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British Isle イギリス文学探訪 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland London 1 History before Celt, 2400 BC Affington,Oxfordshire,50BC Celtic Bri


Academic year: 2021

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London 1

British Isle

• United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

History before Celt, 2400 BC



• ケルト人諸部族は、共通の言葉・習慣・宗教をもって いた • 整備された中央統治機構はなく、政治的統一に欠 けていた • 経済の土台は牧畜と農耕にあり、都市は発達しな かった。 • 各部族は王をいただき、ドルイドとよばれる神官、貴 族戦士、平民という身分にわかれた。貴族は剣と・ やり)を手に徒歩でたたかい、饗宴をこのんだ。


• 大地の神、森の精、太 陽の神などのほか、とく に小妖精の悪魔や守 護神が数多く登場し、 いまもケルト伝説の中 に生きつづけている。 • 神々は天からおりてくる のでなく、地下から地上 にやってきたと考えら れている。ドンヌとよば れる地下世界の神は、 死と冥界(めいかい)の 神や父なる神でもあり、 人間は地下世界から生 まれて、ふたたびドンヌ の家にかえるとされる。

Legacy of Celts

Book of Kells, Trinity College,


Londinium, Roman London

• from around 47 AD when the Roman city of Londinium was founded, to its abandonment during the 5th century.

Roman Roads

Roman Wall, Hadrian Wall


Britain after Roman Conquest

• ゲルマン人(Angles & Saxons & Jutes) が

ユトランド半島(デンマーク)から来襲 • CeltsをWales, Cornwall, Scottish




• ドイツ北部からスカンディナビア南部に原住 していた群小部族集団の総称。 • インド・ヨーロッパ語族に属する。 • 前1世紀にはゴート族などゲルマン人の一部 が、現在のドイツ東部、ポーランドの地にひろ がり、また一部は、はやくからドイツ西部に侵 入して、ガリアにすむケルト人をおびやかして いた。


Christian Missionary Work Began

in 597 by St. Augustine

• キリスト教はローマ人によってもたらされた • 普及しはじめたのは6世紀末 • 初代カンタベリー司教first Archbishop of Canterbury (のちに大司教)となったアウグス ティヌスの布教による。

Canterbury Cathedral

Uniting 7 Kingdoms

• Egbert of Wessex became the leader to unite England.

Alfred the Great,849-899,

Late 9



• 9世紀にはウェセックス王 国のエグバートによりイン グランド王国の基礎がつく られる • 彼の孫のアルフレッドは、8 世紀末からはじまったバイ キングの一派であるデーン 人の侵入に対抗 • 彼らを王国内にくみいれる ことに成功 • 彼はまた法制度をととのえ、 学術を奨励したことでも知 られ、大王と称された。



• 陰鬱な物語は、生命力あふれる絵画的な言葉づか いでかたられ、海をあらわす「鯨の道」という表現の ように重厚な隠喩の多用がめだつ。詩の主人公で ある、スカンディナビアの王子ベーオウルフは、半人 半獣の怪物グレンデルを退治してデーン人たちをす くい、さらにグレンデルの死と同じ日の夜、復讐にき たその母親をたおす。50年後、故国の国王となって いたベーオウルフは国民をくるしめる竜とたたかい、 双方とも致命傷をおう。詩はベーオウルフの墓碑銘 を会葬者たちがとなえる葬儀の場面でしめくくられる。


http://www.1066andallthat.com/english_old/beowulf_prologue.asp • Hwæt! We Gardena in geardagum,

þeodcyninga, þrym gefrunon, hu ða æþelingas ellen fremedon. Oft Scyld Scefing sceaþena

þreatum, 5 monegum

mægþum, meodosetla ofteah, egsode eorlas. Syððan ærest wearð

feasceaft funden, he þæs frofre gebad,

weox under

wolcnum, weorðmyndum þah, oðþæt him æghwylc þara ymbsittendra

10 ofer hronrade hyran scolde, gomban gyldan. þæt wæs god cyning!

• HARK! WE Have heard of the glory of the kings of men among the spear-bearing Danes in days of long ago. We have heard how the princes won renown! • Scyld of Scefing often wrested

mead-benches(酒宴の座を奪う)from bands of enemies; he struck fear in the chieftains of many tribes. A foundling was he when he first lay friendless; fate later brought him solace as he waxed in power and flourished in wealth, until folk who lodge on the whale-paths near and far heeded his decree and gave him tribute—that was a good king!

The Dream of the Rood


• Hwæt, ic swefna cyst secgan wylle,

hwætme gemætte to midre nihte siþþan reordberend reste wunedon. þuhte me þæt ic gesawe syllicre treow

on lyft lædan leohte bewunden, beama beorhtost. Eall þæt beacen wæs

begoten mid golde; gimmas stodon fægere æt foldan sceatum,

swylce þær fife wæron uppe on þæm eaxlegespanne.

Beheoldon þær engeldryhta fela fægere þurh forþgesceaft;

ne wæs þær huru fracodes gealga, ac hine þær beheoldon halige gastas,

men ofer moldan, and eall þeos mære gesceaft.

• Behold, I wish to tell the best of dreams

which I dreamt at the middle of the night,

after speakers remained in rest. It seemed to me that I saw a wondrous tree

rise into [the] air surrounded by light, brightest of trees. The entire symbol was

covered with gold; beautiful gems stood on the earth‘s surface,

likewise there were five up on the crossbeam.

Many angel hosts there looked on, beautiful throughout creation;

nor was [it] there indeed a criminal’s gallows(絞首台),

but holy spirits looked on it there, men above heaven and all this glorious creation.

Norman Conquest, 1066

• ノルマン人はサクソンやケルトなどの要素をと りいれ、新しい文化を生みだした

• William I introduced Norman Master-servant Relationship

• Bilingualism、サクソン人による英語(Old English古典語)のほか、上流階級の間で

French フランス語がつかわれるようになった。

• 12th to 14thCentury: French and Latin for

literatureには、フランス語はラテン語とともに 文学でももちいられた。


Found Ido-European Family

• Sir William Jones, an English Judge lived

in Indea

• Found Sanskrit, Greek, Latin had a

“common source” at the beginning of 18th


Similarities between these


Sanskrit pitr matar asti trayah sapta Latin pater mater et tres septem Greek pater matr esti treis hepta English father mother is there seven Proto-Indo-European


• Kurgans spoke • After 5000 BC.

• Kurgans spread west around 3500 BC • became separate languages around 2000 to 1000 BC

Separate Languages


Jutes in 499 and Saxons in 477


Old English

• in the middle of the 5thcentury

to middle of the 12thcentury

4 main dialects West Saxon

Kentish Mercian Northumbrian

Only 20 Celtic words in Old English

Celtics in Old English

• テムズ川のThames(薄暗いの意味)

• 、川を意味するAvon、

• Kent(国境)、

• Dover(水)など、地名

Latin words

• Saxons borrowed from the Romans

• 5o words mile, wall, cat, wine, oil,

cheese, butter, dish, kitchen, table,

• After St. Augustine in 597, 450Latin words

in English.

• altar, anchor, angel, • demon, disciple

• pope, priest, prophet,


Vocabulary of Old English

• Almost Germanic

• 85% disappeared from Middle English • Remains: the, and, can, get, mann(man),

cild(child), etan(eat)

• Names of place: ford, ham, ton,

Endings of each word were


• More personal pronoun

• Him hire, him • Her hi, hire • it, them Him • We two wit • You two git

Twice as many

irregular Verb

• Pasttense ending - de, -ede, -ode

• Libban( to live) lifde

• Cnyssan(to push) cnyede

• Lufian (to love) lufode

English as language of


• King Alfred (871-899) made it. • Translated Latin books into English

History of the English Church and People The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle



Hundred Years War, 1337-1453

• National feeling grow

• Black Death killeda third of the English people.

• The rest were less educated and taught in

schools, and churches

• They spoke English.

• In 1362, Englishwas used to open



After having refuted the above theory of no cause, Saṅghabhadra next introduces a *viṣamahetuvādin or “the proponent of unequal causes,” who crit- icises the

There are a large number of researches on the uses of goal-oriented and non-goal-oriented verbs (corresponding to come and go in English) of world languages (e.g.

In case of any differences between the English and Japanese version, the English version shall

Among other languages spoken in the country, there are Vedda, an indigenous language, Tamil, another official language, a few Creoles and English. However, in recent years, Vedda,

In case of any differences between the English and Japanese version, the English version shall

In case of any differences between the English and Japanese version, the English version shall

In case of any differences between the English and Japanese version, the English version shall

In case of any differences between the English and Japanese version, the English version shall