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◆ 【参考】 英語ディベート教材 HPDU of Japan id class vol 1


Academic year: 2018

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Volume 1: The Basics of Speech Presentation

Volume 1. スピーチ発表の基礎

[著] 小林良裕 S.A.D. ワークス

初めての英語ディベート [学校印刷用]

An Introduction to Debating in English


Part [1] (本冊子に収録されています)

Lesson 1 スピーチ発表の基礎 (Show & Tell)

Sec 1. スピーチの実演 (Model Presentation) ... 1

Sec 2. スピーチ原稿の分析 (Analyzing Speech Script) ... 3

Sec 3. 原稿を書く (Preparing First Draft) ... 4

Sec 4. 原稿を書き直す・発表練習をする(Revision & Speech Practice) ... 6

Sec 5. 評価用紙 (Evaluation Sheet) ... 8

Lesson 2 問題解決型のスピーチ (Problem-solution Speech) Sec 1. 書く前の活動 (Pre-writing activity) ... 10

Sec 2. スピーチ原稿の分析 (Analyzing Speech Script) ... 11

Sec 3. 原稿を書く(Writing the First Draft) ... 12

Sec 4. 原稿を読み返す・書き直す (Proof-reading & Rewrite) ... 14

Sec 5. スピーチ発表 (Speech Presentation) ... 16

Sec 6. 二つ目のスピーチ (Second Speech) ... 17

Part [2] ~ [4] (本冊子には収録されていません) Lesson 3 Refutation / 反論をする

Lesson 4 Question & Answer / 質疑応答

Lesson 5 Mini-debate Practice / 簡易フォーマットでの練習 Lesson 6 Negative Strategies / 否定側の戦略

Lesson 7 Using Evidence / 証拠の使用 Lesson 8 Debate Match / 試合をする 目次 (CONTENTS)


・I think <topic> is [ good / bad ] .

・This is because .

・I have [ two / three ] reasons.

The [ first / second / third ] reason is that .

・Let me give you an example.

・That’s all. Thank you.

◆ Introductory Lesson: one-minute monologue

ディベートを楽しむには、ある程度の長さの英語を話す必要があります。その練習として、1 分間のモノロー グをしましょう。トピックを変え、何度も繰り返し、よりたくさん話せるようになりましょう。

【TOPIC A: High School Life(高校生活)】

1 Studying at a girls’ (or boys’) high school, good or bad? (男女別学の高校で学ぶこと) 2 School uniform, good or bad? (制服)

3 Going to cram school, good or bad? (塾に通うこと)

4 School trips to foreign countries, good or bad? (外国への修学旅行) 5 Having a part-time job, good or bad? (アルバイトをすること) 6 Joining a sport team, good or bad? (運動部に加わること)

【TOPIC B: (New) Technologies (新しい技術)】

7 Playing TV games, good or bad? (テレビゲームをすること) 8 Online shopping, good or bad? (ネット通販)

9 Using the Internet, good or bad? (インターネットを使うこと)

10 Writing an essay on PC, good or bad? (パソコンを使って作文をすること) 11 Text messaging, good or bad? (携帯でのメール送信)

12 Using a SNS site, good or bad? (Facebookや twitter などの SNS サイトの利用)

【TOPIC C: Everyday Life (日常生活)】

13 Having a pet, good or bad? (ペットを飼うこと) 14 Living alone, good or bad? (一人暮らし)

15 Living in a country, good or bad? (田舎で暮らすこと)

16 Getting early in the morning (around 4 a.m.), good or bad? (早起きすること。朝 4 時ぐらい) 17 Reading comic books, good or bad? (漫画を読むこと)

18 Having a gorgeous wedding ceremony, good or bad? (豪華な結婚式を挙げること)



Useful Expressions


Lesson 1 . Show & Tell [Sec. 1 Model Presentation]

Your teacher is going to show and tell you one thing which is very important to him or her. Listen and take notes by filling the blanks below. これから、先生が「大切なもの」を紹介します。聞き取って、下 を埋めてノートを取って下さい。

◆ Note 1 : The treasure of [Mr. / Ms.] What is his / her treasure?


How does he / she get it? (どの様に手に入れたの?) Why is it important? (それが大切な理由)

Other supporting details (e.g. episode, example, etc.) (まつわるエピソード、例など)

◆ Note 2 : The treasure of [Mr. / Ms.] What is his / her treasure?


How does he / she get it? (どの様に手に入れたの?) Why it is important? (それが大切な理由)

Other supporting details (e.g. episode, example, etc.) (まつわるエピソード、例など)

◆ これから何回かに渡って準備をして、自分の宝物について皆さんにスピーチをして貰います。 You yourself is going to make a show & tell on [ / ].





Lesson 1. Show & Tell [Sec. 2 Analyzing Speech Script ]

[Step 1] Your teacher will read a speech script. Listen and fill in the blanks below:

Speech Script: “My Treasure”

Structure (構成) Speech Script (スピーチ原稿) Greeting (挨拶) Hello everyone.

Introduction of topic (トピックの導入) Today, I am going to talk about my (1 ).

Introducing main idea (主題の提示) [ここで写真を出す]

Look at this. It is my treasure, a (2 ). [showing the picture]


Supporting detail How & when I got it


When I was (3 ) years old, my mother took me to a concert. At the concert, I was moved by the good sound of violins. Later, my grandmother (4 ) me this violin. I was glad.

Supporting detail Memory on a concert (その宝物にまつわる思い出)

I played it at our school (5 ). My grandmother came and enjoyed the concert very much.

Supporting detail My future dream


The sound of this violin is very nice.

I want to be a good (6 ) in the future.

Closing (終わりの挨拶) Thank you for listening. (89 words)

[Step 2] Your teacher will explain the structure of a speech. Listen and fill in the blanks:

Structure of a Speech or an Essay Introduction

・(7 ) introduction ・main idea (thesis statement)

(8 ) ・Supporting detail ①

・Supporting detail ②, ③ …

(9 ) ・Closing remark




Lesson 1. Show & Tell [Sec. 3 Preparing First Draft]

In two weeks, you are to show and tell something which you think is important to you. Follow the steps below to prepare speech script. 2週間後に、あなたにとって大切なものについて紹 介して貰います。以下のステップに従って準備をして下さい。

[Step 1] Deciding the topic for your presentation

You are to give a show & tell presentation on your treasure. Choose what to talk about:


⇒ My treasure is : [ ] Examples ・ 友達から誕生日にもらったもの (a birthday present from a friend)

・ 飼っている愛らしいペット (my lovely pet)

・ 卒業アルバム (graduation album / yearbook / class book)

注) 話しやすく、聞き手の興味を引くものを選びましょう。また、もしその宝物が、 難しい英語を使わなければ表現できない場合、スピーチ原稿では以下の様に日本 語の対訳も合わせて使ってみて下さい。

e.g. My treasure is a good luck charm, or Omamori (お守り) in Japanese.

[Step 2] Brainstorming & Outlining

As you have chosen the topic for presentation, now you are to brainstorm what to tell. 使える表現例 (Useful Expressions)

① What is it? それはなに?

・My treasure is ( ).

② How did you get it? When? Where?


[いつ? ] I got it [ when ~ / ~ ago / on ~ etc.] .

[どこで?] It was [ at / in ~ ] .

[誰から?] ( 人名 ) gave it to me.

③Why it is best or important?

どうしてそれが一番の、あるいは大切な ものなの?

・It is important for me because ~ .

④ Other supporting details (e.g. episode, example, etc.)


(出来るだけ具体的なエピソードを入れ、自然に聞き手にどうしてそれが大切 なのか伝わる様にして下さい)




[Step 3] Writing the 1 st draft of your speech

Now that you have figured out what to write, use this sheet to write your first draft of your speech.

以下の指示に従い、Speech Script を書いて下さい。

・( )語程度の英語で書き、語数を数えて [Word Count] の欄に記入すること


・Due Date (提出日):

Word Count: ( )


辞書で調べた難しい表現に頼りすぎず、自分の知っている表現を 積極的に用いて英文を書いた。


Class: Student No.: Name:

1st Draft Check List



Lesson 1. Show & Tell [Sec. 4 Revision & Speech Practice]

■ Step 1: Commenting on the works of your classmates Make groups of four or five. Read the first drafts of your group members. Then, do the following two things (4人~5人のグループを作り、以下の 2 つのことをして下さい):

① Underline any parts whose meaning seem to be difficult to understand 「意味の通じづらい所に下線を引く」

② Add comments where you think needs further explanation. 「内容的により詳しい説明が必要と感じる箇所にコメントを書き込む」

■ Step 2: Revising your work When you have finished reading the scripts of others, take a look at your speech script. Then, focusing on the underlines and comments your first draft received, write the second draft. (他の人のスピーチ原稿を読んだら、今度は自分のものを読み返して下さい。下線の引かれた ところ、貰ったコメントを踏まえて、もう一度手直ししてみましょう)

Make sure to submit both your first draft and second draft.


■ Step 3: Practicing and preparing for the next class In the next class, you are going to make a presentation in a small group. For that,

practice your speech. It is a good idea to practice with your partner after class or during the lunch time. (次の時間では、グループ内で発表をしてもらいます。そのために、事前に休み時間や昼休 みを使って、練習をしておくと良いでしょう)

Make sure to bring a picture of what you are going to talk about at the next class. If you cannot prepare one, consult with your teachers beforehand. (次回の授業では、あなたが説 明しようとするものの写真(あるいはそのコピー)を一枚、持ってくるのを忘れないようにして下さい。もし 持ってくることが難しい場合は、事前に教員に相談に来ること)




[Step 4] Writing the 2 nd draft of your speech

Focusing on what you have been advised, use this sheet to write your second draft.

以下の指示に従い、Speech Script を書いて下さい。

・( )語程度の英語で書き、語数を数えて [Word Count] の欄に記入すること


・Due Date (提出日):

Word Count: ( )


辞書で調べた難しい表現に頼りすぎず、自分の知っている表現を 積極的に用いて英文を書いた。


Class: Student No.: Name:

2nd Draft Check List



Lesson 1. Show & Tell [Sec. 5 Evaluation Sheet ]

Speaker’s name:( )

Topic: ( ) [Memo]

内容: A B C D 聞き取りやすさ: A B C D [Comment]

Speaker’s name:( )

Topic: ( ) [Memo]

内容: A B C D 聞き取りやすさ: A B C D [Comment]

Speaker’s name:( )

Topic: ( ) [Memo]

内容: A B C D 聞き取りやすさ: A B C D [Comment]

Class: Student No.: Name:



スピーチの名人、とよばれるような人のスピーチ映像を見てみましょう。以下の4つのスピーチ は特に有名なもので、一度は見て、聞いた方が良いものです。YouTube といった動画サイトで検索 して、探して見て下さい。探したら、それぞれ冒頭の 1 分間だけ見て、話し方の特徴としてどんな 点があるか、話し合ってみて下さい。

1. John F. Kennedy (Washington, D.C. / January 20th, 1961): Inaugural Address, “Ask not what your country can do for you.” 2. Martin Luther King (Washington, D.C. / August 28th, 1963 ) :

“I Have A Dream”

3. Barack Obama (July 27th, 2004):

Keynote Address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention 4. Steve Jobs (June 12th, 2006):

Stanford University Commencement Speech

インターネットを利用すれば、上に挙げた以外の英語の名演説を簡単に聞くことが出来ます。以 下に挙げたスピーチも、それぞれ聞く価値があります。Google で検索すれば、音声・スクリプト、 最近のものであれば動画も見つかります。ぜひ聞いて、気に入ったピーチを 1 つ選び、その話し手 に成りきってスピーチ練習をしてみて下さい。

1. Franklin Delano Roosevelt (December 8, 1941):

Declaration of War against Japan 2. Douglas Macarthur (April 20, 1951):

“Old soldiers never die, they just fade away”

3. John F. Kennedy (West Berlin, Germany / June 26, 1963): Speech at the Berlin Wall, “Ich Bin Ein Berliner”

4. Lyndon B. Johnson (March 15, 1965):

Address to congress on voting rights. “We Shall Overcome” 5. Robert F. Kennedy (Indianapolis / April 4, 1968)

Remarks on the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.

6. Governor Mario Cuomo (San Francisco, CA. / July 16, 1984): ☆☆☆ Keynote Address at the 1984 Democratic National Convention 7. Reverend Jesse Jackson (San Francisco, CA. / July 16, 1984):

Address to the Democratic Convention, “God is not finished with me yet.” 8. Ronald Reagan (January 28, 1986)

The Space Shuttle “Challenger” Tragedy Address.

9. Bill Clinton (to church leaders in Memphis / November 13, 1993): ☆☆ Remarks to the Church of God in Christ in Memphis

10. George W. Bush (Washington, D.C. / September 20, 2001): ☆☆ Address to Congress After the Attacks on September 11




【参考①】 有名なスピーチを見てみよう


Lesson 2. Problem-solution Speech [Sec. 1 Pre-writing activity]

This time, you are going to present a speech which will try to persuade the audience to

make a plan to solve a problem. 今回発表するスピーチは、ある問題の解決案を採択するよう聞き手を説得す るためのスピーチです。

[Step 1] Identify the problem

Ms. Tanaka is worried about one thing about our high school. Read the following passage and fill in the blanks using the words in the list below:


Words List: [ solve cheerful less problem ]

[Step 2] Brainstorming

Your task here is to come up with an idea to solve the problem Ms. Tanaka mentioned. Think by yourself or with your partner and take notes of what would be a possible plan to solve the problem. 田中先生が言及された問題の解決案を考えて下さい。一人、またはパートナーと一 緒に考え、解決法を簡単に下にメモしてください(出来れば英語、難しければ日本語で)。

- Memo -

⇒ My solution is : [ ] In our school, we are faced with a worrisome (1 ).

These days, I find less and (2 ) students greet each other. Also, the way they greet is not (3 ) enough. I wonder what we should do to (4 ) the problem.

私たちの学校には、心配な問題があります。最近、お互いに挨拶をする生徒が少な くなっていて、またその挨拶のしかたも元気の良いものではありません。この問題を 解決するために、何をしたら良いかなあ。




Lesson 2. Problem-solution Speech [Sec. 2 Analyzing Speech Script ]

[Step 1] Your teacher will read a speech script. Listen and fill in the blanks below:

Speech Script: “No More Late Coming to School”

Structure (構成) Speech Script (スピーチ原稿) Greeting (挨拶) Hello everyone.

Introduction of topic (トピックの導入)

Today, I am going to talk about one (1 ) with our high school.


Introducing a specific problem (具体的な問題の提示)

These days, the (2 ) of students who are (3 ) for school is increasing. How it is a serious problem


This is a serious problem because if you are late for school, you will (4 ) the chance to learn important lessons from our teachers. Introducing your solution.


In order to solve this problem, I would like to ask you to (5 ) your alarm clock as (6 ) from your bed as possible. How the problem will be solved by

the plan.(問題解決の仕組み)

If you put your alarm clock, let’s say, (7 ) meters away from your bed, it would be more difficult to (8 ) it in the morning. Indeed, you would have to get out of your bed and walk to (9 ) it off. This would surely awake you.

Summary (スピーチの要旨の説明) For this reason, we should put our alarm clocks as far from our beds as possible.

Closing(終わりの挨拶) Thank you for listening.

[Step 2] Your teacher will explain the structure of a persuasive speech. Fill in the blanks below. Structure of a Problem-solution Speech


・Topic introduction / main idea (thesis statement) Body

・Supporting detail ① “What is the (10 )?”

・Supporting detail ② “How (11 ) is the problem?” ・Supporting detail ③ “What is the (12 )?”

・Supporting detail ④ “ (13 ) will the problem be solved?” Conclusion ・Summary / Closing




Lesson 2 . Problem-solution Speech [Sec. Writing the First Draft ]

This time, you are to write a speech on how to solve the problem that worried Ms.

Tanaka. As we did last time, follow the steps below to prepare your speech.

次に、田中先生が心配をされていた問題をいかに解決するかについて、スピーチをしてもらいます(解決案の 発表会をしてもらいます)。前回と同様、以下のステップに従ってスピーチの準備をして下さい。

[Step 1] Formulating your solution

Based on what you have brainstormed, complete the sentence below to summarize your proposal. ブレインストーミングしたことを基に、解決方法を 1 文で書い


In order to solve the problem, I would like to

[Step 2] Preparing supporting details

As you have chosen your plan, now you are to brainstorm the details of your speech.

使える表現例 (Useful Expressions)

①“What is the problem?”


・These days, the number of students who~ is increasing.

・Now, we have a problem that ~ .

② “How serious is the problem?”


・This is a serious problem because ~ .

・For example, ~.

③ “What is the plan?”



・In order to solve this problem, ~ .

・In other words, ~ .

・Let me explain the details.

④“How will the problem be solved?”


・This problem will be solved in the following way.

・After we take this plan, ~ .

・First, ~ . Then, ~ . Finally, ~ .

・So, the problem can be solved by this plan.




[Step 3] Writing the 1 st draft of your speech

Now that you have figured out what to write, use this sheet to write your first draft of your speech.

以下の指示に従い、Speech Script を書いて下さい。

・( )語程度の英語で書き、語数を数えて [Word Count] の欄に記入すること


・Due Date (提出日):

Word Count: ( )


辞書で調べた難しい表現に頼りすぎず、自分の知っている表現を 積極的に用いて英文を書いた。


Class: Student No.: Name:

1st Draft Check List



Lesson 2 . Problem-solution Speech [Sec. 4 Proof-reading & Revision ]

Use the following checklists to proofread your partner’s script. 以下のリストを用いて、 パートナーのスピーチ原稿をチェックして下さい。その後、直すべき点を口頭で指摘してあげ て下さい。

【A. Content & Structure (内容と構成)】

1st 2nd (1) Does the script answer the following questions properly?

a) What is the problem? (問題はなに?)

b) How is the problem serious? (問題はどう深刻?)

□ □

c) What is the solution to the problem? (解決法はなに?)

d) How will the problem be solved? (どう解決するの?)

(2) Is the solution reasonable? (解決法は理に適っている?)

□ □

(3) Does the script introduce examples? (具体例はある?)

【B. Vocabulary and Spelling(語彙とスペル)】

(4) Is the language used clear and easy to understand? (簡単で分かりやす い語彙が使われているか。難しすぎる単語・表現は使わないこと!)

(5) Are the words spelled correctly? Double check any words you are unsure about in a dictionary. (必要なら辞書も用いてスペルを確認する)

(6) Have linking words (e.g. however, for example, or moreover) been used properly? (「つなぎ言葉」を適切に使っているか)

【C. Grammar(文法)】

(7) Are verb tenses in the essay used correctly? (時制は適切か)

(8) Do the verbs agree with the subjects? (主語と動詞の数の一致は?)

□ □

(9) Have you used the correct articles for single, plural and uncountable nouns? (単数、複数、不可算名詞に気をつけて冠詞を適切に使っているか)

(10) Are there any fragment sentences? (不完全な文が無いか) e.g. × Because ~ . × For example, <名詞> .

【D. Punctuation(句読点法)】

(11) Have you indented the start of the paragraph? (段落の最初の部分が、


(12) Have you capitalized all the proper nouns in the essay?(固有名詞は大





Writing the 2 nd draft of your speech

Focusing on what you have been advised, rewrite your speech.

以下の指示に従い、Speech Script を書いて下さい。

・語数を数えて [Word Count] の欄に記入すること


・Due Date (提出日):

Word Count: ( )


辞書で調べた難しい表現に頼りすぎず、自分の知っている表現を 積極的に用いて英文を書いた。


Class: Student No.: Name:

2nd Draft Check List



Lesson 2 . Problem-solution Speech [Sec. 5 Speech Presentation]

Speaker’s name:( )

Solution: ( ) [Memo]

解決方法の良さ: [ A B C D ] 【スピーチの伝え方の良さ】

声の大きさ: [ A B C D ] 声の強弱の変化: [ A B C D ] ジェスチャーの使用: [ A B C D ] アイコンタクト: [ A B C D ] [Comment]

Speaker’s name:( )

Solution: ( ) [Memo]

解決方法の良さ: [ A B C D ] 【スピーチの伝え方の良さ】

声の大きさ: [ A B C D ] 声の強弱の変化: [ A B C D ] ジェスチャーの使用: [ A B C D ] アイコンタクト: [ A B C D ] [Comment]

Speaker’s name:( )

Solution: ( ) [Memo]

解決方法の良さ: [ A B C D ] 【スピーチの伝え方の良さ】

声の大きさ: [ A B C D ] 声の強弱の変化: [ A B C D ] ジェスチャーの使用: [ A B C D ] アイコンタクト: [ A B C D ] [Comment]

Class: Student No.: Name:



Lesson 2 . Problem-solution Speech [Sec. 6 Second Speech]

[Step 1] Choosing the Topic

Again, you are going to present a speech in the problem–solution format. This time, you are to choose one topic among the four topics below:


① How can we save electricity at school?

② *How can we prevent cell phone use during break time? or How can we prevent cell phones ringing during classes? ③ How can I tell my friend that he or she sends me e-mails too often? ④ How can we prevent sleeping in class?

注) 学校で携帯電話の持ち込が禁止されている場合の問題です。

My topic is : ( ) ←write the number here

[Step 2] Brainstorming

Your task here is to come up with an idea to solve the problem you have picked up. 上で選んだ問題の解決案を考えて下さい。問題の原因は何で、解決法にはどんなものがあるか、簡単に下にメ モしてください(出来れば英語、難しければ日本語で)。

使える表現例 (Useful Expressions)

①“What is the problem?”

「問題は何?」 ・These days, the number of students who~ is increasing.

・These days, more and more students ~.

・Now, we have a problem that ~ .

② “How serious is the problem?”


・This is a serious problem because ~ .

・For example, ~.

・If we don’t do anything now, we may end up ~ ing.

③ “What is the plan?”


・In order to solve this problem, .

・Let me explain the details.

④“How will the problem be solved?”


・This problem will be solved in the following way.

・After we take this plan, ~ .

・First, ~ . Then, ~ . Finally, ~ .

・So, the problem can be solved by this plan.




[Step 3] Writing the 1 st draft of your speech

Now that you have figured out what to write, use this sheet to write your first draft.

以下の指示に従い、Speech Script を書いて下さい。

・( )語程度の英語で書き、語数を数えて [Word Count] の欄に記入すること


・Due Date (提出日): / 選んだトピックの番号 No. [ ]

Word Count: ( )


辞書で調べた難しい表現に頼りすぎず、自分の知っている表現を 積極的に用いて英文を書いた。


Class: Student No.: Name:

1st Draft Check List p.18


[Step 4] Writing the 2nd draft of your speech

Now that you have figured out what to write, use this sheet to write your first draft of your speech.

以下の指示に従い、Speech Script を書いて下さい。

・語数を数えて [Word Count] の欄に記入すること


・Due Date (提出日): / 選んだトピックの番号 No. [ ]

Word Count: ( )


辞書で調べた難しい表現に頼りすぎず、自分の知っている表現を 積極的に用いて英文を書いた。


Class: Student No.: Name:

2nd Draft Check List



[Step 5] Speech Evaluation Sheets

Speaker’s name:( ) [Memo]


・How serious? : ・Solution:

解決方法の良さ: [ A B C D ] 【スピーチの伝え方の良さ】

声の大きさ: [ A B C D ] 声の強弱の変化: [ A B C D ] ジェスチャーの使用: [ A B C D ] アイコンタクト: [ A B C D ] [Comment]

Speaker’s name:( ) [Memo]


・How serious? : ・Solution:

解決方法の良さ: [ A B C D ] 【スピーチの伝え方の良さ】

声の大きさ: [ A B C D ] 声の強弱の変化: [ A B C D ] ジェスチャーの使用: [ A B C D ] アイコンタクト: [ A B C D ] [Comment]

Speaker’s name:( ) [Memo]


・How serious? : ・Solution:

解決方法の良さ: [ A B C D ] 【スピーチの伝え方の良さ】

声の大きさ: [ A B C D ] 声の強弱の変化: [ A B C D ] ジェスチャーの使用: [ A B C D ] アイコンタクト: [ A B C D ] [Comment]


Class: Student No.: Name:


ペアを組み、以下の論題(英語では Motion と呼びます)から1つ選び、賛成・反対に分かれて相手の説得 を試みて下さい。


A. We should ban the giving of chocolate on St. Valentine’s day in high schools.

「高校でバレンタインの日にチョコレートをあげる事を禁止するべきだ」 B. High school students should have a part-time job.

「高校生は何らかのアルバイトをするべきだ」 C. High schools should abolish the school uniform.



① ジャンケンをします。勝った人が賛成側、負けた人が否定側になります。

② この論題に関して自分の役割に応じて相手を説得して下さい。時間は 1 分です。

③ 相手の発言に対して何も言い返せなかったり、5 秒間以上沈黙してしまった方が負けです。 2人とも英語でずっと話し続けることが出来れば、引き分けです。

一通り練習したら、他の論題も試してみましょう。以下の論題は、「A は B より良い」というグループと、

「A は B をするべきだ」というグループの 2 つに分かれています。前者のトピックでは 1 人が A の擁 護者、もう 1 人が B の擁護者になり(「ジャンケンで勝った人が A」という様に決めて下さい)、相手の 説得を試みます。後者のトピックでは、1 人がその論題に賛成、もう 1 人が反対の立場で同様に説得を 試みます。

(1) A is better than B

・Snowball fighting (雪合戦) is better than snowman making (雪だるま作り).

・Studying at a girls’ only high school (女子校) is better than studying at a co-education high school (共学校).

・A haiku contest is better than a debate contest.

・Playing Kemari (蹴鞠) is better than playing soccer.

(2) A should do B

・Teachers should not give homework to students.

・We should not give “Giri chocolate(義理チョコ)” on St Valentine Day.

・We should not give “Otoshidama(お年玉)” to children.

・We should eat penguins. 追加の Motions

【参考②】 2 人で 1 分間即興ディベート




定価: みんなの努力と批判的思考力


An Introduction to Debating in English Book 3

初めての英語ディベート [高校授業用テキスト] 学校印刷用 Vol. 1 スピーチ発表の基礎

2012年 8 月 16 日 発行 著作 小林良裕

日本高校生パーラメンタリーディベート連盟 HPDU of Japan, 副事務局長

発行者 エスエイディワークス

Class Name

An Introduction to Debating in English

Volume 1: The Basics of Speech Presentation



Next, we prove bounds for the dimensions of p-adic MLV-spaces in Section 3, assuming results in Section 4, and make a conjecture about a special element in the motivic Galois group

The proof uses a set up of Seiberg Witten theory that replaces generic metrics by the construction of a localised Euler class of an infinite dimensional bundle with a Fredholm

Then the strongly mixed variational-hemivariational inequality SMVHVI is strongly (resp., weakly) well posed in the generalized sense if and only if the corresponding inclusion

Shigeyuki MORITA Casson invariant and structure of the mapping class group.. .) homology cobordism invariants. Shigeyuki MORITA Casson invariant and structure of the mapping

A class F of real or complex valued functions is said to be inverse closed if 1/f remains in the class whenever f is in the class and it does not vanish, and it is said to

These include the relation between the structure of the mapping class group and invariants of 3–manifolds, the unstable cohomology of the moduli space of curves and Faber’s

We also show that the Euler class of C ∞ diffeomorphisms of the plane is an unbounded class, and that any closed surface group of genus &gt; 1 admits a C ∞ action with arbitrary

For every odd prime power q, there is a unique semifield, up to isotopism, of order q 6 in subclass F 4 (a) which is 3-dimensional over its right nucleus and hence 6- dimensional