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Microsoft Word - ?????? 26-JESO-21 (Amendment)


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在⽇⽶陸軍 ⽇本⼈事事務所 沖縄 求⼈案内 

U.S Army Japanese Employment and Services Office (JESO) Okinawa 

Vacancy Announcement for Local National positions 



Tractor‐Trailer Driver, BWT 2‐7 was re‐posted with revised qualification requirement. 


Vacancy Announcement Number 


(2021 年 6 月 30 日~7 月 6 日) 

Announcement period is from 30 June – 6 July 2021   

求⼈案内、応募書類および記⼊サンプルは以下のウェブサイトに掲載しております。  Vacancy Announcement, Job Application, and Sample Forms can be found at the following webpage:   


コロナ感染予防のため JESO 求人案内への応募は、E メ-ルによる受付も行っています。 送信先: usarmy.torii.usarpac.list.usarj-g1-jeso-okinawa-job-application@mail.mil 今後しばらく E メ-ルまたはトリイメインゲ-ト横の投函箱のみでの履歴書受付とします。(JESO 建物 入り口横や海兵隊人事部 CHRO への投函は一時停止とします。)陸軍指定書類(事前質問票、履歴書 USFJ Form 196aEJ、職務履歴書)をPDF(ワ-ド可)で送信して下さい。運転免許証や英検などの免許 証/資格書類等は、応募される職種の求人案内で要求されているもののみ提出をお願いします。 In prevention of COVID-19, we are now accepting applications via email. Please send the application to: usarmy.torii.usarpac.list.usarj-g1-jeso-okinawa-job-application@mail.mil in PDF or Word Document format only. For supporting documents such as copy of driver’s license, LPL, etc., please submit the required documents only per the announcement.

You may submit the hard copy in the drop box located at the main gate (by the base map) of Torii Station. No more drop-offs at CHRO, Camp Foster or Bldg. 216 JESO until further notice.

メール添付についての注意点/Important Note about email attachments

メールで提出の際は添付ファイルは5個を超えないようにお願いします/Email attachments should be limited to up to 5 attachments





メールにてご応募いただく際は携帯キャリアメール(ezweb.ne.jp や i.softbank.jp)また Yahoo メールのご



。 Please refrain from using carrier email

(i.e. "ezweb.ne.jp", "i.softbank.jp") or Yahoo email to apply for positions. Some systematic errors

have been reported.


在⽇⽶陸軍 ⽇本⼈事事務所 沖縄 求⼈案内 

U.S Army Japanese Employment and Services Office (JESO) Okinawa  

Vacancy Announcement for Local National positions 



Announcement Number 


募集職種リスト  List of vacant positions 

  職種  Job title  職場  Duty location  等級  Grade  語学  LPL  契約  Contract  提⽰⽇  Open since  1  Tractor Trailer Driver   [LRC‐037‐21]  トラクター・トレイラー運転⼿ LRC‐Okinawa  2‐7  0  MLC  6/30/21  2  Stock Control Clerk   [PW‐21‐61]    貯蔵品管理事務職  (Limited Term Employment NTE 24 Nov 2022)  USAG Okinawa,  DPW  1‐4    2  MLC  6/30/21  3  Interpreter‐Translator   [OM‐15‐21]    通訳ー翻訳職  (Limited Term Employment NTE 1 Year)  U.S. Army Corps  of Engineers  1‐6    4  MLC  6/23/21  4  Firefighter First Responder (Basic)   [FES‐21‐19]  消防員ー緊急救援隊員(初級)*  USAG Okinawa,  FES  3‐2  (3‐3)  2  (3)  MLC  6/23/21  5  Engineering Tech (Mech/OM)  [OM‐05‐19]  エンジニアリング専⾨職(機械)*  U.S. Army Corps  of Engineers  1‐6  (1‐7)  2  (3)  MLC  6/23/21    6  Engineer (Fire Protection/OM)  [OM‐16‐21]  エンジニア職(ファイア・プロテクション)  U.S. Army Corps  of Engineers  1‐7  2  MLC  6/16/21  7  Engineer (Mech/PW)  [PW‐21‐41]  エンジニア職(機械)  USAG Okinawa,  DPW  1‐7  3  MLC  5/5/21  8  Engineer  (Arch/PW)  [PW‐20‐02]  エンジニア職(建築)  USAG Okinawa,  DPW  1‐7    3  MLC  4/28/21    9  Personnel Specialist     [JESO‐21‐20]  ⼈事専⾨職  JESO Okinawa  1‐7  4  MLC  3/24/21  10  Engineer (General/PW)  [PW‐21‐40]  エンジニア職(⼀般)  USAG Okinawa,  DPW  1‐7  4  MLC  3/16/21    11  Engineering Technician (Arch/OM)  [OM‐21‐20]  エンジニアリング専⾨職(建築)*  U.S. Army Corps  of Engineers  1‐6  (1‐7)  2  MLC  2/3/21    12  Engineering Technician (Civil/OM)  [OM 29‐19]  エンジニアリング専⾨職(⼟⽊)*  U.S. Army Corps  of Engineers  1‐6  (1‐8)  3  MLC  7/8/20    13  Engineer (General/OM)  [OM‐05‐20]  エンジニア職(⼀般)  U.S. Army Corps  of Engineers  1‐7  4  MLC  2/19/20    以前応募された⽅は、履歴書の再提出は必要ありません。  Those who applied for positions which have been open prior to this announcement do not need to reapply.  *こちらは⾒習い等級の職種です。⽬標レベルは()内に表記されています。応募者の資格、職務経験等によって     採⽤される等級が決定されます。*Trainee level position. Target level is shown in (). Hiring grade will be determined  by qualification level of the applicant. 


[求⼈案内、応募書類および記⼊サンプルは以下のウェブページに掲載しております。]    http://www.usarj.army.mil/okijobs/    職種への応募⽅法:   (1)掲載求⼈へ応募される⽅は、この求⼈案内カバーシートおよび応募される応募要件をよくお読みください。  各求⼈において、下線のある部分は必須要件です。  (2)内容をご理解、ご了承いただいたうえで、履歴書 (USFJ Form 196aEJ)、事前質問票、および他の必要書類を締  め切り⽇までに、下記の投函箱へ投函するか E メール (usarmy.torii.usarpac.list.usarj‐g1‐jeso‐okinawa‐job‐ application@mail.mil) にて提出してください。    投函箱−トリイステーション、メインゲート (ゲート 1)、警備室から道を挟んで向かいの地図看板付近  投函箱−トリイステーション、建物番号 216 (1 階 – 正⾯⽞関左側の投函箱)   事務所−海兵隊⼈事部 建物番号 495、部屋番号 200 (2 階)、キャンプフォスター(営業時間 0730‐1530)  投函箱−キャンプフォスター、建物番号 495 (1 階 ‐ 正⾯⽞関左側の投函箱)    応募書類(応募職種により異なります):  −事前質問票   −履歴書 (USFJ Form 196aEJ)  −職務経歴書  −語学能⼒を証明する書類のコピー  −免許証・証明書等のコピー    語学能⼒級(LPL)を要する空席への応募について:    語学能⼒級(LPL)を要する空席への応募は、下記いずれかの語学能⼒試験結果証明の提出が必要です。   


  LPL TOEIC ALCPT Prior to 8 Feb 16 ALCPT After 8 Feb 16 TOEFL CASEC EIKEN (PBT) (CBT) (iBT) 4 (Exceptional) 860-990 86-100 NA 600- 250- 100- NA 1st 3 (Fluent) 730-859 76-85 90-100 550-599 210-249 80-99 870- Pre 1st 2 (Average) 550-729 66-75 75-89 460-549 140-209 50-79 560-869 2nd 1 (Elementary) 400-549 51-65 65-74 430-459 120-139 40-49 475-559 Pre 2nd Pre-1 (Minimal) 350-399 NA 40-64 NA NA NA NA 3rd   事前質問票の親族について:  ⽶連邦政府組織では縁故採⽤を禁⽌しており、監督者がその監督下、または影響下にある職位に親族を採⽤、雇⽤、昇格、昇 進する事を禁じています。親族の定義は以下の通りです。 父、母、息子、娘、兄弟、姉妹、叔父、叔母、従兄弟・従姉妹、甥、 姪、夫、妻、義父、義母、義息、義娘、義兄弟、義姉妹、継父、継母、継子(息子・娘)、継兄弟、継姉妹、異父母の兄弟・姉 妹。   注意事項:  掲載求⼈への応募は、応募書類の記⼊漏れ、不備がないか⼗分に確認のうえ提出してください。書類不備および提出期限を過ぎ て提出された場合は、選考の対象外となります。提出された書類の返却はいたしません。    問い合わせ先:098‐961‐7777 (内線/DSN: 652‐5510 or 652‐4314)               


[VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT, JOB APPLICATION, AND SAMPLE FORMS CAN BE FOUND AT THE FOLLOWING WEBPAGE: ]    http://www.usarj.army.mil/okijobs/    HOW TO PREPARE AND SUBMIT APPLICATIONS:   (1) Person who is interested in applying the vacant position must read this instruction and announcement  carefully. Note: Please pay close attention to any highlighted and underlined section in this document.     (2) Submit USFJ Form 196a, pre‐employment inquiries, and other required supporting documents by the closing  date in the following drop box or email to usarmy.torii.usarpac.list.usarj‐g1‐jeso‐okinawa‐job‐ application@mail.mil.    ■Drop Box ‐ Torii Station, Main Gate/Gate 1 (across from the guard box, in front of the map sign)   ■Drop Box ‐ Torii Station, Building #216 (1st floor, Left side of entrance door)  ■Office ‐ CHRO, Camp Foster, Room#200, Building #495 (2nd floor), Business Hours 0730‐1530  ■Drop Box ‐ Camp Foster, Building #495 (1st floor, Left side of entrance door)    DOCUMENTS REQUIRED TO APPLY (Required documents may vary depending on the position):    −Pre‐Employment Inquiries   −Personal History Statement (USFJ Form 196aEJ)  −Resume of Work Experience  −Copies of English Proficiency Test for LPL requirement, see below chart.   −Copies of License(s) and/or Certificate(s)    LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY LEVEL (LPL) REQUIRED TO APPLY (Required level may vary depending on the position):   Application for position requiring Language Proficiency Level (LPL) requires submission of one of the below English  proficiency test certificate.      Chart of English Proficiency Level (LPL)    LPL TOEIC ALCPT Prior to 8 Feb 16 ALCPT After 8 Feb 16 TOEFL CASEC EIKEN (PBT) (CBT) (iBT) 4 (Exceptional) 860-990 86-100 NA 600- 250- 100- NA 1st 3 (Fluent) 730-859 76-85 90-100 550-599 210-249 80-99 870- Pre 1st 2 (Average) 550-729 66-75 75-89 460-549 140-209 50-79 560-869 2nd 1 (Elementary) 400-549 51-65 65-74 430-459 120-139 40-49 475-559 Pre 2nd Pre-1 (Minimal) 350-399 NA 40-64 NA NA NA NA 3rd   REMARKS ON NEPOTISM:  Nepotism is prohibited in the U.S. Federal Government organizations. The management official is prohibited to  appoint, employ, promote, advance, or advocate for appointment, employment, promotion, or advancement into  a position for which the management official is servicing or over which he exercises jurisdiction or control any  individual who is a relative of the management official.  The relatives are defined as father, mother, son,  daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, first cousin, nephew, niece, husband, wife, father‐in‐law, mother‐in‐law,  son‐in‐law, daughter‐in‐law, brother‐in‐law, sister‐in‐law, stepfather, stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter,  stepbrother, stepsister, half‐brother, or half‐sister.   NOTE:   It is your responsibility to make sure your application is complete.  Applicants who have not submitted a complete  package by the deadline will not be considered.  All submitted documents will not be returned.  Applications with  false statements are invalid.     Contact phone number: 652‐5510 or 652‐4314 


在⽇陸軍⽇本⼈事事務所 沖縄 求⼈案内 

  U.S Army Japanese Employment and Services Office (JESO) Okinawa   Vacancy Announcement for Local National positions   空席広報番号/Announcement Number 


  募集期間/Opening Period  30 June ‐ 6 July 2021  募集可能従業員/Area of Consideration:        ⽇本国内で雇⽤されている全 MLC、IHA、MC 従業員/Current MLC, IHA, MC employees in Japan   沖縄県内で雇⽤されている全 MLC、IHA、MC 従業員/Current MLC, IHA, MC employees in Okinawa    沖縄県内の在⽇陸軍⽇本⼈⼈事事務所から⼈事サービスを受けている全 MLC、IHA、MC 従業員 (⽶陸軍、国        防兵站局、星条旗新聞に雇⽤されている全従業員)/Current MLC, IHA, MC employees serviced by Army JESO         Okinawa (Army, DLA Energy, or Stars and Stripes)    募集組織内に雇⽤されている従業員 Current employees employed within the Organization.   該当募集範囲以外に所属する在⽇⽶軍従業員の⽅は応募できませんのでご注意ください。  Current USFJ employees who are outside the area of consideration will not be considered.  職種名・職種番号・基本給表・等級・語学能⼒級  Job Title, Job Number, BWT, Grade, and Language Proficiency Level    Tractor-Trailer Driver, MLC-2370, BWT 2-7, LPL: 0 以前応募された⽅は、履歴書の再提出は必要ありません。  Those who applied for positions which have been open prior to this  announcement do not need to reapply.    *See below CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT  雇⽤形態/Employment Status:   Permanent/Full‐Time  求⼈数/Number of Position(s): 1   部隊名/Organization (Work Location):   403D AFSB, LRC‐Okinawa, Transportation  Division, Torii Station [LRC‐037‐21]  職務内容/Duties:  

The employee will perform functions that include, but are not limited to the following:

Tractor - Trailer Driver: Operate tractor/trailer vehicles to transport pallets and other cargo equipment. Conduct proper Preventative Maintenance Check and Services (PMCS) on all Non-Tactical Vehicles (NTV).

Heavy Vehicle Driver, Vehicle Driver, Forklift and Crane Operations: Transport soldiers, civilians, contractors and/or MLC (Master Labor Contract) personnel while operating passenger buses.

Occasionally provide taxi service transport of authorized personnel and support wrecker requests for all LRC owned and managed Non-tactical vehicles. Will provide forklift duties for the LRC Torii Station. Crane operations on a limited basis.

Administrative Support: Provide administrative support to the TMP mission by conducting Mail Distribution, Vehicle Maintenance work order transport to Maintenance Department and with occasional trips to the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office (DRMO). The individual will also provide assistance to the Vehicle Dispatcher i.e. telephonic inquiries, vehicle dispatch and assist in the refilling of the fuel station in a need to need basis.

Perform other related or incidental duties as assigned.



要求される語学能⼒級/Required Language Proficiency Level (LPL):

There is no Language Proficiency Level set for this position. However, ability to speak, read, write English at Elementary proficiency (LPL: 1) is highly desirable.


要求されるライセンス・修了証書・証明書/Required Licenses and Certificates:

1. Must have the below listed valid Government of Japan (GOJ) issued licenses/certificates and be able to obtain and maintain U.S. Government Motor Vehicle driver's licenses.

a. Government of Japan (GOJ) Heavy Vehicle driver's license (more than 11 tons) / ⼤型⼀種⾃動 ⾞運転免許 (11トン以上)

b. GOJ certificate for Trailer-Towing license (けん引免許).

c. GOJ certificate for Forklift driver’s license (more than 1 ton) / フォークリフト運転技能講習修了証 (1トン以上).

d. GOJ certificate for Mobile Crane Operator’s license (移動式クレーン運転技能講習修了証). e. GOJ certificate for Large-Sized Special Vehicle license (⼤型特殊⾃動⾞運転免許)

要求される知識・スキル・能⼒/Required Knowledge, Skill, and Ability (KSA):

1. Good knowledge of military installation on and off post as well as host nations driving standards. 2. General knowledge of Motor Vehicle Operation.

3. Skill in reading and understanding instructions, specifications, etc. (related to motor vehicle/mobile equipment operation).

4. General knowledge of office automation software such as: MS Office Suite to include Word, Excel, and Outlook. The skill is used to prepare, store, retrieve, print of electronic files.

要求される雇⽤条件/Required Condition of Employment:

1. Good physical condition.

2. Must be available to work overtime.

3. Must be available to complete training as required.

4. Must be able to work outside of normal duty hours when required/directed.

5. This position is designated as "Mission Essential" which requires incumbent to report to duty or continue performing duties during emergencies or exigent situations such as but not limited to natural disasters, adverse weather, terrorist activity, radioactive/poisonous gas release, outbreak of pandemic disease or other events that may present danger to any USFJ facility, personnel or LN employees, or which require extraordinary USFJ assistance for relief measures.

勤務時間/Work Schedule: Mon-Fri (40 hours per week):

0730-1615 (Recess: 1130-1215)

*応募時に提出するもの/Documents Required to Apply (Applications and Other Documents):     事前質問票/ Pre‐Employment Inquiries   履歴書/ Personal History Statement (USFJ Form 196aEJ) 職務経歴書/ Resume of Work Experience  語学能⼒を証明する書類のコピー/ Copies of English Proficiency Test for LPL requirement (see LPL chart on        page 1 and 2.)   免許証・証明書等のコピー (上記下線部参照) / Copies of License(s) and/or Certificate(s) as underlined above     


応募⽅法/How to apply:  必要提出書類を締切⽇までに 1 ページ⽬に記載の投函箱まで提出してください。記載漏れや必要な証明書、署名等の不備が ある、あるいは締切⽇以降に届いた応募書類は審査不可となります。記載内容に虚偽の申告があると認められた場合は募集が 無効になります。該当募集範囲以外に所属する在⽇⽶軍従業員の⽅以外は応募できませんのでご注意ください。尚、提出され た応募書類は返却いたしません。    Submit USFJ Form 196a, pre‐employment inquiries, and other required supporting documents by the closing date in one of  designated drop boxes/location mentioned in page 1.  Incomplete applications (e.g., applications without signature,  required information or certificates/documents) and applications not meeting the suspense date will not be considered.   Applications with false statements are invalid.  Current USFJ employees who are outside the area of consideration will not  be considered. All submitted documents will not be returned.    問い合わせ先:098‐961‐7777(内線/DSN: 652‐5510 or 652‐4314)                                                                               


在⽇陸軍⽇本⼈事事務所 沖縄 求⼈案内 

  U.S Army Japanese Employment and Services Office (JESO) Okinawa   Vacancy Announcement for Local National positions   空席広報番号/Announcement Number 


  募集期間/Opening Period  30 June ‐ 6 July 2021  募集可能従業員/Area of Consideration:        ⽇本国内で雇⽤されている全 MLC、IHA、MC 従業員/Current MLC, IHA, MC employees in Japan   沖縄県内で雇⽤されている全 MLC、IHA、MC 従業員/Current MLC, IHA, MC employees in Okinawa    沖縄県内の在⽇陸軍⽇本⼈⼈事事務所から⼈事サービスを受けている全 MLC、IHA、MC 従業員 (⽶陸軍、国        防兵站局、星条旗新聞に雇⽤されている全従業員)/Current MLC, IHA, MC employees serviced by Army JESO         Okinawa (Army, DLA Energy, or Stars and Stripes)    募集組織内に雇⽤されている従業員 Current employees employed within the Organization.   該当募集範囲以外に所属する在⽇⽶軍従業員の⽅は応募できませんのでご注意ください。  Current USFJ employees who are outside the area of consideration will not be considered.  職種名・職種番号・基本給表・等級・語学能⼒級  Job Title, Job Number, BWT, Grade, and Language Proficiency Level   

Stock Control Clerk, MLC-342, BWT 1-4, LPL: 2

Limited Term Employment (Not to Exceed 24 November 2022)

*See below CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT  雇⽤形態/Employment Status:   Limited Term Employment/Full‐Time  求⼈数/Number of Position(s): 1   部隊名/Organization (Work Location):   U.S. Army Garrison Okinawa, Directorate of  Public Works, Business Operation &  Integration Division, Torii Station [PW‐21‐61]  職務内容/Duties:  

The employee performs responsible clerical work involved in the documentary control of the receipt, storage, transfers, replenishments adjustment and issue of stock or property item for the DPW operations. Ensures materials for work orders and service orders are requisitioned in a timely manner consistent with priorities and objectives and issues with estimators, supply personnel, shop foremen and others. Updates the current work status in the General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS) upon receipt of Bills of Materials for approved Individual Job Orders (IJO) and Demand Maintenance Orders (DMO) and forwards copies of project documents to appropriate Supply Branch personnel for requisition action. Monitors the supply requisition process and weekly supply status report for all work orders and service orders awaiting materials. Receives routine, urgent and emergency requests for maintenance and repair of Army facilities. Determines the appropriate priority and send the DMO to the appropriate shop for executions. Receives work requests (DA Form 4283) from customers. Prepares DA Form 4283 for project approval, obtains required signatures and forwards copies to appropriate offices. Prepares list of work orders and service orders awaiting requisition as needed.

Performs other related or incidental duties as assigned.


Must have at least 1 year of general clerical/administrative work experience OR Completion of two-year junior college/university or technical or business school.

要求される語学能⼒級/Required Language Proficiency Level (LPL):  

Ability to speak, read, and write English at Average English proficiency (LPL: 2) is required.


要求されるライセンス・修了証書・証明書/Required Licenses and Certificates:  


要求される知識・スキル・能⼒/Required Knowledge, Skill, and Ability (KSA) 

1. Knowledge of the standard methods, procedures, and techniques of maintenance/inventory management system.

2. Ability to file records in accordance with Army Records Information Management System (ARIMS). 3. Knowledge and experience in operating computers with office automation software, such as Microsoft

Word, Excel, Outlook, etc.

要求される雇⽤条件/Required Condition of Employment:  1. Must be able to lift and carry items weighing up to 50lbs.

2. Must be able to work outside of normal duty hours when required/directed. 3. Must be available for overtime as necessary.

勤務時間/Work Schedule: Mon‐Fri (40 hours per week): 0715-1600 (Recess 1130-1215) *応募時に提出するもの/Documents Required to Apply (Applications and Other Documents):   事前質問票/ Pre‐Employment Inquiries   履歴書/ Personal History Statement (USFJ Form 196aEJ) 職務経歴書/ Resume of Work Experience  語学能⼒を証明する書類のコピー/ Copies of English Proficiency Test for LPL requirement (see LPL chart on        page 1 and 2.)   免許証・証明書等のコピー (上記下線部参照) / Copies of License(s) and/or Certificate(s) as underlined above  応募⽅法/How to apply:  必要提出書類を締切⽇までに 1 ページ⽬に記載の投函箱まで提出してください。記載漏れや必要な証明書、署名等の不備が ある、あるいは締切⽇以降に届いた応募書類は審査不可となります。記載内容に虚偽の申告があると認められた場合は募集が 無効になります。該当募集範囲以外に所属する在⽇⽶軍従業員の⽅以外は応募できませんのでご注意ください。尚、提出され た応募書類は返却いたしません。  Submit USFJ Form 196a, pre‐employment inquiries, and other required supporting documents by the closing date in one of  designated drop boxes/location mentioned in page 1.  Incomplete applications (e.g., applications without signature,  required information or certificates/documents) and applications not meeting the suspense date will not be considered.   Applications with false statements are invalid.  Current USFJ employees who are outside the area of consideration will not  be considered.  All submitted documents will not be returned.    問い合わせ先:098‐970‐5555 (内線/DSN: 652‐5510 or 652‐4314)                             


在⽇陸軍⽇本⼈事事務所 沖縄 求⼈案内 

  U.S Army Japanese Employment and Services Office (JESO) Okinawa   Vacancy Announcement for Local National positions   空席広報番号/Announcement Number 


  募集期間/Opening Period  30 June ‐ 6 July 2021  募集可能従業員/Area of Consideration:        ⽇本国内で雇⽤されている全 MLC、IHA、MC 従業員/Current MLC, IHA, MC employees in Japan   沖縄県内で雇⽤されている全 MLC、IHA、MC 従業員/Current MLC, IHA, MC employees in Okinawa    沖縄県内の在⽇陸軍⽇本⼈⼈事事務所から⼈事サービスを受けている全 MLC、IHA、MC 従業員 (⽶陸軍、国        防兵站局、星条旗新聞に雇⽤されている全従業員)/Current MLC, IHA, MC employees serviced by Army JESO         Okinawa (Army, DLA Energy, or Stars and Stripes)    募集組織内に雇⽤されている従業員 Current employees employed within the Organization.   該当募集範囲以外に所属する在⽇⽶軍従業員の⽅は応募できませんのでご注意ください。  Current USFJ employees who are outside the area of consideration will not be considered.  職種名・職種番号・基本給表・等級・語学能⼒級  Job Title, Job Number, BWT, Grade, and Language Proficiency Level    Interpreter-Translator, MLC-103, BWT 1-6, LPL: 4

Limited Term Employment (Not to Exceed 1 Year)

*See below CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT  雇⽤形態/Employment Status:   Limited Term Employment/Full‐Time  求⼈数/Number of Position(s): 1   部隊名/Organization (Work Location):   U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Japan District,  Program and Project Management Division,  Host Nation Branch, Camp Foster [OM‐15‐21]  職務内容/Duties:  

The employee performs work involved in interpreting and translating oral or written statements from English into Japanese and vice versa. Acts as interpreter at interviews, various functions and events, meetings, lectures, discussions, conferences, interrogations, involving technical and specialized subject matters such as protocol, politics, engineering, medicine, legal, law, economy, science, criminal investigations, etc. Performs consecutive or simultaneous interpretations on a variety of subjects such as local government affairs and local customs. Interprets in a narrow specialty field, such as in non-routine matters involving Japanese judicial system, laws and regulations. Provides assistance and acts as interpreter to the

management or U.S. personnel under the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) involving local nationals and properties. Assures mutual understanding between U.S. and Japanese officials and personnel concerned. Expresses ideas in both English and Japanese accurately and completely in appropriate style and with the intent of the original speaker. Translates materials and documents of technical, scientific, legal, economic, medical, or professional nature involving the use of special terminology of the specialized subject matter as well as processing the various forms, such as claims forms, and giving advice on foreign affairs and

customs if necessary. The documents include but not limited to local newspaper articles and TV news related to letters directives, regulations, statements, safety bulletins and procedures, command brief from or to Government of Japan, Okinawa Prefectural Governments, local municipal governments, local police and law enforcement offices, and other respective organizations. Translates accurately as to convey the exact original intent or meaning and maintains the same spirit and style as it appears in the original text to avoid even the slightest misunderstanding. Performs administrative/clerical support as needed in support of office and management. Prepares, processes, and forwards routine reports as required. Takes, transcribes, translates correspondence, reports, and telephonic referrals. Assures proper format and style with

emphasis on vocabulary and protocol on completed projects. Provides a variety of other administrative duties as assigned.



Must have at least one year of specialized experience equivalent to the next lower grade level OR completion of four-year college/university in a related field OR two academic year of graduate level education.

要求される語学能⼒級/Required Language Proficiency Level (LPL):  

Ability to speak, read, and write English at Exceptional English proficiency (LPL: 4) is required. The skill be used to translate from Japanese to English and vice versa, where the interpretation and translation must be so accurate as to convey the exact original intent or meaning.


要求されるライセンス・修了証書・証明書/Required Licenses and Certificates:  

Must have a valid GOJ driver's licenseand be able to obtain and maintain a GOV driver's license. 要求される知識・スキル・能⼒/Required Knowledge, Skill, and Ability (KSA) 

1. Work requires fluency, subject-matter knowledge, and a breadth of language knowledge. 2. Experience in translating, interpreting, or other work requiring the use of English and Japanese. 3. Basic knowledge of Microsoft Office Software (e.g., Outlook, Word, Excel, etc).

要求される雇⽤条件/Required Condition of Employment:  1. Must be able to walk and stand frequently.

2. Must be able to work outside of normal duty hours when requested. 3. May be required to work overtime occasionally.

4. This position will require the incumbent to travel occasionally for the purpose of events, meetings, lectures, discussions, conferences, and/or attending trainings.

5. This position is designated as Mission Essential which requires incumbent to report to duty or continue performing duties during the typhoon conditions or other certain contingencies that may arise.

勤務時間/Work Schedule: Mon‐Fri (40 hours per week):  Shift A: 0700-1545, 0730-1615, 0800-1645 (Recess: 1130-1215, 1145-1230) Shift B: 0600-1500, 0630-1530, 0700-1600, 0730-1630, 0800-1700, 0830-1730 (Recess: 1130-1230) *応募時に提出するもの/Documents Required to Apply (Applications and Other Documents):   事前質問票/ Pre‐Employment Inquiries   履歴書/ Personal History Statement (USFJ Form 196aEJ) 職務経歴書/ Resume of Work Experience  語学能⼒を証明する書類のコピー/ Copies of English Proficiency Test for LPL requirement (see LPL chart on        page 1 and 2.)   免許証・証明書等のコピー (上記下線部参照) / Copies of License(s) and/or Certificate(s) as underlined above  応募⽅法/How to apply:  必要提出書類を締切⽇までに 1 ページ⽬に記載の投函箱まで提出してください。記載漏れや必要な証明書、署名等の不備が ある、あるいは締切⽇以降に届いた応募書類は審査不可となります。記載内容に虚偽の申告があると認められた場合は募集が 無効になります。該当募集範囲以外に所属する在⽇⽶軍従業員の⽅以外は応募できませんのでご注意ください。尚、提出され た応募書類は返却いたしません。  Submit USFJ Form 196a, pre‐employment inquiries, and other required supporting documents by the closing date in one of  designated drop boxes/location mentioned in page 1.  Incomplete applications (e.g., applications without signature,  required information or certificates/documents) and applications not meeting the suspense date will not be considered.   Applications with false statements are invalid.  Current USFJ employees who are outside the area of consideration will not  be considered.  All submitted documents will not be returned.    問い合わせ先:098‐970‐5555 (内線/DSN: 652‐5510 or 652‐4314) 


在⽇陸軍⽇本⼈事事務所 沖縄 求⼈案内 

  U.S Army Japanese Employment and Services Office (JESO) Okinawa   Vacancy Announcement for Local National positions   空席広報番号/Announcement Number 


  募集期間/Opening Period  30 June ‐ 6 July 2021  募集可能従業員/Area of Consideration:        ⽇本国内で雇⽤されている全 MLC、IHA、MC 従業員/Current MLC, IHA, MC employees in Japan   沖縄県内で雇⽤されている全 MLC、IHA、MC 従業員/Current MLC, IHA, MC employees in Okinawa    沖縄県内の在⽇陸軍⽇本⼈⼈事事務所から⼈事サービスを受けている全 MLC、IHA、MC 従業員 (⽶陸軍、国        防兵站局、星条旗新聞に雇⽤されている全従業員)/Current MLC, IHA, MC employees serviced by Army JESO         Okinawa (Army, DLA Energy, or Stars and Stripes)    募集組織内に雇⽤されている従業員 Current employees employed within the Organization.   該当募集範囲以外に所属する在⽇⽶軍従業員の⽅は応募できませんのでご注意ください。  Current USFJ employees who are outside the area of consideration will not be considered.  職種名・職種番号・基本給表・等級・語学能⼒級  Job Title, Job Number, BWT, Grade, and Language Proficiency Level   

Firefighter First Responder (Basic), MLC-3120, BWT 3-2, LPL: 2

Firefighter First Responder (Advanced), MLC-3121, BWT 3-3, LPL: 3 以前応募された⽅は、履歴書の再提出は必要ありません。  Those who applied for positions which have been open prior to this  announcement do not need to reapply.  *See below CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT  雇⽤形態/Employment Status:   Permanent/Full‐Time  求⼈数/Number of Position(s): 1   部隊名/Organization (Work Location):   U.S. Army Garrison Okinawa, DES, Fire &  Emergency Services, Various Work Locations  [FES‐21‐19]  職務内容/Duties:  

This position has promotion potential to a higher grade level. If selected below the full performance level, you may be non-competitively promoted to the next higher grade level after meeting all regulatory

requirements, and upon the recommendation of management. Promotion is neither implied nor guaranteed.

BWT 3-2 (Trainee Level): Under the closer than normal supervision of the Assistant Fire Chief and senior

Firefighters, the incumbent serves as a trainee, performs entry level work and completes specifically assigned tasks regarding routine and recurring duties described in the target position’s PD [Firefighter First Responder (Advanced), BWT 3-3, LPL: 3], and other related and/or incidental duties which facilitate the conduct of more complex and detailed functions conducted by the supervisor or higher graded co-workers.

BWT 3-3 (Full Performance Level): The employee will perform functions that include, but are not limited to

the following:

Firefighter Duties: During fire emergencies, connects hoses and combat the fire. Rescues persons overcome by fire or smoke and administers emergency first aid and artificial respiration. Maintains tools and equipment such as hoses, ladders, firetrucks, fire extinguishers, and other firefighting tools in good operating condition. Inspects and tests fire extinguishers and makes minor repair and adjustment on them. Participates in fire drills, attends classroom training and studies techniques and knowledge pertaining to fire prevention and protection activities. Emergency Medical Services Duties: Performs initial and ongoing patient assessment and physical

examinations. Determines priority of patient care based on patient's baseline vital signs. Employs a variety of established emergency medical techniques, methods, and equipment to stabilize the patient and to prepare them for transport to the receiving medical facility. Use medical protocols at all incidents when handling patients. May


communicate directly with the receiving medical facility to provide patient information including estimated time of arrival. Prepares appropriate and relevant patient care documentation and reports to ensure medical

requirements are met and accurately reported.

Rescue: Performs rescue functions such as confined space rescue, high/low angle rope rescue, surface water rescue, structural collapse rescue, etc. Perform emergency control (isolation of the scene, evacuation, shelter-in-place, etc.,) and rescue operations wearing a fully encapsulated protective suit with breathing apparatus. Upon extrication of victims, transfers victim information including location, surroundings, condition when found, present condition, and other pertinent information to emergency medical services personnel on scene.

Hazardous Materials Offensive Operations: At the scene of the mishap completes hazardous material

containment and control analysis by applying hazard and risk assessment techniques. Identifies the materials and containers involved to survey the incident, and verifies the presence and concentrations of hazardous materials. Implements response by performing advanced mitigation, control and confinement operations to control leaks or releases using a variety of methods. Assists in incident debriefing and critiques. Prepares accident reports and documentation.

Performs Physical Fitness: Performs Physical Fitness activities that are primarily aerobic in nature supplemented to a smaller and lessor extent with anaerobic physical fitness activities.

Performs other related or incidental duties as assigned.


BWT 3-2 (Trainee Level):

No experience is required.

BWT 3-3 (Full Performance Level):

Must have 1 year of specialized experience in the related work at the next lower grade.

要求される語学能⼒級/Required Language Proficiency Level (LPL):  

BWT 3-2: Ability to speak, read, and write English and Japanese at Average proficiency level (LPL: 2) is required. 

BWT 3-3: Ability to speak, read, and write English and Japanese at Fluent proficiency level (LPL: 3) is required. 


要求されるライセンス・修了証書・証明書/Required Licenses and Certificates:

BWT 3-2:

1. Must have a valid GOJ driver’s license (Manual transmission is acceptable).

2. Must be able to obtain and maintain a Firefighter I certification within 6 months after hire.

3. Must be able to obtain and maintain a Firefighter II certification within 6 months after receiving a Firefighter I certification.

4. First Aid, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), and Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) certification, Medical First Responder certification, Hazardous Material – Awareness certification, and Hazardous Material – Operations certification would be required within one year of appointment.

BWT 3-3 (In addition to those required at BWT 3-2, must have or be able to have one or a combination of any or

all of the certification):

1. Must have or be able to obtain a training certification equivalent as United States Nationally Registered Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) certification within 12 months after hire or promotion. (If assigned as a primary ambulance crew member)

2. Must have completed or be able to complete a fire department sponsored Technical Rescue course that included confined space rescue, high/low angle rope rescue, surface water rescue, structural collapse rescue, and trench rescue subjects within 12 months after hire or promotion.

3. Must have or be able to have a DoD Hazardous Materials Technician certification within 12 months after hire or promotion.


要求される知識・スキル・能⼒/Required Knowledge, Skill, and Ability (KSA):   

BWT 3-2:

1. Knowledge of firefighting techniques associated with structures and grounds, including shops, offices, warehouses, barracks, aircraft, brush, vehicle and hazardous materials.

2. Knowledge of the techniques and skills in the use of fire fighting and EMS apparatus and equipment.

3. Basic knowledge of topographic anatomy; right/left side, surface proximal, dismal, medical, superior, inferior, to accurately transmit the location and type of injury or illness.

4. Basic knowledge on how to carry out firefighter and emergency medical care tasks while at the same time avoiding unnecessary risk to self and others.

5. Skill in emergency communication techniques to accurately obtain and relay information to and from dispatchers, fire and health care personnel.

6. Ability to communicate both orally and in writing, including record keeping and annotation of various logs and reports.

BWT 3-3:

1. The KSA required for 1-6 above.

2. Well-developed working knowledge of topographic anatomy; right/left side, surface proximal, distal, medial, superior, inferior to accurately transmit the location and type of injury or illness.

3. Thorough knowledge of the techniques and skills in the use of highly specialized firefighting and EMS apparatus and equipment.

4. Knowledge of firefighting techniques associated with structures and grounds, including shops, offices, warehouses, barracks, aircraft, brush, vehicle and hazardous materials.

5. Knowledge on how to carry out firefighter and emergency medical care tasks while at the same time avoiding unnecessary risk to self and others.

6. Skill and familiarity with emergency and patient transport vehicles characteristics to perform life support care prior to and while en-route to medical facilities.

要求される雇⽤条件/Required Condition of Employment: 

1. Must be able to successfully perform and complete Physical Fitness Exercise, as required.

2. Must be physically capable of frequent bending, reaching, crouching, standing and arm movements. 3. May be exposed to possibility of minor cuts, scrapes, bruises, abrasions or to burns in performing assigned


4. May work with hazardous/explosive materials. 5. May work outside of normal duty hours if directed.

6. This position is identified as Mission Essential (M-E) First Responder, IAW USFJI 36-502. May be directed to report to duty at anytime and/or directed to remain on duty.

勤務時間/Work Schedule: Intermittent (40 hours per week)  Daily tour of duty: 0730‐2200, 0500‐0730 (Recess: 1130‐1230) 

Designated rest day: 1 R‐day in 2 weeks

*応募時に提出するもの/Documents Required to Apply (Applications and Other Documents):     事前質問票/ Pre‐Employment Inquiries   履歴書/ Personal History Statement (USFJ Form 196aEJ) 職務経歴書/ Resume of Work Experience  語学能⼒を証明する書類のコピー/ Copies of English Proficiency Test for LPL requirement (see LPL chart on        page 1 and 2.)   免許証・証明書等のコピー (上記下線部参照) / Copies of License(s) and/or Certificate(s) as underlined above         


応募⽅法/How to apply:  必要提出書類を締切⽇までに 1 ページ⽬に記載の投函箱まで提出してください。記載漏れや必要な証明書、署名等の不備が ある、あるいは締切⽇以降に届いた応募書類は審査不可となります。記載内容に虚偽の申告があると認められた場合は募集が 無効になります。該当募集範囲以外に所属する在⽇⽶軍従業員の⽅以外は応募できませんのでご注意ください。尚、提出され た応募書類は返却いたしません。    Submit USFJ Form 196a, pre‐employment inquiries, and other required supporting documents by the closing date in one of  designated drop boxes/location mentioned in page 1.  Incomplete applications (e.g., applications without signature,  required information or certificates/documents) and applications not meeting the suspense date will not be considered.   Applications with false statements are invalid.  Current USFJ employees who are outside the area of consideration will not  be considered. All submitted documents will not be returned.    問い合わせ先:098‐961‐7777(内線/DSN: 652‐5510 or 652‐4314)                                                                               


在⽇陸軍⽇本⼈事事務所 沖縄 求⼈案内 

  U.S Army Japanese Employment and Services Office (JESO) Okinawa   Vacancy Announcement for Local National positions   空席広報番号/Announcement Number 


  募集期間/Opening Period  30 June ‐ 6 July 2021  *Open Until Filled (Cut‐Off every Tuesday)  募集可能従業員/Area of Consideration:        ⽇本国内で雇⽤されている全 MLC、IHA、MC 従業員/Current MLC, IHA, MC employees in Japan   沖縄県内で雇⽤されている全 MLC、IHA、MC 従業員/Current MLC, IHA, MC employees in Okinawa    沖縄県内の在⽇陸軍⽇本⼈⼈事事務所から⼈事サービスを受けている全 MLC、IHA、MC 従業員 (⽶陸軍、国        防兵站局、星条旗新聞に雇⽤されている全従業員)/Current MLC, IHA, MC employees serviced by Army JESO         Okinawa (Army, DLA Energy, or Stars and Stripes)    募集組織内に雇⽤されている従業員 Current employees employed within the Organization.   該当募集範囲以外に所属する在⽇⽶軍従業員の⽅は応募できませんのでご注意ください。  Current USFJ employees who are outside the area of consideration will not be considered.  職種名・職種番号・基本給表・等級・語学能⼒級  Job Title, Job Number, BWT, Grade, and Language Proficiency Level   

Engineering Technician (Mech/OM), MLC-384, BWT 1-6, LPL: 3

(LPL: 2 is acceptable)

Engineer (Mech/OM), MLC-525, BWT 1-7, LPL: 4

(LPL: 3 is acceptable)

The applicants will be rated only at entry level. This position may be filled at 1-6 or 1-7 grade level depending on the certification, qualification and training of the applicant and management’s discretion. *See below CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT  雇⽤形態/Employment Status:   Permanent/Full‐Time  求⼈数/Number of Position(s):  1   部隊名/Organization (Work Location):   U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Japan District,  Okinawa Design Branch, Camp Foster  [OM‐05‐19]  職務内容/Duties:  

This position has promotion potential to a higher grade level. If selected below the full performance level, you may be noncompetitively promoted to the next higher grade level after meeting all regulatory requirements, and upon the recommendation of management. Promotion is neither implied nor guaranteed.

BWT 1-6 (Trainee Level): Under the closer than normal supervision of the supervisor or senior specialists, the

incumbent serves as a trainee, performs technician type engineering work in Mechanical engineering and completes specifically assigned tasks regarding routine and recurring duties described in the target position’s PD [Engineer (General), MLC-525, BWT 1-7, LPL: 4], and other related and/or incidental duties which facilitate the conduct of more complex and detailed functions conducted by the supervisor or higher graded co-workers.

BWT 1-7 (Full-Performance level): Performs duties related to the design work for new construction, renovation,

and improvement projects for US funded and Host Nation funded building design and constructions, and real property facilities, utilizing a professional knowledge of mechanical engineers as well as engineering principles and technology to help create efficient buildings and building systems. Applies standard mechanical engineer theory and practices to assigned design work of a conventional nature without technical instruction or guidance and identifies limits of the problems involved. Work requires the adaption of standard mechanical engineer design practices on more complex features. Examines and analyzes mechanical drawings, plans, designs, specifications, and exhibits for military construction program projects. Evaluates design objectives, identifies most economical and efficient procedures for building design and performance considering all functional and aesthetic requirements. Analyzes sketches, blueprints, measured drawings and models of existing structural conditions and design features. Reviews, develops and/or helps complete Criteria Packages which include, but


not limited to, calculation, working drawings including floor plans, interior and exterior elevations, sections, scale and technical narratives for Host Nation funded projects. Reviews and analyzes graphic analysis charts,

diagrammatic sketches, tentative sketches, definitive, schematic outlines, or other mechanical design criteria for US funded construction and Host Nation funded construction projects, which are typically associated with a wide variety of mechanical facets which interface with other engineering specializations. Coordinates all design phases with appropriate managers and staff elements. Maintains current mechanical engineer data for assigned projects. May act as a project liaison with the other engineers or other design agencies. May begin a project by meeting with architects to discuss structural designs and may ascertain power and structural requirements. Consults with architects and civil engineers to find a solution to a potential structural issue. Ensures buildings compliance with US and Japanese design codes, laws, regulations, criteria, and compatibility with Japanese materials and construction practices with special focus on health, fire protection, and life safety requirements to execute the work. Works on projects with other professionals, including construction workers and architects. Ensures execution of projects and resolutions of issues and suspense actions. Conducts trouble-shooting of facilities during construction or post-construction to evaluate problems and develop technical solutions. Researches data and development on specific projects as well as performs technical work and plays advisory roles if needed. Performs other related or incidental duties as assigned.


BWT 1-6:

Must have at least one (1) year of specialized experience* equivalent to BWT 1-5


Two (2) academic year of graduate level education in Mechanical engineering.** BWT 1-7:

Master’s Degree in Engineering**OR Three (3) academic year of graduate education in engineering**OR

Must have combination of Education/License and Experience as indicated below.


Must be a four (4) year college or university graduate with specialized education in Mechanical engineering, OR

Possess an official engineering license, e.g., Kenchiku Setsubishi (Mechanical/Electrical Engineer 建 築設備⼠免許), Gijutsushi (Consulting Engineer 技術⼠免許).



Must have at least one (1) year of specialized experience* equivalent to BWT 1-6

*The specialized experience is experience that equipped the applicant with the particular knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) to successfully perform the duties of the position, and that is typically in or related to the duties of the position to be filled.

**When substituting education for special experience, a tentative graduation letter and transcript, or a certificate of graduation/diploma and transcript must be submitted together with application. Failure to submit required documentation may result in non-consideration for this position.

要求される語学能⼒級/Required Language Proficiency Level (LPL):  

BWT 1-6:

Ability to speak, read and write English at Average proficiency level (LPL: 2) is required.

BWT 1-7:

Ability to speak, read and write English at Fluent proficiency level (LPL: 3) is required. The skill is used to convert English to Japanese and vice versa both written and conversation.


要求されるライセンス・修了証書・証明書/Required Licenses and Certificates:  


要求される知識・スキル・能⼒/Required Knowledge, Skill, and Ability (KSA) 

BWT 1-6:

1. Knowledge of computer software such as: MS Office Suite to include Word, Excel, Outlook, and Auto-CAD (Knowledge of GIS is also preferable).

2. Coordination and assertive communication skills, and willingness to develop solutions for problems.

3. Knowledge of pertinent practical engineering concepts, principles, methods, and practices as it pertaining to the Mechanical engineering field.

4. Must be able to translate English to Japanese vice versa both orally and in writing.

BWT 1-7:

1. The KSA required for 1-6 above.

2. Comprehensive knowledge of engineering concepts, principles, methods and practices in Mechanical engineering field.

3. 5 years practical experience in General engineering field is desirable.


要求される雇⽤条件/Required Condition of Employment: 

1. Must be able to go on temporary duty (TDY) assignments. 2. Must be available for overtime as necessary.

  勤務時間/Work Schedule: Mon‐Fri (40 hours per week):  A: 0700-1545, 0730-1615, 0800-1645 (Recess: 1130-1215 or 1145-1230) B: 0600-1500, 0630-1530, 0700-1600, 0730-1630, 0800-1700, 0830-1730 (Recess: 1130-1230)   *応募時に提出するもの/Documents Required to Apply (Applications and Other Documents):     事前質問票/ Pre‐Employment Inquiries   履歴書/ Personal History Statement (USFJ Form 196aEJ) 職務経歴書/ Resume of Work Experience  語学能⼒を証明する書類のコピー/ Copies of English Proficiency Test for LPL requirement (see LPL chart on        page 1 and 2.)   免許証・証明書等のコピー (上記下線部参照) / Copies of License(s) and/or Certificate(s) as underlined above  応募⽅法/How to apply:  必要提出書類を締切⽇までに 1 ページ⽬に記載の投函箱まで提出してください。記載漏れや必要な証明書、署名等の不備が ある、あるいは締切⽇以降に届いた応募書類は審査不可となります。記載内容に虚偽の申告があると認められた場合は募集が 無効になります。該当募集範囲以外に所属する在⽇⽶軍従業員の⽅以外は応募できませんのでご注意ください。尚、提出され た応募書類は返却いたしません。  Submit USFJ Form 196a, pre‐employment inquiries, and other required supporting documents by the closing date in one of  designated drop boxes/location mentioned in page 1.  Incomplete applications (e.g., applications without signature,  required information or certificates/documents) and applications not meeting the suspense date will not be considered.   Applications with false statements are invalid.  Current USFJ employees who are outside the area of consideration will not  be considered.  All submitted documents will not be returned.    問い合わせ先:098‐961‐7777 (内線/DSN: 652‐5510 or 652‐4314)             


在⽇陸軍⽇本⼈事事務所 沖縄 求⼈案内 

  U.S Army Japanese Employment and Services Office (JESO) Okinawa   Vacancy Announcement for Local National positions   空席広報番号/Announcement Number 


  募集期間/Opening Period  30 June ‐ 6 July 2021  *Open Until Filled (Cut‐Off every Tuesday)  募集可能従業員/Area of Consideration:        ⽇本国内で雇⽤されている全 MLC、IHA、MC 従業員/Current MLC, IHA, MC employees in Japan   沖縄県内で雇⽤されている全 MLC、IHA、MC 従業員/Current MLC, IHA, MC employees in Okinawa    沖縄県内の在⽇陸軍⽇本⼈⼈事事務所から⼈事サービスを受けている全 MLC、IHA、MC 従業員 (⽶陸軍、国        防兵站局、星条旗新聞に雇⽤されている全従業員)/Current MLC, IHA, MC employees serviced by Army JESO         Okinawa (Army, DLA Energy, or Stars and Stripes)    募集組織内に雇⽤されている従業員 Current employees employed within the Organization.   該当募集範囲以外に所属する在⽇⽶軍従業員の⽅は応募できませんのでご注意ください。  Current USFJ employees who are outside the area of consideration will not be considered.  職種名・職種番号・基本給表・等級・語学能⼒級  Job Title, Job Number, BWT, Grade, and Language Proficiency Level   

Engineer (Fire Protection), MLC-525, BWT 1-7, LPL: 4

(LPL: 2 is acceptable) *See below CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT  雇⽤形態/Employment Status:   Permanent/Full‐Time  求⼈数/Number of Position(s): 1   部隊名/Organization (Work Location):   U.S. Army Corps of Engineer – Japan District,  Engineering Support Branch, Camp Foster  [OM‐16‐21]  職務内容/Duties:  

The employee serves as the full performance level engineer for the fire protection engineering portions of projects during the planning, designing, directing and construction stages. Projects assigned will include those designed and constructed under the Government of Japan’s (GOJ’s) Host Nation funded construction program for the US Forces, Japan (USFJ), as well as those funded by the US Government. The employee will perform functions that include, but are not limited to the following:

Attends conferences with Architect-Engineer (A-E) firms, the GOJ, and end-users, and represents the District and the USFJ as a consultant in the fire protection engineering field. Serves as technical interpreter at conferences between the USFJ and the GOJ, and provides documented minutes of all technical issues. Advises District and USFJ personnel, A-E firms, and the GOJ of new technical engineering applications and innovations that have an impact on established procedures. Coordinates with other engineers to arrive at mutually satisfactory approaches and solutions to engineering problems. Prepares fire protection

engineering portions of technical criteria documents and drawings for the Host Nation funded projects, as well as complete drawings, specifications, and other design documents for part of the US-funded projects. Responsible for planning, designing and carrying out programs, projects, studies, or other work with minimal assistance from higher grade Engineer/Section Chief. Assists supervisor in reviewing regulations, criteria, and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) used by the USFJ, A-E firms, and the GOJ’s engineers. Assists the Section Chief and higher grade engineers by preparing instructions and guidance for their use in developing designs of the fire protection engineering portions of projects. Serves as an engineer providing support on all fire protection engineering issues. Reviews studies, design analysis, construction drawings, and specifications to ensure they are in accordance with established criteria, regulation, and policies. Coordinates comments with the A-E firms, other technical disciplines, project managers, end-users, and GOJ, as applicable. Provides fire protection engineering on-site inspection, assistance, and technical advice to District’s construction offices on projects under construction. Operates government vehicle from/to work locations to conduct the work assignments. Makes field observations, compares


findings with contract documents, then provides technical recommendations based on sound engineering judgment. Performs other related or incidental duties as assigned.


Master’s Degree in Engineering**OR Three (3) academic year of graduate education in engineering**OR

Must have combination of [Education/License] and [Experience] as indicated below.


Must be a four (4) year college or university graduate with specialized education in engineering**, OR Possess an official engineering license, e.g., Kenchiku Setsubishi (Mechanical/Electrical Engineer 建築設備⼠免許), Gijutsushi (Consulting Engineer 技術⼠免許), Professional Engineer (⽶国PE), etc.



Must have at least one (1) year of specialized experience* equivalent to BWT 1-6

*The specialized experience is experience that equipped the applicant with the particular knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) to successfully perform the duties of the position, and that is typically in or related to the duties of the position to be filled.

**When substituting education for special experience, a tentative graduation letter and transcript, or a certificate of graduation/diploma and transcript must be submitted together with application. Failure to submit required documentation may result in non-consideration for this position.

要求される語学能⼒級/Required Language Proficiency Level (LPL):  

Ability to speak, read, write English at Average proficiency (LPL: 2) is required. Ability is used to translate technical terminologies and engineering concepts from English to Japanese and vice versa both orally and in writing.


要求されるライセンス・修了証書・証明書/Required Licenses and Certificates:

1. Must possess a valid GOJ driver’s license (普通⾃動⾞運転免許) and be able to obtain and maintain GOV driver’s license.

要求される知識・スキル・能⼒/Required Knowledge, Skill, and Ability (KSA):   

1. Comprehensive knowledge of engineering concepts, principles, methods and practices in Mechanical engineering field.

2. Knowledge of computer software such as: MS Office Suite to include Word, Excel, Outlook, and Auto-CAD. 3. Coordination and assertive communication skills, and willingness to develop solutions for problems.

4. Must be fluent in Japanese both orally and in writing.

要求される雇⽤条件/Required Condition of Employment: 

1. Must be able to travel to attend training, meetings or conference, and surveying US funded and Host Nation funded building, including multiple story building and unpaved rough nature environment.

2. Must be able to go on temporary duty (TDY) assignments.

3. Must be able to work outside of normal duty hours when required/directed. 4. Must be available for overtime as necessary.

勤務時間/Work Schedule: Mon‐Fri (40 hours per week):  A: 0700-1545, 0730-1615, 0800-1645 (Recess: 1130-1215 or 1145-1230) B: 0600-1500, 0630-1530, 0700-1600, 0730-1630, 0800-1700, 0830-1730 (Recess: 1130-1230) *応募時に提出するもの/Documents Required to Apply (Applications and Other Documents):     事前質問票/ Pre‐Employment Inquiries 


 履歴書/ Personal History Statement (USFJ Form 196aEJ) 職務経歴書/ Resume of Work Experience  語学能⼒を証明する書類のコピー/ Copies of English Proficiency Test for LPL requirement (see LPL chart on        page 1 and 2.)   免許証・証明書等のコピー (上記下線部参照) / Copies of License(s) and/or Certificate(s) as underlined above  応募⽅法/How to apply:  必要提出書類を締切⽇までに 1 ページ⽬に記載の投函箱まで提出してください。記載漏れや必要な証明書、署名等の不備が ある、あるいは締切⽇以降に届いた応募書類は審査不可となります。記載内容に虚偽の申告があると認められた場合は募集が 無効になります。該当募集範囲以外に所属する在⽇⽶軍従業員の⽅以外は応募できませんのでご注意ください。尚、提出され た応募書類は返却いたしません。    Submit USFJ Form 196a, pre‐employment inquiries, and other required supporting documents by the closing date in one of  designated drop boxes/location mentioned in page 1.  Incomplete applications (e.g., applications without signature,  required information or certificates/documents) and applications not meeting the suspense date will not be considered.   Applications with false statements are invalid.  Current USFJ employees who are outside the area of consideration will not  be considered. All submitted documents will not be returned.    問い合わせ先:098‐961‐7777(内線/DSN: 652‐5510 or 652‐4314)                                                                   



Papers dis- cussing dynamical properties, statistical and mathematical results, stability investigation of the phase space structure, the phenomenon of Fermi acceleration,

As a multidisciplinary field, financial engineering is becom- ing increasingly important in today’s economic and financial world, especially in areas such as portfolio management,

BWT 1-6 (Trainee Level): Under the closer than normal supervision of the supervisor or senior specialists, the incumbent serves as a trainee, performs technician type engineering

In particular, we show that, when such a polynomial exists, it is unique and it is the sum of certain Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind in any faithful irreducible character of

大六先生に直接質問をしたい方(ご希望は事務局で最終的に選ばせていただきます) あり なし

In particular, we show that the q-heat polynomials and the q-associated functions are closely related to the discrete q-Hermite I polynomials and the discrete q-Hermite II

○社会福祉事業の経営者による福祉サービスに関する 苦情解決の仕組みの指針について(平成 12 年6月7 日付障第 452 号・社援第 1352 号・老発第

Arnold This paper deals with recent applications of fractional calculus to dynamical sys- tems in control theory, electrical circuits with fractance, generalized voltage di-