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D.Avritzer*,H.Lange**andF.A.Ribeiro Torsion-freesheavesonnodalcurvesandtriples


Academic year: 2022

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Bull Braz Math Soc, New Series 41(3), 421-447

© 2010, Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática

Torsion-free sheaves on nodal curves and triples

D. Avritzer*, H. Lange** and F.A. Ribeiro

Abstract. Let X be a reduced irreducible curve with at most nodes as singularities with normalizationπ: eX X. We study the description of torsion free sheaves on X in terms of vector bundles with an additional structure oneX which was introduced by Seshadri.

Keywords: torsion-free sheaves, moduli vector bundles.

Mathematical subject classification: 14H60, 14F05.

1 Introduction

Let X be an irreducible reduced curve over an algebraically closed field with at most ordinary double points as singularities and let π: eX → X denote its normalization. In [10, Ch. 8] Seshadri described torsion free sheaves on X in terms of vector bundles oneX with some additional structure. Let for simplicity X just have one node x withπ−1(x) = {p1,p2}. Then Seshadri showed that there is a canonical bijection between torsion free sheavesF on X and triples (E, (11, 12), σ )consisting of a vector bundleEoneX, a pair of vector subspaces (11, 12)with1iE(pi)and an isomorphismσ : 11 → 12. To the best of our knowledge, this beautiful and clear result has not been applied very much in the literature (apart from [11]and [1]). The main papers on vector bundles on nodal curves apply different methods (see [2], [3], [4]).

The starting point of this paper was to understand Seshadri’s result. We give a new proof and discuss the functoriality of this construction. We introduce the notion of morphisms of such triples and show that the categories of torsion free sheaves onX and the category of these triples oneX are equivalent. More- over, we define stability of triples overeX using the corresponding notion for

Received 19 August 2009.

*Partially supported by CNPq-Grant 301618/2008-9, DAAD-FAPEMIG.

**Partially supported by DAAD-FAPEMIG cooperation agreement.


torsion free sheaves onX. Using this, we study the relation between the stability of a torsion free sheafF onX and the stability of the vector bundleEoccurring in the corresponding triple.

To be more precise, assume thatx1, . . . ,xn are exactly the nodes of X and π−1(xi)= {pi,qi}fori=1, . . . ,n. For any torsion free sheafFof rankr onX there are unique integersai, 0≤airsuch thatFxi 'Oaxiimr−axi i. Moreover there is a unique subsheafEF of the formEE withEa vector bundle of rankr oneX fitting into an exact sequence

0→EF → ⊕ni=1Wxi →0

whereWxi is the skyscraper sheaf onX with fibre a vector spaceWxi of dimen- sionai at the node xi. Starting with this exact sequence, the vector bundle E is given by


whereT denotes the torsion subsheaf ofπ(E). We show then that there is a canonical isomorphism

8= ⊕8i: Ext1(⊕ni=1Wxi,E)→'

→ ⊕' in=1(Homk(Wxi,E(pi))⊕Homk(Wxi,E(qi)))

(Note that this description of Ext1 is different from the description in [10, Ch. 8, Lemme 15].) Given an exact sequence as above, the vector spaces 11 and12as well as the isomorphismσ are constructed out of the corresponding homomorphismsWxiE(pi)andWxiE(qi)(see Remark 2.5).

In Section 3, we introduce morphisms of triples and prove the above men- tioned equivalence of categories (see Theorem 3.2). Since the category of tor- sion free sheaves onXadmits kernels and images, so does the category of triples oneX. We describe them and give a criterion for a cokernel to exist.

In Section 4, we translate the notion of stability of torsion free sheaves to the corresponding triples. This is used to relate the stability properties ofF to the stability of the vector bundle E. We show in particular that if E is stable, so are all triples(E, (11, 12), σ ) which correspond to a vector bundle on X.

We also give an example of an unstable vector bundle on eX admitting stable triples. Finally in Section 5, we give some applications.

Notation: Let X be a curve over k. By anOX-module we always understand a coherentOX-module. Similarly a torsion free OX-module means a coherent torsion freeOX-module. A point of X always means a closed point. IfxX


is a point,mx denotes the maximal ideal of the local ringOX,x andmx denotes the corresponding ideal sheaf inOX. For anyOX-moduleF and anyxXwe denote byFx its stalk and byF(x)=Fx/mxFx its fibre at the pointx and we abbreviateOx :=OX,x.

2 Relation to vector bundles on the normalization 2.1 The set up

LetX be an irreducible reduced curve over an algebraically closed field kwith at most ordinary double points as singularities. We assume that X admits ex- actlynordinary double pointsx1, . . . ,xn.

According to [10, Ch. 8, Prop. 2], for any torsion-freeOxi-moduleMof rankr thereisauniquelydeterminednon-negativeintegeraisuchthatM 'Oaxii⊕mrx−ai i. In particular, for any torsion-free sheafF of rankr and degreedon X and any i = 1, . . . ,n there is an integer ai, uniquely determined with 0 ≤ air such that

Fxi ∼=Oaxiimr−axi i. (2.1) This gives surjective homomorphisms

FxiWxi :=kxaii,

wherekxi 'kdenotes the residue field at the pointxi. If we denote byWxi the skyscraper sheaf concentrated atxi with fibreWxi, we have an exact sequence

0→EF → ⊕ni=1Wxi →0, (2.2) where the kernelEis uniquely determined byF, although the homomorphism F → ⊕ni=1Wxi itself is not. This implies thatF is an extension of⊕ni=1Wxi by a torsion-free sheafEwith

Exi ∼=mrxi and deg(E)=deg(F)− Xn

i=1ai. (2.3) Now consider the normalization map

π :eX→ X

and denote the two points ofπ−1(xi) by pi andqi. According to [10, Ch. 8, Prop. 10], for a torsion free sheaf E of rankr and degree d on X there is a vector bundleEoneX such that

E(E) (2.4)


if and only ifExi ∼=mrxi for alli. In this caseEis uniquely determined byEand deg(E)=deg(E)−nr. (2.5) (Note that [10, Ch. 8, Prop. 10] states that deg(E) = deg(E)+nr. However there is an error in the proof: the degree ofπOeXis considered to be−1).

We use the following two statements of [11].

Letkxi (respectivelykpi andkqi) be the skyscraper sheaf on X (respectively eX) with fibrek at the pointxi (respectively pi andqi). Then we have

Tor1OX kxi,OeX

=kpikqi. (2.6) considered as sheaves oneX. This a consequence of [11, Ch. II, Lemma 2.1].

There exists a locally free sheafGof rankrand degree degF+nr−Pn


onX such that

FG. (2.7)

and the quotientG/F is supported at the nodes xi. This is [11, Ch. II, Lem- ma 2.3].

Proposition 2.1. LetF be a torsion free sheaf of rank r on X satisfying(2.1) and letT denote the torsion subsheaf ofπF. Then

deg(πF)=degF +nr− Xn


ai and degT =2 nr− Xn



! .

Proof. LetGbe the locally free sheaf of (2.7). Pulling back the exact sequence 0→FGG/F →0 byπ, we get the exact sequence

0→T →πF →πG→π(G/F)→0. withT =Tor1OX G/F,OeX

. Since

degG/F =nr− Xn



we get degπ(G/F)=2 nr−Pn


. This implies deg(πF/T) = degπG−degπ(G/F)

= degF+nr− Xn


ai −2 nr− Xn




= degFnr− Xn





On the other hand, from (2.6) we deduce

degT =2 degG/F =2 nr− Xn



! .

This implies also the first assertion.

For the following corollary see [10, p.175, l.3].

Corollary 2.2. LetF be a torsion free sheaf of rank r satisfying(2.1) and let E = πE its subsheaf as in(2.4). IfT denotes the torsion subsheaf ofπE, then we have

πE/T 'E.

Proof. As an immediate consequence of Proposition 2.1 and equation (2.5) we get

deg πE/T

=degE. (2.8)

Now consider the canonical mapπE →πE/T. Adjunction gives a map πE =E →π πE/T

which is of maximal rank outside the nodes xi. Since E is a vector bundle on eX, we have

Hom πE, πE/T)

= H0 πE⊗πE/T)

H0 π(E⊗πE/T) ' H0 E⊗πE/T

= Hom E, πE/T .

Hence we get a homomorphismE →πE/T which clearly is of maximal rank.

Hence it is injective and thus an isomorphism by (2.8).

2.2 Extensions

Recall that the extensions 0 → EG → ⊕ni=1Wxi → 0 are classified by the group Ext1(⊕ni=1Wxi,E).The next proposition gives a characterization of Ext1(⊕ni=1Wxi,E). Since Ext1is additive, it suffices to do this for each nodexi

separately. The following proposition appeared in [10, Ch. 8, Lemme 12] in a slightly different form.


Proposition 2.3. LetE = πE with E a vector bundle of rank r oneX. Then there is a canonical isomorphism

8= ⊕8i: Ext1ni=1Wxi,E '

→ ⊕' ni=1 Homk(Wxi,E(pi))⊕Homk(Wxi,E(qi))

whereWxi is the skyscraper sheaf concentrated at xi with fibre Wxi := kaxii for integers ai, 0≤air.

For the proof we need the following lemma.

Lemma 2.4. There is a canonical isomorphism HomOX mxi,E

'HomOeX OeX,E(Di) .

where Di := pi +qi and as usual E(Di):= EOeX(Di).

Proof. LetTi denote the torsion subsheaf ofπ(mxi). Certainly the divisor Di

induces a canonical isomorphism π mxi

/Ti 'OeX(−Di) .

Now the exact sequence 0 →Ti →π(mxi)→ π(mxi)/Ti →0 induces an isomorphism

HomOeX π(mxi)/Ti,E

→HomOeX π(mxi),E

since HomOeX(Ti,E) = 0. Using moreover adjunction, we finally get the fol- lowing canonical isomorphisms

HomOX(mxi,E) ∼=HomOeX π(mxi),E

∼=HomOeX π(mxi)/Ti,E

∼=HomOeX OeX(−Di),E

∼=HomOeX OeX,E(Di) .

Proof of Proposition 2.3. We may assumeh1(E) = 0, since tensorizingE andWxi by a line bundle changes both sides of the equation only by a canonical isomorphism. Using this, the exact sequence

0→Wxik mxiWxikOXWxi →0


induces an exact sequence


→Ext1(Wxi,E)→0, (2.9) where the last 0 usesh1(E)=0.

The canonical sequence 0 → EE(Di) → E(pi)⊕ E(qi) → 0 (here we identify the fibresE(pi)andE(qi)with the corresponding skyscraper sheaf concentrated at pi andqi respectively) induces an exact sequence


→HomOeX(WxiOeX,E(pi)⊕E(qi))→0 (2.10) where we used Ext1(WxiOeX,E)=WxiH1(eX,E)=WxiH1(X,E)=0.

Moreover, by adjunction we have a canonical isomorphism


Using this, Lemma 2.4 and the exact sequences (2.9) and (2.10), we obtain the following diagram with exact rows


ko ko

0→HomOeX(WxiOeX,E)→HomOeX(WxiOeX,E(Di))→θi (2.11)



Since this diagram is certainly commutative, it induces a canonical isomorphism Ext1(Wxi,E)'HomOeX(WxiOeX,E(pi)⊕E(qi)).

Finally, observe that HomOeX(OeX,E(pi)) = Homk(k,E(pi))and similarly for qi. Hence we can identify


Combining both isomorphisms completes the proof of the proposition.

Remark 2.5. According to the proof and in particular diagram (2.11), the image of an extension(ei): 0→EFWxi → 0 under the map8i is given as


follows: choose a preimageψei ∈HomOX(Wxi⊗mxi,E)of(ei)∈Ext1(Wxi,E) and consider it as an element in HomOeX(WxiOeX,E(Di)). Then


Conversely, given a pair(αi, βi)∈ Homk(Wxi,E(pi))⊕Homk(Wxi,E(qi)), the corresponding extension8−1ii, βi) ∈Ext1(Wxi,E)is constructed as fol- lows: choose a preimage ψi of (αi, βi) under the map θi, considered as an element of HomOX(Wximxi,E). Then 8−1ii, βi) is the push-out of the canonical sequence definingWxi byψi:

0 Wximxi


WxiOX Wxi 0

0 E Fi Wxi 0

It follows from Proposition 2.3 that8i(ei)and8i−1i, βi)do not depend on the choices of the preimages.

The extension8−1((α1, β1), . . . , (αn, βn)) ∈ Ext1(⊕in=1Wxi,E)is then the sum of the extensions 0→EFiWxi→0 in the group Ext1(⊕ni=1Wxi,E), where Ext1(Wxi,E)is considered as a subgroup of Ext1(⊕ni=1Wxi,E).

2.3 Torsion free extensions

Letx denote any of the nodesxiofXand let pandqbe the points ofeX abovex.

Recall that we denote byWxakx-vector space of dimensiona, 1≤arand by Wxthe skyscraper sheaf onXwith fibreWxatx. TheOx-module Ext1Ox(Wx,Ex) classifies the extensions 0→ExFxWx →0 of modules over the local ringOx. The following lemma shows that every such module is the restriction of a unique exact sequence 0→EFWx →0.

Lemma2.6.ThereisacanonicalisomorphismExt1(Wx,E)'Ext1Ox(Wx,Ex). Proof. The edge homomorphism of the local-global spectral sequence (see [5, (4.2.7)]) is an isomorphism


sinceHi(X,HomOX(Wx,E))=0 fori =1 and 2. This implies the assertion, since the sheaf Ext1OX(Wx,E)is a skyscraper sheaf with fibre Ext1Ox(Wx,Ex)

concentrated at the pointx.


Combining the isomorphisms of Proposition 2.3 and Lemma 2.6, we get the following description of the extensions ofOx-modules ofWxbyEx:

Let Oex :=OpOq

(intersection in the function field of X) denote the normalization ofOx. It is a semilocal ring with two maximal idealsmpandmqand we have

mx =mpmq. Moreover we denote by

Ex := EOeXOex and E(D)x := E(D)⊗OeXOex

theOex-modules defined byEandE(D), whereDdenotes the divisor p+qon eX. As in the proof of Proposition 2.3, the exact sequences 0→ WxkmxWxkOxWx →0 and 0→ ExE(D)xE(p)⊕E(q)→0 induce the following local version of diagram (2.11).


ko ko

0→HomOex(WxOex,Ex)→HomOex(WxOex,E(D)x)→θ (2.12)

θ HomOex(WxOex,E(p)⊕E(q))→0 ko


Now consider(α, β) ∈ Homk(Wx,E(p))⊕Homk(Wx,E(q)). Let (eα,β)e de- note the corresponding element in HomOex(WxOex,E(p)⊕E(q)). Choose a preimage ψ of (eα,β)e under the map θ and consider it as an element of HomOx(Wxmx,Ex). Then the extension in Ext1Ox(Wx,Ex) corresponding to(α, β)is the pushout of the canonical sequence definingWx byψ:

0 Wxmx ψ

WxOx Wx 0

0 Ex Fx Wx 0.


Recall thatEx 'mrx. Hence, fixing isomorphismsEx 'mrxandWxmx 'max, any homomorphismψ: WxmxExis given by a matrix

A=(αi j)∈ M(r×a,Oex).


We say thatψhas birank(b1,b2), if rkA mod mp =b1and rkA mod mq = b2. This definition does not depend on the choice of the isomorphisms. Certainly ψhas birank(b1,b2)if and only if rkα =b1and rkβ =b2.

Proposition 2.7. Let0→ExFxWx →0be the extension correspond- ing to the pair(α, β) ∈ Homk(Wx,E(p))⊕Homk(Wx,E(q)). The following statements are equivalent:

(1) Fx is torsion-free, (2) Fx 'Oaxmrx−a, (3) αandβ are injective.

Proof. The equivalence of (1) and (2) is clear, we have already used it. We have to show that (2) is equivalent to (3). Nowαandβare injective if and only if they are both of ranka. As we saw just before the proposition, this is the case if an only ifψis of birank(a,a). SinceWxis of dimensiona, this is the case if and only ifψis injective. From diagram (2.13) we deduce that this is the case if and only if the push-outWxOxFxis injective. But this is injective if and

only ifFxis torsion-free.

As an immediate consequence we get,

Corollary 2.8. Let(e): 0 → EF → ⊕ni=1Wxi → 0be an extension as in subsection2.2and let8((e))=((α1, β1), . . . , (αn, βn))∈ ⊕ni=1(Homk(Wxi, E(pi))⊕Homk(Wxi,E(qi)))(see Proposition2.3). Then the following condi- tions are equivalent:

(1) F is torsion free;

(2) αi andβi are injective for i =1, . . . ,n.

2.4 Triples oneX

In this subsection we outline the relation between torsion free sheaves onX and vector bundles oneX with an additional structure.

Given a torsion free sheafF on X, letE(E)be its subsheaf such that 0→EF → ⊕ni=1Wxi →0 is exact, where⊕ni=1Wxi is the torsion sheaf as above. Let

((α1, β1), . . . , (αn, βn))∈ ⊕ni=1(Homk(Wxi,E(pi))⊕Homk(Wxi,E(qi)))


denote the corresponding element according to Proposition 2.3. Then by Corol- lary 2.8 the homomorphismsαi andβi are all injective and we can consider the following vector spaces:

1i1:=ImαiE(pi), 1i2:=ImβiE(qi), 11:= ⊕ni=11i1, 12:= ⊕in=11i2.

Combining the inverse of the isomorphismαi onto its image withβi we obtain an isomorphism

σii ◦αi−1: 1i1→1i2. Finally we denote the direct sum by

σ := ⊕ni=1σi: 11→12.

Summing up, we associated to the sheafF on X the object(E, (11, 12), σ )in a canonical way. We call these objectstriples oneX in the sequel.

Conversely, given a triple(E, (11, 12), σ )oneX, we denote fori =1,∙ ∙ ∙,n Wxi :=1i1

and ifαi: Wxi ,→ E(pi)is the natural inclusion, we defineβi: 1i2E(qi)to be the composition

Wxi =1i1σi 1i2,→ E(qi).

According to Proposition 2.3 there is a unique extension 0 → πEF

ni=1Wxi → 0 associated to then pairs ((α1, β1), . . . , (αn, βn)), where F is torsion free of rankr according to Corollary 2.8.

Summing up, we associated to the triple(E, (11, 12), σ )the torsion free sheaf F in a unique way. The following theorem is due to Seshadri (see [10, p. 178, Theorem 17]).

Theorem 2.9.Given intergers a1, . . . ,anand r such that0≤air, there is a canonical bijection between the sets:

(1) of isomorphism classes of torsion free sheavesF of rank r and degree d on X such that for i =1,∙ ∙ ∙,n,

Fxi ∼= ⊕ai=1i Oxi ⊕ ⊕(i=1r−ai)mxi (2.14) and

(2) of isomorphism classes of triples(E, (11, 12), σ ), where


E is a vector bundle of degree dnr −Pn

i=1ai and rank r oneX,

for j =1and 2, 1j = ⊕ni=11ij with1i1and1i2vector subspaces of dimension ai of E(pi)and E(qi)respectively,

• σ = ⊕ni=1σi with isomorphismsσi: 1i1→1i2.

Proof. It is easy to see that the maps of one set to the other set given above are inverse to each other. The statement relating the degrees of E andF is a

consequence of equations (2.3) and (2.5).

As a direct consequence we get the following corollary.

Corollary 2.10. LetF correspond to the triple (E, (11, 12), σ ) as in Theo- rem2.9. ThenF is a vector bundle if and only if a1= ∙ ∙ ∙ =an=r.

3 The functor9

Let(E, (11, 12), σ )and(E0, (101, 102), σ0)be triples oneX. Ahomomorphism g˜: (E, (11, 12), σ )→(E0, (101, 102), σ0)

of tripleson eX is by definition a homomorphism g: EE0 of the under- lying vector bundles satisfying g(pi)(1i1) ⊂ 101i and g(qi)(1i2) ⊂ 102i for i=1, . . . ,nsuch that the following diagram commutes

11= ⊕i1i1


σ 12= ⊕i1i2


101= ⊕i101i σ0 102= ⊕i102i.


With this notion of morphisms the set of triples oneX forms a category which we denote byT R.

Let f: FF0 denote a homomorphism of torsion free sheaves on X and denote by

9(F):=(E, (11, 12), σ ) and 9(F0):=(E0, (101, 102), σ0) the corresponding triples according to Theorem 2.9. LetEF andE0F0 be the subsheaves defined in (2.2). It is easy to see that f mapsEintoE0. We then see from Corollary 2.2 that

π(f|E)/torsion: EE/T →πE0/T0 =E0


is a homomorphism of vector bundles. Moreover we have,

Lemma 3.1. The homomorphism f induces a homomorphism of triples 9(f): (E, (11, 12), σ )→(E0, (101, 102), σ0)


Proof. Consider the extension (2.2) defined byF and let 0 →E0F0

iWx0i →0 be the corresponding extension forF0. Since f mapsEintoE0we get the following commutative diagram

0 E







0 E0 F0iWx0i 0.


Let((α1, β1), . . . , (αn, βn))∈ ⊕i(Hom(Wxi,E(pi))⊕Hom(Wxi,E(qi)))and similarly

((α10, β10), . . . , (αn0, βn0))∈ ⊕i(Hom(Wx0i,E0(pi))⊕Hom(Wx0i,E0(qi))) denote then-tuples of pairs of homomorphisms associated to the extensions of diagram (3.2) according to Proposition 2.3. By definition the following diagrams commute fori=1, . . . ,n:

Wxi fxi




Wxi fxi




Wx0i α0i E0(pi) Wx0i βi0 E0(qi).

which implies9(f)(pi)(1i1)⊂101i and9(f)(qi)(1i2)⊂102i fori =1, . . . ,n.

It remains to show that the diagram (3.1) commutes, but this is straightfor- ward using Proposition 2.7 and σ = ⊕iσi = ⊕i βi ◦ αi−1

and similarly


IfT Sdenotes the category of torsion free sheaves on X, then clearly9 is a functor from the categoryT Sto the categoryT Rof triples oneX.

Theorem 3.2.The functor9: T ST Ris an equivalence of categories.


Proof. According to Theorem 2.9 the functor 9 is a bijection on the ob- jects. We have to show that it is a bijection on the sets of morphisms. So let g˜: (E, (11, 12), σ ) → (E0, (101, 102), σ0) be a homomorphism of triples on eX. Let F and F0 denote the torsion free sheaves on X with 9(F) = (E, (11, 12), σ )and9(F0)=(E0, (101, 102), σ0).

DefineWxi :=1i1, Wx0i :=101i. Soαi andα0i are its canonical inclusions into E(pi)andE0(pi)respectively. Similarlyβii ◦σi andβi00i ◦σi0, whereιi andι0iare the canonical inclusions1i2,→ E(qi)and102i ,→ E0(qi)respectively.

Then diagram (3.1) implies that the following diagrams are commutative Wxi

g(pi) αi




g(pi) βi



Wx0i αi0 E0(pi) Wx0i β0i E0(qi)


fori=1, . . . ,n.

Now choose fori = 1, . . . ,n preimagesψi and ψi0 of(αi, βi)and (αi0, βi0) under the mapθi of diagram (2.11) respectively and consider them as homo- morphismsψi : WximxiE = πE andψi0: Wx0imxiE0 = πE0. According to remark 2.5, F is given by the sum in Ext1(⊕ni=1Wxi,E) of the push-outs 0 →EFiWxi →0 byψi of the canonical exact sequences 0→ WximxiWxiOXWxi → 0 defining the sheafWxi. Similarly F0 is defined. For every i = 1, . . . ,n we obtain the following commutative diagram:

Wximxi WxiOX Wxi

Wxi0 mxi Wxi0 OX Wxi0

E Fi Wxi

E0 Fi0 W0


where the left hand vertical maps areψi andψi0 and the commutativity of the left hand vertical square is a consequence of the commutativity of diagram (3.3).

The universal property of the push-out gives us a homomorphism fi: FiFi0



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