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英語 常葉大学短期大学部 大学案内募集要項過去問


Academic year: 2018

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. 表紙以外 問題用紙 5枚 p.1〜10 ・解答用紙 枚あ ます 試験中 問題用紙・解答用紙 印刷不鮮明・枚数 不足・汚 等 気付い 場合 手を挙 監督者 知 せ さい

.解答用紙 解答欄以外 次 記入欄 あ 監督者 指示 従っ 正しく記入し さい

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5.問題用紙 余白等 適宜利用し も まいませ

.試験終了後 表紙 問題用紙 持ち帰っ も まいませ

.問 ~問5 全科共通問題 し 問 の(16)〜(20) ついて 英語

英文科の受験者 解答しなくてよい。

問 リスニング問題 英語英文科の受験者のみ解答

.英語英文科の受験者 問6のリスニング問題を最初 放送し の


問 . 次 (1)~(20) 空所 入 最も適 も を 14 中 つ選び 番号を記し さい な 英語英文科の受験者 (16)以下 解答しなくてよい。

(1) If you need ( ) information about the company, you can contact them anytime. 1 further 2 pleasant 3 tight 4 rude

(2)In our class today, we ( ) the various causes of air pollution. 1 exchanged 2 discussed 3 wondered 4 crossed

(3) When I met an old friend of mine last week, she told me that she had become a doctor. I was very ( ) by the news.

1 imagined 2 increased 3 impressed 4 introduced

(4) The consumption tax rate will be ( ) next year.

1 risen 2 received 3 impressed 4 raised

(5) When Mr. Anderson retired, the president thanked him for the great ( ) he had made to the company over the years.

1 judgment 2 hesitation 3 contribution 4 confidence

(6) When Tony made a speech at the public meeting, he spoke very ( ) so that everybody would be able to understand what he was saying.

1 finally 2 clearly 3 darkly 4 softly

(7) Kate works for a travel magazine. She has written many ( ) about interesting places around the world.

1 licenses 2 victories 3 articles 4 statues

(8)When one of the pair has trouble with his or her work, ( ) is supposed to help. 1 the other 2 another 3 the others 4 others

(9)The ( ) to this math problem is on the next page, but don’t look at it until you have found the answer for yourself.

1 objection 2 edition 3 relation 4 solution

(10) The forest fire last month ( ) thousands of trees. The area will not look the same again for many years.


(11) We demonstrated how our products are superior ( ) those of our competitors.

1 as 2 than 3 to 4 with

(12) He ( ) a large amount of money by producing new computer programs.

1 gained 2 provided 3 attached 4 applied

(13) Nowadays, travel agents ( ) use e-mail to send electronic tickets to their customers.

1 painfully 2 brightly 3 traditionally 4 commonly

(14) My grandmother passed ( ) long ago. I was too young to remember her.

1 away 2 out 3 off 4 up

(15) Separate your waste paper from your other trash so that it can be ( ). 1 eaten 2 considered 3 thought 4 recycled

※ここ 以下(16)(20) ついて 英語英文科の受験者 解答しなくてよい。

(16) As Maggie drove out of the city, the mountains came into ( ). She could see snow on the tops of some of them.

1 hand 2 circle 3 clue 4 view

(17) ( ) how hard Mark tried, he was never able to beat Carl in the 50-meter dash. 1 In order 2 No matter 3 Depending on 4 Finding out

(18) Jimmy likes to add a ( ) of garlic when he makes pumpkin soup. He thinks that

the flavor is too strong if he uses too much, but that just a little bit is delicious.

1 bottom 2 chain 3 foot 4 touch

(19) The young scientist is sure that life ( ) on other planets, and he plans to spend his career trying to prove it.

1 interprets 2 advertises 3 exists 4 hesitates

(20) Kyoko took a trip to Yamanashi Prefecture in August to see Mt. Fuji, but the weather was so bad that she could ( ) see the mountain.


問 . 次 (1)~(5) 各対話 い 空所 入 最も適 も を 14 選び 番号を記し さい

(1) A: Helen, have you seen the front door key? B: It’s in the basket by the front door. A: No, it’s not. ( )

B: Well, look again. I saw it there ten minutes ago.

1 I looked there already.

2 Someone left it in the basket.

3 I’ve got the key to the front door.

4 The front door doesn’t have a lock.

(2) A: I’m afraid I’ll be a bit late for your party on Saturday. B: ( )

A: It’s the River Side Apartments, but I’ve forgotten the apartment number. B: It’s 1303, at the end of the hall. You can’t miss it.

1 Don’t worry. I know where you live.

2 That’s OK. Where do you live?

3 No problem. You know where I live, don’t you?

4 Do you think I should take a walk?

(3) A: How would you like to go to the aquarium this Sunday? B: ( )

A: Me, neither. That’s why I thought going to the aquarium might be a nice idea. B: Where and when shall we meet on Sunday?

1 Yes, please. Go ahead, please.

2 No, I’m afraid I can’t go this Sunday.

3 Sorry, I don’t like to go there.


(4) A: I’m getting a headache. It’s too noisy in here. B: Should we look for another coffee shop?

A: Why don’t we go to the library? It’s quiet there. B: ( )

1 Sorry, but I want you to be quiet.

2 Oh, that’s a good idea. Let’s go.

3 Really? I must take some medicine.

4 Yes, there’s another shop near here.

(5) A: Here’s a list of what I’d like you to buy for me at the store. B: ( )

A: Well, the last time you forgot two items I needed, so this time with a list, you can’t possibly forget anything.

B: All right, if you insist.

1 I won’t need it.

2 I need to go myself.

3 I’ll make a mistake.


問 . 次 各文(1)~(5) い 下 16 語句を並べ替え 空所を補い 文を完成 させ さい 解答 ※印 入 語句 番号 けを 前 順 記し さい 文頭

く 語句も 選択肢 小文字 表記し あ ます

(1) The River Amazon is the second longest river in the world. The River Nile is longer. But the Amazon has more water in it than any other river. ( )( ※ )( ) ( ※ )( )( ※ ) biggest river.

1 it is 2 this 3 the world’s

4 called 5 why 6 is

(2) A smart city is a community whose goal is sustainable living. Modern technology is used to empower the community to govern itself more wisely, especially regarding ( ) ( ※ )( )( ※ )( )( ※ ).

1 electricity and gas 2 as 3 power sources

4 the use 5 such 6 of

(3) It is becoming more and more popular among young ( )( ※ )( ) ( ※ ) ( )( ※ ) weight. It is not healthy to be overweight; however, it is harmful for one’s health to diet excessively, and it may result in eating disorder.

1 on 2 women 3 diet

4 to go 5 a 6 to lose

(4) I studied at a high school in Michigan for a year. I enjoyed it, but at first I experienced some difficulty. I felt ( )( ※ )( )( ※ )( )( ※ ) because I was afraid my English wasn’t very good.

1 to speak 2 shy 3 to

4 students 5 too 6 other

(5) Ecotourism is environmentally responsible tourism. You can enjoy outdoor activities, and at the same time you are ( )( ※ )( )( ※ )( )( ※ ) the natural environment.

1 not to 2 make 3 efforts


問 . 次 文章を読 空所(1)~(5) 入 最も適 も を 下 14 つ つ選び 番号を記し さい


Couples used to get married in their mid-twenties. But these days, they seem to be taking their time about it, so that now, 31 has become the ( 1 ) age to “tie the knot.”

Most British wedding ceremonies are held in a church, or in the town hall if it’s a non-religious wedding. At both places the couple exchange vows and promise to love and

honour each other “until death do them part” and so on. Japan is very ( 2 ). The couple might have a traditional ceremony in a shrine, or have a wedding that copies Western-style ceremonies, complete with a foreign priest and a choir. Another choice is the simple one: the

couple fill in and sign a form at the city or ward office.

Wedding receptions in Japan are quite formal. The women guests may dress up in kimono or fancy western clothes, and the men invariably look like a gathering of red-faced penguins in their formal black suits. Several people make formal speeches, which can be quite tricky because there are so many taboo phrases that must be ( 3 ). Then there are formal toasts, more speeches, and a couple of inevitable songs. The bride in her kimono makes a quick exit and reappears in a white wedding dress. She doesn’t stay around long, though, and she next appears in an eye-catching evening dress. Just as the party is getting

into full swing, it finishes, and, because this is Japan, perfectly on time.

The English have a much more casual approach to the reception. The bride in her wedding dress stays like that to the end. The speeches are fueled by drink and tend to include jokes, be ( 4 ) and bawdy. A party like this has a starting time, but there is no schedule for

finishing it. It usually 1dies a natural death, sometime in the early hours of the morning.

If you are thinking about getting married in England, you might want to think again. So-called “friends” like to play monstrous jokes on the young couple. The night before the wedding is often a time for the groom and his males to get drunk at a stag party. The unsuspecting groom is sometimes driven to a spot and dumped miles from home, and has to make it to the church later that day. It is great fun for everybody, ( 5 ) that is, for the couple.

[注] 1 die a natural death 流 解散をす


問 . 次 英文を読 次ページ (1)〜(5) 各文 続く表現 し 最も適 も を

aj 選び 記号を記し さい


If Japanese people visit a foreign country, there may be many things that they find are not the same as in Japan. Some, of course, are obvious: the language used is one. Some may not be noticed so quickly. There may be small differences in lifestyle, customs or manners and other things which cause real culture shock. Perhaps one of the most important changes they will notice is that the way to pay for things in shops, restaurants, or for taxis etc., is not

familiar to them. Let’s look at three examples which affect how, and how much you should

pay: tipping, bargaining and taxes.


Tips are usually left by customers in restaurants and cafes to say thank you to the waiter for good service. Also, taxi drivers may expect to receive a little more that the price shown on the meter. In the U.S. and Canada, a tip of 15-20% is normal. In the U.K. and other countries in Europe, around 10% is average. In many Asian countries, tipping is unusual. Tipping is also uncommon in Australia and New Zealand, but many people still leave 10% for excellent

service. It’s a good idea to check your bill because a ‘service charge’ is sometimes included. This is usually around 10%. In this case, you can still leave a small tip if you like. For

example, if your bill is $23.25, you could give the waiter $25 and say “Keep the change!”

Remember, how much you tip is your choice. Bargaining

In many shops and stores, the prices of goods are clearly displayed and this should be the price you pay. In this case it may embarrass the clerk to ask for a discount. However, bargaining is a common way to buy goods in many parts of the world. In markets and shops where prices are not fixed, it is how the seller and the customer agree on the price. Bargaining can be fun but it is not always easy, especially when it takes place in a foreign language.

It is a good idea to take a good look at the items you want and if possible find a similar thing in a shop with fixed prices. Then you will know about how much to pay. Take your time and try not to show too much interest in the item you want to buy. Also, try to decide the highest price that you are willing to pay before you start discussions with the shopkeeper. That way, you will not end up spending a lot more than you planned to!



be as low as 3%, 8%, as in Japan, or as high as 20%. Some countries have both state and national taxes. For some special goods such as gasoline or alcohol the tax may make up much more than half the total price! It may be confusing for the traveler because sometimes this tax is already included in the price shown on the ticket and sometimes it is added at the cash desk when the item is bought.

Making shopping easier and more fun

The key to knowing how best to use your money and avoid making expensive mistakes is to learn about the places you are going to visit before you go. This information is available from guidebooks, the internet, and, of course, from people who have already been to those places. Find out if tipping is part of the local culture! Check whether it is acceptable to bargain for something or to ask for a discount! Confirm how much tax rates are and whether they are included in the prices which are shown!

All of these things will help towards you being able to relax more and feel comfortable when traveling to new places, and especially when shopping!

(1) When traveling abroad Japanese people may find… (2) Tipping is giving a little more than the price asked. It…

(3) In some places the price of goods…

(4) The rate of sales tax in most countries… (5) It is a sensible idea to…

a depends on the customer how much they really want to tip. b they can use the Japanese language almost everywhere. c can be decided after discussion between buyer and seller. d ask for a discount whenever and wherever you buy something. e is clearly shown and can easily be discounted.

f varies greatly even within the same city.

g some things are slightly different but some very much so. h is around 10%, on average, in Asian countries.

i may or may not be included in the ticket price.


問6. リスニング問題:英語英文科の受験者のみ解答しなさい。

今 対話文を放送します 対話文 つい 5つ 質問 (1)~(5) あ ます ま 質問 解答 選択肢を放送 前 く読 さい 読 時間

約 す し 質問 答え し 最も適 も を AD つ選び 記号を記し さい 対話文 回放送さ ます


(1) What does the customer want to buy?

A A ring. B A necklace.

C A lace scarf. D A bracelet.

(2) What is the item she looks at made of?

A Steel. B Good quality.

C Silver. D Gold.

(3) What is the shopkeeper’s ‘best price’?

A $10. B $15.

C $13. D It doesn’t say.

(4) If the price is $13, how much will the shopkeeper lose?

A About $15. B $25 for two.

C $2. D It doesn’t say.

(5) What finally happens?

A The customer buys two items. B $13 is a discount.






A is a market shopkeeper & B is a customer

A: Excuse me. Can I help you?

B: I hope so. I’m looking for a nice necklace.

A: I have some lovely necklaces, and bracelets too! Take a look here. B: How much is this necklace?

A: That one is $15. It is very good quality. B: That seems a little expensive to me. A: No. It’s a reasonable price. It’s silver.

B: But I don’t want to spend that much. Can you give me a discount? A: Hmm. I can sell it to you for $13. That is my best price.

B: That’s still too expensive. A: I think it’s a bargain. B: How about $10?

A: I’ll lose money if I do that. ButI’ll lower the price if you buy two. B: I’ll give you $25 for two.

A: For two?

B: Yes. Is that OK?

A: OK. $25 for two. It’s a deal! B: Here is $30.



































(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)


※ 6 〜 英語英文科 受験者 解答し くてよい
























※ 6 〜 ついて 英語英文科 受験者 解答し くてよい

度  特待生入学試験 解答用紙 




静岡大学 静岡キャンパス 静岡大学 浜松キャンパス 静岡県立大学 静岡県立大学短期大学部 東海大学 清水キャンパス

(Please note that, because Japanese language proficiency is not required for admission to the Program, the letter of recommendation does not need to be written by a teacher of

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