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あるアイノレランド英語 一キルタータン方言について一


Academic year: 2022

シェア "あるアイノレランド英語 一キルタータン方言について一"


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(1)195. あるアイノレランド英語 一キルタータン方言について一. 廣. 田. 典. 夫. Syngeのrアイルランド英語」IrishEnglish−Anglo−Irishともいう 一は有名である。そのシソグのアイルラソド英語に,大きな影響を与えたの は,Lady. Grego町である。そLて,レイデイ・グレゴリイの用いたアイルラ. ンド英語は,Comty. Ga1wayのCoole. parkにある自分の所有地の村,Ki1−. tartanの農民たちカミ使っていたことば,つまり,「キルタータン方言」Ki1tar−. tan. idiomなのである。レイデイ・グレゴリイは,この素朴な農民の言葉を十. 分に生かLて,物語,C鮒. o肋0グ. 肋舳㈱とGoゐα. をまとめ,また,数々のすぐれた戯曲を書いたが,Kilta封an. 珊幼脇g〃勿 idiomが最も濃. 厚に影をおとしているのば,疑いもなく,τ加K搬α〃α〃3oo桃であろう。. この本の序文に,Padraic. Columは,τ加K肋α〃舳Poθ卿Boo為,丁加. 1Ω〃α〃α勿. and. 1anguage. H葦5foζヅ. of. the. Boo后. T乃θ1ζ〃勉〃α物. Wo〃6θ7Boo后. are. in. the. smal1,isolatedhousesandtheopenair.ωと記してい. る。. それでは,レイデイ・グレゴリイのアイルラソド英語,つまり,Ki1tartan. idiomとはいかなる英語注のか,丁肋K泌α物刎800后∫の中のτ肋亙肋7一 サ励珊曲η肋o晃を材料とLて,その特徴的なものを探ってみようと思う。 テキストは,Lady. Gregory一肋召κ肋物勿3oo尾∫.Colin. Smythe,Gerrards. Cross,1971、を用いた。次お,引用文のあとの括弧の中の数字はテキストの頁 数を示す。. 561.

(2) 196. 1. 完. 了. 形. 行動の完了を表わすのに,rBe+after+〜ing」の形が用いられることがあ. る。Gaelicのidiomをそのまま受けついだものである。 The. (1). was. Goban. on他e. went. in. night.. never. bed. and. the. they. said,. (3) He. as. to. Claregalway. when. the. two. Judgeω伽αガ〃g〃昭the hung.. secret. wanted. of. h1s. get. it. bu11dmg,and from. when. him,and. Castle兆α牢〃力〃〃g. he. they. in. the. (79). .、,and. (2). to1d. dying. of. the皿walked. sentence,and. into. the. the. man. Court,the. was. to. be. (101). came. in. and. took. refreshment−bread. Iα肋αガ〃まα肋昭now,and. he1ooked. and. up. mi1k−the. and. he. same. said,. (106). 「Have+object+past. 受身や使役を表わすのではなく,. particip1e」が,. 単に完了の意味で用いられる。. And. (4). when. they. 力1α6θ8麦α冶召例by. The. (5). the. Government. came nre.. in,the. Dean. and. Jack肋6オ加〃肋o. (94). ゐα∂μoμθろ〃加6to. swear. against. Robert. Emmet.(98) ..、and. (6) to. banish. 助動詞. Have. they. him. ゐα6. out. of. α力1α〃 the. wor1d.. 〃α6θ. 〃力. to. hang. the. husband. and. (102). を省いた形も見られる。現代英語にも見られる俗語用法であ. る。②. (7). You皿eマer8θ舳the. (8). I with. 562. remember the. the. hunger,I. wor1d. time. I. the. way. it. saw. men. dying. sω〃七wo. brothers. is. now. out. dying. in. at. all.(127). of. their. standing. a. little. corner. of.

(3) 197 a. (g). ield,.... I. heard. the. ha1f. (107). maI1y of. a. thing. what. they. of. Moses. say. 2. but. he∂o肋.. 進. I. don. know. t. did. he. do. (67). 行. 形. 標準英語では, 単純な形を用いるべきところを,進行形を用いる例は多い。 (1). It. (2). is. The and. a. long. time. Eng1ish Ireland. Jesus. who. ti11the. one. Iα刎sオoゆψ6〃g. and. will. the be. suffered. time. on. co㎜es. another. and. French. lighted. a. when. ti11we. in. this. p1ace.. (92). wi11ろθ肋肋〃9aim with. the. Friday e∀ery. 11get. edge. that. side. our. I. of. of. may. one. never. theIn. p1easure. at. swords.. another, I. go. pray. to. death. wi11ゐθ〃棚〃g. of. the. to. at. Orangemen.. (103). 次は,. Toっき不定詞の進行形の例である。. (3) And. where. standing. his. that. ゐθμ肋昭their (4) When. he. own. used. hands. bids. まoろ〃θ〃惚him (5) We. had. home to. you. be. in. used. to. be. fu1l. of. water,and. he. saw. the. stone. where. they. trough used. o. andωαs〃昭themse1∀es一(74). shorten. the. road,it. is. that. he. wants. you. stodes.(79). oftenまoろ〃肋g〃惚seei㎎that.(116). 3And+主語十叙述語 定形動詞を含まないrAnd+主語十叙述語」の構造が,時・理由・条件など を表わす従節の代わりに用いられる。叙述語は〜ing形が最も多いが,名詞・ 形容詞・前置詞旬などの場合もある。 (1). ..、and. he. α〃加鮒挽惚on. could. people. in. ta1k. at也e. paper.(≡、、.while. keep. three. he. was. writing. one. on. time,. pa・ 563.

(4) 198 per.). (68). (2) It. was. put. a. ers.. dagger. through. the. Brian. Bmiericks s. are. descended. heart,α〃∂加α〃2〃励g. from,that to. his. pray−. (82). (3) Many don. Brodar,that. wouユd. t. believe. te11you. Grania. (4) So. he. went. gave. it. to. with. it,α〃〃〃o≠〃oプ肋three. (5) What. s1ept. that,α〃6∫尻θα尾ク刎g. out. the. cau. had. and. brought. Goban,and. they. to. he. mder. the got. three the. down. cromlechs,but. I. (71). hundred. caubeen. halfpence.. come. the. ∫6α〃gゐ加7.. pound,and. and. went. away. (80). on. him. with. that,α〃加. 鮒げ伽沙〃妙o〃(117) 叙述語が不定詞のこともある。この場合,Andのたい形もある。. また,冨o. 詞節だけでなく,名詞節の代わりにも用いられる。 (6) But. now,αμgまo6θ尾〃θ∂,the. dosed,α〃〃o. o脇まo8勿a. ki11ed、、.and. (oグso). bit. no. of. one. it. could. door at. get. a. of. the. house. an.(=...if bit. of. it. at. wou1d. a. pig. all.). be was. (69−. 70). (7) I often heard it came on the wor1d to banish all out of it,and. the. seed. the. people. (8) The. was. was. would. Comemara. a. their. crowd heads. (9) Theαpsies. of as. left,タ㍑oろθ力舳〃by出e Hourish. men. of. it. are. the. them. wou1d. are. on. and. put. best,but. hard1y. up. hit. into. the. way. again.(67). terrible;didn. it. God. e∀en. with. them,if. togetherα〃ツo〃まo肋πoωa. England;肋η加伽ω尾with England. Almighty. there. stick. over. best. towns. the. same. one.(70). t. they. Ire1and the. air.. bum. they. the. three. 11burn. it. (124). 「独立主格十不定詞」が, 従節の代わりに用いられる。. (10). 564. It. was. no. wonder. wou1d. be. in. command. Ho〃θツチo加〃θ肋o〃勿the and. all. would. happen. shoemaker,s. him,...(≡It. son was.

(5) 199. no. wonder. be...). that. I. said. to㎜y. 肋g. Past. a. (11). thing. On. at. it. brother. funeral. strange at. HowIey. had. kmwn. the. shoemaker. s. son. would. (86). that. al1.). it. was. and〃of. fo. aユ凱dy. a. strange. loo尾on. came. past. thingα1αφ左o加60刎一. at. it. at. a11.(=it. a. funera1and. did. was. not. a. look. (112). Agreatsha血eα妙670〃榊∂加α∂まo乃〃81eavetobringsuch. (12). troub1e head. into. the. wor1d、(=It. has(oグshou1d. have)leave. 4. It. is. to. a. great. bring. shame. such. that. any. troub1e.、.). crowned. (122). is...that.... 標準英語では,強意を表わす構文であるが,アイルラソド英語では,強意の. 場合のみならず,非常に自由に幅広く用いられている構文である。Gaelicに 由来する構文で,It. isに続く補語とLては,形容詞や分詞も用いられる。ま. た,thatは殆ど常に省かれている。 (1) At. that. 加threw (2) And a. cat. time. the. as. she. and. of. irst. his. death. stone. at. said,the1ord. two−tオls,for. he. had. it. on. his㎜ind. that6まωα5. Pame11.(118). no. ca㎜e one. 紘ω側刎吻〃惚オo島〃〃舳o〃妨he. and. bade. cou1d血ake. was.. the. that. Goban but. to. make. himself,and. (78). (3) 1〃3釧α加30脇〃解地〃〃αηitis.(81). It. iSに続くべき補語が, It. iSの前に置かれている例もある。補語に強勢を. 与えるためである。 (4). 丁加E惚眺〃〃伽∫were. chaIlged would (5). the. think. he. shoes亡he went. pursuing. way. another. 丁加S伽∫α脇6ゐ〃zo伽were. when. him, and he got o任 and. they SaWthetraCkS出ey. road.(89) against. him.. (102). 565.

(6) 200 主節の動詞,. つまり. Be. と,that以下の節の動詞と,時制が一致したい. ことカミある。. (6) I〕8the Ridge of the wi1d Boar〃α∫the name of this place. (92). (7) Itたwhen lady. s. 主節の動詞 (8). she. was. c1othes_and. Be. Some. gir1she〃エon went. to. the. clothes. Pope.. like. your. own−. (118). に助動詞が伴うことがある。1副. said. ろθωthe. a. she. the. Missis. daughter. took. and. the. the. man. one she. of. them,and〃〃g〃肋砂θ. married. took. the. other、. (108). 次の例も,. やはりこの構文の範醐こ入るものと一思、われる。. (9) Mackie. cried. when. α.6o〃〃〃,and (10). She. pul1ed. ∫みθ6加6she (11). And ○乱me te1l. it. up d. was. bushes have. Cuchulain is?. he. it. to. one. or. world,. he. said,. they and. pu11ed. came. And. the to. heard. gave. trees up. out yomg. two.But. that,for. the. him and. if. up.(112) branches;if〃〃o∫〃. root.. (93). he. said,. and man. indeed〃〃α∫α〃5が2∫. Ten㎜e. what. said,. I. did. not. come. I. it. to. anyone. in. told. 〃ゐ∫〃o刎〃soo惚∫. f左ゐαf. out the. your to who1e. 〃1タ㍑oツo〃ヵα1θ力03.. (76). (9)のit. about. was. a11spies. 566. him は,it WaS all SpieS(肋励)ωθκ. himと補うべきものであろ㌔. (10)と(11)は,It る。{4]. about. isの補語として,. 直接that節が結びついたものであ.

(7) 201. 5. 語. 順. 目的語や補語が文や節の先頭に置かれる場合がある。標準英語でも強意のた. めに行われるもので,いわゆるr転置」Hyperbationと呼ばれるものである。㈲ Lかし,ここでは,句・節・分詞・不定詞など様々な文の要素が,実に自由に,. そして非常に数多く,文頭に置かれているのである。丁度,Itis_that_構 文のIt. isとthatを取りはずした形のもので,本質的には,It. is...that..、. と同じ機能をもつ構文と考えてよいと思う。 (1). There. America. was. a. or. man. some. one. time. set. out. from. Ire1and. to. go. place,αoo刎刎o〃刎舳1oo肋惚力■肋7冶he. to. was・. (81). (2). ■4肋oω5α〃6〃∫∫θs. she. left. after. her.. γθ7ツs〃クθ灼κあo〃s. she. was.(83). (3). ...andω肋彦ω猟伽sろθsまげ彦ゐθ刎they. kept. for. themse1ves。. (98). (4) for. (5). K棚伽g刎舳all him. to. kill. S伽まψin. himself,and. the. at. a. box. not. day. night.. to. it. he. was,and. was,and. open. his. valet. catching. 丑ies. (122). the. he. bade. the. boy. to. give. it. to. box。(100). 次の例を見ていただきたい竈 (6). at. It. was. that. he1eft. time. a. us. the. cheap. shini㎎for. tea;后o. one. bare. o加ψ刎it. he. did,that. was. omce.(104). (7)τ・・〃th・mth・ydid,・・dt・p・tth・m・i・…l1・・i・th・ ground、 (8). (108). 3■泌〃Botha. they. did. 理屈を言えば,(6)のto. with. a. bag. of. go1d.. (119). cheapenはcheapenに,(7)のTo. sa1tは. Sa1tに,(8)のBribedぱBribeにすべきところであろうか。 567.

(8) 202 (9) 〃、吻7妙〃 8ろ召α〃〃プあ1庇α〃they didn t leave a stone of,and.,. (125). There. (10). it a. is. is. of. book.. monument. middle. of. a. up. stoneofMLMar亡yn. ha11だけが,(10)では,in. の中のin. to0. Conne11in. street,and. himself. Ennis,伽αω閉〃. high. up. on. it,holding. (10垂). (9)では,a beautiful. nice. the. a. sbeautifu1hallの中のMr.M1a並yn a. comer. of. the. middle. of. a. s. street. Comerだけが,それぞれ文頭に置かれている。このように,一. つのまとまった語句の一部分だけが,他から切り離されて,文や節の先頭に置 かれることもある。. 次は,A+Bのように同等に並列されているもののうち,Aだけが文頭にも ってこられている例である。 (11). 1)6が〃9あoα舌5they. (12). 一P〃oま赦o〃8召7∫he. waistcOat.. (13). fcnd. 力we. Swift. of. and. nyboats. had. and. a. got. in. it. and. a. great. in. pilot. the. air.. coat,and. (123). a. grey. and. white. (105). 0κ砿加7ゐ. (14)Dean. have. was. women. p1enty. of. starvation。. man;〃η8肋ゆ一まo昭脇6he. (115). was,and. terrib1y.(94). 疑間を表わす従節が,疑問形の語順をとどめたまま,主節に続く例も多い。 中間話法的用法である。 (15). If. he. was1iving. zooグ16あ2.. (16). And. till. now. he. Put. a. curse. あクo〃9免舌o〃まoグ1サσ〃03for. (17). One. it. of. them. went. to. upon. 568. hard. to. lead. .and. he. said,. Do. the such. confession. 乃o〃〃吻勿ツo〃刎θ∫∂タ6乃θ6o,and. (18). is. to. say〃肋左ω〃ω㎝〃肋召. (1ユ6). you. he. to. Irish;he a. race.. the. asked〃伽〃ω加. (90). priest,that. said,.、.. asked. him. (111). think60〃6α60妙1θ尾勿06為α〃砂伽g.

(9) 203 0肋去. ρブまん{s〜. Cf.Do. you. (78). thinkαoαψ地co〃〃g勿α〃切〃g. 標準英語では当然用いるべき So. (19). then. ωεカ.. So. (20). he. If. asked. や. yomg. Whether. the. I. (21). (78). は省かれる。. Howley〃o〃〃加g〃θ〃刎あα6尾. ∫. (85). two. of. them. sat. to. the. dim1er. asked〃α3乏易θグ3α〃ツ粥θ〃3ク勉オ免θまo〃〃.. don,t. And. (22). o〃oグ彦〃8〜. be. know〃αs加功θα肋昭f閉肋.. went. to. 07〃o〃〃8ゐ刎θ〃童,and. together,and0℃omel1. (101). (111). see∂〃肋η8功α妙so〃oグ9ooδα肋〃刎02 they. did. 6. 同. not. get. it.. (108). 格. 厳密な意味では,r同格」という定義にはあてはまらないかもしれないが, 広い意味での同格関係もしばしば見受けられる。r弛緩同格」L00se. aPpOsitiOn. と言ってよいのであろうカ㍉語り手の心に浮ぶままに語旬をつたげてゆくとい った風がある。. A. (1). the. lo砂θ1ツ肋脇,加would country,he. was. a1l. put. for. you. Bishop. had. given.. (工05). He. (3). settled. made. for. their. own. and. took. So. the. when. presents. the. she. two皿en. まゐ897違αfωo〃召7,まゐ2. 語り手カミ,. gu主rd;he. was. for. use,it. St.Patrick was. and. Protestants. his it. was. o脇犯榊磁,〃∫12肋クs肋砿∫加舳oチθまo苑伽伽伽. 8αo1勿o㍑oあθ脇棚泌〃f苑,but. at. your. And肋θ〃肋ω,肋畠加勉磁ρ戸肋21o〃that. (2). (垂). on. Ireland、(104). sent. heard. 乃oクs2∫. まo. in. the. Govemment. opened. them. them.(98). that. they. ろθ. 召ακ焔g. went. out. oツsオθ7∫.. for. to. look. (94). 一思いつくまま気婁まに説明してゆくスタイルは,間に介在語旬を 569.

(10) 204 はさんで同格語句が切り離されている形,Jespersen(Gク㈱伽γ〃)のいう Extraposition(外位置)に最もよく表われている。 (5) λ刎肋I caエne. (6) I. tc. was. ca血e their. had the. out. up. known. to. gathering. to. get. a. time,α勉o. his. the. (126). for. the丘re. and. faggot. b1ack. Patrick. (8) 0〃吻. 肋oρグ肋召刎. gaiters,and. gms. up. to. (127). time肋θθな肋were. Graces.. 工θ昭〃〃,. treated.. saved. and. the. thousands. ed,〃o励α〃〃801刎α〃〃s刎o肋〃,it Croagh. Zα. back. me,∫o倣〃∫,having. shoulders.. (7) The. this1ong. dispensary. that. Partho1an. was. was. were. on. kept1iving. the by. drown−. side. the. of. wil1of. (92). 五〇θcame. after. c〃1ゐo㈹〃o〃,that. that. knocked. in. a. the. story,肋θ幽ツ,〃肋勉θ〃ツ,. side−leap. out. of. the. Cromwellians.. (93). (9) I. (10). saw. O. ComeI1in. Ga1way. I. were. 伽got. death,肋θゐ〃刎α吻.(101). But. 壬or. the. che. people. were. great. ti㎜e,and. him._There o丘from. a. one. beat. many加hung. after,and. were. cou1dn. and. a. brought. tria1,and肋θco舳∫θ1カグ肋θCグ㎝〃was. 1)o〃9ゐ彦7まツ.. t. get. great into. against. anear. many court. them,. (106). 7. 関係代名詞. 関係代名詞が用いられることは稀である。主格の関係代名詞も, 制限用法・ 非制隈用法を聞わず,省かれることの方が蓬かに多い。 (1) The砒st. man〈eYer1ived. in. Iエe1and. was. Paftho1an,and.、. (69). Cf.Balor肋磁1ived growing. (2) He 570. was. the. on. up the. in. Tory. sheep.. greatest. s. Island. cou1d. hear. the. was. Ireland.(104). (70). man〈ever. in. woo1.

(11) 205. Cf.And in. (3). The. yomg. (4). the. young. man. And. every. There. then. Firbolgs. Ire1and,and.... as. Napo1eon〈was you,d. the. bit. wish. buuet〈was. as. came,the. our. best. men肋αまever. were. (69). at. to1ay. taken. bu11ets。. the an. Zu1u. eye. out. of. war. was. as危ne. a. on.(116). his. l1ead. was. the. same. (116). is...の構文では,標準英語においても,主格の関係代名詞が省かれ. ることがあるが,㈹ここでは,殆ど常に省かれている。 (5) he. (6). There was. was. a. search. interred,and. There. was. another. WitneSS,and... (6. ). there. berries,.... (99). and. There. was. there. (6)と(6. one. was. for. was. smart. Emmet,s. no. grave. one〈cou1d. lad〈was. and. disc0Yer. brought. into. the. p1ace. i仁. (67). Court. as. a. (99). ...and. (7). made. there. a. was. a. boy. brought. Mackie〈was policeman. taken. ki1led. before. him. in. pub1ic−house. in. a the. for. stealing. goose−. in. Cork,. stmggle.(112). )を比べてみると,(6)1の場合,ladの後には明らかに関係代名. 詞が省略されていることから,was. brought以下は節とみなすべきであるの. に対して,(61)の場合は,broughtの前のBe動詞まで省略されているこ とによって,brought以下は形容詞句,Cumeの用語を借りれば,短縮節 Abddged. clauseとなっている。(7)のMlackieとwas. taken,Policeman. とki11edの関係も全く同じである。. 8. 省. 路. 先ず,等位接続詞を省くr連辞省略」Asyndetonの例を挙げてみよ㌔ (1). O℃omel1was. (2). He(≡The. a. great. King)慨as. man,wide. vexed. big. with. ams. he. had、(ユ04). him(昌Carolan)and. ang町・ 5?1.

(12) 206. he. had. (3) I. brokeI1his. saw. he. him. chanced. (4) There. went. in. m. was. some. a. night.. we. and. his. time,a. p1ace. fool. barefoot.. (5) Priests. promise. Go並one. oath.(84). coat. of. O. Come11. s. he. had. that. (105). at. Burren,Egan. his. name. was,he. always. (108). have,giving. a. Mission,we. are. going. there. the. ha岬est,but. every. (120). 名詞節を導く接続詞thatも省略される。 It. (6). help. was. the. lla岬est. (7) Napoleon. there. a. There do. I. and. thom. is. it.. was. in. a. great. great. I. ever a. car. man;it. a. man. saw. the. doubt. was. given. out. of. him〈. again.(114). was〈one. a1ong. the. time. road. near. and. Kinマara. a1ady. on. it. (112). prophecy〈there. no. the. is. riYer,and. at. a11〈he. so. would. be. there. was,.... did. help. a. very. them,he. big. salmon. (71). was. we1l. ab1e. is1and. not. where. he. natura1in. growing. in. it. was. inteエred;it. is. those. parts,〈there. where. you. go. into. a. grand. are. the. two. place,. biack−. place. he. was. (115_6). but. the. the. scarcity. with. it.. Austrians of. food,the. are. making. bread〈so. great staIe. complaints that. they. now. cannot. with stand. (123). Niland. yourse1f,and 572. so. cloak,.... in. God. の雀かれている例である。. bushes. Tommy. a. came. day. reap. (105). Be. what. buried、 (12). be. wou1d. 11reap!(125). was. wonder. was. some. 次は,動詞. (13). plaid. there. caught. (11). would. fmera1,there. (9) And. to. women. First. greatest. a. having. (10). the. never. (8) The. at. prophesied〈women. the. was. sitting. day〈warm. as. beside this. me. one. day,and. time he. the. same. as. said,...(69).

(13) 207. 以上は,Main▽erl〕の る. Be. Be. 受動態を構成す. の省略されたものであるが,. の省かれている構文もある。 But. (14). were. the. was. near. forgotten,and. poverty. at. And. (15). war. left. Lyons. when. of. and. he. the. over. then,and. nothing〈done died.. when. for. it. had. ended. them,and. he. place,there. was. they. was. in. (114). went. back. to. his. houses. but. broken. o1d. wans,and. nothing. they〈covered. with. moss.(74). The. (16). Sannanach〈マexed. Gae1will. get. the. upper. and. defeated,and. hand.. the. Chi1dren. of. the. (110一一11). r並置」JuxtapositiOnと呼んでよいのカ㍉一つながりの発話の各部分が,. 何らかの連結表現を欠いたまま並べられていることがある。舌足らずの説明と いった感じを受けるものが多く,素朴な農民の語り口がうかがわれる。中には, 非論理的と一思われる文構造をもつものもある。 Bad. (17). treatn1ent. Vatican (18). And. there. butろα6刎. He. (19). got. saw. road. to. is. the. troops. in. the. was. enough. food. two. of. there,he. could. medaIトone. not. from. said,to. get. the. it、. feed. a11Ireland;. (113). English. and. Turkey.ハな〃初g力7ま加Q〃2刎,and. one. bad. from. pay. the. she. him.(113). I. (20). got_〃αo冶〃θα6,and. 物αg2物2渕τ,they. Emperor gaYe. they. we11fed,(114). where see. gone1ike. Aughrlm. the. was. fought. tree液here. snu甜、That. St.Ruth. was. spies. and. I. was. tumed. as1de. ki11ed,The. too,αColo〃θ1. from. half. of. the it. s6脇g〃〃肋雄. ま0〃伽肋ψ曲伽〃ατ力1鰍8ま.肋肋ω0ω〃肋〃α5〃刎g〃閉∫彦ゲ αf (21). ∫{κ. O 〃ゐo彦. (22). o. む1oo冶. 6勉. Come11wore 刎o. The. 〃暫α粥. あ〃ま. greatest. ξ虎3. 伽oγ勿6〃9、. h1s ま洗θ. thing. hat. in. 1ζ喜拠gむα物. I. ever. (91). t1le. Engllsh. 4o.. (103). saw. was. House. O℃omeu. of. Commons,. driYing. through 573.

(14) 208. Gort,〃ημα幼。α〃α〃o〃266αカo〃〃刎,σ〃乃α砂加9o〃砂 危07∫θ.. (23). (103). he. neYer. went. out. without. the. andα妙〃加1加〃o〃〃刎〃左he hair. o〃θ. and. set. a1ight. to. it.. 9. pitchcap. would. put. and. the. triang1e,. gunpowder. in. his. (96). 重. 復. 前章で,違辞省略について述べたが,それとは対照的に,. And. の多用も童. た,アイルランド英語の特徴の一つなのである。ちたみに,YeatsのSチo肋∫ げ地∂肋舳励伽の文章構造の第一の特色は, (1) And. when. he. broke,and. he. best. he. thing. and. he. took. (2) There. md. got. went saw. a. to. play,one. out. for. to. get. that. of. it. and. used. to. go. the. moon. was. and1ooked. of. the. wil1ow. mended. out. strings. she. to tree. the. she. saw. mend at. the. harp. it,and. the. at. the. crossroad,. daybreak,and. tho㎎ht. him. of. harp.(69). milking. shining,and. out,and. の多用である。17j. something. the. girl. up. branch. was. a. was. awoke,and. went. And. doing. it. was. she. day,. it、(104). 省略が可能な,或は,省略する方がより普通と考えられる主語の繰り返し。. Redundancyと言えよう。 and. (3) (4) So his. he two. (5) And. went. came eyes. he. was. a. had. up. in. but. to. a. big. at. and〃2said,.... the. thro㎎h. into. nothing. and. he1ooked. a. the. house young. put. and加sat lady.. hunt,and加1ost. shoemaker,s the. shop. tip. on. (106). at. the. top. and加gave the. the. tab1e,and加put. (85). boot,for. of. him he. his. a saw. boot,and加. sovereign he. was. for poor. fami1y.(85). 不要の主語を繰り返して用いることがある。「冗語法」P1e0㎜s皿にあたる。 574.

(15) 209. (6) The. pcorest. 王nOney.. (7) The. stick. earth. shake. (8) And. by. the. he. y■ou. used. the. the. man. wou1d. reason. to. meet. in. in. his. carry. time. he. that. so1d. roadside. (9) Kn㏄king the. Jew. any. place,加wou1d. have. (68). would. the. the. began.. war. put. it. to. as. he. was. hm. crying,for. o箭cers. fear. way. hand,〃wou1d. he. they. had. the. the. gromd.(68). gomg. taken. l1break. make. home加sat. too. in. on. down. much.(69). Ireland,that. s. (124). 目的語がダブる例もある。. And. he. things. he. (10). I. (11). seen. bring they. and. he. into. is. watching the. put. the. walked. out. gave肋θ刎to. women. 〃. couIdn,t. It. (12). tumed had. the. market one. on. war吉hat. the. hen. to the. of. house,and. the. go1d. (109). to. get. lay. kitchen. ire.. you. the. gir1.. an for. egg the. that. they,d. children,and. (107−8). never. heard醐励α〃〃in. your. life!. (125). 上の文は,It. is出e. war・You. never. heard. such. a. war. in. your1ife!. を一つの文にまとめてLまったものであろう。 次は,全く必要のない. That. He1en励αまwas. (13). a. が用いられている文である。. great. beauty. up. to. the. age. of血fty. years.. (68). He. (14). passed. 肋〃had. The. (15). A it (16). two. fomd. Tithe. the. wor1d. War,伽彦was. passage肋磁was. against. the. escape. but. po1ice. that. cholera)was. from. it;on. he. too. na耐ow. It(=Tlle no. sent.des. time. if. with. the. third;he. of血e丘ghtatCarrickshock.. the the. on曲e. the㎞nd,the. by. him.(115). lt,and. came. as. stopped. sma11for. the. m. was. same. people. were. holdmg. Proctor.(106). wind. it. came,曲ere. as. it. would. come. was now. 5?5.

(16) 210. …㎜d. wou1d. catch. the. haggards. to. yOur. cOat.. on. to. put. pigs.Sheds肋αまwou1d. the. sick. 10. 一. in;they. be. wou1d. made. tum. as. out. in. b1ack. as. (110). 致. 現代英語においても,r一致」COncordはなかなか厄介な問題である。帽;間. 違った用法にもしばしぼお目にかかる。まLて,un1etteredpeopleが無造作 に用いたアイルラソド英語に,r一致」の法則からはずれた用法があったとし. ても不恩議ではない。なお,There. isの後に複数名詞や2個以上の名詞が置. かれる構文は,現代英語においてもかなり広く用いられている。 (1) 丁加α.が伽(Germans)兆terrib1e;肋θツare b1acks,gomg. lユp. m. the. a1r. aI1d. inng. Cf.丁肋G伽伽㈱terrible;didn towns. (2) ...I. and. their. tai1s.. they. them. bits. at. of. going. his. (5) As. ki11its. ears.. to. went. out. grOund,.... Lady. 注(1). than. bum. the. the. (124). three.best. paper. upon. through. their. Gort,knotted. with. neck,and肋oたthatゐon. soldiers.. up. their〃〃that. on. one. night. (82). over. his. clothes;there65go1dグ初g∫. (127). his. 1ight,but. worse. knocking一. (124). (4) Thereゐgo1d肋o肋召∫all in. they. yesterday. Iast肋θμoμθmade. wou1d. t. and. Eng1and.(124). saw. bows (3) And. of. down. death,thereωα5肋肋g∫might. the. enquiry. together,and. was he. have. been. brought. to. stopped.There〃α5∫ω召〃ρグ肋θ刎 was. found. after,1ying. dead. in. the. (116). Gregory。丁肋X〃αれ肋肋o居s.Colin. Smythe,Gemards. Cross,1971.. P−5. (2). Shawに次のような例カ;ある。. James;three 576. years. ago,you4o榊me. a. hi11tum.You肋榊me. hout. of.

(17) 211. a. contrac._Shaw,G,B.C〃励肋Act. (3). I.. この構文は標準英語;こも見受けられるが,Quifkは, It. must. have. It. might. be. been. his. his壬ather. の例を挙げて,The. brother that. that. you. re. you. saw.. thinking. i皿trod1ユctorypa竹ofa. to〃∫,〃∫,or1l㈱;other. usua1と述へている。. fo㎜s. of. of.. cleftsentenceis1argelyrestricted. BE,such. as〃碗肋肋,are. less. Qulrk,R,Greenbaum,S,Leech,G&Svartvlk,J. /1・G7α〃2〃{0γ0ゾC0〃22刎力07直■ツ1す〃g〃∫ゐ.. 14・19・. (4)現代英語にも,次のような溝文があるが,これとは区別されるべきものと思われ る。. 1ま刎仰加she. survlved君nd. came. home. to. Munlch. Forsyth,Fτ加. 0肋∫5α珊12.p.178.. C0〃. 加. emotional1y. that. disturbed. sOmeday would. One. be. to. Of let. the. mOst. them. e妊ective. make. their. treatment. own. motion. for. the. pictures?. Puzo,M.ハoo15〃.2,p.325。. (5)Zandvo0ft(λ肋施泌oo尾ヴ肋g跳血G閉刎舳γ,689)は,次のように説明し てし・る。. S0血etimes objects. referring. Dates Inva1ids. (6). e㎜phatic. I. could we. ZandvOort.. have. to. front−position what. immediately. never. remember.. no. for.. λ捌α. use. is. found. precedes. without in. the. inversion,thus. with. context.. ろ00差0グE閉gκ5危G7α刎刎αγ,468。. (7)廣田典夫「イェイツの『赤毛のハソラハソ物語』の文章」. 早稲囲商学. 第226号,. 参照。. (8)廣田典夫「現代英語1こおける主語・動詞の一致」早稲田商学. 第276号,参照。. 577.





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