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KennethS.Alexander ∗ ExcursionsandlocallimittheoremsforBessel-likerandomwalks


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Journ a l of


ob a b il i t y

Vol. 16 (2011), Paper no. 1, pages 1–44.

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Excursions and local limit theorems for Bessel-like random walks

Kenneth S. Alexander

Department of Mathematics KAP 108 University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA 90089-2532 USA




We consider reflecting random walks on the nonnegative integers with drift of order 1/x at height x. We establish explicit asymptotics for various probabilities associated to such walks, including the distribution of the hitting time of 0 and first return time to 0, and the probability of being at a given height k at time n (uniformly in a large range of k.) In particular, for drift of form−δ/2x+o(1/x)withδ >−1, we show that the probability of a first return to 0 at timenis asymptoticallyn−cϕ(n), wherec= (3+δ)/2 andϕis a slowly varying function given in terms of theo(1/x)terms.

Key words:excursion, Lamperti problem, random walk, Bessel process.

AMS 2000 Subject Classification:Primary 60J10; Secondary: 60J80.

Submitted to EJP on March 10, 2010, final version accepted September 9, 2010.

This research was supported by NSF grant DMS-0804934.


1 Introduction

We consider random walks onZ+={0, 1, 2, . . .}, reflecting at 0, with steps±1 and transition probabilities of the form

p(x,x+1) =px =1 2

1− δ

2x +o 1


as x→ ∞, p(x,x−1) =qx =1−px, (1.1) for x ≥1. We call such processesBessel-like walks, as their drift is asymptotically the same as that of a Bessel process of (possibly negative) dimension 1−δ. We callδthedrift parameter.

Bessel-like walks are a special case of what is called the Lamperti problem—random walks with asymptotically zero drift. A Bessel-like walk is recurrent ifδ >−1, positive recurrent ifδ >1, and transient if δ <−1; forδ= −1 recurrence or transience depends on the o(1/x) terms.

Here we consider the recurrent case, with primary focus onδ >−1, as the case δ=−1 has additional complexities which weaken our results. Bessel-like walks arise for example when (reflecting) symmetric simple random walk (SSRW) is modified by a potential proportional to logx.

Bessel-like walks have been extensively studied since the 1950’s. Hodges and Rosenblatt[25] gave conditions for finiteness of moments of certain passage times, and Lamperti [32]estab- lished a functional central limit theorem (with non-normal limit marginals) for δ < 1; for

−1 < δ < 1 our Theorem 2.4 below is a local version of his CLT. In [33] Lamperti related the first and second moments of the step distribution to finiteness of integer moments of first- return-time distributions. He worked with a wider class of Markov chains with drift of order 1/x, showing in particular that for return times of Bessel-like walks, moments of order less thanκ= (1+δ)/2 are finite while those of order greater thanκare infinite. Lamperti’s results were generalized and extended to noninteger moments in[3], [5], and to expected values of more general functions of return times in [4]. “Upper and lower” local limit theorems were established in[34]for certain positive recurrent processes which include our δ >1. Bounds for the growth rate of processes with drift of order 1/x were given in[35], and the domain of attraction of the excursion length distribution was examined in[18].

Karlin and McGregor ([28],[29], [30]) showed that, for general birth-death processes, many quantities of interest could be expressed in terms of a family of polynomials orthogonal with respect to a measure on[−1, 1]. This measure can in principle be calculated (see Section 8 of[29]) but not concretely enough, apparently, for some computations we will do here. An exception is the case ofpx =12(1− 2x+δδ )considered in[13](forδ=1) and[11]; we will call this therational-form case. Birth-death processes dual to the rational form case were considered in[37]. Further results for birth-death processes via the Karlin-McGregor representation are in [8],[17].

Our interest in Bessel-like walks originates in statistical physics. These walks were used in[12] in a model of wetting. Additionally, in polymer pinning models of the type studied in[20]and the references therein, there is an underlying Markov chain which interacts with a potential at times of returns to 0. The location of the ith monomer is given by the state of the chain at timei. There may be quenched disorder, in the form of random variation in the potential as


a function of the time of the return. Letτ0 denote the return time to 0 for the Markov chain started at 0. For many models of interest, e.g. SSRW on Zd, the distribution of τ0 for the underlying Markov chain has a power-law tail:

P(τ0=n) =ncϕ(n) (1.2)

for somec≥1 and slowly varyingϕ. Considering evenn, for d=1 one hasc=3/2 andϕ(n) converging to p

2; for d = 2 one has c = 1 and ϕ(n) proportional to (logn)−2 [27]; for d ≥3 one has c= d/2 andϕ(n) asymptotically constant. In general the value of c is central to the critical behavior of the polymer with the presence of the disorder altering the critical behavior for c >3/2 but not for c <3/2 ([1],[2],[22].) In the “marginal” case c =3/2, the slowly varying functionϕdetermines whether the disorder has such an effect[21]. As we will see, for Bessel-like walks, (1.2) holds in the approximate sense that

P0=n)∼n−cϕ(n) asn→ ∞, (1.3) with c = (3+δ)/2 and ϕ(n) determined explicitly by the o(1/x) terms. Here ∼ means the ratio converges to 1. Thus Bessel-like walks provide a single family of Markov chains in(1+1)- dimensional space-time in which (1.2) can be realized (at least asymptotically) for arbitraryc andϕ.

A related model is the directed polymer in a random medium (DPRM), in which the underlying Markov chain is generally taken to be SSRW on Zd and the polymer encounters a random potential at every site, not just the special site 0. The DPRM has been studied in both the physics literature (see the survey[24]) and the mathematics literature (see e.g.[7],[9],[31].) In place of SSRW, one could use a Markov chain on Zd in which each coordinate is an independent Bessel-like walk. In this manner one could study the effect on the DPRM of the behavior (1.3), or more broadly, study the effect of the drift present in the Bessel-like walk. As with the pinning model, via Bessel-like walks, all drifts and all tail exponents c (not just the half-integer values occurring for SSRW) can be studied using the same space of trajectories. This will be pursued in future work.

For the DPRM, an essential feature is the overlap, that is, the value XN



where {Xi},{X0i} are two independent copies of the Markov chain; see ([7], [9], [31].) To determine the typical behavior of the overlap one should know the probabilitiesP(Xi= y),y∈ Zd, as precisely as possible, with as much uniformity in y as possible..

For this paper we thus have two goals: given the transition probabilities px,qx of a Bessel-like walk, determine

(i) the valuecand slowly varying functionϕfor which (1.3) holds, and

(ii) the probabilitiesP(Xi = y),y ∈Z, asymptotically asi→ ∞, as uniformly in yas possible.


We will not make use of the methods of Karlin and McGregor ([28], [29], [30]) due to the difficulty of calculating the measure explicitly enough, and obtaining the desired uniformity in y. Instead we take a more probabilistic approach, comparing the Bessel-like walk to a Bessel process with the same drift, while the walk is at high enough heights. This leads to estimates of probabilities of formP(τ0∈[a,b])whena/bis bounded away from 1. Then to obtain (1.3) we use special coupling properties of birth-death processes which force regularity on the sequence {P0= n),n≥1}. These properties, given in Lemma 6.1 and Corollary 6.2, may be of some independent interest.

2 Main Results

Consider a Bessel-like random walk {Xn} on the nonnegative integers with drift parameter δ≥ −1, with transition probabilities px = p(x,x +1),qx = p(x,x−1) =1−px. The walk is reflecting, i.e. p0=1. We assume uniform ellipticity: there existsε >0 for which

px,qx ∈[ε, 1−ε] for allx ≥1. (2.1) DefineRx by

px = 1 2

1− δ

2x +Rx 2

, (2.2)

whereRx =o(1/x). Note that in the rational-form case we have Rx = δ2

2x2 +O 1


. The drift at x is

pxqx =2px −1=− δ 2x +Rx

2 . Letλ0=1,M0=0 and forx ≥1,

λx = Yx



pk, Mx =




λk, L(x) =exp R1+· · ·+Rx .

Mx is the scale function. Note M1 =1, and MXn∧τ0 is a martingale. It is easily checked that the assumption Rx = o(1/x) ensures L is slowly varying. By linearly interpolating between integers, we can extend L to a function on [1,∞)which is still slowly varying. Let τj be the hitting time of j∈Z+, letPj denote probability for the walk started from height jand let

H =max{Xi :iτ0} (2.3)

be the height of an excursion from 0. From the martingale property we have P0(Hh) =P1h< τ0) = M1

Mh (2.4)


so since M1=1,

P0(H=h) = M1


Mh+1 = λh

MhMh+1. In place ofδ, a more convenient parameter is often

κ= 1+δ 2 ≥0.

We have


qx =1− δ

x +Rx +O 1


, and hence

λxK0x2κ−1L(x)−1 as x→ ∞, for someK0>0, (2.5) so forκ >0,


2κx2κL(x)1. (2.6)

Our assumption of recurrence is equivalent to Mx → ∞. Define the slowly varying function

ν(n) = X


1 l L(p


Throughout the paper, K0,K1, . . . are constants which depend only on {px,x ≥ 1}, except as noted; for example, Ki(θ,χ) means that Ki depends on some previously-specified θ and χ. Further, to avoid the notational clutter of pervasive integer-part symbols, we tacitly assume that all indices which appear are integers, as may be arranged by slightly modifying various arbitrarily-chosen constants, or more simply by mentally inserting the integer-part symbol as needed.

Theorem 2.1. Assume(2.2)and(2.1). Forδ >−1, P00n)∼ 21−κ


n) as n→ ∞, (2.7)

and for n even,

P00=n)∼ 22−κκ


n). (2.8)

Forδ=−1, assuming recurrence (i.e. Mx → ∞as x→ ∞), P00n)∼ 1

K0ν(n). (2.9)


For the case of SSRW, in contrast to (2.8), the excursion length distribution is easily given exactly[19]: forneven,

P00=n) = 1 n−1

n n/2

2n∼ 1

2pπn3/2. By (2.7) we have for fixedη∈(0, 1)that

P0 (1−η)nτ0≤(1+η)n

∼ 22−κ


n), (2.10)


Υ(η) = 1 2η


κ asη→0. (2.11)

Heuristically, one expects that conditionally on the event on the left side of (2.10),τ0 should be approximately uniform over even numbers in the interval [(1−η)n,(1+η)n], leading to (2.8). The precise statement we use is Lemma 5.1.

It follows from (2.4), (2.6) and Theorem 2.1 thatτ0andH2have asymptotically the same tail, to within a constant:



asn→ ∞. (2.12) This says roughly that the typical height of an excursion becomes a large multiple of the square root of its length (i.e. duration), asκgrows, meaning the downward drift becomes stronger. In this sense the random walk climbs higher to avoid the strong drift.

By reversing paths we see that

Pk(Xn=0) =pkλkP0(Xn=k). (2.13) Hence to obtain an approximation for P0(Xn =k), we need an approximation for Pk(Xn =0), and for that we first need an approximation for Pk0 =m). In this context, keeping in mind the similarity betweenτ0 andH2, for a given constantχ <1 we say that a starting (or ending) heightkislowifk<pχm,midrangeifpk≤p

m/χ andhighifk>p m/χ.

Theorem 2.2. Supposeδ >−1. Givenθ >0, forχ >0sufficiently small, there exists m0(θ,χ) as follows. For all mm0 and1≤k<pχm (low starting heights) with mk even,

(1−θ) 22−κκ


m)MkPk0=m) (2.14)


K0Γ(κ)m−(1+κ)L(p m)Mk. For allpk≤p

m/χ (midrange starting heights) with mk even, (1−θ) 2


‚k2 2m


ek2/2mPk0=m)≤(1+θ) 2 Γ(κ)m

‚k2 2m


ek2/2m. (2.15)


For all k>p

m/χ(high starting heights) with mk even, Pk0=m)≤ 1

mek2/8m. (2.16)

In general, for high starting heights, as in (2.16) we accept upper bounds, rather than sharp approximations as in (2.14) and (2.15).

Note that by (2.6), whenkis large (2.14) and (2.15) differ only in the factorek2/2m, which is near 1 for low starting heights. (Here “large” does not depend onm.) Further, by (2.8), one can replace (2.14) with

(1−θ)P00=m)MkPk0=m)≤(1+θ)P00=m)Mk. (2.17) We will see below that the left and right sides of (2.15) represent approximately the proba- bilities for a Bessel process, with the same drift parameterδand starting height k, to hit 0 in [m−1,m+1]. But the Bessel approximation is not necessarily valid for low starting heights, where (2.14) holds, because the analog of Mk for the Bessel process may be quite different from its value for the Bessel-like RW, and because L(pm)/L(k)need not be near 1, whereas the analog of L(·)for the Bessel process is a constant. Even if a RW has asymptotically constant L(·), the constantK0 may be different from the related Bessel case.

From (2.15), for midrange starting heights the distribution ofτ0 is nearly the same as for the approximating Bessel process. For low starting heights, this is not true in general—the Bessel- like RW in this case will typically climb to a height of orderp

mfor paths with τ0 = m, and this climb is what is affected by the dissimilarity between the two processes, as reflected in the errorsRx.

Ifδ >1 (i.e.κ >1), or ifδ=1 andE00)<∞, then P0(Xn=0)→ 2

E00) asn→ ∞ (neven), (2.18) and of course when it is finite, E00) can be expressed explicitly in terms of the transition probabilitiespx andqx, by using reversibility. If−1< δ <1 (i.e. 0< κ <1), then by (2.8) and a result of Doney[15],

P0(Xn=0)∼ 2κK0


n)1 (neven), (2.19) and ifδ=1 (i.e.κ=1) with E00) =∞, then by (2.8) and a result of Erickson[16],

P0(Xn=0)∼ 2

µ0(n) (neven), (2.20)

whereµ0(n)is the truncated mean:

µ0(n) =




l P00=l)∼ 2 K0



L(p l) l ,


which is a slowly varying function.

The next theorem, approximating the left side of (2.13), is based on Theorem 2.2 and (2.18)—

(2.20), together with the fact that Pk(Xn=0) =




Pk0=nj)P0(Xj=0). (2.21) Theorem 2.3. Givenθ >0, forχ sufficiently small there exists n0(θ,χ)such that for all nn0, the following hold.

(i) For k<pχn (low starting heights) with nk even,

(1−θ)P0(Xn˜=0)≤Pk(Xn=0)≤(1+θ)P0(X˜n=0), (2.22) wheren˜=n if n is even,n˜=n+1if n is odd.

(ii) If E00) <(which is always true for δ >1), then for pk ≤ p

n/χ (midrange starting heights) with nk even,

2−θ E00)




Γ(κ)uκ−1e−u duPk(Xn=0) (2.23)

≤ 2+θ E00)




Γ(κ)uκ−1eu du, and for k>p

n/χ (high starting heights) with nk even, Pk(Xn=0)≤ 8

E00)ek2/8n. (2.24) (iii) If−1< δ <1, then forpk≤p

n/χ (midrange starting heights) with nk even, (1−θ)2κK0

Γ(1−κ) n−(1−κ)L(p

n)1e−k2/2nPk(Xn=0) (2.25)


Γ(1−κ) n−(1−κ)L(p

n)1e−k2/2n, and there exists K1(κ)such that for k>p

n/χ (high starting heights) with nk even, Pk(Xn=0)≤K1ek2/8nn−(1−κ)L(p

n)1. (2.26)

(iv) Ifδ=1and E00) =∞, then forpk≤p

n/χ (midrange starting heights) with nk even,

2−θ µ0(n)




Γ(κ)uκ−1e−u duPk(Xn=0) (2.27)

≤ 2+θ µ0(n)




Γ(κ)uκ−1eu du,


and for k>p

n/χ (high starting heights) with nk even,

Pk(Xn=0)≤ 8

µ0(n)e−k2/8n. (2.28)

From [23], the integral that appears in (2.23) and (2.27) is the probability that the approxi- mating Bessel process started atkhits 0 by timen.

We may of course replaceP0(Xn=0)with the appropriate approximation from (2.18)—(2.20), in (2.22).

We now combine (2.13) with Theorem 2.3 to approximate the left side of (2.13).

Theorem 2.4. Given θ > 0, for χ >0sufficiently small, there exists n0(θ,χ) such that for all nn0, the following hold.

(i) For1≤k<pχn (low ending heights) with nk even, 1−θ

λkpkP0(Xn=0)≤P0(Xn=k)≤ 1+θ

λkpk P0(Xn=0). (2.29) (ii) If E00)<(which is always true forδ >1), then forpk≤p

n/χ(midrange ending heights) with nk even,

(1−θ) 4

K0E00)k12κL(k) Z



Γ(κ)uκ−1e−u du (2.30)

P0(Xn=k)≤(1+θ) 4

K0E00)k12κL(k) Z



Γ(κ)uκ−1eu du, and for k>p

n/χ (high ending heights) with nk even,

P0(Xn=k)≤ 32

K0E00)k12κL(k)ek2/8n. (2.31) (iii) If−1< δ <1, then forpk≤p

n/χ (midrange ending heights) with nk even,

(1−θ) 2κ+1 Γ(1−κ)

k pn


ek2/2nn1/2 (2.32)

P0(Xn=k)≤(1+θ) 2κ+1 Γ(1−κ)

k pn


ek2/2nn1/2, and for k>p

n/χ (high ending heights) with nk even, for K1of (2.26), P0(Xn=k)≤ 4K1

K0 ek2/8nn1/2. (2.33)


(iv) Ifδ=1and E00) =∞, then forpk≤p

n/χ (midrange ending heights) with nk even,

(1−θ) 4 K0µ0(n)

L(k) k




Γ(κ)uκ−1eu du (2.34)

P0(Xn=k)≤(1+θ) 4 K0µ0(n)

L(k) k




Γ(κ)uκ−1e−u du, and for k>p

n/χ (high ending heights) with nk even,

P0(Xn=k)≤ 44 K0µ0(n)


k e−k2/8n. (2.35)

A version of (2.32) for the RW dual to the rational-form case, withδ=−1, was proved in[37], with the statement that the proof works for generalδ <1.

For largekwe can use the approximation (2.5) in (2.29). For example, in the case−1< δ <1, there existsk1(θ)such that fornn0 andk1k<pχnwe have

(1−θ) 22−κ

Γ(1−κ)n−(1−κ)k−δ L(k)

L(pn) (2.36)

P0(Xn=k)≤(1+θ) 22−κ

Γ(1−κ)n−(1−κ)k−δ L(k) L(p


We can use Theorem 2.4 to approximately describe the distribution of Xn only because its statement gives uniformity ink. This requires uniformity inkin Theorems 2.2 and 2.3, which points us toward our probabilistic approach.

The factors 8 in the exponent in (2.31), (2.33) and (2.35) is not sharp. For−2< δ <0, bounds on tail (not point) probabilities with sharper exponents are established in[6].

We are unable to extend our results to random walks with drift which is asymptotically 0 but not of order 1/x, because we rely on known properties of the Bessel process.

3 Coupling

Let us consider the random walk with steps±1 imbedded in a Bessel processYt≥0 with drift


d Yt =− δ

2Yt d t+d Bt,

where Bt is Brownian motion. (We need only consider this process until the time, if any, that it hits 0, which avoids certain technical complications.) The imbedded walk is defined in the standard way: we start both the RW and the Bessel process at the same integer heightk. The first step of the RW is to k±1, whichever the Bessel process hits first, at some timeS1. The


second step is to YS1±1, whichever the Bessel process hits first starting from timeS1, and so on.

Let g(x) = x1; then g(Yt) is a martingale, in fact a time change of Brownian motion (see [36].) Write PBefor probability for the Bessel process, PBIfor the imbedded RW and Psymfor symmetric simple random walk (not reflecting at 0.) For the imbedded RW, for x ≥ 1, the downward transition probability is

qBIx =PxBex1< τx+1) = g(x+1)−g(x) g(x+1)−g(x−1)= 1


‚ 1+ δ

2x +δ2(1−δ) 12x3 +O

1 x4


so the corresponding value ofRx is

RBIx =−δ2(1−δ) 6x3 +O

1 x4


We write{Xn}, {XnBI} and{Xnsym}for the Bessel-like RW, imbedded RW, and symmetric simple RW, respectively, andτj,τBIj ,τsymj for the corresponding hitting times.

Here is a special construction of {Xn} that couples it to{Xnsym}, when pxqx for all x. (A similar construction works in casepxqx for all x.) Letξ0,ξ1, . . . be i.i.d. uniform in [0,1]. For eachi≥0 we have an alarm independent ofξi. IfXi=x, the alarm sounds with probability qxpx = 2xδR2x. If there is no alarm,Xi+1=x+1 ifξi >1/2, andXi+1=x−1 ifξi≤1/2.

If the alarm sounds, then Xi+1= x−1, regardless ofξi. {Xnsym}ignores the alarm and always takes its step according toξi.

A second special construction, coupling{Xn}to{XnBI}, is as follows; a related coupling appears in[10]. IfXi= x, the alarm sounds independently with probabilitya(x)given by

a(x) =


qBIx =R2x +δ212x(1−δ)3 +O |Rx|

x + x14

if pxpBIx ,


pBIx =−R2xδ212x(1−δ)3 +O |Rx|

x + x14

if px <pBIx .

Whenever the alarm sounds,{Xi}takes a step up in the case pxpBIx , and down in the case px <pBIx . If there is no alarm,{Xn}goes up ifξi >qBIx and down ifξiqBIx . By contrast,{XnBI} ignores the alarm and always takes its step according toξi. Under this construction, ifpxpBIx , the probability of an up step for{Xi}fromx is

(1−a(x))pBIx +a(x)·1=px, and ifpx <pBIx , the probability of a down step for{Xi}is

(1−a(x))qBIx +a(x)·1=qx,

which shows that this second construction does indeed couple{Xn}to{XnBI}. Note that in the second construction, unlike the first, the frequency of alarms iso(1/x). The coupling to{XnBI} is more complicated because the transition probabilities for{XnBI} depend on location. Even


when no alarm sounds, the two walks may take opposite steps ifXi = x, XiBI= y andξi falls betweenqBIx andqBIy . When (i) there is no alarm, (ii)Xi = x,XBIi = y for some x,y, and (iii) ξi falls betweenqBIx andqBIy, we say adiscrepancyoccurs at time i. Amisstepmeans either an alarm or a discrepancy. Forhsufficiently large, forxh,yh, conditioned onXi=x,XiBI= y and no alarm, the probability of a discrepancy is

|qBIxqBIy| ≤ δ

2h2|xy|. (3.1)

We letN(k)denote the number of missteps which occur up to timek.

Note that ifδ=0, the imbedded RW is symmetric and there are no discrepancies.

When we couple{Xn} and {XBIn }in the above manner, with both processes starting at k, we denote the corresponding measure byPk. Where confusion seems possible, for hitting times we then use a superscript to designate the process that the hitting time refers to, e.g. τBe0 andτBI0 for the Bessel process and its imbedded RW, respectively.

4 Proof of the tail approximation (2.7)

Recall that for (2.7) we have δ > −1. Let θ > 0, 0 < ρ < 1/8, 0 < ε1 < ε2 < pρ and hi = εipm. Let 0 < η < ε1/4 and h1± = (ε1±2η)pm. To prove (2.7) we will show that providedρ,θ are sufficiently small, one can choose the other parameters so that the following sequence of six inequalities holds, for largem:

1−3θ Mh2 PhBe

2 τ0≥(1+2ρ)m


≤ 1−θ Mh2 PhBI


≤ 1



≤ 1+θ

Mh2 Ph2h1≥(1−2ρ)m)

≤ 1+2θ Mh2 PhBI

2 τh1≥(1−2ρ)m

≤ 1+4θ Mh2 PhBe

2 τ0≥(1−3ρ)m .

These may be viewed as three “sandwich” bounds onP00m), with the outermost sandwich readily yielding the desired result, as we will show. The innermost sandwich (the 3rd and 4th inequalities) may be interpreted as follows. For convenience we assume the hi are even integers. Recall H from (2.3); when Hh2, we let T denote the first hitting time ofh1 after


τh2. We can decompose an excursion of height at leasth2 and length at leastm into 3 parts:

0 to τh2, τh2 to T, and T to the end. The idea is that for a typical excursion of length at least m, most of the length τ0 of the full excursion will be in the middle interval [τh2,T]; the first and last intervals will have length at mostρm. The middle sandwich (2nd and 5th inequalities) comes from approximating the original RW by the imbedded RW from a Bessel process, during the interval[τh2,T]. Then the outermost sandwich (1st and 6th inequalities) comes from approximating the imbedded RW by the actual Bessel process, and from showing that the third interval, fromT to excursion end, is typically relatively short.

A useful inequality is as follows: forh>k≥0 andm≥1, P00m,Hh)≥P0 τh< τ0

Phkm) = 1

MhPhkm). (4.2) As a special case we have

P00m)P00m,Hh2)≥ 1

Mh2Ph2h1m), (4.3) which establishes the 3rd inequality in (4.1).

By (2.6) there existsl1≥1 such that for all xl1, x|Rx| ≤ 1

2, 2κMx K0x2κL(x)1

7 8,9


, 2κ(M2xMx) K0(22κ−1)x2κL(x)1

7 8,9


, Ifδ6=0, enlargingl1 if necessary, we also have

x(2px−1) +δ 2 < |δ|

4 . We turn to the 4th inequality in (4.1). We have

P00m) =P00m,Hh2) +P00m,H<h2). (4.4) The main contribution should come from the first probability on the right. To show this, we first need two lemmas. We begin with the following bound on strip-confinement probabilities.

Lemma 4.1. Assume(2.1) and(2.2). There exists K2(ε,l1)as follows. For all h≥ 1,m≥ 2h2 and0<q<h,

Pq(Xn∈(0,h)for all nm)eK2m/h2. Proof. Consider firstδ6=0, h>l1. We claim that

Pq(Xn∈(l1,h)for allnh2l1)

is bounded away from 1 uniformly inq,hwithl1q<h. In fact, from the definition ofl1, the driftpxqx has constant sign for xl1. Suppose the drift is positive; then{Xn}and{Xsymn } can be coupled so thatXnXnsymfor allnup to the first exit time of{Xn}from(l1,h). Therefore

Pq(Xn∈(l1,h)for allnh2l1)≤Pqsymh>h2l1)≤1−P0symhh2l1).


SinceXnsymis a non-reflecting symmetric RW, forZ a standard normal r.v. we have P0symhh2l1)≥P0symhh2/2)≥P0sym(Xsym

bh2/2ch)→P(Z>p 2)

as h→ ∞, so P0symhh2l1)is bounded away from 0 uniformly inh> l1, and the claim follows. Similarly if the drift is negative, we can couple so thatXnXnsym until the time that {Xn}hitsl1, and therefore

Pq(Xn∈(l1,h)for allnh2l1)≤Pqsyml1>h2l1)≤1−Phsym0h2l1), and the claim again follows straightforwardly. Then sinceqxεfor all xl1, we have

Pq(Xn/(0,h)for somenh2)≥εl1Pq(Xn/(l1,h)for somenh2l1), (4.5) which together with the claim shows that there existsγ=γ(l1,ε) such that for alll1q<h we have

Pq(Xn/(0,h)for somenh2)≥γ. (4.6) Therefore by straightforward induction, sincem≥2h2,

Pq(Xn∈(0,h)for allnm)≤(1−γ)bm/h2ceK2m/h2, (4.7) completing the proof forδ6=0, h>l1.

Forδ6=0,hl1, the left side of (4.5) is bounded below byεl1, and (4.7) follows similarly.

Forδ=0, it seems simplest to proceed by comparison. Instead, in place of (4.5) we have Pq(Xn/(0,h)for somenh2)≥Pq0q2+1). (4.8) We can change the value of the (downward) drift parameter from δ = 0 to ˜δ ∈ (−1, 0) by subtracting ˜δ/4x frompx for eachx ≥1. By an obvious coupling, this reduces the probability on the right side of (4.8). But by Proposition 6.3 below, this reduced probability is bounded away from 0 inq≥1. Thus (4.6) and then (4.7) hold in this case as well.

It should be pointed out that the proof of Proposition 6.3 makes use of Theorem 2.1 which in turn makes use of Lemma 4.1. Since the application of Proposition 6.3 in the proof of Lemma 4.1 is only for ˜δ 6= 0, and since this application is only used to prove the lemma in the case δ= 0, this is not circular—all proofs can be done for nonzero drift parameter first, and then this can be applied to obtain the result for 0 drift parameter.

If we start the RW at 0, we can strengthen the bound in Lemma 4.1, as follows. Let Qn = max0knXk, soH=Qτ0.

Lemma 4.2. Assume δ > −1. There exist K3(ε,l1),K4(ε,l1) as follows. For all h > l1 and m≥4h2,

P0(Xn∈(0,h)for all1≤nm)K3



Proof. Let k1 = min{k : 2k2 > l1} and k2 = max{k : 2k1 < h}. Then for some constants Ki(ε,l1),

P0(Xn∈(0,h)for all 1≤nm)


Xn∈(0, 2k1−1)for all 1≤nmŠ +




P0 Qm∈[2k−1, 2k),τ0>m





P0 Qm∈[2k−1, 2k),τ0>m,τ2k−2m 2

+P0 Qm∈[2k−1, 2k),τ0>m,τ2k−2> m 2








2,τ0> τ2k−1

‹ P2k−2


Xn∈(0, 2k)for allnm 2




τ0> τ2k−1> τ2k−2> m 2






P1 τ0> τ2k−1


+ 1



τ0< τ2k−1,τ0τ2k−2> m 2






1 M2k1


+ 1


P2k−1 τ2k−2< τ2k−1



Xn∈(0, 2k−1)for allnm 2






1 M2k1

e−K2m/22k+1+ 1 p2k1λ2k1

q2k1(M2k1M2k11) M2k1M2k2








M2k1 + 1 M2k1M2k2







22kκ eK2m/22k+1



and the lemma follows from this and (2.6). Here in the 2nd inequality we used the ellipticity condition (2.1), in the 4th inequality we used Lemma 4.1 and reversal of the path from time 0 to timeτ2k−1, in the 5th inequality we used (2.3), in the 6th inequality we used Lemma 4.1, in the 8th inequality we used (2.5), and in the last three inequalities we used the fact thatLis



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