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分子線エピタキシ-法により NaCl 基板上に作製されたバナジルフタロシアニン膜の 3 次高調波


Academic year: 2021

シェア "分子線エピタキシ-法により NaCl 基板上に作製されたバナジルフタロシアニン膜の 3 次高調波"


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第36号B 平成13年 15









Third Harmonic Generation of Vanadyl~Phthalocyanine Film Prepared on NaCl Substrate by Molecular Beam Epitaxy

Hi royuki NAKANO t, Akinor i MAEDA t, Hi deo FUR日IASHIt t,

中野寛之 前田昭徳 古 橋 秀 夫

Toshio YOSHlKAWA "it t Yoshiyuki UCHIDA t t, Kenzo KOJIMA t ,

古 川 俊 夫 内田悦行 小嶋憲三

Asao OHASHI t and Shizuyasu OCHIAI t

大 橋 朝 夫 落合鎮康


The incident angle dependence of τ百intensityof VOPc fi1m irradiaied with P polarized laser beam shows an upper

nvex curve that has a maximum value at -15 degree. It suggest that the tensor ofτH susceptibility of VOPc film is dominated with the components ofχ(xxxx) and χ(yyyy) and also indicates that the VOPc血ole

-cules deposited on NaCl have a tilt angle. These may give us information about τHG. loIntroduc針。阻 Organic nonlinear optical materials

which can yield a large third-order nonlinearity

have been widely studied to develop optical devices such as op -tically gated optical switches1). Organic materials with extensively delocalizedπ-eleclron systems have aitracied significant attention because a big of χ(3) lS expected if appropriately oriented molecules can be manufactured in film form. It has been demmト straied that organic maierials with π圃conjugatedsys圃 tems show anomalously large optical nonlinearities and ultrafast responses which are due to delocalized π圃electron2). Conjugated linear chains such as polydiacetylenes (PDA) possess a ve可 largethird -order nonlinear optical susceptibility, as reported in both theoretical and experimental pioneeringworks~J. In linear chain structures, the major contribution to the microscopic third-order optical susceptibility γ(ijkl)(圃ω4;ωbω2,ω3)main chain axis compo-nentγ(xxxx))(ーω4;ωbω2

ω3)with all electric fields aligned along the chain axis (x-axis). Inchanging企omlinear to cyclic conjugated structures, one must take new tensor components such as γ(yyyy),γ(xxyy),γ(xyxy)γ(xyyx),γ(yyxx)ョ

T 愛 知 工 業 大 学 電 気 工 学 科 (豊田市)



愛知工業大学情報通信工学科(豊田市) t t t 愛知工業大学総合技術研究所(豊田市) γ(yxyx) and γ(yxxy) into consideration.τ'here出 fore, the nonline昌roptical properties of the organic 白血filmson thermally treated substrate were investi -gated. 20 Experiment

百lesource material used was VOPc powder sup-" plied from Eastman Kodak Company. After VOPc powder was邸 側edinto a Knudsen叩 11

it was p時

heated at 300vC for one hour. The substrate of NaCl

was deaved just before a setting to a holder. After that, the substrate was attached on the holder. The main chamber of MBE was at about 10-7 Pa

and the

NaCl substrate was preheated for one hour. The pre -heating was done at 1500C and 2500C. The ev~po・

rating temp. was kept at Te (evaporating temp.) : 300VC.百lepreparing conditions ofVOPc thin films were the substraie temp. (Ts : 200vC), evaporatg time(1:240 min.)

annealing temp. (Ta : 200uC) and annealing time (ta : 240 min

respectivel子 Thefilm thicknesses were 115mn for Sample 1 (preheating temp of substrate:1500C)and 130nm fOIlsample2 (250vC). 30 Results and discussion Figure 1 shows the VIS凡JVspectra of Sample 1 and 2. The VIS尺JVspect即m of Sample 1 has an

absorption peak at 800nm血 theQ band region.内It suggests that the VOPc film is deposited with pseudo


愛知工業大学研究報告,第36号 民 平 成 13年,Vot-36B, Mar, 2001

located 21t 5 degree. Itsuggests that the molecules in the VOPc film have a tilt旦ngleon NaCl substrate.

16 On the other handフtheVQPc film (Sample 2) on the subs1rate treated with 250vC has an abso Uonpe北 畠t805nm in theQ band region. 曜動 @ @ 4器 電器 @ 4島 ︹ @ E e 喝 ]



臨ヨ闘 哩」 吋.,." 詞 ド 亘 書4 9

2 8開 Sample 1 加 吋 n 側 伸 n 朗 K 5 H m


2.5 2 50 Fig.3SH and 1百intensitiesvs. incident21l angle of Sample 2.




10 Rll.富



司50 -3D -10









On the other hand, the incident21l 21ngle dependence ofτH intensity of S21mple 1 irr21diated with P polar -ized l21ser beam shows 21n upper convex curve th21t h21s 2 1 m21ximum v21lue 21t・5degree. Figure 3 shows the incident 21ngle dependence of SH 21nd τH intensity of S21mple 2 irradiated with S 21nd P polarized laser beam. The SH intensity shows 2 s1 ymmetrical V curve 21t 0 degree but the SH intensity is not zero 21t 0 degree. 1t me21ns th21t the VOPc film cont21in the molecules nor -m21l to substrate in VOPc film. The τH intensity of S21mple 2 h21s 21n upper convex curve whose m21ximum value 21t is loc21ted四15degree園 τ'heysuggest that the

1H susceptibility tensors of VOPc film is domin21ted with the components ofχ(xxxx) 21nd χ(yyyy) 21nd 211so indic21te that the VOPc molecules deposited on N21Cl have 21 t臼t21ngle. These m21y give us inform21 -tion 21bout τHG. 4. Condu:!lions The VIS/UV spect四m of S21mple 1 h21s 21n abso 叩-tion pe21k 21t 800nm in theQ band region. Itsuggests that the VOPc film is deposited with pseudoepit21xy. On the other h阻 d,the VOPc film (S21mple 2) on the Fig.l VIS尺JVspectra of Sample 1 21nd 2. Itsuggests th21t the VOPc film is closely related to the structure of epitaxy. The SEM国21geof S21mple 1 shows a 10t of island crystals. lt8 orlentation h21s同TO 21xes. Figur己2shows the SEM im21ge of Sample 2. The island crystals are larger th21n those of Sample 1. From the distance between stre21ks of the RHEED pat -tern of Sample 2, VOPc molecu1es inthe t出h血 film gr

伊f即O W附n0叩立 N陥畠£抑C臼1s叫u曲bs拙t紅E蹴a

(10)悶土均27戸o The second 21nd third harmonic g開 a er21tions (TH and SH) of VOPc films were measured by Maker fringe. The incident angle dependence of SH intensily of Sample 1 irr21diated with S polarized l21ser beam shows 21 V curve whose minimum v21lue 1S









次高調波 o subslrate treat己dwith 250vC has an absorption peak at 805nm in the Q band region. H suggests that the VOPc film is closely related to the structure of epitaxy. We indicated that the VOPc田oleculesin the thin film grown on N aCl substrate formed two latti印 s(10)1/2X (10)1/2土270from the dist組 問 betweenstreaks of the

RHEED pattem of Sample 2.τbis paper was pub -lished by International conference of Nonlinear Optics Materials, Fundamentals and Applications held on 2000. Refer垂 直 開S 1) H.}匂lbara

T. Maruna

A. YamashitaフS.Matsu国 moto, T. Hayashi H. Konami and N. T旦,naka,"Third-order nonlinear optical Properties of phthalocyan恒eand fullere,"J. Appl.Phys. 80, 3674-3682 (1996).

2) M. HosodaヲT.Wada, A. YamadaラA.F.Garito and

H. Sasabe, "Phases and third-order nonlinearities in tetravant metallophthalocyanine thin films


Jpn. J. Appl.Phys. 30, L1486園L1488(1991)

3) S. FangラK.Kohama, H. Hoshi and Y. Maruyama,

"Dependence of off-Diagonal Components ofχ(3) on subsirate temperature of epitaxially grown vanadyl圃 phthalocyan血efilms,"Jpn. J. Appl.Phys. 32, L1418 -L1420 (1993)。 (受理平成13年3月19日) 17



9.ATR-IR 分析 (Attenuated total reflectance-Infrared analysis)  螺鈿香箱の製作に使用された漆の種類を明らかに

The laboratory experiments of green water overtopping at a low crest seawall with a barrier were carried out under a range of test conditions; the barrier parameter ranging from 0%

の後方即ち術者の位置並びにその後方において 周囲より低溶を示した.これは螢光板中の鉛硝

このうち糸球体上皮細胞は高度に分化した終末 分化細胞であり,糸球体基底膜を外側から覆い かぶさるように存在する.

The accumulation of the local strain in the 823K-annealed specimen was investigated by the ker- nel average misorientation (KAM) approach using EBSD, and it is suggested

・ 津波高さが 4.8m 以上~ 6.5m 未満 ( 津波シナリオ区分 3) において,原

町の中心にある「田中 さん家」は、自分の家 のように、料理をした り、畑を作ったり、時 にはのんびり寝てみた

津波到達直前の 11 日 15 時 25 分に RCIC は原子炉水位高により自動停止して いたが、 3 号機は直流電源が使用可能であったため、 16 時 03