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The Species of Rust Fungi Parastic on the Grasses Collected in the Southern Kyûsyû and the Ryukyu Islands, Japan: University of the Ryukyus Repository


Academic year: 2021

シェア "The Species of Rust Fungi Parastic on the Grasses Collected in the Southern Kyûsyû and the Ryukyu Islands, Japan: University of the Ryukyus Repository"


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the Southern Kyûsyû and the Ryukyu Islands, Japan


Hiratsuka, Toshiko


琉球大学農家政工学部学術報告 = The science bulletin of

the Division of Agriculture, Home Economics & Engineering,

University of the Ryukyus(5): 23-106

Issue Date





Collected in the Southern K yusyu and the Ryukyu Islands, Japan!)



Contents Page Introduction 24 Enumeration of species 27 Phakopsora Dietel 27

1. Phakopsora incompleta (Syd.)

Cummins 27

Dasturella Mundkur et Kheswalla .. 28 1. Dasturella divina(Syd.) Mundkur

et Kheswalla 28

Stereostratum Magnus 29

1. Stereostratum corticioides (Berk.

et Br.) Magnus 29

17romyces Link 30

Key to species 30

1. Uromyces coronatus Miyabe et

Nishida 31

2. Uromyces halstedii De Toni 31

3. Uromyces linearis Berkeley et

Broome 32

4. 17romyces leptodermus Sydow .. 34

5. Uromyces tenuicutis Me Alpine .. 36 6. Uromyces dactylidis Otth 37

Puccinia Persoon 38

Key to species 38

1. Puccinia coronata Corda 40

2. Puccinia cacao Mc Alpine 42

3. Puccinia aestivalis Dietel 43

4. Puccinia arthraxonis-ciliaris

Cummins 44 I

5. Puccinia miscanthi Miura 45

6. Puccinia kuehnii Butler 47

7. Puccinia daisenensis Hiratsuka,


f 48

8. Puccinia rujipes Dietel 49

9. Puccini'L pusilla Sydow 50

10. Puccinia arundinis-donacis T.

Hiratsuka 51

11. Puccinia nakanishikii Dietel 52

12. Puccinia pogonatheri Petch 53

13. Puccinia phyllostachydis Kusano 53 14. Puccinia longicornis Patouillard

et Hariot 54

15. Puccinia poae-nemoralis Otth .. 55 16. Puccinia magnusiana Kornicke 56 17. Puccinia purpurea Cooke 57 18. Puccinia cenchri Dietel et

Hol-way 58

19. Puccinia pa8palina Cummins .. 59 20. Puccinia oahuensis Ellis et

Everhart 59

21. Puccinia polliniicola Sydow 61

22. Puccinia sorghi Schweinitz 61

23. Puccinia graminis Persoon 62

24. Puccinia erythropus Dietel 64

25. Puccinia phragmitis (Schum.)

Kornicke 64

26. Puccinia kU8anoi Dietel 65

27. Puccinia agropyri-ciliaris

Tai et Wei 66

28. Puccinia hordei Otth 67

29. Puccinia agropyricola Hiratsuka,

f 68

30. Puccinia sessilis Schneider 69 1) Contributions from the Laboratories of Phytopathology & Mycology, Faculty of

Agriculture, Tokyo University of Education. no. 40.


Botanical Institute, Faculty of Science and Laboratories of Phytopathology &



31. Puccinia recondita Roberge ....70

32. Puccinia strii/ormis

Westen-dorp 72

33. Puccinia diplachnicola Dietel ..73 34. Puccinia lepturi Hiratsuka, f 74

35. Puccinia zoysiae Dietel 74 36. Puccinia versicolor Dietel et

Holway 76

37. Puccinia rtrundinellae-anomalae

Dietel 77

38. Puccinia cynodontis Lacroix 78 39. Puccinia miyoshiana Dietel 79

40. Puccinia polliniae-quadrinervis

Dietel 80

41. Puccinia taiwaniana Hiratsuka,

f 81

42. Puccinia levigata (Syd. et But!.)

Hiratsuka, f 81

43. Puccinia lophatheri (Syd.)

Hiratsuka, f 82

44. Puccinia levis (Sacc. et Bizz.)

Magnus 83


45. Puccinia setariae-viridis Dietel 84

Uredo Persoon 85

1. Uredo panici-plicati Sawada 85 Geographical distribution 90

1. Number of genera and species in the southern Kyusyu and the

Ryukyu Islands 90

2. Number of genera and species common to the southern Kyusyu and the Ryukyu Islands for each region in the world 91 3. The southern or tropical species

in the southern Kyusyu and the

Ryukyu Islands 91 Summary 94 I Literature cited 96 Fungus index 98 Host index 99 Explanation of plates 101 Plates 1-VIII Introduction

Apparently the first record of the rust fungi which parasitize grasses from the southern part of the main island of Kyusyu, was made by Naohide Hiratsuka (17) in 1936. In his paper, entitled, "Uredinales collected in Kiushu. III." (1936),there have been record-ed two species of Uro1nyces (Uromyces halstedii De Toni and U. linearis Berk. et Br.) and three of Puccinia (Puccinia cacao Mc

Alpine, P. graminis Pers. and P. lolii Niessl


P. coronata Corda)

from Kagosima Prefecture, the southern Kyusyu. In 1952, Naohide Hiratsuka (21) recorded one species of Stereostrat~tm,five of Uro-myces, 12' of Puccinia and one of Uredo parasitic on grasses from

Miyazaki and Kagosima Prefectures.

The first account of species of rust fungi which parasitize grasses from the Ryukyu Islands, including the Satunan IsIs. (Tanegasima lsI. and Yakusima lsI.) and the Amami IsIs., ~as that of Puccinia

levig~ta (Syd. et Butt) Hiratsuka, f. by Seiya Ito (31), in 1909. He

recorded Puccinia levigata (Syd. et Butl.) Hirats.uka., f. on leaves of Oplismenus compositus Beauv. based upon specimens which were

collected by Naoharu Hiratsuka at Syuri (Naha-si) in Okinawa Island, as Diorchidium levigatum Syd. et But!.


Up to 1941 since that time, there have been recorded by Naohide Hilllatsuka

(18~20)one species ofPuccinia in 1938, one of Angiopsora,

three ofUromyces and 14 of Puccinia in 1940, and five of Puccinia and

two of Uredo in 1941 from the Ryukyus. Since 1953, Naohide Hira-tsuka and his collaborators (24~30)have studied actively on the rust-flora of the Ryukyu Islands, and there have been recorded one species ofPh.akopsora, one of Dasturella, four of Urom.yces and28ofPuccinia,

which parasitize grasses from the Ryukyu Islands, in 1955 to 1957. In this article, now, are enumerated the species of rust fungi parasitic on the grasses collected in the southern Kyfisyfi (Miyazaki and Kagosima Prefectures) and the Ryukyu Islands, including the Satunan IsIs., the Tokara IsIs. and the Amami IsIs., and their taxo-nomic account and geographical distribution are presented.

The materials used by the writer in the present work include besides a number of collectibns made by Naoharu and Naohide Hira-tsuka, Shun-ichi Shimabukuro, Yoshihisa Taira, Shoji Sato, Yasuji Morimoto, Nobuhide Hirai, Shoichi Hirata, Shigetaka Katsuki, Yasu-yuki Hiratsuka and others, deposited in the Hiratsuka Herbarium, the specimens collected by the writer herself in Kagosima Prefecture in October 1956, and in Okinawa Island, the Ryukyu Islands in January 1957. The total number of specimens examined amounts to more than eight hundred, amongst which are included 55 species. The following table shows the number of species, by genera, hitherto known from the southern Kyfisyfi and the Ryukyu Islands, and the total.

Table 1. Number of species of the rust fungi parasitic on the grasses found in the southern districts of the main island of Kyusyu and theRyukyu Islands.

Nurnher of species Families ndelampsoraceae Genera Phakopsora Dasturella Southern Kyfisyfi 1 Ryukyu IsIs. 1 1 Total 1 1 Stereostratum 1 Pucciniaceae Uromyces 6 Puccinia 33 --U~~dinales --- - - , Imperfecti Uredo I




41 5 36 1 44 1 6 45 1 55 As shown in the above table, the rust fungi which parasitize grasses found in the southern districts of the main island of Kyiisyo.


and the Ryukyu Islands are 55 species in total. Among all the genera, the largest is thePuccinia having 45 species, next comes the Uromyces.

It is a pleasure for the writer to express her appreciation to Prof. Hirosi Ito and Prof. Naohide Hiratsuka, under whose direction the present work was executed, for their useful suggestions and criticism. The writer also wishes to express her sincere thanks to Prof. Shun-ichi Shimabukuro (University of the Ryukyus) and Mr. Shoji Sato (Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Education), who made many valuable suggestions. She is also indebted to Dr. Jisaburo Ohwi of the National Science Museum (Tokyo) for identification of host plants of the fungi, and to Miss Eiko Sakai for her faithful assistance on the present investigations.

The present work has been partially supported by a Grant in Aid for Developmental Research of the Department of Education (1955-56. no. 21016), to the directors of which the writer wishes to take this opportunity of extending her sincere thanks.

The specimens studied are all kept in the Hiratsuka Herbarium, Tokyo, Japan.


Enumeration of species Phakopsora Dietel

1. Phakopsora incompleta (Syd.) Cummins in Mycologia. 42: 786, 1950; Hiratsuka, Uredinolog. Stud. 266, 1955; Hiratsuka & Shimabukuro, Ured. Ryukyus. 9, 1954; Sci. Bull. Agr. & Home Econ. Div. Univ. Ryukyus. 2: 7, 1955; Hiratsuka, Shimabukuro & Niiro in Sci. Bull. Agr. & Home Econ. Div. Univ. Ryukyus. 2: 21, 1955; Hira-tsuka, Shimabukuro & Sato in Sci. Bull. Agr. & Home Econ. Div. Univ. Ryukyus. 2: 44, 1955.

SYN. Puccinia incompleta Sydow in Ann. Myc. 10: 261, 1912;

Hiratsuka in Trans.. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. 17: 28, 1941; Ito, Myc. Fl. Jap. II (3) : 158, 1950; Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 23: 737, 1925.

Puccinia polliniae-imberbis (non Hiratsuka in Journ. Jap. Bot.

13: 248, 1937) Hiratsuka in Bot. Mag. Tokyo. 54: 376, 1940; Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. 17: 30, 1941.

Uredosori hypophyllous, scattered or gregarious, minute, rounded or oblong, 0.4-"1 mm long, soon naked, yellowish brown in colour, pulverulent; uredospores ellipsoidal, ovate or obovate, 20~31x 15~ 22fL; epispore echinulate, 1~2fL thick, pale yellowish brown in colour; germ-pores 5~8,scattered; paraphyses numerous, peripheral, clavate, incurved, 20~42x 6--'12fL, walls smooth, thickened at apex.

Teleutosori hypophyllous, long covered by the epidermis, minute, pulvinate and compact, black; teleutospores united in a compact mass, ellipsoidal or cuboidal, 1~26x 8~15fL; epispore 1~1.5fL t11ick, smooth, cinnamon-brown in colour. (Plate I, figs. 1 & 2)

BAB. II, III. on Ischaemum crassipes TheIl. yare formosanum

Nakai (Taiwan-kamonohasi).

Ryukyu Isls. :-Yakusima lsI.: Anbo (Dec. 29, 1952, S. K., no.

2005; July 30, 1954, S. Sa. & Y. H., nos. 2006--'2008; Sept. 5, 1954, S. S., no. 2009) ;Kosugidani~Anbo (Aug. 2, 1954, S. Sa. & Y. H., nos.

2010~2013); Kurio (Aug. 3, 1954, S. Sa. & Y. H., nos. 2014~2017);

Onoaida (Aug. 3, 1954, S. Sa. & Y. H., nos. 1973, 1974 & 2018) ;

Ono-aida~Kozima (Aug. 3,1954, S. Sa. & Y. H., no. 2019) ;Kurio~Okawa

(Aug. 4, 1954, S. Sa. & Y. H., nos. 2020 & 2021). Tanegasima Is1.:


The following abbreviations are used for the name of the collectors of fungi mostly frequently named in the list: N. H.=Naohide HIRATSUKA; S. S.=Shun-ichi SHIMA-BUKURO; Y. T.=Yoshihisa TAIRA; S. Sa.=Shoji SATO; NH. H.=NobuhideHIRAI; S. K.=Shigetaka KATSUKI; Y. M.=Yasuji MORIMOTO; S. H.=Shoichi HIRATA; K.

I.=Kiyoharu IDE; Y. N.=Yoshima NIIRO; M. T.=Masao TAMORI; T. T.=Taro TAMOTSU; Y. H.=Yasuyuki HIRATSUKA; T. H.=Toshiko HIRATSUKA.


Minamitane-mura (Sept. 24, 1954, S. S., no. 2022). Okinawa lsI.: Nago-mati (April 14, 1940, Y. T., no. 451; Jan. 14, 1940, N. H., no. 244). Miyako lsI.: Simoti-tyo (Feb. 17, 1955, M. T., no. 2321).

II. on Microstegium ciliatum A. Camus yare wallichianum

Honda (o-sasagaya).

Ryukyu Isls. :-Yakusima lsI.: Onoaida (Aug. 3, 1954, S. Sa. & Y. H., nos. 1973 & 1974). Okinawa lsI.: Tomigusuku-mura (Feb. 24, 1940, Y. T., no. 364). Isigaki lsI.: Mt. Banna (June 18, 1954, S. S., no. 2319).

II. on Microstegium vimineum A. Camus (Hime-asiboso).

Southern Kyusyu :-Kagosima Pref.: Unagi-ike (Jan. 2, 1956,

Y. H., no. 51331).

Ryukyu Isis. :-Amami-osima lsI.: Nase-si (March, 1936, T. T., no. 1147). .

DISTRIBUTION. India, Uganda (?), China, Philippines, Formosa and Japan (Ryukyus, Kyiisyii, Sikoku).

Dastnrella Mundkur et Kheswalla

1. Dasturella divina (Syd.) Mundkur et Kheswalla in My-cologia. 35: 202, 1943; Hiratsuka, Uredinolog. Stud. 271, 1955; Hira-tsuka & Shimabukuro, Ured. Ryukyus. 11, 1954; Sci. Bull. Agr. &

Home Econ. Div. Univ. Ryukyus. 4: 121, 1957; Hiratsuka, Shima-bukuro& Niiro in Sci. Bull. Agr. & Home Econ. Div. Univ. Ryukyus. 2: 22, 1955; 3: 8, 1956.

SYN. Angiopsora divina Sydow in Ann. Myc. 34: 71,1936;

Hira-tsuka in Bot. Mag. Tokyo. 54: 160, 1940; Trans. Sapporo Nat. Rist. Soc. 17: 22, 1941; Ito, Myc. Fl. Jap. II (2) : 181, 1938.

Uredosori hypophyllous, scattered or loosely grouped, minute, round or elliptical, 0.2~0.5mm long, soon naked, pulverulent, pale brownish coloured; paraphyses numerous, clavate or cylindrical, 45~ 80 x 8~12j-t, incurved, walls smooth, subhyaline or pale yellow in colour, thicker at apex and outer side, up to 6p. thick; uredospores subglobose, ovate or broadly ellipsoidal, 22~30 x 16~24 j-t; epispore echinulate, about 1.5j-t thick, pale brown in colour; germ-pores in-conspicuous.

Teleutosori mostly hypophyllous, scattered or gregarious, often seriate by confluence, round or elliptical, 0.2~0.5mm long, covered by the epidermis, then naked, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis, compact, black; teleutospores with 3~5 superposed· cells at center of sorus, each cell ellipsoidal, obovoidal or cuboidal, 11~25


10~19 j-t, the outermost cells rather thicker at apex; epispore smooth,


chestnut-brown at the walls of the upper cells, paler at the walls of the lower ones. (Plate I, figs. 3 & 4)

HAB. II. on Leleba floribunda Nakai (Hoo-tiku) (Cultivated) .

Ryukyu Isls. :-Okinawa lsI.: Naha-si (Syuri-si) (March 25,

1940, Y. T., no. 416) ; Izumi (Jan. 14, 1957, N. & T. H., no. 4185). II, III. on Leleba multiplex Nakai (H6rai-tiku) .

Ryukyu Isls. :-Okinawa lsI.: Hanezi-mura (Jan. 13, 1940, N.

H., nos. 203 & 204) ; Naha-si (Jan. 11, 1940, N. H., no. 29) ; Taka-mine-mura (Jan. 21, 1940, N. H., nos. 178 & 179).

II. on Leleba vulgaris Nakai (Daisan-tiku).

R'yukyu Isls. :-Amami-osima lsI.: Sumiyo-mura (Dec. 29, 1954,

Y. N., no. 1646). Nakano-sima lsI. (Tokara IsIs.) (Aug. 3, 1955, S. S. & Y. N., no. 4441). Okinawa lsI.: Naha-si (Mawasi-mura)

(March 19, 1940, Y. T., no. 409) ; Hanezi-mura (April 8, 1940, Y. T., nos. 422 & 422-2). Iriomote lsI.: Komi (Aug. 15, 1955, M. T., no. Yae-291).

DISTRIBUTION. India, Formosa and Japan (Ryukyus, Honsyu). This species is one of the tropical or southern origin.

Stereostratum Magnus

1. Stereostraturn corticioides (Berk. et Br.) Magnus in Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 18: 181& pI. 12, figs. 1~7, 1899; Hiratsuka, Uredi-nolog. Stud. 282, 1955; Mem. Fac. Agr. Tokyo Univ. Education. 1: 41,1952; Ito in Journ. ColI. Agr. Tohoku Imp. Univ. (Sapporo). 3: 240, 1909; Myc. Fl. Jap. II (3) : 18, 1950.

SYN. Puccinia corticioides Berkeley et Broome in Journ. Linn.

Soc. 16: 52, 1877; Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7: 731, 1888; Sydow, Monogr. Ured. 1: 847, 1904.

Teleutosori caulicolous, at first roundish or oblong, 1~2mm long, then becoming confluent and linear, soon naked, compact, cinnamon in colour; teleutospores subglobose or broadly ellipsoidal, rounded at both ends, not or slightly constricted at the septum, 24~35x 20~ 28 p.; epispore smooth, 2~3 fL thick, yellowish coloured; germ-pores 3 in each cell; pedicels filiform, colourless, persistent; uredospores intermixed, subglobose, ovate or broadly ellipsoidal,20~32


16~24p.. ;

epispore sparsely and coarsely echinulate, yellowish brown in colour, about 2p. thick; germ-pores inconspicuous. (Plate I, figs. 5 & 6)

HAB. III. on Chimonobambusa marmorea Mak. (Kantiku)

(Cultivated) .

Southern Kyusyu :-Miyazaki Pref. : Miyazaki-si (April 17, 1946,


III. on Leleba vulgaris Nakai (Daisan-tiku) (Cultivated). Southern Kyusyu :-Miyazaki Pref.: Miyazaki-si (Dec. 18, 1940,

S. H., no. 51007).

II, III. on Pleioblastus simoni Nakai (Me-dake).

Southern Kyusyu :-Miyazaki Pref.: Hirose-mura (April 20,

1947, S. H., no. 51012) ; Miyazaki-si (Dec. 18, 1940, S. H., no. 51013; April 17, 1946, S. H., no. 51014). Kagosima Pref.: Takeoka near . Kagosima-si (Dec. 29, 1935, K. I., no. 51003); Murasakibaru near Kagosima-si (March 10, 1935, K. I., no. 51002) ; Okozima (Kagosima Bay (May 13, 1934, K. I., no. 51001).

III. onSemiarundinaria fastuosa Mak. (Narihira-dake) (Culti-vated) .

Southern Kyusyu :-Miyazaki Pref.: Miyazaki-si (Dec. 18, 1940,

S. H., no. 51004; April 17, 1946, S. H., no. 51005).

III. on Semiarundinaria yashadake Mak. (Yasya-dake)

(Culti-vated) .

Southern Kyusyu :-Miyazaki Pref. : Miyazaki-si (April 17, 1946,

S. H., no. 51006).

III. on Sinoarundinaria reticulata Ohwi (Phyllostachys reticu-lata C. Koch) (Ma-dake).

Southern Kyusyu :-Miyazaki Pref.: Miyazaki-si (Dec. 18, 1940,

S. H., no. 51011; April 17, 1946, S. H., no. 51010).

III. on Sinoarundinaria reticulata var. castillonis Honda (Kin-meitiku) (Cultivated).

Southern Kyusyu :-Miyazaki Pref.: Miyazaki-si (Dec. 18, 1940,

S. H., no. 51009).

DISTRIBUTION. China and Japan (Kyfisyfi, Sikoku, Honsyfi).

Uromyces Link Key to species Teleutospores provided with coronate apex.

Uredosori with paraphyses; germ-pores of uredospores equatorial. Teleutospores comparatively longer, 20-40x13--22p. On Zizania.

1. Uromyces coronatus

Teleutospores comparatively shorter, 18"-'30x12rov24p. On Leersia.

2. Uromyces halstedii

Teleutospores not provided with coronate apex.

Uredosori without paraphyses; germ-pores of uredospores equatorial. Teleutosori soon naked, pulverulent. On Panicum.

3. Uromyces linearis

Teleutosori covered by the epidermis.

Uredospores comparatively large, 22rov40x16rov28p.


Uredospores comparatively small, 23""33x15""24 p. On Sporobolus.

5. Uromyces tenuicutis

Uredosori without paraphyses; germ-pores of uredospores scattered.

On Alopecurus. 6. Uromyces dactylidis

1. Uromyces coronatus Miyabe et Nishida ex Dietel in Bot. Centralbl. 105: 495, 1907; Hiratsuka, Uredinolog. Stud. 292, 1955; Mem. Fac. Agr. Tokyo Univ. Education. 1: 45, 1952; Hiratsuka &

Shimabukuro, Ured. Ryukyus. 20, 1954; Sci. Bull. Fac. Agr. & Home Econ. Div. Univ. Ryukyus. 2: 9, 1955; Hiratsuka, Shimabukuro &

Niiro in Sci. Bull. Agr. & Home Econ. Div. Univ. Ryukyus. 2: 28, 1955; Ito in Journ. ColI. Agr. Tohoku Imp. Univ. (Sapporo). 3: 183

& pl.. 10, fig. 2, 1909; Journ. ColI. Agr. Hokkaido Imp. Univ. 11: 272

& pI. 9, fig. 12, 1922; Myc. FI. Jap. II (3) : 75, 1950.

SYN. Uromyces coronatus Yoshinaga ex Dietel in Ann. Myc. 5:

70, 1907; Saccardo, SylI. Fung. 21: 588, 1912; Sydow, Monogr. Ured. 2: 344 & fig. 176, 1909.

Uredosori amphigenous, mostly hypophyllous, minute, linear or oblong, scattered, naked, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis, pulverulent, brown in colour; uredospores ellipsoidal, ovate or sub-globose, 22'-'39


18~27 }.t; epispore echinulate, yellowish brown, darker at apex, about 2}.tthick, slightly thickened at apex, germ-pores 3~5,equatorial; paraphyses clavate, 45~80x 15~24}.t.

Teleutosori conformed, long covered by the epidermis, black; teleutospores ovate, oblong or ellipsoidal, apex rounded, coronate, base mostly attenuated, 20~40 x 13~22 p. ; epispore cinnamon-brown, darker at apex; pedicels persistent, brownish, up to 55 }.tlong. (Plate I, figs. 7 & 8; Plate II, fig. 1)

HAB. II, III. on Zizania latifolia Turcz. (Zizania caducifiora

Hand.-Mazz.) (Makomo).

Southern Kyusyu :-Kagosima Pref.: Kagosima-si (K. I.). Ryukyu Isls. :-Amami-osima lsI.: Nase-si (Sept., 1935, T. T.,

no. 1006; Oct. 3, 1954, S. K., no. 1853) ; Tatugo-mura (Aug. 26, 1954

& Dec. 29, 1953, Y. N., nos. 1854& 1187). Okinawa lsI.: Yabu-mura (May 8, 1953, N. H. & S. S., no. 936). Isigaki lsI.: ohama-tyo (Aug. 5, 1953, Y. N., no. 1103) ; Mt. Omoto (June 25, 1954, S. S. no. 2099). DISTRIBUTION. China, Formosa and Japan (Ryukyus, Kyfisyu, Sikoku, Honsyfi, Hokkaido).

2. Uromyces halstedii De Toni ex Saccardo, SylI. Fung. 7: 557, 1888; Hiratsuka, Uredinolog. Stud. 294, 1955; Journ. Jap. Bot. 12: 266, 1936; Mem. Fac. Agr. Tokyo Univ. Education. 1: 47, 1952;


Ito in Journ. ColI. Hokkaido Imp. Univ. 11: 269 & pI. 9, 'fig. 9, 1922; Myc. Fl. Jap. II (3) : 72, 1950; Sydow, Monogr. Ured. 2: 330, 1910.

SYN. Uromyces ovalis Dietel in Bot. Jahrb. 37: 97, 1905; Ito

in Journ. ColI. Agr. Tohoku Imp. Univ. (Sapporo). 3: 182 & pI. 10, fig. 1, 1909.

Nigredo halstedii Arthur in N. Amer. Fl. 7: 226, 1912.

Uredosori amphigenous, mostly hypophyllous, minute, round or oblong, gregarious or arranged in lines, on brownish discoloured spots, usually not confluent, loosely covered by the epidermis, soon naked, somewhat pulverulent, yellowish-brown in colour; uredospores sub-globose, ellipsoidal or ovate, 20~28 x 16--,24~; epispore 2--,2.5~thick; germ-pores 3~5,equatorial; paraphyses mostly capitate, 40--'50


12--' 22p., apex more or less thickened (3---5~), light brown in colour.

Teleutosori amphigenous, mostly hypophyllous, minute, oblong or linear, scattered or gregarious, often confluent, naked, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis, somewhat pulvinate, brownish-black i~ colour; teleutospores ovate, clavate or cuneiform, apex rounded, thickened (4~7 ~),with many irregular blunt processes, base rounded or attenuated, chestnut-brown at the apex, lighter at the base, 18~ 30 x 12--'24 jJ.; epispore smooth; pedicels persistent, brown in colour, up to 40 ~ long.

HAB. II, III. on Leersia sayanuka Ohwi (Leersia oryzoides Sw. var. japonica Hack.) (Sayanukag~tsa).

Southern KY1.1syt1:-Kagosima Pref.: Kagosima-si (Oct. 26,1931, K. I., no. 51158).

DISTRIBUTION. North America, China, Korea and Japan (Kyu-syii, Sikoku, Honsyii).

This fungus was described by Dietel in 1905, under the name of

Uromyces ovalis, based upon a specimen which was collected by S.

Kusano at Kami-Itabasi, Tokyo.

3. Uromyces linearis Berkeley et Broome in Journ. Linn. Soc. 14: 92, 1875; Hirata in Nat. Hist. Aosima. 80, 1954; Hiratsuka, Uredinolog. Stud. 296, 1955; Journ. Jap. Bot. 12: 266, 1936; Bot. Mag. Tokyo. 54: 161, 1940; Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. 17: 24, 1941; Mem. Fac. Agr. Tokyo Univ. Education. 1: 50, 1952; Hiratsuka

& Shimabukuro, Ured. Ryukyus. 22 & pI. 2, fig. 1, 1954; Sci. Bu'lL Agr. & Home Econ. Div. Univ. Ryukyus. 2: 9, 1955; Hiratsuka, Shimabukuro & Sato in Sci. Bull. Agr. & Home Econ. Div. Univ" Ryukyus. 2: 50, 1955; Hiratsuka, Shimabukuro & Niiro in Sci. Bull. Agr. & Home Econ. Div. Univ. Ryukyus. 2: 28, 1955; Ito in Journ. ColI. Agr. Hokkaido Imp. Univ. 11: 272, 1922; Myc. Fl. Jap. II (3) :


73, 1950; Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7: 575, 1888; Sydow, Monogr. Ured. 2: 336, 1909.

Uredosori epiphyllous, minute, oblong or linear, seriate by con-fluence, up to 10 mm long, long covered by the epidermis, then naked, pulverulent, brown in colour; uredospores subglobose, broadly ellip-soidal or ellipellip-soidal, 20~28x 18~26p.; epispore ech,inulate, 2.5~3.5f.t thick, cinnamon-brown in colour; germ-pores 3 or 4, equatorial; para-physes wanting.

Teleutosori conformed, blackish brown to black in colour; teleuto-spores globose, subglobose, ovate or ellipsoidal, 20~30 x 18~25 f.t; epispore smooth, 2~4p. thick at sides, thickened at the apex (5-'

10p. thick), chestnut-brown in colour; pedicels persistent, pale brownish coloured toward the spores, up to 90J1 long. (Plate II, figs. 4 & 5)

HAB. II, III. on Panicum repens L. (Hai-kibi).

Southern Kyusyu:-Miyazaki Pref.: Aosima (S. H.). Kagosima

Pref.: Kagosima-si (Oct. 26, 1931, K. I., no. 51154; Oct. 27, 1939, N. H., nos. 51150 & 51151) ; Ibusuki Hot Spring (Oct. 17, 1938, S. Itoga, no. 51152) ; Kokubu-mati (June 22,1940, S. Itoga, no. 51153) ; Yama-kawa-mati (Muse) (Jan. 3, 1956, Y. H., nos. 51186 & 51205).

, Ryukyu Isls.:-Yakusima lsI.: Isso (Aug. 5, 1951, K. T. & S. K., no. 4156) ; Anbo (Oct~ 20, 1949, S. K., no. 4157; Sept. 14, 1954, S. S., no. 1405). Amami-osima lsI.: Okati~Kise (Dec. 22, 1955, S. Sa. & NH. H., no. 4117) ; Koniya-mati (Jan. 7, 1955, Y. M., no. 1844); Nase-si (Oct. 3, 1954, S. K. no. 1845) ; Heida~Sanen (Dec. 19, 1955, S. Sa. &NH. H., no. 4113). Kakeroma lsI. (Amami IsIs.) ; Osikaku (Dec. 14, 1955, S. Sa. & NH. H., nos. 4112 & 4120) ; Setake~Kizi (Dec. 15, 1955;S. Sa. & NH. H., no. 4119) ; Setake;-lSukomo (Dec. 15,1955, S. Sa.'&NH. H., nos. 4122) ; Sukomo~Kizi (Dec. 15, 1955, S. Sa. & NH~ H., nos. 4114 & 4118) ; Seso (Dec. 14, 1955, S. Sa. & NH. H., no. 4111). Okinawa lsI.: Onna-mura (Jan. 12, 1940, N. H., nos. 64 & 81) ; Hanezi-mura (Jan. 15, 1940, N. H., nos. 208, 278, 281, 289 & 297; May 8 & June 12, 1953, N. H. & S. S., nos. 829 & 830) ; Mt. Katuu-dake (Jan. 14, '1940, N. H., no. 261) ; Naha-si (Syuri)

(Jan. 10, 1940, N. H., no. 18; April 25 & May 2, 1953, N. H., nos. 810 & 826) ; si (Sikina) (May 3, 1953, N. H., no. 822) ; Naha-si (MawaNaha-si) (May 22 & 23, 1953, N. H., nos. 807, 809 & 831)'; 'Naha·· si (Jan. 11, 1940, N. H., no. 32; Jan. 19, 1940, N. H., nos. 137& 142) ; 6sato-mura (Jan. 20,1940, N. H., nos. 170& 171) ; Itoman-mati (Jan. 21, 1940, N. H., nos. '307 & 321) ; Haebaru-mura (May 16, 1953, N. H. & S. S., no. 811) ; Yonabaru (June 6, 1953, N. H. & S. S., no. 825; Jan. 17,1957, N. & T. H., no. 4156) ; Ginoza-mura (June 5, 1953, N.


H. & S. S., no. 827) ; Kunigami-son (May 29, 1953, N. H. & S. S., nos. 824 & 825) ; Takamine-mura (May 15, 1953, N. H. & S. S., no. 823) ; Miwa-mura (May 15, 1953, N. H., no. 821) ; Gusikawa-mura (May 1, 1953, N. H. & S. S., no. 808) ; Yona Univ. Forest (Jan. 12, 1957, N. & T. H., nos. 4170, 4171, 4174 & 4175); Kyan-saki (Jan. 16, 1957, N. & T. H., no. 4173) ; Izumi (Jan. 14, 1957, N. & T. H., no. 4172). Miyako lsI.: Simoti-tyo (Aug. 2, 1953, S. S., no. 1032).

DISTRIBUTION. India, Ceylon, China, Philippines, Formosa and Japan (Ryukyus, Kyiisyfi.).

The present fungus is one of the tropical or southern species. 4. {Jromyces leptodermus Sydow ex Sydow & Butler in Ann. Myc. 4: 430, 1906; Hiratsuka, Uredinolog. Stud. 295, 1955; Ito, Myc. Fl. J ape II (3) : 73; '1950; Sydow, Monogr. Ured. 2: 334, 1910.

SYN. Uredo setariae-italicae Dietel in Bot. Jahrb. 32: 632, 1903. Uromyces setariae-italicae Yoshino in Bot. Mag. Tokyo. 20: 247,

1906; Hiratsuka, Uredinolog. Stud. 297, 1955; Bot. Mag. Tokyo. 54: 162, 1940; Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. 17: 24, 1941; Mem. Fac. Agr. Tokyo Univ. Education. 1: 51, 1952; Hiratsuka & Shimabukuro, Ured. Ryukyus. 23, 1954; Sci. Bull. Agr. & Home Econ. Div. Univ. Ryukyus. 2: 10, 1955; Hiratsuka, Shimabukuro & Sato in Sci. Bull. Agr. & Home Econ. Div. Univ. Ryukyus. 2: 50, 1955; Hiratsuka, Shimabukuro '& Niiro in Sci. Bull. Agr. & Home Econ. Div. Univ. Ryukyus. 2: 29, 1955; 3: 11, 1956; Ito in Journ. ColI. Agr. Tohoku Imp. Univ. (Sapporo). 3: 185 & pI. 10, fig. 4, 1909; Journ. ColI. Agr. Hokkaido Imp. Univ. 11: 271 & pI. 9, fig. 11, 1922; Myc. Fl. Jap. II (3) : 73, 1950; Sydow, Monogr. Ured. 2: 339, 1909.

Uromyces eriochloae Sydow et Butler in Ann. Myc. 5: 492, 1907;

Hiratsuka & Shimabukuro in Sci. Bull. Fac. Agr. & Home Econ. Div. Univ. Ryukyus. 2: 9, 1955; Ito in Journ. ColI. Agr. Hokkaido Imp. Univ. 11: 269, 1922; Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 21: 590, 1921; Sydow, Monogr. Ured. 2: 327, 1909.

Nigredo leptoderma Arthur in N. Amer. Fl. 7: 224, 1912.

Uredosori amphigenous, mostly hypophyllous, minute, oblong, scattered or arranged in lines, naked, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis, pulverulent, cinnamon in colour; uredospores globose, sub-globose or ovate, 22~40 x 16~28}.t; epispore 1,-12}.t thick, echinulate, yellowish brown in colour; germ-pores 3 or 4, equatorial; paraphyses lacking.

Teleutosori mostly hypophyllous, or on sheaths, minute, round or oblong, scattered or gregarious, not confluent, long covered by the epidermis, inconspicuous, grayish black in colour; teleutospores sub-globose, obovate or oblong, mostly angular, apex not or slightly


thickened, rounded or truncate, base rounded or attenuated, yellowish brown or yellow in colour, 24'-'36 x 16'-'30p.; epispore smooth, rather thick (2'-'3 p.),slightly thickened at apex (3.-15p.) ;pedicels persistent, colourless or subhyaline, as long as the spore. (Plate II, fig. 3)

HAB. II. on Eriochloa procera C. E. Hubbard (Nokibi,

Mura-saki-nokibi) .

Ryukyu Isls. :-Isigaki lsI.: 6hama-tyo (Aug. 8, 1954, M. T.,

no. 2100).

II. on Eriochloa villosa Kunth. var. stenantha Ohwi (Hosomi-no-narukobie) .

Ryukyu Isls. :-Iriomote lsI.: Otomi-aza (Sept. 11, 1954, M. T., no. 2094).

II. on Setaria geniculata (Lam.) Beauv. (Kotubu-kin-enokoro). Ryukyu Isls. :-Okinawa lsI.: Naha-si (Mawasi-mura) (Jan. 22,

1940, N. H., no. 338) ; Takamine-mura (May 15, 1953, N. H. & S. S., no. 926); Yonabaru-mati (Jan. 20, 1940, N. H., no. 159); Kana-gusuku-mura (Jan. 21, 1940, N. H., no. 316).

II. on Setaria italica (L). Beauv. (Awa) (Cultivated). Southern Kyusyu :-Miyazaki Pref.: Gokasyo-mura (Oct. 17,

1941, S. H., no. 51160).

Ryukyu Isls. :-Suwanose-sima lsI. (Tokara IsIs.) (Aug. 4, 1955,

S. S. & Y. N., no. 4101). ga-sima lsI. (Amami IsIs.) : Kikai-tyo (Aug. 29, 1954, Y. N., no. 1837). Miyako lsI.: Taira-si (May 14, 1952, M. Nagayama, no. 925; June 6, 1954, S. S., no. 2104).

II, III. on Setaria lutescens Hubbard (Setaria glauca Beauv.) (Kin-enokoro) .

Southern Kyusyu:-Miyazaki Pref.: Miyazaki-si (Nov. 3, 1950,

S. H., no. 51156) ; Mt. Sobo-san (Oct. 17, 1941, S. H., no. 51158);

Mt. Boroisi-yama (Oct. 26, 1940, S. H.,no. 51159). Kagosima Pref.: Kagosima-si (Sept. 30, 1935, K. I., no. 51157).

II. on Setaria lutescens Hubbard var. longispica Honda

(Naga-bo-no-kin-enokoro) .

Ryukyu Isls. :-Okinawa lsI.: Hanezi-mura (Jan. 13,1940, N. H.,

no. 202).

II. on Setaria viridis Beauv. var. genuina Honda (Enokoro-gusa) .

Ryukyu Isls. :-Tanegasima lsI.: Nisinoomote-mati (Sept. 27,

1954, S. S., no. 1495). Amami-osima lsI.: Tatugo-mura (Aug. 25, 1954, Y. N., no. 1838). Isigaki lsI.: 6hama-tyo (Aug. 16, 1954, M. T., no. 2098).

II. on Setaria viridis Beauv. var. pachystachys Mak. et Nem. (Hama-e1'tokoro) .


no. 2340). Takara-sima lsI. (Tokara IsIs.) (Dec. 22, 1955, Y. N., no. 4102). Okinawa lsI.: Nago-mati (April 19, 1940, Y. T., no. 477) ; Hanezi-mura (Jan. 15, 1940, N. H., no. 285).

DISTRIBUTION. North America, Africa, Philippines, China, Man-churia, India, Korea, Hawaiian IsIs., Formosa and Japan (Ryukyus, Kyusyu, Sikoku, Honsyft).

5. Uromyces tenuicutis Me Alpine, Rusts of Australia. 87 & pI. 10, fig. 133, 1906; Hirata in Nat. Hist. Aosima. 80, 1954; Hiratsuka in Bot. Mag. Tokyo. 54: 162, 1940; Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. 17: 24, 1941; Mem. Fae. Agr. Tokyo Univ. Education. 1: 52, 1952; Uredinolog. Stud. 298, 1955; Hiratsuka & Shimabukuro, Ured. Ryukyus. 23, 1954; Hiratsuka, Shimabukuro & Sato in Sci. Bull. Agr.

& Home Econ. Div. Univ. Ryukyus. 2: 51, 1955; Hiratsuka, Shima-bukuro& Niiro in Sci. Bull. Agr. & Home Econ. Div. Univ. Ryukyus. 2: 29, 1955; 3: 11, 1956, 4: 162, 1957; Ito, Myc. FI. Jap. II (3): 74, 1950; Saccardo, SylI. Fung. 21: 588, 1921; Sydow, Monogr. Ured. 2: 341,1910.

Uredosori amphigenous, chiefly epiphyllous, sometimes on stems, scattered or in small groups, minute, elliptical or oblong, O.4~1mm lon'g, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis, pulverulent, yellowish brown in colour; uredospores subglobose, ovate or broadly ellipsoidal, 23~33xI5--24p.; episopre 2---2.4 JJ- thick, echinulate, yellowish brown

or yellow in colour; germ-pores 3 or 4, equatorial; paraphyses wanting. Teleutosori hypophyllous, scattered or loosely grouped, minute, elliptic or oblong, 0.3~O.8mm across, long covered by the epidermis, black in colour; teleutospores ovate, pyriform or oblong, 21,-140X15~25

If, rounded or rarely truncate at the apex; epispore 2--3 p. thick, slightly thickened at apex (4--8 /.L), smooth, yellowish brown in colour; pedicels persistent, up to 54 f.L long, pale brown in colour. (Plate II, fig. 6)

HAB. II, III. on Sporobolus elon.gatus R. Brown (Sporobolus iridicus R. Er.) (Nezumi-no-o).

Southern Kyusyu:-Miyazaki Pref.: Miyazaki-si (Oct. 22, 1939,



no. 51162) ; Aosima-mura (June 1, 1946, S. H., no. 51196). Kagosima Pref.: Makizono-mura (Oct. 26, 1939, N. H., no. 51163) ; Kagosima-si (Oct. 27, 1939, N. H., no. 51160); Mt. Kaimon-dake

(Oct. 28, 1939, N. H., no. 51161).

Ryukyu Isls.-Yakusima lsI.: Anbo (Oct. 23, 1949, S. K., no.

2349). Take-sima lsI. (Tokara IsIs.) (Aug. 6, 1956, Y. N., no. 4109). Kuro-sima lsI. (Takora IsIs.) (July 27& 29, 1956, S. S. & Y. N., nos. 4103& 4110). Nakano-sima lsI. (Tokara IsIs.) (Dec. 24, 1955, Y. N., no. 4104). Takara~simalsI. (Tokara IsIs.) (Aug. 11, 1955, S. S. &


Y. N., no. 4106; Dec. 22, 1955, Y. N., no. 4105). Amami-osima lsI.: Nase-si (Dec. 28, 1954, Y. M., no. 1836) ;Kasari-mura (Dec. 25, 1953, Y. N., no. 1182;Jan. 5, 1955,Y. M., no. 1835). Okinawa lsI.: Naha-si (Jan. 18 & 19, 1940, N. H., nos. 115 & 138) ; Naha-si (Syuri) (June 11, 1953, N. H., no. 1133). Iriomote lsI.: Komi (Aug. 15, 1955, M. T., no. 4107). Yonaguni lsI.: Kubura (Aug..4, 1955, M. T., no. 4108). DISTRIBUTION. Australia, Africa, China, Formosa and Japan (Ryukyus, Kyftsyft, Sikoku, Honsyft).

The present fungus is one of the tropical or southern origin. 6. Uromyces dactylidis Otth in Mitth. Nat. Ges. Bern (1861) : 85, 1861; Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7: 540, 1888; Sydow, Monogr. Ured. 2: 309, 1910.

SYN. Urom-yces alopecuri Seymour in Proc. Boston Soc. Nat.

Hist.24: 186, 1889;Hiratsuka in Mem. Fac. Agr. Tokyo Univ. Educa-tion. 1: 43, 1952; Uredinolog. Stud. 291, 1955; Hiratsuka & Shima-bukuro, Ured. Ryukyus. 19, 1954; Hiratsuka, Shimabukuro & Niiro in Sci. Bull. Agr. & Home Econ. Div. Univ. Ryukyus. 2: 27, 1955; Ito in Journ. ColI. Agr. Hokkaido Imp. Univ. 11: 267 & pI. 9, fig. 8, 1922;. Myc. Fl. Jap. II (3) : 70, 1950; Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 9: 295, 1891; Sydow, Monogr. Ured. 2: 318, 1910.

Uromyces alopecuri Seymour var. japonica Ito in Journ. ColI.

Agr. Tohoku Imp. Univ. (Sapporo). 3: 184 & pI. 10, fig. 3, 1909; Saccardo, Syll. Fung.21: 593, 1921.

Uredosori amphigenous, mostly hypophyllous, or on sheaths, small, round or oblong, scattered or gregarious, often confluent, naked, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis, pulverulent, or sometimes IQosely covered by the epidermis, especially on the sheaths, orange in colour; uredospores subglobose or broadly ellipsoidal, 16-'25 x 15-'20

p;; epispore verrucose-echinulate, 1.5-'2.5 p, thick, pale brown in colour; germ-pores 6-'9, scattered; paraphyses wanting.

Teleutosori amphigenous, mostly hypophyllous, or on sheaths and culms, t.hose on leaf-blade small, round or oblong, scattered or loosely grouped, rarely confluent, those on sheaths and culms minute, roundish, oblong or linear, scattered or gregarious, often confluent, long covered by the epidermis, pulvinate, grayish black in colour; tel~utospores globose, ovate or somewhat polygonal, apex rounded, truncate or obliquely pointed, more or less thickened (3,-J5 JL), base r0ullded or attenuated, smooth, yellowish brown, darker at the apex, 18-'30x 15-'20JL; epispore 1.5-'311. thick; pedicels persistent, up to 32JL long, brownish coloured. (Plate II, fig. 2)

HAB. II, III. on Alopecuru8 ge1~iculatusL. (Alopecurus fulvus


Southern Kyusyu :-Kagosima Pref. : Kagosima-si (May 12, 1931,

K. I., no. 4159 ; May 31, 1940, S. Itoga, no. 51165).

Ryukyu Isls. :-Amami-osima lsI.: Nase-si (Sept., 1935, T. T.,

no. 1105). Okinawa lsI.: Nago-mati (May 9, 1953, N. H. & S. B., nos. 848 & 849; May 23, 1953, M. Nagayama, no. 850).

II, III. on Alopecurus japonicus Steud. (Setogaya).

Southern Kyusyu:-Miy~zakiPref.: Tuma-mati (April 25,1947,

H. Matuzawa, no. 51167) ; Kobayasi-mati (May 6, 1950, B. H., no. 51169; April 25, 1947, A. Nagai, no. 51166) ;; Nitinan-si (Aburatu-mati) (May 8, 1947, S. H., no. 51168). Kagosima Pref.: Kagosima-si

(May 12, 1931, K. I., no. 51171).

DISTRIBUTION. North America, Europe, New Zealand, China, Manchuria, Korea, Formosa and Japan (Ryukyus, Kyusyu, Sikoku, Honsyft, Hokkaido).

Puccinia Persoon

Key to species Teleutospores provided with coronate apex.

Uredosori with paraphyses; uredospores echinulate, germ-pores scattered. On

Avena, Brachypodium, Lolium and Phalaris. 1. Puccinia coronata

Teleutospores not provided with coronate apex; typically puccinioid, the septum mostly horizontal.

Uredosori with paraphyses; uredospores echinulate, germ-pores equatorial. Pedicels of teleutospores short, not exceeding 25p, usually less than20p.

Apical walls of teleutospores typically not exceeding 3p in thickness. On Hemarthria. 2. Puccinia cacao

Apical walls of teleutospores typically exceeding 3p in thickness. Teleutospores germinating at once, golden. Germ-pores of uredospores 3 or 4. On Microstegium. 3. Puccinia aestivalis

Teleutospores not germinating at once, chestnut-brown in colour. Germ-pores of uredospores 4...6.

Apical walls of teleutospores 4...10p. thick. On Arthraxon. 4. Puccinia arthraxonis-ciliaris

Apical walls of teleutospores 4...6p. thick. On Miscanthus. 5. Puccinia miscanthi

Apical walls of teleutospores 4...7p. thick. On Saccharum. 6. Puccinia kuehnii

Apical walls of teleutospores 7...13p. thick. On Miscanthus. 7. Puccinia daisenensis

Pedicels of teleutospores intermediate,25p. or more, rarely exceeding 90 p.. Walls of teleutospores uniformly thick or essentially so. On Imperata. 8. Puccinia rufipes


On Bothriochloa. 9. Puccinia pusilla Apical walls of teleutospores thickened, 4row8p thick. On Arundo.

10. Puccinia arundinis-donacis Apical walls of teleutospores thickened, 4row9p or more.

Teleutospores30row46x16row25p. OnAndropogonandCymbopogon. 11. Puccinia nakanishikii Teleutospores32row48x20row33p. On Pogonatherum.

12. Puccinia pogonatheri Pedicels of teleutospores very long.

Apical walls of teleutospores slightly thickened, 4row5p. On Sino-arundinaria (Phyllostachys). 13. Puccinia phyllostachydis Apical walls of teleutospores conically elongated or subacute,14row 34p. long. On Sasamorpha. 14. Puccinia longicornis Uredosori with paraphyses; uredospores echinulate, germ,"pores scattered.

Teleutosori long covered by the epidermis. Pedicels of teleutospores short. On Poa. 15. Puccinia poae-nemoralis Teleutosori soon naked.

Pedicels of teleutospores coloured, up to 50p long. On Phragmites. 16. Puccinia magnusiana Pedicels of teleutospores colourless or pale yellow, up to 95p long. On Sorghum. 17. Puccinia purpurea Uredosori without paraphyses; uredospores echinulate, germ-pores equatorial. Pedicels of. teleutospores short, not exceeding 25p, usually less than20p.

Germ-pores of uredospores 2 (rarely3). On Cenchrus.

18. Puccinia cenchri Germ-pores of uredospores 3. On Paspalum.

19. Puccinia paspalina Germ-pores of uredospores 4""6 (rarely 3). On Digitaria.

20. Puccinia oahuensis Pedicels of teleutospores intermediate,25por more, rarely exceeding90p.

Teleutospores27row36x16row22p,apex4.5row6pthick. OnMicrostegium. 21. Puccinia polliniicola Teleutospores28row45x16row24p, apex 4row7p thick. On Zea.

22. Puccinia sorghi Teleutospores 35""67x16row27p, apex 6-15p thick. On Hordeum, Secale and Triticum. 23. Puccinia graminis Pedicels of teleutospores long, exceeding 200p.

Teleutospores 26""50x14""22p, apex 3",,5p thick. On Miscanthus. 24. Puccinia eryth'ropus Teleutospores 40row65x16""24p, apex 4""7p thick. On Phragmites.

25. Puccinia phragmitis Teleutospores42""80x12",,26p, apex 8""11p (rarely up to18p).

On Pleioblastus. 26. Puccinia kusanoi Uredosori without paraphyses; uredospores echinulate, germ-pores scattered.

Teleutospores germinating at once, pale yellow in colour. On Agropyron. 27. Puccinia agropyri-ciliaris Teleutospores germinating not at once.

Teleutosori long covered by the epidermis.

Mesospores (one-celled teleutospores) numerous. On Hordeum. 28. Puccinia hordei Mesospores not intermixed.


Three-celled teleutospores numerous. On Agropyron. 29. Puccinia agropyricola

Three-celled teleutospores not present.

Germ-pores of uredospores 8. On Phalaris.

30. Puccinia sessilis Germ-pores of uredospores 6...10. On Agropyron,

Agro-stis, Bromus, Secale and Triticum.

31. Puccinia recondita

9...14. On Beckmannia and 32. Puccinia striifo1°mis

Germ-pores of uredospores


Teleutosori soon naked.

Teleutospores 24...44x12...24p.

On Oplismenus.

42. Puccinia levigata

Teleutospores 22...33x22",25p. On Lophatherum.

43. Puccinia lophatheri

Teleutospores medium size, 32...40x21"'28p. On Digitaria.

44. Puccinia levis

Teleutospores comparatively large, 35...45x24"'40p. On Setaria. 45. Puccinia setariae-viridis On Cleistogenes. 33. Puccinia diplachnicola Teleutospores 25...32x21 ...27p. On Lepturus. 34. Puccinia lepturi Teleutospores 25...45X15...24p. On Zoisia. 35. Puccinia zoysiae Teleutospores 32...50


22...35p. On Heteropogon. 36. Puccinia versicolor Teleutospores 30...65x16...26p. On Arundinella. 37. Puccinia arundinellae-anomalae

Uredosori without paraphyses; uredospores verrucose, germ-pores equatorial. Pedicels of teleutospores long, up to 100p in length, brownish yellow or nearly colourless. On Cynodon. 38. Puccinia cynodontis

Pedicels of teleutospores very long, up to 130p long, colourless, often pale yellow at the attachment. On Bothriochloa, Eccoilop~tsand

Spodio-pogon. 39. Puccinia miyoshiana

Uredosori without paraphyses; uredospores verrucose, germ-pores scattered. On Pseudopogonatherum. 40. Puccinia polliniae-quadrinervis

Teleutospores not provided with coronate apex; typically diorchioid, the septum mostly vertical or oblique.

Uredosori with paraphyses; uredospores echinulate, germ-pores equatorial.

On Panicum. 41. Puccinia taiwaniana

Uredosori without paraphyses; uredospores echinulate, germ-pores equatorial. Teleutospores comparatively small.

Teleutospores 21...30x18"'28p.

1. Puccinia coronata Corda, Icon Fung. 1: 6, 1837; Hiratsuka, Uredinolog. Stud. 309, 1955; Hiratsuka & Shimabukuro, Ured. Ryu-kyus. 28, 1954; Ito in Journ. ColI. Agr. Tohoku Imp. Univ. (Sapporo), 3: 187& pI. 10,fig. 13, 1909;Myc. FI. Jap. II (3) : 148, 1950; Saccardo,


Syll. Fung. 7: 623, 1888; Sydow, Monogr. Ured. 1: 699, 1903.

SYN. Puccinia lolii Nielsen, Ungeskr. f. Landm. (4), 9: 549,

1875; Ito in Journ. ColI. Agr. Tohoku Imp. Univ. (Sapporo). 3: 188, 1909; Myc. Fl. Jap. II (3) : 134, 1950; Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 11; 203, 1895; Sydow, Monogr. Ured. 1: 704, 1903.

Puccinia himalensis (Barel.) Dietel in Engler-Prantl, Natiirl. Pflanzenfam. 1 (1) **: 63, 1897; Hiratsuka, Uredinolog. Stud. 316, 1955; Ito in Journ. ColI. Agr. Tohoku Imp. Univ. (Sapporo). 3: 189, 1909; Myc. Fl. Jap. II (3) : 144, 1950; Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 17: 386, 1905; Sydow, Monogr. Ured. 1: 738, 1903.

'Uredosori amphigenous, often on sheaths, at first elliptical and scattered, then aggregated and often linear by confluence, frequently reaching a length of 2~3mm, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis, pulverulent, brownish yellow in colour; uredospores subglobose, ellip-soidal or obovate, 20--'34 x16~25 ~; epispore finely and sparsely echinulate, 1,-11.5 JJ. thick, pale yellow in colour; germ-pores 5~7, scattered; paraphyses few, capitate, thin and subhyaline walled.

Teleutosori amphigenous, minute, elliptical or oblong, 0.25~ 0.6 mm across, scattered or linear by confluence, long covered by the epidermis, compact, black; teleutospores clavate-oblong, often cunei-form, 30~60x12~24~; apex truncate and darker in colour, thickened (up to 7 ~), and crowned with a variable number (5--'8) of curved, digitate process, slightly constricted at the septum, narrowed at the base; epispore smooth, chestnut-brown above, paler below, 1,-11.5~ thick at sides, 6~12 ~ above, including projections; pedicels very short, persistent, coloured. (Plate III, fig. 8)

HAB. II, III. on Avena sativa L. (Enbaku) (Cultivated). Southern Kyu-syu:-Miyazaki Pref.: Miyazaki-si (May 24, 1956, S. H., no. 51227). Kagosima Pref.: Kagosima-si (June 12, 1933, K. I., no. 51228).

Ryukyu Isls.:-Amami-osima lsI.: Nase-si (T. T.).

II, III. onBrachypodium sylvaticumBeauv. var. miserumKoidz. (Yama-kamozigusa) .

Southern Kyusyu:-Miyazaki Pref.: Gokasyo-mura (Oct. 17,

1941, S. H., no. 51038). Kagosima Pref.: anami-ike (Kirisima Mts.) (Oct. 24, 1939, N. H., no. 51037); Kirisima Hot Springs (Oct. 20, 1956, N. &T. H., nos. 51178 &51179).

II, III. onCalamagrostis arundinaceaRoth. var. sciuroidesHack.

(Saito-gaya) .

Southern KY~lSYU:-Kagosima Pref.: Ibusuki Hot Springs (Oct.

17, 1956, N. & T. H., no. 51195).


(Cul-tivated) .

Ryukyu Isls. :-Okinawa lsI.: Naha-si (Mawasi-mura) (May 23,

1953, N. H. & S. S., nos. 1043 & 1044).

II, III. on Phalaris arundinacea L. (Phalaris arundinacea L.

var. genuina Hack.) (Kusa-yosi).

Southern Kyusyu :-Miyazaki Pref.: Miyazaki-si (Aug. 16, 1940,

S. H., no. 51174).

DISTRIBUTION. Europe, North America, Africa, New Zealand, West Pakistan, India, Siberia, Manchuria, China, Korea, Formosa, Saghalien and Japan (Ryukyus, Kyusyfi, Sikoku, Honsyu, Hokkaido). 2. Puccinia cacao Mc Alpine, The rusts of Australia. 117& pI. 30, figs. 259 & 260, 1906; Commins in Uredineana. 4: 12 & fig. 1, 1953; Hiratsuka in Journ. Jap. Bot. 12: 267, 1936; Mem. Fac. Agr. Tokyo Univ. Education. 1: 58, 1952; Uredinolog. Stud. 305, 1955; Ito, Myc. Fl. Jap. II (3): 173,1950; Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 21: 697, 1912.

SYN. Uredo rottboelliae Dietel in Bot. Jahrb. 23: 52, 1902;

Sac-cardo, Syll. Fung. 17: 457, 1909; Sydow, Monogr. Ured. 4: 546, 1924.

Uredo mira Cummins in Bull. Torrey Bot. Club. 70: 528, 1943.

Uredosori amphigenous, scattered or loosely grouped, minute, round or oblong, 0.1--'0.4 mm long, ~oon naked, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis, pulverulent, nearly chestnut-brown in colour; uredospores ellipsoidal, broadly ellipsoidal or obovate, 22,-146


20~ 27fL; epispore moderately echinulate, 2--3fL thick, dark cinnamon or light chestnut-brown in colour; germ-pores 31"15, equatorial; para-physes peripheral, straight or curved, narrowly or broadly cylindrical or more or less bottle-shaped, 45--'90jJ. long, the head 10~20fL wide, walls pale yellowish or nearly colourless, uniformly 2--3fL thick or thickened apically (up to 25fL).

Teleutosori conformed, but blackish brown in colour, compact; teleutospores ellipsoidal, rounded at both ends or only slightly narrow-ed basally, only slightly constrictnarrow-ed at the septum, 30~40x 18~22fL;

epispore smooth, chestnut-brown but not densely so, 2~2.5fL thick~

slightly thickened at apex; pedicels very short, colourless, thin-walled, deciduous. (Plate III, fig. 6)

HAB. II, III. on Hemarthria compressa R. Br. (Koba-no-usino-sippei) .

Southern Kyusyu :-Kagosima Pref.: Kagosima-si (June 30,

1933, K. I., no. 5114; Oct. 27, .1939, N. H., no. 51138) ; Nisitakeda-mura near Kagosima-si (Sept. 7, 1933, K. I., no. 51130).

II, III. on Hemar·thria japonica Roschev. (Rottboellia japonica


Southern Kyusyu :-Kagosima Pref.: Kirisima Hot Springs

(Ki-risima Mts.) (Oct. 24, 1939, N. H., no. 51139) ; Kagosima-si (Aug. 4, 1951, K. Togashi & S. K., no. 51225).

Ryukyu Isls. :-Yakusima lsI.: Miyanoura (Aug. 9, 1957, S. S. & M. T., no. 4139). Tanegasima lsI.: Nisinoomote-mati (Aug. 13, 1957, S. S. & M. T., no. 4138).

DISTRIBUTION. Argentina, Australia, South Africa, India, Suma-tra, China, Formosa and Japan (Ryukyus, Kyusyu, Sikoku, Honsyu).

It is one of the tropical or southern species.

3. Puccinia aestivalis Dietel in Bot. Jahrb. 34: 585, 1905; CUlnmins in Uredineana. 4: 15 & fig. 5, 1953; Hiratsuka in Mem. Fac. Agr. Tokyo Univ. Education. 1: 54, 1952; Uredinolog. Stud. 300, 1955; Hiratsuka, Shimabukuro& Niiro in Sci. Bull. Agr. & Home Econ. Div. Univ. Ryukyus. 3: 11, 1956; Ito in Journ. ColI. Agr. To-hoku Imp. Univ. (Sapporo). 3: 227 & pI. 12, fig. 3, 1909; Myc. FI. Jap. II (3) : 160, 1950; Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 21: 694, 1912.

SYN. Uredo ogaoensis Cummins in Mycologia. 33: 150, 1941.

Uredosori hypophyllous, closely grouped or scattered, minute, ovate, elliptical or oblong, 0.1""0~3m1n long, cinnamon-brown, soon naked, the ruptured epidermis not conspicuous, pulverulent; uredo-spores ellipsoidal or broadly ellipsoidal, 18""26 x 16--22p.; epispore 1""2p. thick, finely echinulate, cinnamon-brown in colour; germ-pores 3""4, equatorial; ampllispores obovate or pyriform, 26-'35 x 14""22J.t ; epispore 2.-14 p. thick or often slightly thicker apically, minutely echinulate, appearing almost smooth, chestnut-brown in colour; °germ_ pores 3 or 4, equatorial; paraphyses numerous, capitate, 27""65p. long, the head 10""18p. wide, walls smooth, colourless or golden-brown in colour.

Teleutosori conformed, but low pulvinate, compact; teleutospores oblong or oblong-clavate, rounded at the apex, slightly or not con-stricted at the septum, attenuated at the base, 28--'42 x 12""24p.; · epispore smooth, 1.5.-13p.thick at sides, 4.-18p. at the apex, the apical thickening pale and largely disappearing during germination, pale golden-brown in colour; pedicels concolorous with base of spore, semipersistent, up to 38p. long, thin-walled. (Plate II, figs. 7 & 8; Plate III, fig. 1)

HAB. II, III. on Microstegiumnudum A. Camus (Sasagaya). Southern Kyusyu :-Miyazaki Pref.: Nitinan-si (Obi-mati) (July

10, 1946, S. H., no. 51194).

Ryukyu Isls. :-Nakano-sima lsI. (Tokara IsIs.) (Aug. 1, 1955,

S. S. & Y. N., no. T-18; Dec. 24, 1955, Y. N., no. T-313). Takara-sima (Tokara IsIs.) (Aug. 8, 1955, S. S. & Y. N., no. T-169; Dec. 22,


1955, Y. N., no. T-253).

II, III. on Microstegium vimineum A. Camus var. polystachyum

Ohwi (Asiboso).

Ryukyu Isls. :-Amami-osima lsI.: Yuwan~ Mt. Yuwan-dake

(Dec. 18, 1955, S. Sa. & NH. H., no. 4166).

DISTRIBUTION. New Guinea, Sumatra, Siam, Philippines, For-mosa and Japan (Ryukyus, Kyftsyft, Honsyft).

4. Puccinia arthraxonis-ciliaris Cummins in Uredineana. 4: 16 & fig. 9, 1953; Hiratsuka, Uredinolog. Stud. 303, 1955; Hiratsuka

& Shimabukuro, Ured. Ryukyus. 25, 1954; Sci. Bull. Agr. & Home Econ. Div. Univ. Ryukyus. 4: 121, 1957; Hiratsuka, Shimabukuro

& Sato in Sci. Bull. Agr. & Home Econ. Div. Univ. Ryukyus. 2: 52, 1955; Hiratsuka, Shimabukuro & Niiro in Sci. Bull. Agr. & Home Econ. Div. Univ. Ryukyus. 2: 29, 1955; 3: 12, 1956.

SYN. Uredo arthraxonis-ciliaris Hennings in Hedwigia. 48: 251, 1908; Hiratsuka in Bot. Mag. Tokyo. 54: 377, 1940; Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. 17: 33, 1941; Ito, Myc. Fl. Jap. II(3) : 347, 1950; Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 21: 811, 1912; Sydow, Monogr. Ured. 4: 532, 1924.

Uredosori hypophyllous, loosely grouped in yellowish in-determinate spots, minute, ovate, elliptical or oblong, rarely nearly round, 0.2-'0.7mm across, soon naked, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis, pulverulent, yellow or yellowish brown in colour; uredo-spores obovate, ellipsoidal or broadly ellipsoidal, 20~34x 16-,26~; epispore yellowish brown in colour, 1~2 ~ thick, closely and finely echinulate; germ-pores 4 or 5 (rarely 6), equatorial; paraphyses peripheral, cylindrical, clavate or clavate-capitate, usually incurved, often geniculate, 40-'60 x 10-'20IL; walls smooth, uniformly 2-'3 ~ thick or thickened to 4p. at the apex, subhyaline or nearly colourless. Teleutosori conformed, but blackish brown in colour, low pulvi-nate, compact; teleutospores clavate, oblong-clavate or oblong, round-ed or obtusely roundround-ed at the apex, usually narrowround-ed basally, not or only slightly constricted at the septum, 28-'36 x 20-'24I-t; epispore 1.5-'2I-t thick, yellowish brown at sides, 4-'10}J- thick and chestnut-brown apically, smooth; pedicels concolorous with the base of spore, thin-walled, up to 60I-t long, persistent.

HAB. II, III. on Arthraxon hisp'idus Mak. (Kobunagusa). Southern Kyusyu :-Kagosima Pref.: Unagi Hot Springs (Jan.

1, 1956, Y. H., no. 51223).

Ryukyu Isls. :-Yakusima lsI.: Onoaida-'Kozima (Aug. 3, 1954,

S. Sa. & Y. H., no. 1544). Tanegasima lsI.: Minamitane-mura (Sept. 23, 1954, S. S., no. 1543). Takara-sima lsI. (Tokara IsIs.)


(Aug. 8, 1955, S. S. & N. Y., no. T-173; Dec. 22, 1955, Y. N., no. T-226). Nakano-sima lsI. (Tokara IsIs.) (Dec. 25, 1955, Y. N., no. T-a07). Amami-osima lsI.: Mt. Yuwan-dake (Jan. 1, 1955, Y. N., no~ 1618) ;Heida~Sanen (Dec. 19, 1955, S. Sa. & NH. H., no. 4186) ; Tatugo-mura (Dec. 29, 1954, Y. N., no. 1619) ; Sumiyo-mura (Sept. 23,1954, Y. N., no. 1620) ; Isen-mura (Sept. 16, 1954,Y.N., no. 1623) ; Koniya (Dec. 13, 1955, S. Sa. & NH. H., nos. 4167 & 4187). Kikai-ga·-sima lsI. (Amami IsIs.): Kikai-mati (Oct. 8, 1954, S. K., no. 1621) ; Mt. Hyak·unodai (Aug. 29, 1954, Y. N., nos. 1622 & 1623) ; Mt. Mikyo-dake (Sept. 17, 1954, Y. N., no. 1624). Okinawa lsI.: Kanagusuku-mura (Jan. 21, 1940, N. H., no. 309) ; osato-mura (Jan. 20, 1940, N. H., no. 165); Takamine-mura (Jan. 21, 1940, N. H., no. 192; May 15, 1953, N. H. & S. S., no. 1155) ; Naha-si (Syuri) (March 25, 1940, Y. T., nos. 415 & 415-1; April 30 & May 26, 1953,

N. H., nos. 1088 &1089) ; Mt. Taniu-dake (June 12, 1953, N. H. &,

S. S., nos. 1087, 1154 & 1156) ; Nakizin-mura (June 18, 1953, N. H., no. 4168). Yonaguni lsI.: Kubira (Aug. 4, 1955, M. T., no. Yae-265).

DISTRIBUTION. India, New Guinea, Philippines, Tanganyika, Uganda, Mauritius, Formosa and Japan (Ryukyus, Kyftsyft, Sikoku).

This species is one of the tropical or southern ones.

5. Pnccinia miscanthi Miura, Flora of Manchuria & E. Mon-golia. 3: 302 & pI. 4, fig. B, 1928; Cummins in Uredineana. 4: 19 &'

fig. 10, 1953; Hiratsuka, Uredinolog. Stud. 322, 1955; Hiratsuka &

Shimabukuro, Ured. Ryukyus. 35, 1954; Sci. Bull. Agr. & Home Econ. Div. Urliv. Ryukyus. 2: 12, 1955; Hiratsuka, Shimabukuro & Sato in Sci. Bnll. Agr. & Home Econ. Div. Univ. Ryukyus. 2: 55, 1955; Hiratsuka, Shimabukuro & Niiro in Sci. Bull. Agr. & Home Econ. Div. lJniv. Ryukyus. 3: 14, 1956; 4: 163, 1957.

SYN. Puccinia miscanthicolaTranzschel, Conspect. Ured. URSS. 93, 1939.

Puccinia eulaliae (non Barclay) Ito, Myc. FI. Jap. II (3): 162, 1950.

Uredosori hypophyllous, or sometimes with some sori epiphyllous, scattered or in linear, series, in purplish or brownish spots, minute, elliptical, oblong or linear, 0.2~1mm long, soon naked, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis, pulverulent, cinnamon-brown in colour;' uredospores mostly obovate, sometimes ellipsoidal or broadly ellip-soidal, 27~38x 20~32ft; epispore moderately echinulate, cinnamon or dark cinnamon-brown in colour, often slightly darker at the apex; germ-pores 4 or 5, equatorial; paraphyses numerous, capitate, 45~


colour-less, gold or, with age, chestnut-brown or purplish.

Teleutosori conformed, but blackish brown in colour, low pulvi-nate, compact; teleutospores cylindrical-clavate, or clavate, rounded or obtusely rounded at the apex, narrowed basally, not or only slightly constricted at the septum, 32"'70 x 16",24J.t; epispore smooth, 1.5~ 2J.t thick at sides, 4--'6J.k thick and densely pigmented at the apex, chestnut-brown in colour; pedicels short, up to 15J.t long. (Plate V,

fig. 5)

HAB. II, III. on Miscanthus sacchariflorus Hack. (Qgi). Southern Kyusyu :-Miyazaki Pref.: Miyazaki-si (Aug. 16, 1940,

S. H., no. 51036).

II, III. on Miscanthus sinensis Anders. (Susuki).

Southern Kyusyu:-Kagosima Pref.: Kagosima-si (Oct. 27,

1939, N. H., no. 51031) ; onami-ike (Kirisima Mts.) (Oct. 24, 1939, N. H., no. 51035) ; Sakurazima near Kagosima-si (Oct. 18, 1956, N. & T. H., no. 51181) ; Takeoka near Kagosima-si (May 31, 1931, K. I., no. 51182).

Ryukyu Isls. :-Yakusima lsI.: Anbo (July 30, 1954, S. Sa. &

Y. H., no. 1892) ; Kosugidani (Jan. 1, 1953, S. K., no. 1893; Aug. 7, 1951, K. Togashi & S. K., nos. 1894& 1895; Sept. 8 & 10, 1954, S. S., nos. 1896 & 1897) ; Isizuka--'Hananoego (July 31, 1954, S. Sa. & Y. H., no. 1898). Takara-sima lsI. (Tokara IsIs.) (Dec. 22, 1955, Y. N., no. T-249). Okinawa lsI.: Naha-si (Syuri) (May 25, 1953, N. H. & S. S., no. 1123). Miyako lsI.: Simoti-tyo (Feb. 20, 1955, M. T., no. 2049); Taira-si (Dec. 25, 1954, S. S., no. 2050). Isigaki lsI.

(Aug. 5, 1953, Y. N., no. 2107).

II, III. on Miscanthus sinensis var. condensatus Mak. (Mis-canthus condensatus Hack.) (Hatizy6-sU8Uki).

Ryukyu Isls. :-Kuro-sima lsI. (Tokara IsIs.) (July 26, 1956, S.

S. & Y. N., no. Mishima-30). Iwo-zima (Tokara IsIs.) (Aug. 6, 1956. S. S., nos. Mishima-43 & 44). Takesima lsI. (Tokara IsIs.) (A.~ug'. 6, 1956, Y. N., no. Mishima-63). Nakano-sima lsI. (Tokara IsIs.)

(Aug. 2, 1955, S. S. & Y. N., no. T-58). Suwanose-sima lsI. (Tokara IsIs.) (Aug. 4, 1955, S. S. & Y. N., no. T-97). Akuseki-sima lsI. (Tokara IsIs.) (Aug. 6, 1955, S. S. & Y. N., no. T-120). Amami-osima lsI.: Sin-mura--,Yuwan (Dec. 17, 1955,'S. Sa. & NH. H., no. 4194). Kakeroma lsI. : Setake--'Sukomo (Dec. 15, 1955, S. Sa. & NH. H., no. 4191). Okinawa lsI.: Naha-si (Mawasi-mura) (May 29, 1953, M. Nagayama, no. 857); Yonabaru (Jan. 17, 1957, N. & T. H., nos. 4147 & 4148) ; Yonabaru"'Maten (Jan. 17, 1957, N. & T. H., no. 4146).

DISTRIBUTION. Philippines, China, Manchuria, Siberia, Korea, Formosa and Japan (Ryukyus, Kyus:ru, Sikoku, Honsyii, Hokkaido,


Kuriles) .

The aecidiosorial stage of the present species commonly occurs onPlantago asiatica L. (P. major L. var. asiatica Decne.) in Formosa,

Kyusyu, Sikoku, Honsyu and Hokkaido.

6. Poccinia koehnii Butler in Ann. Myc. 12: 82, 1914; Cum-mins in Uredineana. 4: 10, 1953; Hiratsuka in Bot. Mag. Tokyo. 54: 164, 1940; Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. 17: 28, 1941; Uredinolog. Stud. 318, 1955; Hiratsuka& Shimabukuro, Ured. Ryukyus. 32, 1954; Ito, Myc. Fl. Jap. II (3): 173, 1950; Saccardo, Syl!. Fung. 23: 744, 1925.

SYN. Uredo kuehnii Wakker et Went, Ziekt. van he

sueker-viet Java. 144, 1898; Ito in Journ. ColI. Agr. Tohoku Imp. Univ. (Sapporo). 3: 244, 1909.

Caeomurus kuehnii Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 3: 450, 1898.

Uredosori amphigenous, or sometimes only hypophyllous, on indefinite pale spots or the spots occasionally brownish or purplish brown in colour, seriately arranged, oblong or linear, 0.45~1mm long or longer by confluence, opening by a slit in the epidermis, pulverulent, cinnamon- or light cinnamon-brown in colour; para-physes often inconspicuous and best seen in sections, peripheral, cylin-drical, capitate or often only obovoidal, 55~80 x 10~20 ~; walls 1-' 2~ thick, colourless or pale yellow in colour; uredospores obovate or pyriform, often ellipsoidal, 28'-48 x 17~32 ~; epispore 1.5-2.5 pJ

thick,' or often thickened at the apex (3~6p.), golden- to cinnamon-brown, more or less slightly darker at the apex, moderately echinulate; germ-pores 4 (rarely 5), equatorial.

Teleutosori hypophyllous, scattered or gregarious, often seriate, minute, oblong or linear, 0.2~2mm long, soon naked, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis, pulvinate, br~wnishblack in colour; teleuto-spores ellipsoidal, oblong or oblong-clavate, rounded or truncate at the apex, not or only slightly constricted at the septum, attenuated at the base, 32~54


12~21p.; epispore smooth, yellowish brown, slightly thickened (4~7 ~) and darker at the apex; pedicels persistent, short, up to 15Ji long, coloured. (Plate IV, figs. 7 & 8)

HAB. II. on Saccharum arundinaceum Retzius (Yosi-susuki) .

Ryukyu Isls. :-Okinawa lsI.: Naha-si (Jan. 11, 1940, N. H., no.


II. on Saccharum ofjicinarum L. (Sat6-kibi) (Cultivated) . Ryukyu Isls. :-Miyako lsI.: Taira-si (May 14, 1952, M.

Naga-yama, no. 2307).

DISTRIBUTION. South Africa, Australia, Burma, Ceylon, India, Java, Philippines, China, Formosa alTd Japan (Ryukyus).


The present fungus is the tropical or southern species, and it is widely distributed the subtropical and tropical regions.

The uredosorial stage of this fungus was first described by Kruger (1890) under the name of Uro'myces kuehnii, which he has found parasitic on the leaves of Saccha1"um ojficinarum in Java. In 1914, its teleutosorial stage was first described by Butler, based upon a specimen which was collected by him at Bassein, Burma on Sac-charum spontaneum, and it was treated by him as a species of Puc-cinia, naming Puccinia kuehnii.

The above mentioned two specimens of the present species from the Ryukyu Islands bear the uredosorial stage only. But, the writer found a specimen of the teleutosori on Saccha1"um ojficinarum froni Formosa among the Mycological Collection, deposited in the Herbari-um of the National Science MuseHerbari-um (Veno, Tokyo)_ That collection was made by'Mr. T. Takamure at Sinsya-syo, prove Taichfi, Formosa, and it is the only one of its teleutosoriaI stage in the Japanese Archi-pelago.

7. Pnccinia daisenensis Hiratsuka, f. in Trans. Tottori Soc. Agr. Sci. 4: 36 &fig. 1, 1932; Mem. Fac. Agr. Tokyo Univ. Educa-tion. 1: 62, 1952; Uredinolog. Stud. 310, 1955; Cummins in Uredi-neana. 4: 23 &fig. 12, 1953; Ito, Myc. Fl. Jap. II (3) : 163, 1950.

Uredosori hypophyllous, scattered or loosely grouped, oblong or linear, O.25~1mm long or longer by confluence, soon naked, surround-ed by the ruptursurround-ed epidermis, pulverulent, cinnamon-brown in colour; uredospores broadly ellipsoidal, ellipsoidal or obovate, 24~33x 181"1

25J.L; epispore moderately echinulate, about 1.5J.L thick, cinnamon-brown in colour; germ-pores 31"15, equatorial; paraphyses numerous, clavate or capitate, 50~76x 1~24J.L; walls slightly thickened at apex (5~9J.L), smooth, colourless to golden-brown or becoming deep purple-brown in old infections.

Teleutosori conformed, but blackish brown in colour, pulvinate, compact; teleutospores oblong or oblong-clavate, rounded or obtusely rounded at the apex, slightly or not constricted at the septum, at-tenuated at the base, 35~66x 15~22fJ.; epispore ·1.5~2J.L thick at sides, golden to light chestnut-brown in colour, thicker (7~13J.L) and deep brown at the apex, smooth; pedicels deep chestnut-brown in colour, thick-walled, short, up to 15tt long, persistent.

HAB. II, III. on Miscanthus oligostachyu8 Stapf. (Miscanthus

matsumurae Hack.) (Kariyasu-modoki).

Southern Kyusyu:-Miyazaki Pl-ef.: Kirisima Mts. (Sept. 23,

1946, S. H., no. 51093).


The present species was first described by Naohide Hiratsuka in 1932, based upon specimens on Miscanthus oligostachyus Stapf. (M. matsumurae Ha,ck.) collected by him in Mt. Daisen, Tottori

Prefecture, Ronsyft. It is rather common in Kyftsyft, Honsyu and Hokkaido.

8. Puccinia rufipes Dietel in Bot. Jahrb. 32: 48, 1902; Cum-mins in Uredineana. 4: 26 & fig. 17, 1953; Hirata in Nat. Hist. Ao-shima. 80, 1954; Hiratsuka in Bot. Mag. Tokyo. 54: 165, 1940; Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. 17; 31, 1941; Uredinolog. Stud. 330, 1955; Hiratsuka & Shimabukuro, Ured. Ryul{yus. 38, 1954; Sci. Bull. Agr. & Home Econ. Div. Univ. Ryukyus. 2: 13, 1955; Hiratsuka, Shima-bukuro& Sato in Sci. Bull. Agr. & Home Econ. Div. Univ. Ryukyus. 2: 56, 1955; Hiratsuka, Shimabukuro & Niiro in Sci. Bull. Agr. & Home Econ. Div. Univ. Ryukyus. 2: 34, 1955; 3: 15, 1956; 4: 164, 1957; Ito in Journ. ColI. Agr. Tohoku Imp. Univ. (Sapporo). 3: 218, 1909; Myc. Fl. Jap. II (3) : 157, 1950; Saccardo, SylI. Fung. 17: 377, 1905; Sydow, Monogr. Ured. 1: 757, 1903.

Uredosori amphigenous or rarely only hypophyllous, scattered or seriate, minute, oblong or linear, 0.4~1.5mm long, or longer by confluence, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis, cinnamon-brown in colour; uredospores broadly ellipsoidal, ellipsoidal or obovate, 20~ 34


18~24 p., epispore dark cinnamon-brown basally, chestnut-brown apically, 2~2.5p. thick at sides, rarely slightly thicker at the apex, moderately echinulate; germ-pores 4, equatorial; paraphyses nume-rous, clavate or capitate, 36""66p. long, the head 10~201Lwide, walls smooth, usually thin in lower part, usually thickened at apex (lOr-'

18p.), yellowish coloured.

Teleutosori conformed, but blackish brown in colour, pulvinate, compact; teleutospores ellipsoidal, rounded at both ends, slightly constricted at the septum, 28""38 x 18""26i-t; epispore smooth, ,uni-formly 2.5--'3 p. thick or only very lightly thicker apically (up to 4p.),

chestnut-brown in colour;, pedicels persistent, concolorous with base of spore or slightly paler, up to 90p. long, thick-walled. (Plate VII, figs. 3 & 4)

HAB. II, III. on Imperata cylindrica Beauv. var. koenigii

Durand et Schinz (Tigaya) .

Southern Kyusyu:-Miyazaki Pref.: Mt. Boroisiyama (Oct. 26,

1940, S. H., no. 51129); Nozima-mura (Nov. 23, 1941, S. H., no. 51132) ; Miyazaki-si (Oct. 22, 1939, N. H., no. 51204). Kagosima Pref.: Kagosima-si (July 5, 1935, K. I., no. 51126) ; Inarigawa (Ka-gosima) (July 2, 1930, K. I., no. 51128) ; Mt. Kaimon-dake (N. H.).


N., no. Mishima-55). Iwo-zima lsI. (Tokara IsIs.) (Aug. 8, 1956, S. S., no. Mishima-74). Kuro-sima lsI. (Tokara IsIs.) (July 25, 1956, S. S.& Y. N., no. Mishima-84). Yakusima lsI.: Onoaida (Aug. 3, 1954, S. Sa. & Y. H., no. 1950). Tanegasima lsI.: Minamitane-mura (Sept. 23, 1954, S. S., no. 1951). Amami-osima lsI.: Kasari-mura (Dec., Y. N., no. 1803). Nakano-sima lsI. (Tokara IsIs.)

(1\ug. 1, 1955, S. S. & Y. N., no. 14; Dec. 25, 1955, Y. N., no. T-295). Suwanose-sima lsI. (Tokara IsIs.) (Aug. 4, 1955, Y. N., no. T-98). Takara-sima lsI. (Tokara IsIs.) (Aug. 7, 1955, S. S. & Y. N., no. T-166). Okinawa lsI.: Naha-si (Syuri) (Jan. 11, 1950, N. H., no. 36; May 2, 1953, N. H., no. 855) ; Tibuya near Naha-si (Jan. 11, 1940, N. H., no. 282) ; Mt. Kusi-dake (June 5, 1953, N. H. & S. S., no. 854) ; Motobu-mati (May 29, 1953, N. H. & S. S., no. 853) ; Yona Univ. Forest (Jan. 12, 1957, N. & T. H., no. 4184). Isigaki lsI.: ohama-ty6 (Feb. 27, 1955, S. S., no. 2046).

DISTRIBUTION. Australia, Burma, Gold Coast, India, Java, New Guinea, Siberia, Palestine, Philippines, Sumatra, South Africa, China, Manchuria, Formosa and Japan (Ryukyus, Kyusyu, Sikoku, Honsyft) .

9. Puccinia pusilla Sydow ex Sydow & Butler in Ann. Myc. 4: 435, 1906; Cummins in Uredineana. 4: 27 & figs. 14 & 16, 1953; Hiratsuka, Uredinolog. Stud. 329, 1955; Hiratsuka & Shimabukuro, Ured. Ryukyus. 38, 1954; Hiratsuka, Shimabukuro & Sato in Sci. Bull. Agr. & Home Econ. DIv. Univ. Ryukyus. 2: 56, 1955.

SYN. Puccinia andropogonis-m-icranthi Dietel in Ann. Myc. 7:

354, 1909; Hiratsuka in Mem. Fac. Agr. Tokyo Univ. Education. 1: 55, 1952; Ito, Myc. FI. J ape II (3) : 140, 1950; Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 21: 692, 1912.

Puccinia citrata (non Sydow in Ann. Myc. 10: 78, 1912)

Hira-t~ukain Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. 17: 26, 1941.

Uredosori hypophyllous, scattered or loosely aggregate, minute, elliptical or oblong, 0.2~1mm long, soon naked, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis, pulverulent, cinnamon-brown in colour; uredo-spores broadly ellipsoidal or obovoidal, 18~34


14-'24JL; epispore finely and closely echinulate, 1'-'2JL thick at sides, slightly thicker at

the apex, cinnamon-brown basally, but chestnut-brown apically; germ-P9res3~5,equatorial; paraphyses numerous, capitate or oblong-clavate, 40~98p. long, the head 10t-l20p. wide, walls smooth, thin in lower part, 4~10p.thick at apex of the head, colourless or pale yellow in colour.

Teleutosori conformed, but blackish brown in colour, pulvinate, compact; teleutospores ellipsoidal,. rounded at both ends or slightly attenuated basally, slightly or not constricted at the septum, 32~

Table 1. Number of species of the rust fungi parasitic on the grasses found in the southern districts of the main island of Kyusyu and the Ryukyu Islands.
Table 2. Geographical distribution of the species of rust fungi parasitic on the grasses in various districts of the southern KyUsyU and the Ryukyu Islands.
Table 2. (Continued)  "'-~. I ~ I a n d s ~~ <::S ::s Islands - - - - - Islands   -Localities <::S ~ ~ ::;j ::;j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ::;j u.i ~ ~
Table 3. Geographical distribution of the species of rust fungi parasitic on the grasses found in the southern KyUsyU and the Ryukyu Islands in the world.



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