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日米陸軍 日本人事事務所 沖縄 求人案内    

U.S Army Japanese Employment and Services Office (JESO) Okinawa  Vacancy Announcement for Local National positions 




Vacancy Announcement Number 



( 2022 年  8 月 17 日~  23 日)  

Announcement period is from 17 – 23 August 2022 


Vacancy Announcement, Job Application, and Sample Forms can be found at the following webpage: 



最新の USFJ フォーム 196aEJ(20210324 版)を使用していない履歴書での申請は受理されませんので、ご注意ください。

新型コロナウイルス感染症蔓延防止のため、JESO 沖縄ではメールでの応募を受け付けております。応募書類(PDF もしくは Word 文書書式のみ)をusarmy.torii.usarj.mesg.g1‐jeso‐oki‐job‐app@army.mil  までお送りください。各種証明書(運転 免許証のコピー、LPL など)については、募集要項に記載の必要書類のみをご提出ください。紙での提出の場合は、トリイステ ーション正門(メインゲートのベースマップ横)にある投函箱へ提出してください。履歴書を紙で投函する場合、両面印 刷で書類を準備しないようにお願いします。なお、トリイステーションメインゲート以外での提出は、受け付けており ません。

Note: Applications that are not written on latest USFJ Form 196aEJ (20210324 edition) will not be accepted.

To prevent the spread of COVID-19, JESO Okinawa accepts applications via email. Please send your applications (PDF or Word Document format only) to usarmy.torii.usarj.mesg.g1‐jeso‐oki‐job‐app@army.mil For supporting documents of various types (copy of driver’s license, LPL, etc.), please submit only the required documents as listed in the vacancy announcement. If you are submitting hard copies, please submit them to the drop box located at the Main Gate of Torii Station (next to the base map on your left). If you are posting your application in

hardcopy, please do not prepare documents with double-sided printing.

メール添付についての注意点/Important Note about email attachments

メールで提出の際は添付ファイルは5個を超えないようにお願いします/Email attachments should be limited to up to 5 attachments



Eメールにてご応募いただく際は携帯キャリアメール(ezweb.ne.jpやi.softbank.jp)またYahooメール のご使用はお控え下さい。システムエラーが出る可能性があります。 Please refrain from using carrier email (i.e. "ezweb.ne.jp", "i.softbank.jp") or Yahoo email to apply for positions. Some systematic errors have been reported.


募集職種リスト   List of vacant positions 

職種  Job title 

職場  Duty location 

等級  Grade 

語学  LPL 




Open  since  Supply Systems Analyst [LRC‐91‐22] 


LRC Okinawa  1‐6  3  MLC  8/17/22 

Engineering Technician (General/PW) [PW‐21‐40] 


USAG Okinawa  DPW 

1‐6  (1‐7) 

3  4 

MLC  8/17/22 

Supply Technician [OM‐44‐22] 


U.S. Army Corps  of Engineers 

1‐4  2  MLC  8/17/22 

Supply Requirement and Distribution Clerk 

補給配給事務職 [LRC‐090‐22] 

LRC Okinawa  1‐4  2  MLC  8/17/22 

Engineering Technician (Electronics)  [DLAE22‐7‐1] 


DLA Energy  Okinawa 

1‐6  3  MLC  8/3/22 

Maintenance Mechanic (H) [LRC‐014‐22/007‐22*2] 

メインテナンスメカニック * 

LRC Okinawa  2‐6  (2‐7) 

0  MLC  8/3/22 

Maintenance Mechanic (A) [LRC‐078‐21/054‐22]   

メインテナンスメカニック * 

LRC Okinawa  2‐6  (2‐7) 

0  MLC  8/3/22 

Engineer (Civil/OM2) [OM‐43‐22] 


U.S. Army Corps  of Engineers 


3  MLC  7/27/22 

Engineering Technician (Civil/OM) [OM‐25A‐22] 


U.S. Army Corps  of Engineers 


3  MLC  7/27/22 

Engineering Technician (Mech/PW) [PW‐21‐41] 


USAG Okinawa,  DPW 

1‐6  (1‐7) 

2  MLC  6/15/22 

Engineer (Civil/OM) [OM‐35‐21] 


U.S. Army Corps  of Engineers 

1‐7  (1‐8) 

2  3 

MLC  6/1/22    Engineering Technician (General/PW) [PW‐21‐40] 


USAG Okinawa,  DPW 

1‐6  (1‐7) 

3  4 

MLC  5/11/22    Automotive Equipment Inspector, Foreman A   

自動車装置検査工 [LRC‐049‐22] 

LRC Okinawa  2‐9  2  MLC  4/13/22 

Engineer (General/PW)    [PW‐22‐43] 


USAG Okinawa,  DPW 


4  MLC  3/16/22 

Engineer (Fire Protection/OM) [OM‐16‐21] 


U.S. Army Corps  of Engineers 

1‐7  2  MLC  6/16/21 

*こちらは見習い等級の職種です。目標レベルは()内に表記されています。応募者の資格、職務経験 等によって    採用される等級が決定されます。*Trainee level position. Target level is shown in (). Hiring grade  will be determined by qualification level of the applicant. 










(2)内容をご理解、ご了承いただいたうえで、履歴書 (USFJ Form 196aEJ)、事前質問票、および他の必要書類を締  め切り日までに、下記の投函箱へ投函するかEメール (usarmy.torii.usarpac.mesg.usarj‐g1‐jeso‐okinawa‐job‐

application@army.mil) にて提出してください。 


投函箱-トリイステーション、メインゲート (ゲート1)、警備室から道を挟んで向かいの地図看板付近 




-履歴書 (USFJ Form 196aEJ)  -職務経歴書 

-語学能力を証明する書類のコピー  -免許証・証明書等のコピー 









ALCPT Prior to 8

Feb 16

ALCPT After 8 Feb 16



4 (Exceptional) 860-990 86-100 NA 600- 250- 100- NA 1st

3 (Fluent) 730-859 76-85 90-100 550-599 210-249 80-99 870- Pre 1st 2 (Average) 550-729 66-75 75-89 460-549 140-209 50-79 560-869 2nd 1 (Elementary) 400-549 51-65 65-74 430-459 120-139 40-49 475-559 Pre 2nd Pre-1 (Minimal) 350-399 NA 40-64 NA NA NA NA 3rd  


米連邦政府組織では縁故採用を禁止しており、監督者がその監督下、または影響下にある職位に親族を採用、雇 用、昇格、昇進する事を禁じています。親族の定義は以下の通りです。 父、母、息子、娘、兄弟、姉妹、叔父、叔母、

従兄弟・従姉妹、甥、姪、夫、妻、義父、義母、義息、義娘、義兄弟、義姉妹、継父、継母、継子(息子・娘)、継兄弟、継姉 妹、異父母の兄弟・姉妹。



掲載求人への応募は、応募書類の記入漏れ、不備がないか十分に確認のうえ提出してください。書類不備および提 出期限を過ぎて提出された場合は、選考の対象外となります。提出された書類の返却はいたしません。 


問い合わせ先:098‐961‐7777 (内線/DSN: 652‐5510 or 652‐4314) 








(1) Person who is interested in applying the vacant position must read this instruction and announcement  carefully. Note: Please pay close attention to any highlighted and underlined section in this document.  


(2) Submit USFJ Form 196a, pre‐employment inquiries, and other required supporting documents by the closing  date in the following drop box or email to usarmy.torii.usarpac.mesg.usarj‐g1‐jeso‐okinawa‐job‐



■Drop Box ‐ Torii Station, Main Gate/Gate 1 (across from the guard box, in front of the map sign)  


DOCUMENTS REQUIRED TO APPLY (Required documents may vary depending on the position): 


-Pre‐Employment Inquiries  

-Personal History Statement (USFJ Form 196aEJ)  -Resume of Work Experience 

-Copies of English Proficiency Test for LPL requirement, see below chart.  

-Copies of License(s) and/or Certificate(s) 


LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY LEVEL (LPL) REQUIRED TO APPLY (Required level may vary depending on the position):  

Application for position requiring Language Proficiency Level (LPL) requires submission of one of the below English  proficiency test certificate.   

Chart of English Proficiency Level (LPL) 



ALCPT Prior to 8

Feb 16

ALCPT After 8 Feb 16



4 (Exceptional) 860-990 86-100 NA 600- 250- 100- NA 1st

3 (Fluent) 730-859 76-85 90-100 550-599 210-249 80-99 870- Pre 1st 2 (Average) 550-729 66-75 75-89 460-549 140-209 50-79 560-869 2nd 1 (Elementary) 400-549 51-65 65-74 430-459 120-139 40-49 475-559 Pre 2nd Pre-1 (Minimal) 350-399 NA 40-64 NA NA NA NA 3rd



Nepotism is prohibited in the U.S. Federal Government organizations. The management official is prohibited to  appoint, employ, promote, advance, or advocate for appointment, employment, promotion, or advancement into  a position for which the management official is servicing or over which he exercises jurisdiction or control any  individual who is a relative of the management official.  The relatives are defined as father, mother, son,  daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, first cousin, nephew, niece, husband, wife, father‐in‐law, mother‐in‐law,  son‐in‐law, daughter‐in‐law, brother‐in‐law, sister‐in‐law, stepfather, stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter,  stepbrother, stepsister, half‐brother, or half‐sister.



It is your responsibility to make sure your application is complete.  Applicants who have not submitted a complete  package by the deadline will not be considered.  All submitted documents will not be returned.  Applications with  false statements are invalid. 


Contact phone number: 652‐5510 or 652‐4314   



在日陸軍日本人事事務所 沖縄 求人案内  


U.S Army Japanese Employment and Services Office (JESO) Okinawa   Vacancy Announcement for Local National positions  

空席広報番号/Announcement Number 



募集期間/Opening Period  17 – 23 August 2022  募集可能従業員/Area of Consideration:    


 日本国内で雇用されている全MLC、IHA、MC従業員/Current MLC, IHA, MC employees in Japan   沖縄県内で雇用されている全MLC、IHA、MC従業員/Current MLC, IHA, MC employees in Okinawa  

 沖縄県内の在日陸軍日本人人事事務所から人事サービスを受けている全MLC、IHA、MC従業員 (米陸軍、国        防兵站局、星条旗新聞に雇用されている全従業員)/Current MLC, IHA, MC employees serviced by Army JESO         Okinawa (Army, DLA Energy, or Stars and Stripes)  

 募集組織内に雇用されている従業員Current employees employed within the Organization.  



Current USFJ employees who are outside the area of consideration will not be considered. 


Job Title, Job Number, BWT, Grade, and Language Proficiency Level  Supply Systems Analyst, MLC-464, BWT 1-6, LPL: 3


雇用形態/Employment Status:  


求人数/Number of Position(s): 1   部隊名/Organization (Work Location):  

403D AFSB, LRC Okinawa, Supply & Services  Div., Material Management Br., Torii Station  [LRC‐91‐22] 


The employee serves as Supply System Analyst for the Material Management Branch (MMB) and System Access Administrator for the Global Combat Support System (GCSS)-Army with all rights and privileges.

Provides both functional and technical support to all supported customers Okinawa wide and GCSS-Army users in the MMB of LRC-Okinawa at Torii Station and Camp Kinser. Sets and maintains GCSS-Army parameters to ensure proper system processing of supply transactions. On-boards new GCSS-Army system users, establishes and deletes user roles, and Out-boards users when no longer required. Troubleshoots issues by coordinating with CONUS System Maintainers and terminal users to resolve system errors. Visits supply customers to provide one-on-one guidance to system users who encounter errors and assists them with navigating through the system and correcting transaction errors. Maintains liaison with CONUS and OCONUS network administrators, system analysts and maintainers to ensure continued system access and functionality. Act as liaison with DFAS-Japan to assist with resolving GCSS-Army/GFEBS/DFAS/RMT financial discrepancies by researching, analyzing and provide answers to resources management and unit queries. Analyze & research GCSS-Army transactions to ensure they are properly processing through the system within required timeframes. Coordinates and monitors GCSS-Army End of the month closeouts for error and reconciliation. Generates reports utilizing automated systems on a daily, weekly, monthly, and as needed basis. Maintains liaison with supported supply elements of other organizations, sections, and branches Okinawa wide to resolve matters concerning supply requirements, processing, distribution and management. Maintains liaison with other specialist teams to resolve user or system issues and ensure the continued stability of GCSS-Army operations for LRC-Okinawa, USAG-Okinawa, and supported customers. Coordinates with the Installation Supply Representative (ISR) to resolve supply issues between AMC/DLA/GSA National supply managers and supported Units and customers as required.

Reviews and analyzes system performance data and identifies areas requiring process refinement or corrections. Plans, schedules and conducts studies of supply system. Coordinates with ISSA Accountable Officer for periodic review of Authorized to Forecast (ATF) stock reviews prior to the annual ASL Expert Team Review process.

Serves as the Information Management Officer (IMO)/ Information Assurance Support Officer (IASO) for the Supply and Services Division, is the POC between LRC-Okinawa Supply and Services Division and DOIM/78th Sig Bn. for system updates. Installs and configures new or replacement PC hardware and software and

coordinates email/network connections with the DOIM/78th Sig Bn. Performs system administration duties on assigned systems and assists/instructs supported system users on proper utilization of equipment and software


Please note that your resume will not be accepted if it is not the latest USFJ Form 196aEJ (20210324 edition). 


applications to prevent downtime and maximize equipment functionality. Performs on-site evaluation of user reported system problems to determine cause and resolve problems, or refer the issue to DOIM/78th Sig Bn for resolution by submitting a help-desk ticket or work-order.

Conducts face-to-face system training of GCSS-Army transactions and functionality for Supply and Services Division personnel as system changes are received.

Serves as Group Administrator (GAM) for Wide Area Work flow (WAWF). Review and activate/deactivate user accounts within assigned area of responsibility.

Participates in meetings and conferences with activities to work out solutions to problems of mutual concern.

Performs other related or incidental duties as assigned.


Must have at least one year of specialized experience equivalent to the next lower grade level OR Completion of four year college/university in a related field OR 2 academic year of graduate level education.

要求される語学能力級/Required Language Proficiency Level (LPL):  

Ability to speak, read, and write English and Japanese at Fluent proficiency level (LPL: 3) is required.

要求されるライセンス・修了証書・証明書/Required Licenses and Certificates:  

- Must have a valid GOJ driver's license (普通自動車運転免許) and be able to obtain GOV driver's license.

- Must have or be able to complete the training for GCSS-Army within 12 months after hire.


要求される知識・スキル・能力/Required Knowledge, Skill, and Ability (KSA):   

- Knowledge of Global Combat Support System (GCSS)-Army.

- Ability to read understand systems technical manuals.

要求される雇用条件/Required Condition of Employment: 

- Must be able to work overtime when requested.

- Must be able to work outside of normal duty hours when requested.

- This position is designated as "Mission Essential" which requires incumbent to report to duty or continue performing duties during emergencies or exigent situations such as but not limited to natural disasters, adverse weather, terrorist activity, radioactive/poisonous gas release, outbreak of pandemic disease or other events that may present danger to any USFJ facility, personnel or LN employees, or which require

extraordinary USFJ assistance for relief measures.

勤務時間/Work Schedule: Mon‐Fri (40 hours per week): 0730‐1630 (Recess: 1130‐1230) 

*応募時に提出するもの/Documents Required to Apply (Applications and Other Documents):  

事前質問票/ Pre‐Employment Inquiries 

 履歴書/ Personal History Statement (USFJ Form 196aEJ)

職務経歴書/ Resume of Work Experience 

語学能力を証明する書類のコピー/ Copies of English Proficiency Test for LPL requirement (see LPL chart on        page 1 and 2.)  

免許証・証明書等のコピー (上記下線部参照) / Copies of License(s) and/or Certificate(s) as underlined above. 

応募方法/How to apply: 

必要提出書類を締切日までに1ページ目に記載の投函箱まで提出してください。記載漏れや必要な証明書、署 名等の不備がある、あるいは締切日以降に届いた応募書類は審査不可となります。記載内容に虚偽の申告があ ると認められた場合は募集が無効になります。該当募集範囲以外に所属する在日米軍従業員の方以外は応募で きませんのでご注意ください。尚、提出された応募書類は返却いたしません。 


Submit USFJ Form 196a, pre‐employment inquiries, and other required supporting documents by the closing date in one of  designated drop boxes/location mentioned in page 1.  Incomplete applications (e.g., applications without signature, 


required information or certificates/documents) and applications not meeting the suspense date will not be considered.  

Applications with false statements are invalid.  Current USFJ employees who are outside the area of consideration will not  be considered. All submitted documents will not be returned.   

問い合わせ先:098‐961‐7777(内線/DSN: 652‐5510 or 652‐4314   



在日陸軍日本人事事務所 沖縄 求人案内  


U.S Army Japanese Employment and Services Office (JESO) Okinawa   Vacancy Announcement for Local National positions  

空席広報番号/Announcement Number 



募集期間/Opening Period  17 – 23 July 2022 

*Open Until Filled (Cut‐Off every Tuesday)  募集可能従業員/Area of Consideration:    


 日本国内で雇用されている全MLC、IHA、MC従業員/Current MLC, IHA, MC employees in Japan 

 沖縄県内で雇用されている全MLC、IHA、MC従業員/Current MLC, IHA, MC employees in Okinawa  

 沖縄県内の在日陸軍日本人人事事務所から人事サービスを受けている全MLC、IHA、MC従業員 (米陸軍、国 

      防兵站局、星条旗新聞に雇用されている全従業員)/Current MLC, IHA, MC employees serviced by Army JESO  

      Okinawa (Army, DLA Energy, or Stars and Stripes)  

 募集組織内に雇用されている従業員Current employees employed within the Organization.  


Current USFJ employees who are outside the area of consideration will not be considered. 


Job Title, Job Number, BWT, Grade, and Language Proficiency Level 


Engineering Technician (General/PW), MLC-384, BWT 1-6, LPL: 3

Engineer (General/PW), MLC-525, BWT 1-7, LPL: 4

The applicants will be rated only at entry level. This position may be filled at 1- 6 or 1-7 grade level depending on the certification, qualification and training of the applicant and management’s discretion.


雇用形態/Employment Status:  


求人数/Number of Position(s): 1   部隊名/Organization (Work Location):  

USAG Okinawa, Directorate of Public Works  (DPW), Engineering Division, Torii Station  [PW‐21‐40] 


This position has promotion potential to a higher grade level. If selected below the full performance level, the employee may be non-competitively promoted to the next higher grade level after meeting all regulatory requirements, and upon the recommendation of management. Promotion is neither implied nor guaranteed.

BWT 1-6 (Trainee Level): Under the closer than normal supervision of the supervisor or senior specialists, the incumbent serves as a trainee, performs technician type engineering work in General engineering and

completes specifically assigned tasks regarding routine and recurring duties described in the target position’s PD [Engineer (General), MLC-525, BWT 1-7, LPL: 4], and other related and/or incidental duties which facilitate the conduct of more complex and detailed functions conducted by the supervisor or higher graded co-workers.

BWT 1-7 (Full-Performance Level): The employee is responsible for performing professional engineering duties at the full performance level. The major duties include, but are not limited to; General Engineering, project management, conducting site inspection, site analysis, estimating cost, designing, preparing drawings, scheduling, and coordinating with customers and engineers in other fields for construction detail. Through coordination, site investigation and basic technical research, develops detailed project scopes of work from basic customer requirements for large and complex projects. Using engineering principles, practices and methods develops detailed specifications, schematics and plans to fully communicate all aspects of large and complex projects for construction contracts, developing standards and criteria for unique situations when conventional means don't apply. Prepares detailed cost estimates, schedules, technical analysis, design calculations, reference drawings, as-built drawings for the negotiation and solicitation of all large and complex project construction contracts. Performs project management functions such as coordination, creating scopes of work, scheduling, estimating, budgeting, funding requests, site inspections, etc. to support both internal and external contracting agencies such as Air Force Contracting Squadron, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, etc.

Reviews design analysis and proposed solutions for large and complex projects developed by A-E firms to ensure appropriate engineering principles, practices and methods were applied. Reviews shop drawings and material submittals prepared by construction contractors for large and complex projects to ensure compliance with contract plans and specifications. Performs technical evaluations of proposed contractor bids for large and


complex construction contracts to ensure contractor bids are reasonable, complete and technically reflects the project scope of work. Performs field site investigations to confirm and validate A-E firm proposals, cost estimates, quantities, materials and equipment.

Develops technical findings and recommendations defending the command's position on critical/adverse issues presented by engineers at higher echelons, manufactures, contractors, other agencies, GOJ and local

governments. Represents the command in negotiations with engineers from the GOJ, Corps of Engineers, other military services and agencies, local government and communities to resolve critical/controversial aspects of engineering projects and issues.

Using sound engineering and scientific principles, performs analysis to determine alternative solutions to the most complex engineering problems, develops standards, criteria and methodology for those unique situation when conventional methods don't apply. Performs construction management duties to include inspections, funding requests, projects tracking, schedule analysis, create modification packages, progress reporting, project close-out. Performs other related or incidental duties as assigned.


BWT 1-6:

Must have at least one (1) year f specialized experience equivalent to BWT 1-5* OR Two (2) academic year of graduate level education in General engineering.**

BWT 1-7:

Master’s Degree in Engineering** OR Three (3) academic year of graduate education in engineering** OR Must have combination of Education/License and Experience as indicated below.


Must be a four (4) year college or university graduate with specialized education in General engineering, OR Possess an official engineering license, e.g., 1st or 2nd class Architect's License (1級もしくは2級建築士), Mechanical-Electrical Engineer (建築設備士), Consulting Engineer (技術士), etc.

AND [Experience]:

Must have at least one (1) year of specialized experience* equivalent to BWT 1-6.

*The specialized experience is experience that equipped the applicant with the particular knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) to successfully perform the duties of the position, and that is typically in or related to the duties of the position to be filled.

**When substituting education for special experience, a tentative graduation letter and transcript, or a certificate of graduation/diploma and transcript must be submitted together with application. Failure to submit required documentation may result in non-consideration for this position.

要求される語学能力級/Required Language Proficiency Level (LPL):  

BWT 1-6:

Ability to speak, read and write English at Fluent proficiency level (LPL: 3) is required. 


BWT 1-7:

Ability to speak, read and write English at Exceptional proficiency level (LPL: 4) is required.


要求されるライセンス・修了証書・証明書/Required Licenses and Certificates:  

Must have a valid GOJ driver's license (普通自動車運転免許) and be able to obtain GOV driver's license.

要求される知識・スキル・能力/Required Knowledge, Skill, and Ability (KSA)  BWT 1-6:

- Knowledge of computer software such as: MS Office Suite to include Word, Excel, Outlook, and Auto-CAD (Knowledge of GIS is also preferable).

- Coordination and assertive communication skills, and willingness to develop solutions for problems.


- Knowledge of pertinent practical engineering concepts, principles, methods, and practices as it pertaining to the General engineering field.

- Must be able to translate English to Japanese vice versa both orally and in writing.

BWT 1-7:

- Comprehensive knowledge of engineering concepts, principles, methods and practices in General Engineering field.

- Knowledge of computer software such as: MS Office Suite to include Word, Excel, Outlook, and Auto-Cad.

- Coordination and assertive communication skills, and willingness to develop solutions for problems.

- 5 years practical experience in engineering field is desirable.

要求される雇用条件/Required Condition of Employment: 

- Must be able to travel to attend training, meetings or conference, and surveying US Army Garrison (USAG) Okinawa real properties, including multiple story building and unpaved rough nature environment.

- Must be physically fit.

- Must be able to stand or walk for long period under the extreme weather conditions.

- Must be able to work outside of normal duty hours when required/directed.

勤務時間/Work Schedule: Mon‐Fri (40 hours per week): 0700-1545 (Recess: 1130-1215)  

*応募時に提出するもの/Documents Required to Apply (Applications and Other Documents):  

事前質問票/ Pre‐Employment Inquiries 

 履歴書/ Personal History Statement (USFJ Form 196aEJ)

職務経歴書/ Resume of Work Experience 

語学能力を証明する書類のコピー/ Copies of English Proficiency Test for LPL requirement (see LPL chart on        page 1 and 2.)  

免許証・証明書等のコピー (上記下線部参照) / Copies of License(s) and/or Certificate(s) as underlined above  応募方法/How to apply: 

必要提出書類を締切日までに1ページ目に記載の投函箱まで提出してください。記載漏れや必要な証明書、署 名等の不備がある、あるいは締切日以降に届いた応募書類は審査不可となります。記載内容に虚偽の申告があ ると認められた場合は募集が無効になります。該当募集範囲以外に所属する在日米軍従業員の方以外は応募で きませんのでご注意ください。尚、提出された応募書類は返却いたしません。 

Submit USFJ Form 196a, pre‐employment inquiries, and other required supporting documents by the closing date in one of  designated drop boxes/location mentioned in page 1.  Incomplete applications (e.g., applications without signature,  required information or certificates/documents) and applications not meeting the suspense date will not be considered.  

Applications with false statements are invalid.  Current USFJ employees who are outside the area of consideration will not  be considered.  All submitted documents will not be returned.   

問い合わせ先:098‐961‐7777 (内線/DSN: 652‐5510 or 652‐4314) 



在日陸軍日本人事事務所 沖縄 求人案内  


U.S Army Japanese Employment and Services Office (JESO) Okinawa   Vacancy Announcement for Local National positions  

空席広報番号/Announcement Number 



募集期間/Opening Period  17 – 23 August 2022  募集可能従業員/Area of Consideration:    


 日本国内で雇用されている全MLC、IHA、MC従業員/Current MLC, IHA, MC employees in Japan   沖縄県内で雇用されている全MLC、IHA、MC従業員/Current MLC, IHA, MC employees in Okinawa  

 沖縄県内の在日陸軍日本人人事事務所から人事サービスを受けている全MLC、IHA、MC従業員 (米陸軍、国        防兵站局、星条旗新聞に雇用されている全従業員)/Current MLC, IHA, MC employees serviced by Army JESO         Okinawa (Army, DLA Energy, or Stars and Stripes)  

 募集組織内に雇用されている従業員Current employees employed within the Organization.  



Current USFJ employees who are outside the area of consideration will not be considered. 


Job Title, Job Number, BWT, Grade, and Language Proficiency Level  Supply Technician, MLC-614, BWT 1-4, LPL: 3


雇用形態/Employment Status:  


求人数/Number of Position(s): 1   部隊名/Organization (Work Location):  

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Japan District,  Logistics Management Office, Camp Foster  [OM‐44‐22] 


The incumbent manages supply items and responsible for ensuring availability of all materials required to include office supplies, etc. Researches and determines the best sources to obtain requested items to select vendors that will accept the GPC and offer the best price and shipping method. Identifies individual items from best available sources to satisfy the requirements submitted within Corps of Engineers Okinawa Area Office to include purchase of publications, equipment, and tools. Primary purchaser for corresponding Government Purchase Card (GPC) Account. Utilizing Corps of Engineers Financial Management System (CEFMS), prepares funds obligations and submits purchase requests and commitments (PR&C’s) for purchases to include supply purchase payment, etc. Verifies vouchers and documentation for transfers between appropriations and funds prior to providing fund citations to finance office. Prepares financial and supply reports.

Serves as Facility Manager. Responsible for coordinating Government support services to include building maintenance, repairs, utilities, custodial services, office key control, etc. Serve as the primary inter-service support agreement POC. Coordinates with Facility Engineer (FE) representatives to initiate repairs and actions to resolve facility maintenance issues. Responsible for GPC actions for construction within GPC threshold.

Serves as vehicle dispatch operation coordinator. Responsible for collecting and reporting utilization data; control GOV, fuel key and Toll Tickets; coordinating and scheduling vehicle maintenance servicing and car wash;

coordinating GOV accidents and troubles. Preparing reports to the District Transportation Office. Support ground transportation requirements for the Area Office to include Distinguished Visitor (DV) arrangements with Protocol, requesting vehicles/driver through local Transportation Office, and preparing funding documentation.

Responsible for identifying, tagging, coordinating transportation requirements and processing turn-in and pick-up actions to the Defense Marketing Regional Office (DRMO).

Coordinates with the District’s Property Book Officer (PBO) in establishing and maintaining personal property accounting records. Coordinates with hand receipt holders and supply personnel regarding usage and ensures accomplishment of required equipment utilization checks. Prepares inventory discrepancy report.

Performs other related or incidental duties as assigned.


Please note that your resume will not be accepted if it is not the latest USFJ Form 196aEJ (20210324 edition). 



Must have at least one year of general work experience OR Completion of two-year junior college/university or technical or business school.

要求される語学能力級/Required Language Proficiency Level (LPL):  

Ability to speak, read, and write English and Japanese at Fluent proficiency level (LPL: 3) is required.

要求されるライセンス・修了証書・証明書/Required Licenses and Certificates:  

- Must have a valid GOJ driver's license (普通自動車運転免許) and be able to obtain GOV driver's license.

- Must be able to obtain Certification of Fiscal Law.

- Must be able to obtain and maintain Certification of Government Purchase Card (GPC) training.

要求される知識・スキル・能力/Required Knowledge, Skill, and Ability (KSA):   

- Must have good working in use of various office automation software programs, data entry programs, internet computer usage, techniques to support office operations and produce a variety of documents such as letters, reports, spreadsheets databases, emails, etc.

- Must have knowledge of Army Logistics/Supply systems, supply items, and work procedures.

要求される雇用条件/Required Condition of Employment: 

- Must be available to work overtime when required/directed.

- Must be able to work outside of normal duty hours when required/directed.

勤務時間/Work Schedule: Mon‐Fri (40 hours per week):  

Shift A: 0700-1545, 0730-1615, 0800-1645 (Recess: 1130-1215, 1145-1230)

Shift B: 0600-1500, 0630-1530, 0700-1600, 0730-1630, 0800-1700, 0830-1730 (Recess: 1130-1230) 

*応募時に提出するもの/Documents Required to Apply (Applications and Other Documents):  

事前質問票/ Pre‐Employment Inquiries 

 履歴書/ Personal History Statement (USFJ Form 196aEJ)

職務経歴書/ Resume of Work Experience 

語学能力を証明する書類のコピー/ Copies of English Proficiency Test for LPL requirement (see LPL chart on        page 1 and 2.)  

免許証・証明書等のコピー (上記下線部参照) / Copies of License(s) and/or Certificate(s) as underlined above. 

応募方法/How to apply: 

必要提出書類を締切日までに1ページ目に記載の投函箱まで提出してください。記載漏れや必要な証明書、署 名等の不備がある、あるいは締切日以降に届いた応募書類は審査不可となります。記載内容に虚偽の申告があ ると認められた場合は募集が無効になります。該当募集範囲以外に所属する在日米軍従業員の方以外は応募で きませんのでご注意ください。尚、提出された応募書類は返却いたしません。 


Submit USFJ Form 196a, pre‐employment inquiries, and other required supporting documents by the closing date in one of  designated drop boxes/location mentioned in page 1.  Incomplete applications (e.g., applications without signature,  required information or certificates/documents) and applications not meeting the suspense date will not be considered.  

Applications with false statements are invalid.  Current USFJ employees who are outside the area of consideration will not  be considered. All submitted documents will not be returned.   

問い合わせ先:098‐961‐7777(内線/DSN: 652‐5510 or 652‐4314   



在日陸軍日本人事事務所 沖縄 求人案内  


U.S Army Japanese Employment and Services Office (JESO) Okinawa   Vacancy Announcement for Local National positions  

空席広報番号/Announcement Number 



募集期間/Opening Period  17 – 23 August 2022  募集可能従業員/Area of Consideration:    


 日本国内で雇用されている全MLC、IHA、MC従業員/Current MLC, IHA, MC employees in Japan   沖縄県内で雇用されている全MLC、IHA、MC従業員/Current MLC, IHA, MC employees in Okinawa  

 沖縄県内の在日陸軍日本人人事事務所から人事サービスを受けている全MLC、IHA、MC従業員 (米陸軍、国        防兵站局、星条旗新聞に雇用されている全従業員)/Current MLC, IHA, MC employees serviced by Army JESO         Okinawa (Army, DLA Energy, or Stars and Stripes)  

 募集組織内に雇用されている従業員Current employees employed within the Organization.  



Current USFJ employees who are outside the area of consideration will not be considered. 


Job Title, Job Number, BWT, Grade, and Language Proficiency Level  Supply Requirement and Distribution Clerk, MLC-343, BWT 1-4, BWT 1-4, LPL: 2


雇用形態/Employment Status:  


求人数/Number of Position(s): 1   部隊名/Organization (Work Location):   403D AFSB, LRC Okinawa, Sup & Svcs Div.,  Material Management Branch, Torii Station  [LRC‐090‐22] 


The incumbent reviews Release Strategy (RS) workflow multiple times daily and initiates required material management processing actions through the Global Combat Support System (GCSS) - Army automated system based on the Release Strategy hold code indicated on the SAP Business Workplace (SBWP). Reviews daily supply transaction outputs through GCSS-Army and initiates corrective and/ or follow-up action as required.

Processes transactions based on (SBWP) referrals. Reviews and analyzes the Overage Reparable Report (ZOAREP), notifies customers and tenant units by E-mail and follow up by email and phone. Reviews the PO status and Late Delivery Report (ZPODCHK) referrals and coordinates actions to ensure completeness.

Responsible for the processing of Supply Discrepancy Reports (SDR) into WebSDR for damaged, shortage, overage, wrong item received, late and/ or unreceived shipments based on GCSS- Army ZPODCHK, Installation Supply Support Activity (ISSA) requests, and customer request. Monitors demands for part number requests to ensure non-standard items receive proper consideration to be assigned a National Stock Numbered (NSN) through cataloging action. Provides supply requisition status updates to the ISSA and supported customers upon request. Contacts Sources of Supply (SOS) to resolve delays in the expediting of customer supply orders and ISSA Authorized to Forecast (ATF) replenishment for items that have zero balance with due-outs. Provides status of these supply orders and replenishments to the ISSA and supported customers and takes follow-up actions as required. Recommends requisition cancellations to customers when supplies are obsolete or otherwise not available through the Army supply system. Coordinates with customers to cross-references customer supply requirements with the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Disposition Services database in an effort to locate serviceable free issue items to recoup instead of utilizing Army funds. If serviceable free-issue items are found, the customer is notified, advised to cancel any existing GCSS-Army supply requisition and submit a recoup request through the DLA Reutilization/Transfer/Donation (RTD) system for free-issue of the supplies from DLA. Monitors (ZFTE) to ensure matching data for excess turn-in disposition actions.

Performs other related or incidental duties as assigned.


Must have at least one year of general work experience OR Completion of two-year junior college/university or technical or business school.


Please note that your resume will not be accepted if it is not the latest USFJ Form 196aEJ (20210324 edition). 


要求される語学能力級/Required Language Proficiency Level (LPL):  

Ability to speak, read, and write English and Japanese at Average proficiency level (LPL: 2) is required.

要求されるライセンス・修了証書・証明書/Required Licenses and Certificates:  

Must have a valid GOJ driver's license (普通自動車運転免許) and be able to obtain GOV driver's license.

要求される知識・スキル・能力/Required Knowledge, Skill, and Ability (KSA):   

Knowledge of Global Combat Support System Army (GCSS-A).

要求される雇用条件/Required Condition of Employment: 

- Must be available to work overtime when required/directed.

- Must be able to work outside of normal duty hours when required/directed.

- This position is designated as "Mission Essential" which requires incumbent to report to duty or continue performing duties during emergencies or exigent situations such as but not limited to natural disasters, adverse weather, terrorist activity, radioactive/poisonous gas release, outbreak of pandemic disease or other events that may present danger to any USFJ facility, personnel or LN employees, or which require

extraordinary USFJ assistance for relief measures.

勤務時間/Work Schedule: Mon‐Fri (40 hours per week): 0730‐1630 (Recess: 1130‐1230) 

*応募時に提出するもの/Documents Required to Apply (Applications and Other Documents):  

事前質問票/ Pre‐Employment Inquiries 

 履歴書/ Personal History Statement (USFJ Form 196aEJ)

職務経歴書/ Resume of Work Experience 

語学能力を証明する書類のコピー/ Copies of English Proficiency Test for LPL requirement (see LPL chart on        page 1 and 2.)  

免許証・証明書等のコピー (上記下線部参照) / Copies of License(s) and/or Certificate(s) as underlined above. 

応募方法/How to apply: 

必要提出書類を締切日までに1ページ目に記載の投函箱まで提出してください。記載漏れや必要な証明書、署 名等の不備がある、あるいは締切日以降に届いた応募書類は審査不可となります。記載内容に虚偽の申告があ ると認められた場合は募集が無効になります。該当募集範囲以外に所属する在日米軍従業員の方以外は応募で きませんのでご注意ください。尚、提出された応募書類は返却いたしません。 


Submit USFJ Form 196a, pre‐employment inquiries, and other required supporting documents by the closing date in one of  designated drop boxes/location mentioned in page 1.  Incomplete applications (e.g., applications without signature,  required information or certificates/documents) and applications not meeting the suspense date will not be considered.  

Applications with false statements are invalid.  Current USFJ employees who are outside the area of consideration will not  be considered. All submitted documents will not be returned.   

問い合わせ先:098‐961‐7777(内線/DSN: 652‐5510 or 652‐4314   



在日陸軍日本人事事務所 沖縄 求人案内  


U.S Army Japanese Employment and Services Office (JESO) Okinawa   Vacancy Announcement for Local National positions  

空席広報番号/Announcement Number 



募集期間/Opening Period  17 – 23 August 2022 

*Open Until Filled (Cut‐Off every Tuesday)  募集可能従業員/Area of Consideration:    


 日本国内で雇用されている全MLC、IHA、MC従業員/Current MLC, IHA, MC employees in Japan 

 沖縄県内で雇用されている全MLC、IHA、MC従業員/Current MLC, IHA, MC employees in Okinawa  

 沖縄県内の在日陸軍日本人人事事務所から人事サービスを受けている全MLC、IHA、MC従業員 (米陸軍、国 

      防兵站局、星条旗新聞に雇用されている全従業員)/Current MLC, IHA, MC employees serviced by Army JESO  

      Okinawa (Army, DLA Energy, or Stars and Stripes)  

 募集組織内に雇用されている従業員Current employees employed within the Organization.  


Current USFJ employees who are outside the area of consideration will not be considered. 


Job Title, Job Number, BWT, Grade, and Language Proficiency Level  Engineering Technician (Electronics), MLC-384, BWT 1-6, LPL: 3


雇用形態/Employment Status:  


求人数/Number of Position(s): 1  部隊名/Organization (Work Location):  

DLA Energy Okinawa, Maintenance, Chibana  [DLAE22‐7‐1] 


The duties include, but not limited to the following:

The incumbent performs necessary preventive and corrective maintenance measures to maintain satisfactory system operation. Uses electronic test equipment for circuit adjustments, fault isolation and repair and routine calibration of system elements. Coordinates maintenance activities with those personnel affected by system outage. May assist in developing, constructing and installing new systems or equipment. Determines whether repairs can be made with in-house repairman or if beyond the capabilities of in-house repair makes a call against an existing maintenance contract and request repairs be made by the contractor.

Prepares and/or reviews plans, specifications and wiring diagrams for layout of electronic equipment; modifies or makes recommendations to modify such plans and specifications determining system utilization, configuration, allowable deviations, frequency of maintenance services and calibration checks, and

repair/overhaul/replacement of system components.

Reviews contract specifications for accuracy. Recommends changes, additions or deletions. Reviews

Statements of Work for accuracy and completeness. Recommends changes, additions or deletions. Tracks work orders and cost data on contracts.

Makes calls for repairs. Reviews cost estimates for completeness and does a cost comparison to ensure the government is receiving the best possible price for services and parts. Randomly inspects contractor's work.

Checking for completeness and quality of work. Rates contractor's performance. Prepares inspection reports to inform the contracting agency on the quality of contractor performance.

Performs other related or incidental duties as assigned.


Must have at least one year of specialized technical or administrative work experience equivalent to the next lower grade (BWT 1-5)* OR Completion of 4 year college/university in a related field** OR 2 academic year of graduate level education**.


Please note that your resume will not be accepted if it is not the latest USFJ Form 196aEJ (20210324 edition). 


*The specialized experience is experience that equipped the applicant with the particular knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) to successfully perform the duties of the position, and that is typically in or related to the duties of the position to be filled.

**When substituting education for special experience, a tentative graduation letter and transcript, or a certificate of graduation/diploma and transcript must be submitted together with application. Failure to submit required documentation may result in non-consideration for this position.


●要求される語学能力級/Required Language Proficiency Level (LPL):  

Ability to speak, read, and write English and Japanese at Fluent proficiency level (LPL: 3) is required.

●要求されるライセンス・修了証書・証明書/Required Licenses and Certificates:  

Must have a valid GOJ driver's license (普通自動車運転免許) and be able to obtain GOV driver's license.

●要求される知識・スキル・能力/Required Knowledge, Skill, and Ability (KSA):   

- Knowledge of computer software such as: MS Office Suite to include Word, Excel, Outlook, and Auto-CAD (Knowledge of GIS is also preferable).

- Coordination and assertive communication skills and willingness to develop solutions for problems.

- Knowledge of pertinent practical engineering concepts, principles, methods, and practices as it pertaining to the General Engineering field.

- Must be able to translate English to Japanese vice versa both orally and in writing.

●要求される雇用条件/Required Condition of Employment: 

- This position requires lifting, bending, working in cramped positions and climbing on trucks or aboard vessels.

- Frequently exposed to unpleasant conditions such as dust, dirt, fumes, excessive noise, vibration, and heat;

and are vulnerable to cuts, bruises, burns, and broken bones. To minimize the dangers from these conditions, various protective devices will be provided.

- May be exposed to inclement weather and may be required to work outdoors under the severe weather conditions.

- May be exposed to chemicals and fuels coming in contact with exposed skin.

- Must be able to enter confined spaces.

- Must be able to work outside of normal duty hours when required/directed.

- May be required to work overtime occasionally.

This position is designated as “Mission Essential” which requires incumbent to report to duty or continue performing duties during emergencies or exigent situations such as but not limited to natural disasters, adverse weather, terrorist activity, radioactive/poisonous gas release, outbreak of pandemic disease or other events that may present danger to any USFJ facility, personnel or LN employees, or which require

extraordinary USFJ assistance for relief measures.

勤務時間/Work Schedule: Mon‐Fri (40 hours per week): 0730‐1630 (Recess: 1130‐1230)  Note: Work schedule varies depending on the tanker operation. 

*応募時に提出するもの/Documents Required to Apply (Applications and Other Documents):  

事前質問票/ Pre‐Employment Inquiries 

 履歴書/ Personal History Statement (USFJ Form 196aEJ)

職務経歴書/ Resume of Work Experience 

語学能力を証明する書類のコピー/ Copies of English Proficiency Test for LPL requirement (see LPL chart on        page 1 and 2.)  

免許証・証明書等のコピー (上記下線部参照) / Copies of License(s) and/or Certificate(s) as underlined above. 

応募方法/How to apply: 

必要提出書類を締切日までに1ページ目に記載の投函箱まで提出してください。記載漏れや必要な証明書、署 名等の不備がある、あるいは締切日以降に届いた応募書類は審査不可となります。記載内容に虚偽の申告があ ると認められた場合は募集が無効になります。該当募集範囲以外に所属する在日米軍従業員の方以外は応募で きませんのでご注意ください。尚、提出された応募書類は返却いたしません。 



Submit USFJ Form 196a, pre‐employment inquiries, and other required supporting documents by the closing date in one of  designated drop boxes/location mentioned in page 1.  Incomplete applications (e.g., applications without signature,  required information or certificates/documents) and applications not meeting the suspense date will not be considered.  

Applications with false statements are invalid.  Current USFJ employees who are outside the area of consideration will not  be considered. All submitted documents will not be returned.   

問い合わせ先:098‐961‐7777(内線/DSN: 652‐5510 or 652‐4314) 



在日陸軍日本人事事務所 沖縄 求人案内  


U.S Army Japanese Employment and Services Office (JESO) Okinawa   Vacancy Announcement for Local National positions  

空席広報番号/Announcement Number 



募集期間/Opening Period  17 – 23 August 2022 

*Open Until Filled (Cut‐Off every Tuesday)  募集可能従業員/Area of Consideration:    


 日本国内で雇用されている全MLC、IHA、MC従業員/Current MLC, IHA, MC employees in Japan 

 沖縄県内で雇用されている全MLC、IHA、MC従業員/Current MLC, IHA, MC employees in Okinawa  

 沖縄県内の在日陸軍日本人人事事務所から人事サービスを受けている全MLC、IHA、MC従業員 (米陸軍、国 

      防兵站局、星条旗新聞に雇用されている全従業員)/Current MLC, IHA, MC employees serviced by Army JESO  

      Okinawa (Army, DLA Energy, or Stars and Stripes)  

 募集組織内に雇用されている従業員Current employees employed within the Organization.  



Current USFJ employees who are outside the area of consideration will not be considered. 


Job Title, Job Number, BWT, Grade, and Language Proficiency Level  Maintenance Mechanic (H), MLC-2338, BWT 2-6, LPL: 0

Heavy Duty Equipment Mechanic, MLC-2134, BWT 2-7, LPL: 0


雇用形態/Employment Status:  


求人数/Number of Position(s): 3   部隊名/Organization (Work Location):   403D AFSB, LRC Okinawa, Maintenance  Division, Various Work Locations (Torii  Station, Camp Kinser, Naha Port) [LRC‐014‐




大型一種免許と自動車整備士免許、実務経験をお持ちの方は最低資格要件を満たします。お気軽にご応募 ください。

This position has promotion potential to a higher grade level if the selectee successfully complies with the full performance level within eighteen (18) months and recommends by the selectee's Foremen. Then employee may be non-competitively promoted to the next higher grade level. The selectee must meet all regulatory requirements and certifications upon the recommendation of management for the promotion. The promotion is neither implied nor guaranteed.

BWT 2-6 (Trainee Level): Under the closer than normal supervision by the supervisor or foreman who assigns work in specific terms based on overall goals and objectives in the maintenance program. Assignments are pre- selected in terms of how senior position perform their duties and evolve from more common and typical

assignments to more challenging assignments as an incumbent develops the appropriate skills, knowledge, and abilities.

BWT 2-7 (Full Performance Level): The incumbent performs work involved in the disassembly, overhauls repair, replacement of parts, adjustment, reassembly, and final operational check of tactical/commercial vehicles, construction equipment, power generation equipment, and material handling equipment. Duties include, but are not limited to:

Examines equipment and component units by visual and auditory means and/or by operational tests and diagnoses malfunctions. Disassembles equipment and component parts such as steering and control systems, transmissions, cooling systems, differentials, axles, wheel assemblies, engines, and inspects and replaces as necessary such parts as pistons, piston rings, valves, bearings, wrist pins, gaskets, and cylinder liners. Repairs and adjusts carburetors/ injection systems, magnetos, voltage regulators, switches, batteries and wiring, transmission systems, including such parts as clutches, gears, bearings, etc. Installs, adjusts, and repairs minor accessories such as windshield wipers, heaters, and defrosters. Traces vehicle


Please note that your resume will not be accepted if it is not the latest USFJ Form 196aEJ (20210324 edition). 


electrical circuits and ascertains condition of wiring. Rewires complete circuits covering ignition, starters generator, and lighting systems, as required. Services and repairs main power unit and material handling equipment. Services and repair power generation equipment from 5kw to 100kw Generator Sets. Performs general body and fender repair work and welding.

Performs other related or incidental duties as assigned.


BWT 2-7:

Must have at least one year of specialized experience in the same line of work at the next lower grade level (BWT 2-6).

BWT 2-6:

Must have at least one years of mechanic experience or specialized experience in the same line of work.

*The specialized experience is experience that equipped the applicant with the particular knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) to successfully perform the duties of the position, and that is typically in or related to the duties of the position to be filled.

**When substituting education for special experience, a tentative graduation letter and transcript, or a certificate of graduation/diploma and transcript must be submitted together with application. Failure to submit required documentation may result in non-consideration for this position.


要求される語学能力級/Required Language Proficiency Level (LPL):  

There is no LPL (Language Proficiency Level) set for this position, but a daily conversational level of English is desirable.


要求されるライセンス・修了証書・証明書/Required Licenses and Certificates:  

BWT 2-6:

- Must possess a valid GOJ Heavy Vehicle driver’s license (more than 11 tons) / 大型一種自動車運転免 許 (11トン以上), and be able to obtain a GOV driver’s license.

- Must have a Class-2 Gasoline Automotive Mechanic license (2級ガソリン自動車整備士免許) and/or Class-2 Diesel Automotive Mechanic license (2級ディーゼル自動車整備士免許).

BWT 2-7: In addition to the requirements for BWT 2-6

Must possess a GOJ forklift license (フォークリフト運転技能講習修了証保持者であること).

要求される知識・スキル・能力/Required Knowledge, Skill, and Ability (KSA):   

BWT 2-6:

Basic knowledge of and ability to perform maintenance tasks related to engine, removal and reinstallation, lubrication and cooling system repair, hydraulic system repair, tire and suspension repair, etc.

BWT 2-7:

Knowledge of and ability to perform maintenance tasks such as: engine/drive train related service, general engine diagnosis, removal and re-installation (R&R), lubrication and cooling systems repair, hydraulic system repair, tire/suspension repair, etc.

要求される雇用条件/Required Condition of Employment: 

- Must be physically fit to perform the duties above.

- Must be physically capable of bending, stooping and/or standing for long periods of time.

- Must be able to lift minimum of twenty-five (25) kilogram in weight.

- Must be able to work overtime when requested.

- Must be able to work outside of normal duty hours when requested.

勤務時間/Work Schedule: Mon‐Fri (40 hours per week): 0730-1615, Recess 1130-1215 



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