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interests of those living in rural areas would be reflected in politics. Even if a politician wins by only a single vote in most states they receive a


Academic year: 2021

シェア "interests of those living in rural areas would be reflected in politics. Even if a politician wins by only a single vote in most states they receive a"


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「アメリカの政治・2012年米大統領選」 American Politics / 2012 Presidential Election 明けましておめでとうございます いよいよ世界が終わる年がやって来た。 まー、それは間違えて解釈され たマヤ文明の予言によるとの話。いつもは、予言・占いなどの迷信に興味 を持ってないが、世界が終わるのではなく、大きく変わるというのがこの 予言の本当の意味とされているので、現実になる可能性が高いようだ。 2 012年にアメリカ、ロシア、フランス、韓国などで、選挙が行われる。 多くの国の国家元首が変わるかもしれない、従って世界の政治なども大き く変わる可能性もある。現在、アメリカでは、オバマ大統領のライバルと なる共和党の候補者を決める選挙が行われているので、今回のレポートの テーマを「アメリカの政治・2012年の選挙」とした。

Happy New Year!

At long last the end of the world has come. Well, at least according to a misinterpreted Mayan prediction that is. Normally, I don’t have any interest in superstitions such as predictions or

fortunetelling, but as this particular prediction is actually thought to foretell great change in the world - as opposed to its end - the probability of it coming true seems high. Elections will be held in the U.S., Russia, France, Korea, and other countries in 2012. The heads of state of countries around the world are likely to change, and accordingly world politics may just change as well. As elections are currently being held in the United States to determine the Republican Party’s nominee and President Obama’s soon to be rival, I have decided to write this week’s report about American Politics and the 2012 election.

大統領選について The General Election

アメリカの選挙制度は複雑だ。州ごとに選挙を行い、州 で勝った政治家が州の投票持ち分をもらう(左の図にそ の数が書いてある)。この制度は、人口が少ない地方に住 む人々の意思が、政治に反映されるように、200年も 前に作られた。一票差だけで勝っても、ほとんどの場合 その州のすべての投票を獲得する。全国で投票率が高い 候補者が必ず大統領に選ばれるという訳ではない。 ピンク色:この二つの州のみ投票率により分けられる

Pink: The only two states to divide electoral votes based on the proportion of total votes received

The American electoral process is complicated. Elections are held in every state, and if a politician wins in a particular state they get that state’s predetermined number of votes (the number of votes held by each state is written in the map above). This system was made over 200 years ago so that the

Miyazaki International

Exchange Report


This Issue’s Writer


Name: Paul Richards From: USA (Tennessee) Now: CIR, Miyazaki Prefecture 名前: ポール・リチャーズ 出身: アメリカ(テネシー州) 現在: 宮崎県国際交流員


interests of those living in rural areas would be reflected in politics. Even if a politician wins by only a single vote in most states they receive all of the votes from that state. Thus, it is not necessarily the case that the candidate with the most overall votes will be elected president.

オバマ大統領:「リ ベ ラ ル の ア メ リ カ も 保 守 の ア メ リ カ も な く 、 た だ“ア メ リ カ 合 衆 国”が あ る だ け だ 」

President Obama: “…there is not a liberal America and a conservative America - there is the United States of America.”

ポール: 素敵なセリフだが、オバマ氏は以下の地図②を見たことがないようだね。 Paul: Nice words, but it seems like President Obama hasn’t ever seen map 2 (below).

地図② (Map 2)

赤:共和党を指示する州 青:民主党を支持する州

Red: Republican Blue: Democrat

地図③ (Map 3) 日本ではよく「県民性」という言葉を耳にするが、アメリカ には「州民性」があるかもしれない。しかし、方言が多い日 本と違い、アメリカでは州を出てもしゃべりかたはそこま で変わらない。アメリカでは地域ごとに大きく変わるのは 宗教だ。地図③は、「宗教の重要性」を表す、アメリカ全州 で行った調査の結果だ。色が濃い州は、重要性が高いと答 えた人が多い州だ。 地図②と地図③を見ると、宗教がア メリカの政治界に影響を与えているということが分かる。

In Japan I often hear the word “kenminsei” (characteristics of citizens of a prefecture). Well, in the U.S. we probably have a “shuminsei” (characteristics of citizens of a state). America is different from Japan, which has many different dialects, in the fact that the way people speak doesn’t change so much by state. What does change by region, however, is religion. Map 3 shows the results to a survey conducted


nationally in the U.S. on “the Importance of Religion”. The darker colored states are those that had many responders saying that religion was very important. Looking at maps 2 and 3 it is easy to see that religion affects politics in the United States.




As the two maps indicate, states where the importance of religion is deemed high tend to support Republicans. One reason for this is that many conservative Christians are not yielding on issues such as education in schools, abortion, or same sex marriage.

共和党と民主党の社会、経済、国際関係の三つの項目に対する基本姿勢を大ざっぱに説明しますと… To ROUGHLY touch on the political stances of Republicans and Democrats in regards to “society”, “economics”, and “International Relations”…

共和党 Republican Party 民主党 Democratic Party



 同性愛者の結婚に反対  人工中絶反対  国民が自分の安全を確保でき るため、拳銃の販売・携帯を 束縛するに反対

 Opposes same-sex marriage  Opposes abortion

 Opposes restrictions regarding the

buying/carrying of guns, so that citizens can protect themselves  結婚のありかたは政府の決め ることではない  人工中絶は選択肢としてあっ たほうがいい  拳銃の販売・携帯を制限した ほうがいい

 The government should not decide what marriage is  Abortion should be an

available option

 Gun buying/carrying should be restricted



 あらゆる市場を民営化にし、 より自由化にすべき  お金持ちの払う税金率を引き 下げるべき(これは新しい企 業そして雇用につながると主 張)  Markets should be privatized and open

 政府はある特定の業務「医療 保険」「雇用保険」などにお金 を出すべき

 低所得の家庭を支えるべき  The government should

have a role in certain industries (health care), (providing unemployment


 Taxes should be reduced for the rich (purported to promote new business and create jobs)

insurance), etc.

 The government should support low income households.



 アメリカは世界の警察  U.S. = world’s police

 アメリカはよりソフトパワー (外交)を使うべき

 The U.S. should make more use of soft power.

多くのアメリカ人はブッシュ政権(共和党)に不満を感じ、新しい政治を掲げたオバ マ氏(民主党)を支持した。一方、オバマ政権が提案した新医療保険制度に反対する アメリカ人が多いし、高い失業率が長引くので、支持率は40%に止まっている。 Americans were let down with the Bush administration (Republican Party) and supported Obama, who touted a new type of politics. Many Americans, however, oppose the new health care system that was proposed by the Obama administration. This, combined with lingering unemployment, has resulted in Obama’s approval rating stopping at around 40%. 以上に説明した大統領選の前に予備選強が行われる。共和党の候補者を決めるため、1月から6月の間、全 州で予備選挙が行われる。今のところで4つの州でしか選挙が行われていないのでまだこれからだ。 Before we get to the general election explained above there are first primary elections. From January to June primary elections will be held in each state to determine the Republican Party Nominee. As of now only 4 primaries/caucuses have taken place, so it is too early to tell how things will turn out.


Of the 5 Republican Candidates Below who will be the Nominee?


補指名を争う政 治家

Politicians Vying for the Republican Nomination ミット・ロムニー Mitt Romney ロン・ポール Ron Paul リックサントラム Rick Santorum ニュート・ギングリッチ Newt Gingrich ジョン・ハンツマン Jon Huntsman 経験 Experience ビジネスマン 元州知事 Businessman Former State Governor 医師 下院議員 Medical Doctor Member of the House 元下院議員 現在:上院議員 Former Member of the House, Currently a Senator 元下院議長 Former Speaker of the House 元州知事 元中国大使 Former State Senator, Former U.S. Ambassador to China.


今までの選挙で Election Track Record 2位 1位 2位 1位 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 3位 2位 4位 4位 3rd 2nd 4th 4th 1位 4位 3位 3位 1st 4th 3rd 3rd 4位 5位 1位 2位 4th 5th 1st 2nd (1月に選挙か ら撤退した) (Retired from campaign in January) 弱点 Weak Point あまりにもお金 持ちすぎて、一 般国民の生活に 疎いと思われて いる。知事の時 医療保険制度を 支持した。 So rich he’s sometimes thought to be oblivious to the daily lives of average Americans. Supported state run health insurance during his time as governor. 自由主義者。同 性愛結婚や人工 中絶に反対しな いので、共和党 の基盤となる保 守的なキリスト 教徒は支持しな い。アメリカは ほかの国とでき るだけ関わらな いほうがいいと も出張 Libertarian. Conservative Christians unlikely to support him as he does not oppose same-sex marriage or abortion. Asserts that the U.S. should not interact with other countries. 政治的カリスマ がない。 保守的すぎると されている。 Lacks political charisma. Viewed by many as too conservative. 2回も不倫が発 覚し、2回離婚 した。現在3度 の結婚。 Divorced twice after having two affairs. Currently on his 3rd marriage. 中国の大使とし て 働 い て い た 間、アメリカに いなかったから 名がよく知られ ていない。 Not well known due to time spent in China working as the Chinese Ambassador. 以上の5人(オバマがまだ負けてないぞ!)のうち誰かがアメリカの将来を決めることになる。アメリカは 高い失業率、戦争など多くの問題を抱えているので、予言された「大きな変化」を期待している。

One of the 5 individuals (Obama’s not down yet!) above will be in charge of deciding the future of the United States. Currently the U.S. is strapped with problems such as high unemployment and war. In regard to these points I am eagerly awaiting for the “big change” that was foretold by the Mayans.



(1.11) The main aim of this paper is to determine closed form representations of S(a,p) in terms of δ(p) and the Riemann Zeta function ζ(p).. The closed form of AS(a,p) will also

Villamayor, ‘Hypersurface singularities in positive characteristic.’ Advances in Mathematics 213 (2007) 687-733. ‘Elimination with apllications to singularities in

Kraaikamp [7] (see also [9]), was introduced to improve some dio- phantine approximation properties of the regular one-dimensional contin- ued fraction algorithm in the following

We believe it will prove to be useful both for the user of critical point theorems and for further development of the theory, namely for quick proofs (and in some cases improvement)

We present sufficient conditions for the existence of solutions to Neu- mann and periodic boundary-value problems for some class of quasilinear ordinary differential equations.. We

We study some properties of subclasses of of the Carath´ eodory class of functions, related to conic sections, and denoted by P(p k ).. Coefficients bounds, estimates of

Actually it can be seen that all the characterizations of A ≤ ∗ B listed in Theorem 2.1 have singular value analogies in the general case..

“Indian Camp” has been generally sought in the author’s experience in the Greco- Turkish War: Nick Adams, the implied author and the semi-autobiographical pro- tagonist of the series