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Techno1ogica1Change,Demand−Shift,            Labor Supp1y Change,


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(1)55 .早稲国商学第403号. 2005年」3月. Economy−Wide. Ski11−Biased. Techno1ogica1Change,Demand−Shift, Labor. and−Income. Supp1y. Change,. Distribution. Reinterpreting. Prob1em. Dombusch−Fischer−Samuelson. Mode1. Toshihiro. ICHIDA. 1.IntrOdu6tiOn The. recent. trade. econo皿ic. tion. of. the. the. other.The. reduce■d. and. wage. policy. United. prob1em. debate.The. States. forエner. high−paying. on. idea. something. bad,but. because. improve皿ent.Howe▽er,the. a. inore. political. inequa1ity. concepts Misused. co皿」es. that. and from. issue. include. both. soInething. distribution. i狐port. an. cases,mainstream. is. people. suPPort. Price. on. the. ski11. mcreasmg. trade trade. Inpartjcu1ar, not. because. has. believe. intemationa1transactio工1because. Factor. to. increasin.g to. the. competition. U.S.and1ed. skil1prem」ium. controversia1one.Many. the. in. of. good,na㎜ely,Producti▽ity. increasing. see則to. issues. deindustrializa_. tradeisa・u1p・it.. of. in虹temationa1economics concepts. due. deindustria1ization. of. both. the. the. wages. countries,In. eco・㎝istsrefutedthenotionthat shown. from. key. income. that. addresses. reIat1▽e. intensive. has. jobs. the. been. the. the. ana1ysis. has. concerns. of幽wages,The1atter. data. of. hand,and. reduction. wi血1ow_sk」i1l. focus. one. one. manufacturing. change1n. been. the. premum. or. has. those. some. been」. increasing of. the. argum」e皿ts.. Equa1izatio皿Theore.m. and 921.

(2) 56. 早稲田商学第403号. Sto1per−Samue1son. Theorem,See. Slaughter. ho柳those. (1993)for. data,Trade. i§not1ike1y. and1980s.Wel1,then. skmed. and. what. unskil1ed. nceptuaユfram.ework. Most. to. Leamer(1995)and. concepts. exp1ain. is. the. app士oac.h. econom.ists. the. source. workers?In. to. do. attribute. fit. the. wage. gap. created. of. this. this. this. paper.I. cause. of. reality. wage. and. nor. the. througb1970s. gap. wiH. distributional. the. Lawrence. not. between.. present. a. co−. issue.. these. trade. and. wage. issuestotechmlogica正change,Aw言deユyheldviewis出attrade explains is. only. a. iInpossible. cal. change. sm.alI. to. had. test. fou血d. hapPen. wide. at. fraction debate. same. assert. of. rise. of. trade. In. the. that. in. next. the. the. wage. at. static. wi1l. modify. premium. I. demand. sbift. I. think. in. the1ast. what. new. modei. be. change. an can. ski11ed1abor.. contributed a. to. this of. of. in1977,I. has. that. is. kind. conceptual. supP1y. it. technologi−. Samuelson. wi11show in. which. will. trade. review. third. by. mode1and. exercises.Conc1uding. discussed. the. though. to. a. approach. large to. the. trade. and. the. new. distri」bution,. wi11present. the. that. gap.But. and. increase. the. recent1iterature. section,I. te11ing. the. a」modified. assess. remarks. and. will. Samue1son version. on. exp1ain s. ange1story.In. of. the. Dornb1]sch−. gi▽e. a. new. interpreta−. the. impact. of. some. the. potential. Fischer−Samue1son(hereafter,D−F−S)mode]and tion.I. vie」w. data)techno1ogica1change. the. fol1owing. to. inequality,Even. looking. product. section,I. section,I. with. one.An.d. the. skill. approach. fourth. agree. an加creasi血g. with. income. the. income. Dom.busch.Fischer. time. and. issues.In. integrated the. by. skill−biased. the. the. relevant?By. de▽eloped. A1so,ユwill. wage. is. to. thεconsistent(・with. econo」my. of. empirica11y,I. contributed. technoIogica1change original1y. fraction. comparative. problems珊ill. be. section.. 2.Literature11己e▽iew There. in 922. is. a. wide. academia.While. I. variety. am. of. literature. reviewi㎎. on. the. trade. and. existing1iterature. wages. issues. be1ow,I. wi11.

(3) Econo皿y−Wlde Sklu−Biased Technolog1cal Cha㎎e,Demand Shlft, Labor S1ユppIy C」ha皿ge,且nd Imome D1strlbutip皿Prob1em. focus. on. two. and1ncreasmg 1ook. at. prgb1ems=deindustria1ization(decrease. premlum. the. stagnant. Lawrence average. product. found. that. sector. contributed. the. growth. that. the. a. a. to. have. become. were. buying. the. goods. prices. tivity. increase. rinkage. in. in. further. account. only. which when. trade he. a. of. the. will. to. same. made of. .manufacturing. tivity. by. and. Krugman. price. fraction. issue. jobs of. was. the. also. thus. to. the. of. in. Lawrence(1994).They. the. mamfacturing. manufacturing. sales. change.That. is,the. inco]皿e. goods. on. service)even. physica1amount. as. before.The. to. service. manufacturing is. that. the. the. to. model. wage. simp1e. wage. of. the. residents. because. goods. though. they. factor. that. high. high. trade. produc−. that. sh−. productivity. deficit. can. changes.. with. of. of. sector. decreased. US. concluded. resu1t. smal1size. contribution. a. prices)was. sector.They. largely. two. model. sectors:manufacturing a11owed. a. manufacturing. CGE(Calibrating. order. cf. magnitude,he. due. to. the. in. employees,But. Generai. found. structure. Equi1ibrium). thaピ. trade−induced1oss. an. of. estimate. hig. h−wage. trivia1.. deindustriali2ation. growth−I£trade. and. to. worse皿the. loss. denator. of. non−manufacturing. cheaper(compared. claimed. a. the. slowdown. productivity. of. sector. sma1l. growth. decreased,They. productivity. down(relative. the. me. wages.. because. check出e. rea1income. The. price. service(non−tradable).The. conducted. calculation. the. in. Krugman(1997)built (tradab1e)and. adjusting. growth. overaユl. growth. industry. growth.They for. by. sluggish. productivity. s皿1a11er. pushed. the. that. the. deindustrialization.The. a. wages)Flrst,let. at. than. were. re1ative1y. in雌wage). issue.. rather. an. States. spend. relatlve. increased. average. rapid. United. began. to. points. contribute(1to. wages. found. slow. of. change1n. S1aughter(1993)1ooked. compensation. Simi1ar. in. average. and. real. c1aim. gap(a. rea1wages.They. s1uggish. 57. contributed. is皿ost1y. any. to. the. it,the. resu1t. of. amount. the. of. prod. uc_. contribution. iStriV」ial1ySm−a1l。. 923.

(4) 58. 早稲田商挙第403号 。N. In. ext工wiIl. suni,lnany. trade.I cal. look.at. authors. wil1review. change. is. a. implication. attributed. the. literature. like1y. culprit.. and. Slaughter. Lawrence skill−biased. the. it. of. to. in. increasing. in.come. techno1ogical. change. detaiI. on. what. (1993)pointed. out. techno1o填ca1change,They・denied. StoIper_Sa」mlieison. th.eorem. because. they. kind. did. rather. of. the. inequality.. than. technologi−. possibi1ity. the. imp1ication. not. find. any. of. of. the. evidence. in. P・i・・b・ha・ic・一工I・・piteofth・high・o・tof・kill・d1・b・・、th・yf・md the. i」ntensi▽. dicts. the. factor a. e. u,se. prediction. of. productivity. pervasive. skilled progress. has. to. inequality. is. be. ratio. of. in. almost. also. rise tow. in ard. its. the. to. unskilled. growth. But. in. total. because. increased. wage,this. contra−. of. use. of. technological. skined1abor.. because亡he cause. the. the. reIatiYe. causes.They. effect. sector§,which. found. toward. Lawrence(ユ994)also. is. all. techno1ogica1changel. manufacturing. domestic. trade. ski11ed. implies. biased. from. labor. theore肌They. US the. and. Sto1per−Sa皿ue1son plications:if. the. in. despite. Krugman. skined. which. shift. Iabor. of. for. found. exc1uded. data. the. that the. lack. possibility. two. increased. emp1oyment. wage. of. empirical. wage. should. increased. the. im−. inequa1ity、ユ)the. decIine. in. most. in−. dustries;and2)employme・tshou1di・c・easem・erapidlyinskill− intensive. sectors. the. data. real. than. showed. proportion. of. know. reduced. s. why. tech皿o1o釦cal of. i血port. 1. The. that. re1ative is. Stolper−Samueiso血{eorem. asserts. 皿on_abundant. wil1affect. f童ctors、. f盆ctor. more. for1ess. candidate. does. large. that. prices.In. open. tlle. not. unski1led. employed. workers.They. countries. a. emp1o」y. al1sectors. de皿and. a1ikely. low−wage. that. near1y. Krugman(1997)used. i■亡■erve皿tion. 924. those. white_collar. change. from. in. an. ccncluded. ski11ed They. chal〕g芭in. increasing. that. workers. c1aimed. change. econo血y. labor.But. nobody. aIld. that. the. that ratio. much,. trading. model. which. trade. goods. prices. due. to. p盆rticular.proteotionism. favors. the. owlユers. of.

(5) Ec㎝o㎜y.Wide Skil1−Bi鵬ed Tec㎞ological Cha㎎e,Demand Shift, Labor S皿pPly Ch加ge,and Inco皿e Dlstrlbut1on Problem. endogenized. price.He. man1995c)(based found. that. quite. amount. on. a. of. is. actua1wage. only3%at. premium. logical1y. in. framework. than. small. of. a. as. out in. the. th」is. open. almost. world. a. by. is. c1csed. using. on. relative. s. of. a. fi馳re. tested. can. curve eIicit. magnification change. is a. effect. o・n. sma11er. the. wage. to. exp1ain. in. for. rising. Berman,Machin. closer. approximation. Inode1,Large of. does. a. matter. economies. trade)and. such. a. reason. techno1ogica1■change. bias. economy.In. in. of. and. US. open. rea1world and. Europe. co11ectively. framework,Krugm」an. and. as. Bomd. aユarge. the. like. are. simu1taneous. thought. pointed. techno1ogica1change. Bound(1996)supported. ana1ysis、. severa1articles. factor. offer. autarky. far. factor. considering. data. guesswork)and. s. price. is. of. whole.肺Berman,Machin. the. (Krug_. back−of−the_envelope. ski1l−biased. (terτns. Finally,工introduce. views,Based. the. mode1. of15_30%、. that. econo皿y. a. with. of. pervasive. prices. as. from. even. whose. group. price. Kmgman. increase. which. importance. point. and. consistent2exp1anation. is. re1ative. an. the. actua1data. to. m」ost. explained. economy. affect. CGE. impact. Krugman(1995a)and. (1996)、Krugman. can. two−sector. of. different. vo1ume.Thus. effect,the. inequa1ities. described. sma/l. modest;According. calculation,it. income. a. trade. Stolper−Samue1son. The. miniature. co㎜bi皿ation. is,on1y. differentia1is. the. a. advanced(skill−intensive)country. flat.That. large of. the. used. 59. content. which. share. differel1t. point. studies,Borjas,Freeman,and. of. Katz. (1992)andSachsandShat・(ユ994)foundthattradehas・o・一significa・t but1arger. than. Krugman. s(ユ997)estimate. Wood(1995)c㎝c1uded. the. substantial. th」e. analysis. 2. based. tends. −C⑪n」sistent. to. on. impact. understate. with. the. fact. of. trade. assumption」that the. of. impact. increasi皿g. of. impact. on. on. the. wage. the. .n」ormal. trade,But. relatiYe. I. demalld{or. wages,However, gap. is. factor. would. ar馴e. skllled」1abor. quite content that. withi皿. i.ndustries,. 9.25.

(6) 60. 早稲田商学第403号. m.any. of. the. assu」Inpti㎝s. ence(1996),Wood technoIogies fo1!o」w. and. as. the. s. Since a−trade be. and. wcrthwhile. are. dubious,As. countries. o{arg汕.血ents. that. cannot by. ar馳ed. NIEs. be. by. h帥e. Lawr−. the. jus宜fied,3. Thus. s伽e I. wm. Krugm.an,La」wrence,Berman箏Machin. others、. 3.Sam岨1son,s Goods. Wood. cmcia1assumption. ad∀mced. li口e. Bound,and. by. A皿ge1Sto町and. Its. Imp1ic抗ion㎞」M,u咄. Mode1 I. win. wi1I to. adoPt. the. integrated−econo加y. discuss. the. multi−goods. review. Sa皿1ユeI§on苧s. FigI』re1:一ntegraied. model. Angel. Edgewoけh. with. story. Box. ap帥oach亡o two. intemation−. factors,it. wm. here,4. f◎r. inpuis. Q. B O 一一ぎ:・一. 」u. …G. ・一4.....一鼻…ヅ. nskil1ed. Labor. O 3. Tbis. point. 4. This. way. Elh…i鉋a皿 oomplete. 926. Skilled. is. also. of1ooking Help皿an. description. made. at. by. of. the. A. Krugm加(ユ995a)一. intematio血註1モrad色was. during. Labor. his story. trad芭 in. policy. first cours僅. Krugma口(1995b)、. introduc芭d 註t. to皿i直by. Harvard−Later. I. Professor iound. the.

(7) Ec㎝o,my−Wlde Sklll−Biased T㏄hnolo釦al Change,Demand Sh1ft, Labor Supp1y Change,and Income D1stributio皿Probie叩. First,think. factors. The. of. of. combination. whose. sides. Edgeworth of. the. the. a. sing1e. production,we. of. factor. represent. Box. for. labor)、We. which. has. fixed. We. think. of. two. (expressed. intensive(expressed. two. factors. must a. in. by. we. this. equa1to. the. factor. vector. assume. Now. sing1e. Samue1son. two:the. one. low−ski111abor. expressed assume. the. area. these. as. the. two. a. point. al1ocation. of. cou」ntry. and. FE,The. into. vectors. simply. and. QG. OD.As. O. and. each. ski1led1abor cther. of. intensive. more. the. the. good.. unski11ed. allow. of. production. 1abor. than. two. endowment. production. we. di▽ision. diagram.To. within. a. as. produces. and. of. vectors. can. of. draw. things. trade. is. goods. using. produces. two. Helpman. those. put. wor1d. other. point. is. easier,we. al1owed. wi11replicate. of. the. the. diversification(within. Q. sum. sp王it. endowment. make. cone. free. of. two. country. GE.The. wor1d. abundant(Q)and. structure. Professor. endowment. endowment. for. the. the. the be. other. world the. coefficients. emp1oyment,given. para1le1ogram).As1ong. production. 5. in. the. type. sum. rectangle. rectang1e(OAQB).. came. countries,emp1oyment. OF. OC. E. a. Leontief. the. high−ski111abor. should. as. represents. with. case,as. Fi馴re1:Integrated. vector.(OC+O1)=OQ)So the. this. low−skil11abor,5. expressed. assume. economy,the. angel. w・ith. and. OD).(Later,we. abundant(0).Now. division,The vectors. s. OB. OC),and. full. endowment. factors.工n. represents. intensity. vector. paral1elogram(OCQD)inside. into. is. products,one. by. two. a皿omt.(See. labor)whereas. technique. products.)Since. factor. Inputs.)Thus,OA. factor2(unski11ed. now. with. high−ski111abor. endowments. each. factor1(ski1led. technique. economy. choose. 6ユ. it、. even. the goods. vectors Free. between. after. the. production using. wiH. trade. the. become restored. Followi皿9.Km騨狐(1995・,ユ997)、wewil〕oc・s㎝tw・雌e・e皿t・kim1・bo・s. rather. than. ar馴men」ts. on for. distr=but1on. gf. a this. traditi⑪nal. Iabor−capital. justi正icaむ一〇口。The. incom[e. between. capit試1and. combi皿adon,See. m劃in lab⑪r. Krugman. s. reaso皿{or1eavi皿9capita1out has. been. quite. papers is. for. th」at. the the. stable,. 92?.

(8) 62. 早稲田. the. economic. structure. who/e、ガ6The economies closed. to. imp1ication replicate. econolny. 1But. products,whicl1is. Anoモher. mt. than. factors. the. assumption. 403号. 」wouId. hav. this. we. win. true. of. cal=mot I. of. this. in{inite1y皿加y. is. the. the. goods. wor1d. can. economy. same. story. in. a. as. allow. as. n.u皿エber. if. divided. it. of. a. is. factors. a and. reality.. determine. Inake. as. trade. g1obal. ha∀e. in. existed. that. the. case討」珊e. necessary. e. story五s. stmcture. this. i1血pIicaモion. (And. of. oi. the. in. goods. continuum. which. 商学第. that. when. pattern. ne笈t. with. of. trade. section. two. there. is. a・re皿ore precisely、. such. a. case:a. factors一・ski11ed−1abor. andmski1l・d−llabor)、Ina・los・d(・rintegr・ted)econ㎝、ymd・llike thi§,w. e. factors. whiむ」h1㎞its. two. can. disregard. goods,we. have. the. to. al1ocate. that. with. a. there. tl■ade. vector. ways. cannct. pa」脱erns. in. a. be. This. 6. adding. we. not. renect. by. many. deve工oping. the. the. te11s. Thus. assulIiption. actua1ly. property. are. ▽ectors.7. will. equal. our. it. is. two. factors. endow」肌ent. factors. so. end〇一w血ent. the. that. and. of. mre. than. the§u血of. vector、」But. the. there. are. Way」Sl Mathematical. up. side,because. deInan.d,When椛have. production▽ectors血ust. many. de血and. countries. m1〕1ti−goods. occurring.In. cheap. terIlユs. ElhanaIl. nlay. labor of. not. a. intensity. one. way. independent. than. of. is. case,trade. the. the. with. t◎co㎜e. vectcrs. pattem. of. trading. but two. production. patterns. endowment,The. Iow_ski1l. or. usua1. intensive. hoId, makes. the. theory. setting,ter」In.s. in. on1y. vector」with加.ore. this. goods,Increase. improvenlent. l≡Ielpman.StatelI1ent. one. case.If. are. is. linearly. the. factor. intensi∀e. trade. up. there. specify. countries. setting. such. that. 耐o. make. goods. by. adYanced. up. really. multi. deterlnined. of. to. us. class. consistent. of. in. froni.buying. trade. w. ith. what. does. not. necessary. trade more. may. cheap. not. renect. (labor. o皿Febru劃rフ13.1997,. 7工naE・clid餉nsp舵eR2,more伽皿twove・to・s・amotbeline・rlylnd・p・口dent.. 928. is. in一.

(9) Econo皿y−Wide .L邑bor. te皿sive)products fferentiated. rem. is. fro卿. products. differentiated not. right. and. section.I de工nand. the. increasing In. such. Distribut1on. a. predict. need. mode1which. a. of. the. wil1introduce. a. modeI. of. case,the the. product. 63. may. come. the. people. from. di_. for. such. Stolper_Samue1son. outcome. looks. demand. with. Shi{t,. Prob1e皿. trade. tastes. mode1to. effect. mu1ti. in. at. factor. both. rewards. mu1ti. shift.Thus,in. goods. and. Theo−. goods. the. with. of. next. product. interaction.. 4.Reinte叩re廿ng In. model. Cha㎎e,Demand. I皿co皿e. China.Growing. products.8 the. Technolo加al. Chan星e,and. and. intemationa1trade,We settings. Skm−Bi搬d. S口PPly. this. section,I. de▽e1oped. wi11draw. the. 1abor−supp1y. D_F_S. by. lMode1. wil1reinterpret. Dornbusch,Fischer. impIication change. and. of. the. product. the. and. continuum. skin−biased. demand. goods. Ricardian. Samuelson(ユ977)so. change. that. I. techno1ogica1change,. on. the. income. distri_. bution.. S鮒ing. of砒e. m拙e1. With㎜inor However,there. the. is. 8. agents. Kmgman. this and. strong. for. treat. change. world,we. one,I. types. out. the. trade. share. Iin. has. bee皿. tlle. sharp. th−e. described. puts. treat. is. quite. low. rise. in. volume. as. integrated. like. i皿Ber瓜乱n,Machin. the. and. wor:d. as. the. further alre劃dy. of. the. domestic. economy. as. is,instead. finding h目rd. D−F−S・model.. to. a be. claims. true. mode1,In. and. integrated. of. cause. both. and. foreign. of. exp/icit目b⑪1ユt. that. foreign. surge the. and. i皿一. source. transportation. and. reduction. of. those. the. pervasiveness. of. cost. c01ユ1d. 皿ot. this,. because. and. i■crease a. That. of. the. this▽ersion. world. quite. GDPl.曲He. fo11ow. are. the. difficulty. it,^It. econo皿y. discrePancy. ca皿treat. in. agents. of1abor.9. he. restrlction. increasi皿9wage. assumption. trade.As. incr蘭sed. 盆ccount. two. wil1c1ose1y. economic. this. (1997)points. tr尋de. I. in. are. i皿ter口証tional. 9. a. origina1mode1,twc. economies,B11t. two. cha㎎es,I. of. Bolmd(!996),Si皿ce employmlent. wム⑪/e. rather. ot. than. skilled. we. of. labor. separ乱峰1y. tech11.o1ogical. observe. both. a王1over. whe皿we. the the. e糊mine曲e. 929.

(10) 64. 単稲囲商. home1abor,I. use. tion. here. is. types. of工abor. comparative. high_§kiIl. that at. a. tinle.but. lo. one. use. assu皿ption. arra.n.9e. the. (And. contimity. the. and. produce. definition. of. do. so. easi1y、)Fcr. labor. as. an. entity.But. cal1this. is. i皿a或ne. service. inSide. production. One. a. producing血an,ageme」nt. manager. a too. the. firm,. constant. ㎜odeL. It. is. strong,but. if. you. you.lnight. in. this. eInp1oys. produce. tO. types. their. unit1abor. himse1f. of. inanagement produce. Plant. and. require血ents. the. comparative. the】皿anufacturing by. think、. mode1anows. two. unski11ed1abor. ser▽ice. two its. as. labor. use to. goods. maker. assump_. not. according. H_O. stro」ng. acCording in. do. Iabor. be. the. tcy. entity. regarded. assu血es. of. of. not. ski11ed. advantage,Even. m.odei. as. a§9oods)and. be. This. to. not. strongest. goods,firms. type. seeIn. example,a. mamfactur{n990ods. as. one. assu.Inption. to. service(we. of. 」mode1is. Inay. goods,it. inモhe. w_skil11abor.The. type. oniy. advantage.(So,this. Ricardian.)This. us. to. 学第403号. can. se11it. to. expressed. as. (α皇ユ,α、2箏七岩.,α、・)fcrskilled1包bor,a・d(α、ユ,α血2,..、。α。n)fbr. unskiI1ed. iabor. mmbers1,..n. continuum. where. stand. rather. subscript. for. than. s〜md. goods.We. discrete. u. can. in. stan.d. think. which. of. for. a. skin. goods. case,unit. category. categcry. labor. an.d. as. a. requirement. f・・g・od・∈[Oゴ1lca・bee・pressedasα一(・)o・α、(z)、 Define. means. A(z)=α血(z)/α、(z)such. that. as. z. of. premium. be. high. a. p(z)=α、(z)・wu m.ust. tage,A(z)=w,But answer. this. impact. 930. of. can. skil1worker. w=ws/w、、In. advantage.It. be. hcw. question.ゴ1et. Such. A(〃)wm. becomes1arger,mski1led. advantage七Therefore,we wage. that. conc1ude. and. w旭that. co血petitive. or true. labor. decreasing. wm. have. Aて2)<0,Let. that,at. m.arket,price. pervaSiv亀changes.. the. m.argin. this孤.argin. look. at. in. of. demand. be. side、. of. the. on. z.This. comparative ws. be. of1ow§ki11珊orker,Define. p(z)=αs(z)・w,depending. will us. that. be. the. sk.il1. good. z. will. comparative. comparative. determined?In. advan_. order. to.

(11) Economy−Wide Skm−Bia…£d Teohnologエcal Cbange,De皿and Shi允, Labor Supply Chan解,帥d lncome Distr1bution Problom. On. demand. the. deエnand. side,we. structure.Define. indexed. up. assu皿e. b(が)as. toが。So.by. a. both. types. fraction. of. of. labor. income. 65. share. the. salne. spent. on. goods. integrating,b(が)=∫8β(z)dz. whereβ1が). ・t・・d・f・・th・f…ti…fi…m・・p・・t・・が,・・d∫〃・)d・=1,L・t the is. labor the. equa1s sented. endowment. marginal the. total. be. L,for. good,it皿ust spending. of. skiHed be the. labor. true. that. goods. and. L,for. income. they. of. unski11ed.Ifが. total. produced.This. ski1led1abor is. repre_. as:. w、・L、=b(〆)(w、・ L、十w、・L、).. 1=igure2:Modified. D−F−S. W. model .B(z). W★. A(z). O. Z. Z. 931.

(12) 66. 早稲囲商学第403号. After. rewriting. this. equation,双e. can. wヨ液、/w、・{b(〆)/(1−b(・. To. w」h.ich. we. get. ))ザ(L./L雪). set. B(・;L血/L、)一w告/双、・/b(・)/(!−b(・))ジ(L・/Ll)・. And. w. e. can. B(z;1)schedu1e. and〆which. te1l. with. specifies. A.fter. that. B(1)is. A(z)。珊e. upward. wil1obtain. the. competitive. the. setting. bunding. sloping. of. iIl. the. we. combine. this. equilibriu㎜1ev怠1of双由. margi正し(See the. z.If. fi馴re2). D−F−S血odel,the. next. step. is. to. 。。。h.wth・・ha・g・si・1・b。…pPly,Pr・d・・td・」血and・・dte・h・・1螂 affect. The. the. relative. wages,I. wil1examine. Im脾6t. of. Labor. The. effect. of. labor. supp1y. beca11se. it. is. function. schedule. The. results. the. increase. will. Su叩1y. a. one. type. one. by. one。. Chamge change. intuitively血ake. of. the1n. will. of. appear. L,/L,given. sense,Given. of1abor. as. will1ead. the. a. shift. constant1evel. A(z)schedule. to. a. in. B(・). of2−. unchanged箏. decrease. in. their. ・。1.ti・ew・g・s・・dth・d・・r・a・・。fl・bo・wi11h・・eth・oPP・site・ff・・七. For. thus. an. exa血pIe,an. wiH. shift. increase. consistent. increase. of. unskilled1abor. B(■)scheduie. in. w=w,/wu,So. change. with. the. up.Given. if. we. wi1l. ca1ユse. Lu/Ls. A(z)schedule,this. think. increasing. of1abor. wage. rise,. will1ead. supp1y. premium. to. to. on1y苛the. win. be. the. incre.sei.m・kined1aborsupPlyo・thede・・easeinskilied1ab・r slエpply,both camot甑plain w. e. The. 932. have. to. of. the. which who1e. consider. Im脾6t. of. The. change. a. Dem加d in. are. story. di{ferent. unobserved−Labor of. the. source. of. current. supply. change. distributional. alone. issue,and. cha正ige.. Change. de血and. willえ1so. enter. the. B(・)schedule. becal〕se. the.

(13) Eco皿omy−Wide Skjl1−Bi目芭巴d Technologica1Cha㎎e,Dem獅d Shlft, .Labor Supply Change,and Income Distributlon Problem. shift. in. Since. b(1)=∫♂β(z)dz=ユ皿ust. the. de.mand. two. points. Satisfying three case. wi11appear. in. these. of. demand pattem. Figure3_Case(2)is. the. the. goods. lower. more. money. indexed high. ski1I the. the. higher. indexed. more皿oney. on1ow. llold. is. always,b(z)schedule. figures. smooth. where. goods. over. the. in. the. numbers−That. Figure3=Consun1ption. share. Figure3wi11describe. compared. Skewness. different. consumption. with. the. consumption. and. the. goods.. skewed. toward. base is. re1atively. case(1).. skewed. spend base. Demand. standard. of. spend. is.people with. the. kind. is. is,peop1e. compared. where. go◎ds. must. are(z,b(z)):(0,0)and(1,1).. nu㎜bers.That. case. skiIl. b(z)schedule.. change.Figure3_Case(1)is. case. Figure3−Case(3)is. goods. ti1t(1ocus−change)in. restrictions,由ree. consumption. on. the. common,which. possibilities where. as. 67. toward. re1ative1y. case(ユ).. Schedule. Cas剛1). b㈲. B(z〕. O. Z Case{21. 昨〕. W. 12). (1〕. :. .・・.・ ・・︑■. :. 13). .:一 ● ●. ● ■ .●●. 昨〕. 。. Z. O. ■. Cas剛3〕. ■. ノ ■ 00. /. ●. .・・.1. 、A{Z). O zZ 933.

(14) 68. 早稲田商学第403号. Through fom. モhe. to. case,I. upward. and. the. case. increase. The. of(1)一10. in. 口pward. ca工cuIation. each. schedule. base. caIibrating. b(z)in. de㎜and. and. thus. Im脾ct. of. sectoral. biased. 。λbe. a. tbe. 0. <. this. change. change. in. shift. he1d the. B(z). to. the. constant,the. B(・)schedule. wages.. 1.. will. examine. framework,Hicks−neutra1. sector. can. assume. Tεchno1ogical. shrinkageofunitlaborcostforgoodz. effects.I. D二F−S. one. coefficient,and. 〈. functiona1 the. reIatiサe. things. technologica1change. first.In. λ. On. ti1t. T㏄hnolo富ca1Change. at. technological. is. downward. will. skiユ1premjum. specific. case(2)wm. other. ski1王goods. Biased. wi111ook. technological. coefficient. high. change. assigning. the. case(3)wi11tilt. for. raise. biased. sector. by. that. Therefore,given. S㏄tor. Next,I. found. affect. that. advance. the. is. nothin9.Let size. of. expressed. the. as. a. orachangefromα皿(が)tcλ・. α、(が)whichiss加alIerthanα、(が).ApureHicks−neutraIwayof change. does. not. affect. comparative. advantage. of. good. z. because{λ・. α、(〆)}/{。λ・α、(が)}昌α、(zo)/α、(z‡).. Acombinationofsector−biasedandski11−biasedtechnoIogica1 change. in. sec亡ors. one. sector. may. not. z1,. z2. such. workers.That. is. O<zユ〈z2<1and. techno1ogical. change. described. as. is. larger. now. arbitrary,. emugh. ユO. to. As. hapPened. than. suppose. specific. has. comparative. onIy A. in. assume. z. such. that. zl. but. advantage not. functiona1for㎜s−11』sed. much. either,Pick. advantage. in. sector. z2. and. two. ski1]ed. ski11biased. the. change. is. (z2)=α、(z2)/{λ・α、(z2)}which. now. any. change. A(z1)>A(z2).I皿agine. A(z2)、Because. comparatiYe. surpass. wage. we. (2),加db(・)・22fo・(3).. 934. zユ. A(z2)→A^(z2)where. A(z)〉A竈(z2)for. change,The. 亡hat. affect. the. that. choice. of. z1,z2is. rather. A^(z2). 〉. A(zユ). A(z)〉A(z1)before. the. techno1ogical. of. enough. b(z)=z. z2i宜 to. for. anow. base. sk汕ed other. Iabor sectors. rose. but. just. between. case(1),b(z)=1og2(1+z)for.

(15) E」cq皿o町一WIde Skm−Bia∫£d Tech皿ological Change,De皿and Shlft, Labor S1]PPly Change,a口d1nco皿e D1stribution Prob1e皿. them.This. between. technology. z!≦z≦z2.This. (before) (after). which. will. o. ■. Un1ess. that. the. in. z. may. s. and. effect. me. since. zo. we. A. is. if. sectors. only. in. fol1ows;. is. not. z. s. contains. that affect. A(z)as such. that. a. we. economy_wide. all. the. in. such a. one. decreasing. exp1ain. the. imp1ications. affect. a. because. 1arge. of. domain. the. be. in. a1ittIe. z.. was. shown. if. the. that. increase. we. sectors,if. cha・nge. of. affects. 1arge. for. such. Cha㎎e. US.But the. not. shou1d. sector,it. through. technology. change. reshufning. whole,but. cannot. observe. will. margina1sector. T㏄hmlo出al. on1y. change. hapPening. wil1find. in. zo∈1(zユ,z2).. advantage. A(z)is. Ski11Bi3sed. change. the. comparative will. of. as. z榊∈【0,z1),and. like1y. happening. which is. domain. sector,the. it. its. shape. reorder. it. change. of. assume壬he the. change. re1ative. wi1工appear. will. be. ex.pressed. (z)=(1/λ)・A(z)=α、(z)ぺλ・α、(z)}for. economy_wide. all. z. condition. upward. as. the. wage. as. the. A(z)schedule.. The. The. a. economy−wide,we. in. the. marginal. Even. tec』〕nological. change,because. in. differentials,1t. sti1l. as. biased. shift. the. alL. z2switched. differentials. skill. is. at. ofE60mmy−Wide. biased. wage. of. A(〆串)>A(zl)>A(zo)〉A(z2). where. contains. affect. As1ong. ordering. described. ordering. change,it wage. Im脾6t. ski1l. the. sector. increases. is. <Z1くZO. wage. technologica1. change. the. A(z榊)>A‡(z2)>A(z1)>A(7o). <Z2. re1ative. aヱters. z榊くzユくzo<z2and. redefine. o. Z. the. change. 69. shift. of. s.ki11biased. change. Oくλく1i.mplies(!/λ)〉ユ、So皿ew A(巫).Given. pre皿iu㎜」increase.The. point. B(z)schedule,this. here. is曲at. in. Aてz)curve. shift. order. as. s,. to. wm. lead. shift. to. the. is. an. a. wage. A(厄) 935.

(16) 70. 早稲田商学第403号. schedu1e,technolodcai 」The」Ef旋c舌of. Combiηa貨on. Fina1iy.let. respect. to. change. s. be. of」Those. examine. what§ee皿s. must. to. a. economy−wide.. Ch3mges. com.bination. be. happening. effect. of. the. real. in. those. changes. with. wor1d.B・erm詠n,. M・china・dBomd(1996)fcundth・inc・・aseofhigh−skini・bor employed. in. obser〉e. not. such. that. But. this. a1血ost. the. B(・)schedu1e e1se. Another. product the. in. skil1ed. happening. change. which. de㎜and.The. B(・)schedule. of1abor. supPly. demand. shift. upward. after. plausib1e. fuuy. obser▽ing. or. the. at. shift. the. can. recen亡increase. is. fully. in. be. the. is. the. high−skm can. counter. larger. shift. case. tbat. cha正ige. in. goods. win. move. mitigate. the. effect. the. effect,. If. the. supP工y,it. pushes. the. effect.In. either. case,it. is. high−ski11goods. by. suppIy in. getting. mus亡. ch包nge. unskilled−abor)win. mo▽ement. labor. increase. e. supP1iy. time,. towa.rd. that. the. to. the」B(・)scheduIe. shift. even. labor. Thus,it㎜ust. same. the1abor. the. also. high−ski11workers. the. wm. counters. assume. econom.y−Therefore.w but. than/lpI. demand. combining. to. of. upwar(1such. change. the. change. labor(re工ative. down,rather is. in. dem.and. tota1employ皿ent. increase. soInething. a11sectors. on1y1abor. demand. demand. toward. for. computer. schedule. software,high−. ski/lserv1ces,andsocn,11. Then,if economy−wide we. wi1l. expect. My. three. 936. observe. ski11biased the. of. what. Note. from. the. A(・)schedu1e. is. suppiy. change. i口wage. rea1ly. happening. shift血ust. data.Then. th目t,accoτding. to. the. ski]led. productio■services. mside. PCs)oan. be. demand. counted. as. the. shift(upward)induced. technologica1ch加ge,it. relative. effects.Labor. むonfirmed. ユ1. guess. we. to. observe. setup of. be. of. the. shift. is. favoring. is. high. the. cccurring increasing. this血ode1,shift firm($uoh. toward. m.ost. as. and. this. demand. output. of. can. a11. be. prem.iu血,we. toward. adlninistrational. hlgh−ski11ed. that. ski11workers.. combination. skin. in. like1y. by. high−. sねffs. goods.. using.

(17) Econo皿y_Wide Sk1ll,B岨舵d Tec1molo釦cal Ch旦皿go,De皿and Shift, Labor S1』pp1y Change,伽d Iエ1come Distributlon Problem. must. have. counter. technology say. that. is1arge. change both. to. predict. production. From. and. is. the. Iikely. product. demand are. offset. a. pa沈ern. 5.Comc1udillg. there. and. effects. e11ough. easily. effects比rough. of. either. shift. toward. happening. the. labor. huge. wage. the. economy. or. and. supp1y. both. economy−wide. high_ski11goods.I. especial1y,the shift−If. premium. 7ユ. that. increase. much.(See. demand is. wou1d change. true,we. without. can. changing. Figure4). Remarks reinterpretation to. be. demand. an. of. the. o1d. economy−wide. shift,possibly. Figure4=Source. D−F−S. skiu−biased. together. of. mode1,I. Wage. with. found. that. technologica工change. skilled. labor. supply. Premiurn. つ○. ○・◆。. W. Tec11n0109y. \。Change. B(z). =. ○. ○. o●. .. ,. \ つ. :. ◆・。. 0emand. ・. 3. Shi冊. 1. ㌧ ○・。:. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・. ・・・・・・…㌻ ○ ■ .. ○ ○. ○○. . ・. ○. W.g・P・。mi.m... ◆ ・。。 。. 。. Labo「SupP1y. 〃. 〆。。. !. ○. り. !. .・. 〃. .. o〇. ■・. 〃. 〃. A(z). 〃. 一. 一・. O 93?.

(18) 72. 早稲田商学第403号. increase. in. order. to. exp1ain. the. recent. increase. in. ski11premium. of. American.workers. The皿erit. effect. of. of. using. de」Inand. cnrrent1iterature tends. by. a皿」g血ented. produ.ct is. that. on. wage. deIliand. together. product. aspects. of. the. the. it. us. supp1y. framework. about. supp1y modei. but. i」㎜.pact. has. to. not. the. effect.The. trade can. and. be. been. contribution of. analy2e. side. side12which. economy,The. possible. al1ows. with. Heckscher−Ohユin. that. we1ook. at. shows1arge. change,but. have. on. that. wage. explained discussi口g. of. this. paper. demand. side. effect. ponsistent. with. data. product. differentia1s.. worユd.There. order. changes. conceptual. focus. iモshowed. If. which. side. on. issues the. tO. D_F_S㎜.ode1is. to. a. are. suppIy. increase. in. many. 七he. exp1ain. s11ch. side. issue.this. ski11ed. explanations. explanation. sulPP1y. increases,The. labor. a. of. change. in. emp−oyment. there supP1y. the. exp1anation柳hich. combined. Iabor. out. 1abcr. mode1is. looking shift. emp1oyment. is. explanation藪ven. is. al1over labor. not. with. the. last. this. model. the. de血and. enough.In.. structure,we. consistent. jn. at. have. wage. t0. premium. sectioη4wi1l. do. that.. One. of. doesn,exp1ain 加ode1did the. impact. of. that of. The. 13. on. a亘盆1ysis. 0㌃igiエlal. ClOS菅d. 938. them.13. at. This. pervasive. structural. hapPening. is. using. a11,even. is. what. potentia1prob1em. of1abor,While. assu皿ption. 12. patterns. in. simply. because. change. is. though. on. the. because. of. isモhat. the I. model. origina1D−F−S. wanted. inco㎜e. the. look. at. distribution. by. pervasi▽e. to. changes,not. trade,. Ancther. groups. potentia1problems. trade. exp1ain. assuming because. the. factors. on. labor. is. the. adopti㎎a just. two. dema口d三s. a−so. DFS加ode工is. eCOnO皿y.. is. aヒrade. assumption. continuu㎜of. types. a. model. of. of. product. whereas. equany. s1ユpp工y. this. ho㎜ogeneous. fina1goods,my. producti▽e. side. two. workers一. issu巴. ame皿dmentΨersion. is. about. a.

(19) Econo㎜y−Wide Skill−B1富sed T㏄hnological Cha㎎e,Demand Sh1{t, Labor Supply Change.a皿d Imome Dlstrib皿tion Pr⑪blem. However,if c1oser. to. we. extend. the. the. reality,but. factors,it may. sbook,D伽㈱ψαF伽げん㈹(1992).andsaid. keep. the. model. as. Krugman because. the. of. view. simp1e. this. as. two. factor. model. beauty. se,b11t. because. per. my.I. apPreciate. those. model. even. five. twenty. real. and. three years. may be. become. beautiful. Stephen. Wein−. theo・iesshould. assumption. as. benevolent. to. possibIe.. D−F−S. between. not. Krugman(1993)cited. appreciated. its. connection. I. theory.As. many. si皿p1icity.It. be・g. !4. a. lose. to. beautiful.. as. inc1uding. may. enough. be. serve. model it. 73. in. monetary. economists after. it. his. the. was. paper(ユ993)not. D−F−S. sides for. same. of. the. first. paper. dea1t. international. apPlicability. of. with. econo− their. written.. A6kow1刮雛m㎝t The. aunthor. helpful. wou1d1ike. to. thank. Professor. Dani. Rodrik. of. Harvard. University. for. hls. comme口ts.. Ref飢emes Berman,Eli,Stephen. Technological SchooI. of. Machin. of. John. Bound. Economics,University. Borjas,George,Richard Eifects. and. Cha皿ge:lntemational of. Free皿an,狐d. Immigr劃tion. and. Advantage,Trade,and. of. Fiscber. Mimeo,Boston. Michigan,and. NBER−July1996. Lawrence. Trade}In. W鰍尭ダ㎝む畠,(Chicago=University. Dornbusch,Rudiger,Stanley. Borjas. Chicago. and. Pヨymen鳩in. (1996).咄Imp工ications. Evidence.. a. Paul. Katz(1992). and. On. of. Ski11−B王ased. University,Londcn the. Labor. Market. Freeman(eds)/舳刎{酬σ蜘侃α励肋召. Press)213−244.. A.Samue1son. Rlcardian. Model. with. (1977).山Compa胴tlve a.Continuum. of. Goods. A伽遭柵伍猟Eむ榊πR例如ω,Dec.ユ977,823_839,. Freeman,Richard. B.(1995)、. .Are. Your. Wages. Set. in. Beijing?呵伽7㎜1がE伽舳如. P鮒s卿棚惚8,Voi口1ne9,Nu皿b弓r3=!5−32.. Krugman,Pau1(ユ997),{. Tr劃de. and. WageゴIn. Kreps,David. M.and. Kennet.h. F,W」al11s. (eds)〃螂棚s伽卿榊榊∫棚色む榊榊肋・j伽硲肋物肋枕棚、S召榊娩W棚∂ C妙g犯∫s,(Cambridge,U..K、:Cヨmbrldge. Univers1ty. Krugman,Pau1(!995a).}丁鶯chnolo馴.Trade纈nd N皿mber5355与Published. !4. Press)Vo1皿me. Factor. Prices. I1!−18.. .NBER. Wか后枇厚Pψ偉㎎。. in∫鋤榊;ψ∫呪f榊辻伽王Eoα榊拠s,50(2000).51_7!,. Krugma皿(!993)P.3. 939.

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