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英語 常葉大学短期大学部 大学案内募集要項過去問


Academic year: 2018

シェア "英語 常葉大学短期大学部 大学案内募集要項過去問"


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問 1. 次の (1)~(20) の( )内 入 の 適切 のを 14の中 一 選び の番号を書 さい

(1) Kyoto is the center of ( ) Japanese culture. There are many beautiful old temples and gardens there.

1 nervous 2 similar 3 traditional 4 personal

(2) Jennifer painted her bicycle pink ( ). She wanted to be able to find it easily in crowded places.

1 in case 2 by mistake 3 on purpose 4 for short

(3) Yesterday, there were a large ( ) of people waiting in line to buy tickets for the football game.

1 copy 2 number 3 figure 4 point

(4) Shizuoka's average temperature for August is much higher than ( ) of Sapporo.

1 this 2 those 3 which 4 that

(5) ( ) my brother's help, I could not have won the tennis tournament.

1 Without 2 If 3 But 4 Although

(6) This video game is easy to play because it is ( ) to the one we played yesterday.

1 kind 2 special 3 friendly 4 similar

(7) To keep yourself in good ( ), you should eat healthy food and get regular exercise.

1 shape 2 action 3 program 4 stage

(8) Somebody ( ) Yoko's bicycle last week. She told the police, but they haven't found it yet.

1 wore 2 fought 3 shook 4 stole

(9) Ms. Jones ( ) an announcement to our English class that some students from England would visit our school next month.

1 held 2 made 3 took 4 kept


(11) Katie Johnson is a famous singer. People want to take her picture ( ) she goes.

1 whatever 2 wherever 3 whoever 4 however

(12) Peter took a day ( ) from work today because his daughter had a fever. He wanted to take her to the hospital.

1 up 2 off 3 along 4 over

(13) Daniel and Jenny usually cook dinner at home on Friday nights, but ( ) they go to a hamburger restaurant instead.

1 absolutely 2 slightly 3 particularly 4 occasionally

(14) Terry didn't like the meal he ordered at all and asked the waiter to ( ) it away.

1 lose 2 place 3 save 4 take

(15) The food on the menu didn't look very ( ) to them, so the young couple decided to go to a different restaurant.

1 boring 2 appealing 3 demanding 4 hanging

(16) We couldn't ( ) up with any ideas for events at the next school festival, so I had to ask the teacher for help.

1 end 2 go 3 come 4 fly

(17) It is important to pay attention when snowboarding. Careless snowboarding can ( ) a serious accident.

1 damage 2 approach 3 injure 4 cause

(18) There was a test in math class today, but ( ) Melanie had a fever, she didn't go to school.

1 except 2 unless 3 since 4 although

(19) Andrew is not very good at math, so he always has to ( ) to finish his homework.

1 remove 2 deserve 3 associate 4 struggle

(20) In Japan, we ( ) clean water for granted. For many people in poorer countries, however, safe drinking water is not easy to get.


問 . 次の(1)〜(5)の対話文を完成させ ( )内 入 の し 適切 のを 14の中 一 選び の番号を記し さい

(1) A: Have a seat and tell me about yourself, please.

B: Thank you. My name is Mai Suzuki. I'm studying at Tokoha Gakuen Junior College. I'm really looking forward to getting a job at this company.

A: Well, tell me your major and what you can do. B: I'm majoring in English. ( )

1 I sleep well every night and can work hard all day long.

2 I can actually swim and sing very well, and also I can cook well.

3 I type 60 words per minute and can operate a computer very well.

4 I can hardly speak English but can sing in English all right.

(2) A: Hello. This is Tokoha Gakuen Junior College. What can I do for you? B: May I speak to Mr. Hunter in the English Department, please?

A: I'm sorry but there's no one here by that name. B: Oh, is that so? That's strange. ( )

1 I might have the wrong name, then. Sorry.

2 I'll then call back later again when he is in.

3 He must have changed his name, then.

4 Can you possibly tell me his real name?

(3) A: Honey, let's invite the Smiths over for dinner tomorrow. B: That's a good idea. I'll ask them to come over at eight o'clock. A: ( ) I need to get up early the next day.

B: OK. Let's make it an hour earlier. I'll call them now.

1 The restaurant won't be open.

2 That's a little late.


(4) A: ( ) please? B: What's up? Have a seat.

A: Thank you. I’m worried about the test week. I've been feeling nervous. B: I see. How's your study going?

1 Could you open me some time,

2 Could you tell me the time, 3 Could you spare me some time, 4 Could I borrow your time,

(5) A: Good morning. Did you have a good rest last night? B: Yes, I did. But I'm a little bit excited, so ( )

A: I understand. As you know, we'll take you to the famous palace today. B: Can I see the royal treasure there in the palace?

1 I overslept this morning.

2 I forgot to put on my clothes.

3 I woke up earlier than usual.


問 . 次の(1)〜(5)の英文 完成し 文章 う 文意 の15を 並べ え さい し 2 番 目 4 番 目 来 語句の番号を記し さい し 文頭 来 語 小文字 示し あ す

(1) A: Have you finished your report on the problem?

B: No, this problem is ( ) where to start solving it.

1 me 2 complex 3 too 4 for 5 to know

(2) A: Oh, you are in time, aren't you?

B: Yes, thank you. If it had not been for your advice, I ( ) a terrible traffic jam.

1 been 2 in 3 have

4 caught 5 would

(3) A: If you have any questions, please ( ) to the following address. B: Thanks a lot. That's helpful for me.

1 free 2 an email 3 send

4 feel 5 to

(4) A: Practice makes you perfect. The harder you practice, ( ) become a professional football player.

B: I see. I'll do my best.

1 to 2 are 3 the 4 you 5 more likely

(5) A: How is your new life in Canada?

B: It's very tough. I ( ) to life in the new school.


問 . 次の英文を読 の文意 (1)〜(5)の( )内 入 の 適切 のを 14の中 一 選び の番号を記し さい

Balloons and Airships

A modern balloon is an enormous bag made of nylon or plastic. The bag is filled with hot air or gas that is lighter than the air outside. This causes the balloon to rise. The pilot and passengers ride below in a basket, or gondola. They must go where the wind takes them.

An airship is a cigar-shaped, gas-filled balloon. It often has a stiff "skeleton" (metal framework) to hold its shape. This type is called a rigid airship. It floats like a balloon but is powered by engines with propellers that make it possible to steer in any direction.

The first big balloons were built in 1783 by the French brothers Joseph and Jacques Montgolfier. On November 21, two other Frenchmen sailed over Paris in a balloon – the first humans ever to "( 1 )." In 1785, Jean Pierre Blanchard, a Frenchman, and John Jeffries, an American, crossed the English Channel in a gas-filled balloon. Balloons were used in wars, including the American Civil War (1861-65), to spy on enemy troops or to carry messages. In the 20th-century world wars, unmanned balloons were used to get in the way of enemy bombers.

Modern balloons can go very ( 2 ) and stay up for a long time. They are used to explore the upper atmosphere and to look into space through on-board telescopes. Ballooning is also a popular sport. There are long-distance races, accuracy tests and chases. In 1999, Bertrand Piccard and Brian Jones made the first nonstop balloon flight ( 3 ) the world. It took them just 19 days.

In 1852, Henry Giffard flew the first powered airship over Paris, steering it with a steam-powered propeller. In 1900, the first rigid airship was flown by a German ( 4 ) belonging to Ferdinand von Zeppelin. Inside these Zeppelins, as rigid airships are often called, was a metal framework that held hydrogen-filled bags. Zeppelins had gasoline engines to power their propellers. More than 100 of these rigid airships were built, but they were not the ( 5 ) aircraft. The future of aviation was with airplanes.

(1) 1 dive 2 jump 3 fly 4 walk (2) 1 noisily 2 slowly 3 carefully 4 high (3) 1 into 2 around 3 of 4 below

(4) 1 company 2 ship 3 hospital 4 kindergarten (5) 1 noble 2 honest 3 ideal 4 kind



問 5. 次の英文を読 の内容 関す (1)〜(5)の質問 対し 適切 のを

14の中 一 選び の番号を記し さい


Many people say dolphins are very intelligent. They seem to be able to think, understand, and learn things quickly. But are they smart like humans or more like cats or dogs? Dolphins use their brains differently from people. But scientists say dolphin intelligence and human intelligence are alike in some ways. How?

Like humans, every dolphin has its own "name." The name is a special whistle. Each dolphin chooses a specific whistle for itself, usually by its first birthday. Actually, scientists think dolphins, like people, "talk" to each other about a lot of things, such as their age, their feelings, or finding food. And, like humans, dolphins use a system of sounds and body language to communicate. But understanding their conversations is not easy for humans. No one "speaks dolphin" yet, but some scientists are trying to learn.

Dolphins are also social animals. They live in groups called pods, and they often join others from different pods to play games and have fun—just like people. In fact, playing together is something only intelligent animals do.

Dolphins and humans are similar in another way: both make plans to get something they want. In the seas off southern Brazil, for example, dolphins use an interesting strategy to get food. When fish are near a boat, dolphins signal to the fishermen to put their nets in the water. Using this method, the men can catch a lot of fish. What is the advantage for the dolphins? Why do they assist the men? The dolphins get to eat some of the fish.



(1) What is a main idea of the passage?

1 There are many different types of dolphins.

2 Some dolphins are more intelligent than humans.

3 Dolphins are human's favorite animals.

4 Dolphins are very intelligent animals.

(2) Which sentence about dolphin language is true?

1 Each dolphin gets its name from its mother. 2 Dolphins use language to talk about many things.

3 Dolphins whistle, but they don't use body language.

4 Dolphin conversation is easy to understand.

(3) What do dolphins use to communicate?

1 Voices.

2 Electric signals.

3 Light.

4 Sounds and body language.

(4) Which sentence is true?

1 Dolphins live alone.

2 Dolphins play with others belonging to different groups.

3 Only leader dolphins have their own names.

4 Dolphins live for forty years.

(5) Why do dolphins sometimes help fishermen?

1 Dolphins are kind animals.

2 The dolphins know the men are hungry.

3 The dolphins can get food.


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(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)


















エドワーズ コナー 英語常勤講師(I.E.F.L.) 工学部 秋学期 英語コミュニケーションIB19 エドワーズ コナー


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