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Studies on Ganpi. IV. Relation of climatic factors to the distribution of Ganpi plants in the Chugoku-Shikoku region.-香川大学学術情報リポジトリ


Academic year: 2021

シェア "Studies on Ganpi. IV. Relation of climatic factors to the distribution of Ganpi plants in the Chugoku-Shikoku region.-香川大学学術情報リポジトリ"


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Tech. Bull. Fac. Agr. Kagawa Univ.


IV. Relation of Climatic Factors to the Distribution of Ganpi Plants in the Chugoku-Shikoku Region

Michihiko TAIWI-IASHI and Michiyo KITA**

There are still many plants found in the world in a truly wild state, not yet having been effected by humans Ganpi is such plants I n the past, however, many people tried to cul- tivate it, because of the excellent paper making quality of the bark Nevertheless, its cultivation was so diGcult that nobody could succed in it(2) Thus the distribution is still in quite natural and is directly influenced by the atmosphere

What relation is there between the factors of the atmosphere and the distribution of Ganpi, then? Are there any laws governing them? The authors carried out this investigation in order to solve these questions by gathering basic ecological and distributional data on Ganpi in the Chugoku-Shikoku region


Matters for investigation

The species studied were: D rzkokzana, D. ganpz, D trzchotoma(l2), Dairen, Ido(13) from Kagawa prefecture and Tatru Haru, and Kazu from Yanahara-cho in Okayama prefecture, where practical field observations were done The localities and these eight Ganpi plants were ob- served together with the mean annual temperatures and rainfall over a period of seventeen years (1954-1971).

IBI. Results and lConsideratiorn 1. Influence of rainfall upon the distribution of Ganpi

(1) The mean annual rainfall and distribution in Kagawa prefecture.

As shown in Fig 1, Kagawa prefecture can be divided into three parts by the isohyets of the mean annual rainfall They are the mountain area with a mean annual rainfall about 1400 mm, the plain area, about 1200mm, and the coasted area about 1100mm. In these three areas


~zkokzana, D ganpz, D trzchotoma, Dazren, and Ido were distributed, as follows: D. ~zkokzana and

D ganpz were widely distributed being found in the rainy mountains and on Shodoshima island which has the least rain in all Japan; D trzchotoma and Dazren grew only a t Miai village, a t the foot of Mt Daiscn (1049m); and Ido inhabited only the Ido area of Nagao-cho (1432mm mean annual rainfall) (6).

Even so these four species displayed noticable horizontal and vertical distribution differences. These distributions are given in Fig 2 and 3 The relation between rainfall and the distribu-


Dzplomorpha rzkokzana; Wzkrtroemza rzkokiana-Ganpi (Japanese name), Dlplomorpha ganpz; Wzkstroemza ganpz- Kusa-Ganpi, Dzplomorphu trzchotoma; Wzkstrornza trtchotoma-Ki-Ganpi


Vol. 24, No. 1 (1972)

Fig 1. The isohyets of the mean annual rainfall and distributions of Ganpi plants in Kagawa prefecture



D. ganpz exists.


D ~ikokiana, and D ganpz exist.

@ D. trzchotoma, D. rzkokiana, D ganpz, and Dairen exist.

Hiketa, Toramar uyama, Kasagamine, Danshiyama, Nyotaizan, Odawan, A,ji, Tanaka, Asakur a, Ashidauchi, Komino, Y asuhar a, Place names: 13. Shionoe, 14 Naoshima, 15 Ryohnan, 16. Oltada, 17 Miai, 18 Uchinomi, 19. Kankakei, 20 Umakoshi, 21 Chunan, 22 Yamamoto, 23 Saita, 24 Inohanatohge, Takase, Yoshima, Shimokasai, Kawashima, Higashi-Ueta, Nishi-Ueta, Jinnai, Ohgoshi, Hill, Hill,

tion of D rzkokzana, D ganpz, D trzchotoma, and Dazren was clearly demonstrated at Miai village (3)

(2) The mean annual rainfall and distribution at Yanahara-cho

The mean annual rainfall of Yanahara-cho, as small locality with a n area of 78km2, is generally about 1500 mrn(l0) Three varieties: Tatsu, Haru, and Kazu were found here Fig


Tech. Bull. Fac. Agr. Kagawa Univ..

Fig 2 The distribution and variety of Ganpi plants at the foot of Mt. Daisen in Kagawa prefecture

Notes: x Do Ganpi D Sikokiana


D Trichotoma




Vol. 24, No. 1 (1972)

The mean *Ititude annual rainfall

r1043 -i-

Fig. 3. The vertical distribution of Ganpi plants and rainfall at Mt Daisen in Kagawa prefecture

Fig 4 The horizontal distribution of Ganpi plants and rainfall at Yanahara-cho Mt Shiroyama in Okayama prefecture

Putting all the above facts together, it was considered that such differences of rainfall had no great influence in determining the distribution of Ganpi plants in the two districts. But


trichotoma and Dazren grew in comparatively rainy areas.

2.. Influence of temperature upon the distribution of Ganpi.

(1) The mean annual temperature and distribution in Kagawa prefecture.

As shown in Fig 5 , the distributional range of D. szkokiana and of D , ganpz was from 14OC and 17"C, and of Ido, from 14°C to 15°C. D. trzcotoma and Daisen seems to exist a t 14°C in the chart(6), but they grew at near 1 1°C in their particular locality.


Tech Bull Fac Agr Kagawa Univ.

Fig 5. The isotherm of the mean annual temperature and distribution of Ganpi plants in Kagawa prefecture

Note: See the notes in Fig 1

Table 1. Altitudes and mean monthly-mean temperatures (Mt. Daisen)

- ..- - - - \


Month - --





Feb Altitude meters\- I


-- Mar. - " C 2 5 2.8 3 4 4 0 4 6 5 2 5 8 6 4 7 0 7 1 -- Apr --- " C 7. 5 7.. 8 8 4 9. 0 9. 6 10. 2 1 0 . 8 11. 4 12. 0 12. 1 - - Jun. -. - " ( 16.. 1 16. 4 17. 0 17 6 18. 2 18. 8 19.4 20,. 0 20. 6 20" 7 --- - - Jul. -- " ( 20. 0 20 3 20 9 21 5 22 1 22" 7 23. 3 23 9 24 5 24 6 - - Aug. - " ( 21 1 21 4 22 0 22 6 23 2 23 8 24 4 25 0 25 6 25 7 - - -- Sept. -- " ( 17.5 17.8 18. 4 19. 0 19.6 20.. 2 20. 8 21. 4 22,. 0 22. 1 - - --- Nov. - .- " ( 5. 8 6. 1 6. 7 7. 3 7.. 9 8,. 5 9.. 1 9. 7 10 3 10.4


Yearly mean " C 9 4 9 7 10 3 10.9 11. 5 12. 1 12 7 13. 3 13. 9 14.0

from 12°C to 14OC of mean annual temperature; D trzchotoma, from 1 1°C to 12OC, and Dairen, about 1 1 "C These figures are given in Table 1.

(2) The mean annual temperature and distribution in Yanahara-cho.

Table 2 presents the mean annual temperatures at the individual places described. Because of a small area, there were little differences of temperature among them, the lower limit was 12 9°C and the upper limit 13.6OC, The numerical values were similar to those of D. sikokiana and D. ganpi in Kagawa prefecture.


Vol 24, No.. 1 (1972) 15 Table 2. Altitudes and mean monthly-mean annual temperatures (Shiroyama).

Putting all the above facts together, it was considered that temperature plays an important role in the distribution of Ganpi varieties in the two districts



- -- - -- - -- - - -





























~ l t i t u d ? \,



Previously it was considered that the distribution of Ganpi plants in Kagawa prefecture and at Yanahara-cho depended on temperature rather than rainfall Stated below there is a con- sideration of whether the relation between temperature and distribution in the two districts is also rclevant for the whole of the Chugoku-Shikoku region.

A concept of the warmth index(1) was newly included to clarify this point. It is very useful to explain the distribution of vegetation in Japan, and is expressed by C (- 5) month-degrees, provided that the mean monthly temperatures is above 5"C, and also assuming the mean physiological zero point to be 5°C The warmth indexes of the Ganpi varieties in the two districts were: D. szkokzana, 98.9 to 104 5; D ganpi, 98 9 to 104 5; D. trzchotoma 88 5 to 93.5; Dazren, 88 5 ; Ido, 1 18 5; and Tatru, Haru, and Kazu, 105 4 to 107 1

Fig. 6 is a chart showing the localities, varieties, and warmth indexes of Ganpi plants found in the Chugoku-Shikoku region, together with isotherms of the mean annual tempera- ture(4~5~6~7~8~9~10~11) Hence it appears that for D rzkokzana and D ganpz the distribution and warmth indexes of the whole Chugoku-Shikoku region coincide with the cases in Kagawa prefecture That is, D szkokzana and D ganpz were distributed at the mean annual temperature from 12°C to 17 5°C and the warmth index from 18 9 to 149 7 As the others were not found anywhere except at specifically identified places in the Chugoku-Shikoku region, the relations of the mean annual temperature and warmth index to the distribution in the two districts could not be generalized extensively in relation to the whole Chugoku-Shikoku region

" C 1 2 9 1 3 6 . -"COee 3 3 2 7 9 9 m


145 m


1 5 ) 1 2 -



The above considerations are summarized briefly, as follows:

Such differences of rainfall as found in Kagawa prefecture and a t Yanahara-cho in Okayama prefecture had little effect on the distribution of Ganpi But trzchotoma and Dazsen grew in com- paratively rainy areas

Rather temperature was found to be an important element influencing the distribution of Ganpi in the Chugoku-Shikoku region

The following mean annual temperatures and warmth indexes apply respectively the varieties listed below: D szkokzana and D ganpz 12°C to 17°C (mean annual temperature) and 98 9 to 149.7 (warmth index) ; D trzchotoma, 1 1 "C to 12OC and 88 5 to 93 5 ; Dazren, 1 1 "C and 88 5 ; Ido, 14 7°C and 1 1 18 1 ; and Tatru Haru, and Kazu, 12 9°C to 13 6°C and 105 1 to 107 1.

As D trzchotoma, Dazren, Tatru, Haru, Kazu, and Ido are not found anywhere except a t the


I --- 1 1 1 1 6 7 1 2 0 1 7 6 - -- - 1 9 5 2 5 0 " " 2 0 3 2 5 9 - C0 '- C ' - 7 C " C 8 3 9 2 2 6 0 2 6 9 " C 3 0 3 9 2 3 0 ' 1 5 1 2 3 9 1 6 0


16 Tech. Bull, Fac. Agr. Kagawa Univ,. c e r t a i n specifically identified localities d i s t r i b u t i o n a l c o n d i t i o n s could not be g e n e r a l i z e d w i t h r e l a t i o n t o t h e w h o l e C h u g o k u - S h i k o k u region.


We w o u l d like t o a c k n o w l e d g e h e r e t h e debt we o w e t o D r s A van


of t h e URIJI U n i v e r s i t y of t h e N e t h e r l a n d s , I r v a n DESSEL o f t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l A g r i c u l t u r e C e n t e r in W a g e n i n g e n , and I r D r Ade BOER of t h e R e s e a r c h I n s t i t u t e in the s a m e c e n t e r , who g a v e us m a n y suggestions. T h a n k s a r e due t o D r . K a t s u k i UEHARA and D r M i n o r u SAITO of K a g a w a U n i v e r s i t y for m a n y useful suggestions about m e t e p r o l o g y and g e o g r a p h y , respectively. Masao KAWAKAMI a t K o t o n a m i - c h o o f K a g a w a p r e f e c t u r e and T a t s u j i r o HATAMORI, H a r u k i c h i HATAMORI, Reiichi and K a z u k o ( t h e late) HATAMORI, and T o s h i o HATAMORI Y a n a h a r a - c h o of O k a y a m a prefecture, who g a v e v a r i o u s p r a c t i c a l help w i t h field investigation. We a r e indebted a l s o t o D r John F. BRIDGMAN and to a r e s e a r c h assistant M i s s Y u m i YAMAGUCHI at K a g a w a University, w h o a r r a n g e d t h e d a t a in o r d e r

Literature Cited

( 1 ) ASHIDA, K. (Ed ): Living things and Environ- ment, 232-244, Tokyo, KyBritsu, (1961). ( 2 ) TAKAHASHI, M.: Essential Condition on the

Cultivation of Ganpi Abrtract in Shikoku Region Crop Soczety, (4), 29(1967)

( 3 ) TAKAHASHI, M.: Studies on Some Ganpi Plants with Ecology, Charactor, and Chromosome Number. Abrtract zn Breedzng Soczety, 20 (2), 140 (1970).

( 4 ) THE KOCHI LOCAL METEOROLOGICAL OB- SERVATORY: Annual Weather Report zn Kochz Prefecture, 16-24 (1971)

( 5 ) THE TOKUSHIMA LOCAL METEOROLOGICAL OB- SERVATORY: Annual Weather Report zn Tokurhima Prefecture, 10-15 (1970)

( 6 ) THE TAKAMATSU LOCAL METEOROLOGICAL OB- SERVATORY: Annual Weather Report zn Kagawa Prefecture, 1-18 (1970)

( 7 ) THE MATSUYAMA LOCAL METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATORY: Annual Weather Report zn Ehzme Prefecture, 1-23 (1970).

( 8 ) THE TOIIORI LOCAL METEOROLOGICAL OB- SERVATORY: Annual Weather Report in Tottori Prefecture, 9-12 (1970)

( 9 ) THE OKAYAMA LOCAL METEOROLOGICAL OB- SERVATORY: Annual Weather Report zn Okayama Prejecture, 1-19 (1970).

(10) THE MAISUE LOCAL METEOROLOGICAL OB- SERVATORY: Annual Agriculture Weather Report zn Shzmane Prefecture, 16-30 (1970).

(11) THE HIROSH~MA LOCAL METEOROLOGICAL OB- SERVATORY: Hydrometeorology Weather, 19 (13), 23-25 (1970).



KITA, M.: Studies on Ganpi I Glassification of Ganpi Plants Technical Bulletin of Fa~ulty oj Agriculture, Kagawa Univerrzty, 23 (11), 17-26 (1971).

(13) TAKAHASHI, M : Studies on Ganpi I1 Charac- teristics and Chromosome Number of Ganpi Plants from the Chugoku-Shikoku Region Technzcal Bulletzn of Faculty o j Agriculture, Kagawa Unzverrzty, 22 (ll), 17-26 (1971).


Vol. 24, No. 1 (1972)


FlB&3)jl.Za&.f &7Ytj';/t08 @%1.C7b,T, m@%V?gE%di, t$Lb9@%9$&.e;ffjkC, z94%C.C%% L Z b&?519835Lf:. ? 9 % % D.rikokiana,D.ganpi kt,


F l B & ~ k Z $ & . L , i G B t 9 i 3 ! E Q I d ~ < % % ~ ? % t t I;t H% 7 7:. f:f? D. trichotoma, Dairen M q E 7 k B 1800 mm 9 %I& 1.C gji@&%l.Z $ &f&Q+j L . Z b Q t t di

rj hf:. g)jf 2 $ &,+;ffj 1 . z ~ b , T & 2, D. rikokiana 2 D. ganpi M4gqwFL?E 12" C-17" C zB@&149.7- 98.. 9 9?g)jf4$tZ Q&.%;ffj L Tbf:. D. trichotoma





BBtE'B 93.5 -88.5 9?gE%1.ZQ&.5+43f& Z. tdi$J!r]sa Lf:. Dairen, Tatru, Haru, Kazu, Ido u % $ 9 t t 5 , ~ A 6 . ~ i $ t ~ f l . C b

%5Esdz,e;a.b.Y, @7,T, t d z b s $ & . / r ) . $ % 1 4 Q & Z ~ $ - Q t t M X t f f % d ~ 7 f : d * ' , D a i r e n M + " T . % A B 1 l o C , ?gat$% 8 8 . 5 G:. Ido, 14.7" C , 118. 1 tE, Tatru, Haru, Kazu


12.9-13.6"c, ?gBfE'B 105. 1-107.1 9%H1.Ztfl&e$LLTb& t tdfYbd1k?bb3f:. t 94%l.C, f3'yeM@%t*k K, %&@~91P%%9f&,&;kCQ

& ~ F ~ ~ L , T ~ z , z . td1b,


F~EWAEM.O&%~C~I/\T+, tgwmQrJsahat t t ~ d : ~ ~ ~ - r : ,

Q ~ . ~ x x ~ = . ~ L Q

T, @?%%UbZ, % & $ z b 9 % % % % & & Z , t d f q i l i g t % 7 f : .

Fig  1.  The isohyets of  the mean annual  rainfall and distributions of  Ganpi plants  in Kagawa  prefecture
Fig  2  The distribution  and  variety  of  Ganpi plants  at  the  foot of  Mt. Daisen  in  Kagawa  prefecture
Fig.  3.  The vertical distribution of  Ganpi plants and rainfall  at Mt  Daisen  in Kagawa prefecture
Fig  5.  The  isotherm  of  the  mean  annual  temperature  and  distribution  of  Ganpi plants in Kagawa  prefecture



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