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Rational Torsion on the Generalized Jacobian of a Modular Curve With Cuspidal Modulus


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Rational Torsion on the Generalized Jacobian of a Modular Curve With Cuspidal Modulus

Takao Yamazaki1 and Yifan Yang2

Received: June 22, 2016 Revised: August 16, 2016 Communicated by Don Blasius

Abstract. We consider the generalized JacobianJe0(N)of a modular curveX0(N)with respect to a reduced divisor given by the sum of all cusps on it. WhenN is a power of a prime≥5, we exhibit that the group of ratio- nal torsion pointsJe0(N)(Q)Tortends to be much smaller than the classical Jacobian.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 14H40; Secondary 11G16, 11F03, 14G35.

Keywords and Phrases: Generalized Jacobian, torsion points, modular units, cuspidal divisor class.

1 Introduction 1.1

Let N be a natural number and let X0(N) be the modular curve with respect to Γ0(N) = {(a bc d) ∈ SL2(Z) | c ≡ 0 modN}, which we regard as a smooth pro- jective curve overQ. Its Jacobian varietyJ0(N)is an important object in arithmetic geometry and is intensively studied by many authors. By the Mordell-Weil theorem, the groupJ0(N)(Q)ofQ-rational points onJ0(N)is finitely generated, and hence its torsion subgroupJ0(N)(Q)Toris finite. The torsion subgroup contains an important subgroupC(N)generated by classes ofQ-rational divisors of degree0with support on cusps ofX0(N), called theQ-rational cuspidal divisor class group. (By Manin’s theorem [4], divisors with support on cusps are of finite order inJ0(N).) Ogg [6] con- jectured and later Mazur [5] proved that whenN=pis a prime, the two groupsC(p)

1Supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant (15K04773).

2Supported by Grant 102-2115-M-009-001-MY4 of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (R.O.C.).


andJ0(p)(Q)Tor coincide and are cyclic of order(p−1)/(p−1,12). For general cases, it is still an open problem whether the two groups are equal, although the works of Lorenzini [3] and Ling [2] have given a partially affirmative answer to the problem.

We summarize the results mentioned above in the theorem below. Here form∈Z>0, we say two abelian groups are isomorphicup tom-torsionif they become isomorphic after tensoring withZ[1/m].

Theorem 1.1.1 Letpbe a prime number and seta:= (p−1)/(p−1,12), b :=

(p+ 1)/(p+ 1,12). Letnbe a positive integer.

1. IfN =p, thenJ0(p)(Q)Tor =C(p)and is a cyclic group of ordera. (Mazur [5, Theorem 1].)

2. Suppose p 6≡ 11 mod 12. If p ≥ 5 and N = pn, then the three groups J0(pn)(Q)Tor,C(pn), and(Z/aZ)n×(Z/bZ)n−1 are isomorphic up to 2p- torsion. (Lorenzini [3, Theorem 4.6].)

3. The previous statement (2) holds without the assumptionp6≡11 mod 12but up to6p-torsion (Ling [2, Theorem 4]).

4. Assume thatp≥5. Ifnis even, then








Ifnis odd, then








In particular, the order ofC(pn)isanbn−1pkn, where


((n−2)(3n−2)/4, ifnis even, (n−1)(3n−5)/4, ifnis odd.

(Ling [2, Theorem 1].)

Remark 1.1.2 Recently, Ohta [7] proved thatC(N)andJ0(N)(Q)Torare isomor- phic up to2-torsion whenN is the product of distinct primes different from3.

LetC0(N)be the closed subset ofX0(N)consisting of all cusps. We regardC0(N) as an effective reduced divisor onX0(N). In this paper, we consider thegeneralized JacobianJe0(N)ofX0(N)with modulus C0(N)in the sense of Rosenlicht-Serre [8]. It should be as important asJ0(N)in arithmetic geometry of modular curves, but somehowJe0(N)has not been studied much. We are interested in the group of Q-rational pointsJe0(N)(Q)onJe0(N). Although it is not finitely generated (unless


N = 1), its torsion subgroupJe0(N)(Q)Tor is finite. In this paper we observe that Je0(N)(Q)Tor is unexpectedly smaller thanJ0(N)(Q)Tor by proving the following result, which shows a sharp contrast with Theorem 1.1.1. (For example, Mazur’s theorem shows that the cardinality ofJ0(p)(Q)Tor grows linearly aspincreases, but on the contrary, our result shows that the cardinality ofJe0(p)(Q)Torremains the same for allp.)

Theorem 1.1.3 Letpbe a prime number andnbe a positive integer.

1. IfN =p, thenJe0(p)(Q)Toris a cyclic group of order2.

2. Supposep6≡11 mod 12. Ifp≥5andN =pn, thenJe0(pn)(Q)Toris isomor- phic to the trivial group up to2p-torsion.

3. The previous statement (2) holds without the assumptionp6≡11 mod 12but up to6p-torsion.

4. Assume thatp≥5. Suppose that the conjectureJ0(pn)(Q)Tor=C(pn)is true.

Ifnis even, then









Ifnis odd, then










This result is actually a consequence of our main theorem (Theorem 1.3.1) below.

However, before we state our main result, let us pause here to recall some basic facts about generalized Jacobian (cf. [8]).


LetCbe a smooth projective geometrically connected curve over a fieldk, andJthe Jacobian variety ofC. We give ourselves distinct closed pointsP0, . . . , Pn ∈C. We assume thatPn is ak-rational point. We consider the generalized JacobianJeofC with modulusD=P0+· · ·+Pn. There is an exact sequence

0→Gm→ Mn i=0

Resk(Pi)/kGm→Je→J →0

of commutative algebraic groups overk. HereResk(Pi)/k denotes the Weil restric- tion. We have Resk(Pn)/kGm = Gm sincePn is a k-rational point. As we have


H1(k,Resk(Pi)/kGm) = 0(by Hilbert 90 and Shapiro’s lemma), it induces exact sequences of abelian groups




k(Pi)×ι J(k)e →J(k)→0 (1) and





ρ J(k)Tor

δ n−1M


k(Pi)×⊗Q/Z, (2) where we denote byµ(F)the group of all roots of unity inFfor a fieldF.

Remark 1.2.1 Consider an effective divisorD which has the same support asD (that is,D=Pn

i=0aiPiwithai∈Z>0). One can consider the generalized Jacobian JofCwith modulusD. Then there is a canonical surjectionJ →Jewhose kernel is unipotent. In particular, whenkis of characteristic zero, we have an isomorphism J(k)Tor→Je(k)Torand hence there is nothing new in our problem.


We return to the setting in§1.1. Letpbe a prime number and letnbe a positive integer.

ThenC0(pn)consists ofn+1pointsP0, . . . , Pn, which we will arrange in such a way that the residue fieldQ(Pi)ofPiis the cyclotomic fieldQ(µpd(i))of degreepd(i)with d(i) := min(i, n−i)for eachi= 0, . . . , n. (See§3.1 for more details.) In particular, P0andPnareQ-rational. Then the mapδin (2) for(k, C, D) = (Q, X0(pn), C0(pn)) reads




Q(µpd(i))×⊗Q/Z, d(i) = min(i, n−i). (3) Thus, Theorem 1.1.3 follows from Theorem 1.1.1 and the following theorem, which is the main result of this article.

Theorem 1.3.1 Letp≥5be a prime number and letnbe a positive integer. Then the restriction of the map(3)toC(pn)is injective.

The proof of Theorem 1.3.1 will occupy almost all of the rest of this article and will be completed in§6. On the other hand, Theorem 1.3.1 does not admit a naive gener- alization to other values of levelN. Indeed, in the last section§7 we shall observe the following result:

Proposition 1.3.2 Letp, qbe two distinct prime numbers. (ThenC0(pq)consists of fourQ-rational points.) Ifp≡q≡1 mod 12, then the kernel of the restriction to C(pq)of

δ:J0(pq)(Q)Tor→(Q×)3⊗Q/Z is a cyclic group of order(p−1)(q−1)/24.


In view of Ohta’s result (see Remark 1.1.2), we find thatJe0(pq)(Q)Toris isomorphic to a cyclic group of order(p−1)(q−1)/3up to2-torsion. This shows another sharp contrast with Theorem 1.1.3. We are not able (but hoping) to find more conceptual reason for such difference.


LetQbe an algebraic closure ofQand fix an embeddingQ ֒→ C. Form ∈ Z>0, we setζm :=e2πi/m ∈Q×andµm :={ζmk |k∈Z} ⊂ Q×. For an abelian group A, we writeATor for the subgroup of torsion elements ofA. For a fieldF, we write µ(F) = (F×)Tor.

2 Torsion rational points on generalized Jacobian 2.1

In this section, we use the notations introduced in §1.2. We always assume Pn is k-rational. We will give an explicit description of the mapδin (2) in Lemma 2.3.1 below. Takex∈Ln−1

i=0 k(Pi)×,m∈Z>0anda∈J(k)such thatma= 0. Then by definition we haveδ(a) =x⊗m1 if there is a liftea∈Je(k)ofasuch thatι(x) =mea, whereιis the map appearing in (1).


We recall some basic facts about the relative Picard group and generalized Jacobian (cf. [8, Chapter V]). Denote byK the function field ofC. For a closed pointP on C, we writeKP for the completion ofK atP,OP for the ring of integers inKP, tP ∈ OP for a (fixed) uniformizer,UP := (1 +tPOP)× for the group of principal units inOP, andk(P) :=OP/tPOP for the residue field atP.

LetU :=C\ |D|be the open complement of the divisorD=P0+· · ·+Pn. Let us consider the abelian group

Div(C, D) := Div(U)⊕ Mn



We have a canonical map

K×→Div(C, D), f 7→

divU(f); (f modUPi)ni=0) ,

whose cokernel is by definition therelative Picard groupPic(C, D)ofCrelative to D. We also have a commutative diagram with exact rows

0 //K× //Div(C, D) //


Pic(C, D) //



k×  //K× //Div(C) //Pic(C) //0,


whereαis a canonical surjection given by

E; (fimodUPi)ni=0

7→E+ Xn i=0


andαis induced byα. Combined with isomorphisms ker(α)∼=

Mn i=0

(O×Pi/UPi)∼= Mn i=0

k(Pi)×, Mn





k(Pi)×, (ci)ni=0mod (k×)7→(ci/cn)n−1i=0,

where(k×)is the image of the diagonal mapk× → ⊕ik(Pi)×, we obtain an exact sequence




k(Pi)×→Pic(C, D)→Pic(C)→0. (4) On the other hand, there are canonical isomorphisms

J(k)∼= ker[Pic(C)deg→Z],

Je(k)∼= ker[Pic(C, D)→α Pic(C)deg→Z].

Then (1) is deduced from (4) by restriction. We also obtain

J(k)Tor∼= Pic(C)Tor, J(k)e Tor∼= Pic(C, D)Tor.


We are now ready to describe explicitly the mapδfrom (2).

Lemma 2.3.1 LetE =Pn

i=0aiPi ∈Div0(C)be a degree zero divisor supported onD. Suppose that its class[E]inJ(k)is killed bym∈Z>0so that there isf ∈K× such thatdivC(f) =mE. Define


( f


f )(Pi)n−1 i=0




Then we have

δ([E]) =E ⊗ 1 m in




(Note thatE ⊗m1 does not depend on the choices oftPiandf.)


Proof. We use the fact recalled in§2.1. PutEe := (0; (taPii)ni=0)∈Div(C, D)so that α(Ee) = E. It suffices to prove that the class ofmEe inPic(C, D)is the same as ι(E)∈J(k)e ⊂Pic(C, D)(see (1) for the mapι). By definition,ι(E)is given by the class of(0; (f−1tmaPi i)ni=0). SincedivC(f) =mE, we havedivU(f) = 0, and hence the class of(0; (f−1tmaPi i)ni=0)agrees with that of(0; (tmaPi i)ni=0) =mEeinPic(C, D).

We are done.

3 Preliminaries on modular curves 3.1

We return to the setting in§1.1. We take an integerN >1and consider the modular curveX0(N). Recall thatC0(N)denotes the set of cusps onX0(N)so that we have a canonical bijectionC0(N)(C)∼= Γ0(N)\P1(Q). For each divisord >0ofN, there is a uniqueQd ∈C0(N)such that the set ofC-rational points lying overQdis given byΓ0(N)-orbits ofa/d ∈ P1(Q)witha ∈ Z, (a, d) = 1. We callQd ∈ C0(N) the cusp oflevel d. The residue field of Qd isQ(ζm)withm = (d, N/d), hence the degree ofQdisφ(m), whereφdenotes the Euler function. The classes of0and

∞ ∈P1(Q)areQ-rational and are of level1andN respectively.

We define

D(N) :={E∈Div0(X0(N))| |E| ⊂C0(N)}

=hQd−φ((d, N/d))QN |d|Ni,

P(N) :=D(N)∩div(Q(X0(N))×), (5) C(N) :=D(N)/P(N).

As we recalled in the introduction,C(N)is a subgroup ofJ0(N)(Q)Tor, hence finite.


We will use the Dedekind eta function to construct modular functions needed for our purpose. Here let us recall some well-known properties of the Dedekind eta function η(τ), where as usualτis a variable on the upper half planeH. We shall make use of the standard identificationX0(N)(C)∼= Γ0(N)\(H∪P1(Q)).

Proposition 3.2.1 ([1, Proposition 3.2.1]) LetN be a positive integer. The producth=Q

δ|Nη(δτ)rδ,rδ ∈ Z, is a modular function onX0(N)if and only if the following conditions are satisfied:

1. P

δ|Nrδ = 0, 2. Q

δ|Nδrδis the square of a rational number, 3. P

δ|Nrδδ≡0 mod 24, and 4. P

δ|Nrδ(N/δ)≡0 mod 24.


We also remark that, if these conditions are satisfied, thenhis defined overQ(see [1, p. 32, Remarque]).

Lemma 3.2.2 ([1, Proposition 3.2.8]) LetNbe a positive integer. Letdandδ be positive divisors ofN. Then the order ofη(δτ)at a cusp of leveldisaN(d, δ)/24, where

aN(d, δ) := N (d, N/d)

(d, δ)2 dδ . In particular, ifg(τ) =Q

δ|Nη(δτ)rδ is an eta-product satisfying the conditions in Proposition 3.2.1, then

divg= 1 24



rδaN(d, δ)Qd.

WhenN =pnis a prime power, the orders ofη(pkτ)at cusps can be summarized as follows.

Corollary 3.2.3 Letpnbe a prime power.

1. Ifm≥n/2, then the order ofη(pkτ)at a cusp of levelpmis (pk/24, ifk≤m,

p2m−k/24, ifk > m.

2. Ifm < n/2, then the order ofη(pkτ)at a cusp of levelpmis (pn−k/24, ifm≤k,

pn+k−2m/24, ifm > k.

In order to obtain the Fourier expansion of an eta-product at a cusp, we should need the following transformation formula for the Dedekind eta function.

Lemma 3.2.4 ([10, pp. 125–127]) For γ=

a b c d

∈SL2(Z), the transformation formula forη(τ)is given by, forc= 0,

η(τ+b) =eπib/12η(τ), and, forc >0,

η(γτ) =ε(a, b, c, d)

rcτ+d i η(τ) with

ε(a, b, c, d) =


 d


i(1−c)/2eπi(bd(1−c2)+c(a+d))/12, ifcis odd, c


eπi(ac(1−d2)+d(b−c+3))/12, ifdis odd,

where d


is the Jacobi symbol.


4 Cuspidal divisor class group 4.1

In§§4–6, we consider the caseN =pn, wherepis a prime greater than or equal to 5andnis a positive integer. We describe the group of modular units onX0(pn)that gives usP(pn)(see (5) for its definition).

Proposition 4.1.1 Letpnbe a prime power withp≥5prime andn∈Z>0. Then the groupP(pn)is generated by the divisors of

f(τ) =

η(pτ) η(τ)


, gk(τ) = η(pk+2τ)

η(pkτ) , k= 0, . . . , n−2.

The proof of this proposition will be given in§4.2. We first deduce a corollary that will be used later. Fori= 0, . . . , n, we writePi :=Qpifor the cusp of levelpi(see


Corollary 4.1.2 Letp, nbe as in Proposition 4.1.1.

1. The divisorsdiv(f),div(g0), . . . ,div(gn−2)form a freeZ-basis ofP(pn).

2. Letc0, . . . , cn−2∈Zand write

div(f gc00g1c1. . . gn−2cn−2) = Xn i=0

siPi, si ∈Z

inD(pn). Then we have(s0, s1, . . . , sn) = (p−1)/(p−1,12).

Proof. (1) This is an immediate consequence of Proposition 4.1.1, sinceP(pn)is a freeZ-module of rankn(as it is a finite index subgroup ofD(pn).)

(2) Puta:= (p−1)/(p−1,12). By using Corollary 3.2.3 we first see that the order ofgk at any cusp is divisible byafork= 0, . . . , n−2. Hence, by (1), it suffices to show the statement forc0 = · · · = cn−2 = 0, which again follows from Corollary


In the proof of Proposition 4.1.1, we use the following elementary lemma. We omit its proof.

Lemma 4.1.3 LetL0⊂Rn+1be the lattice of rankngenerated by the vectors of the form(0, . . . ,1,−1,0, . . . ,0). LetL1be a sublattice ofL0of the same rank generated byv1, . . . , vn ∈L1. Letvn+1 = (c1, . . . , cn+1)be any vector such thatP

ici 6= 0, andM be the(n+ 1)×(n+ 1)matrix whoseith row isvi. Then we have

(L0:L1) =




!−1 detM



4.2 Proof of Proposition 4.1.1 LetL0be the lattice of rankninZn+1=Ln

i=0Zeigenerated by vectors of the form (0, . . . ,1,−1,0, . . . ,0). Recall thatDi :=Pi−φ((pi, pn−i))Pn (i= 0, . . . , n−1) form aZ-basis ofD(pn). Consider the natural group homomorphismλ: D(pn) → Zn+1defined by

λ(Di) =φ((pi, pn−i))ei−φ((pi, pn−i))en (i= 0, . . . , n−1).

LetL1=λ(D(pn))be the image ofD(pn)underλ. It is a sublattice ofL0. LetD be the group generated by the divisors off andgk andL2be the image ofDunder λ. Then to show that the divisors off andgkgenerateP(pn), it suffices to show that the index ofL2inL1is equal to the divisor class number given in Part (4) of Theorem 1.1.1. To show that this indeed holds, we form3 square matricesM,U, andV of dimensionn+ 1. The first matrixM = (Mij)ni,j=0is defined by

Mij =the order ofη(piτ)at cusps of levelpj






pi/24, ifj≥n/2andi≤j, p2j−i/24, ifj≥n/2andi > j, pn−i/24, ifj < n/2andi≥j, pn+i−2j/24, ifj < n/2andi < j.

The second matrix U is a diagonal matrix with the diagonal entries being φ((pi, pn−i)),i= 0, . . . , n. The third matrixV is

V =





−c c 0 0 · · · 0

−1 0 1 0 · · · 0 0 −1 0 1 · · · 0

... ... ... ...

0 · · · 0 −1 0 1 1 · · · 1 1 1





, c= 24


That is, if we associate to an eta-productQn

i=0η(piτ)ria vector(r0, . . . , rn), then the firstnrows ofV are the vectors corresponding to the functionsf andgk, while the last row ofV consists of1’s. Then the firstnrows of the matrixV M U are precisely λ(divf)andλ(divgk),k= 0, . . . , n−2. Now we claim that (see Theorem 1.1.1 for the definition ofaandb)

1. detV = 24(−1)n(n+ 1)/(p−1,12), 2. detM =

((ab)np(n−1)(3n−1)/4/24, ifnis odd, (ab)npn(3n−4)/4/24, ifnis even.

3. detU =Qn

i=0φ((pi, pn−i)), and

4. the sum of the entries in the last row ofV M Uis(n+ 1)pn−1(p+ 1)/24.


Assuming that the claims are true for the moment, let us complete the proof of the proposition.

It is clear that

(L0:L1) = Yn i=0

φ((pi, pn−i)) = detU. (6) By Lemma 4.1.3, we have

(L0:L2) =C−1|det(V M U)|,

whereCis the sum of the entries in the last row ofV M U. By the four claims above, det(V M U) = (−1)n (n+ 1)


(p(n−1)(3n−1)/4, ifnis odd, pn(3n−4)/4, ifnis even, andC= (n+ 1)pn−1(p+ 1)/24. It follows that

(L0:L2) = 24(ab)ndetU (p+ 1)(p−1,12)×

(p(n−1)(3n−5)/4, ifnis odd, p(n−2)(3n−2)/4, ifnis even.

Recall that the numberbis defined to be(p+ 1)/(p+ 1,12). Also we may check case by case that(p−1,12)(p+ 1,12) = 24. Therefore, the expression above can also be written as

(L0:L2) =anbn−1(detU)×

(p(n−1)(3n−5)/4, ifnis odd, p(n−2)(3n−2)/4, ifnis even.

Combining this with (6), we find that (L1:L2) =anbn−1×

(p(n−1)(3n−5)/4, ifnis odd, p(n−2)(3n−2)/4, ifnis even,

which agrees with the class number given in Part (4) of Theorem 1.1.1. Therefore, we conclude that the divisors off andgk,k= 0, . . . , n−2generateP(pn). It remains to prove that the four claims are true.

Claims (1) and (3) are obvious. To prove Claim (2), we start by giving examples.

Consider the casen= 5. The matrixM in this case is

1 24




p5 p3 p 1 1 1 p4 p4 p2 p p p p3 p3 p3 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p3 p3 p3 p p p p2 p4 p4 1 1 1 p p3 p5




We subtract the second column from the first column, the third column from the sec- ond column, the fourth column from the fifth column, and then the fifth column from


the last column. The matrix becomes

1 24




p3(p2−1) p(p2−1) p 1 0 0

0 p2(p2−1) p2 p 0 0

0 0 p3 p2 0 0

0 0 p2 p3 0 0

0 0 p p2 p2(p2−1) 0

0 0 1 p p(p2−1) p3(p2−1)




 ,

with the determinant unchanged. Thus, detM = 1

246p14(p2−1)5= 1


In general, ifnis an odd integer greater than3, then a similar matrix manipulation (subtracting the second column from the first column, the third column from the sec- ond column, etc.) will produce a matrix of the form

1 24

A1 B1 0 0 A2 0 0 B2 A3


whereA1is an upper-triangular matrix of dimension(n−1)/2whose diagonal entries arepn−2(p2−1), . . . , p(n−1)/2(p2−1),A3is a lower-triangular matrix of the same dimension whose diagonal entries arep(n−1)/2(p2−1), . . . , pn−2(p2−1),


p(n+1)/2 p(n−1)/2 p(n−1)/2 p(n+1)/2


andBiare some immaterial(n−1)/2-by-2matrices. It follows that detM = 1


= 1


This proves Claim (2) for the case of oddn. The proof of the case of evennis similar.

For the casen= 4, we have

M = 1 24



p4 p2 1 1 1 p3 p3 p p p p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p p p p3 p3 1 1 1 p2 p4




Subtracting the second column from the first column, the third column from the second column, the fourth column from the last column, and then the third column from the


fourth column, we obtain the matrix

1 24



p2(p2−1) p2−1 1 0 0

0 p(p2−1) p 0 0

0 0 p2 0 0

0 0 p p(p2−1) 0

0 0 1 p2−1 p2(p−1)



, whose determinant is


245p8(p2−1)4= 1


In general, a similar matrix manipulation yields a matrix of the form 1


A1 B1 0 0 pn/2 0 0 B2 A2


whereA1 is an upper-triangular matrix of dimensionn/2 with the diagonal entries beingpn−2(p2−1), . . . , pn/2−1(p2−1)andA2is a lower-triangular matrix of di- mensionn/2with the diagonals beingpn/2−1(p2−1), . . . , pn−2(p2−1). Therefore,

detM = 1


= 1

24(ab)npn(3n−4)/4. This completes the proof of Claim (2).

To prove Claim (4), we first observe that since the last row ofV consists of1’s, the sum of the entries in the last row ofV M U is simply the sum of all entries inM U. Now the(i, j)-entry ofM Uis the order ofη(pi−1τ)at a cusp of levelpj−1times the number of such cusps. Therefore, the sum of the entries in theith row ofM U is the degree ofdivη(pi−1τ), which is equal to


24(SL(2,Z) : Γ0(pn)) = 1

24pn−1(p+ 1).

(In general, the degree of the divisor of a modular form of weightk on Γ0(N)is k(SL(2,Z) : Γ0(N))/12. Here the weight of the Dedekind eta function is1/2.) Hence the sum of the entries in the last row ofV M Uis(n+ 1)pn−1(p+ 1)/24. This

completes the proof of the proposition.

5 Leading Fourier coefficients of modular units at cusps 5.1

In this section, we work out the leading Fourier coefficients of the modular functions f(τ) andgk defined in Proposition 4.1.1 at cusps. To speak of such coefficients,


we first need to choose uniformizers at cusps. Then the coefficients are canonically defined as an element of the residue fields of cusps, but we can calculate it after base change toC. As cusps of the same level are Galois conjugates, for our purpose, we only need to calculate the leading coefficient at one of theC-valued points of cusps of each level. In general, to define a local uniformizer at a cuspα∈P1(Q)ofX0(N), we choose an element σinGL+(2,Q)such thatσ∞ = α. Let hbe the smallest positive number such that

σ 1 h

0 1


Then a local uniformizer atαis

qα=e2πiσ−1τ /h. 5.2

We return to the caseN = pn, wherepnis a prime power withp≥ 5. For conve- nience, our choice of a cuspαm∈P(Q)of levelpmis


(1/pm, ifm≥n/2,

−1/pm, ifm < n/2. (7) Then we can chooseσmto be


( 1 0


, ifm≥n/2, 0 −1

pn 0

1 0 pnm1


−pnm−1 pn 0

, ifm < n/2. (8)

We summarize our discussion as a lemma:

Lemma 5.2.1 With the choice ofσmgiven in(8), the local uniformizer at the cusps αmin(7)is

e2πiσ−1mτ for eachm.


In the following lemma, we adopt the following notation f(τ)

a b c d


aτ+b cτ+d


which is slightly different from the usual meaning of the slash operator.

Lemma 5.3.1 Letpbe an odd prime.


1. Ifk≤m, then


1 0 pm 1


rpmτ+ 1 i η(pkτ).

2. Ifk≥m, then η(pkτ)

1 0 pm 1


rpmτ+ 1 pk−mi η

pmτ+ 1 pk−m


Proof.Ifk≤m, we have pk τ

pmτ+ 1 =

1 0 pm−k 1


Hence, by Lemma 3.2.4, we find that η(pkτ)

1 0 pm 1

=ε(1,0, pm−k,1)

rpmτ+ 1 i η(pkτ)


rpmτ+ 1 i η(pkτ), which yields the first statement of the lemma.

Ifk≥m, we have

pk τ pmτ+ 1 =

pk−m −1

1 0

pmτ+ 1 pk−m .

By Lemma 3.2.4 again, we have η(pkτ)

1 0 pm 1


rpmτ+ 1 pk−mi η

pmτ+ 1 pk−m


rpmτ+ 1 pk−mi η

pmτ+ 1 pk−m


This proves the lemma.

Remark 5.3.2 From Lemmas 5.2.1 and 5.3.1, we can easily deduce the orders of η(pkτ)at each cusp, recovering the results in Corollary 3.2.3.


We now use Lemma 5.3.1 to obtain the leading coefficients of modular functions at cusps. Here for an odd primep, we let

p=e2πi(p−1)/4p, √

p=e2πi(p−1)/8√p. (9)


Proposition 5.4.1 Assume thatpnis a prime power withp≥5andn≥1. Let

f(τ) =

η(pτ) η(τ)


, gk(τ) = η(pk+2τ)

η(pkτ) , k= 0, . . . , n−2, be the modular functions defined in Proposition 4.1.1.

1. Ifm≥n/2, then the leading Fourier coefficients off(τ)andgk(τ)with respect to the local uniformizer at1/pmchosen using(8)are





1 forf(τ),

1 forgk(τ)withk≤m−2,

(−1)(p−1)/2e−2πiab/p/√p forgm−1(τ),

e−2πiab/pk+2−m/p forgk(τ)withk≥m.

2. Ifm < n/2, then the leading Fourier coefficients off(τ)andgk(τ)with respect to the local uniformizer at−1/pmchosen using(8)are








p−12/(p−1,12) forf(τ)whenm= 0, e2πia/pm forf(τ)whenm≥1, 1/p forgk(τ)withk≥m, e2πiab/p/√p forgm−1(τ),

e2πiab/pmk forgk(τ)withk≤m−2.

Proof. Consider the functionf(τ)first. Sincenis assumed to be at least1, when m≥n/2, we havem≥1and the first part of Lemma 5.3.1 applies. We find that

η(pτ) η(τ)

1 0 pm 1

=e2πipm1(p−1)/24η(pτ) η(τ).

It follows that


1 0 pm 1


and the leading Fourier coefficient is1. Similarly, ifkis less than or equal tom−2, then the leading Fourier coefficient ofgk(τ)at the cusp1/pmis1.

Ifk=m−1, thenk < mandk+ 2 =m+ 1> m. By Lemma 5.3.1, we have η(pm+1τ)

1 0 pm 1


rpmτ+ 1 pi η

pmτ+ 1 p



1 0 pm 1


rpmτ+ 1

i η(pm−1τ),


and the leading coefficient ofgm−1(τ)at1/pmis

√1pe2πi(p/12−1/8+1/24p)= 1



√p e−2πiab/p.

(Here we remind the reader that the leading coefficient ofη((cτ+d)/e)ise2πid/24e.) Whenk≥m, by Part (2) of Lemma 5.3.1,

η(pk+2τ) η(pkτ)

1 0 pm 1


pe2πipkm(p2−1)/24η((pmτ+ 1)/pk+2−m) η((pmτ+ 1)/pk−m) , whose leading Fourier coefficient is


pe2πi(1−p2)/24pk+2−m = 1

pe−2πiab/pk+2−m. This completes the proof of the case ofm≥n/2.

We next consider the caseαm=−1/pmwithm < n/2. Recall that the choice ofσm

is given in (8). Noticing that η(pkτ)

0 −1 pn 0

=η(−1/pn−kτ) =


i η(pn−kτ), we have

gk(τ)σm= η(pk+2τ) η(pkτ)

0 −1

pn 0 σn−m= 1 pgn−k−2(τ)


Thus, using the results in Part (1), we find that the leading coefficients ofgk(τ)at the cuspαm=−1/pmare



1/p, ifk≥m,


p, ifk=m−1, e2πiab/pmk ifk≤m−2.

Finally, for the functionf(τ), we have f(τ)σm= 1


η(pn−1τ) η(pnτ)


Whenm≥1, by Part (2) of Lemma 5.3.1, η(pn−1τ)




η((pn−mτ+ 1)/pm−1) η((pn−mτ+ 1)/pm)




Thus, the leading coefficient off(τ)atαmis e2πipm(p−1)/2424/(p−1,12)

=e2πia/pm. Whenm= 0, by Part (1) of Lemma 5.3.1,

η(pn−1τ) η(pnτ)


e2πi(1−p)/24η(pn−1τ) η(pnτ)



Thus, the leading coefficient off(τ)atα0isp−12/(p−1,12). This completes the proof

of the proposition.

6 Proof of Theorem 1.3.1 6.1

We keep to assumeN =pn, wherep≥5is a prime andnis a positive integer. As in§4, we writePi := Qpi for the cusp of levelpi fori = 0, . . . , n(see§3.1). The residue field ofPiis given by

Q(Pi) =Q(ζpd(i)), d(i) = min(i, n−i).

Our task is to show the injectivity of the composition map C(pn)֒→J0(pn)(Q)Tor

δ n−1M


Q(Pi)×⊗Q/Z, (10) whereδis the map from (2).

Lemma 6.1.1 Letp≥3be a prime andm∈Z>0. Then the maps Q/Z→Q×⊗Q/Z, x7→p⊗x, Q/Z→Q(ζpm)×⊗Q/Z, x7→√

p⊗x, are (split) injections. (See(9)for the definition of


Proof. Splitting is automatic becauseQ/Zis injective. The first statement follows from the elementary fact thatQ×is the direct sum of{±1}and the free abelian group on the set of all prime numbers. From this, the second statement is reduced to showing

ker[Q×⊗(Q/Z)→Q(ζpm)×⊗(Q/Z)] ={0, p⊗1

2}. (11) The right hand side is contained in the left, because√p∈Q(ζpm). Thus it suffices to show the left hand side of (11) is of order2. PutQ/Z(1) := µ(Q). In terms of Galois cohomology, this group can be rewritten as



which is then identified with

H1(G, H0(Q(ζpm),Q/Z(1))), G= Gal(Q(ζpm)/Q)

by the inflation-restriction sequence. Note thatH0(Q(ζpm),Q/Z(1)) =µ2pm. Since G∼= (Z/pmZ)×is a cyclic group, the order ofH1(G, µ2pm)agrees with that of the Tate cohomology

0(G, µ2pm) := {x∈µ2pm|σ(x) =xfor allσ∈G} {Q

σ∈Gσ(x)|x∈µ2pm} .

Direct computation shows thatHˆ0(G, µ2pm)is of order two. This completes the proof

of the lemma.


LetΛi be the subgroup ofQ(Pi)×/µ(Q(Pi))generated byp(resp. √p) fori = 0 (resp. fori= 1, . . . , n−1). We also let

Λ :=







Proposition 5.4.1 and Lemma 2.3.1 show that the mapδin (10) factors as C(pn) eδ //






i=0 Q(Pi)×⊗Q/Z,


where the right vertical injection is provided by Lemma 6.1.1. We are reduced to showing the injectivity ofδ.e

We choose a uniformizertPidescribed in Lemma 5.2.1 at each cuspPi. Using them, we define a homomorphism

∆ :P(pn)→Λ (13)

by, for anyh∈K×such thatdiv(h)is supported onC0(pn),

∆(div(h)) =

( h


)(Pn)(tordPi Pi(h)

h )(Pi)n−1 i=0 ∈Λ⊂




Note that the image of∆is contained inΛby Propositions 4.1.1 and 5.4.1. Note also that, unlikeδ, this map depends on our choice of uniformizerstPi.

Recall thata= (p−1)/(p−1,12). Puta= 12/(p−1,12).

Lemma 6.2.1 1. The mapis injective.


2. The cokernel ofis a cyclic group of orderagenerated by the class ofλ:=


3. There existc0, . . . , cn−2 ∈ Zsuch that aλ = ∆(div(f gc00. . . gcn−2n−2)). Here f, g0, . . . , gn−2are functions introduced in Proposition 4.1.1.

Proof. Recall from Corollary 4.1.2 (1) thatdiv(f),div(g0), . . . ,div(gn−2)form a Z-basis ofP(pn). Let us take a Z-basis ofΛ = ⊕n−1i=0Λi given by the generators λ=p∈Λ0and√p ∈Λifori= 1, . . . , n−1. Then Proposition 5.4.1 shows that the map∆is represented by





a 0 0 0 . . . 0 1 1 0 0 . . . 0 1 2 1 0 . . . 0 1 2 2 1 . . . 0

... ...

1 2 . . . 2 2 1





from which the lemma follows.

6.3 Proof of Theorem 1.3.1

Recall from Lemma 6.2.1 (1) that the map∆defined in (13) is injective. SinceP(pn) is of finite index inD(pn)(see (5)),∆has a unique extension

∆ :e D(pn)→Λ⊗Q.

which is also injective. By Lemma 2.3.1, we have a commutative diagram with exact rows

0 //P(pn)






0 //Λ //Λ⊗Q //Λ⊗Q/Z //0.

whereδeis from (12). We get an exact sequence

0→ker(δ)e →Coker(∆)→ψ Coker(∆).e (14) It remains to showψis injective. In view of Lemma 6.2.1 (2), this amounts to show- ing that the image ofλ = p ∈ Λ0 ⊂ Λ inCoker(∆)e has ordera. Letb > 0be a divisor ofa such that the image of bλvanishes in Coker(∆). This means thate div(f gc00. . . gcn−2n−2) = (a/b)E for someE ∈ D(pn), wherec0, . . . , cn−2 ∈ Zare taken from Lemma 6.2.1 (3). Sinceaandaare relatively prime to each other, Corol- lary 4.1.2 (2) shows thatbmust bea. This completes the proof.


7 The case of N =pq 7.1

In this section, we present an outline of the proof of Proposition 1.3.2. Since the proof goes similarly with Theorem 1.3.1, we will be brief and omit details. LetN = pq wherep, q are two distinct prime numbers such thatp ≡ q ≡ 1 mod 12. We use Takagi’s result [9, Theorem 5.1] that determines the order ofC(N)for any square freeN. Here we state it in the special caseN =pq,p, q≡1 mod 12:

Proposition 7.1.1 (Takagi) The order ofC(pq)is given by4abc, where a= (p−1)(q+ 1)

24 , b=(p+ 1)(q−1)

24 , c=(p−1)(q−1)

24 .

7.2 Proof of Proposition 1.3.2

There are exactly four cusps onX0(pq), all of which areQ-rational. Their levels are 1, p, q, pq(see§3.1). We give their names as follows:

C0(pq) ={P0=Q1, P1=Qp, P2=Qq, P3=Qpq} so that we have aZ-basis ofD(pq)given by

D1=P0−P3, D2=P1−P3, D3=P2−P3.

Using Proposition 7.1.1, one sees that the groupP(pq)is generated by the divisors of

f1= η(τ)η(qτ)

η(pτ)η(pqτ), f2= η(τ)η(pτ)

η(qτ)η(pqτ), f3=η(τ)η(pqτ) η(pτ)η(qτ)

by an argument similar to Proposition 4.1.1. Lemma 3.2.2 shows that the divisors of the functionsf1, f2, f3are respectively given by

a(D1−D2+D3), b(D1+D2−D3), c(D1−D2−D3).

Letm∈ {1, p, q, pq}and putm =pq/m. Choose integersbanddsuch thatdm− bm= 1. Put


m b pq dm


ThenσmnormalizesΓ0(pq)and satisfiesσm∞ = 1/m. We may takee2πiσm1τ as a local uniformizer at the cusp of levelm(cf. Lemma 5.2.1). With this choice, the leading coefficients off1, f2, f3, up to±1signs, are given by the following table:

P0 P1 P2 P3

f1 p 1 p 1

f2 q q 1 1

f3 1 1 1 1

Finally, by using Lemma 2.3.1, we find the kernel ofC(pq) ֒→ J0(pq)(Q)Tor


(Q×)3⊗Q/Zis a cyclic group of ordercgenerated by the class ofD1−D2−D3.


Acknowledgement. The authors would like to thank the anonymous referee for the detailed comments.


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Takao Yamazaki Mathematical Institute Tohoku University Aoba, Sendai 980-8578 Japan


Yifan Yang Department of

Applied Mathematics

National Chiao Tung University Hsinchu 300





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