal algebra on its Shilov boundary.

(d) codim Re(A(b)[r ,1]|b∆[r ,1]

G )=1.

(e) One-point Gleason parts ofA(b)[r ,1]belong to the Shilov boundaryb∆[r ,1]G . 5. Local structure of Blaschke inductive limit algebras. LetF be a closed subset of the unit discD. Denote byA(F )the algebra of all continuous functions onF that are analytic in the interior ofF. Recall thatA(F )coincides with the uniform closure onF of the restrictions of Gelfand transforms of the elements inA(T)onF. That is, A(F )=A(D)| F.

Letb= {B1, B2, . . . , Bn, . . .}be a sequence of finite Blaschke products onDand let 0< r <1. Consider the following compact subsets of ¯D:D(r )n =Bn1(D(r )n1), forn≥1, D(r )0 =D[0,r ]= {z∈D:|z| ≤r}. There arises an inverse sequence

D[0,r ]B1 D1(r )B2 D2(r )B3 D(r )3 B4 ··· (5.1) of subsets ofD. The inductive limit

A(b)[0,r ]=



A Dn(r )

, CBn+1


is again a uniform algebra on its maximal ideal space limk→∞{D(r )n , Bn+1|D(r )n } =[0,r ]b b. Every Blaschke product

B(z)=en k=1



, zk<1, (5.3)



Maria Cecilia Zanardi, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Guaratinguetá, 12516-410 São Paulo,

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