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Investigating Readiness for Self-regulated Language Learning : A Longitudinal Study of Japanese EFL University Students


Academic year: 2021

シェア "Investigating Readiness for Self-regulated Language Learning : A Longitudinal Study of Japanese EFL University Students"


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(1)1nvestigating R」eadiness ibr Se1£肥gu]ated Language Learning:. ALon虫tudinalStudyofJa脾neseEFLUniversityStudents. 教科・領域教育専攻 言 言吾 系 コ 一 ス. M l 0 1 3 5 G 江  原  智  子.          The aim of this study is to explore the. Forethought,Pe冊。m㎜nce,and Reflection−These phases. readiness危r developing se1f−regu1atory leaming among. depict leamers’behaviora1曲。tors with each subpr㏄ess. non−Eng1ish majored Japanese university students.The. which my hinder or勉。ihtate1eamers’development of. theory and practice of se1f・regu1ated learning seems to be. se1£regu1atory1eamng Sel£regulated1ea㎜ngtheory1s. essentia1to cωtivate language leamers’autonomy and. based on the combination of the co釦tive,behavioral,. sustainabi1ity of studying Enghsh even aier graduation.. and af日ective aspects, Thus, the theory seenls to be.          This thesis compdsed of six chapters−In. he1p㎜ for mderstanding leamers’conditio㎜.The. Chapter1,the introduction presents the issues and the. present study focuses on se1£e冊。acy and leamers’. backgro㎜d ofnon−English majored Japanese㎜iversity. re刊ections oftheir own1eaming process.. students’1anguage1eaming.In Chapter2,the theoretica1.          In Chapter3,the research design and the. 缶amework ofselfregu1ated leaming is describe↓ma㎞y. methods are b㎡eny described.The present study. basedonZi㎜e㎜n’sd舳io㎜(1919.1991.2000.. employed a1ongitudim1,mixed method approach Tw0. 2001.2008).In the socia1cognitive theoretical view. di伍erent types of data e1icitation and amlyses were. (Band皿a,1986;Zi㎜e㎜n,2000)leamingisexpla㎞ed. sequently conducted along with a teaching pr句ect.Study. by two interre1ated cyclica1Ioops.0ne is the危edback. l was based on the first questio㎜aire which investigates. 1oop,w㎞chconsis憺。fthree dimensions=Env止。㎜ent,. leamers’tendency of se1£regulated1ang㎜ge1eaming in. Behavior,and Person.Each dimension assumes to have. terms of thei■perception of value and practice.Study2. certain impact on leamers’Present se1仁regu1ated. was conducted on semi−slmctured interviews with seven. language1eaming−The other is the cyclical process of. r印resen働tive students−This study laid emphasis on the. ・p1缶印111日fP−1mmiησv、州{目1・∩h爪冊・岬ηh目。P・・. ㎞divid1岨1inten,・iews to de1㎞eate1eamers’rea1ities and. ]1^^1 n…一’■H I1凹1山“b,  ^山一阯 一I]U ^川U −1川一1 r11阯阯]..

(2) The. deve1opment of se1企regu1atory language leaming.. teaching. prqect was. almng. mo㎡toring and ren㏄tive. S㎞11S. leamerS,. to promote. with some recording. c1uster groups in Study1,and subsequent1y inte岬iewed. s印arately It elucidates㎞divid㎜11eamer’s reacti㎝s to. their own1醐ming experiences。 T】]e open questionna廿e,. materials.Co㎜equent1y the fo11owing research questions. po㎞1ios,and time−management sheet were also uti1ized. are addressed:. as subordinate mte㎡als to examine thek sel£monitoring. and ref1ection. 1−What㎞d ofsel£regdated1anguage leaming. of their. 0Wn leaming. behavior. The. 丘ndings丘。m inteπiews seemed to indicate four distinct. characte㎡stics do non_Eng1ish maj ored Japanese. 血。tors for their successf阯and unsuccess而』practices:the. EFL umiversity students possess?. qua1ity of. 2. How do血ey perceive and deve1op their own. sel£regu1ated1anguage1earning?. gOa1S,. the 1earning. StyleS,. the deske of. autonomy and the impact of related people.. All the. 血。tors are interlwinedwith each other,anda脆。t1eamers’. inVO1Vement m a VlC1OuS Or v皿11uOuS Chapter4describes the resu1ts of Study l一. The. 1earning CyC1e.. se1f・regu1ated. The keys s鵬med to be the“se1f”If. data were elicited丘。m104participants who took the. leamers a㏄ept the contexts and decide to control their. sel㏄tive supP1ementaW English dass. C1uster ana1ysis. behavioら。ognition,and af睦。tion proactive1X they can be. WaS conducted on the. more success㎜se1トregu1ated1ang㎜geleamers。. 12−item. questiomaire,which asked leamers’. Likart−sca1e. closed. perceived use and. va1ue on se1£regu1ated language learning一 Asaresu1t,. Chapter6,the inal chapter,discusses both of. the studies and provides severa1pedagogical imp1icatiom.. 1eamers with diversebackgroundwereclassi五ed㎞tofour subgroups,and profiled the tendency of the辻se1f・report. 主任指導教官(中 田 賀 之). perceptions㎝sel£reg阯atorylanguage1eaming. In Chapter5,the resu1ts ofStudy2are disc㎜sed.. The semi−structured intewiews inquire into the1eamers’. percept1on and pract1ce. 1oarI皿ug・. ofsel£regu1atory. D0von p孤一口αpdn■s. Were. language. 1 11 ^ ^⊥^ 」. fI^’’’    f^’ 、’. s口仁しし。u. 1I∪111   1∪阯. 指導教官(中田賀之).




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