• 検索結果がありません。

名古屋大学教育推進部入試課事務補佐員 ( 部局 )( 契約職員 ) の募集 名古屋大学教育推進部入試課 ( 国際入試係 ) では 国際プログラム群のアドミッション業務を 行うため 事務補佐員 ( 部局 )( 契約職員 ) を下記により募集します 1. 募集人員 :1 名 記 2. 勤務場所 : 名古


Academic year: 2022

シェア "名古屋大学教育推進部入試課事務補佐員 ( 部局 )( 契約職員 ) の募集 名古屋大学教育推進部入試課 ( 国際入試係 ) では 国際プログラム群のアドミッション業務を 行うため 事務補佐員 ( 部局 )( 契約職員 ) を下記により募集します 1. 募集人員 :1 名 記 2. 勤務場所 : 名古"


読み込み中.... (全文を見る)



名古屋大学 教育推進部 入試課 事務補佐員(部局)(契約職員)の募集

名古屋大学教育推進部入試課(国際入試係)では、国際プログラム群のアドミッション業務を 行うため、事務補佐員(部局)(契約職員)を下記により募集します。

記 1.募 集 人 員 :1名

2.勤 務 場 所 :名古屋市千種区不老町 名古屋大学 教育推進部 入試課(国際入試係)

3.業 務 内 容 :国際アドミッションズオフィス(AO)では、国際プログラム群の入試、アドバイジング、入 試広報、リクルーティング戦略の策定などを行っています。優秀な留学生を獲得するため、


出願書類の受付業務(真贋チェック・資格審査・書類整理等。出願から入学までの手続き 案内や照会への対応を含む)、出願データの管理

国際プログラム群(通称 G30 プログラム)の学生募集活動(国内外の留学フェアや高校で の受験希望者、保護者、進路カウンセラーへの説明)。来訪者に対する国際プログラム群の 説明及び電話・メール等による照会への対応。

G30 プログラムのウェブサイト(日本語・英語)や SNS を活用した入試広報や情報発信な ど、コミュニケーションツールを活用した広報戦略の企画立案と制作実施

受験生向けの入試広報(G30 プログラムの広報物の制作など)、入試広報戦略の実施

入試広報のための情報収集(学生アンケート、大学イメージ調査、留学生マーケットの動 向把握、在校生・卒業生の活躍、学生たちの取り組みなど)


4.応 募 資 格 :1)学歴:大学卒業以上(2022 年 9 月に学位取得見込みの方も歓迎します)

2)英語によるコミュニケーション・読解・作文・電話応答ができ、上記業務が遂行できる こと(目安 TOEIC 900 点以上)。


4)ワード、エクセル、パワーポイント等のパソコン操作及び電子メールの操作等に習熟し ていること。



異文化コミュニケーション能力を持ち、バイリンガルな職場で働くことができる次のよう な人材を求めています。






5.雇 用 期 間 :2022 年 10 月 1 日以降できるだけ早い日から 2023 年 3 月 31 日まで

(都合が悪い場合は応相談。勤務状況等により年度更新する可能性あり。ただし、最長 2025 年 9 月 30 日まで。最終雇用年齢は65歳に達した年度の3月末まで。)

6.雇用条件等:・勤務時間:月~金の週 5 日 8 時 30 分~17 時 15 分(休憩時間 12 時~13 時)

週 38 時間 45 分(1 日 7 時間 45 分)


・休 日:土・日曜日、国民の祝日、年末年始(12 月 29 日から1月3日)

・休 暇:年次有給休暇(採用日に付与)、夏季休暇(有給)、忌引休暇等

・給 与:年俸制適用(基準年俸額 270 万円、月額 225,000 円)


・通勤手当:上限 55,000 円/月(支給要件有)



7.応 募 期 限:2022 年 9 月 27 日(火)15 時必着



8.応 募 方 法:履歴書(用紙任意、写真添付、e-mail アドレス、電話番号要記入。

語学の能力を示すスコア(TOEIC, TOEFL, IELTS, etc.)があれば、添付のこと。)を 下記「提出先」へ郵送(簡易書留)、Email で送付、または持参して下さい。


9.選 考 方 法:書類選考(第一次審査)合格者に対して面接(第二次審査)を実施し、採否を決定します。


10. 提出先及び問合せ先:〒464-8601 名古屋市千種区不老町

名古屋大学 教育推進部 入試課 国際入試係

(国際開発研究科棟 1 階105室)

担当:箕浦裕満子 TEL: 052-747-6505 E-mail:minoura.yumiko@adm.nagoya-u.ac.jp

11.そ の 他:面接のための交通費は自己負担とします。



G30プログラム参考URL http://admissions.g30.nagoya-u.ac.jp/en/

2021 年 11 月「外国為替及び外国貿易法」(外為法)に基づく「みなし輸出」における管理 対象の明確化に伴い、大学・研究機関における教職員への機微技術の提供の一部が外為法の 管理対象となりました。これに伴い、本公募に応募の際、「類型該当判断のフローチャー ト」に基づく「類型該当性の自己申告書」の提出が必要となります。また、採用時には「誓 約書」の提出が必要となります。様式は以下の URL から取得してください。



Job Opening for Admissions Coordinator at Nagoya University (Full time / Project-based)

The International Admission Office for the Global 30 International Programs, located within the Admission Division at Nagoya University, seeks to hire a dynamic candidate for the role of Admissions Coordinator.

1. Number of job openings: One

2. Location: Admissions Office for International Programs, Education and International Affairs Department, Nagoya University (Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi)

3. Work Type: Full Time / Non-Manager

4. Description & Primary Duties Responsibilities:

The Admissions Office for International Programs is a unit of the Admissions Division of Nagoya University that builds and develops a successful international student recruitment plan for the International Programs to increase enrollment of international students.

Services include new student recruitment, admissions/advising, public information, and developing and implementing a marketing and recruitment plan. Nagoya University is seeking a full-time admissions coordinator.

You will:

 Do duties related to admissions including counseling the applicants throughout the application process, completing all procedures related to the admission to the G30 international programs such as processing, reviewing, and assessing application documents, credential checks, and data management;

 Professionally represent Nagoya University during recruiting activities such as communicating with potential students, their parents, and school counsellors within Japan and abroad during school visits and international student fairs and communicate effectively by telephone, email, other electronic outlets as well as in person (customer service);

 Manage the website of Nagoya University’s International Programs (Japanese & English), take care of social media outlets, and develop the digital and online elements of effective international student recruitment and communication strategies;

 Create marketing materials and multimedia content such as student brochures, develop and implement communication plans to promote Nagoya University’s educational activities and events; and

 Collect and organize data for marketing / branding programs (conduct student surveys, and stay up to date on international student recruitment trends, make students’ success


story known to the public, and promote Nagoya University’s educational/ research activities).

 fulfilling all administrative duties related to the mission and responsibilities of the International Admissions Office.

As part of the team, qualified candidates:

‐ Will be able to give lively and informative presentations about Nagoya University during recruiting activities such as school visits and international student fairs (- All recruitment efforts are conducted online during Covid-19);

‐ Will be able to communicate with potential students, their parents, and school counsellors within Japan and abroad effectively by telephone, email, other electronic outlets as well as in person to professionally represent Nagoya University; and

‐ Have the capability to work under pressure of competing deadlines and independently, as well as in a team environment.

5. Requirements:

An ideal candidate will have:

 A bachelor's degree or higher (new college graduates who are expected to complete the degree in September 2022 are welcome to apply)

 Business-level English: Fluent in written and spoken English (Non-native speakers are welcome to apply but should submit scores of English proficiency test results such as IELTS or TOEFL, if available).

 Japanese language conversation level preferred (Non-native speakers are welcome to apply but encouraged to submit scores of Japanese proficiency test results such as JPLT, if available)

 Computer skills, including the ability to use software such as Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

 Strong web content management skills a plus.

Preferred Personality:

We are looking for candidates who possess strong cross-cultural communication skills and will be able to work in a bilingual environment. The person will have:

‐ The Ability to communicate own ideas effectively and be a good listener. Work closely with staff and faculty members within Nagoya University and professionals in external companies.

‐ Positive attitude to take on new challenges and learn new skills if needed and be creative.

Will work independently, under limited supervision.


‐ The capability to commit themselves to fulfilling all duties related to the mission and responsibilities of the International Admissions Office. Will bring a positive attitude to the office and be self-motivated.

6. Duration of Employment:

Employment Period: From October 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023

(The starting date is flexible. All contracts are based on the Japanese academic calendar meaning that the term is April 1st to March 31 the next year). The contract would be renewed up to September 30, 2025.The maximum employment age is 65 years old and the contract will expire on March 31 of the academic year in which the employee turns 65 years old.

7. Working Conditions:

 Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 to 17:15 (1 hour lunch break included)

Weekly total of 38 hours 45 minutes or 7 hours 45 minutes per day

 Overtime Compensation: Yes

 Holidays: Saturdays, Sundays, National Holidays, end of year holidays (December 29 to January 3)

 Paid holidays: Annual (granted upon hire), designated summer holidays

 Salary: 2.7 million yen per year (Monthly Salary 225,000 yen)

Salary will be determined based on the applicant’s experience and other qualifications.

 Commuting allowance: Up to 55,000 yen/month if eligible (Requirements should be met to receive the allowance)

 Benefits: Health insurance (National Public Officers Mutual Aid Association), employee’s pension, employment insurance, worker’s compensation insurance.

 Others: Visa sponsorship is available.

8. Deadline for application: Tuesday, September 27, 2022 by 15:00 (Japan Standard Time) Interviews of short-listed candidates will be conducted. Applications will close even before the deadline if there is any qualified applicant.

9. Application Instructions

‐ CV (with current photograph of the applicant attached. Include contact information, e.g., email address, phone number)

‐ Scores of English /Japanese proficiency test results such as IELTS, TOEFL or JPLT, if available

Application documents can be sent by registered mail, emailed, or brought directly to the Admissions Office. Application documents will not be returned once submitted.

Please write “

入 試 課


契 約 職 員 応 募 書 類 在 中

”or “Application Documents for Admissions Coordinator Enclosed” in red, on the envelope.


10. Selection Process: The screening consists of two steps: document screening and interview.

Interviews for short-listed candidates will be conducted in mid-September. Detailed information about the interviews will be provided individually.

11. Application submission and contact:

Yumiko Minoura, Admissions Office

Education and International Affairs Department, Nagoya University

Address: Room # 105, GSID Building, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi, 464-8601 Email Address: minoura.yumiko@adm.nagoya-u.ac.jp

12. Others: Applicants are responsible for their own interview travel expenses.

Application documents will not be returned once submitted.

Nagoya University promotes gender equality and diversity.

G30 International Programs: https://admissions.g30.nagoya-u.ac.jp/

In November 2021, it has been clarified that the “deemed export control” is also regulated and controlled by the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act (“FEFTA”), and thus transfer of controlled information, technology, software, and data to anyone even within the territory of Japan is also subject to the FEFTA. As such, to comply with export control regulations, any job applicants must submit the self-declaration form when applying for this position. To fill out the form, please check with the flowchart (see link below) to see which categories you could fall under. Please rest assured that these answers don’t affect candidate evaluation and hiring decisions.

In addition, a successful candidate is required to submit the Confirmation/Pledge Form regarding export control compliance, as an integral element of our hiring process.

URL: https://www.i.nagoya-u.ac.jp/resume/



収入の部 学会誌売り上げ 前年度繰り越し 学会予算から繰り入れ 利息 その他 収入合計 支出の部 印刷費 事務局通信費 編集事務局運営費 販売事務局運営費

収入の部 学会誌売り上げ 前年度繰り越し 学会予算から繰り入れ 利息 その他 収入合計 支出の部 印刷費 事務局通信費 編集事務局運営費 販売事務局運営費

会長 各務 茂夫 (東京大学教授 産学協創推進本部イノベーション推進部長) 専務理事 牧原 宙哉(東京大学 法学部 4年). 副会長

(募集予定人員 介護職員常勤 42 名、非常勤を常勤換算 18 名、介護支援専門員 常勤 3 名、看護職員常勤 3 名、非常勤を常勤換算 3.5 名、機能訓練指導員

○古澤資源循環推進専門課長 事務局を務めております資源循環推進部の古澤 でございま

自治体職員については ○○市 職員採用 で検索 国家公務員(一般職・専門職)は 国家公務員採用情報 NAVI で検索 裁判所職員については 裁判所 職員採用


*⚓ TOEFL Ⓡ テストまたは IELTS を必ず受験し、TOEFL iBT Ⓡ テスト68点以上または IELTS5.5以上必要。. *⚔ TOEFL iBT Ⓡ