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The Effects of Reading Strategy Instruction on Japanese EFL Students' Lexical Inferring: An Analysis of Written Recall Protocols


Academic year: 2021

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(1)The E脆。ts ofRead血g S血ategy hs位uctIon on Jap畠山ese EFL S加d」ents’Lexlca11h㎞㎞g. AnA皿最ysisofW舳㎝Rec独Prot㏄o1s 教科・領域教育学専攻 言語系コース(英語). M09129G 宇可岡 佳千 丁阯s study examined the e脆。tiveness of reading. To investigate the types and 丘equency of the. strategy (RS) instruction fbr Japanese ]BFL studen1;s,. st触egies1軸dents judged t㎞t t11ey used when㈹ading. {bcusi11g oI1 t11e coIltex如alized vocabu1ary infer㎡ng. p鵬sages,questloma1re suπeys were conducted be酌re. stI−ategy  and  the trainI11g  of that s61−ategy− The. ミ㎜d洲er the tr虹ning session.Du{g the t胞ining,舳e. contextualized lexical i11I危rring strategy is one of the. w舳enrecalltestsweregiv㎝toid㎝ti酎thea伽a1use. most ef胎。tlve read1ng st1’ateg1es that can be taught  As. of the s血ategles and the ef庵。ts of the s血ategy. theExamRe凶wCo㎜i㈱RepoれissuedbyNatiom1. mS1二ruC.iOO.. Re舳。h questions were制1owings:(1)Wh眺。㎞nges. Ce就er的r University E鮒raoce Exa㎜inatiom suggested, high school students shou1d acquire this strategy−This. are observed in studeots’percep11ion of the RS use aie1=. study fbcused on the relat−onship between this strategy. instruction?  Is llhe change of11heir perceptio11a㈱ed. and the reading com1〕rehension of high school students.. by thelr vocabu1則y slze?(2)Does the1r percep也。n of. The pωicipa耐s were89 t㎞d−ye班 high schoo1. s㈱egyuse㎜tchtheactua1r6admgPro㏄sstheyshow. students.On the basis ofthe assumption that the use of. in wdtte山eca11tests? Does their vocabu一班y size bri皿g. the 1exica1 in飴rring s航ategy ls in刊uellced by the. d脆re11t results?. st口de皿t’s vocabu−ary size, st㎜dents were dlvlded lnto. The compadsons of the scores obtained丘。m the p1=e. two餌。ups,1.e.,the1町ger vocabu1町y size group([VG). ㎜d post qu鮒ioma辻es showed significant di脆rences. and the sma11町vocabulary size阻。up(SVG),a㏄ording. in the討rategies fbr contextua1ized vocabu1ary in蛇rring,. to the resu1ts of a vocabula町size test.The iristruction. the use of fb晴ma1schema, and u線derstanding the text. was based onカve steps of the in危町ing strategy. withouttranslati㎎intoJap㎝ese一趾st,theuseof. procedure proposed byα班ke㎝d Nation(1980).. conte対u提1z6d vocabu−ary m危rmg was lmproved omly. 254.

(2) 地r the SVG s血d6nts疵er the st耐egy imt㎜ct1on一. ㎞ow−edge betwe㎝the two groups. S㏄on4the舳d㎝ts’Per㏄pti㎝ofbma1schema use. some of the LVG students were1ike−y to guess the. was  signi丘。an1;1y  improved  regard1ess  of  血e缶. mα㎜mg of a word,relyi皿g too much on 舳eir. vocabu1町 slze− Third, reg町ding tbe str砥egy of. voc出ulary㎞ow1edge,㎝d they㎝ded up with the. understa皿ding  tlle  te対  witbout trans1ation, the. wrong inteI=Pretatioms ofthe unknown w01=d.. slgnlficaIlt −mprovements fbr the vocabulary slze and pre/Post instn』αion,respective−y.. 0n the other hand,. Based on tbe五ndings above,this study resu−ted in the. fbllowing findi越gs: (1) Exp1icit strategy 1ns1=ruαlon. The amlysis of the five wri耐en reca口tests s◎ores. raises st口d㎝ts’aw町㎝ess about s舳tegy use㎜d. showed t㎞t the correlations between vocabu1町size. enhances the舟equeIlcy of students’strategy use,and(2). amd5㎞t二en reca皿tests scores becajme graduaI1y mi1der. st山derits’ vocabulary s1ze has an influence on the. durmg this study This result suggests that the mstmct1on. ef㎞iveness of sllrategy㎞struction.. cont曲uted to the improveme耐。f the SVG’s r閉ding. 丁嚇s study yie1d6d some implications br classroom. comprehensiOll in  particu1aエ  and  minimized  the. pra前㏄;(1)Mate捌s used胞r strategy ins舳。ti㎝. d1screpancy of r閉dmg pe命rmance betw6e皿the two. shou−d be care他11y se1ected in accordamce“祈h students’. groups−However,there was no strong ◎o耐elation. vocabulary  slze.  (2)  Teacher  sho㎜ld  consider. between the use of each strat6gy as described by the. accessibi1ity of t1=ie text struc舳re 此r 前ude血ts. The. students in the post questionnaire and the scores in the. expositorytext,which㎞pliesad鮒。ause一㎝d−e舵。t. 、㎞t士en reCa皿teStS.. relationship or◎omp町ison−and−contrast o㎎1㎜izado辿is. In additio叫 written reca11 tests scores were. more apP1’opria1=e fbr strategy1二ra1mng (3)RS shou1d be. qualitatively  ana1yzed.  The  analysis  of  the. uti1ized nexib1y to meet the pu榊se of reading−Some. inteΨ舳i㎝softheu㎡㎞o㎜wordshowedt㎞tthe. 制。d冊。ation of the st側egies is sometimes needed to. strategy imtmction was esp㏄iauy e脆。tiv6㎞r stud㎝ts. accommodate studeI1ts’readmg ab111ty or the degree of. wlth smaller vocabu1町s1zes SVG studellts,due to. text di価。ulty. Both vocabu1ary bui1ding and strategy. theif smaller vocabu1ary slzes, 1=eIied more o皿 the. use wi11d曲nite1y contribute to the improvement of. strateg1estaughtmthe舳ni㎎sess1㎝,whichasaresu1t. studeI=Its’reading ability.. compensated他r the d1screpancy m the vocabu1町. 255. 主任指導教員 吉田 達弘.




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