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Errata in the Sanskrit text of the Tantrav


Academic year: 2022

シェア "Errata in the Sanskrit text of the Tantrav"


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Errata in the Sanskrit text of the TantravArttika AdhyAya 1, PAda 4 Edited by Kunio Harikai 2006

Error Correct p.5 l. 7 kriyamANAm kriyANAm

p.6 l.18 caitad abhidheyaH caitadabhidheyaH p.12 l. 2 anenAha anenAhaM p.25 l. 17 nRnam nUnam p.32 l. 8 -aikIkaraNA ca -aikIkaraNAc ca p.34 l. 22 tAv advAdaCatvA-- tAvad dvAdaCatvA--—

p.37 l. 28 tad ekavAkyatA tadekavAkyatA p.39 l. 18 lakSANAyAH lakSaNAyAH

p.42 l.4-5 sadvastuvastvantarAtmanA sadvastu vastvantarAtmanA (M1: hi vastuvastvantarAtmanA) (M1: hi vastu vastvantarAtmanA /

(PT: sadvastuvastvantarAtmanA) p.42. l.25 buddhir buddhir (PT: buddhi-) p.42, l.31 anadhyApitArthasyArthavRtti anadhyApitArthasvArthavRtti p.48 l. 15 pratyupAdIyamAnasya praty upAdIyamAnasya p.51 l. 6 vartate viCeSaC vartate. viCeSaC p.52 l.10 ghRtena (M1,2,4: SaSThAMtyena; SaSThAMtyena (PT: ghRtena;



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After having refuted the above theory of no cause, Saṅghabhadra next introduces a *viṣamahetuvādin or “the proponent of unequal causes,” who crit- icises the