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英語 常葉大学短期大学部 大学案内募集要項過去問


Academic year: 2018

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. 表紙以外 問題用紙 枚 た.1〜10 ・解答用紙 枚あ ます 試験中 問題用紙・解答用紙 印刷不鮮明・枚数 不足・汚 等 気付い

場合 手 挙 監督者 知 せ さい

.解答用紙 解答欄以外 次 記入欄 あ 監督者 指示 従っ

正しく記入し さい

受 験 番 号 欄 受験番号 算 用 数 字 記入

氏 名 欄 氏名 楷 書 記入

.解 答 べ 解 答 用 紙 記 入し さい

.問題用紙 余白等 適宜利用し も まいませ

.試験終了後 表紙 問題用紙 持ち帰っ も まいませ

.問 ~問 全科共通問題 し 問 。 1 6 ) 〜 。 2 0 ) つ い 英 語

英 文 科 受 験 者 解 答 し よ い

問 リスニング問題 英 語 英 文 科 受 験 者 解 答

.英 語 英 文 科 受 験 者 問 リ ニ ン グ 問 題 を 最 初 放 送 し


問 . 次 (1)~(20) 空所 入 も適切 も を 14 中 つ選び 番号を記し さい 英語英文科 受験者 (16)以下 解答し くて い

(1) When the weather is good, you can get a great ( ) of Mt. Fuji from the top of the Landmark Tower in Yokohama.

1 area 2 view 3 past 4 fact

(2) Graham ( ) his finger when he touched a dish that his mother had just taken out of the oven.

1 ordered 2 prepared 3 burned 4 served

(3) Every New Year, Yumiko goes to a shrine near her house to ( ) for her family's health, safety and happiness.

1 pray 2 aim 3 dig 4 reply

(4) Before entering the church, please be sure to ( ) hats and sunglasses. 1 follow 2 remove 3 promote 4 record

(5) Risako's parents spent a lot of money on her ( ). They sent her to a private high school and paid for her to take extra English lessons outside of school.

1 audience 2 pleasure 3 wealth 4 education

(6) The doctor told Mrs. Williams to give ( ) smoking because it is unhealthy. 1 up 2 out 3 off 4 away

(7) It was difficult to choose the winner of the school art prize because three of the students had painted ( ) beautiful pictures.

1 hardly 2 equally 3 partly 4 directly

(8) In ( ) of a broken bone in his hand, the Austrian skier won the World Cup race. 1 fact 2 case 3 place 4 spite

(9) Right now, Martin rents an apartment, but his dream is to ( ) a house one day. 1 treat 2 export 3 attend 4 own


(11) Yesterday, Larry wanted to go to Liverpool, but ( ) he took the train to Manchester.

1 in control 2 at present 3 by mistake 4 on average

(12) The tourists that come to Japan ( ) visit Tokyo or Kyoto. Only a few of them travel to other areas.

1 carefully 2 perfectly 3 typically 4 slightly

(13) I watch the news on television every night to keep ( ) with world events. 1 up 2 to 3 off 4 out

(14) The businessman started his own company, Benville Motors. He ( ) it after his hometown, Benville, Minnesota.

1 carried 2 reached 3 tried 4 named

(15) At the police station, Mandy was asked to ( ) the person who took her bag in the subway.

1 connect 2 describe 3 introduce 4 realize

※ ここ 以下(16)(20) ついて 英語英文科 受験者 解答し くて い

(16) For the school's 50th anniversary, a special ( ) of the school newspaper was produced. It included many pictures and was printed on high-quality paper.

1 award 2 edition 3 policy 4 reflection

(17) Usually children aren't allowed to play in the city orchestra, but an ( ) was made for Billy because he's such a great violinist.

1 imitation 2 interaction 3 objection 4 exception

(18) Hearing the sound of footsteps behind him, Robert began to ( ) that someone was following him.

1 refuse 2 pursue 3 suspect 4 accuse

(19) If you're feeling tired, why don't you ( ) a quick nap? You'll feel much better afterwards.

1 go 2 do 3 make 4 take

(20) Last night there was a ( ) fog on the mountain road, so we had to drive very carefully.


問 . 次 (1)~(5) 各対話 い 空所 入 も適切 も を 14 選び 番号を記し さい

(1) A: Excuse me. You can't stand in front of the gym door. B: I'm sorry. I'm here to watch my son's volleyball game.

A: In that case, ( ) There are still a few empty ones left. B: Thank you. I'll do that.

1 I'll play volleyball with him.

2 I'll tell him that you're here.

3 you should find a seat inside.

4 you need to practice more.

(2) A: Simon, I want to send a letter. Is there a post office near here? B: Yes, Mary. There's one two blocks away.

A: ( ) I don't know this area. B: Of course. I'll take you there now.

1 Do you want to call me later?

2 Do you have a stamp?

3 Can you write me a letter?

4 Can you show me how to get there?

(3) A: Mike, I got tickets for the basketball game. B: Great! ( )

A: In the very front.

B: Fantastic! It's going to be an exciting game.

1 What kind of game is it?

2 How many tickets did you get?

3 Where are we sitting?


(4) A: Hi, I'd like to check in, please.

B: Certainly, sir. Would you like a window or an aisle seat? A: A window seat, please. ( )

B: It will take two hours to get to London.

1 When does the flight leave?

2 How long is the flight?

3 What time is the flight?

4 What flight should I take?

(5) A: John, is that a new cell phone?

B: Yes. I just got it yesterday. It takes great pictures and videos! A: Wow! ( )

B: It was. I spent all the money that I'd saved from my part-time job.

1 It looks just like my cell phone.

2 It must have been expensive.

3 Was it working yesterday?


問 . 次 各文(1)~(5) い 下 16 語句を並べ え 空所を補い 文を完成 さ さい 解答 ※印 入 語句 番号 けを 前 順 記し さい 文頭

来 語句も 選択肢 小文字 表記し あ

(1) Many foreign tourists are still avoiding trips to the disaster-hit prefectures of the Tohoku region ( )( ※ )( )( ※ )( )( ※ ).

1 lingering 2 radioactive contamination 3 concerns

4 due 5 about 6 to

(2) Hydrangea ( ※ )( )( ※ )( ) in Tokyo's Ginza area on Saturday

when the Japan Meteorological Agency ( ※ ) that ( ) had begun in the Kanto


1 bloom 2 full 3 in

4 the rainy season 5 announced 6 appeared

(3) Language badges are now being worn by about 400 employees at Narita Airport to ( )( ※ )( )( ※ )( )( ※ ) speak their language.

1 to 2 allow 3 persons

4 foreign visitors 5 who 6 easily identify

(4) ( )( ※ )( ) the Shin-Tomei Expressway, ( ※ )( )( ※ )

to the 'old' Tomei Expressway, during its opening ceremony in April.

1 paraded 2 cars 3 which

4 parallel 5 along 6 runs

(5) ( )( ※ ) at Tokyo's Sumida Park, with Tokyo Skytree in the background.

The Skytree ( ※ )( )( ※ )( ) at night.

1 was illuminated 2 glowed 3 test


問 . 次 文章を読 空所(1)~(5) 入 も適切 も を 下 14 つ つ選び 番号を記し さい


The name fruit is usually given to any fleshy part of a plant that has developed from a flower

and has seeds, such as apples and strawberries. Some things that are usually considered to be vegetables, such as tomatoes and avocados, are actually fruits. But most people do not think of them as fruit because they are not eaten as ( 1 ).

In most parts of the world, fruits grow wild. In ancient times, people gathered fruits long before they grew crops for food. When they began to cultivate crops, they planted the seeds from the best fruits. In time, the fruit from cultivated plants became ( 2 ) than the wild fruits.

As people began to travel, they took fruit seeds with them. In this way, many fruits ( 3 ) from the places where they first grew to other parts of the world where the climate was also suitable. Oranges, for example, are native to Southeast Asia and have been grown in China for centuries. They reached Europe in the ninth century.

Today fruits native to many different areas of the world are grown wherever the climate is suitable. Apples, peaches, pears, plums and grapes are grown in all lands having ( 4 ) climates.

Most fruit is picked by hand. Once fruit is harvested, it may be shipped to be sold fresh, put into cold storage, or processed. In the processing plant, it may be canned, frozen, dried, or ( 5 ) for juice.


問 5. 次 英文を読 次ページ (1)〜(5) 各文 続く表現 し も適切 も を

aj 選び 記号を記し さい


The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (commonly known as UNESCO) was established in 1946 by 26 countries, including the U.K. Its purpose was to provide for the "conservation and protection of the world's inheritance of books, works of art and monuments of history and science." On November 16, 1972, a special programme was founded at the "Convention Concerning the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage".

Japan signed up to the convention twenty years later and, as of 2012, a total of 189 countries from all over the world have signed up to become part of the project. A "UNESCO World Heritage Site" is a place (such as a forest, mountain, lake, desert, monument, building or city) that is listed by UNESCO as of special 'cultural' or 'physical' significance. There are, therefore, two types of sites: Cultural Heritage Sites and Natural Heritage Sites. There are also a small number of sites, only 29, which are listed as a mixture of the two types.

In 2012, the list contained 962 sites spread across 157 countries and covering every corner of the globe. 745 of these sites were cultural, 188 of them were natural and the rest were a combination of the two. Italy has the most sites of any country in the world with 47, followed by Spain with 44 and China with 43. 25 different countries have a total of at least 10 sites.

In Japan, there are twelve Cultural Heritage Sites and four Natural Heritage Sites, the one added to the list most recently, being the Temples and Gardens of Hiraizumi (in 2011). Each country can nominate new sites to be considered by UNESCO, and Japan has submitted a list of more than 10 over the last twenty years. Mount Fuji was nominated in 2007 but was not accepted as it did not meet the strict conditions which are set for all new sites. This is surprising as it is considered by many as the symbol of Japan itself!


The number of World Heritage Sites will continue to increase in the future, but all of them should remind us that we should treasure and protect the culture, history and natural beauty of our own and all other countries in the world.

(1) UNESCO was established in 1946 to…

(2) The Japanese Government agreed to sign up to the convention…

(3) There are two types of World Heritage Sites but…

(4) Mount Fuji is not a World Heritage Site because…

(5) Only 25 sites are actually in the U.K as…

a as of 2012.

b UNESCO has very strict rules.

c stop people damaging the natural world.

d Stonehenge is more than 5,000 years old.

e the majority are cultural sites.

f most of them are in Italy and Spain.

g protect and preserve important things in the world's history.

h three U.K. sites are far away colonies.

i it is considered as a symbol of Japan.


問6. リスニング問題:英語英文科 受験者 み解答し さい

今 対話文を 3 つ放送し 対話文 つい 全部 5つ 質問 さ

質問 解答 選択肢を放送 前 く読 さい し 質

問 答え し も適切 も を AD つ選び 記号を記し さい

対話文 質問 回 つ放送さ

注 初 対話 者 後 つ 対話 者 も

Conversation One

Question (1)

A A client. B The woman's friend.

C The woman's husband. D A colleague.

Question (2)

A She has a job interview. B She is on vacation.

C She is attending a conference. D She wants to visit her hometown.

Conversation Two

Question (3)

A He is not very friendly. B He's a good skier.

C He's very interesting. D He's not a good teacher.

Question (4)

A A green blouse. B A great dress.

C A red skirt. D A green dress.

Conversation Three

Question (5)


成25 度 特待生入試前期日程 英語 リスニング問題 Script Conversation One

A: I'd like you to meet one of my friends. B: Great, I'd love to.

A: This is Lisa. She's from my hometown. B: Hi, Lisa. I've heard a lot about you. C: Really? Only nice things, I hope. B: Yes, of course. Only nice things. A: Lisa's here on vacation.

B: Well, I hope you enjoy your visit. C: Thanks. I’m sure I will.

Question (1) Who is the man introduced to? Question (2) Why is Lisa visiting her friend?

Conversation Two

A: So, classes start next week. Who's your new teacher? B: Peter Thomas. I don’t know him, do you?

A: Yes. He’s a good teacher and he's very interesting. B: That's good. How about you? Who's your teacher? A: Diane Wilson.

B: I don't know her. What's she like?

A: She's a good teacher, too. But she's not that friendly. B: Is that her, over there?

A: Yeah. The woman wearing the green dress.

Question (3) What kind of teacher is Peter Thomas? Question (4) What is Diane Wilson wearing?

Conversation Three

A: Thank god, it's Friday. B: Yeah, it's been a hectic week.

A: Do you have any plans for the weekend?

B: Nothing special. I just have a few errands to run. A: Well, would you like to check out a show?


度  特待生入学試験前期日程 解答用紙 


受 験 番 号 氏        名 得   点

※ 6〜 ついて 英語英文科 受験者 解答し くてよい





















※ 6〜 英語英文科 受験者 解答し くてよい






(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)



































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Amount of Remuneration, etc. The Company does not pay to Directors who concurrently serve as Executive Officer the remuneration paid to Directors. Therefore, “Number of Persons”


静岡大学 静岡キャンパス 静岡大学 浜松キャンパス 静岡県立大学 静岡県立大学短期大学部 東海大学 清水キャンパス

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