• 検索結果がありません。

平成 29 年度 開星高等学校入学試験問題 ( 第 4 限 13:20~14:10) 英 語 注 意 1 始め の合図があるまでは 開いてはいけません 2 問題は全部で 4 題あり 10 ページまでです 3 始め の合図があったら まず 解答用紙に受験番号を書きなさい 4 答えは すべて解答用紙に書


Academic year: 2021

シェア "平成 29 年度 開星高等学校入学試験問題 ( 第 4 限 13:20~14:10) 英 語 注 意 1 始め の合図があるまでは 開いてはいけません 2 問題は全部で 4 題あり 10 ページまでです 3 始め の合図があったら まず 解答用紙に受験番号を書きなさい 4 答えは すべて解答用紙に書"


読み込み中.... (全文を見る)



平 成 29 年 度


(第 4 限 13:20~14:10)

英  語

注   意

1  「始め」の合図があるまでは、開いてはいけません。

2  問題は全部で 4 題あり、10 ページまでです。

3  「始め」の合図があったら、まず、解答用紙に受験番号を書きなさい。

4  答えは、すべて解答用紙に書きなさい。

5  「やめ」の合図で、すぐ鉛筆をおき、解答用紙を裏返しにして机の上



       放送を聞いて、次の問 1 ~問 3 に答えなさい。必要ならばメモをとっても かまいません。放送は試験開始 1 分後に流れます。 問 1  英文に合う絵を選ぶ問題です。放送される英文1~ 4 の内容に最も合う絵を、それ ぞれア~クの中から 1 つずつ選んで、記号で答えなさい。英文は 1 度だけ放送されます。 問 2  放送される英語に対する応答として最も適切なものを、それぞれア~ウの中から 1 つずつ選んで、記号で答えなさい。英文は 1 度だけ放送されます。   1

   ア Fine, thank you. And you?    イ Yes, I am.

   ウ I’m thirteen.   2

   ア Thank you. You, too.    イ I have a cold.

   ウ I went to an amusement park.   3

   ア You’re welcome.    イ Thank you.    ウ It’s over there.   4

   ア I don’t like math.

   イ I eat breakfast at seven.    ウ I eat rice.

【第 1 問題】 問 3  放送される対話文 1 ~ 4 に続く応答として最も適切なものを、それぞれア~ウの中

から 1 つずつ選んで、記号で答えなさい。英文は 2 度ずつ放送されます。   1

   ア It’s noon.

   イ I’m not hungry now.    ウ It’s next to the gym.


   ア You have to go to teachers’ offi ce.    イ Let’s write a letter to him.

   ウ Maybe he or you are waiting at a wrong place.


   ア I went to Rio de Janeiro to see Olympic Games.    イ I’m going to have special English lessons.    ウ I like winter better.


   ア No, thank you.

   イ I’ve already had dinner.

   ウ Sorry, I’ll be busy tomorrow evening, too.


       次の問 1 ~問 7 に答えなさい。

問 1  次の各組の文がほぼ同じ内容になるように、下線部に入る適切な語を書きなさい。   1  Ken must go to the station by bike.

   Ken       to go to the station by bike.

  2  She couldn’t visit the museum.

   She wasn’t       to visit the museum.

  3  I don’t have a lot of work to do today.    I don’t have       work to do today.

問 2  次の(  )の正しい形を、それぞれア・イの中から 1 つずつ選んで、記号で答え なさい。

  1  Tom has a lot of ( ア using / イ used ) stamps.

  2  The girl ( ア listening / イ listened ) to music is Mary.

問 3  次の日本文に合うように、(  )内の語をそれぞれ正しく並べかえなさい。ただし、 文頭に来る語も小文字になっています。

  1  英語と数学ではどちらが好きですか。

   ( English / you / or / which / like / math / do / better /, / ? )

  2  お寿司を召し上がりませんか。

   ( sushi / like / eat /you / would / to / ? )

問 4  次の下線部にそれぞれ適切な語を 1 語ずつ入れて、対話文を完成させなさい。   1 A:       many brothers do you have?

B: I have one brother.

  2 A:       did you buy at that store? B: I bought a cup.

【第 2 問題】 問 5  次のちらしの内容と一致するものを、ア~エの中から 1 つ選んで、記号で答えなさい。

  Question: In room 312 people can

   ア see pictures of wild animals of the world.    イ make paper planes.

   ウ take a walk for 10 minutes.    エ watch a 15-minute movie.

Science Festival at Kaisei

Come and join us!

Time & Date: From 10:00 to 12:00, Saturday, August 6

Science Room:

  Come and see pictures of wild animals of the world. Room 311:

  Let’s talk about the importance of nature. Room 312:

  Make paper planes. It only takes 10 minutes. Library:

  Let’s read some books and talk about weather. ABC Hall:


問 7  次の e メールの内容について、後の質問の答えとして最も適切なものを、ア~エの 中から 1 つ選んで、記号で答えなさい。

Dear Takeshi,

Hi, Takeshi ! How are you? I study Japanese every day. It’s very difficult, but I like it very much. I have a plan to visit Japan with my family. We are going to leave New York on August 1 and we will arrive in Osaka on August 2. I have some friends in Osaka. So we will meet them there. We will stay in Osaka for a few days. Then we want to go to Shimane. My family will be very happy if we can meet your family. I’ll keep in touch.

Best wishes, Tom

Dear Tom,

Hi, Tom. Thank you for the e-mail. I am very excited. I am happy to know that you study Japanese every day. Let’s talk in Japanese next time. We are planning to have a party with you on August 8. I want to talk with you and your family. I’m looking forward to seeing you.

Your Friend, Takeshi

  Question: When will Takeshi’s family have a party with Tom’s family?    ア August 1    イ August 2    ウ August 7    エ August 8 問 6  次の英文と表について、後の質問の答えとして最も適切なものを、ア~エの中から 1 つ選んで、記号で答えなさい。

<注 1 > rent(お金を出して) 借りる      <注 2 > at the lowest price 最も安い価格で <注 3 > a special discount coupon 特別割引券  <注 4 > rental fee レンタル料金

<注 5 > pay 支払う

  Question: How much will Kyoko pay at the rental shop?    ア ¥1,750

   イ ¥2,000    ウ ¥2,250    エ ¥3,700

Kyoko will

<注 1 >

rent CDs and DVDs at ABC Rental Shop. She will rent five

CDs for two days and three DVDs for seven days

<注 2 >

at the lowest price.

She will use

<注 3 >

a special discount coupon.

<注 4 >

Rental Fee for one CD or DVD

1 day

2 days

1 week










Special Discount Coupon


If you use this coupon, you only

need ¥1,000 to rent three DVDs for

one week.

Please show this when you

<注 5 >


Thank you!


       次の英文を読んで、後の問 1 ・問 2 に答えなさい。

  About ten years ago, a girl went to the United States on a school trip. She stayed there for about three weeks. She had a homestay and the host family was really nice. She enjoyed herself very much. During the stay, she met the host grandfather. He was in <注 1 >the Unites States Army and fought in <注 2 >World War II.

  He said to her, “We used <注 3 >nuclear bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I believe it was a wise choice.” She was very <注 4 >shocked to hear that. She learned that a nuclear bomb is a bad thing we should never use again. She thought, “Why did he say such a thing?” Most Japanese people think that the use of nuclear bombs is bad, but a lot of people believe that two nuclear bombs were a wise choice in the United States even today.   May 27, 2016 became a <注 5 >historical day. <注 6 >President Barack Obama visited Hiroshima as President of the United States. He was the first President that visited Hiroshima. He started his speech like this:

  Seventy-one years ago on a bright, <注 7 >cloudless morning, <注 8 >death fell from the sky and the world was changed. A <注 9 >flash of light and a <注10>wall of fire destroyed a city, and <注11>demonstrated that mankind possessed the means to destroy itself…   In his speech, President Obama talked to the world, “Have a world without nuclear bombs.” No other President of the United States has ever said such a thing. After his speech, he came to Mr. Tsuboi. Mr. Tsuboi is a hibakusha and a leader of a group for hibakusha. President Obama <注12>shook his hand and listened to him carefully. Our world may come a little <注13>closer to world peace.

  Even today, there are <注14>wars all over the world and so many people lose their lives every year. We may lose our lives, family, friends, and everything we have if we have wars. Wars never make people happy. Wars always make us (A)[ s ].

  People in the world may have different ideas, but we can say one thing : everyone wants (B)[ p ].

<注 1 > the Unites States Army アメリカ陸軍 <注 2 > World War II 第 2 次世界大戦 <注 3 > nuclear 核の <注 4 > shocked ショックを受けた <注 5 > historical 歴史的な <注 6 > President 大統領

<注 7 > cloudless 雲ひとつない <注 8 > death 死 <注 9 > flash 閃光 <注10> wall 壁 <注11> demonstrated that mankind possessed the means to destroy itself

人類が自身を破壊するための手段を手に入れたことを示した <注12> shook his hand shake his hand「彼と握手する」の過去形

<注13> closer close「近い」の比較級。「より近い」 <注14> wars war「戦争」の複数形

【第 3 問題】 問 1  次の質問 1 ~ 5 に対する答えとして適切なものを、それぞれア~エの中から 1 つずつ


  1  Why did the girl go to the United States?    ア Because she had a school trip.

   イ Because her grandfather lived there.    ウ Because she liked the United States.    エ Because her host family was nice.

  2  Why was the girl shocked?

   ア Because her host grandfather fought in the World War II.    イ Because her host grandfather was in the United States Army.

   ウ Because her host grandfather thought nuclear bombs were a wise choice.    エ Because nuclear bombs were used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

  3  What is special about May 27, 2016?

   ア President of the United States visited Hiroshima.    イ President of the United States visited Japan.

   ウ President of the United States made a speech to the world.

   エ President of the Unites States started to think nuclear bombs are bad.

  4  What does “death” mean in President’s speech?    ア A dead person.

   イ A plane which brought a bomb.    ウ A cloud.

   エ A nuclear bomb.

  5  What was President Obama doing when he listened to Mr. Tsuboi?    ア Looking at his hand.

   イ Shaking his hand.    ウ Clapping his hand.    エ Raising his hand.

問 2  文脈に合うように、本文中の空所(A)・(B)に適切な語を答えなさい。ただし、与 えられた文字で始めること。

   (A) [ s ]    (B) [ p ]


       次の Mika の家族と留学生の Anna の対話文を読んで、後の問1~問4に 答えなさい。

Mother : Mika, come here please. Mika :    A

Mother : What about Anna and your brother?

Mika : I don’t know about my brother. He was ( 1 watch ) TV earlier. Anna is studying in her room now.

Mother :    B

Mika : Japanese, I think.

Father : Anna studies very hard, her Japanese is getting better every day. She can read so many kanji now.

Mika, please tell your brother and Anna ( 2 come ) here.

Father : So, you will all finish school next week. What do you want to do during the summer vacation?

Brother : I want to go to Hokkaido. Next <注 1 >semester my class is going to do a project on <注 2 >indigenous people. My group will study the Ainu of north Japan.

Before my friend told me about the Ainu, I didn’t know that there were indigenous people in Japan. They live in Hokkaido and didn’t always speak Japanese. I want to visit the Ainu village at Akan lake and talk to an Ainu person.

Mother : Wow, I am happy to see you so interested in a school project.

Mika, what do you want to do this summer? It’s your last summer holiday before you go to university next year.

Mika : I know, so that’s why I don’t want to go on a trip. I will visit universities during the summer vacation, so I can <注 3 >decide a university for next year.

I’ve read a lot about a few university <注 4 >campuses, but I think I need to see them before I decide.

Father : That’s a good idea, Mika. Anna, how about you?

Anna : Before I came to Japan, I ( 3 make ) list of things I wanted to do while I was here. Top of my list was to go to the Kanto festival in Akita, but I know that Akita is really far away.

Mother : Yes. Akita is far away, but Hokkaido is also far away. Anna, why are you ( 4 interest ) in the Kanto festival?

Anna : Well, it’s over 300 years old and is one of the most important festivals in Tohoku. Also, they need a lot of <注 5 >strength and <注 6 >skill ( 5 carry ) <注 7 >Kanto Poles. Father : Okay, maybe we can go to Hokkaido and Akita. Let’s see.

Mika : I’m so <注 8 >envious !! It sounds like you will have an amazing summer.

<注 1 > semester 学期  <注 2 > indigenous 土着の  <注 3 > decide 決める

<注 4 > campuses campus「キャンパス」の複数形     <注 5 > strength 力  <注 6 > skill 技術 <注 7 > Kanto Poles 秋田竿かん燈とう祭りで使うたくさんの提ちょうちん灯のついた竿さお  <注 8 > envious うらやんで

【第 4 問題】 問 1  文中の  A  ・ B  に入る適切なものを、ア~エの中から 1 つずつ選んで、記号


 A  ア Here you are. イ Coming.     ウ See you tomorrow. エ How are you?

 B  ア I see. イ Can you speak English?

    ウ What is she studying? エ Where is she from?

問 2  文中( 1 watch )、( 2 come )、( 3 make )、( 4 interest )、( 5 carry )の正しい形を、 それぞれア~エの中から1つずつ選んで、記号で答えなさい。

   1  ア watch イ watched ウ watching エ to watch

   2  ア come イ came ウ coming エ to come

   3  ア make イ made ウ making エ to make

   4  ア interest イ interested ウ interesting エ to interest    5  ア carry イ carried ウ carrying エ to carry

問 3  会話の内容からわかることとして、最も適切なものを、ア~エの中から 1 つ選んで、 記号で答えなさい。

    ア Maybe they can go to Akita.

    イ Maybe they can stay home with Mika.     ウ Maybe they can go to Hokkaido and Akita.     エ Maybe they can go to Hokkaido.

問 4  “What do you want to do this summer vacation?”という質問に対してあなたなら どのように答えますか。7 語以上の 1 文の英語で答えなさい。「 . , ? ! 」などの記号 は語数に含まないものとします。   記入例   Look   at   the   car   over   there   ,   Pedro   . ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ (上の例は 7 語の 1 文とします)



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