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Awareness and Strategies of Oral Reading and Silent Reading by Japanese Learners of English as a Foreign Language: An Analysis through a Questionnaire


Academic year: 2021

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(1)㎞areness and Strategies of Oral Reading and Silent Readirlg by Japanese Leamers ofEng1ish as a Foreign.   Language:An AnaIysis through a Questionnaire. 教科・領域教育学専攻 言語系コース. M10128D 池上裕人       The puエpose of this thesis is to investigate. process occ皿s一画nally,Chapter1explains the wo舳ng. awareness arid strategies in both ora− and si1ent. memory process わr the reading model proposed by. reading by Japanese leaI=ners of1≡二nglisb as a foI−eign. G1=abe and Sto11er(2011).. language(EFL)一In order to acco㎜p1ish this goa1,I.      Chapter2exp1ains the e脆。ts of oral reading by. ・m1y・・d丘・di㎎・・bt・i・・d耐㎝・.q…ti・m・i・・. providing a此era血re review.It眺。 discusses the. ・・my6f157層・・t−y…㎜d・・g・・d・・t・・t・d・・t・・f. de角nitio叫process,…㎜d weaknesses of ora−readi縦g.In. En81ish,. this cbapter,I presellt a simpli丘ed version of tbe.      Before ana1yzing tbe resu1ts of the. dual−route mode1of reading(Har−ey,2008)and the. questi㎝nairesμrvey,I趾stcomideredthee胴㏄tsof. phono−og1ca11oop(Gatherco1e and Baddeley,1993). or創 and sHent reading in EngHsh 胞r Japanese EFL.      This thesis discusses the e脆。ts of oral reading. leamers.Understanding these e脆。ts wiu aid in the. 丘㎝tb・舳・wi・gP…p・とi…:・・t・m池・ti…f. amlysisoftbequestio㎜aireresults.. w虹en1exical a㏄ess,intema1ization ofnew items,㎝d.      This thesis compri㏄s six chapters,summariz6d in. other e脆。ts of or最reading.Automatization・of wri脆n. the制1owing manner. −exical ac㏄ss舳d intemalization of llew items are.      Chapter l is ah introduction to曲e topic,ir1which I. discussed on the basis of Kadota(2007).、椚tb regard to. presen“he飽uowing t㎞ee res鮒。h questions.. the other e伍ects ofor最reading,this thesis discusses how ora1and si1ent1’eading af胎。t brain丘工nctions on the basis. Question 11,vhat are the characteristics of awareness. of Kawashima(2003.2004.2007).Fu舳er,wea㎞esses. and strategies in oral and si1ent reading by Japanese EFL. of or創  reading  are  discussed  in  terms of text. le仰erS?. comprehension and reading speed.. Que・ti㎝2:A・・th・「・㎝・di坤n…b・㍗・・nm…nd.      Chapter3explains the e価ects of si1ent reading by. women with reg町d to Research Question l?. means of a−iter航江e review It also exp1ains the. Ques1二ion31,vhat are the relationships be榊een Engli睾h. de丘nitio叫.process,and we乞㎞esses of silent爬ading.. pro歳。1ency level and the awal−eness and stra11egles−n oral. The e脆。ts of silent I.eading are exp1aiIled 缶。m the. {㎜d si1ent reading by Japanese EFL learners?. 制1owing three perspectives= understanding te対s, reading speed, amd various reading strategies. Si1ent.      F耐hemore,Chapter1dis㎝sses the pro㏄ss of. rεading is superior to oral reading in terms of both. …伽g・」I…d・・t・・…舳・・脆・t・・f・・提㎝d・iI…. mderst㎝ding and readi㎎speed.Urquhart㎜d Wek. reading,it is危rst necessary to c1㎞吋how the reading. (1998) c1assi酎  reading into 丘ve types 舟。m  the. 248.

(2) vieWPoint  of  reader  objectives: care軸1 reading,.      In order to answer the three research questions,I. skimming,scanning,search reading,㎝d browsing.I. compared the results in ter111s of the 飾uowing fbur. expIain the weaknesses of.si1ent reading 丘。m the. participant charactehstics:(1) sex,(2) genera1English. 制1ow量ng three perspectives,First,it is1ess e舖㏄tive. pro負。iency, (3) Englisb reading Pro角。iency, and (4). than oral reading in automadzing decoding. Second,. Eng1ish listening Pro丘。iency.. wh㎝1e狐ners read sil㎝t1y,the comecti㎝s betwe㎝.      I analyzed Items5to73using a c−test.In oI.der to. letters and sounds are not reinfbrced. Th虹d, silent. investigate the r61ations among the p舳icipants’levels of. readmg Is an actlvlty m wh1ch the reader underst㎜ds. English pro丘。iency,oral reading,and si1erit reading,I. written language input.There此re,ora1reading is more. used the resu1ts of the ACE Placement test that all the. e脆。tive than siIent reading to activate brain 血掘。tions. p鮒icipants had taken onApri−7.2011.. (Kawashima,2004)..      Chapter5presents the results ofthe questiomlaire..      Chapter4presents the me仙。d used to implement. For both ora1㎝d si1ent reading,there are no major. the questionnaire and analyze its results.It exp1ains the. di価erences by sex.. puTPoses of the questionnaire survey and describes the.      The palrticipants in the respective upPer groups of. p畳1ot study,mmber ofparticipants,questiomaire desig叫. genera1Eng1ish proiciency,Eng1ish reading proficiency,. pr㏄edureぬr dist㎡buti㎎the quesdomaire,and data. and English listening pro舵iency were more1ikely to. anaIyses.The paれi6ipants were157first_year students. report that they are的nder of㎜d more pro丘。ient in. (49males and1.08島males)at Hyogo University of. Eng1ish than were the p舳icipants inthe respective1ower. Teacher Education.The questio㎜1aire contained a total. groups.Morθover,the participants in the respective. of73items,divided broadly into Qugstion Aミ㎜d B. upPer groups had acquired e臨ective learning methods. SeCtiOnS.. and strategies fbr oral and si1ent reading in English,.      I constructed the  questionnahe in  −ight of. whereas the1ower groups had not.In additio叫the. Shi㎜awa(2004)and Iwata(2011),which am1yze oral. questionnake results proved that ora1reading he1ps to. reading by Japanese juIlIior high school students.. impmv6the Eng−ish1istening abi1ity of both junior l㎜d. Quest{onAsectionandtheitemsintheQuestionB. senior high schoo1students.. se血ion that asked about ora−reading were w㎡tten with.       Chapter6presents the conclusioIl of the thesis. re竈erence to these two studies.The items in the Question. and gives pedagogica1 suggestions on the.basis of. B section.that asked about si−ent read㎞g were my. 行ndings丘。m the questionnaire survey and the literature. origina1s.. review.por example,I suggest that Eng1ish teachers in.      The questionnaire asked pa耐icipants to provide. Japan should motivate students to1ike Eng1ish and. ξ㎜swers about the言r Enξlish leaming expe㎡ences.It was. to become good at understandlng, speaklng, and. conducted in June2011.. reading it.Moreover,they shou1d teach e雌㏄tive.      Statistica1significance testing of the1=esponses to. learning methods and strategies fbr both oraI and. questiomaire items was conducted in order to reveal the. si−ent reading.. characteristics of the p舳icipants’awareness ㎝d.         主任指導教員  山岡 俊比古. strategies in oral and si1ent reading in Eng1ish..         指導教員    山岡 俊比古. 249.




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