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On the category of stratifolds – The Serre-Swan Theorem -


Academic year: 2021

シェア "On the category of stratifolds – The Serre-Swan Theorem -"


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– The Serre-Swan Theorem -

栗林 勝彦 信州大学


高松市生涯学習センター(まなびCAN) (香川県高松市)



This is joint work with Toshiki Aoki.

T. Aoki and K. Kuribayashi, On the category of stratifolds, Cahiers de Topologie et G´eom´etrie Diff´erentielle Cat´egoriques, 58 (2017), 131–160. arXiv:1605.04142.

Acknowledgements. The second author thanks Takayoshi Aoki and Wakana Otsuka for considerable discussions on stratifolds.

This research was partially supported by a Grant-in-Aid for challenging

Exploratory Research 16K13753 from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.

Katsuhiko Kuribayashi (Shinshu University) On the category of stratifolds Symposium on Homotopy Theory 2017 2 / 20



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1 Introduction

Definition of a stratifold Examples of stratifolds


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2 The category of stratifolds

Stfdembeds into the category ofR-algebras (From the talk in Karatsu 2013) The structure sheaf of a stratifold


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3 Vector bundles and the Serre-Swan theorem Vector bundles over stratifolds

The Serre-Swan theorem for stratifolds


4 Perspective

Toward Diffeology for Homotopy Theory of stratifolds

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Introduction Definition of a stratifold

Definition of a stratifold


Definition 1.1 (Differential spaces in the sense of Sikorski (1971))




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Adifferential spaceis a pair(S,C)consisting of a topological spaceS and anR- subalgebraCof theR-algebraC0(S)of continuous real-valued functions onS, which is supposed to belocally detectableandC-closed.

I Local detectability : f ∈ C if and only if for anyx S, there exist an open neighborhoodU ofxand an elementg∈ C such that f|U =g|U.

I C-closedness : For eachn 1, eachn-tuple(f1, ..., fn)of maps inC and each smooth mapg : Rn R, the compositeh :S Rdefined by h(x) =g(f1(x), ...., fn(x)) belongs toC.

The tangent spaceatxS.

TxS:= The vector space of derivations onCx the germs atx

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Introduction Definition of a stratifold

Definition 1.2 (Kreck (2010))






Astratifoldis a differential space(S,C)such that the following four conditions hold:

1. S is a locally compact Hausdorff space with countable basis;

2. theskeletaskk(S) :={xS |dimTxS k}are closed inS;

3. for eachx S and open neighborhoodU ofxin S, there exists abump functionatxsubordinate toU; that is, a non-negative functionρ ∈ Csuch thatρ(x) 6= 0and such that the support suppρ := {pS |ρ(p)6= 0} is contained inU;

4. thestrataSk :=skk(S)skk1(S)arek-dimensional smooth manifolds such that restriction alongi:Sk,S induces an isomorphism of stalks

i :Cx


C(Sk)x. for eachx Sk.

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Introduction Examples of stratifolds


I LetM be a manifold. The open cone ofM is defined by

CM:=M ×[0,1)/M × {0} 3[M × {0}] = C:=


f :CMR f|M×(0,1)is smooth, f|U is constant for some openU 3 ∗


(CM,C)is a stratifold with non–empty strata Sk+1 = M ×(0,1)and S0=.

I (S,C)a stratifold,W is a manifold with boundary, which has a collarc :

∂W ×[0, )= W. We have a stratifold (S0= SfW,C0), C0 ={

g :S0R g|S ∈ C, gc(w, t) =gf(w)forw ∂W }

I Moreover, we have a sub stratifold and the product of stratifolds.

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The category of stratifolds Stfdembeds into the category ofR-algebras

The category of stratifolds

We assume that all stratifolds are finite-dimensional;S =skn(S)for some n.

Let(S,C)and(S0,C0)be stratifolds. We call a continuous map f :S S0 a morphism of the stratifolds, denoted

f : (S,C)(S0,C0)

iff induces a mapf:C0→ C; that is,ϕf ∈ C for eachϕ∈ C0. Thus we define a category


of stratifolds.

Theorem 2.1






The categoryStfdfully faithfully embeds into the category ofR-algebras.

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The category of stratifolds Stfdembeds into the category ofR-algebras

Sketch of the proof

For anR-algebraF, we define

|F|:=the set of all morphisms of R-algebras from F toR

Moreover, we define a mapfe:|F| →Rby fe(x) =x(f)for any f ∈ F. Let Fe be theR-algebra of maps from|F|toRof the formfeforf ∈ F. Then we consider the Gelfand topology on|F|; that is,|F|is regarded as the topological space with the open basis

{fe1(U)|U :open inR,feF}e

Thus the assignment of a topological space to anR-algebra gives rise to a contravariant functor

| | :R-AlgTop

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The category of stratifolds Stfdembeds into the category ofR-algebras

Lemma 2.2 (Using a bump function)




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Let(S,C)be a stratifold. Then the mapθ : S → |C|defined byθ(p)(f) = f(p)is a homeomorphism.


Proposition 2.3




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The mapθ :S → |C| gives rise to an isomorphism of continuous spaces θ : (S,C)(|C|,Ce)


Theorem 2.4






The forgetful functorF : Stfd R-Algdefined byF(S,C) = Cis fully faithful; that is, the induced map

F :HomStfd((S,C),(S0,C0))HomR-Alg(C0,C) is a bijection.

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The category of stratifolds The structure sheaf of a stratifold

The structure sheaf of a stratifold

I A maximal idealmof Creal⇐⇒def the quotient C/mis isomorphic toRas anR-algebra.

I Specr C : thereal spectrum, i.e. the subset of the prime spectrum SpecC ofC consisting of real ideals. We consider Specr C the subspace of SpecC with the Zariski topology.

I A mapu:|C| →Specr C defined byu(ϕ) =Kerϕis bijective. Moreover, the mapuis continuous. In fact,

for an open baseD(f) = {m Specr C | f / m}for somef ∈ C, we see thatu1(D(f)) =fe1(R\{0}).


Proposition 2.5




.. .



The bijectionu:|C|= Specr C is a homeomorphism.

S =|C| ∼=Specr C ⊂SpecC.

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The category of stratifolds The structure sheaf of a stratifold

Theorem 2.6




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Let(S,OS)be a ringed space which comes from a stratifold(S,C)andi : SpecrOS(S) SpecOS(S)the inclusion. Then(S,OS)is isomorphic to i(SpecOS(S),O^S(S))as a ringed space, where(SpecOS(S),O^S(S)) is the affine scheme associated with the ringOS(S).


Sketch of the proof.




. .

Letm : S → |= S| = SpecrOS(S). It suffices to show that(S,OS)is isomor- phic to the structure sheaf(SpecrOS(S),O\S(S)). To this end, we construct an isomorphism fromO\S(S)tomOS. For an open setU of SpecrOS(S), we define

αU :MU1OS(S)(mOS)(U) byα([f /s]) =f ·1s, whereMU :=

mU mc.

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Vector bundles and the Serre-Swan theorem Vector bundles over stratifolds


Definition 3.1 (A vector bundle over a stratifold)




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Let(S,CS)be a stratifold and(E,CE)a differential space. A morphism of dif- ferential spacesπ : (E,CE) (S,CS)is a vector bundleover(S,CS)if the following conditions are satisfied.

1. Ex:=π1(x)is a vector space overRforx S.

2. There exist an open cover{Uα}αJ ofS and an isomorphismφα : π1(Uα) Uα × Rnα of differential spaces for eachα J. Here π1(Uα)is regarded as a differential subspace of(E,CE)andUα×Rnα is considered the product of the substratifold(Uα,CUα)of(S,CS)and the manifold(Rnα, C(Rnα)).

3. The diagram π1(Uα) φα //


SS Uα×Rnα




is commutative,

wherepr1 is the projection onto the first factor.

4. The compositepr2 φα|Ex : Ex Uα ×Rnα Rnα is a linear isomorphism, wherepr2 : Uα×Rnα Rnα denotes the projection onto the second factor.

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Vector bundles and the Serre-Swan theorem Vector bundles over stratifolds

Proposition 3.2




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The transition functionsgαβ :UαUβGLn(R)are morphisms of stratifolds.


Proposition 3.3




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Letπ : (E,CE) (S,CS)be a vector bundle in the sense of Definition 3.1.

Then the differential space(E,CE)admits a stratifold structure for which πis a morphism of stratifolds.

By virtue of Proposition 3.2, we see thatπ:π1(Si)Siis a smooth vector bundle.

(CE)x i //

res =

C1(Si))x res


(Cπ−1(Uα))x i //C1(SiUα))x







SinceUα×Rn is a stratifold, we see that(i×1Rn)is an isomorphism.


Vector bundles and the Serre-Swan theorem The Serre-Swan theorem for stratifolds

The Serre-Swan theorem for stratifolds

We denote byVBb(S,C) the category of vector bundles over(S,C)of bounded rank.


Theorem 3.4




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Let(S,C)be a stratifold. Then the global section functor Γ(S,) :VBb(S,C) Fgp(C)

gives rise to an equivalence of categories, whereFgp(C)denotes the category of finitely generated projective modules overC.

LetLfb(S)be the full subcategory ofOS-Modconsisting of locally free OS-modules of bounded rank. We define a functorL:VBb(S,C) Lfb(S)by LE :U ;Γ(U, E), which is fully faithful and essentially surjective.

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Vector bundles and the Serre-Swan theorem The Serre-Swan theorem for stratifolds

Theorem 3.5 (Morye (2013))




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Let(X,OX)be a locally ringed space such thatX is a paracompact Hausdorff space of finite covering dimension, andOX is a fine sheaf of rings. Then the Serre-Swan theorem holds for(X,OX); that is, the global section functor in- duces an equivalence of categories betweenLfb(X)andFgp(Γ(X,OX)).


Corollary 3.6




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Let(S,C)be a stratifold andOS the structure sheaf. Then the global sections functorΓ(S,) :Lfb(S)Fgp(C)is an equivalence.

VBb(S,C) Γ(S,)

Theorem 3.4 //



QQ Fgp(C)


Γ(S,) 'nnnnn66 nn n


' Serre



Perspective Toward Diffeology for Homotopy Theory of stratifolds

Perspective –

Toward Diffeology for Homotopy Theory of stratifolds –

LetDiffeologybe the category of diffeological spaces. We define a functor


byk(S,C) = (S,DC)andk(φ) =φfor a morphismφ:S S0 of stratifolds, where

DC :=


u:U S U :open inRq, q0,

φuC(U)for anyφ∈ C }


The functorkis faithful, but not full; that is, for a continuous mapf :S S0, it is more restrictive to be a morphism of stratifolds(S,C)(S0,C0)than to be a morphism of diffeological spaces(S,DC)(S0,DC0).

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Mfd fully faithful

j //

`:fully faithful


Stfd k //Diffeology





SD a





| |D


I Haraguchi and Shimakawa are considering a model structure ofDiffeology with the adjoint pair(D, S). (2013 – )

I Christensen and Wu have studied a model structure ofDiffeologywith the adjoint pair(| |D, SD), where SD(X) :={AnX :smooth}and An := {(t0, ..., tn) Rn |

ti = 1}, the “non-compactn-simplex”.


I Kihara has given a model structure toDiffeologywith an adjoint pair given by modifying(| |D, SD), more precisely, changing the diffeological structure ofn. (2016, 2017)


Perspective Toward Diffeology for Homotopy Theory of stratifolds

I Iwase and Izumida (2015) have considerd de Rham theorem inDiffeology usingS2 and the cubical differential forms

LetDR(X)be the de Rham complex of a diffeological space(X,DX)in the sense of Iglesias-Zemmour.

pDR(X) :=



DX **


44 ω Sets natural trans.


(U) ={U smooth−→ ∧(dimi=1URdxi)}: the usual de Rham complex onU


Theorem 4.1 (Iwase - Izumida (2015))




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For a CW complexX, one has isomorphisms

H(X;R)=H(S2(X))=H(“a cubical de Rhma complex” ofX)


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Perspective Toward Diffeology for Homotopy Theory of stratifolds

I For a simplicial setK,C(K;R)denotes the normalized cochain algebra.

I We have two simplicial DGAC := C(∆[])and := ΩDR(A).

Define cochain algebraA(K) := Setsop(K, A)for a simplicial setK and a simplicial DGAA.

Assertion 4.2 (Emoto - K. (Work in progress))






For a diffeology(X,DX), one has a commutative diagram




S 'ϕ //(C)(SD(X))

mult(1R )


' ψ

oo DR(X)αoo




in whichϕandψ are quasi-isomorphism of DGAs andαis a DGA map. More- over, if(X,D)comes from a stratifolds, thenαis a quasi-iso. and hence

is an isomorphism of graded algebras on the cohomology. We get the “de Rham theorem” for stratifolds.

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Perspective Toward Diffeology for Homotopy Theory of stratifolds

A little more perspective

I Rational homotopy theory uses(AP L) the simplicial DG algebra of polyno- mial (rational) differential forms.

I Real homotopy theory in the sense of Brown and Szczarba usesde Rham(∆) the usual de Rham complex on the standard simplexes, which is regarded as the simplicial DGtopologicalalgebra.

I Smooth homotopy theorymay use := ΩDR(A),ΩDR(∆sub)or DR(∆Kihara), which is considered a simplicial DGdiffeologicalalgebra.

E. Wu, Homological algebra for diffeological vector spaces, Homology Homotopy Appl. 17(2015), 339–376.

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