• 検索結果がありません。

公 示 国立大学法人北陸先端科学技術大学院大学学長選考会議は, 次期学長を選考するに当たり, 下記のとおり学長選考方針について公示する 令和元年 5 月 14 日 国立大学法人北陸先端科学技術大学院大学学長選考会議 記 1. 学長選考を行う理由令和 2 年 3 月 31 日をもって現学長の任期が満了


Academic year: 2021

シェア "公 示 国立大学法人北陸先端科学技術大学院大学学長選考会議は, 次期学長を選考するに当たり, 下記のとおり学長選考方針について公示する 令和元年 5 月 14 日 国立大学法人北陸先端科学技術大学院大学学長選考会議 記 1. 学長選考を行う理由令和 2 年 3 月 31 日をもって現学長の任期が満了"


読み込み中.... (全文を見る)



公 示





































一 管理運営に関する実績

二 教育研究に関する実績

三 社会貢献に関する実績

四 意向調査

五 学長候補者による所信

六 その他学長選考会議が必要とする事項










平成28年3月17日 学 長 選 考 会 議 決 定 平成28年9月15日改訂 平成31年3月15日改訂 学長選考の基本方針と期待される資質・能力 我が国初の国立先端科学技術大学院大学として創設された本学は,基本理念の下,豊かな 学問的環境の中で国内外から多様な出身・分野の学生が集うことの特性を生かし, 社 会のニーズを先行的に捉え独自の質を追求することにより,我が国の大学院改革のパイロ ットスクールとして数々の教育研究上の成果を上げてきた。 現在本学は,2016年の全学融合体制の構築を契機とした教育研究改革を断行し,これ を通じて「知的にたくましい人材」の育成を教育理念とし,産業界や社会の各所でイノベー ションを推進できる高度な実務的人材の育成に寄与しようとしている。 このため,本学の次期学長は,以下のような見識と資質・能力を備えていることが望まれ る。 1.使命と基本理念の継承・発展 本学が時代の要請に応え継続的に成長・発展できるよう,大学院大学である本学の特徴や 存在意義を深く理解し,本学が開学以来追求してきた使命と基本理念に共感しこれを継承・発 展させる強い意思を有していること。 2.課題の理解,明確な将来構想と戦略的な経営 本学の使命と基本理念を踏まえ,更なる進化のための明確なビジョンと具体的な方策を構 想し,構成員の意欲や能力を引き出し,本学の個性を活かし,経営資源の効率的活用を図り, 強いリーダーシップをもって以下の課題と取組み,その計画を実現する高い意欲を有している こと。 ・産業界を含む学内外の知を結集した新たな教育研究を追求することにより,より 広い経験と知識に対する挑戦力をもち,変化の激しい現代社会を生き抜く人材の 育成を推進すること。 ・産業界の協力を得て,科学的シーズと社会的ニーズを繋ぐ教育研究を推進し,博 士人材の産業界等への輩出に重点を置くこと。また,大学主導で産業界等が抱え る課題・ニーズを発掘し,イノベーション創出に繋げる研究を促進すること。 ・海外の様々な機関との連携・協力を進め世界的な教育研究拠点の形成を図るとと もに,幅広い視野や高い自主性・コミュニケーション能力をもつ,国際社会での 主導的人材を育成すること。 ・地域を重視し地域と深く結びついた社会貢献に取り組むこと。 別 紙


3.資質・能力 学内はもとより地域社会からも敬意と信頼をもって迎えられる高潔な人格と管 理運営,教育研究及び社会貢献に関する優れた実績を有し,多様な分野に共感できる 柔軟性と,構成員の意見に耳を傾ける深い思考や幅広い調整力と共に,機を見て大胆な意 思決定を可能とする実行力を備えていること。 大学経営の本質を心得,激動の時代に負けないスケールと経営的職能を有していること を期待する。


Official Announcement on President Selection

Regarding selecting the next President, we make an official announcement concerning the president selection policy as follows.

May 14, 2019

President Selection Committee of National University Corporation Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

1. Reason Why We Select Candidates for President

Because the term of office of the current president will expire on March 31, 2020. 2. Qualification of Candidate for President

A candidate for president should be a person who has a noble personality, excellent academic knowledge, and the ability to appropriately and effectively manage education and research activities at JAIST, and meets the standard called “Basic policy for president selection and desired qualities and abilities for the next president” (attached sheet) set by the President Selection Committee.

3. President’s Term of Office

Six years from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2026 4. President Selection Process and Schedule etc.

(1) On May 22, 2019 (planned), the President Selection Committee will hold a briefing session to explain the point of the president selection this time and the way of searching for a suitable person to assume the role of the president.

(2) On June 3, 2019 (planned), we will announce the process of recommendation of the candidate for president. When the nomination form of presidential candidate (with the names of 10 qualified recommenders listed) and the statement of reasons for recommendation are submitted, the consent form of the presidential candidate, the resume and the presidential candidate’s policy must be submitted at the same time. The forms of the necessary documents for recommendation are specified in Article No. 4 of the Detailed Regulations for the Enforcement of the President Selection Rules of National University Corporation Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology.

(3) During the period between July 29 and 31, 2019 (planned), we will accept recommendation of the candidate for president.


(4) During the period between August 6 and 9, 2019 (planned), we will announce how to conduct the Opinion Survey by voting mentioned below. We will announce the list of presidential candidates (up to 6 candidates) and materials, such as the nomination form of presidential candidate, the statement of reasons for recommendation, the resume and the presidential candidate’s policy.

(5) On September 6, 2019 (planned), we will hold the Briefing Session of President Candidates’ Policy.

(6) On October 3, 2019 (planned), we will conduct the Opinion Survey by voting. We will conduct early voting on September 17 - October 2 (planned) only for those who cannot vote on the above voting day.

(7) At the President Selection Committee held on October 4 (planned), we will conduct interviews with presidential candidates and determine one candidate for the president based on the following matters:

a) Achievement about management administration b) Achievement on education and research

c) Achievement on social contribution d) Result of the Opinion Survey by voting e) Presidential Candidate’s Policy

f) Other matters required by the President Selection Committee

5. Official Announcement and Publication Method

In addition to the JAIST bulletin board, the official announcement will be posted on the JAIST homepage.

≪Relational Rules etc.≫

○President Selection Committee Rules of National University Corporation Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

○President Selection Rules of National University Corporation Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

○Detailed Regulations for the Enforcement of President Selection Rules of National University Corporation Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

○President’s Dismissal Rules of National University Corporation Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology


The official text is the Japanese version. The English translation is not intended to have any legal effects and is provided for information purposes only. In case of any discrepancies between the translation and the Japanese version, the latest Japanese version will prevail.


Decided by President Selection Committee on March 17, 2016 Revised: September 15, 2016 Revised: March 15, 2019 Basic policy for president selection and

desired qualities and abilities for the next president

Founded as Japan's first National Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, JAIST has, under its basic principles, accomplished many achievements in education and research as a pilot school for graduate school reform in Japan. JAIST has taken advantage of its rich academic environment, its diverse students with a variety of backgrounds and fields from inside and outside of Japan, and its pursuance of unique qualities by grasping future needs of society.

JAIST has been carrying out education and research reforms since the integration of all three schools in 2016, in order to contribute to the development of high-quality and practical human resources who can promote innovation anywhere in industry and society, based on the education principle of the development of “students with intellectual toughness”.

For the reasons stated above, it is desirable that the next president of JAIST holds the insights, qualities and abilities listed below.

1. Inherit and develop the mission and basic principles

The next president should deeply understand the characteristics and significance of JAIST as a graduate university so that JAIST can continuously grow and develop in response to the needs of the times, and sympathize with the mission and basic philosophy that JAIST has pursued since its opening and have a strong intention to inherit and develop them.

2. Hold understanding of issues, clear future vision of development, and strategic management skills

Based on the mission and basic principles of JAIST, the next president should hold a clear vision and concrete measures for further development, bring out the motivations and abilities of the members, and utilize the uniqueness of JAIST, make efficient use of management resources, and work on the following issues with strong leadership and high motivation to materialize the plan.

- Promote the development of human resources who can survive a rapidly changing modern society with a broader experience and challenge to Knowledge by pursuing new education and research that brings together knowledge inside and outside the JAIST, including industry.

- Receiving the cooperation of industries, promote education and research that connects scientific seeds and social needs, and place emphasis on producing talents with doctoral degree for industries, etc. In addition, identify issues and needs that industry faces, led by JAIST, and promote research that leads to the creation of innovation.

- Develop leading human resources in the international community with wide-ranging perspectives and high autonomy and communication skills while promoting collaboration and cooperation with various overseas organizations to form global education and research centers.

- Focus on the local community and work on social contribution deeply connected with the community.


3. Qualities and abilities

The next president should have the noble personality that will receive respect and trust at JAIST as well as from the local community, and have excellent record of management and administration, education and research and social contribution, and also, should have the flexibility to empathize with diverse fields and the ability to execute bold decisions without missing opportunities. The next president should also be able to think profoundly and listen carefully to the opinions of members.

The next president is highly expected to understand the essence of university management and holds the scale and managerial ability that cannot be lost in the turbulent times.

The official text is the Japanese version. The English translation is not intended to have any legal effects and is provided for information purposes only. In case of any discrepancies between the translation and the Japanese version, the latest Japanese version will prevail.



金沢大学大学院 自然科学研 究科 Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University, Kakuma, Kanazawa 920-1192, Japan 金沢大学理学部地球学科 Department

1991 年 10 月  桃山学院大学経営学部専任講師 1997 年  4 月  桃山学院大学経営学部助教授 2003 年  4 月  桃山学院大学経営学部教授(〜現在) 2008 年  4

清水 悦郎 国立大学法人東京海洋大学 学術研究院海洋電子機械工学部門 教授 鶴指 眞志 長崎県立大学 地域創造学部実践経済学科 講師 クロサカタツヤ 株式会社企 代表取締役.

訪日代表団 団長 団長 団長 団長 佳木斯大学外国語学院 佳木斯大学外国語学院 佳木斯大学外国語学院 佳木斯大学外国語学院 院長 院長 院長 院長 張 張 張 張

2020年 2月 3日 国立大学法人長岡技術科学大学と、 防災・減災に関する共同研究プロジェクトの 設立に向けた包括連携協定を締結. 2020年

向井 康夫 : 東北大学大学院 生命科学研究科 助教 牧野 渡 : 東北大学大学院 生命科学研究科 助教 占部 城太郎 :

国公立大学 私立大学 短期大学 専門学校 就職

高村 ゆかり 名古屋大学大学院環境学研究科 教授 寺島 紘士 笹川平和財団 海洋政策研究所長 西本 健太郎 東北大学大学院法学研究科 准教授 三浦 大介 神奈川大学 法学部長.