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The Development of a Classroom Observation Instrument for English Lessons in Japanese Junior High Schools


Academic year: 2021

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(1)The Development ofa Classroom Observation Instmment for English Lessons in Japanese Junior High Schools. 教科・領域教育学専攻        言書吾系コース            M091311.           濟本美沙.        The  present study  exp1ores  a. and Ex㏄11ence Cali允mia University at. theoretica1丘ameworkわr obseπing1essons of. Berk1ey(CR王DE)∼md Center他r App1ied. Eng1ish as a Foreign Language(EFL)㎝d aims. Linguistics(CAL)。 It has been deve1oped in. to deve1op a1esson obsewation instmment,. order to eva1uate a She1tered Instruction(SI),. which wi11be uti1ized to eva1uate and improve. where Englisb 1㎝guage 1eamers(ELLs),. EFL1essons in junior high schoo1s in Japan.. whose L1s are other than Eng1ish,1eam the. Underthe recent educationa1re危m mandate,. c㎝tentarea㎞ow1edgeaswe11asthe1㎝guage.. teacher evaluation is conducted in various. Success血I SI a二re supposed to1ead the ELLs to. loca1schoo1districts fbr the purPose of qua1ity. the main stream c1asses of the schoo1. The. contro1. However, teachers tend to be. SIOP consists of thiれy assessment feat㎜es,. eva1uated in a top−down way and it seems that. which are grouped into eight main危atures;. the eva1uation system does not necessari1y. they  are  Zesso〃  Preρ07α方。〃,  3〃〃a加9. provide teachers with opport㎜ities to re刊ect. 地。敏。m4Com肋e舳必Ze個以鮒”egゴe∫,. upon their teaching and participate in their ovm. 〃e肌れ0〃,〃αC此e〃〃た0れ0〃,Ze∫SOn. pro危ssiona1deve1opment.We strong1y be1ieve. De伽eり4εmd沢e凶ew〃∫∫e∫∫me〃  The SIOP. that1esson observation and eva1uation shou1d. (a)presupposes high qua1ity SI1essons,which. be uti1ized to promote teachers’ o㎜. can be va1idated by modem theories of. pro危ssiona1deve1opment㎝d encourage their. teaching and1eaming,(b)invo1ves teachers as. o㎜㎜derstanding of the classroom practice,. we11 as administrators,Principa1s,co11eagues,. A1though,the discussion wi11be rest㎡cted t0. in the process of eva1uation and f㎞her. Eng1ish1anguage teaching,we wou1d like to. p1anning of1essons,alnd(c)Provides a re1iab1e. design a1esson obse岬ation instmment,which. and va1id observationa1sheet.. can be used by teachers fbr their own.        In the present study we wou1d1ike to. pro危ssiona1deve1opment.. inco叩。rate the丘amework of the SIOP into.        We wi11base the deve1opment ofthe. teachers’Iesson eva1uation,which ca皿 be. 1111on oblewation inst㎜ent on the one. uti1ized in the Jap㎝ese EFL c1assroom by. ca11ed the∫乃e〃ereaルs炉〃。〃。〃0此e〃α〃。m. considering the contextua1di脆rences between. ProCocoZ(SIOP)(Echevarria,Vbgt and Short,. the schoo1s inthe US and those in Japar1.. 2009)The SIOP was deve1oped and used in.        To modi取the SIOP and deve1op a. United States of America deve1oped by the. 1esson assessment instmment,which suits. Center的r Research on Education,Diversity. Japanese j㎜ior high schoo1contexts,the. 12581.

(2) 制1owing steps were taken.First,the thiれy. A且er co11ecting the evaluation sheets,Pearson. items in the SIOP were trans1ated into Japanese. correlations coe冊。ient was ca1cu1ated br a11. by the author,and the list was discussed㎝d. t㎞ee1essons.The mean ofthe coe冊。ients of. examined by severa1peop1e.As a result,we. the three1essons was.907,which is considered. obtained 61 assessment items under the. an apPropriate estimate of intemater re1iability・. 命11owing eight main危atures,(1)Lesson. However,individua1coe節。ients of the rating. Prepa二ration, (2) Bui1ding Background,(3). of the thエee lessons varied丘。m,818for. Comprehensib1e Input,(4)Strategies,(5). LessonAto.943他rLessonC.Adetai1ed. Interaction, (6) Practice/App1ication, (7). ∼ma1ysis suggested that the inconsistency was. Lesson Delivery,㎝d(8)Review/Assessment.. due to the v狐ied judgment fbr interaction and. “Te㎝1−teaching”was added because it is a. sca価b1ding,which tended to require subjective. m勾。r characteristic of Japanese Eng1ish. judgment by the raters. A1though some. lessons. To examine the use他1ness of the. inconsistencies of scores among the raters. sixty−two items施r assessment,we asked. were observed, we be1ieve our lesson. nineteen Eng1ish language teachers to join the. obsewation instmment has been sufficient1y. suwey and rate the items. They were a11. modi丘ed to the Japanese context to evaIuate. Japanese Eng1ish 1anguage teachers,a11 of. 1essons in a re1ative1y re1iab1e way.. whom had taught at j㎜ior high schoo1s for.         We believe that1esson obse〃ation. more than10years. Aier the su〃ey,we. inco叩。rating teacher intention wi11enrich the. ca1cu1ated the me8m scores of use冊1ncss and. c1assroom community and providc a means for. stand趾d deviations(SD)ofthe rating他r each. teacher deve1opment. In conc1usion,we. assessment item.To diminish overlap among. suggested  the  refinement of the  lesson. the items and to increase theたasibi1ity ofthe. eva1uation instrument be continued and. assessment too1the initia161items were. teachers  need  to  be  invo1ved  in  the. reduced to thi打y−two1tems Among the nme. deve1opmentpm㏄ss..                ,. fさatures,“scaffb1ding”incIuded in“Strategies”. was decided to be sep㎜ated because scaf‘b1ding by the teacher is considered very. di脆rent丘。m strategies.As a consequence,. oura11111m1ntin1t㎜ent1omlltothi血y−two 危atures in ten main headings.         To  test the  re1iabi1ity  of our. obsewation instmment,we put it to use in the. Japanese junior high  schoo1 context and ca1cu1ated the interrater re1iabi1ity,危11owing. the procedure described in Guarino,et a1. (2001).  Three video−taped 1essons were observedεmd rated by two raters independent1y.. 259. 主任指導教員 吉田達弘.




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