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Nova S´erie



Viorica Mariela Ungureanu

Abstract: In this paper we consider the affine discrete-time, periodic systems with independent random perturbations and we solve, under stabilizability and uniform observability or detectability conditions, the discrete time version of the quadratic control problem introduced in [1].

1 – Introduction

We consider the quadratic control problem for the affine discrete-time, peri- odic systems with independent random perturbations in Hilbert spaces (see [1] for continuous time case). The existence of an optimal control is connected with the behavior of the discrete-time Riccati equation associated with this problem. We study the asymptotic behavior of the solutions of the Riccati equation and we find an optimal control. In 1974 J. Zabczyk [10] treated a similar problem for time homogeneous systems and proved that, under stabilizability and detectability conditions, the Riccati equation (14) has a unique nonnegative bounded solu- tion. In connection with this problem, he also introduced the notion of stochastic observability (which is equivalent, in the finite dimensional case, with the one

Received: March 30, 2004; Revised: October 12, 2004.

AMS Subject Classification: 93E20, 49N10, 39A11.

Keywords: exponential stability; detectability and observability; quadratic control; Riccati equation.

This work was supported by CNCSIS (National Council for Research in High Education) under grant no 349/2004.


considered in this paper). The case of time varying systems in finite dimensions has been investigated by T.Morozan in [6]. He proved that, under uniform ob- servability and stabilizability conditions, the discrete-time Riccati equation has a unique, uniformly positive, bounded on N solution. In this paper we gener- alize the results of T. Morozan. We also establish that, in the stochastic case, the uniform observability does not imply the detectability and, consequently, our result is different from that obtained by J. Zabczyk in the time invariant case.

In [1] G. Da Prato and I. Ichikawa proposed a quadratic control problem for affine periodic systems (for both deterministic and stochastic cases), which is a generalization of the average cost criterion, usually considered for time-invariant systems. They proved that, under stabilizability and detectability conditions, the optimal control is given by a periodic feedback, which involves the periodic solution of the Riccati equation associated to this problem. In [9] we consider differential linear stochastic equations. We replace the detectability condition with the uniform observability property and, under stabilizability condition, we prove that the Riccati equation has a unique, uniformly positive, bounded on R+ solution, which is stabilizing for the controlled system. This result can be used to find the optimal control and the optimal cost for the quadratic control problem. We also proved in [9] that, in the stochastic case, uniform observabil- ity does not imply detectability, as in the deterministic case, and our result is different from the one of G. Da Prato. On the other hand, we note that the observability property is easier to verify than the detectability condition, both in the continuous and deterministic cases. So, the results of this paper are (in a certain sense) the discrete-time versions of those obtained in [9] and [1] for the continuous case. They are not obtained by a simple discretization of the results mentioned above (for example the algebraic Riccati equation, involved in the time invariant quadratic control problem, is not the same in the discrete-time (see (32)) and continuous cases (see [1])). There are many technical differences between the discrete time and the continuous cases. For example, in the discrete time case, we used the induction to prove the existence of the solution of the Riccati equation with final condition, while in the continuous case we work with specific properties of the functions, which are continuously time dependent.

2 – Notations and statement of the problem

Let H, V, U be separable real Hilbert spaces and let us denote by L(H, V) the Banach space of all bounded linear operators which transform H into V.


IfH=V we put L(H, V) =L(H). We writeh., .i for the inner product andk.k for norms of elements and operators. IfA∈L(H) thenA is the adjoint operator ofA. The operatorA∈L(H) is said to be nonnegative and we writeA≥0, ifAis self-adjoint andhAx, xi ≥0 for allx∈ H. We denote byHthe Banach subspace of L(H) formed by all self-adjoint operators, by K the cone of all nonnegative operators ofHand byI the identity operator onH. We also consider the Banach space Cb(H) = {ϕ: H → R, ϕ is bounded and continuous}. Let τ ∈ N, τ >1.

The sequence Ln ∈ L(H, V), n ∈ N is bounded on N if sup

n∈N kLnk < ∞ and is τ-periodic ifLn=Ln+τ for all n∈N.

Let (Ω,F, P) be a probability space and ξ be a real or H -valued random variable on Ω. We writeE(ξ) for mean value (expectation) of ξ. We will use the notationB(H) for the Borel σ-field ofH.

Let us consider the sequence ξn, n ∈ Z of real independent random vari- ables, which satisfy the conditions E(ξn) = 0 and E|ξn|2 = bn < ∞. If Fn is the σ-algebra generated by {ξi, i ≤ n−1}, then we will denote by L2n(H) = L2(Ω,Fn, P, H) the space of all equivalence class ofH-valued random variablesη (i.e.ηis a measurable mapping from (Ω,Fn) into (H,B(H))) such thatEkηk2 <

∞. Analogously we define L2(Ω,F, P, H) and we denote it L2. We introduce the controlled system

(xn+1 =AnxnnBnxn+Dnun+fn

xk=x∈H,k∈N (1)

whereAn, Bn ∈L(H), Dn∈L(U, H). The control {uk, uk+1, ...} belongs to the classUek defined by the property that un,n≥k is anU-valued random variable, Fn-measurable and sup


Ekunk2<∞. For everyx∈H andk∈N, fixed, we will denote by Uk,x the subset of admissible controls from Uek with the property that (1) has a bounded solution.

If fn = 0 for all n ∈ N we use the notation {A : D, B} for the system (1).

In the sequel we need the hypotheses:

H0: The sequences An, Bn ∈ L(H), Dn ∈ L(U, H), Cn ∈ L(H, V), Kn ∈ L(U),fn, bn, n∈Nare bounded on Nand

Kn≥δI, δ >0 for all n∈N. (2)

H1: The sequencesAn, Bn, Dn, Cn, Kn, fn, n∈N, bn, n∈Zintroduced above areτ-periodic.


If H0 (respectively H1) holds we will use the notation Ze =sup

n∈NkZnk(respec- tivelyZe= max

n= 0,1,...,τ−1kZnk) for Z =A, B, D, C, F, K, b.

Assuming the hypotheses H0, H1 we study the following problem:

For everyk∈Nandx∈H, we look for an optimal control u={uk, uk+1, ...}, which belongs to the classUk,x and minimizes the following quadratic cost

Ik(x, u) = lim


1 q−kE



[kCnxnk2+< Knun, un>], (3)

wherexn is the solution of (1) for all n∈N,n≥k. (It is clear that if u ∈Uk,x thenIk(x, u)<∞).

We will establish that under stabilizability and uniform observability (or de- tectability) conditions (see Theorem 26) the optimal cost, given by (28), is ob- tained for the optimal control (29).

3 – Preliminaries

3.1. Properties of the solutions of the linear discrete time systems We associate to (1) the linear stochastic system {A, B}

(xn+1 =AnxnnBnxn xk=x∈H, n, k∈N. (4)

The random evolution operator of (4) is the operator X(n, k) n ≥ k ≥ 0, whereX(k, k) =I andX(n, k) = (An−1n−1Bn−1)...(AkkBk), for all ˙n > k.

Definition 1. A sequence {xn}, n ∈ Z of H-valued random variables is τ-periodic (τ ∈N, τ >1) if

P{xn1 ∈A1, ..., xnm ∈Am}=P{xn1 ∈A1, ..., xnm ∈Am}, (5)

for alln1, n2, ..., nm ∈Z and allAp∈ B(H), p= 1, .., m.

It is known that (5) is equivalent with

Eϕ(xn1, ..., xnm) =Eϕ(xn1, .., xnm), for allϕ∈Cb(Hm).


Remark 2. Assume thatH1holds and the sequence{ξn}, n∈Zisτ-periodic.

There exist the functions Fn,k : Rn−k → H measurable (B(Rn−k),B(H)) such thatX(n, k)x=Fn,kn−1, ..., ξk), X(n+τ, k+τ)x =Fn+τ,k+τn−1+τ, ..., ξk+τ) andFn+τ,k+τ =Fn,k. Since the random variablesξn, n∈Z are independent and τ-periodic, then it follows that the random variablesX(n, k)xandX(n+τ, k+τ)x have the same distribution function for alln≥k, n, k∈Z.

If xn = xn(k, x) is the solution of the system (4) then it is unique and xn(k, x) =X(n, k)x.

It is not very difficult to see that we have the following lemma:

Lemma 3. X(n, k)is a bounded linear operator fromL2k(H)intoL2n(H)and we have

EkX(n, k)(ξ)k2 ≤(kAn−1k2+bn−1kBn−1k2)...(kAkk2+bkkBkk2)Ekξk2 for alln > k and ξ ∈L2k(H).

From the above considerations it is clear that (1) has a unique solution xn(x, k;u). Using the induction it follows thatxn(x, k;u) satisfies the relation

xn(x, k;u) =X(n, k)x+



X(n, i+ 1) (Diui+fi) (6)

forn≥k+ 1. Moreover,xn(x, k;u) isFn-measurable andξn-independent.

Now, we introduce the mappings Un, T(n, k) :H → H Un(S) = AnSAn+bnBnSBn,

T(n, k) = UkUk+1...Un−1,for alln−1≥kand T(k, k) =I, (7)

whereI ∈L(H) is the identity operator. It is easy to see thatUnandT(n, k) are linear and bounded operators.

Theorem 4 ([8]). IfX(n, k) is the random evolution operator associated to (4), thenT(n, k)(K)⊂ K and we have

hT(n, k)(S)x, yi=EhSX(n, k)x, X(n, k)yi (8)

for allS ∈ H,n≥k≥0and x, y∈H. Moreover kT(n, k) (I)k=kT(n, k)k.


Remark 5. If H1 holds then T(n, k) is τ-periodic that means T(n, k) = T(n+τ, k+τ) for alln≥k≥0.

3.2. Uniform exponential stability and uniform observability

Definition 6. We say that {A, B}is uniformly exponentially stable iff there existβ ≥1,a∈(0,1) andn0 ∈Nsuch that we have

EkX(n, k)xk2 ≤βan−kkxk2 (9)

for all n≥k≥n0 andx∈H.

If Bn = 0 for all n ∈N, we obtain the definition of the uniform exponential stability of the deterministic system xn+1 = Anxn, xk = x ∈ H, n ≥ k denoted {A}.

Definition 7 ([4]). The deterministic system{A}is uniformly exponentially stable iff there exist β ≥ 1, a ∈ (0,1) and n0 ∈ N such that we have kAn−1An−2...Akk ≤βan−k for alln≥k≥n0.

It is easy to see that if{A, B}is uniformly exponentially stable then (9) holds forn0 = 0. The following result is known [4] for the finite dimensional case but it is presented for the readers’ convenience.

Proposition 8. If H1 holds and {A} is uniformly exponentially stable then the system

yn=Anyn+1+fn (10)

has a uniqueτ-periodic solution.

Proof: Using the condition required by theτ-periodic sequences we can ex- tend the sequencesAn, fn for all n∈Z. Let us denote Y(n, k) =AkAk+1...An−1 ifn 6=k and Y(k, k) =I (the identity operator). If {A} is uniformly exponen- tially stable then it is easy to see that there exist a∈ (0,1) and β >1 such as kY(n, k)k=kY(n, k)k ≤βan−k. Hence the series P

p=nY(p, n)fp converges inH.


It is not difficult to see thatyn= P

p=nY(p, n)fp satisfies (10). FromH1 it follows Y(p+τ, n+τ) =Y(p, n) for all p≥nand consequently

yn+τ = X p=n+τ

Y(p, n+τ)fp+τ = X p=n

Y(p+τ, n+τ)fp =yn.

Thusynis aτ-periodic solution of (10). Ifynis anotherτ-periodic solution of (10) we have °°yn+1−yn+1°° ≤ kY(n, k)k max

k = 0,..,τ−1 kyk−ykk ≤ βan−k max

k= 0,..,τ−1

kyk−ykk. As k → −∞ we get yn+1 = yn+1 for all n ∈ Z and the proof is complete.

Now we consider the discrete time stochastic system{A, B;C}formed by the system (4) and the observation relationzn=Cnxn, whereCn∈L(H, V), n∈N. Definition 9 (see Definition 6 in [6]). We say that {A, B;C} is uniformly observable if there existn0∈Nand ρ >0 such that



EkCnX(n, k)xk2 ≥ρkxk2 (11)

for allk∈N andx∈H.

If the stochastic perturbation is missing, that is Bn= 0 for alln∈N, we will use the notation{A, ;C} for the observed (deterministic) system. We have the following definition of the deterministic uniform observability (see [3] and [2]).

Definition 10. We say that {A, ;C} is uniformly observable iff there exist n0 ∈ N and ρ > 0 such that k+nP0


kCnAn−1An−2...Akxk2 ≥ ρkxk2 for all k ∈ N andx∈H.

Remark 11. It is not difficult to see that, in the time-invariant, finite di- mensional case, the deterministic system {A, ;C} is uniformly observable iff rank(C, AC, ..., (A)n−1C) =n, wheren is the dimension ofH.

The following proposition is a consequence of the Theorem 4.


Proposition 12 ([8]).

a) The system (4) is uniformly exponentially stable if and only if there exist β≥1,a∈(0,1)and n0 ∈Nsuch that we have

kT(n, k)k ≤βan−k (12)

for all n≥k≥n0.

b) The system {A, B;C} is uniformly observable if and only if there exist n0 ∈Nand ρ >0 such that



T(n, k)(CnCn)≥ρI (13)

for all k∈N.

Conclusion 13. From the above proposition it follows that if the determinis- tic system{A, ;C}is uniformly observable then the stochastic system{A, B;C}

is uniformly observable.

Proposition 14. Assume that H1 holds, Dn = 0 for all n ∈ N and the sequence {ξn}, n ∈ Z is τ-periodic. If {A, B} is uniformly exponentially stable then the system (1) (without initial condition) has a uniqueτ-periodic solution inL2.

Proof: As in the proof of the Proposition 8 we consider the system (1) onZ. Let us consider the series n−1P


X(n, p+ 1)fp in the Hilbert spaceL2. We have






X(n, p+ 1)fp







kX(n, p+ 1)fpkL2





EkX(n, p+ 1)fpk2

If T(n, k) is the operator associated to the system {A, B} according to the Theorem 4, we deduce by Remark 5 and Proposition 12 that (12) holds for all n≥k >−∞.


Using Theorem 4 and the above considerations we get






X(n, p+ 1)fp






rDT(n, p+ 1)fp, fp




β1/2a(n−p−1)/2f <e ∞.

Consequently the series converges in L2. We denote yn = n−1P

p=−∞X(n, p+ 1)fp. It is a simple exercise to verify that yn satisfies (1). Now we will prove that it is a τ-periodic solution of (1). We consider the random variables yn,m =


p=mX(n, p+ 1)fp and yn+τ,m+τ = n−1P

p=mX(n+τ, p+τ + 1)fp.

Since X(n, p + 1)fp and X(n+τ, p+τ + 1)fp have the same distribution functions for all n ≥ p+ 1 > m it is clear that the distributions of yn,m and yn+τ,m coincide.

Thus Eϕ(yn,m) = Eϕ(yn+τ,m+τ) for all ϕ ∈ Cb(H). Since kyn,m−ynkL2

m−→−∞−→ 0 we deduce that there exists a subsequenceyn,mk such that yn,mk con- verges toyn P.a.s, ask−→ ∞.

Analogously, from kyn+τ,mk−yn+τkL2 −→

mk−→−∞0 it follows that there ex- ists a subsequence yn+τ,mkh such that yn+τ,mkh −→

h−→∞yn+τ P.a.s. We con- sider now the last subsequence and we denote yn+τ,mkh = yn+τ,me

h. It is clear that both sequencesyn+τ,me

h, yn,me

h converges to their limitP.a.s and we deduce that ϕ(yn,me

h) −→

h−→∞ ϕ(yn) (respectively ϕ(yn+τ,me

h) −→

h−→∞ ϕ(yn+τ)) P.a.s for all ϕ ∈ Cb(H). Using the Bounded Convergence Theorem it follows that Eϕ(yn,me

h) −→

h−→∞ Eϕ(yn) (respectively Eϕ(yn+τ,me

h) −→

h−→∞ Eϕ(yn+τ)).

From Remark 2 we deduce thatyn,me

h andyn+τ,me

h have the same distribution function and Eϕ(yn,me

h) = Eϕ(yn+τ,me

h). Hence Eϕ(yn) = Eϕ(yn+τ) for all ϕ ∈ Cb(H) and yn, yn+τ have the same distribution function. Using the same way of proof it can be shown thatyn1, yn2, ..., ynm andyn1, yn2, ..., ynm for all n1, n2, ..., nm ∈ Z have the same joint distribution functions and it follows thatyn isτ-periodic.

If zn∈L2, n∈Z is anotherτ-periodic solution of (1) then we have Ekyn+1−zn+1k2 =EhT(n, k) (I) (yk−zk), yk−zki

≤ kT(n, k)k max

p=0,..,τ−1Ekyp−zpk2 ≤β12an−k2 max



for alln≥k. Ask→ −∞ we getyn+1 =zn+1 P.a.s for all n∈Z and the proof is complete.

The above proposition is the infinite dimensional version of the statement i) of Theorem 3 from [5].

4 – Optimal quadratic control for affine discrete-time systems

In this section we assume that the hypothesis H0 holds.

4.1. The discrete-time Riccati equation of stochastic control and the uniform observability

We consider the transformation

Gn:K → K,Gn(S) =AnSDn(Kn+DnSDn)−1DnSAn,

which is well defined. Let Un∈L(H) be the linear operator defined by (7).

We consider the following Riccati equation

Rn=Un(Rn+1) +CnCn− Gn(Rn+1) (14)

onK, connected with the quadratic cost (3).

Definition 15. A sequence {Rn}n∈N, Rn ∈ K such as (14) holds is said to be a solution of the Riccati equation (14).

We need the following definitions (see D.3 from [6]).

Definition 16. A solutionR = (Rn)n∈N of (14) is said to be stabilizing for {A:D, B} if{A+DF, B}with

Fn=−(Kn+DnRn+1Dn)−1DnRn+1An, n∈N (15)

is uniformly exponentially stable.

Definition 17 ([6]). The system {A :D, B} is stabilizable if there exists a bounded onN sequence F = {Fn}n∈N, Fn ∈L(H, U) such that {A+DF, B} is uniformly exponentially stable.


Proposition 18. The Riccati equation (14) has at most one stabilizing and bounded onNsolution.

Proof: Let Rn,1 and Rn,2 be two stabilizing and bounded onN solutions of equation (14). We introduce the systems

(xn+1,i= (An+DnFn,i)xn,inBnxn,i xk,i =x∈H


for alln≥k,n, k∈N, whereFn,i=−(Kn+DnRn+1,iDn)−1DnRn+1,iAn,i= 1,2.

If we denoteQn=Rn,1−Rn,2, we get

EhQn+1xn+1,1, xn+1,2i=EhQnxn,1, xn,2i, for all n≥k.

It is easy to see that EhQn+1xn+1,1, xn+1,2i=hQkx, xi for all n≥k,x∈H.

Since Rn,i, i= 1,2 are bounded onNwe deduce that there existsM >0 such thatkQnk ≤M for alln∈N. Thus,

0≤ |hQkx, xi| ≤M q


From the hypothesis and from the Definition 17 it follows that the systems (16) are uniformly exponentially stable and Ekxn+1,ik2

n→∞ 0, i = 1,2, uniformly with respect tox.

As n→ ∞ in the last inequality, we deduce thatQk= 0 andRk,1 =Rk,2 for allk∈N. The proof is complete.

Letxn be the solution of system{A:D, B}. ByUk,M, M ∈N we denote the set of all finite sequencesuMk ={uk, uk+1, ...uM−1}ofU-valued andFimeasurable random variablesui,i=k, ..., M −1 with the property Ekuik2 <∞. Now, we introduce the performance

V(M, k, x, u) =E

MX−1 n=k

[kCnxnk2+< Knun, un>].

Let us consider the sequence R(M, M) = 0∈ K,

R(M, n) =Un(R(M, n+ 1)) +CnCn− Gn(R(M, n+ 1)) for alln≤M−1.

The following lemma prove that the sequence R(M, n) is well defined for all 0≤n ≤M. It is called the solution of the Riccati equation (14) with the final conditionR(M, M) = 0.


Lemma 19.

a) R(M, n)∈ K for all0≤n≤M;

b) 0≤R(M−1, n)≤R(M, n) for all0≤n≤M−1.

Moreover, if H1 is satisfied then

R(M +τ, n+τ) =R(M, n),0≤n≤M.


Proof: We will prove the first assertion by induction. Forn=M,R(M, n) = 0∈ K. Let us assume R(M, n)∈ Kfor all n∈N, k < n≤M.

We will prove R(M, k) ∈ K. Let xn be the solution of system {A : D, B}

with the initial condition xk = x and let us denote Fn = −[Kn+DnR(M, n+ 1)Dn]−1DnR(M, n+ 1)An and zn=un−Fnxn. We have

EhR(M, n+ 1)xn+1, xn+1i=

EhR(M, n)xn, xni −EhCnCnxn, xni −EhKnun, uni+ Eh(Kn+DnR(M, n+ 1)Dn)zn, zni.

Now, we consider the last equality for n =k, k+ 1, ..., M −1 and summing, we obtain

V(M, k, x, u) = hR(M, k)x, xi+ E



h(Kn+DnR(M, n+ 1)Dn)zn, zni (18)

Let xen be the solution of system

(xn+1= (An+DnFn)xnnBnxn xk=x∈H , (19)

whereFn was introduced above.

It is clear that xen is also the solution of{A:D, B}withuen=Fnxen,k≤n≤ M−1 and {uen, k≤n≤M −1} ∈Uk,M.

Thus we obtain, for all 0≤k < M


V(M, k, x, u) =V(M, k, x,u) =e hR(M, k)x, xi. (20)

We deduce thatR(M, k)≥0 and the induction is complete.

b) Let uMk −1 = {uek,uek+1, ...,ueM−2}. It is clear that uM−1k ∈ Uk,M−1 and from the definition ofV(M, k, x, u) we get V(M−1, k, x, u)≤V(M, k, x,u).e


If we consider (20) for M−1, we have, for all 0≤k < M hR(M−1, k)x, xi= min



V(M−1, k, x,u)b ≤V(M−1, k, x, u).

From (20) and the last inequalities it follows the conclusion. The proof of last statement is trivial.

Proposition 20. Assume that {A:D, B} is stabilizable. Then the Riccati equation (14) admits a bounded onNsolution. IfH1is satisfied then the solution of the Riccati equation isτ-periodic.

Proof: Since{A:D, B}is stabilizable it follows that there exists a bounded onN sequenceF ={Fn}n∈N,Fn∈L(H, U) such that{A+DF, B} is uniformly exponentially stable.

Let us considerun=Fnxn, wherexnis the solution of{A+DF, B} with the initial condition xk=x. SinceFnis bounded onN, it is not difficult to see that un∈Uek. We have

V(M, k, x, u)≤η X



for allM > k, whereη=Ce2+KfFe2. Since{A+DF, B}is uniformly exponentially stable, it is not difficult to see that there existsλ1>0 such thatV(M, k, x, u)≤ ηλ1kxk2 =λkxk2, x∈H.

Let R(M, n) be the solution of the Riccati equation (14) withR(M, M) = 0.

Using (20) and the above inequality, we deduce that hR(M, k)x, xi ≤λkxk2.

Using Lemma 19 it follows that there exists R(k) ∈ L(H) such that 0 ≤ R(M, k) ≤ R(k) ≤ λI for M ∈ N, M ≥ k and the sequence {R(M, k)}MN,M≥k converges toR(k) in the strong operator topology.

We denote L= lim

M→∞(<Gn(R(M, n+ 1))x, x >−<Gn(R(n+ 1))x, x >) and PM,n=Kn+DnR(M, n+ 1)Dn,Pn=Kn+DnR(n+ 1)Dn. If

L1 = lim



°PM,n−1 °°°kDnR(M, n+ 1)Anx−DnR(n+ 1)Anxk · kDnR(M, n+ 1)Anx+DnR(n+ 1)Anxk and

L2 = lim


PM,n−1 −Pn−1´DnR(n+ 1)Anx, DnR(n+ 1)AnxE,



|L| ≤L1+L2

SincePM,n≥Kn≥δI,δ >0 we deduce that°°°PM,n−1 °°°1δ for allM ≥n+1≥k and from the strong convergence of{R(M, n)}M∈N, M≥n it followsL1= 0.

We see that °°°PM,n−1 x−Pn−1x°°°°°°PM,n−1 °°°kPM,ny−Pnyk, where y = Pn−1x.

Since lim

M→∞kPM,ny−Pnyk= 0 we get lim



°PM,n−1 x−Pn−1x°°°= 0.

Now it is clear that L2 = 0. Hence L= 0 and

Mlim→∞hGn(R(M, n+ 1))x, xi=hGn(R(n+ 1))x, xi.

From the definition of R(M, n) and the above result we deduce that R(n) is a solution of (14). IfH1 holds then we take M → ∞in (17) and it follows that R(n) isτ-periodic.

Theorem 21. Let us assume that the system{A, B;C}is uniformly observ- able. IfRn is a nonnegative bounded onN solution of (14) then:

a) there exist m > 0 such that Rn ≥ mI, for all n ∈ N (Rn is uniformly positive onN).

b) Rnis stabilizing for (1).

Proof: The main idea is the one of [6] .

Let Rn be a nonnegative, τ-periodic solution of (14) and let X(n, k) be thee random evolution operator associated to system{A+DF, B} with

Fn=−(Kn+DnRn+1Dn)−1DnRn+1An. (21)

Letn0 andρ be the number introduced by the Definition 9. We have (see the proof of Lemma 19)

hTnx, xi = hRnx, xi −

EDRn0+n+1X(ne 0+n+ 1, n)x,X(ne 0+n+ 1, n)xE, (22)

where the operatorTn∈ His hTnx, xi=



(E°°°CjX(j, n)xe °°°2+EDKjFjX(j, n)x, Fe jX(j, n)xe E).



From (6), we deduce that for all j≥n+ 1 we have X(j, n)xe =X(j, n)x+



X(j, i+ 1)Diuei,

whereuei =FiX(i, n)xe andX(n, k) is the random evolution associated to{A, B}.


hTnx, xi >






°°CjX(j, n)x+Cj



X(j, i+ 1)Diuei







≥ 1 2(



EkCjX(j, n)xk2)−Ce2









X(j, i+ 1)Diuei






UsingH0, Lemma 3 and (23) it follows E






X(j, i+ 1)Diuei








E°°°FiX(i, n)xe °°°2≤chTnx, xi,

whereµn0 =³n0max{1,(Ae2+ebBe2)n0}´ andc= De2δµn0.

Since the system {A, B;C}is uniformly observable then we have hTnx, xi> 1

2ρkxk2−Ce2n0chTnx, xi).

From the last equality and from the hypothesis we deduce that there exist M > msuch that

mkxk2 ≤ hTnx, xi ≤ hRnx, xi ≤Mkxk2. (24)

We obtain from (22) and (24)

−m/MhRnx, xi ≥ − hRnx, xi+

EDRn0+n+1X(ne 0+n+ 1, n)x,X(ne 0+n+ 1, n)xE.

ThusEDRn0+n+1X(ne 0+n+ 1, n)x,X(ne 0+n+ 1, n)xE≤qhRnx, xi for all n∈ Nand x∈H, whereq = 1−m/M, q∈(0,1).

Let Te(n, k) be the operator introduced by Theorem 4 for the system {A+ DF, B}, where the sequence Fn is given by (21). Then the previous inequality can be written

Te(n0+n+ 1, n) (Rn0+n+1)≤qRn.


Since Te(n, k) is monotone (Te(n, k)(P) ≤ Te(n, k)(R) for P ≤ R, n ≥ k) we deduce from (24) thatTe(n, k)³Te(n0+n+ 1, n) (Rn0+n+1)´≤qTe(n, k)(Rn) and T(ne 0+n+ 1, k) (Rn0+n+1)≤qTe(n, k)(Rn) for all n≥k.

Letn≥karbitrary. Then there existsc, r∈Nsuch thatn−k= (n0+ 1)c+r and 0≤r ≤n0. We obtain by induction:

Te(n, k)(Rn)≤qcTe(r+k, k)(Rr).

From (24) and Theorem 4 we get mTe(n, k)(I)≤M qc°°° eX(r+k, k)°°°2I.

Using Lemma 3 we putG=M max


{(Ae2+ebBe2)r}and we getmTe(n, k)(I)≤ qcGI. Now we take a = q1/(n0+1), b = q−n0/(n0+1)(G/m) ≥ 1 and it follows T(n, k)(I)e ≤ban−kI.

From Theorem 4 we deduce E°°° eX(n, k)x°°°2 ≤ ban−kkxk2 for all x ∈ H and 0≤k≤n,k, n∈N. Therefore Rn is stabilizing for (1). The proof is complete.

Now, we can state the main result of this section.

Theorem 22. Assume that

1) the system{A:D, B} is stabilizable and 2) the system{A, B;C}is uniformly observable.

Then the Riccati equation (14) admits a unique uniformly positive, bounded on N and stabilizing solution. Moreover, if H1 holds then the solution of the Riccati equation isτ-periodic.

Proof: From the Proposition 20 and the assumption 1) we deduce that (14) admits a nonnegative, bounded on N (or τ-periodic, if H1 holds) solution.

Now, using the above theorem and 2), we deduce that this solution is stabilizing.

A stabilizing and bounded on N solution of the Riccati equation is unique by Proposition 18. The proof is complete.

The above theorem is proved in [6] for the discrete time stochastic systems in finite dimensional spaces. The continuous case, for stochastic systems on infinite dimensional spaces, is treated in [9].

Definition 23. The system{A, B;C}is detectable if there exists a bounded onN sequence P ={Pn}n∈N, Pn ∈L(U, H) such that {A+P C, B}is uniformly exponentially stable.


The next result is the infinite dimensional version of Proposition 9 from [7], where we replace the Markov perturbations with independent random perturba- tions. So, it can be proved similarly the following proposition.

Proposition 24. If{A, B;C}is detectable then every nonnegative bounded solution of (14) is stabilizing.

Now, it is clear that if we replace the observability condition in Theorem 22 with the detectability property we deduce that the Riccati equation (14) has a unique nonnegative, bounded on N (τ-periodic, if H1 holds) and stabilizing solution. The obtained result is already known for the time invariant case (see [10]) and for the continuous, time-varying case (see [1]).

We only will prove that observability does not imply detectability and it fol- lows that our result is different to those mentioned above. Before to give the counter-example, which will solve this problem we need the following remarks.

Remark 25. Let us consider the time invariant caseAn=A,Bn=B,bn=b, Cn=C and Kn=I. It is not difficult to see that, in the finite dimensional case, the system {A, B;C} is detectable if and only if the controlled system {A : C, B} is stabilizable. Thus, it follows from Proposition 20 that if {A, B;C}

is detectable then the Riccati equation (14), where we replace the operators A with A, B with B, C with I, and D with C has a nonnegative bounded on N solution. Using Lemma 3.1 from [11] we deduce that the Riccati equation associated to the above detectable system becomes

Rn=A(Rn+1) (25)

whereA:K → K A(S) =bBSB+I+AS(I+CCS)−1A. By Proposition 20 it follows that if the system {A, B;C} is detectable then the algebraic Riccati equation

R=A(R) (26)

has a nonnegative solution.

The following counter-example prove that the stochastic observability doesn’t imply detectability.



Let us consider the stochastic system {A, B;C}whereH =R2, V =R(R2 is the real 2-dimensional space),An=A=

Ã1 0 0 2


, Cn=C=³1 1´,bn= 1 and Bn=B =

Ã1 0 0 0


for alln∈N.

Since rank(C, AC) = 2 then the deterministic system {A;C} [3] is ob- servable. Therefore (see Conclusion 13) the stochastic system{A, B;C} is uni- formly observable. It is easy to see that if we look for a solutionK=

Ãx1 x2 x2 x3


of (26), which satisfies the conditions x1x3 ≥ x22, x1 ≥ 0, we obtain x22 = 3x3x1+ 3x3+x1+ 1≥3x22+ 1, that is impossible. Thus the equation (26) has not a nonnegative solution. Then, from Remark 25, we deduce that {A, B;C}

cannot be detectable.

4.2. Optimal quadratic control and the uniform observability The following theorem gives the optimal control, which minimize the cost function (3). LetH0 and H1 hold.

Theorem 26. Assume that the hypothesis 1) of the Theorem 22 holds and the system{A, B;C}is either uniformly observable or detectable. LetRnbe the unique solution of Riccati equation (14). Ifgn is the unique τ-periodic solution of the Lyapunov equation

gn= (An+DnFn)gn+1+Rnfn−1 (27)

whereFn is given by (21), then


Ik(x, u) = I(x,u)e

= 1 τ



[2hgi+1, fii −°°°Vi−1/2Digi+1°°°2− hRi+1fi, fii], (28)

where the optimal control is

uen=−Vn−1Dn(Rn+1Anxen+gn+1), (29)

n≥k≥0,xenis the solution of the system (1) and Vn=Kn+DnRn+1Dn.


Proof: First we note that if the above hypotheses hold, then the Riccati equation (14) has a unique nonnegative, bounded onN and stabilizing solution Rn, according Theorem 22 and Proposition 24. Since the Riccati equation is stabilizing we can apply Proposition 12 to deduce that{A+DF}(see Definition 7) is uniformly exponentially stable, where Fn, n∈N is given by (21). Using the Proposition 8 it follows that (27) has a uniqueτ-periodic solution. Letxnbe the solution of the system (1) and let us consider the function

vn:H→R, vn(x) =hRnx, xi+ 2hgn+1,(An+DnFn)xi. Arguing as in the proof of Lemma 19 we have

Evn+1(xn+1) = Evn(xn)−E[kCnxnk2+hKnun, uni]+

EhVn(un−Fnxn), un−Fnxni+

2EhDngn+1, un−Fnxni+ 2hgn+1, fni − hRn+1fn, fni. If we put an=Vn−1Dngn+1+un−Fnxnwe have

EhVnan, ani −E°°°Vn−1/2Dngn+1


°2 = EhVn(un−Fnxn),(un−Fnxn)i+ 2EhDngn+1, un−Fnxni.

Hence we deduce that

Evn+1(xn+1) = Evn(xn)−E[kCnxnk2+hKnun, uni] +EhVnan, ani −


°Vn−1/2Dngn+1°°°2+ 2hgn+1, fni − hRn+1fn, fni. (30)

Let xen be the solution of system (1), where uen = Fnxen−Vn−1Dngn+1. It is not difficult to see that exn and uen are bounded on N. Thus ue∈Uk,x.

Using (30) we get 1

n−k[vk(x)−Evn+1(xen+1)] = 1 n−k



E[kCixeik2+hKiuei,ueii]− 2hgi+1, fii+°°°Vi−1/2Digi+1°°°2+hRi+1fi, fii. (31)

Since gn, Rn areτ periodic and Rn is stabilizing we deduce that there exists P >0 such that Evn+1(xen+1)≤P for all n∈N.

As n→ ∞ in (31), it follows Ik(x,u) = lime


1 n−k



[2hgi+1, fii −°°°Vi−1/2Digi+1°°°2− hRi+1fi, fii]




Ik(x, u) ≤ Ik(x,u) = lime


1 n−k



[2hgi+1, fii −


°Vi−1/2Digi+1°°°2− hRi+1fi, fii].

If u∈Uk,x it is not difficult to deduce from (30) that Ik(x, u)≥Ik(x,u).e Thus min


Ik(x, u) = Ik(x,u). Usinge H1 we see that for n = pτ +k then Ik(x,u) =e τ1τ−1P


[2hgi+1, fii −°°°Vi−1/2Digi+1°°°2− hRi+1fi, fii] and the conclusion follows.

From the above theorem it follows that the optimal cost does not depend on the initial condition. It is not difficult to see that the conclusions of the above theorem stay true if we consider the initial condition xk = ξ ∈ L2k(H). Thus, using Proposition 14 we have the following result:

Proposition 27. If the hypothesis of the Theorem 26 holds and the sequence {ξn}, n∈Zisτ-periodic, then the optimal cost is given by (28) and the optimal control is (29), where xen = n−1P


X(n, pe + 1)³fp−DpVp−1Dpgp+1´, gp is the τ-periodic solution of (27) and X(n, k), ne ≥k is the random evolution operator associated with the system{A+DF, B}considered on Z.

The time invariant case

In this subsection we work under the hypotheses H0 and

H2: Zn=Z for all n∈N(orn∈Z) and Z=A, B, D, C, F, K, b, f. We consider the algebraic Riccati equation

R=U(R) +CC− G(R), (32)

whereU(R) =ARA+bBRB andG(R) =ARD(K+DRD)−1DRA.

Remark 28. It is easy to see that if the hypotheses 1) and 2) of the Theo- rem 22 hold then

a) the algebraic equation (32) has a unique positive solution;


b) the system (10) has a unique time-invariant solution given by g=

X p=0



Corollary 29. If the hypotheses of the Theorem 26 are verified then the Riccati equation (32) has a unique nonnegative solutionR and the optimal cost is

I(u) = 2e hg, fi −°°°V−1/2Dg°°°2− hRf, fi, (34)

whereg and the optimal control ue are given by (33) respectively (29) and V = K+DRD.


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Viorica Mariela Ungureanu, Universitatea “Constantin Brˆancusi”,

B-dul Republicii, nr. 1, Tˆargu -Jiu, jud.Gorj, 210152 – ROM ˆANIA E-mail: vio@utgjiu.ro



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