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Regularity of Weakly Well-Posed Characteristic Boundary Value Problems


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Research Article

Regularity of Weakly Well-Posed Characteristic Boundary Value Problems

Alessandro Morando and Paolo Secchi

Dipartimento di Matematica, Facolt`a di Ingegneria, Universit`a di Brescia, Via Valotti, 9, 25133 Brescia, Italy

Correspondence should be addressed to Paolo Secchi,paolo.secchi@ing.unibs.it Received 9 June 2010; Accepted 30 August 2010

Academic Editor: Alberto Cabada

Copyrightq2010 A. Morando and P. Secchi. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

We study the boundary value problem for a linear first-order partial differential system with characteristic boundary of constant multiplicity. We assume the problem to be “weakly” well posed, in the sense that a uniqueL2-solution exists, for sufficiently smooth data, and obeys an a priori energy estimate with a finite loss of tangential/conormal regularity. This is the case of problems that do not satisfy the uniform Kreiss-Lopatinski˘ıcondition in the hyperbolic region of the frequency domain. Provided that the data are sufficiently smooth, we obtain the regularity of solutions, in the natural framework of weighted conormal Sobolev spaces.

1. Introduction and Main Results

Forn≥2, letRndenote then-dimensional positive half-space

Rn: x

x1, x

, x1>0, x: x2, . . . , xn∈Rn−1

. 1.1

The boundary ofRnwill be systematically identified withRn−1x .

We are interested in the following stationary boundary value problemBVP:


uF, inRn, 1.2

MuG, onRn−1, 1.3


whereLis the first-order linear partial differential operator



Ajj; 1.4

for eachj 1, . . . , n, the short notationj:∂/∂xjis used.

The coefficientsAj j 1, . . . , nofLareN×Nmatrix-valued functions inC0Rn, the space of restrictions toRnof functions ofC0Rn. In1.2,Bstands for a lower-order term whose form and nature will be specified later; compare toTheorem 1.1andSection 3.2.

The source termF, as well as the unknownu, is aRN-valued function ofx; we may assume that they are both supported in the unitary positive half-ballB:{x x1, x:x1≥ 0, |x|<1}.

The BVP has characteristic boundary of constant multiplicity 1r < Nin the following sense; the coefficientA1of the normal derivative inLdisplays the blockwise structure



, 1.5

whereAI,I1 ,AI,II1 ,AII,I1 ,AII,II1 are, respectively,r×r,r×N−r,N−r×r,N−r×N−r submatrices, such that

AI,II1|x100, AII,I1|x100, AII,II1|x100, 1.6 andAI,I1 is invertible overB. According to the representation above, we split the unknown uasu uI, uII;uI ∈Rr anduII ∈RN−r are said to be, respectively, the noncharacteristic and the characteristic components ofu.

Concerning the boundary condition1.3,Mis assumed to be the matrixId 0, where Id denotes the identity matrix of orderd, 0 is the zero matrix of sized×N−d, anddis a given positive integer≤r. The datumGis a givenRd-valued function ofx x2, . . . , xnand is supported in the unitaryn−1-dimensional ballB0,1:{|x|<1}.

Section 4will be devoted to prove the following regularity result.

Theorem 1.1. Letk, r, sbe fixed nonnegative integer numbers such thatsr0,s >0, and suppose that the coefficientsAj (j 1, . . . , n) of the operatorLin1.4are given inC0RnandA1fulfils conditions1.5,1.6. One assumes that for anyh >0 there exist some constantsC0 C0h>0, γ0γ0h≥1 such that for everyγγ0, for every operatorBOpγb, whose symbolbbelongs to Γ0and satisfies|b|0,kh, and for all functionsF ∈ Hs,rtan,γRn, andGHγsRn−1, the corresponding BVP1.2-1.3admits a unique solutionuL2Rn, withuI|x

10L2Rn−1, and the following a priori energy estimate is satisfied:





tan,γRn 1 γ2sG2Hs


. 1.7

Then, for everym ∈ Nand any matrix-valued functionBC0Rn, there exist some constants Cm > 0, γm (with γmγm−11) such that if γγm and we are given arbitrary functions


F ∈ Hsm,rmtan,γ Rn and GHγsmRn−1, the uniqueL2-solution uof 1.2-1.3 (with dataF, G, and lower-order termB ≡multiplication by B) belongs toHtan,γm Rn,uI|x

10HγmRn−1and the a priori estimate of orderm





γ2s1F2Hsm, rm

tan,γ Rn 1

γ2sG2Hsm γ Rn−1


is satisfied.

The function spaces involved in the statement ofTheorem 1.1, as well as the norms appearing in1.7,1.8, will be described inSection 2. The kind of lower-order operatorB involved in1.2, that is allowed inTheorem 1.1, will be introduced inSection 3.2.

The BVP1.2-1.3, with the aforedescribed structure, naturally arises from the study of a mixed evolution problem for a symmetric or Friedrichs’symmetrizable hyperbolic system, with characteristic boundary. The analysis of the regularity of the stationary problem, presented in this work, plays an important role for the study of the regularity of time-dependent hyperbolic problems, constituting the final goal of our investigation and developed in 1. In view of the well-posedness property that problems1.2-1.3enjoy in the statement ofTheorem 1.1, here we do not need to assume the hyperbolicity of the linear operatorL in 1.4; the only condition required on the structure ofL is that expressed by conditions1.5and1.6. In the hyperbolic problems, the numberdof the scalar boundary conditions prescribed in 1.3 equals the number of positive eigenvalues of A1 on {x1 0} ∩ B the so-called incoming characteristics of problem 1.2-1.3, compare to 1; this valuedremains constant along the boundary, as a combined effect of the hyperbolicity and the fact thatA1|{x10}∩Bhas constant rank.

In 2, the regularity of weak solutions to the characteristic BVP 1.2-1.3 was studied, under the assumption that the problem is strongly L2-well posed, namely, that a unique L2-solution exists for arbitrarily given L2-data and the solution obeys an a priori energy inequality without loss of regularity with respect to the data; this means that theL2-norms of the interior and boundary values of the solution are measured by the L2-norms of the corresponding dataF, G.

The statement ofTheorem 1.1extends the result of 2, Theorem 15, to the case where only a weak well posedness property is assumed on the BVP1.2-1.3. Here, theL2-solvability of1.2-1.3requires an additional regularity of the corresponding dataF, G; the integers represents the minimal amount of regularity, needed for data, in order to estimate theL2- norm of the solutionuin the interior of the domain, and its trace on the boundary, by the energy inequality1.7.

Several problems, appearing in a variety of different physical contexts, such as fluid dynamics and magneto-hydrodynamics, exhibit a finite loss of derivatives with respect to the data, as considered by estimate 1.7 in the statement of Theorem 1.1. This is the case of some problems that do not satisfy the so-called uniform Kreiss-Lopatinski˘ıcondition; see, for example, 3,4. For instance, when the Lopatinski˘ıdeterminant associated to the problem has a simple root in the hyperbolic region, estimating theL2-norm of the solution makes the loss of one tangential derivative with respect to the data; see, for example, 5, 6. In 7, Coulombel and Gu`es show that, in this case, the loss of regularity of order one is optimal;

they also prove that the weak well posedness, with the loss of one derivative, is independent of Lipschitzean lower-order terms, but not independent of bounded lower-order terms. This is a major difference with the strongly well-posed case, where there is no loss of derivatives and


one can treat lower-order terms as source terms in the energy estimates. Also, this yields that the techniques we used in 2, for studying the regularity of stronglyL2-well-posed BVPs, cannot be successfully performed in the case of weakly well-posed problemsseeSection 4 for a better explanation.

The paper is organized as follows. InSection 2we introduce the function spaces to be used in the following and the main related notations. InSection 3we collect some technical tools, and the basic concerned results, that will be useful for the proof of the regularity of BVP 1.2-1.3, given inSection 4.

A final Appendix contains the proof of the most of the technical results used in Section 4.

2. Function Spaces

The purpose of this section is to introduce the main function spaces to be used in the following and collect their basic properties.

Forj1,2, . . . , n, we set

Z1:x11, Zj:j, forj ≥2. 2.1

Then, for every multi-indexα α1, . . . , αn∈Nn, the conormal derivativeZαis defined by Zα:Zα11· · ·Zαnn; 2.2

we also writeαα11· · ·αnn for the usual partial derivative corresponding toα.

Forγ≥1 ands∈R, we set




and, in particular,λs,1:λs.

The Sobolev space of order s ∈ R in Rn is defined to be the set of all tempered distributions u ∈ SRn such that λsuL2Rn, being u the Fourier transform of u; in particular, fors∈N, the Sobolev space of ordersreduces to the set of all functionsuL2Rn, for whichαuL2Rnfor allα∈Nnwith|α| ≤s.

Throughout the paper, for realγ≥1,HγsRnwill denote the Sobolev space of orders, equipped with theγ-depending norm · s,γ defined by

u2s,γ : 2π−n

Rnλ2s,γξ|uξ|2dξ, 2.4 whereξ ξ1, . . . , ξnare the dual Fourier variables ofx x1, . . . , xn. The norms defined by2.4, with different values of the parameterγ, are equivalent to each other. Forγ 1 we set for brevity · s: · s,1and, accordingly,HsRn:H1sRn.


It is clear that, fors ∈ N, the norm in2.4turns out to be equivalent, uniformly with respect toγ, to the norm · HγsRndefined by



γ2s−|α|αu2L2Rn. 2.5

Another useful remark about the parameter depending norms defined in2.4is provided by the following counterpart of the usual Sobolev imbedding inequality:

us,γγs−rur,γ, 2.6

for arbitrarysrandγ ≥1.

InSection 4, the ordinary Sobolev spaces, endowed with the weighted norms above, will be considered inRn−1 interpreted as the boundary of the half-spaceRn; regardless to the different dimension, the same notations and conventions as before will be used there.

Let us introduce now some classes of function spaces of Sobolev type, defined over the half-spaceRn; these spaces will be used to measure the regularity of solutions to characteristic BVPs with sufficiently smooth datacf.Theorem 1.1andSection 4.

Given an integerm1, the conormal Sobolev space of ordermis defined as the set of functionsuL2Rnsuch thatZαuL2Rn, for all multi-indicesαwith|α| ≤ m. Agreeing with the notations set for the usual Sobolev spaces, forγ ≥ 1, Htan,γm Rn will denote the conormal space of ordermequipped with theγ-depending norm




γ2m−|α|Zαu2L2Rn, 2.7

and we again writeHtanm Rn:Htan,1m Rn.

For later use, we need to consider also a class of mixed tangential/conormal spaces, where different orders of tangential and conormal smoothness are allowed. Namely, for every m, r ∈ N, with mr, we let Hm,rtanRndenote the space of all functions uL2Rnsuch that ZαuL2Rn, whenever |α| ≤ mand 0 ≤ α1r: here derivativesZα are required belonging toL2up to the orderm, but conormal derivativesnamely, derivatives involving the operatorZ1are allowed only up to the lower orderr, the remainingmrderivatives being purely tangentiali.e, involving only differentiation with respect to tangential variables x. This space is provided with the expectedγ-depending norm




γ2m−|α|Zαu2L2Rn. 2.8

The notationHm,rtan,γRnis used, here and below, with the same meaning as for usual and conormal Sobolev spacesaccordingly, one hasHm,rtanRn Hm,rtan,1Rn.

For a given Banach spaceY with norm · Yand 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞, Lp0,∞;Ywill denote the space of theY-valued measurable functions on0,∞such that

0 utpYdt <



It is easy to see that the following identities hold true forHm,rtanRn, in the border cases r0 andrm:

Hm,0tanRn L2

0,∞;Hm Rn−1

, Hm,mtan Rn Htanm Rn. 2.9

Actually all of the previously collected observations and properties ofγ-weighted norms on usual Sobolev spaces can be readily extended to the weighted norms defined on conormal and mixed spaces.

Remark 2.1. The above-considered tangential-conormal spacesHm,rtanRncan be viewed as a conormal counterpart, by the action of the mapping introduced below, of corresponding mixed spaces of Sobolev type inRn, studied in H ¨ormander’s 8.

3. Preliminaries and Technical Tools

In this section, we collect several technical tools that will be used in the subsequent analysis cf.Section 4.

We start by recalling the definition of two operatorsand , introduced by Nishitani and Takayama in 9, with the main property of mapping isometrically square integrable resp., essentially boundedfunctions over the half-spaceRn onto square integrableresp., essentially boundedfunctions over the full spaceRn.

The mappings : L2RnL2Rn and : LRnLRn are, respectively, defined by

wx:w ex1, x

ex1/2, ax a ex1, x

, ∀x x1, x

∈Rn. 3.1 They are both norm preserving bijections.

It is also useful to notice that the above operators can be extended to the setDRnof Schwartz distributions inRn. It is easily seen that bothand are topological isomorphisms of the spaceC0 Rnof test functions in Rn resp.,CRnonto the space C0 Rnof test functions inRnresp.,CRn. Therefore, a standard duality argument leads to defineand

onDRn, by setting for everyϕC0 Rn

u, ϕ:u, ϕ−1,

u, ϕ


u, ϕ 3.2

·,·is used to denote the duality pairing between distributions and test functions either in the half-spaceRnor the full spaceRn. In the right-hand sides of3.2,−1is just the inverse operator of, while the operatoris defined by

ϕx 1 x1ϕ

logx1, x

, ∀x1>0, x∈Rn−1, 3.3

for functionsϕC0Rn. The operators−1 andarise by explicitly calculating the formal adjoints ofand , respectively.


Of course, one has thatu, u ∈ DRn; moreover the following relations can be easily verifiedcf. 9:


ψ u, 3.4




, j 1, . . . , n, 3.5




2u, 3.6




, j 2, . . . , n, 3.7

wheneveru∈ DRnandψCRn in3.4uL2RnandψLRnare even allowed.

From formulas 3.6, 3.7 and the L2-boundedness of , it also follows that : Htan,γm RnHγmRnis a topological isomorphism, for each integerm≥1 and realγ≥1.

Following 9 see also 2, in the next subsection the lastly mentioned property of will be exploited to shift some remarkable properties of the ordinary Sobolev spaces inRnto the functional framework of conormal Sobolev spaces over the half-spaceRn.

In the end, we observe that the operatorcontinuously maps the spaceC0Rninto the Schwartz spaceSRnof rapidly decreasing functions inRn note also that the same is no longer true for the image ofC0Rnunder the operator , which is only included into the spaceCb Rnof infinitely smooth functions inRn, with bounded derivatives of all orders.

3.1. Parameter-Depending Norms on Sobolev Spaces

We recall a classical characterization of ordinary Sobolev spaces in Rn, according to H ¨ormander’s 8, based upon the uniform boundedness of a suitable family of parameter- depending norms.

For givens∈R,γ≥1 and for eachδ∈0,1a norm inHs−1Rnis defined by setting

u2s−1,γ,δ: 2π−n

Rnλ2s,γξλ−2,γδξ|uξ|2dξ. 3.8

According toSection 2, forγ 1 and any 0 < δ ≤ 1, we set · s−1,δ : · s−1,1,δ; the family of δ-weighted norms { · s−1,δ}0<δ≤1 was deeply studied in 8; easy arguments relying essentially on a γ-rescaling of functions lead to get the same properties for the norms { · s−1,γ,δ}0<δ≤1defined in3.8with an arbitraryγ≥1.

Of course, one has · s−1,γ,1 · s−1,γ cf. 2.4, withs−1 instead ofs. It is also clear that, for each fixedδ ∈0,1 , the norm · s−1,γ,δ is equivalent to · s−1,γ inHγs−1Rn, uniformly with respect toγ; notice, however, that the constants appearing in the equivalence inequalities will generally depend onδsee3.18.

The next characterization of Sobolev spaces readily follows by taking account of the parameterγinto the arguments used in 8, Theorem 2.4.1.


Proposition 3.1. For everys∈Randγ1,uHγsRnif and only ifuHγs−1Rn, and the set {us−1,γ,δ}0<δ≤1is bounded. In this case, one has

us−1,γ,δ ↑ us,γ, asδ↓0. 3.9

In order to show the regularity result stated inTheorem 1.1, it is useful to provide the conormal Sobolev spaceHtan,γm−1Rn,m ∈ N,γ ≥ 1, with a family of parameter-depending norms satisfying analogous properties to those of norms defined in 3.8. Nishitani and Takayama 9 introduced such norms in the “unweighted” case γ 1, just applying the ordinary Sobolev norms · m−1,δin3.8to the pull-back of functions onRn, by theoperator;

then these norms were used in 2to characterize the conormal regularity of functions.

Following 9, forγ ≥1,δ∈0,1, and alluHtanm−1Rn, we set

u2Rn, m−1,tan,γ,δ:u2


Rnλ2m,γξλ−2,γδξuξ2dξ. 3.10 Because is an isomorphism of Htan,γm−1Rn onto Hγm−1Rn, the family of norms { · Rn,m−1,tan,γ,δ}0<δ≤1keeps all the properties enjoyed by the family of norms defined in3.8.

In particular, the same characterization of ordinary Sobolev spaces onRn, given by Proposition 3.1, applies also to conormal Sobolev spaces inRncf. 2,9.

Proposition 3.2. For every positive integer m and γ1, uHtan,γm Rn if and only if uHtan,γm−1Rn, and the set{uRn,m−1,tan,γ,δ}0<δ≤1is bounded. In this case, one has

uRn,m−1,tan,γ,δ ↑ uRn,m,tan,γ, asδ↓0. 3.11

As regards to the mixed space Hm,rtanRn, it is worthwhile noticing that it can be endowed with theγ-weighted norm defined, by the Fourier transformation, as

u2Rn,m,r,tan,γ : 2π−n


ξ2m−r,γuξ2dξ; 3.12

here and belowξ : ξ2, . . . , ξndenotes the Fourier dual variables of the tangential space variablesx x2, . . . , xn, and, with a slight abuse of notation, we writeλr,γξto mean in factλr,γ0, ξ.

Of course, the norm in3.12is equivalent, uniformly with respect toγ, to the norm 2.8.

3.2. A Class of Conormal Operators

Theoperator, defined at the beginning ofSection 3, can be used to allow pseudodifferential operators inRn acting conormally on functions only defined over the positive half-spaceRn. Then the standard machinery of pseudodifferential calculus in the parameter depending


version introduced in 10,11can be rearranged into a functional calculus properly behaved on conormal Sobolev spaces described inSection 2. InSection 4, this calculus will be usefully applied to study the conormal regularity of the stationary BVP1.2-1.3.

Let us introduce the pseudodifferential symbols, with a parameter, to be used later;

here we closely follow the terminology and notations of 12.

Definition 3.3. A parameter-depending pseudodifferential symbol of orderm∈Ris a real-or complex-valued measurable functionax, ξ, γonRn×Rn× 1,∞ , such thataisCwith respect to xand ξ, and for all multi-indices α, β ∈ Nn there exists a positive constantCα,β



x, ξ, γCα,βλm−|α|,γξ, 3.13

for allx, ξ∈Rnandγ≥1.

The same definition as above extends to functionsax, ξ, γtaking values in the space RN×N resp.,CN×NofN×N realresp., complexvalued matrices, for all integersN >1 where the module| · |is replaced in3.13by any equivalent norm inRN×Nresp.,CN×N. We denote byΓmthe set ofγ-depending symbols of orderm ∈ Rthe same notation being used for both scalar-or matrix-valued symbols.Γmis equipped with the obvious norms

|a|m,k: max

|α||β|≤k sup

x,ξ∈Rn×Rn, γ≥1λ−m|α|,γξ∂αξβxa

x, ξ, γ, ∀k∈N, 3.14

which turn it into a Fr´echet space. For allm, m∈R, withmm, the continuous imbedding Γm⊂Γmcan be easily proven.

For allm∈R, the functionλm,γ is of course ascalar-valuedsymbol inΓm.

To perform the analysis ofSection 4, it is important to consider the behavior of the weight functionλm,γ·λ−1,γδ·, involved in the definition of the parameter-depending norms in3.8,3.10, as aγ-depending symbol according toDefinition 3.3.

In order to simplify the forthcoming statements, henceforth the following short notations will be used:

λm−1,γδ ξ:λm,γξλ−1,γδξ, λ−m1,γδ ξ:

λm−1,γδ ξ−1


, 3.15

for all real numbersm∈ R,γ ≥ 1, andδ ∈0,1. One has the obvious identitiesλm−1,γ1 ξ ≡ λm−1,γξ,λ−m1,γ1 ξ≡ λ−m1,γ1 ξ ≡ λ−m1,γξ. However, to avoid confusion in the following, it is worthwhile to remark that functionsλ−m1,γδ ξandλ−m1,γδ ξare no longer the same as soon asδbecomes strictly smaller than 1; indeed3.15givesλ−m1,γδ ξ λ−m2,γξλ−1,γδξ.

A straightforward application of Leibniz’s rule leads to the following result.


Lemma 3.4. For everym∈Rand allα∈Nn, there exists a positive constantCm,αsuch that

αξλm−1,γδ ξ≤Cm,αλm−1−|α|,γδ ξ, ∀ξ∈Rn, ∀γ≥1, ∀δ∈ 0,1. 3.16 Because of estimates3.16,λm−1,γδ ξcan be regarded as aγ-depending symbol, in two different ways. On one hand, combining estimates3.16with the trivial inequality

λ−1,γδξ≤1 3.17

immediately gives that{λm−1,γδ }0<δ≤1is a bounded subset ofΓm. On the other hand, the left inequality in

δλ1,γξ≤λ1,γδξ≤λ1,γξ, ∀ξ∈Rn, ∀δ∈ 0,1, 3.18 together with3.16, also gives

αξλm−1,γδ ξ≤Cm,αδ−1λm−1−|α|,γξ, ∀ξ∈Rn, ∀γ≥1. 3.19

According toDefinition 3.3,3.19means thatλm−1,γδ actually belongs, for each fixedδ, toΓm−1; nevertheless, the family{λm−1,γδ }0<δ≤1is unbounded as a subset ofΓm−1.

For later use, we also need to study the behavior of functionsλ−m1,γδ asγ-depending symbols.

Analogously toLemma 3.4, one can prove the following result.

Lemma 3.5. For allm∈Randα∈Nn, there existsCm,α>0 such that

αξλ−m1,γδ ξ≤Cm,αλ−m1−|α|,γδ ξ, ∀ξ∈Rn, ∀γ≥1, ∀δ∈0,1. 3.20

In particular,Lemma 3.5implies that the family{λ−m1,γδ }0<δ≤1 is a bounded subset of Γ−m1it suffices to combine3.20with the right inequality in3.18.

Any symbolaax, ξ, γ∈Γmdefines a pseudodifferential operator Opγa ax, D, γ on the Schwartz spaceSRn, by the standard formula

∀u∈ SRn, ∀x∈Rn, Opγaux a x, D, γ

ux :−n

Rneix·ξa x, ξ, γ



where, of course, we denotex·ξ : n

j1xjξj.ais called the symbol of the operator3.21, andmis its order. It comes from the classical theory that Opγadefines a linear-bounded operator

Opγa:SRn−→ SRn; 3.22


moreover, the latter extends to a linear-bounded operator on the spaceSRnof tempered distributions inRn.

An exhaustive account of the symbolic calculus for pseudodifferential operators with symbols inΓmcan be found in 11 see also 12. Here, we just recall the following result, concerning the product and the commutator of two pseudodifferential operators.

Proposition 3.6. Leta∈ Γmandb∈Γl, forl, m∈R. Then OpγaOpγbis a pseudodifferential operator with symbol inΓml; moreover, if one letsa#bdenote the symbol of the product, one has for every integerN≥1




α! αξa∂αxb∈Γml−N. 3.23

Under the same assumptions, the commutator Opγa,Opγb:OpγaOpγb−OpγbOpγa is again a pseudodifferential operator with symbolc∈Γml. If one further assumes that one of the two symbolsaorbis scalar-valued (so thataandbcommute in the pointwise product), then the symbolc of Opγa,Opγbhas orderml1.

We point out that when the symbolb∈Γlof the preceding statement does not depend on thexvariablesi.e.,bbξ, γ, then the symbola#bof the product OpγaOpγbreduces to the pointwise product of symbolsa andb; in this case, the asymptotic formula3.23is replaced by the exact formula

a#b x, ξ, γ

a x, ξ, γ

b ξ, γ

. 3.24

According to3.15,3.21, we write

λm−1,γδ D:Opγ λm−1,γδ

, λ−m1,γδ D:Opγ


. 3.25

In view of3.15and3.24, the operatorλm−1,γδ Dis invertible, and its two-sided inverse is given byλ−m1,γδ D.

Starting from the symbolic classesΓm,m∈R, we introduce now the class of conormal operators inRn, to be used in the sequel.

Letax, ξ, γbe aγ-depending symbol inΓm,m∈R. The conormal operator with symbol a, denoted by Opγa or equivalentlyax, Z, γ, is defined by setting



Opγa u

. 3.26

In other words, the operator Opγais the composition of mappings

Opγa −1◦Opγa◦. 3.27


As we already noted,u ∈ SRnwheneveruC0Rn; hence formula3.26makes sense and gives that Opγauis aC-function inRn. Also Opγa:C0RnCRnis a linear- bounded operator that extends to a linear-bounded operator from the space of distributions u ∈ DRnsatisfyingu ∈ SRnintoDRnitself.In principle, Opγacould be defined by3.26over all functionsuCRn, such thatu ∈ SRn. Then Opγadefines a linear- bounded operator on the latter function space, provided that it is equipped with the topology induced, via, from the Fr´echet topology ofSRn.Throughout the paper, we continue to denote this extension by Opγa orax, Z, γequivalently.

As an immediate consequence of3.27, we have that for all symbolsa∈ Γm,b∈ Γl, withm, l∈R, there holds

∀u∈C0Rn, OpγaOpγbu

OpγaOpγb u−1

. 3.28

Then, it is clear that a functional calculus of conormal operators can be straightforwardly borrowed from the corresponding pseudodifferential calculus inRn; in particular we find that products and commutators of conormal operators are still operators of the same type, and their symbols are computed according to the rules collected inProposition 3.6.

Below, let us consider the main examples of conormal operators that will be met in Section 4.

As a first example, we quote the multiplication by a matrix-valued function BC0Rn. It is clear that this makes an operator of order zero according to3.26; indeed3.4 gives for any vector-valueduC0Rn

Bux Bxux, 3.29

andB is aC-function inRn, with bounded derivatives of any order, hence a symbol inΓ0. We remark that, when computed forB, the norm of orderk ∈N, defined on symbols by3.14, just reduces to






|α|≤kZαBLRn, 3.30 where the second identity above exploits formulas3.5and that maps isometricallyLRn ontoLRn.

Now, letL : γINn

j1AjxZj be a first-order linear partial differential operator, with matrix-valued coefficientsAjC0Rnforj1, . . . , nandγ≥1. Since the leading part ofLonly involves conormal derivatives, applying3.4,3.6, and3.7then gives








AjjuOpγau, 3.31

wherea ax, ξ, γ : γIN −1/2A1x in

j1Ajj is a symbol in Γ1. ThenLis a conormal operator of order 1, according to3.26.


InSection 4, we will be mainly interested in the family of conormal operators

λm−1,γδ Z:Opγ λm−1,γδ

, λ−m1,γδ Z:Opγ


. 3.32

The operatorsλm−1,γδ Zare involved in the characterization of conormal regularity provided byProposition 3.2remember that, afterLemma 3.4,λm−1,γδ ∈Γm−1. Indeed, from Plancherel’s formula and the fact that the operatorpreserves theL2-norm, the following identities

uRn,m−1,tan,γ,δ≡λm−1,γδ Zu

L2Rn 3.33

can be straightforwardly established; hence,Proposition 3.2can be restated in terms of the boundedness, with respect toδ, of theL2-norms of functionsλm−1,γδ Zu. This observation is the key point that leads to the analysis performed inSection 4.

Another main feature of the conormal operators 3.32 is that λ−m1,γδ Z provides a two-sided inverse of λm−1,γδ Z; this comes at once from the analogous property of the operators in3.25and formulas3.26,3.28.

3.3. Sobolev Continuity of Conormal Operators

Proposition 3.7. Ifs, m∈Rthen for alla∈Γmthe pseudodifferential operator Opγaextends as a linear-bounded operator fromHγsmRnintoHγsRn, and the operator norm of such an extension is uniformly bounded with respect toγ.

We refer the reader to 11for a detailed proof ofProposition 3.7. A thorough analysis shows that the norm of Opγa, as a linear-bounded operator from HγsmRn to HγsRn, actually depends only on a norm of type3.14of the symbola, besides the Sobolev order s and the symbolic order m cf. 11 for detailed calculations. This observation entails, in particular, that the operator norm is uniformly bounded with respect to γ and other additional parameters from which the symbol of the operator might possibly depend, as a bounded mapping.

From the Sobolev continuity of pseudodifferential operators quoted above, and using that the operator maps isomorphically conormal Sobolev spaces in Rn onto ordinary Sobolev spaces inRn, we easily derive the following result.

Proposition 3.8. If m ∈ Zand a ∈ Γm, then the conormal operator Opγaextends to a linear- bounded operator from Htan,γsmRn to Htan,γs Rn, for every integers0, such that sm0;

moreover the operator norm of such an extension is uniformly bounded with respect toγ.

Remark 3.9. We point out that the statement above only deals with integer orders of symbols and conormal Sobolev spaces. The reason is that, inSection 2, conormal Sobolev spaces were only defined for positive integer orders. In principle, this lack could be removed by extending the definition of conormal spacesHtans Rnto any real order s: this could be trivially done, just definingHtans Rnto be the pull-back, by the operator, of functions inHsRn. However, this extension to fractional exponents seems to be useless for the subsequent developments.


As regards to the action of conormal operators on the mixed spacesHs,rtan,γRn, similar arguments to those used in the proof ofProposition 3.8lead to the following.

Proposition 3.10. Leta ax, ξ, γbe a symbol inΓm, form ∈Z. Then for all integersr, s ∈N, such thatsr,s >0, andrm0, Opγa ax, Z, γextends by continuity to a linear-bounded operator

Opγa:Hsm,rmtan,γ Rn−→ Hs,rtan,γRn. 3.34

Moreover, the operator norm of such an extension is uniformly bounded with respect toγ.

4. Proof of Theorem 1.1

This section is entirely devoted to the proof ofTheorem 1.1.

4.1. The Strategy of the Proof:

Comparison with the Strongly Well-Posed Case

As it was already pointed out in the Introduction, in order to solve the BVP1.2-1.3 in L2,Theorem 1.1requires an additional tangential/conormal regularity of the corresponding data. The precise increase of regularity needed for the data is prescribed by the energy inequality1.7: to estimate theL2-norm of the solution, in the interior and on the boundary of the domain, we loserconormal derivatives andsrtangential derivatives with respect to the interior source termF, andstangentialderivatives with respect to the boundary datum G.

In 2, the conormal regularity of weak solutions to the BVP1.2-1.3was studied, under the assumption that no loss of derivatives occurs in the estimate of the solution by the data. To prove the result of 2, Theorem 15, the solutionuto1.2-1.3was regularized by a family of tangential mollifiersJε, 0 < ε < 1, defined by Nishitani and Takayama in 9as a suitable combination of the operatorand the standard Friedrichs’mollifiers. The essential point of the analysis performed in 2was to notice that the mollified solutionJεusolves the same problem1.2-1.3, as the original solutionu. The data of the problem forJεucome from the regularization, byJε, of the data involved in the original problem foru; furthermore, an additional term Jε, Lu, where Jε, Lis the commutator between the differential operatorL and the tangential mollifierJε, appears into the equation satisfied byJεu. Because the energy estimate associated to a strongL2-well-posed problem does not lose derivatives, actually this term can be incorporated into the source term of the equation satisfied byJεu.

In the case ofTheorem 1.1, where the a priori estimate1.7exhibits a finite loss of regularity with respect to the data, this technique seems to be unsuccessful, since Jε, Lu cannot be absorbed into the right-hand side without losing derivatives on the solutionu; on the other hand, it seems that the same term cannot be merely reduced to a lower-order term involving the smoothed solutionJεu, as wellthis should require a sharp control of the error termuJεu.

These observations lead to develop another technique, where the tangential mollifier Jεis replaced by the family of operators3.32, involved in the characterization of regularity given by Proposition 3.2. Instead of studying the problem satisfied by the smoothed


solutionJεu, here we consider the problem satisfied byλm−1,γδ Zu. As before, a new term λm−1,γδ Z, Lu appears which takes account of the commutator between the differential operatorLand the conormal operatorλm−1,γδ Z. Since we assume the weak well-posedness of the BVP 1.2-1.3 to be preserved under lower order terms, the approach consists of treating the commutator λm−1,γδ Z, Luas a lower-order term within the interior equation forλm−1,γδ Zusee4.10 differently from the stronglyL2-well-posed case studied in 2, the stability of problem 1.2-1.3 under lower-order perturbations is no longer a trivial consequence of the well-posedness itself. In Theorem 1.1, this stability is required as an additional hypothesis about the BVP; this is made possible by taking advantage from the invertibility of the operatorλm−1,γδ Z.

We argue by induction on the integer order m ≥ 1. Let us take arbitrary data F ∈ Hsm,rmtan,γ Rn,GHγsmRn−1, and fix an arbitrary matrix-valued functionBC0Rn as the lower order term in the interior equation1.2.

Because of the inductive hypothesis, we already know that the uniqueL2-solutionuto 1.2-1.3actually belongs toHtan,γm−1RnanduI|x10belongs toHγm−1Rn−1, provided thatγis taken to be larger than a certain constantγm−1≥1; moreover the solutionuobeys the estimate 1.8of orderm−1




Cm−1 1


tan,γ Rn 1


γ Rn−1



where the positive constantCm−1, as well asγm−1, only depends on the smoothness orderm and theL-norm of a finite numberdepending onmitselfof conormal derivatives ofBcf.

3.30, besides the coefficientsAj 1≤jnofLand the integer numbersrands.

In order to increase the conormal regularity of the solutionuby order one, we are going to act onuby the conormal operatorλm−1,γδ Z; then we consider the analogue of the original problem1.2-1.3satisfied byλm−1,γδ Zu.

4.2. A Modified Version of the Conormal Operatorλm−1,γδ Z

Due to some technical reasons that will be clarified inSection 4.3, we need to slightly modify the conormal operatorλm−1,γδ Zto be applied to the solutionuof the original BVP1.2-1.3, as was described in the preceding section.

The first step is to decompose the weight function λm−1,γδ as the sum of two contributions. To do so, we proceed as follows. Firstly, we take an arbitrary positive, even functionχCRnwith the following properties:

0≤χx≤1, ∀x∈Rn, χx≡1, for |x| ≤ 1

2, χx≡0, for|x|>1. 4.2



Kilbas; Conditions of the existence of a classical solution of a Cauchy type problem for the diffusion equation with the Riemann-Liouville partial derivative, Differential Equations,

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