• 検索結果がありません。

Please submit the following for your application: a. Application for Admission as Exchange Student (2016)* * The application requires you to submit pa


Academic year: 2021

シェア "Please submit the following for your application: a. Application for Admission as Exchange Student (2016)* * The application requires you to submit pa"


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The Amherst College-Doshisha University Exchange Program

Amherst College has a long history with Doshisha University. Doshisha’s founder and

visionary leader, Joseph Hardy Neesima, graduated from Amherst College in 1870. The

histories of both institutions have been entwined since then and the fall exchange

program, inaugurated in the fall 2009, builds upon this longstanding relationship.

Doshisha University will guarantee scholarships for two Amherst students to spend the

fall semester at Doshisha. The program starts in early September and ends in

mid-January before the start of Amherst’s spring semester. Students are chosen by faculty in

the department of Asian Languages and Civilizations. The scholarship grants the following:

• Tuition and housing for the fall semester (including accommodation entrance fee)

• 80,000 yen per month (for up to six months)

Students are responsible for airfare, meals, and any additional personal expenses. (Recipients on

financial aid can have reasonable personal expenses included in their study abroad financial aid package

should they qualify. Please contact Dean Gentile at x2296 in financial aid for more information.)

Students may also apply for the "JASSO International Student Scholarship for Short-term Study in Japan"

(JASSO - Japan Student Services Organization). This scholarship grants 80,000 yen per month for up to

six months as well as a one-time relocation allowance of 80,000 yen. If an Amherst College student

receives the JASSO Scholarship, he/she is not eligible for the Doshisha Scholarship anymore, but will still

receive tuition and accommodation free from Doshisha University.

More Information

• For more information about studying at Doshisha University, please see the Asian

Languages and Civilizations department and/or the Study Abroad Office. Evaluations

from past participants are also available at the Study Abroad website




• Applications for the fall exchange program are on the study abroad website



), in

the Study Abroad library in Converse 106 and in Webster 110.

• Application deadline is Monday, February 15, 2016 to the Study Abroad Office in 106


Please submit the following for your application:

a. Application for Admission as Exchange Student (2016)*

* The application requires you to submit passport photos; please do not submit

these at this time. If you are selected, you must then submit the passport photos.

b. Proficiency in Japanese (language assessment form)

c. Application for Accommodation for Exchange Students (2016)

i. A list of options for accommodation is included for your reference.

ii. Information on Rental Futon is included for your reference. We strongly

recommend you rent a futon set. Otherwise you will have to bring or purchase

bedding when you arrive in Kyoto.

d. Letter of recommendation from a faculty member

e. Official transcript (you can have one sent to Janna Behrens 106 Converse from the

Registrar’s website:



f. Personal statement (in English) 2-3 pages in length. Discuss your academic rationale

for spending a semester at Doshisha as well as how the experience will fit into your

personal goals.

Complete applications are due to the Director of Education Abroad on Monday, February 15,

2016 by 4:30pm in Converse 106. Selected applicants will be interviewed by faculty in Asian

Languages and Civilizations.



交換留学生用(For Exchange Students)

同志社大学 日本語・日本文化教育センター入学願書(2016年度)

Application for Admission as Exchange Student to the Center for Japanese Language and Culture, Doshisha University 2016 Personal Information

1. 氏名 (パスポート表記通り ・ Exactly as it appears in your passport) Full name

(in Roman letters) ,

姓 Family 名 First Middle

漢字 (パスポート表記通り ・ Exactly as it appears in your passport) Name in Kanji

(if applicable) ,

姓 Family 名 First Middle


Name in Katakana

姓 Family 名 First Middle

2.国籍 3. 性別 男 ・ 女 4.生年月日 年 月 日 Nationality Sex Male Female Date of birth year month day

5.留学予定期間 どちらかに ○を付けて下さい / Please circle Intended period of study at Doshisha: from 年 月 for 1年 ・ 1学期

Year month one year ・ one semester

6.語学能力 Proficiency in languages

私の母国語は / My Native Language is

外国語名 Name of Language 読解力 Reading 筆記力 Writing 聴解力 Listening 会話力 Speaking 左記に自己評価を記入すること

Please make a self-assessment of your abilities in the left table.

A:優 Excellent B:良 Good C:可 Fair D:不可 Poor 日本語 Japanese 英 語 English

7.日本語学習経験 Experience with Japanese language study


Note: Please write the total actual hours of all experiences of studying Japanese such as experience of studying in Japan, and also at the university you are currently attending etc…

学校名 Name of School 学校所在地 Location 在学期間 Period of Attendance 年数 Years 総学習時間

Total actual Hours of Study

, to ,

(year) (month) (year) (month)



, to ,

(year) (month) (year) (month)



, to ,

(year) (month) (year) (month)

年間 (years) 写真貼付欄 最近3ヶ月以内に写した 正面脱帽のもの Color Photo 3×4 cm taken within 3 months,

full front face, without hat



8.学歴 Educational background


Note: List, in chronological order, all schools you attended starting with elementary school (If space is insufficient, please attach a separate sheet.)

学校名 Name of School 学校所在地 Country 在学期間 Period of Attendance 修業年限 Course Term 学位 Degree 小学校 Elementary School , to ,

(year) (month) (year) (month)



Elementary School , to ,

(year) (month) (year) (month)



Junior High School , to ,

(year) (month) (year) (month)



Junior High School , to ,

(year) (month) (year) (month)



High School , to ,

(year) (month) (year) (month)



High School , to ,

(year) (month) (year) (month)

年 (years) 大学 College or Univ. ・ 大学院等 Graduate School and other , to ,

(year) (month) (year) (month)


, to ,

(year) (month) (year) (month)


, to ,

(year) (month) (year) (month)


*在籍大学での現在の課程に ○ を付けてください。 Please circle your current program at your home university

学部 Undergraduate/Bachelor ・ 修士 Master ・ 博士 Doctor

*所属学部、学科、専攻等を記入してください。 主専攻と副専攻がある場合は両方記入してください。 Please state your faculty, department and major. If you have major and minor, please write both.

学部 Faculty 学科 Department 専攻 Major 学部 Faculty 学科 Department 専攻 Major

9.修学上の支援 Academic study support




志望理由書 Your reasons for applying to Doshisha University

※必ず出願者本人が日本語で手書きしてください (400 字以上記入する事) *パソコンは使用しないでください。 ※辞書を使用されても構いませんが、翻訳機能からの丸写しはしないでください。

※Please write this section by yourself, by hand in Japanese more than 400 letters. *Do NOT type ※You can use a dictionary but please do not copy from translating function




This report should be completed by one of the following persons:

A Japanese instructor

A diplomatic or consular official of the Japanese Government

Anyone who can certify the applicant’s Japanese proficiency

日 本 語 能 力 認 定 書

Proficiency in Japanese


Name of applicant:

(Family name first)

熟達程度を○で囲むこと。(Circle the appropriate word)

優 良 可 不足

読 解 力

Reading ability Excellent Good Fair Poor

筆 記 力

Writing ability Excellent Good Fair Poor

聴 解 力

Listening ability Excellent Good Fair Poor

会 話 力

Speaking ability Excellent Good Fair Poor


Criteria for the evaluation:

教 授 法

Teaching methods:


Textbook used:

備 考



Name of institution and position:

氏 名

Full name:

現 住 所

Present address:

日 付 署名

Date: Signature:


留学生用(For Exchange Students)


Application for Accommodation for Exchange Students (2016)

1. 氏名

Full name , (in Roman letters) 姓 Family 名 First Middle


Name in Kanji ,

(if applicable) 姓 Family 名 First Middle


Name in Katakana , 姓 Family 名 First Middle

2.国籍 3.性別 男 ・ 女 Nationality Sex Male Female

4.在籍大学 Name of home university

5. 留学予定期間(○を付けてください。) Intended period of study (Please circle) : 1学期間 ・ 1年間 One semester ・ One year 6.希望する寮名 (寮の詳細情報は別紙の寮リストをご覧ください。)

Names of preferred dormitories (For detailed information on each dormitory, please see the enclosed List of Accommodation.)

※ 女子留学生は、必ず第 4 希望まで記入してください。 For female students, please choose the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th preferences.

※ 男子留学生は、必ず第 1 希望と第 2 希望を記入してください。 For male students, please choose the 1st and 2nd preferences.



(3). (4).


*Please note that due to limited capacities, a room in one of your preferred dormitories cannot be guaranteed. Thank you very much in advance for your understanding.

7. レンタル布団を希望しますか? (寮リストでレンタル布団の内容と金額を確認してください。)

Would you like to apply for Rental Futon-Set? (Please refer the contents and the price of the Rental Futon-Set on the List of Accommodation.)

どちらかに○を付けてください。 Please Circle Yes or No → 要 Yes, I would ・ 不要No, I wouldn’t どちらかに○を付けてください。 Please Circle Yes or No → 1学期間 for one semester ・ 1年間 for one year 8. 病気、アレルギー等があれば記入してください。

Please mention if you have any diseases or allergies etc…


Please note the following:


最初の 2 ヶ月間は特別な理由が無い限り退去する事を認めません。

The number of Doshisha University administered dormitories is limited and the rooms are especially held for

exchange students. The Students are not allowed to move out for the first 2 months without special reasons.

同志社大学 Doshisha University

① カーサ北山 Casa Kitayama)

② 同志社ドーム・鴨川 Doshisha Dorm Kamogawa

③ キズナハウス Kizuna House

④ ハワイハウス Hawaii House & ⑤リチャーズハウス

Richard’s House

*同じ敷地内にあります。Hawaii House and Richard’s House are on the same property.

⑤ 京都 YWCA あじさい Kyoto YWCA Ajisai

⑥ メゾン岩国 Maison Iwakuni



Doshisha University



舎名称 同志社メゾン国 (男女混舎) リチやーズハウス 【女子寮) 2016 住人 問志社学生のみ ハワイハウス (女子) 伺志社キズナハウス (女子寮) 伺忠社学生のみ 癒学時間 自転草如分 同志牡学生のみ カーサ北山 (女子) 広さ 約15州 約8畳 豹16市 約9畳 約11市 約11畳 約9.72rrl 約6畳 約9.1rH 約5.,畳 約10市 約6畳 絶9.1rrr 約5コ畳 京 徒歩 10分 同志牡学生のみ あじさい (女子) 徒歩 10分 伺志牡ドーム鴨川 (男子寮) 伺志社学生のみ 自転車 7分又 は 徒歩 15分 自転 25分 又は 電車と徒歩 10分 自転車 7分又 は 健歩 15分 自転車 7分又 は 徒歩 15分 共用 ☆すぺての寮について ◎入寮費・一入寮費は退居後の居室ウリーニング代になります ◎紫止事項・・・本人以外の宿泊を紫止しています。左人、知人、家族であうても宿泊を認めていません ◎各宿舎の部屋の備品・ー【標準設】机・摘子,電気スタンド・ベッド(モれ以外の備品については宿舎によって具なります。) ◎駐帖場宥り ◎ぺッドのタイプ・・・ベッドには2覆類あります。マ、り卜本りとマットなし(棒のみ)です。(上の曇の「ペッドマット」欄を確認してください 問志社学生以外 も居住 うント'叫一 代学ドマリト ラント'リーノキウチンノ 談話室 同志社学生のみ 家賃゛共 (円ν月 あり シ,ワー/トイレ ランドリーノ脳膳室 ☆各寮の住所 0同志社メゾン岩国1〒6帥一欄49 京怨市下京区西中筋通花屋動下る堺町96 ◎りチャーズハウス&ハワイハウス:〒6悦イ844 京都市上京区寺町通今出川下る染殿町卵5-1 0伺志社キズナハウス'〒帥2田B91 京都市上京区上御霊横通寺町西入上御霊鳥場町076-3 ◎力ーサ北山:〒606心■33 京都市左京区下鴨前萩町24-1 ◎京葬YWOAあじさい〒602一帥19 京都市上京区室町出水上る近衛町" ◎伺志牡ドーム鴨川:〒602゛801 京都市上京区寺町通職馬口下る高惇寺町355-1 あり 28'700 シャワーノトイレ ラント'"ーノキワチン *道・ガス {円ν角 シヤワーノトイル ラント'リーノキウチン ノ談話杢ノ洗面所 あり 39,5卯 電気 (円ν月 なし すの二) rレンタル布団セット」 n緑間 10300円 9.000 31.5伽 インターネツト (円ν月 '3240 加入費10■卯 家貫込 ランいト なし すのこ) シ,リーノトイし ラン1'リー/キ学チン '実費 支払い靴額 (円)月 37.700 .'インターネ,ト) なし すのこ) 10.^ 29.^ 霞貴込 なし すの二) 入 (円) 42、000 家貴込 3,.500 ゛'電気代) 1学期聞 6,150円) 9. 水道 靈貴込 ス 10.卯0 趣中退去 . 41. なし '実讐 M.^ 探貴込 徽考 禁煙 本人以外の市泊禁止 3■,^, 10.^ Φ岩布団(身体に掛ける布団 ②夏用掛布団 ③掛毛布 ④敷布団:(ペッドまたはぺッドマットレスの上に量きます) ⑤枕 ⑥シーツ.各2牧【合針'牧)(OXユ)掛布団、④敷布団、⑤枕) 42,{X刃 +'がス代& '電気代 10.^ 34.000 10.Ⅸ町 ⑥ マットレスがある場合でも、そのとに敷布団を電いて(ださい.マットレスの汚れを肪ぐためです マットレスがない場合は、ベッドのとに直接敷布団を置いてください. 男子入宝禁止 禁煙 本人以外の盲泊禁止 10'^ 女チ入室禁止 禁煙 本人以外の宮泊禁止 啄則、入居後ユケ月以内は退去することを認めません また、途中退居する場合はーケ月前までに必ず事務室へ連 絡しなけれぱなりません寮を途中退去される場合は、そ の後の部屋は自分で探す必要が有ります




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Lomadze, On the number of representations of numbers by positive quadratic forms with six variables.. (Russian)

Samet, “Coupled fixed point theorems for a generalized Meir-Keeler contraction in partially ordered metric spaces,” Nonlinear Analysis, vol.. Submit your manuscripts

Key words: Benjamin-Ono equation, time local well-posedness, smoothing effect.. ∗ Faculty of Education and Culture, Miyazaki University, Nishi 1-1, Gakuen kiharudai, Miyazaki

We show that a discrete fixed point theorem of Eilenberg is equivalent to the restriction of the contraction principle to the class of non-Archimedean bounded metric spaces.. We

The oscillations of the diffusion coefficient along the edges of a metric graph induce internal singularities in the global system which, together with the high complexity of

We show that the Chern{Connes character induces a natural transformation from the six term exact sequence in (lower) algebraic K { Theory to the periodic cyclic homology exact

(9) As an application of these estimates for ⇡(x), we obtain the following result con- cerning the existence of a prime number in a small interval..

Then it follows immediately from a suitable version of “Hensel’s Lemma” [cf., e.g., the argument of [4], Lemma 2.1] that S may be obtained, as the notation suggests, as the m A