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We prove H¨older-continuous dependence results for the difference between certain ill-posed and well-posed evolution problems in a Hilbert space


Academic year: 2022

シェア "We prove H¨older-continuous dependence results for the difference between certain ill-posed and well-posed evolution problems in a Hilbert space"


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Simulations. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Conference 19 (2010), pp. 99–


ISSN: 1072-6691. URL: http://ejde.math.txstate.edu or http://ejde.math.unt.edu ftp ejde.math.txstate.edu



Abstract. We prove H¨older-continuous dependence results for the difference between certain ill-posed and well-posed evolution problems in a Hilbert space.

Specifically, given a positive self-adjoint operator D in a Hilbert space, we consider the ill-posed evolution problem


dt =A(t, D)u(t) 0t < T u(0) =χ.

We determine functions f : [0, T]×[0,∞) R for which solutions of the well-posed problem


dt =f(t, D)v(t) 0t < T v(0) =χ

approximate known solutions of the original ill-posed problem, thereby estab- lishing continuous dependence on modelling for the problems under consider- ation.

1. Introduction

LetDbe a positive self-adjoint operator in a Hilbert space H, and consider the evolution problem


dt =A(t, D)u(t) 0≤t < T u(0) =χ

(1.1) whereχ is an arbitrary element ofH and

A(t, D) =





2000Mathematics Subject Classification. 47A52, 42C40.

Key words and phrases. Continuous dependence on modelling; time-dependent problems;

Ill-posed problems.


2010 Texas State University - San Marcos.

Published September 25, 2010.



with aj : [0, T] →R continuous and nonnegative for each 1≤j ≤k. In general, (1.1) is ill-posed with formal solution given by

u(t) = expnXk


Z t


aj(s)ds Djo


Now let f : [0, T]×[0,∞)→Rbe a function continuous in t and Borel in λ, and consider the evolution problem


dt =f(t, D)v(t) 0≤t < T v(0) =χ ,

(1.2) where for each t ∈ [0, T], f(t, D) is defined by means of the functional calculus for self-adjoint operators inH. In particular, since D is positive, self-adjoint, the spectrumσ(D) ofD is contained in [0,∞) and for eacht∈[0, T],

f(t, D)x= Z


f(t, λ)dE(λ)x, for x ∈ Dom(f(t, D)) = {x ∈ H : R

0 |f(t, λ)|2d(E(λ)x, x) < ∞}, where {E(·)}

denotes the resolution of the identity for the self-adjoint operatorD.

We determine conditions onf so that (1.2) is well-posed and such that solutions of (1.2) approximate known solutions of (1.1). In this way, we illustrate how we might stabilize problems against errors that arise when formulating mathematical models such as (1.1) in attempts to describe some physical process. Ames and Hughes [3] established such structural stability results for the problem in the au- tonomous case, that is when A(t) = A is a positive self-adjoint operator in H, independent oft. This paper generalizes such work and yields a comparable result in the time-dependent case. Namely, ifu(t) andv(t) are solutions of (1.1) and (1.2) respectively, we prove the H¨older-continuous approximation

ku(t)−v(t)k ≤Cβ1−TtMt/T,

where 0< β <1, andCandM are constants independent ofβ. Our approximation establishes continuous dependence on modelling, meaning “small” changes to our model yield a “small” change in the corresponding solution.

In Section 2, we establish conditions under which (1.2) is well-posed using stable families of generators of semigroups and Kato’s stability conditions [8, 11]; our work also utilizes Tanaka’s results on evolution problems [14]. In Section 3, we present our approximation theorem which achieves H¨older-continuous dependence on modelling. Finally, Section 4 demonstrates our theorem with examples.

Below, for a closed operator A in a Banach space X, ρ(A) will denote the re- solvent set of A, and for λ ∈ ρ(A), R(λ;A) will denote the resolvent operator R(λ;A) = (λI−A)−1 in X.

2. The Well-Posed Evolution Problem

We first clarify what we mean by solutions of evolution problems as well as the notions of ill-posed and well-posed evolution problems.


Definition 2.1 ([11]). LetX be a Banach space and for everyt∈[0, T], let A(t) be a linear operator inX. The initial value problem


dt =A(t)u(t) 0≤s≤t < T u(s) =x

(2.1) is called an evolution problem. AnX-valued functionu: [s, T]→X is aclassical solution of (2.1) ifuis continuous on [s, T], u(t)∈Dom(A(t)) fors < t < T, uis continuously differentiable on (s, T), andusatisfies (2.1).

Theorem 2.2 ([11, Theorem 5.1.1]). Let X be a Banach space and for every t∈[0, T], let A(t) be a bounded linear operator on X. If the function t 7→A(t)is continuous in the uniform operator topology then for everyx∈X, the initial value problem (2.1)has a unique classical solution u.

The proof of Theorem 2.2 (cf. [11, Theorem 5.1.1]) shows that the mapping S:C([s, T] :X)→C([s, T] :X) defined by

(Su)(t) =x+ Z t



is a well-defined mapping with a unique fixed pointu. It is easily shown thatuis then a unique classical solution of (2.1). In this case we define thesolution operator of (2.1) by

U(t, s)x=u(t) for 0≤s≤t≤T.

Theorem 2.3([11, Theorem 5.1.2]). LetU(t, s)be the solution operator associated with (2.1)whereA(t)is a bounded linear operator on X for eacht∈[0, T]andt7→

A(t)is continuous in the uniform operator topology. Then for every0≤s≤t≤T, U(t, s)is a bounded linear operator such that

(i) kU(t, s)k ≤eRstkA(τ)kdτ.

(ii) U(t, t) =I, U(t, s) =U(t, r)U(r, s)for0≤s≤r≤t≤T.

(iii) (t, s)7→U(t, s)is continuous in the uniform operator topology for 0≤s≤ t≤T.

(iv) ∂U(t,s)∂t =A(t)U(t, s)for0≤s≤t≤T. (v) ∂U(t,s)∂s =−U(t, s)A(s)for0≤s≤t≤T.

We now turn to the notions of well-posedness and ill-posedness for evolution problems.

Definition 2.4 ([6, Definition 7.1]). The evolution problem (2.1) is called well- posed in 0≤t < T if the following two assumptions are satisfied:

(i) (Existence of solutions for sufficiently many initial data) There exists a dense subspace Y of X such that for every s ∈ [0, T) and every x∈ Y, there exists a classical solutionu(t) of (2.1).

(ii) (Continuous dependence of solutions on their initial data) There exists a strongly continuousB(X)-valued functionU(t, s) defined in 0≤s≤t≤T such that ifu(t) is a classical solution of (2.1), then

u(t) =U(t, s)x.

Equation (2.1) is calledill-posed if it is not well-posed.


It is clear that under the hypotheses of Theorem 2.2, that Equation (2.1) is well- posed with unique classical solution given by u(t) = U(t, s)χ where U(t, s),0 ≤ s≤t≤T, is the solution operator given by Theorem 2.2. Otherwise, we use the construction of an evolution system and the theory of stable families of operators to obtain well-posedness of (2.1). We explore stability conditions for (2.1) first developed by Kato [8, 11], and later by Tanaka [14].

Definition 2.5([11, Definition 5.1.3]). A two parameter family of bounded linear operatorsU(t, s), 0≤s≤t≤T, on a Banach spaceX is called anevolution system if the following two conditions are satisfied:

(i) U(s, s) =I, U(t, r)U(r, s) =U(t, s) for 0≤s≤r≤t≤T.

(ii) (t, s)7→U(t, s) is strongly continuous for 0≤s≤t≤T.

Definition 2.6([11, Def. 5.2.1]). LetX be a Banach space. A family{A(t)}t∈[0,T]

of infinitesimal generators ofC0 semigroups on X is calledstable if there are con- stantsM ≥1 andω (called the stability constants) such that

ρ(A(t))⊇(ω,∞) fort∈[0, T] and





R(λ;A(tj))k ≤M(λ−ω)−k forλ > ω and every finite sequence 0≤t1≤t2, . . . , tk≤T,k= 1,2, . . ..

Remark. If for t ∈ [0, T], A(t) is the infinitesimal generator of a C0 semigroup {St(s)}s≥0 satisfyingkSt(s)k ≤ eωs, then by the Hille-Yosida theorem (cf. [11]), the family{A(t)}t∈[0,T] is stable with constantsM = 1 andω.

We now use the theory of stable families of operators to gain well-posedness of (2.1) in the following way. Let X and Y be Banach spaces with norms k · k and k · kY respectively. Assume thatY is densely and continuously imbedded inX, that isY is a dense subspace ofX and there is a constantC such that

kyk ≤CkykY fory∈Y.

For each t ∈ [0, T], let A(t) be the infinitesimal generator of a C0 semigroup {St(s)}s≥0 onX. Assume the following conditions (cf. [8, 11]):

(H1) {A(t)}t∈[0,T] is a stable family with stability constantsM,ω.

(H2) For eacht∈[0, T],Y is an invariant subspace ofSt(s), s≥0, the restriction S˜t(s) ofSt(s) toY is aC0 semigroup inY, and the family {A(t)}˜ t∈[0,T] of parts ˜A(t) ofA(t) inY, is a stable family inY.

(H3) Fort∈[0, T], Dom(A(t))⊇Y,A(t) is a bounded operator fromY intoX, andt7→A(t) is continuous in theB(Y, X) normk · kY→X.

Theorem 2.7([8, Theorem 4.1], [11, Theorem 5.3.1]). For eacht∈[0, T], letA(t) be the infinitesimal generator of a C0 semigroup {St(s)}s≥0 on X. If the family {A(t)}t∈[0,T] satisfies conditions (H1)–(H3), then there exists a unique evolution systemU(t, s),0≤s≤t≤T, inX satisfying

(E1) kU(t, s)k ≤M eω(t−s)for0≤s≤t≤T. (E2) ∂t+U(t, s)y

t=s=A(s)y fory∈Y,0≤s≤T.

(E3) ∂sU(t, s)y=−U(t, s)A(s)y fory∈Y,0≤s≤t≤T,


where the derivative from the right in (E2) and the derivative in (E3) are in the strong sense inX.

This theorem will help in obtaining a certain kind of classical solution of (2.1) in the case where the family{A(t)}t∈[0,T] of infinitesimal generators ofC0 semigroups onX satisfies conditions (H1)–(H3).

Definition 2.8 ([11, Definition 5.4.1]). LetX andY be Banach spaces such that Y is densely and continuously imbedded in X and let{A(t)}t∈[0,T] be a family of infinitesimal generators of C0 semigroups on X satisfying the assumptions (H1)–

(H3). A functionu∈C([s, T] :Y) is a Y-valued solution of (2.1) ifu∈C1((s, T) : X) andusatisfies (2.1) inX.

Remark. A Y-valued solutionuof (2.1) is a classical solution of (2.1) such that u(t)∈Y ⊆Dom(A(t)) for t∈[s, T] andu(t) is continuous in the strongerY-norm rather than merely in theX-norm.

Theorem 2.9 ([11, Thm. 5.4.3]). Let {A(t)}t∈[0,T] satisfy the conditions of The- orem 2.7 and let U(t, s),0≤s≤t≤T be the evolution system given in Theorem 2.7. If

(E4) U(t, s)Y ⊆Y for0≤s≤t≤T and

(E5) Forx∈Y,U(t, s)xis continuous in Y for0≤s≤t≤T, then for every x∈Y,U(t, s)xis the uniqueY-valued solution of (2.1).

We now use the above theory of stable families of generators to give criteria for well-posedness of the evolution problem (1.2). Let (2.2) denote the initial value problem (1.2) with 0 replaced bysfors∈[0, T); i.e.,


dt =f(t, D)v(t) 0≤s≤t < T v(s) =χ.

(2.2) We determine conditions on f so that the family of operators {f(t, D)}t∈[0,T] is stable and such that (2.2) is well-posed.

Proposition 2.10. Let f : [0, T]×[0,∞)→Rbe continuous int and Borel in λ.

Assume there exist ω ∈Rsuch that f(t, λ)≤ω for all (t, λ)∈[0, T]×[0,∞)and a Borel function r: [0,∞)→[0,∞)such that|f(t, λ)| ≤r(λ)andDom(f(t, D)) = Dom(r(D))for all t∈[0, T]. Set Y = Dom(r(D))and let k · kY denote the graph norm associated with the operatorr(D). Further, assumet7→f(t, D)is continuous in theB(Y, H)normk · kY→H. Then (2.2)is well-posed and forχ∈Y,V(t, s)χ= eRstf(τ,D)dτχis a unique Y-valued solution of (2.2).

Proof. By [5, Theorem XII.2.6],r(D) is a closed operator inH with dense domain.

SetY = Dom(r(D)) and endowY with the graph norm k · kY given by kykY =kyk+kr(D)yk

for all y ∈ Y. Since r(D) is a closed operator, it follows that (Y,k · kY) is a Banach space. It is also clear that Y is densely and continuously imbedded inH. Since f(t, λ)≤ ω for all (t, λ) ∈ [0, T]×[0,∞), we have that for eacht ∈ [0, T], f(t, D) is the infinitesimal generator of theC0 semigroup{St(s)}s≥0 onH given by St(s) = esf(t,D). We show that the family {f(t, D)}t∈[0,T] satisfies conditions (H1)–(H3).


Lett∈[0, T], x∈H. Then kesf(t,D)xk2=



|esf(t,λ)|2d(E(λ)x, x)≤(e)2 Z


d(E(λ)x, x) = (e)2kxk2, showing thatkSt(s)k=kesf(t,D)k ≤ eωs. Thus, {f(t, D)}t∈[0,T] is a stable family with stability constantsM = 1 andω, and so (H1) is satisfied.

Next, lett∈[0, T],y∈Y. For anys≥0, sincey∈Y = Dom(r(D)), we have Z


|r(λ)esf(t,λ)|2d(E(λ)y, y)≤(e)2 Z


|r(λ)|2d(E(λ)y, y)<∞.

Thus, St(s)y ∈Dom(r(D)) and so Y is an invariant subspace ofSt(s). Let ˜St(s) be the restriction ofSt(s) toY. For any positive constantc, for 0≤s≤c,

|r(λ)(esf(t,λ)−1)|2≤ |r(λ)|2(e+ 1)2∈L1(E(·)y, y).

Therefore, by Lebesgue’s Dominated Convergence Theorem, lim

s→0+kr(D)(St(s)−I)yk2= lim




|r(λ)(esf(t,λ)−1)|2d(E(λ)y, y)

= Z



s→0+|r(λ)(esf(t,λ)−1)|2d(E(λ)y, y) = 0, and so

kS˜t(s)y−ykY =kS˜t(s)y−yk+kr(D)( ˜St(s)y−y)k


→0 ass→0+. Thus, ˜St(s) is a C0 semigroup onY.

Next, consider the family {f˜(t, D)}t∈[0,T] of parts ˜f(t, D) of f(t, D) in Y. For eacht∈[0, T], ˜f(t, D) is defined by

Dom( ˜f(t, D)) ={x∈Dom(f(t, D))∩Y :f(t, D)x∈Y} and

f(t, D)x˜ =f(t, D)x forx∈Dom( ˜f(t, D)).

It is seen [11, Theorem 4.5.5] that ˜f(t, D) is the infinitesimal generator of the C0 semigroup ˜St(s). Moreover, fory∈Y,

kS˜t(s)ykY =kS˜t(s)yk+kr(D) ˜St(s)yk




Thus, kS˜t(s)kY ≤eωs for all t∈[0, T] and so the family {f˜(t, D)}t∈[0,T] is stable with stability constants ˜M = 1 andω. We have shown that (H2) is satisfied.

Finally, lett∈[0, T]. Since|f(t, λ)| ≤r(λ), we have fory∈Y, Z


|f(t, λ)|2d(E(λ)y, y)≤ Z


|r(λ)|2d(E(λ)y, y)<∞.

Thus Dom(f(t, D))⊇Y. Also, fory∈Y,

kf(t, D)yk ≤ kyk+kf(t, D)yk ≤ kyk+kr(D)yk=kykY,


showing that f(t, D) is a bounded operator from Y into H. By assumption, t 7→

f(t, D) is continuous in the B(Y, H) norm k · kY→H and so (H3) is satisfied. By Theorem 2.7, there exists a unique evolution system V(t, s), 0≤s≤t ≤T, inH satisfying conditions (E1)-(E3) with the operatorsf(t, D),t∈[0, T], andM = 1 in the condition (E1); that is we have

kV(t, s)k ≤eω(t−s) for 0≤s≤t≤T,


∂tV(t, s)y

t=s=f(s, D)y fory∈Y, 0≤s≤T,

∂sV(t, s)y=−V(t, s)f(s, D)y fory∈Y, 0≤s≤t≤T,

where the derivatives are in the strong sense in H. It can be shown using the Spectral Theorem thateRstf(τ,D)dτis such an evolution system, and so by uniqueness we must haveV(t, s) =eRstf(τ,D)dτ. It is also readily seen thatV(t, s) =eRstf(τ,D)dτ satisfies (E4) and (E5). Therefore, by Theorem 2.9, for every χ ∈Y, V(t, s)χ = eRstf(τ,D)dτχis the uniqueY-valued solution of (2.2).

Finally, supposev1is a classical solution of (2.2). Thenv1(q)∈Dom(f(q, D)) = Dom(r(D)) forq∈(s, T). AsV(t, s), 0≤s≤t≤T, satisfies condition (E3) with the operatorsf(t, D),t∈[0, T], the functionq7→V(t, q)v1(q) is then differentiable and

∂qV(t, q)v1(q) =−V(t, q)f(q, D)v1(q) +V(t, q)d dqv1(q)

=−V(t, q)f(q, D)v1(q) +V(t, q)f(q, D)v1(q) = 0.

Thus V(t, q)v1(q) is constant for q ∈ (s, t). Since v1 is a classical solution, the functionV(t, q)v1(q) is also continuous for q∈[s, t]. Thus we have

v1(t) =V(t, t)v1(t) =V(t, s)v1(s) =V(t, s)χ.

Thus condition (ii) of Definition 2.4 is satisfied and we see that (2.2) is well-posed with unique classical solution given byv(t) =V(t, s)χ.

3. The Approximation Theorem

In order that solutions of (1.2) approximate known solutions of (1.1), we will require additional conditions on f. The following definition is inspired by results obtained by Ames and Hughes [3, Definition 1] for continuous dependence on mod- elling in the autonomous case, that is whenA(t) =A is independent oft.

Definition 3.1. Letf : [0, T]×[0,∞)→Rbe a function continuous intand Borel in λand assume the hypotheses of Proposition 2.10. Thenf is said to satisfy the approximation condition with polynomial por simplyCondition(A, p) if there exist a constant β, with 0 < β < 1, and a nonzero polynomial p(λ) independent of β such that for eacht∈[0, T], Dom(p(D))⊆Dom(A(t, D))∩Dom(f(t, D)), and

k(−A(t, D) +f(t, D))ψk ≤βkp(D)ψk, for allψ∈Dom(p(D)).

Now assumef satisfies Condition (A, p). For eacht∈[0, T], set g(t, λ) =−A(t, λ) +f(t, λ),


and for eachn≥ |ω|, set

en={λ∈[0,∞) : max

t∈[0,T]|g(t, λ)| ≤n}.


λ∈en⇒ max

t∈[0,T]|g(t, λ)| ≤n

⇒ |g(t, λ)| ≤n ∀t∈[0, T]

⇒A(t, λ)≤n+f(t, λ) ∀t∈[0, T].

SinceA(t, λ)≥0 andf(t, λ)≤ω for all (t, λ)∈[0, T]×[0,∞), we have that onen, max

t∈[0,T]|A(t, λ)| ≤n+ω.

Sincef(t, λ) =A(t, λ) +g(t, λ), it then follows that onen,

t∈[0,T]max |f(t, λ)| ≤2n+ω.

SetEn=E(en) and letψ∈H be arbitrary. Consider the following three evolution problems:


dt =A(t, D)Enun(t) 0≤s≤t < T un(s) =ψ,

(3.1) dvn(t)

dt =f(t, D)Envn(t) 0≤s≤t < T vn(s) =ψ,

(3.2) dwn(t)

dt =g(t, D)Enwn(t) 0≤s≤t < T wn(s) =ψ.

(3.3) Problems (3.1)–(3.3), as we will see, are well-posed due to the action of En and their solutions will aid in approximating known solutions of the ill-posed problem (1.1).

Lemma 3.2. For eacht∈[0, T],A(t, D)En is a bounded operator onH such that kA(t, D)Enk ≤n+ω,

and (3.1)has a unique classical solution un(t) =Un(t, s)ψ. The solution operator Un(t, s)is a bounded operator onH with

kUn(t, s)k ≤eT(n+ω)

for alls, t such that 0≤s≤t≤T. Furthermore, if ψis replaced by ψn=Enψ in (3.1), then

Un(t, s)ψn =eRstA(τ,D)dτψn. Proof. Fixt∈[0, T]. For allx∈H, by [5, Theorem XII.2.6],

kA(t, D)Enxk2= Z


|A(t, λ)|2d(E(λ)Enx, Enx)

= Z


|A(t, λ)|2d(E(λ)x, x)

≤(n+ω)2 Z


d(E(λ)x, x)


≤(n+ω)2 Z


d(E(λ)x, x)

= (n+ω)2kxk2,

showing thatA(t, D)En is a bounded operator onH withkA(t, D)Enk ≤n+ω.

Next, let t0 ∈ [0, T]. Since en is a bounded subset of [0,∞), we have that DjEn∈B(H) for each 1≤j≤k. Then by continuity ofaj for each 1≤j≤k, we have

kA(t, D)En−A(t0, D)Enk=k








|aj(t)−aj(t0)| kDjEnk →0 as t→t0, showing thatt7→A(t, D)Enis continuous in the uniform operator topology. It fol- lows from Theorem 2.2 that (3.1) has a unique classical solutionun(t) =Un(t, s)ψ.


kUn(t, s)k ≤eT(n+ω)

follows directly from Theorem 2.3 (i) and the fact thatkA(t, D)Enk ≤n+ωfor all t∈[0, T].

Next, set ψn = Enψ and let (3.4) denote the evolution problem (3.1) with ψ replaced byψn; i.e.,


dt =A(t, D)Enun(t) 0≤s≤t < T, un(s) =ψn.

(3.4) Using the Spectral Theorem it can be shown that eRstA(τ,D)dτψn is a classical so- lution of (3.4). In particular, using properties of the projection operator En, we have


dteRstA(τ,D)dτψn=A(t, D)eRstA(τ,D)dτψn

=A(t, D)EneRstA(τ,D)dτψn, and


Therefore, by uniqueness guaranteed by Theorem 2.2, we have Un(t, s)ψn =eRstA(τ,D)dτψn.

Lemma 3.3. For each t∈[0, T],f(t, D)En is a bounded operator onH such that

kf(t, D)Enk ≤2n+ω,

and (3.2) has a unique classical solutionvn(t) =Vn(t, s)ψ. The solution operator Vn(t, s)is a bounded operator onH with

kVn(t, s)k ≤eT(2n+ω)

for alls, t such that 0≤s≤t≤T. Furthermore, if ψis replaced by ψn=Enψ in (3.2), then

Vn(t, s)ψn=eRstf(τ,D)dτψn.


Proof. Using the fact that onen, maxt∈[0,T]|f(t, λ)| ≤2n+ω, it is easily shown that for eacht∈[0, T],f(t, D)En is a bounded operator onH such thatkf(t, D)Enk ≤ 2n+ω. Next, let t0 ∈ [0, T]. Since EnH ⊆ Dom(f(t, D)) = Dom(r(D)) for all t∈[0, T], we haver(D)En∈B(H), and so

kf(t, D)En−f(t0, D)Enk

= sup


k(f(t, D)−f(t0, D))Enxk

≤ sup


kf(t, D)−f(t0, D)kY→HkEnxkY

= sup


kf(t, D)−f(t0, D)kY→H(kEnxk+kr(D)Enxk)

≤ kf(t, D)−f(t0, D)kY→H(kEnk+kr(D)Enk)→0 ast→t0

by the assumption that t7→f(t, D) is continuous in theB(Y, H) norm k · kY→H. Therefore,t7→f(t, D)En is continuous in the uniform operator topology. It follows from Theorem 2.2 that (3.2) has a unique classical solutionvn(t) =Vn(t, s)ψ. That

kVn(t, s)k ≤eT(2n+ω)

follows directly from Theorem 2.3 (i) and the fact thatkf(t, D)Enk ≤2n+ω for allt∈[0, T]. The rest of the proof is similar to that of Lemma 3.2.

Lemma 3.4. For each t∈[0, T],g(t, D)En is a bounded operator onH such that kg(t, D)Enk ≤n,

and (3.3)has a unique classical solution wn(t) =Wn(t, s)ψ. The solution operator Wn(t, s)is a bounded operator onH with

kWn(t, s)k ≤eT n

for alls, t such that 0≤s≤t≤T. Furthermore, if ψis replaced by ψn=Enψ in (3.3), then

Wn(t, s)ψn=eRstg(τ,D)dτψn.

Proof. Using the fact that onen, maxt∈[0,T]|g(t, λ)| ≤n, it is easily shown that for eacht∈[0, T], g(t, D)En is a bounded operator onH such that kg(t, D)Enk ≤n.

Also, by the relation g(t, D)En = −A(t, D)En +f(t, D)En, it follows that t 7→

g(t, D)En is continuous in the uniform operator topology. Therefore, by Theorem 2.2, (3.3) has a unique classical solutionwn(t) =Wn(t, s)ψ. That

kWn(t, s)k ≤eT n

follows directly from Theorem 2.3 (i) and the fact that kg(t, D)Enk ≤ n for all t∈[0, T]. The rest of the proof is similar to that of Lemma 3.2.

Corollary 3.5. Let ψ∈H andψn=Enψ. Then

Un(t, s)Wn(t, s)ψn =Vn(t, s)ψn=Wn(t, s)Un(t, s)ψn for all0≤s≤t≤T.

The corollary above follows immediately from Lemmas 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4, and from properties of the functional calculus for unbounded self-adjoint operators [5, Corollary XII.2.7].

We now have all the necessary machinery to prove our approximation theorem.

Our strategy will be to extend the solutionsun(t) of (3.1) withψ=χn, and vn(t)


of (3.2) withψ=χn, into the complex strip S ={t+iη:t∈[0, T], η∈R}, and eventually employ Hadamard’s Three Lines Theorem (cf. [12]). To make use of such extensions we will need the following results. Our approach is motivated by work of Agmon and Nirenberg [1].

Definition 3.6 ([12, Definition 11.1]). Letφ(α) be a complex function defined in a plane open set Ω. Assume all partial derivatives of φexist and are continuous.

Define theCauchy-Riemann operator ∂¯as

∂¯= 1 2

∂t+i ∂

∂η ,


Theorem 3.7([12, Theorem 11.2]). Supposeφ(α)is a complex function inΩsuch that all partial derivatives ofφ exist and are continuous. Thenφ is analytic in Ω if and only if the Cauchy-Riemann equation

∂φ(α) = 0¯ holds for every α∈Ω.

Lemma 3.8 ([1]). Letφ(z)be a complex function withz=x+iy. Assumeφ(z)is continuous and bounded onS={z=x+iy:x∈[0, T], y∈R}. Forα=t+iη∈S, define

Φ(α) =−1 π



φ(z) 1

z−α+ 1


z+ 1 +α

dx dy.

ThenΦ(α) is absolutely convergent, ∂Φ(α) =¯ φ(α), and there exists a constantK such that




z−α+ 1


z+ 1 +α


1 + log 1


if x6=t.

We now state and prove our approximation theorem.

Theorem 3.9. LetDbe a positive self-adjoint operator acting onH and letA(t, D) be defined as above for allt∈[0, T]. Letf satisfy Condition(A, p), and assume that there exists a constant γ, independent ofβ, ω, andt such that g(t, λ)≤γ, for all (t, λ)∈[0, T]×[0,∞). Then ifu(t)andv(t)are classical solutions of(1.1)and(1.2) respectively, and if there exist constantsM0, M00, M000≥0 such that ku(T)k ≤M0, kp(D)χk ≤M00, and kp(D)A(t, D)u(T)k ≤M000 for all t∈[0, T], then there exist constants C andM independent of β such that for 0≤t < T,

ku(t)−v(t)k ≤Cβ1−TtMt/T.

Proof. Letχn=Enχ and setS ={t+iη:t∈[0, T], η∈R}. Lettingψ=χn and s= 0 in (3.1) and (3.2), we extend the solutionsun(t) andvn(t) into the complex strip S in the following way. Since A(0, D) andf(0, D) are self-adjoint, eiηA(0,D) andeiηf(0,D)are bounded operators onH for allη∈R, and so we define

un(α) =eiηA(0,D)Un(t,0)χn, vn(α) =eiηf(0,D)Vn(t,0)χn, forα=t+iη∈S. Finally defineφn:S→H by

φn(α) =un(α)−vn(α).


We first determine ¯∂φn(α). SinceeiηA(0,D)andeiηf(0,D)are bounded operators on H, andA(t, D) andf(t, D) are bounded when acting onEnH, we have

∂tφn(α) = ∂

∂teiηA(0,D)Un(t,0)χn− ∂





=eiηA(0,D)A(t, D)Un(t,0)χn−eiηf(0,D)f(t, D)Vn(t,0)χn

=A(t, D)un(α)−f(t, D)vn(α).

Next, by standard properties of semigroups of linear operators (cf. [11, Theorem 1.2.4 (c)]), since Un(t,0)χn ∈ Dom(A(0, D)), and Vn(t,0)χn ∈Dom(f(0, D)), we have

∂ηφn(α) = ∂

∂ηeiηA(0,D)Un(t,0)χn− ∂


=iA(0, D)eiηA(0,D)Un(t,0)χn−if(0, D)eiηf(0,D)Vn(t,0)χn

=i(A(0, D)un(α)−f(0, D)vn(α)).


∂φ¯ n(α) =1 2

∂tφn(α) +i ∂



2[(A(t, D)un(α)−f(t, D)vn(α))−(A(0, D)un(α)−f(0, D)vn(α))]


2[(A(t, D)−A(0, D))un(α)−(f(t, D)−f(0, D))vn(α)].

(3.5) Since, in general, this quantity is not identically zero, φn is not analytic and so we cannot apply the Three Lines Theorem toφn. To amend this, we introduce a related function. Define

Φn(α) =−1 π



ez2∂φ¯ n(z) 1

z−α+ 1


z+ 1 +α

dx dy,

where z = x+iy and α = t+iη are in S. To apply Lemma 3.8, we show that ez2∂φ¯ n(z) is bounded and continuous onS. Letz =x+iy ∈S be arbitrary. We have from (3.5),

kez2∂φ¯ n(z)k= 1

2|ez2| k(A(x, D)−A(0, D))un(z)−(f(x, D)−f(0, D))vn(z)k

≤ 1

2eT2(kA(x, D)un(z)k+kA(0, D)un(z)k +kf(x, D)vn(z)k+kf(0, D)vn(z)k).

SincekeiyA(0,D)k= 1, we have by Lemma 3.2 and properties of En, kA(x, D)un(z)k=kA(x, D)eiyA(0,D)Un(x,0)χnk

=kA(x, D)EneiyA(0,D)Un(x,0)χnk





Note that sincex∈[0, T] is arbitrary, the same bound holds for kA(0, D)un(z)k.

Similarly,keiyf(0,D)k= 1, and using Lemma 3.3,

kf(x, D)vn(z)k=kf(x, D)eiyf(0,D)Vn(x,0)χnk

=kf(x, D)Eneiyf(0,D)Vn(x,0)χnk




Again, sincex∈[0, T] is arbitrary, the same bound holds forkf(0, D)vn(z)k. Set- ting

Cn= (n+ω)eT(n+ω)+ (2n+ω)eT(2n+ω), we have

kez2∂φ¯ n(z)k ≤eT2Cnnk, (3.6) showing thatez2∂φ¯ n(z) is indeed bounded onS. It can also easily be shown using continuity of A(t, D)En and f(t, D)En in the B(H) norm, continuity of Un(t, s) and Vn(t, s) in the B(H) norm (Theorem 2.3 (iii)), and strong continuity of the groups{eiyA(0,D)}y∈Rand{eiyf(0,D)}y∈R, thatez2∂φ¯ n(z) is continuous onS. Hav- ing satisfied the hypotheses of Lemma 3.8, it follows that

Φn(α) =−1 π



ez2∂φ¯ n(z) 1

z−α+ 1


z+ 1 +α

dx dy is absolutely convergent,

∂Φ¯ n(α) =eα2∂φ¯ n(α), and there exists a constantK such that




z−α+ 1


z+ 1 +α


1 + log 1



We now construct a candidate for the Three Lines Theorem. Define Ψn :S→H by

Ψn(α) =eα2φn(α)−Φn(α).

Forαin the interior ofS, using the product rule and results from Lemma 3.8,

∂Ψ¯ n(α) = ¯∂[eα2φn(α)]−∂Φ¯ n(α)

= [( ¯∂eα2n(α) +eα2∂φ¯ n(α)]−∂Φ¯ n(α)

= [(0)φn(α) + ¯∂Φn(α)]−∂Φ¯ n(α) = 0.

Therefore, by Theorem 3.7, Ψn is analytic on the interior of S. Next, for α = t+iη∈S, from (3.6) and the results from Lemma 3.8,

n(α)k=k − 1 π



ez2∂φ¯ n(z) 1

z−α+ 1


z+ 1 +α

dx dyk

≤ 1 π







z−α+ 1


z+ 1 +α dx dy

= 1

πeT2Cnnk Z T





z−α+ 1


z+ 1 +α dy



≤ K

πeT2Cnnk Z T


1 + log 1



Also, using Lemmas 3.2 and 3.3,






≤ |eα2| kφn(α)k+kΦn(α)k

≤eT2(eT(n+ω)+eT(2n+ω))kχnk +K

πeT2Cnnk max




1 + log 1


dx ,

proving that Ψn is bounded on S. From (3.6) and the results from Lemma 3.8, it follows via a dominated convergence argument that Φn is continuous onS. It is also easily shown thatφn is continuous onS, and therefore Ψn is continuous onS.

We have shown that Ψn is bounded and continuous onS, and analytic on the interior of S. It follows from the Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality that for arbitrary h∈H, the mapping

α7→(Ψn(α), h)

fromSintoC, where (·,·) denotes the inner product inH, has the same properties.

Therefore, by the Three Lines Theorem,

|(Ψn(α), h)| ≤M(0)1−TtM(T)t/T, fort∈[0, T], whereα=t+iηand

M(t) = max

η∈R|(Ψn(t+iη), h)|.

We aim to find bounds onM(0) andM(T). First, forη∈R,

|(Ψn(iη), h)| ≤ kΨn(iη)kkhk







e−η2keiηA(0,D)χn−eiηf(0,D)χnk+kΦn(iη)k khk.

Now, sincekeiηA(0,D)k= 1,



≤ k(I−eiηg(0,D)nk.


For ψ∈ Dom(g(0, D)) and η ∈ R, we have by standard properties of semigroups (cf. [11, Theorem 1.2.4]) that

k(I−eiηg(0,D))ψk=k −i Z η


eisg(0,D)g(0, D)ψdsk ≤ |η|kg(0, D)ψk.

Noteχn∈Dom(A(0, D))∩Dom(f(0, D))⊆Dom(g(0, D)) and sinceenis a bounded subset of [0,∞),χn∈Dom(p(D)). Thus we have by Condition (A, p) and the above inequality that

keiηA(0,D)χn−eiηf(0,D)χnk ≤β|η|kp(D)χnk.

Next we would like a bound onkΦn(iη)kin terms ofβ. Letz=x+iy ∈S. Then from (3.5),

2k∂φ¯ n(z)k=k(A(x, D)−A(0, D))un(z)−(f(x, D)−f(0, D))vn(z)k

≤ kA(x, D)un(z)−f(x, D)vn(z)k+kA(0, D)un(z)−f(0, D)vn(z)k.


kA(x, D)un(z)−f(x, D)vn(z)k

=kA(x, D)eiyA(0,D)Un(x,0)χn−f(x, D)eiyf(0,D)Vn(x,0)χnk

≤ kA(x, D)eiyA(0,D)Un(x,0)χn−A(x, D)eiyf(0,D)Un(x,0)χnk (3.7) +kA(x, D)eiyf(0,D)Un(x,0)χn−A(x, D)eiyf(0,D)Vn(x,0)χnk (3.8) +kA(x, D)eiyf(0,D)Vn(x,0)χn−f(x, D)eiyf(0,D)Vn(x,0)χnk. (3.9) Setψn=A(x, D)Un(x,0)χn. We note that ψn∈Dom(A(t, D))∩Dom(f(t, D))⊆ Dom(g(t, D)) for all t ∈ [0, T], and ψn ∈ Dom(p(D)). Then expression (3.7) is equal to

keiyA(0,D)ψn−eiyf(0,D)ψnk ≤β|y|kp(D)ψnk, as above.

Next, using Theorem 2.3, Lemma 3.4, and the assumption that g(t, λ)≤γ for all (t, λ)∈[0, T]×[0,∞), we have

k(I−Wn(x,0))ψnk=k(Wn(x, x)−Wn(x,0))ψnk

=k Z x


∂sWn(x, s)ψndsk

=k Z x


(−Wn(x, s)g(s, D)Enndsk

≤ Z x


kWn(x, s)g(s, D)ψnkds

≤ Z x


(1 +eγT)kg(s, D)ψnkds.

It then follows from Corollary 3.5 and Condition (A, p) that expression (3.8) is equal to

keiyf(0,D)(Un(x,0)−Vn(x,0))A(x, D)χnk

≤ k(Un(x,0)−Vn(x,0))A(x, D)χnk

=k(Un(x,0)−Wn(x,0)Un(x,0))A(x, D)χnk



≤ Z x


(1 +eγT)kg(s, D)ψnkds

≤ Z x


(1 +eγT)βkp(D)ψnkds

≤βT(1 +eγT)kp(D)ψnk.

Finally, since Un(x,0)χn ∈Dom(p(D)), Corollary 3.5 and Condition (A, p) imply that expression (3.9) is equal to

keiyf(0,D)Vn(x,0)(−A(x, D) +f(x, D))χnk

≤ kVn(x,0)(−A(x, D) +f(x, D))χnk

=kWn(x,0)Un(x,0)(−A(x, D) +f(x, D))χnk

≤(1 +eγT)k(−A(x, D) +f(x, D))Un(x,0)χnk

≤β(1 +eγT)kp(D)Un(x,0)χnk.

Therefore, we have shown

kA(x, D)un(z)−f(x, D)vn(z)k

≤β(1 +eγT) ((|y|+T)kp(D)A(x, D)Un(x,0)χnk+kp(D)Un(x,0)χnk). Sincexis arbitrary, it follows similarly that

kA(0, D)un(z)−f(0, D)vn(z)k

≤β(1 +eγT) ((|y|+T)kp(D)A(0, D)Un(x,0)χnk+kp(D)Un(x,0)χnk). From the assumptions ku(T)k ≤ M0 and kp(D)A(t, D)u(T)k ≤ M000 for all t ∈ [0, T], it follows thatkp(D)u(T)k ≤N0 for some constantN0 ≥0. It then follows from these estimates that forz=x+iy∈S,

k∂φ¯ n(z)k ≤β(1 +eγT) ((|y|+T)M000+N0), so that by Lemma 3.8,


=k − 1 π



ez2∂φ¯ n(z) 1

z−iη+ 1


z+ 1 +iη

dx dyk

≤ 1 π





|ez2|k∂φ¯ n(z)k


z−iη + 1


z+ 1 +iη dx dy

≤ 1 π





ex2−y2β(1 +eγT) ((|y|+T)M000+N0)


z−iη+ 1


z+ 1 +iη

dx dy

= 1 π





ex2β(1 +eγT)

(|y|e−y2+T e−y2)M000+e−y2N0



z−iη+ 1


z+ 1 +iη dx dy


πeT2(1 +eγT) ((1 +T)M000+N0) Z T





z−iη+ 1


z+ 1 +iη dy



πeT2(1 +eγT) ((1 +T)M000+N0) Z T


1 + log1 x

dxi .


Therefore, M(0)

= max


|(Ψn(iη), h)|



e−η2keiηA(0,D)χn−eiηf(0,D)χnk+kΦn(iη)k khk



β|η|e−η2kp(D)χnk+kΦn(iη)k khk



πeT2(1 +eγT) ((1 +T)M000+N0) Z T


1 + log1 x

dxi khk.


Next, forη∈R,

|(Ψn(T+iη), h)|

≤ kΨn(T+iη)kkhk




eT2−η2keiηA(0,D)Un(T,0)χn−eiηf(0,D)Vn(T,0)χnk+kΦn(T+iη)k khk.

Using the assumption thatku(T)k ≤M0,


≤ kUn(T,0)χnk+kVn(T,0)χnk


≤(1 + (1 +eγT))kUn(T,0)χnk

≤(2 +eγT)M0.

Next, the assumptionsku(T)k ≤M0andkp(D)A(t, D)u(T)k ≤M000for allt∈[0, T] imply thatkA(t, D)u(T)k ≤N00for allt∈[0, T], for some constantN00≥0. Thus, forz=x+iy∈S, we have

k(A(x, D)−A(0, D))un(z)k

≤ keiyA(0,D)A(x, D)Un(x,0)χnk+keiyA(0,D)A(0, D)Un(x,0)χnk

≤ kA(x, D)Un(x,0)χnk+kA(0, D)Un(x,0)χnk


Meanwhile, using Condition (A, p) and the fact that 0< β <1, k(f(x, D)−f(0, D))vn(z)k

≤ keiyf(0,D)f(x, D)Vn(x,0)χnk+keiyf(0,D)f(0, D)Vn(x,0)χnk

≤ kf(x, D)Vn(x,0)χnk+kf(0, D)Vn(x,0)χnk

≤ kA(x, D)Vn(x,0)χnk+k(−A(x, D) +f(x, D))Vn(x,0)χnk +kA(0, D)Vn(x,0)χnk+k(−A(0, D) +f(0, D))Vn(x,0)χnk

≤ kVn(x,0)A(x, D)χnk+kVn(x,0)A(0, D)χnk+ 2βkp(D)Vn(x,0)χnk

≤(1 +eγT)(kA(x, D)Un(x,0)χnk+kA(0, D)Un(x,0)χnk+ 2kp(D)Un(x,0)χnk)

≤2(1 +eγT)(N00+N0).


Therefore, forz=x+iy∈S, from (3.5), k∂φ¯ n(z)k ≤ 1

2(k(A(x, D)−A(0, D))un(z)k+k(f(x, D)−f(0, D))vn(z)k)

≤N00+ (1 +eγT)(N00+N0) so that by Lemma 3.8,


=k − 1 π



ez2∂φ¯ n(z)


z−(T+iη)+ 1


z+ 1 + (T +iη)

dx dyk

≤ 1 π





|ez2|k∂φ¯ n(z)k


z−(T+iη)+ 1


z+ 1 + (T+iη) dx dy

≤ 1 π





eT2(N00+ (1 +eγT)(N00+N0))



z−(T+iη)+ 1


z+ 1 + (T+iη) dx dy

= 1

πeT2(N00+ (1 +eγT)(N00+N0))

× Z T





z−(T+iη)+ 1


z+ 1 + (T+iη) dy


≤ K

πeT2(N00+ (1 +eγT)(N00+N0)) Z T


1 + log 1



Thus, M(T)

= max


|(Ψn(T+iη), h)|



eT2−η2(2 +eγT)M0+K

πeT2(N00+ (1 +eγT)(N00+N0))

× Z T


1 + log 1

|x−T| dx


eT2(2 +eγT)M0+K

πeT2(N00+ (1 +eγT)(N00+N0))

× Z T


1 + log 1

|x−T| dx



It follows from (3.10) and (3.11) that there exist constantsC0 andM, independent ofβ, such that for 0≤t < T,

|(Ψn(t), h)| ≤(C0βkhk)1−Tt(Mkhk)t/T = (C0β)1−TtMt/Tkhk.

Taking the supremum over allh∈H withkhk ≤1, we have constantsC and M, independent ofβ, such that for 0≤t < T,

n(t)k ≤Cβ1−TtMt/T. Consequently,


=e−t2n(t) + Φn(t)k


≤ kΨn(t)k+kΦn(t)k


It follows from an earlier estimate onkΦn(iη)k, that kΦn(t)k ≤βhK

πeT2(1 +eγT) ((1 +T)M000+N0) Z T


1 + log 1


dxi .

Setting K0= K

πeT2(1 +eγT) ((1 +T)M000+N0)n max




1 + log 1


dxo ,

we have

kun(t)−vn(t)k ≤Cβ1−TtMt/T +kΦn(t)k

≤Cβ1−TtMt/T +βK0





for a possibly different constant C. Letting n → ∞, we have found constants C andM, independent ofβ, such that for 0≤t < T,

ku(t)−v(t)k ≤Cβ1−TtMt/T,

as desired.

4. Examples

Below, we give examples illustrating our approximation theorem. Each is a general case of the following universal example. Let H = L2(Rn) and D = −∆

where ∆ denotes the Laplacian defined by







The operator−∆ is a positive self-adjoint operator onL2(Rn) and so we compare the ill-posed evolution problem

∂tu(t, x) =A(t,−∆)u(t, x), (t, x)∈[0, T)×Rn u(0, x) =h(x), x∈Rn

(4.1) inL2(Rn) to the well-posed approximate problem

∂tv(t, x) =f(t,−∆)v(t, x), (t, x)∈[0, T)×Rn v(0, x) =h(x), x∈Rn.


Example 4.1. As initially defined, let A(t, D) =






Let 0 < < 1 and set Bj = maxt∈[0,T]|aj(t)| for each 1 ≤j ≤ k. Consider the problem

∂tv(t, x) =A(t,−∆)v(t, x)−(−∆)k+1v(t, x), (t, x)∈[0, T)×Rn v(0, x) =h(x), x∈Rn.

Motivated by approximations used by Lattes and Lions, Miller, and Ames and Hughes [2, 3, 9, 10], we definef : [0, T]×[0,∞)→Rby

f(t, λ) =




aj(t)λj−λk+1. Then for each (t, λ)∈[0, T]×[0,∞),

f(t, λ)≤h(λ) :=





The polynomial h(λ) has at most k+ 1 real roots. Ifh(λ) has no real roots on [0,∞), then h(λ)<0 for allλ≥0. Otherwise, let R be the maximum of all such roots of h(λ) on [0,∞). Then h(λ) is bounded above on [0, R] and is negative on (R,∞). Therefore, in any case, there existsω∈Rsuch thath(λ)≤ωfor allλ≥0.


f(t, λ)≤ω for all (t, λ)∈[0, T]×[0,∞). Also

|f(t, λ)| ≤r(λ) :=





for all (t, λ) ∈ [0, T]×[0,∞). We setY = Dom(r(D)) and let k · kY denote the graph norm associated with the operator r(D). We note thatY = Dom(r(D)) = Dom(f(t, D)) for all t ∈ [0, T], and that Y is the Sobolev space W2(k+1),2(Rn), consisting of functionsh∈L2(Rn) whose derivatives, in the sense of distributions, of orderj≤2(k+ 1) are inL2(Rn) (cf. [11, Chapter 7.1]).

Now, let t0 ∈ [0, T]. It follows from the definition of r(D) thatDj ∈B(Y, H) for each 1≤j≤k. Then since aj is continuous for each 1≤j ≤k,

kf(t, D)−f(t0, D)kY→H =k(A(t, D)−Dk+1)−(A(t0, D)−Dk+1)kY→H

=kA(t, D)−A(t0, D)kY→H









|aj(t)−aj(t0)| kDjkY→H→0 ast→t0, showing thatt7→f(t, D) is continuous in theB(Y, H) normk · kY→H.

Next, set

p(λ) =λk+1.

Then Dom(p(D))⊆Dom(Dj) for all 1≤j≤k+ 1 so that

Dom(p(D))⊆Dom(A(t, D))∩Dom(f(t, D)) = Dom(f(t, D))


for eacht∈[0, T]. Furthermore, forψ∈Dom(p(D)) andt∈[0, T], k(−A(t, D) +f(t, D))ψk=k(−Dk+1)ψk=kDk+1ψk.

Thus f satisfies Condition (A, p) with r(λ) = Pk

j=1Bjλjk+1, β = , and p(λ) =λk+1. Moreover,g(t, λ) =−λk+1 ≤0 for all (t, λ)∈[0, T]×[0,∞), so we may chooseγ= 0. Theorem 3.9 then yields the result

ku(t)−v(t)k ≤Cβ1−TtMt/T

for 0≤t < T, where u(t) andv(t) are solutions of (4.1) and (4.2) respectively.

Example 4.2. As in Example 4.1, let A(t, D) =





Let 0 < < 1 and set Bj = maxt∈[0,T]|aj(t)| for each 1 ≤j ≤ k. Consider the problem

∂tv(t, x)−A(t,−∆)v(t, x) +(−∆)k

∂tv(t, x) = 0, (t, x)∈[0, T)×Rn v(0, x) =h(x), x∈Rn.

Motivated by work of Showalter [13], we definef : [0, T]×[0,∞)→Rby f(t, λ) =


j=1aj(t)λj 1 +λk . Then for each (t, λ)∈[0, T]×[0,∞),

f(t, λ)≤ Pk

j=1Bjλj 1 +λk . The rational function r(λ) =

Pk j=1Bjλj

1+λk is continuous on [0,∞) and tends to Bk as λ → ∞. Therefore, there exists ω ∈ R such that r(λ) ≤ ω for all λ ≥ 0.


f(t, λ)≤ω

for all (t, λ)∈ [0, T]×[0,∞). Asr(λ) is a bounded Borel function on [0,∞), the Spectral Theorem yields that r(D) is a bounded everywhere-defined operator on H. Thus, we may chooseY = Dom(r(D)) =H.

Now, lett0∈[0, T]. It follows from the definition ofr(D) thatDj(I+Dk)−1∈ B(H) for each 1≤j≤k. Then since aj is continuous for each 1≤j≤k,

kf(t, D)−f(t0, D)k=kA(t, D)(I+Dk)−1−A(t0, D)(I+Dk)−1k









|aj(t)−aj(t0)| kDj(I+Dk)−1k →0 as t→t0, showing thatt7→f(t, D) is continuous in theB(H) norm.



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