• 検索結果がありません。

- by YUZO Yamamoto. Since my purpose is, of course, not a study of Japanese literary works but a practice in the writing of English,


Academic year: 2021

シェア "- by YUZO Yamamoto. Since my purpose is, of course, not a study of Japanese literary works but a practice in the writing of English,"


読み込み中.... (全文を見る)



Two Translations of Japanese Stories Translated by A . Fujii

Introductory note

With the authors' permission to print their works in this form, I present here two short English translations of Japanese authors : Nightfall on the Island by Mimei Ogawa and The Night's Last word from The Wayside Stone


by YUZO Yamamoto.

Since my purpose is, of course, not a study of Japanese literary works but a practice in the writing of English, I have not added any comments on the authors or their works presented here.

In these translations, I have been very conscientious in changing the orig- inals into English as faithfully as possible, almost word -for -word Consequent- ly, in doing so, I might have ruined the literary merits of the original works,


第44巻 第2弓    島の暮れがたの話  


− 3イ ー  

南方のあたたかな島でありまレた。そこには冬といって−も,名ばかりで,いつも花が咲   きみだれて:いました。   


このあたりは.,はじめてとみ.え.て,右を見たり,左を見たりして,自分の行く村をさがし   ていたのであります。   

この旅人は.こ.こにくるまでには.,長い道を歩きました。また,船にも乗らなければな   りませんでした。遠い国から,この島紅住んでいる,しんせきのものをたずねてきたので   あります。   

旅人は,道ばたに.すいせんの花がゆめのように咲いているのを見ました。また,山に・ま   っかなつばきの花が咲いているゐを見ました。そして,そのあたりは‥野原や,丘であつ   て,人家というものを見ませんでした。   

あたたかな風ほ,海の方から吹いてきました。その風には,花のかおりがふくんでいま   した。そして,日はだんだんと西の山の瑞に・しずみかけていたのであります。  



どうか,このあたりに.,きくような家がないかと,また,しばらく,右を見たり,左を   見たりして歩いて行きました。ただ,波の岩にうちよせてくだける音が,レずかな夕空の   下に,かすか紅きこえてくるばかりであります。   

このとき,ふと旅人は,あちらに・一骨んのわら屋を見つけました。そのやねはとび色が   かっていました。   

彼はその家の方に近づいて行きますと,みすばらしい家であって,かきねなどがこわれ   て,手をいれたようすとてありません。かれは,だれが,その家紅住んでいるのだろうと   思いました。   

だんだん近づくと,旅人は,ニどびっくりいたしました。それ腰それは美しい,いまま   で紅見たことのないような,わかい女がその家の門にしょんぼりと立っていたのでした。  

女は,長い髪を肩からうしろ紅たれていました。歯はこまかくきよらかで,目は,すきとお   るように.すんでいて,くちびるは,花のよう紅うるわしく,そのひたいの色は白かったので    す。   


Two Translations of Japanese Stories

Nightfall on the Island

- - -

(Shima no Kuregata no Hanashi) by Mimei Ogawa It was a warm island far away to the south So warm was it there that, even in winter, the island was rich with lovely flowers of all kinds.

Toward evening in early spring, a traveller was walking hurriedly along the road. He seemed to be a stranger to the island As he walked, he turned his eyes this way and that, trying to find his destination,

Even before coming to this island, he had had a long walk followed by a sea journey, and now he must find his relative who lived there.

By thewayside, the traveller saw narcissuses flowering as in a dream, and camellia with scalet blossoms were visible on the mountains In front of him, extended stretches of hills and plains but no human dwelling came into sight Now and then, warm wind from the sea passed by, also full of the gentle perfume of the flowers The sun was just beginning to set behind the edges of the western mountains "It is getting near dark, but, which way will bring me to the village I want to reach?" he paused for a while and pondered to himself

Hoping to see a house where he might ask the way, he continued his journey looking again to right and left. Under the serene evening sky, he could only hear the faint, rolling sound of the waves against the rocks below.

Thereupon, he perceived by chance, a t some distance away, a house-a house with a brownish, straw roof. He made his way toward it, and found it to be a humble cottage, with tumble-down fences indicating a long period of disuse. A feeling of dread seized him and he thought to himself, "What sort of people can be living in that house?"

As he approached, a second surprise awaited him, for a young woman of beauty such a s he'd never seen, was standing vacantly a t the house gate

Her long hair streamed over her shoulders and down her back Her teeth were delicately small and white, her eyes clear as crystal. Her lovely lips


算44巻 第2弓  

ーー 36 −   176   

旅人はどうして,こんな島に,こうした美しい女が住んでいるかと思いました。またこ  んな島だからこそ,とうした美しい女が住んでいるのだとも考えました。   

旅人は,女の前までいって,「私は,お宮のある村へ行きたい阜思うのですが,どの道を   行ったらいいでしょうか。」といって,たずねました。   







そして,ふたりは,道を歩きかけたときに,旅人は,女をふりむいて「あの家は,あな   たのおすまいではないのですか。.」とききました。すると,女はやさしい声で,  

「いいえ,なんであれがわたしの家なもんですか,きょうはわたしのふたりの   子どもたちが,遊びに出て,まだ帰ってきませんから,むかい払出た甲です。す  

したみ     ると,あの家の壁版に,去年いなくなった,私の妹のきものがかかっていました  


旅人は,ふしぎなと.とをきくものだとおどろいて,美しい女の横顔をしみじみと見まも   りました。   


「ぉかあさん./」「おかあさん/」といって,ふたりのかわいらしい子どもがカ;けてき   ました。女は.,よろこんで,ふたりの子どもを自分の胸にだきました。   


じき紅お宮のある村紅セますから。」と,女は鱒人に・道を教えて,花の咲く細道を,ふたり   の女の子といっしょ紅,さびしい波の音のきこえる山のすその方へとさしで行きました。   

旅人は,それとはんたいにLhづたい牢,だんだん奥に深くはいって行きまし鱒。山々に   ほみかんが,まだなっているところもありました。そして,まったく,日が暮れたじぶ   ん,思った村につくととができたのであります。   

その夜,ともしびの下で旅人は,しんせきの人々紅,その日ふしぎな美しい女を見たこ   と,そして,その女ほあちらのさぴしい,山のすその方へと草道をわけて行ったことを,  



17 7 Two Translations of Japanese Stories were like soft petals and her brow fair and noble

Upon seeing her, he began to wonder why such a pretty woman lived on this lonely island; but then, he thought, the very remoteness of the island might account for it

The traveller stepped toward her, and asked, "I wish to go to the vil- lage with a shrine Could you tell which way to go?"

The woman smiled a little, yet had a sad expression on her face, as she spoke, "You are on a journey, aren't you?"

"Yes, I am," answered the traveller She waited for a little and added,

"Anyway 1 am going that way myself, so I will go part of the way with you. "

"Oh! Would you really? I'd be most grateful," said the traveller

And they were just about to take to the road when the traveller glanced a t the woman and asked, "Do you live in that house up there?"

"Dear me no! Why should that be my home? As for today, well, my two children have gone out to play and have not come back yet, so I am out here looking for them. On the way, I happened to see, hanging from the weatherbosrd of that house, the kimono of my sister, who has been missing since last year, So I have been wondering what happened to her," she replied in a gentle, soft voice,

Shocked by her strange story, the traveller stared intently at her.

Just at that moment, from a little distance away, voices called out,

"Mam-ma! Oh! Mam-ma!" and two lovely children came running up to her quickly Their mother, in great joy, gathered them up in her arms.

"Well, we shall part with you here If you go straight along this path, you will soon be able to get to the village with the shrine " After showing him the way, she and hex children took the path through the flowers, toward the foot of the lonely mountains, from whence the sound of the waves pounding --

on the cliffs could be heard


第44巻 弟2号   178   

−− β省 一  

そのとき,しんせきの人ほ,おどろいた顔つきをして,「あんな方把.ほ,家がないはず   だが。」といいました。  


旅人は,また「妹のきものに,よくにたきものが壁板に.かかっていた仙その妹は,去   年ゆくえがわからなくなった−▲Ⅶ。」といった女のことばを,いぶかしく思わずにはいら  


翌日,旅人はしんせきの人といっしょに.,きのう,女がその家のかどに.立っていたとこ   ろまで行ってみることにしました。   

南の島の気候は,あたたかで家はうっとりしていました。そして,みつばちほ花に・集ま   って1、ました。   

旅人は,きのうたそがれがた私見たわら屋までやってきますと,その家は,まったくの   やぶれ屋で,だれも住んでいませんでした。そ・して壁板のところをながめますと,美しい  


そ の 夜 の こ と ば   


ぺンキのはげた古い門の前に,ちいさなつむじ風が巻いている。それがこっちの杜から   向こうの柱のはうへ,コマのように,くるくるとまわって行った。   


Two Translations of Japanese Stories .- 39 -

The traveller, on the other hand, took the path leading in the opposite direction, up a hill, and down a hill, and gradually went into the thickest part of the mountains Here and there on the mountains some orange trees could be seen still bearing fruit And when the sun had sunk completely behind the mountains, he a t last reached his destination

That night, under the light of a lantern, the traveller told his relative of the mysterious, beautiful woman he had met that day and of her going away toward the lonely foot of the mountains, through the grassy path.

At these words, his relative looked surprised and exclaimed, "Come now, surely there could be no house there!"

But, the words of the woman a t their meeting-about the kimono which looked like her sister's, hanging from the weatherboard and about this sister who had gone away the year before-came back again and again to his


So the traveller resolved that on the following day he and his relative should go to the very spot where the woman had stood

The next day, the weather was warm and pleasant; the house rising like a mirage in the air; and upon the flowers the bees were gathered in armies, humming as they worked When they came to the place where the thatched house had been, they found it a shabby, ruined hut, with no sign of human being within As the traveller stared a t the weatherboard, his gaze was caught with the exquisite butterfly wings trapped in the large spider webs.

The Night's Last Word

(sono Yo no Kotoba) by Yuzo Yamamoto Lessons over, silence had again enveloped the school

In front of the old and peeling school gate, a small whirlwind spiralled Off i t went, now here now there, gaily spinning from post to post


第44巻 籍2弓  

−・J∂ −   180   

当番で遅くなった菖一は,ゲタ箱の桟紅立ちどまったまま,ばんやり,門をはうを見て   いた。   



「うん。」普一・は凝くそう言ったが,披の目ほ,くるくるまわっている患いろいうず巻   きのほうを,また追いかけていた。   

彼はあまり道雄がすきでなかった。道雄のはうでは遊びたがっているのだが,恵一・はど   ういうものか,彼としたしむ気に.なれなかった。   


もっとも,両方の組を合わせても,吾−・が− 番のことは,−・番だが,ふたりの成績は.い   つもすれすれだった。   

はんとうからいったら,彼ほ束造や秋太郎なんかと遊ぶよりも,遷座と遊んだはう   が,ずっといいのだ。彼らのあいだで「少年世界」を取っているのは道雄だけだった。   


彼はたくさんの本を持っていた。だから,こういう点でも道雄と−・ばん詣が合うわけなの   だが,彼ほ妙に仲よしになれなかった。   




あるとき彼のうちに遊びに・行ったら,どろをとかしたような,まっ黒い飲みものを出さ   れ牢。こんなものは飲んだことがないから,吾一・はもじもじしでいると,「あまくって.,  



それはコーヒ一つてもので,お湯をつがない前に・は,サイコロのように,白い四角い形   をしたものギそうだ。なかに・コ−ヒー一つて黒い粉がはいっている。それだけだと,にがく   って飲めないから,そとを白ザトクでくるんであるのだそうだ。   

善一・ほ,道雄の説明を聞きながら,うまかったものだから,砂のような,ぎらぎらした   おりまで飲んでしまったが,舌の上に・ごそごそしたものが残った時,トーーだけど,なん   だれ サトウ湯のはうがうまいね。」と,その割りに・うまくなかったような批評をした。   



181 Two Trnaslations of Japanese Stories - 41 - Having stayed l a t e because i t was his turn t o sweep up after school, Goichi was looking vacantly toward the school g a t e , a s he stood by the g*

bake (wooden clog box)

Someone tapped Goichi's shoulder abruptly from behind, and said, "Let's g o home!' Turning back, he saw Michio standing there

"Mmm," Goichi responded with a slight nod, but his eyes again drifted- back to follow the yellow, whirling wind

Goichi did not l i k e Michio much Michio himself longed to play with Goichi but, somehow or other, Goichi was not in the mood to become friends with him.

Michio was also brilliant a t primary school and the monitor of the room 2 class Even if Michio's and Goichi's classes were t o be put together, Goichi would rank first of course, but their school records were still very close

In truth, however, i t would have been a good thing for Goichi to play with Michio rather than with such boys as Kyozo and Akitaro I t was only Michio who, amongst them, took Shonen Sekai (The Boy's World Magazine).

Furthermore, i t seemed any book he wanted was bought for him, so that he had a collection of many books Thus, in this respect, they should have really been made for each other but strangely, Goichi had not become his close friend Even when Michio said he would lend him a book, Goichi would not borrow i t from him And most of the books that Michio bought, Goichi had already read through a t Inabaya's Book Store

Since Michio's father was a doctor, in various ways the house had become rather a mixture of things Japanese and Western Once when Goichi was a t Michio's home playing, he was offered a d a r k muddy mixture to drink Since he had never drunk this sort of thing before, he couldn't make up his mind whether to drink or not But eagerly urged on by Michio saying, "It's sweet and good," Goichi began to s i p it gingerly Despite it's unsavory appearance, i t did indeed taste sweet and good

"It i s "coffeen-and is white and cube shaped like dice before being


発44巻 籍2号   182  

・− 42−  

んばつしないではいられなかった。このコーヒー紅限らず,本でも,おもちやでも,道雄   はとかく嘗一・の知らないようなものを持ら出しては,彼をへこ.まそうとするよう紅思えて  ならなかった。そのたび,膏−・は「何を。」と思うのだった。  

「善一・ちゃん,おめえの組でも,きょう先生.中学校のこ.とをいったか。」道雄はのぞ   きこむよう紅言った。   







「…‥ ・刷…」   



と,西のはうから往来をなめるように,低く吹いてきた風が,ふたりをはこりのなかに  包んだ。   


183 Two Translations of Japanese Stories - 43 -

melted in hot w a t e ~ ," Michio explained He added further, "Inside each cube there is a black powder-coffee, because coffee by itself is too bitter to drink and so needs the sugar coating."

While listening t o Michio's explanation, Goichi, liking the taste, drained his cup of coffee-to the last sandy dregs. Some rough grounds were left on his tongue. "But,.





. .

Sugar water is much better ," he said, in a voice which suggested that the coffee had been relatively poor. Whenever something unknown was thrust before Goichi, he unintentionally could not but repel it It seemed to Goichi that Michio overwhelmed him with various objects, not merely this coffee, but toys and books and so on Each time this happened, he thought to himself, "Damn it!"

"Goichan, did your homeroom teacher talk about middle school in your class today?" asked Michio, peering into Goichi's face.

"Uh, um "

"I suppose you are going to middle school?"

"Well, I really don't know "

"Don't say it like that. You must go "

. . ..

"In my class, no one except me is going . I wonder if I should be the only one who "

"If I am the only one , 111 feel helpiess Come on, go with me "

Goichi did not answer Instead, with lips firmly set, he merely stared a t Michio Just then, a sudden gust of wind which swept along the road from the west enveloped them in a cloud of dust



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