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Divisors on real curves


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(de Gruyter 2003

Divisors on real curves

Jean-Philippe Monnier*

(Communicated by C. Scheiderer)

Abstract.LetX be a smooth projective curve overR. In the first part, we study e¤ective divi- sors onXwith totally real or totally complex support. We give some numerical conditions for a linear system to contain such a divisor. In the second part, we describe the special linear sys- tems on a real hyperelliptic curve and prove a new Cli¤ord inequality for such curves. Finally, we study the existence of complete linear systems of small degrees and dimensionron a real curve.

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 14C20, 14H51, 14P25, 14P99


In this note, a real algebraic curveXis a smooth proper geometrically integral scheme overRof dimension 1. A closed pointPofXwill be called a real point if the residue field at P is R, and a non-real point if the residue field at P is C. The set of real points, XðRÞ, will always be assumed to be non-empty. It decomposes into finitely many connected components, whose number will be denoted bys. By Harnack’s the- orem we know that 1cscgþ1, wheregis the genus ofX. A curve withgþ1k real connected components is called anðMkÞ-curve.

The group DivðXÞof divisors onXis the free abelian group generated by the closed points ofX. LetDADivðXÞbe an e¤ective divisor. We may writeD¼DrþDc, in a unique way, such thatDrandDcare e¤ective and with real, respectively non-real, support. We callDr (resp.Dc) the real (resp. non-real) part of D. In the sequel, we will say thatDis totally real (resp. non-real), ifD¼Dr(resp.D¼Dc).

By RðXÞ, we denote the function field ofX. Let PicðXÞdenote the Picard group of X, which is the quotient of DivðXÞ by the subgroup of principal divisors, i.e.

divisors of elements in RðXÞ. Since a principal divisor has an even degree on each connected component of XðRÞ ([4] Lemma 4.1), we may introduce the following invariants ofX:

* Partially supported by the EC contract HPRN-CT-2001-00271, RAAG.


(i) NðXÞ, the smallest integer nd1 such that any divisor of degree n is linearly equivalent to a totally real e¤ective divisor (by [11] Theorem 2.7, we know that NðXÞis finite),

(ii) MðXÞ, the smallest integermd1 such that any divisorDof degree 2msuch that the degree ofDon each connected component ofXðRÞis even, is linearly equiva- lent to a totally non-real e¤ective divisor. If such an integer does not exist, then MðXÞ ¼ þy.

The principal goal of the paper is to bound the previous invariants in terms ofgand s. The problem forNðXÞwas raised by Scheiderer in [11].

We briefly describe the structure of the paper. In Section 2, we show that gcMðXÞc2g:

Moreover, ifXis a real rational curve or a real elliptic curve, thenMðXÞ ¼1. Using this, we also prove that ifXJPRn,nd2, is a non-degenerate linearly normal curve of degree d with no pseudo-line in XðRÞ (see the Section 2 for the corresponding definitions), and ifX satisfies one of the two following conditions

(i) X is rational or elliptic, (ii) gd2 anddd4g,

then XðRÞ is a‰ne in PRn, i.e. there exists a real hyperplaneH such thatHðRÞV XðRÞ ¼q.

In Section 3, we extend a result proved in [6] forM-curves, toðM1Þ-curve:


Under the assumption of a conjecture of Huisman [9] on unramified curves, we fur- ther extend this result toðM2Þ-curves, the bound being slightly di¤erent.

In the last section of the paper, we give a large family of curves for which the invari- antNis explicitely calculated. For these computations, we use the results established in Sections 4 and 5.

In Section 4, we prove a stronger version of the Cli¤ord inequality for real hyper- elliptic curves, which sharpen Huisman’s general result for real curves [8]: if X is a real hyperelliptic curve such that s02 and DADivðXÞ is an e¤ective and special divisor of degreed, then



withdðDÞthe number of connected componentsC ofXðRÞsuch that the degree of the restriction ofDtoCis odd.

Section 5 deals with the existence of complete linear systems of degreedand dimen- sionrd1 onX.

The author wishes to express his thanks to D. Naie and J. van Hamel for several helpful comments concerning the paper. I also thank J. Huisman for bringing my attention to his work on real algebraic curves.


1 Preliminaries

We recall here some classical concepts and more notations that we will be using throughout this paper.

Let X be a real curve. We will denote by XC the base extension ofX to C. The group DivðXCÞof divisors onXCis the free abelian group on the closed points ofXC. The Galois group GalðC=RÞacts on the complex varietyXC and also on DivðXCÞ.

We will always indicate this action by a bar. IfPis a non-real point ofX, identifying DivðXÞand DivðXCÞGalðC=RÞ, thenP¼QþQwithQa closed point ofXC.

IfDis a divisor onX orXC, we will denote by½Dits class in the Picard group, and byOðDÞits associated invertible sheaf. The dimension of the space of global sections of this sheaf will be denoted bylðDÞforDonX, and bylCðDÞforDonXC.

We will always denote by C1;. . .;Cs the connected components of XðRÞ. Let DADivðXÞ, and denote by degCiðDÞ the degree of the restriction ofDto Ci. Fol- lowing [4], we will denote bycthe surjective morphism

PicðXÞ ! ðZ=2Þs;

½D 7! ð. . .;degCiðDÞmod 2;. . .Þ;

and we will write dðDÞfor the number of connected components C of XðRÞ such that degCðDÞis odd. The connected components of PicdðXÞ, the subgroup of divi- sor classes of PicðXÞ of degree d, correspond to the fibres of the restriction ofcto PicdðXÞ. Letu¼ ðu1;. . .;usÞAðZ=2Þs, we will denote by Uðd;u1;. . .;usÞ ¼Uðd;uÞ the connected component of PicdðXÞ that corresponds to c1ðuÞ. Obviously, Uðd;u1;. . .;usÞ0 q if and only if Ps

i¼1ui1d mod 2. We will also denote the co- ordinates ofu¼ ðu1;. . .;usÞAðZ=2ÞsbyciðuÞ ¼ui.

Let J be the Jacobian ofX. It is well known that Pic0ðXÞcan be identified with JðRÞsince XðRÞ0 q. We will denote by JðRÞ0 the connected component of the identity ofJðRÞ. ThenJðRÞ0¼Uð0;0;. . .;0Þ([11] Lemma 2.6).

We now reformulate the definition of the invariantsN andM.

Definition 1.1. (i)NðXÞis the smallest integernd1 such that for any real pointP, and for anyaAJðRÞ, there existP1;. . .;PnAXðRÞ, such thata¼Pn

i¼1½PiP, and (ii)MðXÞis the smallest integermd1, such that for any real closed pointP, and for anyaAJðRÞ0, there exist non-real pointsQ1;. . .;Qmsuch thata¼Pm


If such an integer does not exist, thenMðXÞ ¼ þy.

2 Divisors with a complex support

In this section, we bound the invariantMðXÞfrom above and from below, and give a geometric consequence.

The following proposition justifies the definition of the invariantM.

Proposition 2.1.Let P be a real point of X andaAJðRÞ0.There is an integer md1 and non-real points Q1;. . .;Qmsuch thata¼Pm



Proof. Let Pbe a real closed point of X andaAJðRÞ0. Since JðRÞ0 is a divisible group, there isbAJðRÞ0such that 2b¼a. By Riemann–Roch, the map

jd:ðSdXÞðRÞ !PicdðXÞ

is surjective for ddg, whereSdX denotes the symmetric d-fold product ofX over R. Hence there existsDan e¤ective divisor of degreegsuch thatbþ ½gP ¼ ½D. By Riemann–Roch, there is an integer k such that the divisor kP is very ample as a complex divisor, and also as a real divisor, sincekPADivðXÞ. HenceDþkPis also very ample.

Let cdenote the embedding of X inPk

Rassociated to the linear system jDþkPj.

Let S be the quadric hypersurface of PRk with equation x20þ þxk2¼0. Thus 2Dþ2kPis linearly equivalent to the e¤ective divisorD0of degree 2ðgþkÞobtained by intersecting S andX. Since SðRÞ ¼q,D0 is totally non-real. Hencea¼ ½D0

½2ðgþkÞP, and the result follows. r

The method of the previous proof allows us to give an upper bound forMðXÞin terms ofg. The following theorem gives a better result.

Theorem 2.2.Let X be a curve of positive genus.We have MðXÞc2g.

Proof. LetPbe a real point ofX andV¼XðCÞnXðRÞ, whereXðCÞdenote the set of closed points of XC.XðRÞis seen as a subset of XðCÞ. By Riemann–Roch, the mapXðCÞg!PicgðXCÞis surjective. Moreover, the mapSgX!Jis well known to be a birational morphism of complete varieties. The imageUof the map

Vg!JðCÞ;ðQ1;. . .;QgÞ 7!Xg



contains therefore an open dense subset ofJðCÞ. ThusUþU¼JðCÞ. The image of the norm mapN:JðCÞ !JðRÞ;a7!aþa, isJðRÞ0(see [11]). SoNðUÞ þNðUÞ ¼

JðRÞ0, andMðXÞc2g. r

Since any two divisors with the same degree on a rational real curve are linearly equivalent, we trivially get the following proposition:

Proposition 2.3.Let X be a real rational curve,then MðXÞ ¼1.

For real elliptic curves, the result of Theorem 2.2 can be improved.

Theorem 2.4.Let X be a real elliptic curve,then MðXÞ ¼1.

Proof. LetPbe a real point ofX andaAJðRÞ0. Arguing as in the proof of Propo- sition 2.1, there isbAJðRÞ0such that 2b¼aandbþ ½P ¼ ½P0, withP0a real point.



a¼ ½2P0 ½2P:

The linear system j3P0j gives a closed immersion XJPR2. Using Riemann–Roch and after linear changes of coordinates, we obtain a closed immersion j:X !P2


such that the image is the curve

y2 ¼ ðxaÞRðxÞ;

withaARandRðxÞAR½xa monic and separable polynomial of degree 2. The point P0goes to the point at infinityð0:1:0Þon the y-axis (see [5] Proposition 4.6, p. 319).

If we project fromP0onto thex-axis, we get a finite morphism f :X!PR1 of degree 2, sendingP0toy, and being ramified at least at one more real point ofPR1, besides y. In fact, f may be defined using the linear systemj2P0j. Since f is ramified with order 2 aty, then locally on one side ofythe fiber overPR1ðRÞis totally real and on the other side the fiber is totally non-real. In particular, there exists lAPR1ðRÞ such that f1ðlÞ ¼ fQg, with Q a non-real point of X. Then½2P0 ¼ ½Q anda¼

½Q ½2P. r

For a given complete linear system of degree su‰ciently big, an upper bound exists for the least degree of the real part of divisors in the linear system.

Corollary 2.5. For any complete linear systemjDjwithdegðDÞd4gþdðDÞif gd2, degðDÞd2þdðDÞif gAf0;1g,there exists D0AjDjsuch that the real part of D0has degreedðDÞ.

Proof.We give the proof only for the casegd2. LetP1;. . .;PdðDÞbe some real points belonging to the connected components ofXðRÞwhere the degree ofDis odd, and such that no two of them belong to the same connected component ofXðRÞ. We set d ¼degðDÞ. We remark thatddis necessarily even. By Theorem 2.2,DPdðDÞ

i¼1 Pi is linearly equivalent to a totally non-real e¤ective divisor and the proof is done. r

We give a lower bound for the invariantMðXÞ.

Proposition 2.6.Assume gd2.Then MðXÞdg.

Proof. LetPAXðRÞand consider the divisorD0¼KP, whereK denotes the ca- nonical divisor. ChooseP00PAXðRÞbelonging to the same connected component of XðRÞas P. SinceX is not rational, using the fact thatlðPP0Þ ¼0, it follows that

lðD0þP0Þ ¼g1¼lðD0Þ:

Hence P0 is a base point of the linear system jD0þP0j. Since D0þP0 has degree 2g2 and has an even degree on each connected component ofXðRÞ(see [9] Prop-

osition 2.1), we easily see thatMðXÞ>g1. r


We give now a geometric consequence of the previous results. Let XJPRn be a non-degenerate real curve, i.e.Xis not contained in a real hyperplane ofPRn. We will say that XðRÞis a‰ne inPRn if there exists a real hyperplaneH such thatHðRÞV XðRÞ ¼q. In this case XðRÞis a real algebraic subvariety ofAn

RðRÞ ¼Rn in the sense of [2]. Since the real hypersurfaceSofPn

Rwith equationx02þ þx2n¼0 has no real points,XðRÞis always contained in an a‰ne open subset ofPn

R. More pre- cisely the image of XðRÞ by the 2-uple embedding is a‰ne inP


R . We

may wonder if XðRÞis already a‰ne inPRn. Recall thatX is linearly normal if the restriction map

H0ðPRn;Oð1ÞÞ !H0ðX;Oð1ÞÞ

is surjective. LetCbe a connected component ofXðRÞ. The componentCis called a pseudo-line if the canonical class ofCis nontrivial inH1ðPRnðRÞ;Z=2Þ. Equivalently, C is a pseudo-line if and only if for each real hyperplane H, HðRÞintersects C in an odd number of points, when counted with multiplicities (see [9]). So a necessary condition forXðRÞto be a‰ne inPRn is thatXðRÞhas no pseudo-line.

Proposition 2.7. Let XJPn

R, nd2, be a non-degenerate linearly normal curve of degree d such that XðRÞ has no pseudo-line. If X satisfies one of the two following conditions

(i) X is rational or elliptic, (ii) gd2and dd4g, then XðRÞis a‰ne inPRn.

Proof.A hyperplane section has even degree on each connected component ofXðRÞ and its degreed2MðXÞ. The results follows from Corollary 2.5 and the linear nor-

mality. r

Example 2.8. LetX be an elliptic quartic curve inP3R with only one real connected component. ThenXðRÞis a‰ne inPR3 sinceX satisfies the hypotheses of the prop- osition:X is a complete intersection andd is even (use Bezout’s theorem).

Proposition 2.9.Let XJPn

Rbe a non-degenerate curve of degree dc2n1such that XðRÞ has no pseudo-line and g¼dn. If ncdcnþ1 or dc43n then XðRÞ is a‰ne inPn


Proof. Let H be a hyperplane section of X. By Cli¤ord’s inequality and since dc2n1, H is non-special (see Section 4). By Riemann–Roch, g¼ddimjHj.

Consequently dimjHj ¼n and X is linearly normal. The proof follows now from

Proposition 2.7. r

Example 2.10. Let X be a smooth quartic curve in PR2. Then X is the canonical


model of a curve of genus 3. By [4], X has always odd theta-characteristics that are in one-to-one correspondence with the real bitangent lines toX. Since the degree of X is 4, a real bitangent line toX intersects the curve XC only at the two points of tangency. If these two points are non-real and switched by the complex conjugation, thenXðRÞis a‰ne inP2

R. If the points are real, we may move the line to get a line which does not intersectXðRÞ, XðRÞis again a‰ne inP2

R. Notice that the conclu- sion cannot be deduced from Proposition 2.7.

3 Divisors with real support

This section is dedicated to the study of the invariantNðXÞ. We clearly have Proposition 3.1.If X is a real rational curve or a real elliptic curve,then

NðXÞ ¼1:

Hence, in the remainder of this section we will assume thatg>1, and use the invari- antedefined by:


2ðgsÞ if gseven;


2ðgsþ1Þ if gsodd:


Let us state the principal result of this section:

Theorem 3.2.Any complete linear system of degreeds1þg contains a divisor whose non-real part has degreec2e.

Proof. Let Dbe a divisor of degree dds1þg. We will prove that Dis linearly equivalent to an e¤ective divisor, whose non-real part has degreec2e.

Let P be a real point and a¼ ½DdPAJðRÞ. We fix R1;. . .;Rg2e in g2e distinct components amongC1;. . .;Cs. To simplify the proof, we setRiACi. Let us denoteb¼aþPg2e

i¼1 ½PRi. Consider the restriction to Pic0ðXÞof the morphismc defined in Section 1, then it clearly induces an isomorphismJðRÞ=JðRÞ0FðZ=2Þs1. Hence there existPg2eþ1;. . .;Pg2eþs1AXðRÞsuch that



½Pg2eþjP þb0;


By Riemann–Roch, the natural map ðSgXÞðRÞ !PicgðXÞ is surjective, SdX denoting the symmetric d-fold product of X over R. Moreover if ½D0 ¼ ½D00 in PicdðXÞ, then degCiðD0Þ1degCiðD00Þmod 2 fori¼1;. . .;s. LetuAðZ=2Þssuch that ciðuÞ ¼1 for i¼1;. . .;g2e and cg2eþ1ðuÞ ¼0. Consequently, if ½D0AUðg;uÞ, thenD0is linearly equivalent to the e¤ective divisor







Qi; where

1) PiACi, 1cicg2eand,

2) Qi is either a non-real point or a sum of two real points contained in the same connected component ofXðRÞ,i¼1;. . .;e.

The translation by ½Pg2e

i¼1 Ri 2e½Pis a bijection between Uðg;uÞandJðRÞ0¼ Uð0;0;. . .;0Þ, hence

b0þ Xg2e



" #

þ2e½P ¼Xg2e


½Pi þXe






½PiP þXe



and the proof is done. r

The above theorem allows to give an upper bound forM-curves orðM1Þ-curves.

Corollary 3.3.Let X be an M-curve or anðM1Þ-curve.Then NðXÞcs1þg:

In [6], it is shown that NðXÞc2g1 for M-curves. Following the method used in [6], we will now show that the result of Theorem 3.2 may be improved in the case s1gþ1 mod 2.

Letsd2. By Theorem 3.2, we already know that for every complete linear system jDjof degreeds1þg, there existsD0AjDjsuch that the non-real part ofD0has degreec2e. We would like to extend the result to linear systems of degree gþd, 0cdcs2, under certain conditions on the invariantd.

Proposition 3.4. Assume degðDÞ ¼gþd for dAf0;. . .;s2g. If dðDÞdsd


2ð1 ð1ÞsgÞ, then there exists D0AjDj such that the non-real part of D0 has degreec2e.

Proof.The proof depends on the parity ofsg.

First, assume thatsg is odd. Fori¼1;. . .;s, letuiAðZ=2Þs such thatcjðuiÞ ¼ 1di;j (dis Kronecker’s symbol). By Riemann–Roch, any divisor inUðg;uiÞis lin-


early equivalent to an e¤ective divisor whose non-real part has degreec2e. We translate D by D00, with D00 a totally real e¤ective divisor of degree d such that

½DD00AUðg;uiÞ for ai. We havedðDÞ ¼gþd mod 2. Hence there exists kAZ such that dðDÞ þ2k¼gþd. Moreover gþd¼sd1 mod 2, hence gþd ¼ sd1þ2r, withrAZ. By a closer look at these identities, we see thatkandrare non-negative. Consequently

dðDÞ ¼2ðrkÞ þsd1: ð1Þ

By the hypothesisdðDÞdsd1. Hencel¼rkd0 and by (1),

ðsdðDÞ 1Þ þ2l¼d: ð2Þ

We remark thatsdðDÞcorresponds to the number of connected componentsCof XðRÞwhere degCðDÞis even. Ifs0dðDÞ, then we choose a componentCisuch that degCiðDÞis even, and by (2), we take asD00 a divisor that cuts out schematically a point on the components Cj0Ci where degCjðDÞis even, and a point with multi- plicity 2l on Ci. Then ½DD00AUðg;uiÞ. If s¼dðDÞ, thend ¼2l1 is odd, and we takeD00¼dP1, withP1AC1. Again½DD00AUðg;u1Þ.

Second, assume thatsgis even.

The situation is simpler since we know that any divisor in Uðg;uÞ, with u¼

ð1;. . .;1ÞAðZ=2Þs, is linearly equivalent to an e¤ective divisor whose non-real part

has degreec2e. So we translateDbyD00withD00a totally real e¤ective divisor of degreed, such that½DD00AUðg;uÞ. By the same arguments as before,

dðDÞ ¼2ðrkÞ þsd; ð3Þ

for some non-negative integers r and k. If we assume that dðDÞdsd, then l¼ rkd0, and by (3),

ðsdðDÞÞ þ2l¼d: ð4Þ

Again sdðDÞ corresponds to the number of connected components C of XðRÞ where degCðDÞis even. ForD00, we take the sum of any real point with multiplicity 2l, with a divisor whose support consists of a unique point in each of the component

CofXðRÞ, where degCðDÞis even. r

Corollary 3.5. Assume sg is odd and sd2. Any complete linear system of degree ds2þg contains a divisor whose non-real part has degreec2e.

Proof.Using the previous proposition, we only have to prove that ifDis a divisor of degree gþs2, then dðDÞd1. If dðDÞ ¼0, then gþs2 must be even, contra-

dicting the hypotheses. r

Let us state a nice consequence of the previous results:


Theorem 3.6.Let X be an M-curve or anðM1Þ-curve.Then NðXÞc2g1.

Equivalently, the theorem says that, for anM-curve or anðM1Þ-curve, the natural mapXðRÞ2g1!Pic2g1ðXÞis surjective.

(MC2)-curves and unramified real curves in odd-dimensional projective spaces.LetX be real curve and DADivðXÞ. For D¼P


mjQj, with ni andmj positive, and the sum taken over distinct closed points of X, we define Dred¼P

PiP Qj. We also define the weight of Dto be the natural numberwðDÞ ¼degðDDredÞ. If XJPRn,nd1, is non-degenerate, we say thatXis unramified if for each hyperplane H ofPn

R, we havewðHXÞcn1.

The corresponding notion of an unramified complex algebraic curve in complex projective space is well understood. Indeed, any unramified complex algebraic curve is a rational normal curve and conversely [3]. Over R, the situation is di¤erent and Huisman has given the following conjecture (see [9] Conjecture 3.6):

Conjecture. Let nd3be an odd integer and XJPRn be a non-degenerate real alge- braic curve of positive genus.If X is unramified,then X is an M-curve.

We relate this conjecture and the invariantNstudied in this paper.

Theorem 3.7.Let X be anðM2Þ-curve.Assuming the above conjecture,we get:

(i) NðXÞc3g1,if g is even,and (ii) NðXÞc3g,if g is odd.

Proof.LetPAXðRÞandaAJðRÞ. Recall thats¼g1 and thatC1;. . .;Cg1denote the connected components ofXðRÞ. We may assume thatPAC1.

Assumegis even. LetD¼P2þ þPg1þQbe an e¤ective divisor withPiACi

for i¼2;. . .;g1, and Q be a non-real point. In fact ½DAUðg;0;1;. . .;1Þ. Let

D0¼Dþ ðgþ1ÞP. ThenD0 is very ample and the linear system jD0j allows us to embed X in P


R . Using the above conjecture, X is not unramified. Consequently there is an hyperplane H ofP


R such that HX¼Pr


j¼1mjQj, where the sum is taken over distinct points. TheRi are real points and theQj are non-real points. Moreover,





mj¼2gþ1 ð5Þ


wðHXÞ ¼Xr


ðni1Þ þ2Xt


ðmj1Þdgþ1: ð6Þ


Since degCiðD0Þ is odd for i¼1;. . .;s, each connected component of XðRÞ is a pseudo-line. It follows that

wðHXÞ ¼degððHXÞ ðHXÞredÞcð2gþ1Þ ðg1Þ ¼gþ2: ð7Þ Using (5), (6) and (7), we getgþ2dðrþ2tÞ þ2gþ1dgþ1 and


Sincerdg1, we havet¼0 andD0 is linearly equivalent to a totally real e¤ective divisor. By Theorem 3.2, there are 2g4 pointsP1;. . .;P2g4AXðRÞandQa non- real point or a sum of two real points contained in the same connected component of XðRÞ, such that

a¼ X2g4



þ ð½Q ½2PÞ:

Moreover, looking at the proof of Theorem 3.2, we may choose PiACi for

i¼2;. . .;g1. Writing a¼aþ ðgþ1Þ½P ðgþ1Þ½P, the statement follows from

the above construction.

If we assume that g is odd, the proof is similar but for D0¼Dþ ðgþ2ÞP

here. r

Assuming the above conjecture, we may also obtain a more general result.

Proposition 3.8. Let X be a real curve such that scg1.Any complete linear sys- tem of degree dsþ2gþ12ð1 ð1ÞgÞ contains a divisor whose non-real part has degreec2e2.

The above method allows us to have a description of a linear system with one non- real point less. Unfortunately this method is rigid; a repetition of this method does not give a description of a linear system with only real points.

4 Cli¤ord’s inequality and linear systems on real hyperelliptic curves In this section, we study the family of special linear systems on real algebraic curves.

Let DADivðXÞ and K be the canonical divisor. If lðKDÞ>0,D is said to be special. If not, Dis said to be non-special. By Riemann–Roch, if degðDÞ>2g2 thenDis non-special. The classical Cli¤ord inequality states that the dimension of a nonempty special complete linear system on a curve is bounded by half of its degree (see [5] Theorem 5.4, p. 343). We now recall the Cli¤ord inequality for real curves given by Huisman ([8] Theorem 3.1).

Theorem 4.1.Let DADivðXÞbe an e¤ective divisor of degree d.The following state- ments hold.


(i) If dþdðDÞ<2s,thendimjDjc12ðddðDÞÞ.

(ii) If dþdðDÞd2s,thendimjDjcdsþ1.

A real hyperelliptic curve is a real curve X such that XC is hyperelliptic, i.e. XC

has a g21 (a linear system of dimension 1 and degree 2). As always, we assume that XðRÞ0 qand moreover thatgd2.

Lemma 4.2.Let X be a real hyperelliptic curve.Then X has a unique g12.

Proof. By [5] Proposition 5.3, XC has a unique g21. LetD be an e¤ective divisor of degree 2 on XC satisfying jDj ¼g12. Since this unique g12 is also complete and X is defined over R, we have jDj ¼g21. Let PAXðRÞ, we also denote by P the corre- sponding closed point of XC. Since lCðDPÞ>0, we may assume thatD¼PþQ with Qa closed point of XC. Then ½PþQ ¼ ½PþQ in PicðXCÞandQ¼Q, since XCis not rational. HenceD¼Dand sincelðDÞ ¼lCðDÞ, the proof is done. r This g21 induces an involution, denoted by {, on the closed points of X. A real hyperelliptic curveX is said to be respected by the involution (we will abbreviate by r.b.i.), if for any real pointP,Pand{ðPÞbelong to the same real connected compo- nent. Most real hyperelliptic curves are r.b.i.

Proposition 4.3.Let X be a real hyperelliptic curve such that X is not r:b:i.Then X is given by the real polynomial equation y2¼ fðxÞ, where f is a monic polynomial of degree2gþ2,with g odd,and where f has no real roots.In particular,the number of connected components of XðRÞis2.

Proof. Using the g21, we easily see that an a‰ne model of X is given by the real equation y2¼ fðxÞ, with degðfÞ ¼2gþ2. SinceXis not r.b.i., f cannot have a real root. We may assume that f is monic sinceXðRÞ0 q. Ifg is even, thens¼1 ([4]

Proposition 6.3), contradicting the hypotheses. If g is odd, then XðRÞ has 2 con-

nected components exchanged by{. r

We give now the Cli¤ord inequality for real hyperelliptic curves which are r.b.i.

Theorem 4.4.Let X be a real hyperelliptic curve that is r:b:i.and let DADivðXÞbe an e¤ective and special divisor of degree d.Then



Proof. The classical Cli¤ord inequality allows us to assume thatdðDÞd1. We may further assume thatC1;. . .;CdðDÞare the connected components ofXðRÞ, where the degree ofDis odd. LetD0cDbe the greatest e¤ective common subdivisor ofDand {ðDÞ with the property thatjDr0j ¼degðD2 r0Þg21,Dr0 denoting the real part of D0. Write


D00¼DD0. SinceXis r.b.i., thendðD0Þ ¼0. So, there are real pointsP1;. . .;PdðDÞ such thatP1þ þPdðDÞcD00andPiACi,i¼1;. . .;dðDÞ. We remark that a) dþdðDÞc2g2 sinceDis special ([9] Theorem 2.3),

b) {ðPiÞBSuppðD00ÞorPiis a fixed point for{such that 2Piis not a subdivisor ofD00, i¼1;. . .;dðDÞ.

Letobe a global di¤erential form onX, such that divðoÞdD. Then divðoÞdDþ {ðP1Þ þ þ{ðPdðDÞÞ, sinceK¼ ðg1Þg12anddþdðDÞc2g2. HencelðKDÞ ¼ lðK ðDþ{ðP1Þ þ þ{ðPdðDÞÞÞÞ, andDþ{ðP1Þ þ þ{ðPdðDÞÞis also special. By Riemann–Roch,

dimjDj dimjK ðDþ{ðP1Þ þ þ{ðPdðDÞÞÞj ¼dgþ1; ð8Þ and

dimjDþ{ðP1Þ þ þ{ðPdðDÞÞj dimjK ðDþ{ðP1Þ þ þ{ðPdðDÞÞÞj

¼dþdðDÞ gþ1: ð9Þ

Since Dþ{ðP1Þ þ þ{ðPdðDÞÞ is e¤ective and special, by the classical Cli¤ord inequality, we get

dimjDþ{ðP1Þ þ þ{ðPdðDÞÞjc1


Replacing in (9), we have

dimjK ðDþ{ðP1Þ þ þ{ðPdðDÞÞÞjc1

2ðdþdðDÞÞ ðdþdðDÞÞ þg1


2ðdþdðDÞÞ: ð10Þ

Finally, combining (8) and (10), we get dimjDjc1

2ðddðDÞÞ: r

Theorem 4.5.Let X be a real hyperelliptic curves that is not r:b:i.and let DADivðXÞ be an e¤ective and special divisor of degree d.Then



except whenjDj ¼rg12,with0<r<g1and r odd,in which casedimjDj ¼r¼12d.


Proof.We recall that under these hypothesess¼2. IfdðDÞ ¼0, the classical Cli¤ord inequality applies.

So let us assumedðDÞ ¼1. As in the previous proof, we writeD¼D0þD00, with D0 the greatest e¤ective common subdivisor ofDand{ðDÞ, and D00 e¤ective. Since dðDÞ ¼1 and since the two connected components ofXðRÞare exchanged by{, we easily see that there exists a real pointPin the support ofD00. Repeating the proof of the previous theorem, we get the result.

Now, if dðDÞ ¼2, then the above arguments give the proof, except when D is invariant by{. In this casejDj ¼rg21,ris odd and dimjDj ¼r. r We give some applications of the previous theorems. We know that Castelnuevo’s inequality is one of the consequences of the (complex) Cli¤ord inequality (see [3] cor- ollary p. 251). Hence, we obtain a Castelnuevo inequality for real hyperelliptic curves.

Proposition 4.6.Let nd2be an integer and XJPRn be a non-degenerate real hyper- elliptic curve r:b:i.Let d be the degree of X anddbe the number of pseudo-lines of X.

Assume d<2nþd.Then


with equality holding if and only if X is linearly normal.

Proof. LetH be a hyperplane section ofX. Then dimjHjdn>12ðddðHÞÞby the hypotheses. Theorem 4.4 says thatH is non-special and by Riemann–Roch,


Clearly, the previous inequality becomes an equality if and only if the map H0ðPRn;Oð1ÞÞ,!H0ðX;Oð1ÞÞis an isomorphism. r Proposition 4.7. Let X be a real hyperelliptic curve r:b:i. Let D¼P1þ þPr, 0crcg, such that P1;. . .;PrAXðRÞ and such that no two of them belong to the same connected component of XðRÞ.ThenlðDÞ ¼1.

Remark 4.8.In the previous proposition, ifXis any real algebraic curve andr¼s, by Theorem 4.1, we can only say thatlðDÞc2.

Let us set some more notations. Fordd0, letSdX denote the symmetric d-fold product of X over R. We have a natural map jd:ðSdXÞðRÞ !PicdðXÞ. Write WdðRÞ ¼ImðjdÞ for the real part of the subvariety Wd of PicdðXCÞ(see [1]), and yðRÞJJðRÞfor the real part of the theta divisor.

Proposition 4.9. Let X be a real hyperelliptic curve r:b:i. such that sdg1. If uAðZ=2Þs satisfies Ps

i¼1ciðuÞdg1,then Wg1ðRÞVUðg1;uÞdoes not contain any singularity of Wg1.


Proof. If Ps

i¼1ciðuÞdg, then Wg1ðRÞVUðg1;uÞ ¼q. Let ½DAWg1ðRÞV Uðg1;uÞ, where uAðZ=2Þs satisfies Ps

i¼1ciðuÞ ¼g1. Then lðDÞ>0 and we may assume that Dis e¤ective. By [1] Corollary 4.5, p. 190, the singular points of Wg1 correspond to the complete linear systems of dimensiond1 and degreeg1.

By Theorem 4.4, dimjDj ¼0, hence the result. r

We may extend the previous proposition in any degree.

Proposition 4.10.Let X be a real hyperelliptic curve r:b:i:,and let d be a non-negative integercs.If uAðZ=2ÞssatisfiesPs

i¼1ciðuÞdd,then WdðRÞVUðd;uÞdoes not con- tain any singularity of Wd.

We prove a result similar to Theorem 3.1 in [7].

Proposition 4.11.Let X be a real hyperelliptic curve r:b:i:which is anðM2Þ-curve.

Then C1 Cg1is homeomorphic to the real part of the theta divisor contained in the neutral component JðRÞ0 of the real part of the Jacobian.

Proof. By Proposition 4.9, C1 Cg1 is homeomorphic to the part of Wg1ðRÞ contained in Uðg1;1;. . .;1Þ. We may easily find a theta-characteristic kAPicg1ðXÞ(i.e. 2k¼ ½K) such thatkAUðg1;1;. . .;1Þ. By Riemann’s theorem (see [1] p. 27),Wg1¼yþkand the proof is straightforward. r Remark 4.12. Most of the results of this section are also valid for any real algebraic curve withsdg(see [8] and Theorem 4.1).

The following result states a remarkable property of some special linear systems.

Proposition 4.13.Let X be a real hyperelliptic curve r:b:i.Let DADivðXÞ be a spe- cial e¤ective divisor of degree d satisfyingdimjDj ¼12ðddðDÞÞ.ThenjDjcontains a totally real divisor.

Proof. Firstly, we assume thatdcg. A consequence of the geometric version of the Riemann–Roch theorem is that any completegdr onXCis of the form

rg12þP1þ þPd2r;

where no two of thePi are conjugate under{. Hence the complete linear systemjDj on XC is of this form, with r¼12ðddðDÞÞ. Since D¼D, we haveD0¼P1þ þ Pd2rADivðXÞ. It follows thatjDjis of the form



whereD0is an e¤ective divisor of degreedðDÞ. Any divisor ing12is linearly equivalent


toPþ{ðPÞwherePAXðRÞ. SinceX is r.b.i., we havedðD0Þ ¼dðDÞandD0is totally real.

Secondly, let d >g. The residual divisor KD is of degree 2g2d<g2.

Since the degree ofK is even on each connected component ofXðRÞ,KDis also special and satisfiesdðKDÞ ¼dðDÞ. So, dimjKDj ¼12ðddðDÞÞ dþg1¼


2ð2g2ddðDÞÞ ¼12ðdegðKDÞ dðKDÞÞ. We may apply the first part of the proof toKDto obtain that

½KD ¼ 1


þ ½P1þ þPdðDÞ; ð11Þ where P;P1;. . .;PdðDÞAXðRÞ and no two of the Pi are conjugate under {. Since jKj ¼ ðg1Þg21, then½K ¼ ½ðg1ÞðPþ{ðPÞÞ. From (11), we get

½D ¼ 1


½P1þ þPdðDÞ:

Then½D ½{ðP1Þ þ þ{ðPdðDÞÞ ¼ ½12ðddðDÞÞðPþ{ðPÞÞand the proof is done.


5 Existence of special linear systems of dimensionron real curves Curves are classified by their genus. But we may further subdivide them according to whether or not they possess completegdr, i.e. complete linear systems of degreed and dimension rd1, for various d andr. For complex curves, we may find numerous results on this subject, it is a part of the Brill–Noether theory. This section deals with these problems for real curves.

5.1 Complete linear systems of dimensionron real curves.

Definition 5.1.ForX a real curve andra positive integer, we set:

(i) rCðX;rÞ ¼inffd ANjXChas a completegdrg.

(ii) rRðX;rÞ ¼inffd ANjX has a completegdrg.

Forgd0 andr>0, we set:

(iii) rCðg;rÞ ¼supfrCðX;rÞ jX is a curve of genusgg.

(iv) rRðg;rÞ ¼supfrRðX;rÞ jX is a curve of genusgg.

Remark 5.2.It is easy to check that thegrr

RðX;rÞ andgrr

CðX;rÞ are necessarily complete.

Using the Riemann–Roch formula, it is easy to show thatrRð0;rÞ ¼rCð0;rÞ ¼r, and that rRð1;rÞ ¼rCð1;rÞ ¼rþ1. In the remainder of the section we will assume thatgd2.


Remarks 5.3.If r>g1, by the classical Cli¤ord inequality, a completegdr is non- special and rRðX;rÞ ¼gþr. From now on, we will also assume that rcg1 in order to deal with special linear systems. By the classical Cli¤ord inequality, and since there exist non-special linear systems of degreegþr, we have


Since the canonical divisor is invariant by the complex conjugation, by the previous inequality, we have the equalities

rRðX;g1Þ ¼rRðg;g1Þ ¼rCðX;g1Þ ¼rCðg;g1Þ ¼2g2:

From the classical theory of special linear systems (see [1] Theorem 1.1 p. 206, The- orem 1.5 p. 214), we may see rCðg;rÞas the smallest integerd such that the Brill–

Noether numberrðg;r;dÞ ¼g ðrþ1ÞðgdþrÞis non-negative.

Now, we state the principal result of this section.

Theorem 5.4. Let X be a real curve and let r be an integer such that 1crcg1.


(i) rRðX;rÞcrRðg;rÞcgþr1,and (ii) rCðX;rÞcrRðX;rÞc2rCðX;rÞ 2r.

Proof.For (i), letDADivðXÞbe an e¤ective divisor of degreeg1r. ChoosingD general, we have lðDÞ ¼1. Then the residual divisor KDADivðXÞand satisfies lðKDÞ ¼1 ðg1rÞ þg1¼rþ1, and we get the first assertion.

As for (ii), clearlyrCðX;rÞcrRðX;rÞ, since for any divisorDADivðXÞwe have lðDÞ ¼lCðDÞ. It remains to show that

rRðX;rÞc2rCðX;rÞ 2r:

Let d ¼rCðX;rÞ and let DADivðXCÞ be an e¤ective divisor of degree d such that dimCjDj ¼r. Let P1;. . .;Pr be real points of X. We also denote by P1;. . .;Pr

the corresponding closed points of XC. We may choose P1;. . .;Pr such that lðP1þ þPrÞ ¼1 andlCðDP1 PrÞ ¼1. Moreover, we may assume that D¼D00þD0, where:

1) D00is an e¤ective divisor of degreeusatisfyingD00¼D00, and havingP1;. . .;Prin its support.

2) D0is an e¤ective divisor such that there is no nonzero e¤ective divisorcD0invari- ant by the complex conjugation.

If D0¼0, then DADivðXÞ and rCðX;rÞ ¼rRðX;rÞ. So, assume D000 and let l¼dimjD00j. If r¼l, then jDj has a base point, but then XC has a complete gkr


with k<d, hence a contradiction. It follows that r>l. Since X is a real curve, dimCjD00þD0j ¼r. We may find suitable nonzero e¤ective divisorsD10;. . .;Drl0 such that

1) D0¼D10þ þDrl0 , and

2) lCðD00þD10þ þDi0Þ ¼lCðD00Þ þi,i¼1;. . .;rl.

Let f1;f1;. . .;frg be a base of H0ðXC;OðD00þD0ÞÞ and g1;. . .;grlA

H0ðXC;OðD00þD0ÞÞsuch that

1) g1AH0ðXC;OðD00þD10ÞÞnH0ðXC;OðD00ÞÞ, and

2) giAH0ðXC;OðD00þD10þ þDi0ÞÞnnH0ðXC;OðD00þD10þ þDi10 ÞÞ, i¼ 2;. . .;rl.

Claim. lCðD00þD0þD0Þd2rþ1l. More precisely, we show, by induction on i, that 1;f1;. . .;fr;g1;. . .;gi are linearly independent in the vector space H0ðXC;OðD00þD10þ þDi0þD0ÞÞ, i.e.lCðD00þD10 þ þDi0þD0Þdrþ1þi.

Fori¼1, 1;f1;. . .;fr,g1AH0ðXC;OðD00þD10þD0ÞÞand 1;f1;. . .;frare linearly independent. If g1 were a linear combination of 1;f1;. . .;fr, then g1 would be a global section of OðD00þD0Þand also divyðg1ÞcD00þD0. By the construction of g1, divyðg1ÞcD00þD10. Since D0 and D10 have distinct supports, we would have divyðg1ÞcD00. This is a contradiction.

Assume now that 1;f1;. . .;fr;g1;. . .;gi1 (rl>i>1) are linearly independent and that gi would be a linear combination of 1;f1;. . .;fr;g1;. . .;gi1. Arguing as in the case i¼1, the pole divisor of gi would becD00þD0þD10þ þDi10 . By the construction ofgi, and sinceD0andDi0have distinct supports, we would obtain divyðgiÞcD00þD10þ þDi10 , contradicting the fact that giBH0ðXC;OðD00þ D10þ þDi10 ÞÞ. This ends the proof of the claim.

Since D00þD0þD0 is invariant by the complex conjugation, we get lðD00þD0þD0Þ ¼lCðD00þD0þD0Þd2rþ1l. Let P10;. . .;Prl0 be suitable real points. Then lðD00þD0þD0P10 Prl0 Þdrþ1, and X has at least one complete g2durþlr . To get the second assertion of the theorem, it is su‰cient to prove thatrcul. Since dimCjP1þ þPrj ¼0 andD00¼P1þ þPrþE, with EADivðXÞan e¤ective divisor of degreeur, we getl¼dimCjP1þ þPrþEjc

ur. r

Let us mention some consequences of Theorem 5.4.

Corollary 5.5. Let X be a real hyperelliptic curve and r be an integer such that 1c rcg1.ThenrRðX;rÞ ¼2r.

Proof. Since rCðX;rÞ ¼2r, using the first inequality of the theorem, the result fol-

lows. r

Corollary 5.6. Let X be a real curve of genus g which is not hyperelliptic, and r


be an integer such that 1cr<g1. Then rRðX;rÞ>2r. In particular, we have rRð3;1Þ ¼3.

Proof. The proof is clear by Cli¤ord’s inequality and by the existence of real non-

hyperelliptic curves of genus 3. r

Corollary 5.7. Let X be a real curve. Then the mapjg:ðSgXÞðRÞ !PicgðXÞis not injective.

Proof.IfDADivðXÞof degreed satisfieslðDÞ ¼2, then the fiber ofjd at½Dis one dimensional and the mapjd is not injective. Theorem 5.4 asserts the existence of a

gg1onX, hence we get the result. r

Remark 5.8.In Theorem 5.4, we get two upper bounds forrR, one of them depend- ing on rC, but not the other. It is interesting to compare these two bounds. The invariantrC is given by the Theorems 1.1 p. 206, 1.5 p. 214, in [1]. ForX a general curve of genusgand 1crcg1:

rCðX;rÞ ¼gþr g rþ1


rþ1g is the integral part ofrþ1g ). We thus obtain

rRðX;rÞcmin gþr1;2g2 g rþ1


Assumerþ1g AN. We see that 2g2rþ1g ¼gþr1 ifr¼1 orr¼g1, and that 2g2rþ1g >gþr1 if not. Hence rRðg;rÞcgþr1 is the best upper bound we may find at this moment. As we have seen for hyperelliptic curves, the second inequality of Theorem 5.4 gives a smaller upper bound for rRðX;rÞonly whenX is a special curve.

5.2 Complete linear systems of dimension 1 on real curves.The following theorem is a refinement of Theorem 5.4 in dimension 1.

Proposition 5.9.Let X be a real curve of genus gd2.If XChas exactly an odd number of g1r

CðX;,thenrRðX;1Þ ¼rCðX;1Þ.

Proof.We have rCðX;1Þd2 sinceX is not rational. Letd ¼rCðX;1Þ. Assume that XC has exactly 2nþ1 distinct gd1, nAN. Let Di0, i¼1;. . .;2nþ1, some e¤ective divisors on XC such that the linear systemsjDi0j are the 2nþ1 distinctgd1. We may clearly assume that, for everyi,Di0¼PþDi, withPa closed point ofXC satisfying P¼Pand withDiADivðXCÞan e¤ective divisor of degreed1. SinceX is real, the linear systems jDi0j are also gd1. Consequently, there exists kAf1;. . .;2nþ1g such that jDk0j ¼ jDk0j, since an involution acting on a finite set with an odd number of elements has a fixed point. Hence PþDk is linearly equivalent to PþDk. Conse-


quently, either Dk ¼Dk and we have the claim, orjDkj is agd11 , but thend is not

minimal. r

Corollary 5.10. Let X be a general real curve of genus 6. Then rCðX;1Þ ¼ rRðX;1Þ ¼4.

Proof.Since XC has fiveg41(see [3] p. 299), the proof follows from the above propo-

sition. r

5.3 A real Brill–Noether number. In the context, a natural question one can ask is about the existence of a real curve X of genusgd2 withrRðX;1Þ ¼g. Such an existence, for anygd2, would show thatrRðg;1Þ ¼g.

If d<g and X is a real curve of genus g having a gd1, then, adding ðg1dÞ general real points to this gd1, we get a completegg11 . By [1] Corollary 4.5, p. 190, the singularities of Wg1¼jg1ðSg1XCÞ are the complete gg1k with k>0, where

jg1:Sg1XC!Picg1ðXCÞ; ðP1;. . .;Pg1Þ 7! ½P1þ þPg1 is the natural map.

By Riemann’s singularity theorem (see [1] p. 226), the singular part of the theta divisor yJJðCÞ is a translation (by a theta-characteristic) of the singular part of Wg1. Recall that a real curve always admits real theta-characteristics [4]. Hence we may reformulate the previous question asking if there exist real curves of genusgd2 withyðRÞnon-singular. We state the following conjecture:

Conjecture 1.Let gd2be an integer.There exists a real curve X of genus g such that the singularities of the theta divisoryJJðCÞare not real.

Proposition 5.11.The above conjecture holds for2cgc4.

Proof.The conjecture holds trivially for genus 2 curves, and genus 3 curves since there exist non-hyperelliptic real curves of genus 3.

Following Gross and Harris [4], we may show that the conjecture holds for genus 4 curves. Let X be a real trigonal curve (i.e. rCðX;1Þc3) of genus 4 which is non- hyperelliptic. Its canonical model lies on a unique real quadric surface SJP3

R. For a generalX,Sis smooth and then has two di¤erent rulings. For someX, these two rulings are complex and switched by the complex conjugation. Then XC has only two g31 induced by these two rulings and rCðX;1Þ ¼3. By this, we conclude that

rRðX;1Þ ¼2rCðX;1Þ 2¼4. r

Letg;rANsatisfyinggd2 and 1crcg1. Ifd ðgþr1Þd0, then Theo- rem 5.4 says that any real curve of genusghas a completegdr. We may wonder if this condition is optimal.

Conjecture 2. Let gd2 and 1crcg1. The real Brill–Noether number is rRðg;r;dÞ ¼d ðgþr1Þ,i:e:if d ðgþr1Þ<0,then there exists a real curve X of genus g such that X has no gdr.

Remark that Conjecture 2 implies Conjecture 1.


6 Linear systems with base points on real curves

This section is devoted to the problem of finding lower bounds forN. We prove that this problem is related to the existence of special linear systems of dimension 1 and small degree, i.e. the subject of the previous section.

Proposition 6.1. Let X be a real curve of genus gd2.Assume that X has a complete gdr,with dcg1and rd1.Then NðXÞ>2gd.

Proof.LetDADivðXÞbe an e¤ective divisor of degreedcg1 such that dimjDj ¼ rd1. It is a special divisor. Let D0ADivðXÞ be an e¤ective divisor of degree 2g2d such thatDþD0is the canonical divisor. LetQbe a non-real point ofX such thatlðDQÞ ¼lðDÞ 2. By Riemann–Roch,

lðD0þQÞ ¼2g2dþ2gþ1þlðDQÞ ¼gdþ1þr1¼lðD0Þ: Hence Qis a base point of jD0þQjand consequently the divisorD0þQof degree 2gd is not linearly equivalent to a totally real e¤ective divisor. Clearly NðXÞ>

2gd. r

The existence of linear systems of small degree on real curves is studied in the pre- vious section. One of the results, is that a real curve has always a completegg1, hence Corollary 6.2.Let X be a real curve such that gd2.Then NðXÞdgþ1.

From the previous section and Proposition 6.1, we obtain

Corollary 6.3.Let X be a real curve of genus gd2.IfyJJðCÞhas a real singularity, then NðXÞdgþ2.

IfXis hyperelliptic, by Lemma 4.2,Xhas also ag21and we may state the following result (use Theorem 3.6):

Corollary 6.4.Let X be a real hyperelliptic curve of genus gd2.Then NðXÞd2g1.

If furthermore X is an M-curve or anðM1Þ-curve,then NðXÞ ¼2g1.

Remark 6.5.Since there exist real hyperelliptic M-curves of any genus, the previous corollary gives a large family of curves for which the invariant N is explicitely cal- culated.


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Received 24 April, 2002; revised 4 October, 2002 and 11 December, 2002

J.-Ph. Monnier, De´partement de Mathe´matiques, Universite´ d’Angers, 2, Bd. Lavoisier, 49045 Angers cedex 01, France

Email: monnier@tonton.univ-angers.fr



One of the procedures employed here is based on a simple tool like the “truncated” Gaussian rule conveniently modified to remove numerical cancellation and overflow phenomena..

We demonstrate that a conjecture of Teh which relates the niveau filtration on Borel-Moore homology of real varieties and the images of generalized cycle maps from reduced

Key words: Dunkl operators, Dunkl transform, Dunkl translation operators, Dunkl convolu- tion, Besov-Dunkl spaces.. Abstract: In this paper, we define subspaces of L p by

In this paper, we establish the following result: Let M be an n-dimensional complete totally real minimal submanifold immersed in CP n with Ricci curvature bound- ed from

W ang , Global bifurcation and exact multiplicity of positive solu- tions for a positone problem with cubic nonlinearity and their applications Trans.. H uang , Classification

The theorem also implies that all p-adic L-functions for elliptic curves at odd primes p of semi-stable ordinary reductions are integral elements in the Iwasawa algebra.. See

The following corollary which provides a simpler Grüss type inequality for real constants (and in particular, for real inner product spaces) holds..

In the second computation, we use a fine equidistant grid within the isotropic borehole region and an optimal grid coarsening in the x direction in the outer, anisotropic,