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英語 常葉大学短期大学部 大学案内募集要項過去問


Academic year: 2018

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問1. 次の (1)~(20) の( )内 入 の 最も適切 ものを 14の中 一 選び の番号を書 さい

(1) Language listening exercises are becoming more ( ) in high schools. 1 generous 2 often 3 common 4 native

(2) The ocean always reminds Amy ( ) her childhood, when she played on the beach nearly every day.

1 of 2 from 3 through 4 upon

(3) Recently, many cities have ( ) smoking in public places such as bars and restaurants.

1 fastened 2 delayed 3 adjusted 4 banned

(4) Betty got angry at the party because somebody ( ) coffee all over her dress. She had to take it to the dry cleaner’s the next day.

1 traced 2 spilled 3 piled 4 waved

(5) As is often the ( ) with people who are good at music, Tom is good at math, too.

1 case 2 edge 3 part 4 start

(6) Ben often has to make presentations in his college classes, so he is used to ( ) in front of people.

1 speak 2 spoken 3 spoke 4 speaking

(7) Sometimes my brother says really ( ) things and it makes me upset. 1 calm 2 thin 3 extra 4 silly

(8) Emily ( ) her mother. She has the same brown hair, blue eyes, and charming smile.

1 looks back 2 takes after 3 looks into 4 takes over

(9) It was ( ) that John was too sick to work, so his boss let him go home early. 1 fortunate 2 extreme 3 apparent 4 informal

(10) If I ( ) a computer last year, I’d still be using my old typewriter.


(11) Bob had a flat tire while he ( ) Tower Bridge.

1 crosses 2 was crossing 3 had crossed 4 had been crossing

(12) Mary studied very hard, so she was ( ) in the examination. 1 succeeded 2 successive 3 successful 4 success

(13) My brother has turned ( ) the offer of a job with a newspaper. 1 out 2 after 3 down 4 off

(14) Most working Europeans can count ( ) two weeks of vacation, some less, some more.

1 on 2 out 3 down 4 off

(15) You can’t buy tickets on the same day. You have to buy them in ( ). 1 advance 2 beginning 3 front 4 progress

(16) Sam would like to read more books, but when he gets home from work at night, he is too ( ) tired to read.

1 precisely 2 mentally 3 eagerly 4 silently

(17) Last summer I went to New Zealand, ( ) wasn’t as cold as I had expected. 1 when 2 where it 3 where 4 which it

(18) James works at a restaurant. His job is to take customers’ ( ) and to answer the phone.

1 orders 2 points 3 signals 4 excuses

(19) The train ( ) York from London was delayed for over an hour because of the heavy snow.

1 bound for 2 due to 3 made for 4 owing to

(20) Melbourne is known as a city that is ( ). Tourism is growing rapidly and many new businesses are opening.


問 . 次の(1)〜(5)の対話文を完成させ ( )内 入 もの し 最も適切 ものを 14の中 一 選び の番号を記し さい

(1) A: Are you going to be at the meeting this afternoon? B: Sorry, but I have another appointment.

A: Really? ( )

B: I know, but I have to meet with Mr. Simpson before he moves to New York. 1 Well, Im glad youre there.

2 Ill see you there. 3 But its important! 4 Can you come?

(2) A: Excuse me. Can you help me? B: What can I do for you?

A: ( )

B: The vending machine? Just put your money in here and the can should come out at the bottom.

1 Id like something to drink. 2 No problem. Thank you. 3 What happens to this? 4 How do I work this?

(3) A: Mom, I’m home.

B: Hi, Steve. Jim called you while you were out. A: ( )

B: He will be late for the concert tonight. 1 Why did he say he will be late? 2 What did he say?


(4) A: What’s your favorite sport?

B: My favorite sport? Uh… ( ) A: Then, what do you like to do in your free time? B: Well, right now I’m really absorbed in the Internet.

1 Ive always enjoyed playing baseball. 2 I like watching soccer best.

3 I spend a lot of time on my computer. 4 Actually, Im not so fond of sports.

(5) A: Have you got enough money to travel during the summer vacation? B: Yes, I think so.

A: ( )

B: No. I went there two years ago. This time, I’m going to Spain. 1 Youre traveling to Italy, arent you?

2 Are you going to Spain this year?

3 Have you decided where you will travel?


問 . 次の(1)〜(5)の英文 完成し 文章 う 文意 っ の15を並 べ替え さい し 2番目 4番目 来 語句の番号を記し さい し 文

頭 来 語も小文字 示し あ ます

(1) A: Hi, Mary! Will you come to see me this afternoon? B: I’d love to. But ( ).

1 the dentist 2 have 3 I

4 with 5 an appointment

(2) A: Are you thinking of buying a new car?

B: Yeah, but I can’t ( ) car or a very sporty, expensive car. 1 an economical 2 decide 3 buy

4 whether 5 to

(3) A: Please feel free to spend today as you wish. B: Thank you. I’ll ( ), then.

1 say 2 you 3 just

4 as 5 do

(4) A: She looked hurt.

B: If I had known that she had failed the entrance exam, I ( ) careless thing.

1 such 2 wouldnt 3 a

4 have 5 said

(5) A: Do you want to cook here, or eat out?

B: Let’s eat out. I just heard about a new Chinese restaurant ( ) excellent.

1 be 2 that 3 to


問 . 次の英文を読 の文意 っ (1)〜(5)の( )内 入 の 最も適切 も のを 14の中 一 選び の番号を記し さい

Water and the Body

More than 70% of the earth’s surface is covered by water. This includes both fresh water and sea water. More than 70% of all the fresh water in the world is in the form of ice, including massive glaciers, or ‘rivers of ice’, in the continent of Antarctica.

Water is also the most important substance in the human body. It makes up about 70% of your body’s weight. If you weigh 48 kilograms, the water in your body accounts for about ( 1 ) kilograms. Your blood is almost all water. Large parts of your skin, bones and other body tissues are water, too.

If the amount of water in your body is ( 2 ) by just one or two percent, you feel very thirsty. With a five percent loss, your skin would ( 3 ), you would find it hard to move your muscles, and you could not think clearly. A person would die if the amount of water fell by more than ten percent. People can ( 4 ) only a few days without water.

To stay healthy, each person needs to take in at least two liters of water every day. About half of this amount comes from the water and other liquids you drink. Solid foods provide about one third of the water needed by the body. ( 5 ), bread is 30% water, steak is 60%, potatoes are 90% and tomatoes are 95%. The rest of the water needed each day is produced by the body itself.

As you can see, water is not only the most common substance in the world, but is also vital for every person to live. We are often told to save energy and usually think of gas, electricity and oil. However, in the future, the thing which may be most important of all, is to make sure everyone has enough water.

(1) 1 14 2 24 3 34 4 44 (2) 1 reduced 2 added 3 made 4 produced (3) 1 grow 2 shrink 3 adapt 4 break (4) 1 recover 2 die 3 become ill 4 survive


問5. 次の英文を読 の内容 関す (1)〜(5)の質問 対し 最も適切 ものを

14の中 一 選び の番号を記し さい

New Zealand

New Zealand, or Aotearoa, as the original Maori inhabitants named it, is a country full of natural beauty. Although the country is only a little larger than Britain, it has everything a nature seeker could want: ancient forests, fast-flowing rivers, deep lakes, huge glaciers, snow-capped mountains and sandy beaches. However, it isn’t crowded – the population of 3.8 million is only around half that of London. It is said that there are more sheep than people.

Some of the animals and birds that live in New Zealand cannot be found anywhere else because it has been an island country for a long, long time. The most famous of them is a flightless bird called a kiwi, and this has become the nickname for New Zealand people too. New Zealanders speak English but its sound may be different from other varieties of English such as American and British. There is also a strong Maori influence on New Zealand culture.

The capital, Wellington, is a small city on the coast, and plenty of festivals, cafes and restaurants make it a fun place to be. January and February are good months to visit, when a series of festivals called the Summer City Program takes place.

The largest city is Auckland, which is known as the City of Sails because of the hundreds of sailboats in its beautiful harbor.

Adventure tourism is big business. A popular outdoor activity is hiking, and there are thousands of kilometers of tracks to choose from. Other popular activities include skiing, volcano climbing, sea kayaking and white-water rafting. Also, for air thrills there is parachuting, bungee jumping and skydiving.

However, you can still enjoy a visit to the country without being so active. There are many interesting and beautiful places to visit and things to see on a regular sightseeing tour.


(1) What were the people who originally lived in New Zealand called? 1 It’s filled with natural beauty.

2 British. 3 Maori. 4 Aoteraroa.

(2) Why are some birds and animals unique to New Zealand? 1 There is a flightless bird called a kiwi.

2 It has been separated from other countries for a long time. 3 The population is not so big.

4 There are more sheep than people.

(3) When is a good time to make a trip to the capital? 1 It’s on the coast.

2 It’s in their summer. 3 It’s in their winter. 4 It’s a fun place to visit.

(4) According to the passage, which sentence is not true? 1 There are more people in New Zealand than London. 2 The nickname for New Zealanders comes from a bird. 3 Auckland has a beautiful harbor.

4 Many people do outdoor activities.

(5) According to the passage, which sentence is true?

1 You can really get to know New Zealand in three or four days . 2 New Zealand does not have a lot of natural features.

3 Maori culture is still important even now.


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