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Shoji Tsuboi

Abstract. — By a classical formula due to Enriques, the Chern numbers of the non- singular normalization X of an algebraic surface S with ordinary singularities in P3(C) are given byR

Xc21 =n(n4)2(3n16)m+ 3tγ,R

Xc2=n(n24n+ 6)(3n8)m+ 3t2γ, wheren= the degree ofS,m= the degree of the double curve (singular locus)DSofS,t= the cardinal number of the triple points ofS, and γ=the cardinal number of the cuspidal points ofS. In this article we shall give similar formulas for an algebraic threefoldX with ordinary singularities inP4(C) (Theorem 1.15, Theorem 2.1, Theorem 3.2). As a by-product, we obtain a numerical formula for the Euler-Poincar´e characteristic χ(X,TX) with coefficient in the sheaf TX of holomorphic vector fields on the non-singular normalizationX ofX(Theorem 4.1).

Résumé (Les nombres de Chern de la normalisée d’une variété algébrique de dimension3à points singuliers ordinaires)

Par une formule classique due `a Enriques, les nombres de Chern de la normalisation non singuli`ereX de la surface alg´ebriqueSavec singularit´es ordinaires dansP3(C) sont donn´es par R

Xc21 =n(n4)2(3n16)m+ 3tγ,R

Xc2 =n(n24n+ 6)(3n8)m+ 3t2γ, o`unest le degr´e deS,mest le degr´e de la courbe double (lieu singulier)DS deS,test le nombre de points triples deS, etγest le nombre de points cuspidaux de S. Dans cet article nous donnons des formules similaires pour une “threefold” alg´ebriqueXavec singularit´es ordinaires dansP4(C) (Th´eor`eme 1.15, Th´eor`eme 2.1, Th´eor`eme 3.2). Comme application, nous obtenons une formule num´erique pour la caract´eristique d’Euler-Poincar´eχ(X,TX) `a coefficients dans le faisceauTX de champs de vecteurs holomorphes de la normalisation non singuli`ere XdeX (Th´eor`eme 4.1).

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. — Primary 14G17; Secondary 14G30, 32C20, 32G05.

Key words and phrases. — Chern number, threefold, hypersurface, ordinary singularity, normalization.

This work is supported by the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (No. 13640083), The Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan.



An irreducible hypersurface X in the complex projective 4-spaceP4(C) is called an algebraic threefold with ordinary singularities if it is locally isomorphic to one of the following germs of hypersurface at the origin of the complex 4-spaceC4 at every point ofX:










(i) w= 0 (simple point)

(ii) zw= 0 (ordinary double point) (iii) yzw= 0 (ordinary triple point) (iv) xyzw= 0 (ordinary quadruple point) (v) xy2−z2= 0 (cuspidal point)

(vi) w(xy2−z2) = 0 (stationary point)

where (x, y, z, w) is the coordinate onC4. These singularities arise if we project a non- singular threefold embedded in a sufficiently higher dimensional complex projective space to its four dimensional linear subspace by a generic linear projection ([R]), though the singularities (iv) and (vi) above do not occur in the surface case. This fact can also be proved by use of the classification theory of multi-germs oflocally stable holomorphic maps ([M-3], [T-1]). Indeed, in the threefold case, the pair of dimensions of the source and target manifolds belongs to the so-callednice range([M-2]). Hence the multi-germ of ageneric linear projection at the inverse image of any point ofX isstable,i.e., stable under small deformations ([M-4]).

In [T-2] we have proved, for an algebraic threefoldX with ordinary singularities inP4(C) which is free from quadruple points, a formula expressing the Euler number χ(X) of the non-singular normalizationX ofX in terms of numerical characteristics ofX and its singular loci. Note that, by the Gauss-Bonnet formula, the Euler number χ(X) is equal to the Chern numberR

Xc3, wherec3denotes the top Chern class ofX. In §1 we shall extend this formula to the general case where X admits quadruple points. In this general case, we need to blow upX twice. First, along the quadruple point locus, and secondly, along the triple point locus. It turns out that the existence of quadruple points adds only the term 4#Σqto the formula, where #Σqdenotes the cardinal number of the quadruple point locus Σq. Using Fulton-MacPherson’s inter- section theory, especially, theexcess intersection formula ([F], Theorem 6.3, p. 102), the blow-up formula (ibid., Theorem 6.7, p. 116), the double point formula (ibid., Theorem 9.3, p. 166) and theramification formula (ibid., Example 3.2.20, p. 62), we compute thepush-forwards f[D]2 andf[D]3forDthe inverse image of the singular locus of X by the normalization map in order to know the Segre classes s(J , X)i

(06i62) of the singular subschemeJ defined by the Jacobian ideal ofX. In§2 we shall give a formula for the Chern numberR

Xc31=−[KX]3, where [KX] is the canonical class ofX. The expressions forf[D]2andf[D]3obtained in§1 enable us to compute it, because [KX] =f[X+KY]−[D] by thedouble point formula, where


KY is the canonical divisor of P4(C). In §3 we shall give a formula for the Chern numberR

Xc1c2. In fact, we shall calculate the Euler-Poincar´e characteristicχ(X, KX) with coefficient in the canonical line bundle of X, which is equal to −(1/24)R


by the Riemann-Roch theorem. In §4, as a by-product, we shall give a numerical formula for the Euler-Poincar´e characteristic χ(X,TX) with coefficient in the sheaf TX of holomorphic tangent vector fields onX.

Notation and Terminology

Throughout this article we fix the notation as follows:

Y :=P4(C): the complex projective 4-space,

X: an algebraic threefold with ordinary singularities inY,

J: the singular subscheme ofX defined by the Jacobian ideal ofX, D: the singular locus ofX,

T: the triple point locus ofX, which is equal to the singular locus ofD,

C: the cuspidal point locus ofX, precisely, its closure, since we always considerC contains the stationary points,

Σq: the quadruple point locus ofX, Σs: the stationary point locus ofX, nX:X→X: the normalization ofX,

f : X → Y: the composite of the normalization map nX and the inclusion ι : X ,→ Y,

J: the scheme-theoretic inverse ofJ byf,

D,T,C and Σq: the inverse images ofD,T,C and Σqbyf, respectively, Σs=T∩C: the intersection ofT andC.

We put

n:= degX (the degree ofX in P4(C)), m:= degD, t:= degT , γ:= degC.

Note thatT andCare non-singular curves, intersecting transversely at Σs, and that the normalizationXofXis also non-singular. Calculating by use of local coordinates, we can easily see the following:

(i) J containsD, and theresidual schemetoD inJ is the reduced schemeC,i.e., IJ =IDIXIC, whereIJ,ID,IC are the ideal sheaves ofJ,D andC, respectively (cf.[F], Definition 9.2.1, p. 160);

(ii) D is a surface with ordinary singularities, whose singular locus isT,

(iii) D is the double point locus of the map f : X → Y, i.e., the closure of {q∈X |#f−1(f(q))>2};

(iv) the mapf|D:D→D is generically two to one, simply ramified atC;

(v) the mapf|T :T →T is generically three to one, simply ramified at Σs.


Furthermore, we need the following diagram consisting of two fiber squares:


Xy00−−−−→f00 Y00


 yσT0 Xy0 −−−−→f0 Y0


 yσΣq X −−−−→

f Y, which is defined as follows:

σΣq :Y0→Y: the blowing-up ofY along the quadruple point locus ΣqofX, X0: the proper inverse image ofX byσΣq,

X0:=X×XX0: the fiber product ofX andX0 overX,

nX0 :X0→X0: the projection to the second factor ofX×XX0, which is nothing but the normalization ofX0,

f0:X0 →Y0: the composite of the normalization mapnX0 and the inclusion ι0 :X0,→Y0,

Σq: the inverse image of the quadruple point locus ΣqofX byf,

τΣq :X0→X: the projection to the first factor ofX×XX0, which is nothing but the blowing-up ofX along Σq,

D0,T0,C0and Σs0: the proper inverse images ofD,T,Cand ΣsbyσΣq, respectively.

D0,T0 andC0: the proper inverse images ofD,T andCbyτΣq, which are equal to the inverse images ofD0,T0 andC0 byf0, respectively,

Σs0: the inverse image of ΣsbyτΣq, which is equal to T0∩C0, σT0 :Y00→Y0: the blowing-up ofY0 alongT0,

X00: the proper inverse image ofX0 byσT0,

X00:=X0×X0X00: the fiber product ofX0 andX00 overX0,

nX00:X00→X00: the projection to the second factor ofX0×X0X00, which is nothing but the normalization ofX00

f00:X00→Y00: the composite of the normalization mapnX00 and the inclusion ι00:X00,→Y00,

τT0 :X00→X0: the projection to the first factor ofX0×X0X00, which is nothing but the blowing-up ofX0 alongT0,

D00, T00,C00and Σs00: the proper inverse images ofD0,T0,C0 and Σs0 byσT, respectively,

D00, T00andC00: the proper inverse images ofD0,T0 andC0 byτT0, which are equal to the inverse images of D00,T00 andC00 byf00, respectively,

Σs00: the inverse image of Σs0 byτT0, which is equal to T00∩C00.


We also use the following notation throughout this article:

[α]: the rational equivalence class of an algebraic cycleα,

α·β: the intersection class of two algebraic cycle classes [α] and [β].

Finally, we give the definitions ofregular embeddingsandlocal complete intersection morphisms of schemes.

Definition 0.1. — We say a closed embedding ι : X → Y of schemes is a regular embedding of codimension d if every point in X has an affine neighborhood U in Y, such that if A is the coordinate ring of U, I the ideal of A defining X, then I is generated by a regular sequence of lengthd.

If this is the case, the conormal sheafI/I2, whereI is the ideal sheaf ofX in Y, is a locally free sheaf of rankd. Thenormal bundle to X inY, denoted byNXY, is the vector bundle onXwhose sheaf of sections is dual toI/I2. Note that the normal bundleNXY is canonically isomorphic to the normal coneCXY for a (closed) regular embeddingι:X→Y since the canonical map from Sym(I/I2) toS·:= Σk=0Ik/Ik+1 is an isomorphism (cf.[F], Appendix B, B.7).

Definition 0.2. — A morphism f : X → Y is called a local complete intersection morphism of codimension d iff factors into a (closed) regular embeddingι:X →P of some constant codimension e, followed by a smooth morphism p : P → Y of constant relative dimensiond+e.

1. The computation of R


In [T-2] we have proved, for an algebraic threefoldX with ordinary singularities in P4(C) which is free from quadruple points, a formula expressing the the Euler number χ(X) of the non-singular normalizationX ofX in terms of numerical characteristics of X and its singular loci. We recall its proof briefly. We have first proved the following:

Theorem 1.1 ([T-2], Theorem 2.1). — We have a linear pencil L :=S

λ∈P1Xλ on X, consisting of hyperplane sectionsXλ of X in P4(C), whose pull-backL:=S


toX by the normalization mapf :X →X has the following properties: There exists a finite set {λ1, . . . , λc} of points ofP1 such that

(i) Xλ is non-singular forλwith λ6=λi (16i6c), and

(ii) Xλi is a surface with only one isolated ordinary double point which is contained inXrf−1(C)for any iwith 16i6c,

where c is the class of X, i.e., the degree of the top polar class [M3] of X in P4(C) (cf.[P]), and C the base point locus of the linear pencil L, which is an irreducible curve with m(= degD) ordinary double points in P2(C) whose degree is equal to n(= degX).


Letσ:Xb →X be the blowing-up alongC:=f−1(C), andLb:=S

λ∈P1Xcλ the proper inverse ofL:=S

λ∈PXλ. ThenLbgives a fibering ofXb overP1(C). Hence the Euler numberχ(X) ofb Xb is given by

χ(X) =b χ(P1(C))χ(Xcλ) + Σcj=1(χ(Xdλj)−χ(Xcλ))

= 2χ(Xcλ)−c

where Xcλ denotes a generic fiber of the fiber space Xb → P1. The second equality above follows from the fact that a topological 2-cycle vanishes when λ → λj for j= 1, . . . , c. We putEb:=σ−1(C). Then, sinceXbrEb'XrC,

χ(X)b −χ(X) =χ(E)b −χ(C)


=χ(C) Hence,

χ(X) =χ(Xb)−χ(C) = 2χ(Xcλ)−χ(C)−c (1.1)

= 2χ(Xλ)−χ(C)−c.

Since C is a curve whose degree is equal to n with m ordinary double points in P2(C), the genusg(C) is given by

g(C) =1



(1.2) χ(C) = 2−2g(C) = 2−(n−1)(n−2) + 2m.

Note thatXλ is a surface with ordinary singularities in a hyperplaneHλ'P3(C) of degreen, whose numerical characteristics related to its singularities are as follows:

– the degree of its double curveDλ=m – #{triple points ofXλ}=t,

– #{cuspidal points ofXλ}=γ.

Therefore, by the classical formula,

(1.3) χ(Xλ) =n(n2−4n+ 6)−(3n−8)m+ 3t−2γ By (1.1), (1.2) and (1.3), we have the following:

Proposition 1.2 ([T-2], Proposition 2.2)


χ(X) = 2n(n2−4n+ 6)−2(3n−8)m+ 6t−4γ

−2 + (n−1)(n−2)−2m−c

=n(2n2−7n+ 9)−2(3n−7)m+ 6t−4γ−c


Even ifX admits quadruple points, Theorem 1.1 and Proposition 1.2 above can be proved without change of their proofs in [T-2]. Hence what we have to do is compute theclass c of X, i.e., the degree of the top polar class [M3] of X in P4(C). By the result due to R. Piene ([P], Theorem (2.3)), the top polar class [M3] ofX is given by (1.5) [M3] = (n−1)3h3−3(n−1)2h2∩s2−3(n−1)h∩s1−s0,

where h denotes the hyperplane section class and si i-th Segre class s(J, X)i (0 6 i 6 2). Since fs(J, X)i = s(J, X)i (0 6 i 6 2), it suffices to compute the Segre classess(J, X)i and their push-forwards byf. To compute the Segre classs(J, X)i, the following proposition is useful.

Proposition 1.3 ([F], Proposition 9.2, p. 161). — Let D⊂W ⊂V be closed embeddings of schemes, withV ak-dimensional variety, andD a Cartier divisor onV. LetR be the residual scheme toD in W. Then, for allm,

s(W, V)m=s(D, V)m+ Σk−mj=0

k−m j

[−D]j·s(R, V)m+j

inAm(W), the m-th rational equivalence class group of algebraic cycles onW. In our case, sinceD=f−1(D) is a Cartier divisor, its normal coneCDX toDinX is isomorphic toOX(D)|D, the restriction toD of the line bundleOX(D) associated toD. Therefore, the total Segre classs(D, X) ofDin X is given as follows:

s(D, X) =c(OX(D)|D)−1∩[D]

= [D]−c1(OX(D)|D)∩[D] +c1(OX(D)|D)2∩[D]

= [D]−[D]2+ [D]3. SinceC is non-singular,

c(NC/X)−1∩[C] = [C]−c1(NC/X)∩[C].

Hence, applying Proposition 1.3 above to W =J,D=f−1(D) andR=C, we have (1.6)


s(J, X)2= [D]

s(J, X)1=−[D]2+ [C]

s(J, X)0= [D]3−c1(NC/X)∩[C]−3D·C

whereNC/X is the normal bundle ofC inX. Sincef[D] = 2[D], it follows from the first identity in (1.6) that

s(J, X)2= 2[D].

In what follows we use the notation in the diagram (0.2) freely without mention.

Lemma 1.4

(1.7) σΣq [D] = [D0] + 6j0X




whereHq0 is a hyperplane ofEq :=σ−1Σq(q)'P3(C)for each quadruple pointq, and j0 the inclusion mapΣqEq,→Y0.

Proof. — Since the multiplicity ofDat each quadruple pointqofX is 6, (1.7) follows from theblow-up formula ([F], Theorem 6.7, p. 116 and Corollary 6.7.1, p. 117).

We consider the following fiber square:


ET0 j


−−−−→ Y00

 y


 yσT0 T0 −−−−→

ι0 Y0,

where ET0 = P(NT0Y0) is the exceptional divisor of the blowing-up σT0, which is a P2(C)-bundle over T0, and p00 : ET0 → T0 is the projection to the base space of this bundle. We denote by ONT0Y0(1) the canonical line bundle on ET0, and by ONT0Y0(−1) its dual, or thetautological line bundle onET0.

Lemma 1.5. — σ

T0[D0]is expressed as

(1.9) σT0[D0] = [D00] + 3j00T0] +j00p00∗0]

where[ξT0] =c1(ONT0Y0(1))∩[ET0]and[α0] an algebraic0-cycle class onT0. Proof. — By theblow-up formula,

(1.10) σT0[D0] = [D00] +j00{c(E00)∩p00∗s(T0, D0)}2

whereE00=p00∗NT0Y0/NET0, Y00=p00∗NT0Y0/ONT0Y0(−1) ands(T0, D0) is the total Segre class ofT0 inD0. Since

c1(E00) =p00∗c1(NT0Y0)−c1(ONT0Y0(−1)) =p00∗c1(NT0Y0) +c1(ONT0Y0(1)), we have


{c(E00)∩s(T0, D0)}2=p00∗s0(T0, D0) +c1(E00)∩p00∗s1(T0, D0)

=p00∗{s0(T0, D0) +c1(NT0Y0)∩s1(T0, D0)}

+c1(ONT0Y0(1))∩p00∗s1(T0, D0)

To compute s(T0, D0), we consider the normalization map nD0 : D0∗ → D0. D0∗ is non-singular. Hence, if we putT0∗:=n−1

D0(T0), we have s(T0∗, D0∗) =c(NT0∗D0∗)−1∩[T0∗]

= (1−c1(NT0∗D0∗))∩[T0∗]

= [T0∗]−T0∗·T0∗. Therefore,

s(T0, D0) =nD0s(T0∗, D0∗) = 3[T0]−nD0(T0∗·T0∗),


and so, (1.12)

(s0(T0, D0) =−nD0

(T0∗·T0∗) s1(T0, D0) = 3[T0]

By (1.11) and (1.12), if we put [α0] :=−nD0(T0∗·T0∗) + 3c1(NT0Y0)∩[T0], {c(E00)∩s(T0, D0)}2=p00∗0] + 3[ξT0].

Consequently, by (1.10), we obtain (1.9).

By Lemma 1.4 and Lemma 1.5 we have the following:

Lemma 1.6

(1.13) σT0σΣq[D] = [D00] + 3j00T0] +j00p00∗0] + 6`00X



where[ξT0] =c1(ONT0Y0(1))∩[ET0]and[α0] an algebraic0-cycle class onT0,Hq00the proper inverse image ofHq0 byσT0, and `00the inclusion map ΣqEq0 ,−→Y00whereEq0 is the proper inverse image ofEq by σT0.

Proposition 1.7

(1.14) f00∗[D00] =f00∗[X00]·D00−[D00]2−[C00]

Proof. — SinceD00is regularly embedded inY00,i.e., CD00Y00'ND00Y00, whileD0 is not, we can apply the excess intersection formula ([F], Theorem 6.3, p. 102) to D00. Then, denoting the tangent bundle of a non-singular algebraic variety, sayZ, byTZ, we have


f00∗[D00] =c1(f00∗ND00Y00/ND00X00)∩[D00]

={c1(f00∗TY00)−c1(f00∗TD00)−c1(TX00) +c1(TD00)} ∩[D00]

={c1(f00∗TY00)−c1(TX00)} ∩[D00]−C00,

where the last equality follows from the ramification formula ([F], Example 3.2.20, p. 62). On the other hand, by the double point formula ([F], Theorem 9.3, p. 166, Example 9.3.4, p. 167),

(1.16) [D00] =f00∗[X00]− {c1(f00∗TY00)−c1(TX00)} ∩[X00].

By (1.15) and (1.16), we obtain (1.14).

Proposition 1.8

(1.17) f0∗σΣq[D] =f0∗[X0]·D0−[D0]2−[C0] + [T0] + 6k0X



whereHq0 is a hyperplane of τΣq−1(q) :=Eq 'P2(C)for each pointq ofΣq, andk0 the inclusion map ΣqEq ,→X0.


Proof. — We first note that

(1.18) f0∗σΣq [D] =τT0τT0f0∗σΣq[D]


T0σΣq [D]

The first equality above follows from the fact that τT0 is the blowing-up ofX0 along T0, and the second one from the commutativity of the upper fiber square in (0.2).

Therefore, it suffices to compute the image of each term on the right hand side in (1.13) by τT0f00∗. First, we will compute the image by f00∗. f00∗[D00] is given by (1.14). To computef00∗(3j00T0] +j00p00∗0]), we consider the following fiber square:


ET0 j00


 y


 yτT0 T0 −−−−→

ι0 X0,

where ET0 =P(NT0X0) is the exceptional divisor of the blowing-upτT0, which is a P1(C)-bundle overT0, and p00 :ET0 →T0 is the projection to the base space of this bundle. There is a set of morphisms from the diagram in (1.19) to the one in (1.8) induced by those in the upper fiber square in (0.2). We denote by g0 and g00 the restriction of f0 : X0 → Y0 to T0 and that of f00 : X00 → Y00 to ET0, respectively.

Note that the morphismg00 :ET0 → ET0 maps each fiber ofp00 :ET0 → T0 to that ofp00:ET0 →T0, and sog00∗T0] = [ξT0], where [ξT0] =c1(ONT0X0(1))∩[ET0]. Since f00:X00→Y00 andg00:ET0 →ET0 arelocal complete intersection morphisms of the same codimension, we can apply Proposition 6.6, (c) in [F] (p. 113) to the fiber square


ET0 g00


 y


 yj00 X00 −−−−→

f00 Y00. Then,

(1.21) f00∗j00T0] =j00g00∗T0] =j00T0], and (1.22) f00∗j00p00∗0] =j00g00∗p00∗0] =j00p00∗g0∗0].

To computef00∗(6`00Σq[Hq00]), we consider the following fiber squares:


ΣqEq0 −−−−→`00 X00 ΣqE0q `



 y



yτT0 q00y yσT0 ΣqEq −−−−→

k0 X0, ΣqEq −−−−→



As before there is a set of morphisms from the diagram on the left to the one on the right in (1.23) by those in the upper fiber square in (0.2). We denote byh0 and h00 the restriction off0 to ΣqEq and that off00:X00→Y00 to ΣqEq0, respectively. Since


f00 :X00 →Y00 and h00: ΣqEq0 →ΣqEq0 are local complete intersection morphisms of the same codimension, we have

(1.24) f00∗`00[Hq00] =`00h00∗[Hq00].

Similarly, applying the same arguments for f0:X0→Y0 andh0 : ΣqEq →ΣqEq, we have

(1.25) f0∗k0[Hq0] =k0h0∗[Hq0] =k0[Hq0].

Sinceh00∗q00∗=q00∗h0∗and [Hq00] =q00∗[Hq0],


`00h00∗[Hq00] =`00h00∗q00∗[Hq0]



Further, sinceτT0 :X00 →X0 and g00: ΣqEq0 →ΣEq are local complete intersection morphisms of the same codimension,

(1.27) `00q00∗[Hq0] =τT0k0[Hq0].

Therefore, by (1.24), (1.26) and (1.27),

(1.28) f00∗`00[Hq00] =τT0k0[Hq0].

Consequently, by (1.13), (1.14), (1.21), (1.22) and (1.28),

f00∗σT0σΣq [D] =f00∗[X00]·D00−[D00]2−[C00] + 3j00T0] +j00p00∗g0∗0] + 6τT0k0Σq[Hq0].

Since τT0[C00] = [C0], τT0j00T0] = [T0], τT0j00p00∗g0∗0] = 0 and τT0τT0k0[Hq0] = k0[Hq0], by (1.18) and the equality above, we have

(1.29) f0∗σq[D] =τT0(f00∗[X00]·D00])−τT0[D00]2−[C0] + 3[T0] + 6k0Σq[Hq0].

SinceτT0[D0] = [D00] + 2[ET0],

(1.30) τT0(f00∗[X00]·D00) =τT0(f00∗[X00]·τT0[D0]−2f00∗[X00]·ET0).

On the other hand, sinceσ

T0[X0] = [X00] + 3[ET0], f00∗[X00] =f00∗σT0[X0]−3[ET0].



τT0(f00∗[X00]·τT0D0) =τT0(f00∗[X00])·D0







and (1.32)

τT0(f00∗[X00]·ET0) =τT0((f00∗σ


T0T0f0∗[X0]·ET0) + 3τT0j00T0]

=f0∗[X0]·τT0[ET0] + 3ι0[T0] = 3[T0].

Therefore, by (1.30), (1.31) and (1.32),

(1.33) τT0(f00∗[X00]·D00) =f0∗[X0]·D0−6[T0].

Furthermore, we have



T0((τT0[D0])2−4τT0[D0]·[ET0] + 4[ET0]2)

= (τT0τT0[D0])·[D0]−4[D0]·τT0[ET0]−4τT0T0]

= [D0]2−4[T0].

Consequently, by (1.29), (1.33) and (1.34), we obtain (1.17).

Proposition 1.9

(1.35) f[D] =f[X]·D−[D]2−[C] + [T]

Proof. — Since τΣq∗f0∗σΣq [D] = τΣq∗τΣq f[D] =f[D], τΣq∗[C0] = [C], τΣq∗[T0] = [T] andτΣq∗[Hq0] = 0, by Proposition 1.8, we have

(1.36) f[D] =τΣq∗(f0∗[X]·D0)−τΣq∗[D0]2−[C] + [T].

SinceτΣq [D] = [D0] + 3[ΣqEq], we have


τΣq∗[D0]2Σq∗((τΣq [D]−3[ΣqEq])2)

Σq∗Σq [D])2−6τΣq∗Σq D·ΣqEq) + 9τΣq∗qEq]2

= [D]2−6D·τΣq∗[EΣq]−9k0τΣq∗qHq0]

= [D]2,

whereHq0 is a hyperplane ofEq 'P2(C), and

(1.38) τΣq∗(f0∗[X0]·D0) =τΣq∗(f0∗[X0]·τΣq [D])−3τΣq∗(f0∗[X0]·ΣqEq).

On the other hand, sinceσΣq[X] = [X0] + 4[ΣqEq], f0∗[X0] =f0∗σΣq [X]−4 ΣqEq


τΣq∗(f0∗[X0]·τΣq [D]) =τΣq∗(f0∗σΣq [X]·τΣq [D])−4τΣq∗qEq·τΣq [D])

Σq∗(f0∗σΣq [X])·[D]−4τΣq∗qEq)·[D]


Σq∗τΣq f[X]·[D] =f[X]·[D],


and (1.40)

τΣq∗(f0∗[X0]·ΣqEq) =τΣq∗(f0∗σΣq[X]·ΣqEq)−4τΣq∗qEq]2

Σq∗Σq f[X]·ΣqEq) + 4τΣq∗(k0ΣqHq0)

=f[X]·τΣq∗qEq] = 0.

Therefore, by (1.38), (1.39) and (1.40),

(1.41) τΣq∗(f0∗[X0]·D0) =f[X]·[D].

Consequently, by (1.36), (1.37) and (1.41), we obtain (1.35).

Since f[X] = [X], f[D] = 2[D], f[T] = 3[T] and f[C] = [C], by Proposition 1.9, we have the following:

Corollary 1.10

f[D]2= [X]·[D] + 3[T]−[C]

By Proposition 1.9,

(1.42) [D]2=f[X]·D−f[D]−[C] + [T].

Hence, by the second equality in (1.6),

s(J, X)1=−f[X]·D+f[D] + 2[C]−[T], and so, by theprojection formula,

s(J, X)1=−X·D−3[T] + 2[C].

We are now going to compute s(J , X)0. Since s(J , X)0 = fs(J, X)0, it suffices to know the push-forward of each term of the right hand side of the last identity in (1.6). By (1.42),

(1.43) [D]3=f[X]·[D]2−f[D]·D−D·C+D·T.

To realizef[D]3, we compute the push-forward of each term on the right hand side of (1.43). By theprojection formula and Corollary 1.10,

(1.44) f(f[X]·[D]2) = [X]·f[D]2

= [X]2·[D] + 3[X]·T −[X]·C.

Sincef[D] = 2[D], by theprojection formula,

(1.45) f(f[D]·D) = [D]·f[D]

= 2[D]2.

To realizef[D·C], we computef[C]. Since C isregularly embedded inY, we can apply theexcess intersection formula to it. Then,


f[C] =c1(fNCY /NCX)∩[C]

={c1(fTY)−c1(fTC)−c1(TX) +c1(TC)} ∩[C]

={c1(fTY)−c1(TX)} ∩[C]



where the last equality but one follows from the fact C ' C and the last equality from thedouble point formulaforf :X →Y. Therefore, by (1.46) and theprojection formula, we have

(1.47) f(D·C) =X·f[C]−C·f[X]

=X·C−C·X = 0

To realizef(D·T), we compute f[T]. Since T is notregularly embedded in Y, we cannot apply theexcess intersection formulatoT. But, sinceT0 isregularly embedded in Y0, we can apply it toT0. Then, by the same way as in the case ofC,

(1.48) f0∗[T0] =f0∗[X0]·T0−D0·T0−[Σs0]

Here the term [Σs0] comes from {c1(f0∗TT0)−c1(TT0)} ∩[T0] = [Σs0], which is the ramification formula forf|T0 0.

Lemma 1.11

(i) σΣq[T] = [T0] + 4Σq[Hq0]2, (ii) τΣq [T] = [T0] + 3Σq[Hq0],

where Hq0 is a hyperplane of Eq := σΣq−1(q)' P3(C) for each quadruple point q and Hq0 that ofEq :=τΣq−1(q)'P2(C)for each pointq off−1(Σq).

Proof. — Since the multiplicity ofT (resp.T) at each quadruple pointq(resp. at each pointqoff−1(Σq)) is 4 (resp. 3), (i) (resp. (ii)) follows from theblow-up formula([F], Theorem 6.7, p. 116, and Corollary 6.7.1, p. 117).

Proposition 1.12

(1.49) f[T] =f[X]·T−D·T −[Σs] + [Σq]

Proof. — Sincef0∗(4 Σq[Hq0]2) = 4Σq[Hq0]2, by Lemma 1.11, (i) and (1.48), (1.50) f0∗σΣq[T] =f0∗[T0] + 4 Σq[Hq0]2

=f0∗[X0]·T0−D0·T0−[Σs0] + 4 Σq[Hq0]2. Since

(1.51) f[T] =τΣq∗τΣq f[T] =τΣq∗f0∗σΣq[T],

it suffices to compute the push-forward of each term on the right hand side in (1.50) by τΣq∗ in order to knowf[T]. SinceσΣq [X] = [X0] + 4[ΣqEq] andf0∗qEq] = [ΣqEq], by Lemma 1.11, (ii),


τΣq∗(f0∗[X0]·T0) =τΣq∗((f0∗σΣq [X]−4[ΣqEq])·(τΣq [T]−3[ΣqHq0]))

Σq∗((τΣq f[X])·τΣq [T]−4[ΣqEq]·τΣq [T]

−3τΣq f[X]·[ΣqHq0] + 12[ΣqEq]·[ΣqHq0])



Here the second equality follows from the commutativity of the lower fiber square in (0.2) and the third one from theprojection formula and the following facts:





τΣq∗qEq] = 0, τΣq∗qHq0] = 0,

qEq]·[ΣqHq0] =−Σq[Hq0]2, τΣq∗q[Hq0]2) = [Σq].

SinceτΣq [D] = [D0] + 3[ΣqEq], by Lemma 1.11, (ii), D0·T0= (τΣq [D]−3[ΣqEq])·(τΣq [T]−3Σq[Hq0])

Σq [D]·τΣq [T]−3(τΣq [D]·Σq[Hq0])−3([EΣq]·τΣq [T]) + 9[EΣq]·Σq[Hq0] Hence, by theprojection formula and (1.53),

(1.54) τΣq∗(D0·T0) =D·T−9[Σq]

Consequently, by (1.51), (1.50), (1.52), (1.54) and the fourth equality in (1.53), f[T] =f[X]·T −12[Σq]−D·T + 9[Σq]−[Σs] + 4[Σq]

=f[X]·T −D·T−[Σs] + [Σq].

Corollary 1.13

(1.55) f[D]3= [X]2·[D]−2[D]2+ 5X·T−X·C−[Σs] + 4[Σq].

Proof. — By Proposition 1.12,

D·T =f[X]·T−f[T]−[Σs] + [Σq].


(1.56) f(D·T) = 3X·T−X·T−[Σs] + 4[Σq]

= 2X·T−[Σs] + 4[Σq]

By (1.43), (1.47), (1.56) and Corollary 1.10,

f[D]3= [X]·f[D]2−2[D]2+ 2X·T−[Σs] + 4[Σq]

= [X]2·D+ 3X·T−X·C−2[D]2+ 2X·T−[Σs] + 4[Σq]

= [X]2·D+ 5X·T−X·C−2[D]2−[Σs] + 4[Σq]

Since (1.57)

s(J, X)0=fs(J, X)0


=f[D]3−fc1(NC/X)∩[C] (cf. (1.47)),


what remains is to compute fc1(NC/X)∩[C] in order to know s(J , X)0. By the adjunction formula, thedouble point formula forf :X→Y and (1.46),

c1(NCX)∩[C] =−KX·C+ [kC]

= (−f[X+KY] +D)·C+ [kC]

=−f[KY]·C−f[C] + [kC],

whereKY,KX andkCare the canonical divisors ofY,XandC, respectively. There- fore, by theprojection formula and the factC'C,

(1.58) f(c1(NCX)∩[C]) =−KY ·C−X·C+ [kC] Substituting (1.55) and (1.58) into (1.57), we have

s(J, X)0= [X]2·D−2[D]2+ 5X·T+KY ·C−[kC]−[Σs] + 4[Σq].

We collect the results concerning the Segre classes ofX obtained up to this point in the following proposition:

Proposition 1.14. — The Segre classes of the singular subscheme J, defined by the Jacobian ideal, of an algebraic threefold X with ordinary singularities in the four dimensional projective spaceY =P4(C) are given as follows:


s(J, X)2= 2[D]

s(J, X)1=−X·D−3T+ 2C

s(J, X)0= [X]2·D−2[D]2+ 5X·T+KY ·C−[kC]−[Σs] + 4[Σq].

Here D, T, C,Σs and Σq are the singular locus, triple point locus, cuspidal point locus,stationary point locusand quadruple point locusofX, respectively. KY is the canonical divisor of the projective 4-space Y, andkC that ofC.

Note that the effect of the existence of quadruple points ofX is only the term 4[Σq]

in the expression ofs(J, X)0. Then, by Proposition 1.14,


degs2= 2m

degs1=−nm+ 2γ−3t

degs0=n2m−2m2+ 5nt−5γ−#Σs−degkC+ 4#Σq,

where n = degX (the degree of X in Y), m = degD, t = degT, γ = degC, and #Σs = the cardinal number of Σs, and #Σq = the cardinal number of Σq.

Consequently, by (1.5), theclass c ofX is given by

c= deg[M3] = (n−1)3degX−3(n−1)2degs2−3(n−1) degs1−degs0

= (n−1)3n−(4n2−9n−2m+ 6)m+ (4n−9)t−(6n−11)γ

+ #Σs+ degkC−4#Σq.

By this formula together with Proposition 1.2, we have the following:



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