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Gu¨nterF.Steinke AfamilyofflatMinkowskiplanesadmitting3-dimensionalsimplegroupsofautomorphisms


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Advances in Geometry (de Gruyter 2004

A family of flat Minkowski planes admitting 3-dimensional simple groups of automorphisms

Gu¨nter F. Steinke

(Communicated by R. Lo¨wen)

Abstract.In this paper we construct a new family of flat Minkowski planes of group dimen- sion 3. These planes share the positive half with the classical real Minkowski plane and admit simple groups of automorphisms isomorphic to PSL2ðRÞacting diagonally on the torus. We further determine the full automorphism groups and the Klein–Kroll types of these flat Min- kowski planes.

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. MSC 2000: 51H15, 51B20

1 Introduction and result

Aflat Minkowski planeMis an incidence structure of points, circles and two kinds of parallel classes whose point set is the torusS1S1(where the 1-sphereS1usually is represented asRUfyg), whose circles are graphs of homeomorphisms ofS1 and whose parallel classes of points are the horizontals and verticals on the torus. We fur- thermore require that for every point pof Mthe associated incidence structure Ap

whose point setApconsists of all points ofMthat are not parallel to pand whose set of linesLp consists of all restrictions toAp of circles ofMpassing through pand of all parallel classes not passing through p is an a‰ne plane. We callAp the derived a‰ne planeat p; compare [5] or [4], Chapter 4. This implies that three mutually non- parallel points can be joined by a unique circle and that for two non-parallel points pandqand a circle KC p there is a unique circle which touchesK at pand passes throughq. Theclassical flat Minkowski planeis obtained in this way as the geometry of all graphs of fractional linear maps onS1. Each derived a‰ne plane of the classi- cal flat Minkowski plane is Desarguesian.

When the circle sets are topologized by the Hausdor¤ metric with respect to a metric that induces the topology of the torus, then the planes aretopological in the sense that the operations of joining three mutually non-parallel points by a circle, intersecting of two circles, and touching are continuous with respect to the induced topologies on their respective domains of definition. For more information on topo- logical Minkowski planes we refer to [5] and [4], Chapter 4. The flat Minkowski planes are precisely the 2-dimensional topological Minkowski planes.


The circle spaceCof a flat Minkowski plane has two connected components; one, Cþ, consists of all circles in Cthat are graphs of orientation-preserving homeomor- phisms S1!S1 and the other, C, consists of all circles in C that are graphs of orientation-reversing homeomorphisms. We callCþandCthepositiveandnegative half ofM, respectively. It turns out that these two halves are completely independent of each other, that is, we can interchange components from di¤erent flat Minkowski planes and obtain another flat Minkowski plane; see [4], 4.3.1.

Anautomorphismof a flat Minkowski plane is a homeomorphism of the torus such that parallel classes are mapped to parallel classes and circles are mapped to circles.

The collection of all automorphisms of a flat Minkowski planeMforms a group with respect to composition, the automorphism groupGofM. This group is a Lie group of dimension at most 6 with respect to the compact-open topology; see [4], 4.4. We say that a flat Minkowski plane hasgroup dimension nif its automorphism group is n-dimensional. All flat Minkowski planes of group dimension at least 4 have been classified by Schenkel [5], see also [4], 4.4.5. In particular, the classical flat Minkowski plane is the only flat Minkowski plane of group dimension at least 5 and every flat Minkowski plane of group dimension 4 fixes two parallel classes. Many flat Min- kowski planes of group dimension 3 have also been constructed, see [4], 4.3 for a summary, but no complete classification flat Minkowski planes of group dimension 3 has yet been achieved.

In this paper we contribute to the eventual classification by constructing a new family of flat Minkowski planes of group dimension 3. These planes admit simple groups of automorphisms isomorphic to PSL2ðRÞ. They are obtained from the clas- sical flat Minkowski plane by replacing the circles in the negative half in such a way that PSL2ðRÞ acts diagonally. Thus these planes are not isomorphic to the well- known flat Minkowski planes that admit PSL2ðRÞas a group of automorphisms in one of the kernels.

Main Theorem.Each incidence structureMðkÞfor k>1,see the beginning of Section 2,is a flat Minkowski plane.Furthermore, these planes are mutually non-isomorphic and the full automorphism group of each such plane is isomorphic toPGL2ðRÞand acts diagonally on the torus.EachMðkÞis of Klein–Kroll typeIV.A.1.

The author wishes to thank the referee for his suggestions and comments in the preparation of the final version of this paper.

2 The incidence structuresM(k)

We construct a flat Minkowski plane MðkÞ by replacing the negative half of the classical flat Minkowski plane by the images of the generating circle

Ck ¼ fðx;xjxjk1Þ jxARgUfðy;yÞg under the group

S¼ fðx;yÞ 7! ðdðxÞ;dðyÞÞ jdAPSL2ðRÞg:


More precisely, let k>1. Then the incidence structure MðkÞ on the torus S1S1 has circles of the following form.


The graphs of elements in PSL2ðRÞ, that is,

x;axþb bxþd


wherea;b;c;dAR,adbc>0, with the obvious definitions forx¼yand when the denominator becomes 0. These circles are the same as the circles in the positive half of the classical flat Minkowski plane.


The graphs ofdfkd1fordAPSL2ðRÞwhere

fkðxÞ ¼ xjxjk1; if xAR;

y; if x¼y:

We shall show in the following thatMðkÞis indeed a flat Minkowski plane. Note that the restrictiongk offk onR, that is, the function given by

gkðxÞ ¼xjxjk1

forxARis a multiplicative strictly increasing homeomorphism ofR. Moreover,gkis continuously di¤erentiable and its derivative is given bygk0ðxÞ ¼kjxjk1d0. Hence kgkðxÞ ¼xgk0ðxÞfor allxAR.

The multiplicativity of gk implies that fk commutes with the transformation sAPSL2ðRÞgiven by

sðxÞ ¼ 1=x:

Hence d and ds define the same circle. In fact, this is the only instance that this happens, that is, if dfkd1¼gfkg1 for g;dAPSL2ðRÞ, then g¼dor g¼ds. More generally, we show the following.

Proposition 2.1.LetaAPSL2ðRÞ.Then the homeomorphisma1fk1afk ofS1 fixes at least three points ofS1if and only ifa¼idora¼sas above.

Proof. ForaAPSL2ðRÞlet FaJS1 be the set of all fixed points of a1fk1afk and let GJPSL2ðRÞbe the collection of allaAPSL2ðRÞsuch thatFa contains at least three points. By definition,aAG if and only if the cardinality ofCkVa1ðCkÞis at least 3. FromsðCkÞ ¼Ck we infersAG. Applyingaandsto the intersection, we see that the setfa;a1;as;sa¼ ðsa1Þ1;sasgis contained inGif one of its elements is.

GivenaAPSL2ðRÞone finds

a as sa sas

x7!axþbcxþd x7!bxadxc x7!cxdaxþb x7!dxþcbxa


From the above table we see that ifa:x7!axþbcxþd belongs toGwe may assume that either all coe‰cientsa;b;c;d ARare nonzero or thatc¼0.

We first assume that c¼0. Then a can be written in the form a:x7!rðxþsÞ where r;sAR, r>0. Since a1 AG too, we may further assume that sd0. More- over,a1fk1afk fixesy AS1and has at least two fixed pointsx1<x2inR. For these fixed pointsxione then findsafkðxÞ ¼ fkaðxÞ, that is,jrjk1gkðxiþsÞ ¼gkðxiÞ sfor i¼1;2. Eliminatingrfrom these two equations, we obtainhðsÞ ¼0 where

hðsÞ ¼gkðsþx2Þðsgkðx1ÞÞ gkðsþx1Þðsgkðx2ÞÞ

¼sðgkðsþx2Þ gkðsþx1ÞÞ þgkðx2ðsþx1ÞÞ gkðx1ðsþx2ÞÞ:

Since x1 <x2 and sd0, the first term sðgkðsþx2Þ gkðsþx1ÞÞ is nonnegative.

The second term gkðx2ðsþx1ÞÞ gkðx1ðsþx2ÞÞ is 0 if and only if x2ðsþx1Þ ¼ x1ðsþx2Þ, that is, if and only if s¼0. Since gkðx2ðsþx1ÞÞ gkðx1ðsþx2ÞÞ ¼ gkðsÞ gkx2þx1sx2


>0 for large s>0, it follows by continuity thatgkðx2ðsþx1ÞÞ gkðx1ðsþx2ÞÞ>0 for alls>0. HencehðsÞdgkðx2ðsþx1ÞÞ gkðx1ðsþx2ÞÞ>0 for s>0. This shows that we must haves¼0. But then r¼1.

Thereforea¼id in this case.

We now show that the second case wherea;b;c;d00 is not possible. We writea in the formaðxÞ ¼rxþsxþtwherer;s;tAR,rðtsÞ>0. By passing over toa1;as;. . .; if necessary, we may further assume that 0<s<t or s<0<t. This then implies that r>0. Note that in this case neithery nora1ðyÞ can be fixed bya1fk1afk. Then fkaðxÞ ¼afkðxÞis equivalent tohr;s;tðxÞ ¼0 wherexARand

hr;s;tðxÞ ¼ jrjk1gkðxþsÞðgkðxÞ tÞ þgkðxþtÞðgkðxÞ sÞ

We show that hr;s;t has at most two real zeros. By looking at where the factors gkðxþsÞ;gkðxÞ t;gkðxþtÞ;gkðxÞ soccurring inhr;s;tðxÞare positive or negative we find thathr;s;tðxÞ>0 forx>maxfs;g1k ðtÞ;g1k ðsÞgorx<minfs;t;g1k ðsÞg (note thatt>0).

UsingkgkðxÞ ¼xgk0ðxÞone finds for the derivative ofhr;s;tthat

xhr;s;t0 ðxÞ khr;s;tðxÞ ¼ ðjrjk1gk0ðxþsÞ þgk0ðxþtÞÞðxgkðxÞ þstÞ: ð*Þ The first factor jrjk1gk0ðxþsÞ þgk0ðxþtÞ on the right-hand side is always posi- tive. We now assume that 0<s<t. Then the second factor xgkðxÞ þst in (*) is also positive. This implies that hr;0s;tðx0Þ>0 for every positive zero x0 of hr;s;t and hr;0s;tðx0Þ<0 for every negative zero x0 of hr;s;t. Hence there can be at most one positive and at most one negative zero ofhr;s;t. Since

hr;s;tð0Þ ¼ tjrjk1gkðsÞ sgkðtÞ ¼ stðjrsjk1þ jtjk1Þ<0;

we see thathr;s;t has precisely two zeros in case 0<s<t.


We finally assume thats<0<t. In this case one further finds thathr;s;tðxÞ>0 for maxft;g1k ðsÞgcxcminfs;g1k ðtÞg; see also Table 1 below.

Thus every zero ofhr;s;t must be in the open intervals

I¼ ðminft;g1k ðsÞg;maxft;g1k ðsÞgÞ and Iþ¼ ðminfs;g1k ðtÞg;maxfs;g1k ðtÞgÞ:

Note that for g1k ðsÞ ¼ t we have I¼q and hr;s;tðxÞ>0 for all x<0. Like- wise, g1k ðtÞ ¼ simpliesIþ¼q andhr;s;tðxÞ>0 for all x>0. We will see below that hr;s;t can have at most two zeros in IG. Therefore in each of the above two cases where one of the intervals is empty we obtain the desired result. In order to avoid unnecessary special cases in the following, we now assume that g1k ðsÞ0t andg1k ðtÞ0s, that is, that both intervalsIGare nonempty.

The map x7!xgkðxÞ þst has precisely two zeros x0¼ jstj1=ðkþ1Þ andx0. Since sþgkðtÞ and tþg1k ðsÞ have the same sign, we see from Table 1 that xgkðxÞ þst takes on opposite signs at the boundary points of I. We similarly obtain that xgkðxÞ þst takes on opposite signs at the boundary points of Iþ. This shows that x0AIþ andx0AI.

Ifx0x0 is a zero ofhr;s;t, then we obtain from Equation (*) thathr;0s;tðxÞ>0 for x>x0 or x0<x<0 andhr;0s;tðxÞ<0 for 0<x<x0 or x<x0. As before this implies thathr;s;thas at most one zero in each of the intervalsðminft;g1k ðsÞg;x0Þ, ðx0;maxft;g1k ðsÞgÞ, ðminfs;g1k ðtÞg;x0Þandðx0;maxfs;g1k ðtÞgÞ. Thus hr;s;t

has at most two zeros inIGunless perhapshr;s;tðx0Þ ¼0 orhr;s;tðx0Þ ¼0. Suppose thathr;s;tðx0Þ ¼0. Thenhr;s;0 tðx0Þ ¼0 too by (*) and di¤erentiating (*) atx0 we ob- tain

x0hr;00s;tðx0Þ ¼ ðjrjk1gk0ðx0þsÞ þgk0ðx0þtÞÞðgkðx0Þ þx0gk0ðx0ÞÞÞ

¼ ðjrjk1gk0ðx0þsÞ þgk0ðx0þtÞÞðkþ1ÞÞgkðx0Þ:

Hencehr;00s;tðx0Þ>0 and it then follows thatx0is the only zero ofhr;s;tinIþ. The case hr;s;tðx0Þ ¼0 is dealt with similarly and results in only one zero ofhr;s;tinI. So in any casehr;s;t has at most two zeros inIG.

We still have to exclude the case that hr;s;t has more than two zeros in IþUI. Let

x hr;s;tðxÞ xgkðxÞ þst

t jrjk1tðjtjk1þ1ÞgkðtsÞ>0 tðsþgkðtÞÞ g1k ðsÞ ðtsÞjrjk1gkðsÞgkðjsj1=k1þ1Þ>0 sðtþg1k ðsÞÞ g1k ðtÞ ðtsÞgkðtÞgkðjtj1=k1þ1Þ>0 tðsþg1k ðtÞÞ s sðjsjk1þ1ÞgkðtsÞ>0 sðtþgkðsÞÞ

Table 1.


rþ¼ gkðx0þtÞðgkðx0Þ sÞ gkðx0þsÞðgkðx0Þ tÞ


r¼ gkðx0þtÞðgkðx0Þ sÞ gkðx0þsÞðgkðx0Þ tÞ


that is,rGare such thathrþ;s;tðx0Þ ¼hr;s;tðx0Þ ¼0. Then rþk1rk1¼s


x0t x0s


x0þt x0þs



Hence rþ>r>0. Since gkðx0þsÞðgkðx0Þ tÞ<0 on Iþ, we obtain that hr;s;tðx0Þ<0, ¼0, >0 for r>rþ, r¼rþ, r<rþ, respectively. Similarly, gkðx0þsÞðgkðx0Þ tÞ>0 onIimplies thathr;s;tðx0Þ<0,¼0,>0 forr<r, r¼r,r>r, respectively.

If hr;s;t has two zeros in Iþ, then hr;s;tðx0Þ<0 and thus r>rþ from above. But then r>r and hr;s;tðx0Þ>0. From what we have seen before, this then implies thathr;s;t has no zeros inI. The case thathr;s;t has two zeros inIis dealt with simi- larly. This concludes the proof thathr;s;thas at most two real zeros and the statement

of the proposition is established. r

Corollary 2.2.Two di¤erent circles ofMðkÞintersect in at most two points.Hence two points in a derived geometry at a point ofMðkÞare on at most one line.

Proof. The circles of MðkÞ are the graphs of b and dfkd1 for all b;dAPSL2ðRÞ.

Since the first kind of homeomorphism is orientation-preserving and the latter kind is orientation-reversing, we obtain that any two such associated circles intersect in at most two points. The same is true for any two circles of the first kind because we are essentially in the classical flat Minkowski plane.

If the circles associated with gfkg1 anddfkd1 forg;dAPSL2ðRÞhave three dis- tinct points in common, thenðd11fk1ðd1gÞfk fixes three points so thatd1g¼id ord1g¼sby Proposition 2.1 and the circles are the same. This shows that ifgfkg1 anddfkd1 describe di¤erent circles inMðkÞ, that is,g0d;ds, then these circles can

have at most two points in common. r

From the definition of circles it is obvious that circles are described by homeo- morphisms ofS1. Hence, in order to verify thatMðkÞis a flat Minkowski plane, we only have to make sure that each derived incidence geometry is an a‰ne plane.

Since the group S is a group of automorphisms of the classical flat Minkowski plane, and, by construction, also acts on the negative half ofMðkÞ, we see thatSis a group of automorphisms ofMðkÞ. Furthermore,Shas two orbits on the torus, the circle

D¼ fðx;xÞ jxAS1g


in the positive half and its complementðS1S1ÞnD. It therefore su‰ces to show that the derived incidence geometries at the pointsðy;yÞandðy;0Þare a‰ne planes.

Note moreover thatSis even doubly transitive on the points ofDand thatDis the only circle fixed byS.

3 The derived geometryAat (T,T)

The lines of the derived geometryAofMðkÞatðy;yÞare the horizontal and ver- tical Euclidean lines (coming from parallel classes of MðkÞ), all Euclidean lines of positive slope (coming from circles in the positive half that pass through ðy;yÞ), and the lines

x;rfk xt r



for r;tAR, r>0 (coming from circles in the negative half that pass through ðy;yÞ). The latter circles are the images of the generating circleCk under the sta- bilizerL¼Sðy;yÞofðy;yÞ, that is, the group

L¼ fðx;yÞ 7! ðrxþt;ryþtÞ jr;tAR;r>0gGL2:

Note that the transformation ss^:ðx;yÞ 7! ð1=x;1=yÞ in S leaves Ck invariant.

Therefore the cosetL^ssgives rise to the same set of circles.

Using the restrictiongk offk onR, the lines of the latter kind in Acan then be rewritten as

y¼sgkðxtÞ þt

fors;tAR, s<0ðs¼ r1kÞ. Hence we obtain the following description of the the lines inA.

The geometryA.The lines ofAare the verticalsfcg RforcARand Ls;t¼ fðx;sxþtÞg jxARg; fors;tAR;sd0;

fðx;sgkðxtÞ þtÞg jxARg; fors;tAR;s<0:

Proposition 3.1.The derived geometryAofMðkÞatðy;yÞis an a‰ne plane.

Proof. We first show that two distinct points ofR2 can be joined by a unique line in A. Letðxi;yiÞ,i¼1;2, be two such points. Ifðy2y1Þðx2x1Þd0, there is a unique Euclidean line of nonnegative slope or a vertical line through these points.

Moreover, no lineLs;t fors<0 can pass throughðx1;y1Þandðx2;y2Þ. Ifðy2y1Þ ðx2x1Þ<0, no such Euclidean line with s>0 can exist and we have to find a unique lineLs;twhere s<0 through both points. Without loss of generality we may assume thatx1<x2. From the system of equations


y1t¼sgkðx1tÞ y2t¼sgkðx2

we obtain ðy2tÞ=ðy1tÞ ¼gkððx2tÞ=ðx1tÞÞ. Taking the inverse of the frac- tional linear map t7! ðy2tÞ=ðy1tÞ on both sides and using that gk is multi- plicative, we obtain

y1gkðx2tÞ y2gkðx1tÞ gkðx2tÞ gkðx1tÞ ¼t:

The left-hand side defines a strictly decreasing homeomorphismhofR. Hencehhas a unique fixed pointt0. Sincex10x2, we havet00xifor at least onei¼1;2. Then s0¼ ðyit0Þ=gkðxit0Þ is well defined and Ls0;t0 is the unique line in A through ðx1;y1Þandðx2;y2Þ.

For the parallel axiom note thatLs;tfors>0 ands<0 are graphs of orientation- preserving and orientation-reversing homeomorphisms of R. We therefore see that the parallel axiom is clearly satisfied for horizontal or vertical lines and that the pa- rameters0of any parallelLs0;t0of a lineLs;tinAmust have the same sign ass. Hence there is a unique parallel inAto a lineLs;t,s>0 (that is, a Euclidean line of positive slope) through a given point. We thus only consider the cases<0.

We first verify that two linesLs;tandLs0;t0wheres;s0<0 are parallel if and only if s¼s0. Straightforward computation shows that the automorphismðx;yÞ 7! ðaxþb;

ayþbÞ, wherea;bAR,a>0, takesLs0;t0 to the lineLa1ks0;at0þb. Using the groupL we may therefore assume thats0¼ 1 andt0¼0. Then

gkðxtÞ þt

>gkðxÞ þt>gkðxÞ; if t>0;

¼ gkðxÞ; if t¼0;

<gkðxÞ þt<gkðxÞ; if t<0:



This shows thatL1;t is parallel toL1;0. Ifs01, thenx7!gkðxÞ þsgkðxtÞ þt is a continuous function onRthat tends toGyasxgoes toGyif1<s<0 and toHyforx!Gyif s<1. Therefore this function is surjective in any case and the value 0 is attained. This shows thatLs;t intersectsL1;0 in a point ifs01.

Now given a pointðx0;y0Þ, a line parallel toL1;0 that passes through this point must be of the formL1;t. To findtjust note thatgkðtx0Þ ¼ gkðx0tÞis strictly increasing intand y0tis strictly decreasing int. Furthermore, both functions are unbounded. Hence there is a unique t0ARsuch that gkðx0tÞ ¼ y0t, that is, L1;t0 is the unique line parallel toL1;0that passes throughðx0;y0Þ.

Hence the axioms of an a‰ne plane are satisfied. r

Note that Proposition 3.1 also follows from [3], Theorem 2.7. Rotation through 45 brings the geometryAin the form used in [3]. In the new coordinates the group Lacts onR2asðx;yÞ 7! ðrx;ryþtÞand the distinguished line fixed underLis they- axis. Straightforward computation shows that the tripleðfF1g;fF2g;jÞ, whereF1and


F2 are functions fromRþtoRdefined byF2ðxÞ ¼ F1ðxÞ,F1ðxÞ ¼ ffiffiffi p2

ux, where u is the unique solution of ufkðuÞ ¼x, andj is given byjðxÞ ¼ x, satisfies the conditions (F1)–(F3) of [3], p. 7, so thatAis an a‰ne plane by [3], Theorem 2.7.

The transitivity of S on Dimplies that Proposition 3.1 carries over to any point onD.

Corollary 3.2.Each derived geometry ofMðkÞat a point of D is an a‰ne plane.

Note thatk¼1 does not yield an a‰ne plane because we do not get enough lines inA. This of course means that we cannot extend the definition ofMðkÞtok¼1.

Indeed, the orbit of the generating circle C1 under S only yields a 2-dimensional family of circles so that we do not obtain enough circles in the negative half in this case. (However,k¼1 results in the Desarguesian a‰ne plane for the derived geom- etry atðy;0Þ, see the following section for this geometry.)

For later, when we determine isomorphism classes, we conclude this section by showing thatAis not an a‰ne plane that occurs as a derivation of the classical flat Minkowski plane.

Lemma 3.3.Ais not Desarguesian.

Proof. We consider the triangles with verticesp1¼ ð0;0Þ,p2¼ ð1;1Þ, p3¼ ð1;3Þ, and q1¼ ð2;0Þ, q2¼ ð1;1Þ, q3¼ ð1;3Þ, respectively. The lines through pi

andqi are horizontals and thus are parallel fori¼1;2;3. Furthermore, correspond- ing lines through p2 andq2 are also parallel. (The lines p2p3 and q2q3 are verticals and the lines p1p2 andq1q2areL1;0 andL1;1, respectively.) Finally, the line p1p3

isL2;0 and the line throughq1andq3 isL3gkð2Þ=2;3=2. Butk>1 impliesgkð2Þ>2 and thus 32gkð2Þ03. Hence p1p3 andq1q3 are not parallel, compare the proof of Proposition 3.1, and Desargues’ configuration does not close for the above six

points. r

Note that the proof of Lemma 3.3 only uses horizontals, verticals and lines Ls;t withs<0, that is, parallel classes and circles in the negative half ofMðkÞ.

4 The derived geometryBat (T, 0)

For a description of the lines in the derived incidence geometryBofMðkÞatðy;0Þ we use the coordinate transformation ðx;yÞ 7! ðx;1=yÞ. A circle through ðy;0Þis the graph of a fractional linear mapx7!b=ðcxþdÞwhere bc¼ 1 or the graph of dfkd1 wheredAPSL2ðRÞ,dfkd1ðyÞ ¼0. Under the above coordinate transforma- tion the former circles give rise to the lines y¼mxþt where m;tAR, m<0. As for the latter circles, note that each such circle intersects the distinguished circle D in two points, sayðu;uÞandðv;vÞwhere u;vARnf0g,u0v. Furthermore, because the derived geometry at ðu;uÞis an a‰ne plane by Corollary 3.2, the pointsðy;0Þ, ðu;uÞ andðv;vÞdetermine a unique circle. We must even have uv<0. This follows from the fact thatdfkd1is strictly decreasing onRnfwgwhere w¼dfk1d1ðyÞ<0


so that the graph must intersect D in a point with negative coordinates and one with positive coordinates. Then d1ðuÞ and d1ðvÞ are both fixed points of fk so that fd1ðuÞ;d1ðvÞg ¼ fy;0g, that is, fu;vg ¼ fdðyÞ;dð0Þg. Let dðxÞ ¼ ðaxþbÞ=

ðcxþdÞ, adbc¼1. Then u¼dðyÞ ¼a=c, v¼dð0Þ ¼b=d, or v¼a=c, u¼b=d. In the first case we obtain a¼uc, b¼vd, and 1¼adbc¼ ðuvÞcd. Therefore dðxÞ ¼ ðucxþvdÞ=ðcxþdÞ and d1ðxÞ ¼ ðdxvdÞ=ðcxþucÞ ¼ ðd=cÞðxvÞ= ðxuÞ. Furthermore, ðvdÞ=ðucÞ ¼d1ð0Þ ¼ fkd1ðyÞ ¼ fkðd=cÞ ¼gkðd=cÞ.


dfkd1ðxÞ ¼d gk d c

xv xu

¼d gk

d c gk

xv xu

¼d vd ucgk

xv xu

¼d vdgkðxvÞ ucgkðxuÞ


kðxuÞþvd vdgugkðxvÞ


¼uv gkðxvÞ þgkðxuÞ vgkðxvÞ þugkðxuÞ

Under the above coordinate transformation we obtain the lines Lu;v given by y¼Fðu;v;xÞwhereu;vAR,uv<0, and

Fðu;v;xÞ ¼ 1 uv

ugkðxuÞ vgkðxvÞ gkðxuÞ gkðxvÞ :

Note that the above denominator is never 0 so that the right-hand side is defined for allxAR.

In the second case the roles of uandvare interchanged and we obtain the same equation. Note that the above equation is symmetric inuandv. In particular, we can always assume thatu<0<v.

Sincegk is multiplicative, it follows thatFðu;v;xÞ ¼uv1 uggkð1u=xÞvgkð1v=xÞ

kð1u=xÞgkð1v=xÞ forx00 and thus limx!GyFðu;v;xÞ ¼Gy. Furthermore, qFqxðu;v;xÞ ¼ kðvuÞ2jxujk1jxvjk1


>0 for all x0u;v so that Fðu;v;xÞ is strictly increasing in x. This verifies that x7!Fðu;v;xÞis indeed a homeomorphism ofRfor all admissibleuandv.

In summary, we have found the following description of the lines of the derived geometryB.


Figure 1. E1;1=2andL1;1=2fork¼3

The geometryB.The lines ofBare


the verticalsfcg RforcAR;


the Euclidean lines y¼mxþtof nonpositive slopemc0;


the sets

Lu;v¼ fðx;Fðu;v;xÞÞg jxARg foru;vAR,u<0<v.

Lemma 4.1. The line Lu;v has the Euclidean line Eu;v given by y¼ kuv1 xkþ12 ðuþvÞ

as an oblique asymptote. Furthermore, Lu;v and Eu;v have precisely the point uþv2 ;uþv2uv

in common and Eu;v is below Lu;v to the right of that point and above Lu;vto the left.

Proof. Sincek>1, the functiongk is continuously di¤erentiable and even twice con- tinuously di¤erentiable for all x00. The respective derivatives aregk0ðxÞ ¼kjxjk1 and gk00ðxÞ ¼kðk1Þxjxjk3. If zAR such that x and xz are in the same open intervalðy;0Þorð0;þyÞ, Taylor’s formula then yields

gkðxzÞ ¼gkðxÞ zgk0ðxÞ þz2 2 gk00ðzÞ

wherezis betweenxzandx. Note that if zis fixed andxtends toGywe obtain thatgk00ðzÞjxj1k tends to 0 and thatgk00ðzÞxjxj1k ¼gk00ðzÞ1xjxj3k tends tokðk1Þ.


Letu<0<vso thatxv<v<x<u<xu. Then

uvFðu;v;xÞ ¼ðuvÞgkðxÞ ðu2v2Þgk0ðxÞ þ12ðu3gk00ðuÞ v3gk00ðvÞÞ ðuvÞgk0ðxÞ þ12ðu2gk00ðuÞ v2gk00ðvÞÞ

¼ðuvÞx ðu2v2Þkþ12ðu3gk00ðuÞ v3gk00ðvÞÞjxj1k ðuvÞkþ12ðu2gk00ðuÞ v2gk00ðvÞÞjxj1k and

uvFðu;v;xÞ þ1 kx

¼ðu2v2Þkþ12ðu3gk00ðuÞ v3gk00ðvÞÞjxj1kþ2k1 ðu2gk00ðuÞ v2gk00ðvÞÞxjxj1k ðuvÞkþ12ðu2gk00ðuÞ v2gk00ðvÞÞjxj1k : The numerator and denominator on the right-hand side tend to ðu2v2Þkþ


2kðu2v2Þkðk1Þ ¼ kþ12 ðu2v2ÞandðuvÞk, respectively, asxgoes toGy. Thus limx!GyFðu;v;xÞ þ1kkþ12k ðuþvÞ. This shows that the Eu;v is an oblique asymptote ofLu;v.


Eðu;v;xÞ ¼ 1

kuv xkþ1 2 ðuþvÞ

foru;v;xAR,u<0<v. ThenE u; v;uþv2

¼F u; v;uþv2

¼uþv2uvso thatuþv2 ;uþv2uv is on Eu;vVLu;v. Now consider the equationEðu;v;xÞ ¼Fðu;v;xÞfor fixedu<0<v. We writex¼vu2vþu2 forzAR. Then

0¼Fðu;v;xÞ Eðu;v;xÞ

¼ 1 uv

ugkðxuÞ vgkðxvÞ gkðxuÞ gkðxvÞ þ1

k x ðkþ1Þvþu 2

¼ 1 uv

ugkðzþ1Þ vgkðz1Þ gkðzþ1Þ gkðz1Þ þ1

k vu

2 zkvþu 2

¼ðvuÞððzkÞgkðzþ1Þ ðzþkÞgkðz1ÞÞ 2kuvðgkðzþ1Þ gkðz1ÞÞ :

Hence ðzkÞgkðzþ1Þ ðzþkÞgkðz1Þ ¼0 or ðzþkÞ=ðzkÞ ¼gkðzþ1Þ= gkðz1Þ ¼gkððzþ1Þ=ðz1ÞÞ. Let t¼ ðzþ1Þ=ðz1Þ so that z¼ ðtþ1Þ=ðt1Þ.

Then the above equation becomes

gkðtÞ ¼ðkþ1Þt ðk1Þ ðkþ1Þ ðk1Þt


and thus

hðtÞ ¼ ðk1Þjtjkþ1 ðkþ1Þtjtjk1þ ðkþ1Þt ðk1Þ ¼0:

The function h is di¤erentiable and even twice di¤erentiable for t00. For the de- rivatives one finds

h0ðtÞ ¼ ðk21Þtjtjk1 ðkþ1Þkjtjk1þkþ1;

h00ðtÞ ¼kðk21Þtjtjk3ðt1Þ:

Hence h00ðtÞ>0 for t<0 ort>1 and h00ðtÞ<0 for 0<t<1. Consequently, h0 is strictly increasing onðy;0Þandh0ð1Þ ¼0 is a relative minimum ofh0onð0;þyÞ.

The latter implies thathis strictly increasing onð0;þyÞand thus 1 is the only posi- tive zero ofh. The former and the fact thath0ð0Þ ¼kþ1>0,h0ð1Þ ¼ 2ðk2

<0 imply thath0has precisely one negative zerotfor which we have1<t<0.

Furthermore,h is strictly decreasing on the intervalðy;tÞand strictly increasing on ðt;0Þ. But hð0Þ ¼ ðk1Þ<0 and hð1Þ ¼0. This shows that1 is the only negative zero ofh.

In summary we have found that h has precisely two zeros, namely t¼1 and t¼ 1. This in turn yields the only solution z¼0, that is, x¼ ðuþvÞ=2, of our original equation. (Note that t¼ 1 corresponds to z¼0 and that t¼1 yields z¼yand thus does not contribute to a solution inR.) This proves that uþv2 ;uþv2uv is the only point of intersection of Eu;v and Lu;v. The remaining statements on the relative positions of Eu;v and Lu;v readily follow from Eðu;v;uÞ Fðu;v;uÞ ¼ ðk1ÞðvuÞ2kuv >0 andEðu;v;vÞ Fðu;v;vÞ ¼ðk1ÞðvuÞ2kuv <0. r Note that every Euclidean line of positive slope occurs precisely once as an asymptote Eu;v for someu<0<v. Indeed, if m;tAR,m>0, thenu¼ ðkþ1Þmt


1 kmþ t2


q <0 and v¼ ðkþ1Þmt þ ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

1 kmþ t2


q >0 are such that Eu;v is the Euclidean line given by y¼mxþt.

In the coordinates ofB, the distinguished circleDinduces the Euclidean hyperbola H ¼ fðx;yÞAR2jxy¼1g:

The stabilizer C¼Sðy;0Þ ofðy;0Þ also fixes the points ð0;yÞ, ðy;yÞ andð0;0Þ.


C¼ fðx;yÞ 7! ðrx;ryÞ jr>0g:

This group induces a groupFof collineations ofB. In the new coordinates ofBone obtains

F¼ fðx;yÞ 7! ðrx;y=rÞ jr>0g:





0 +




, y

- -

( x



Figure 2.

Lemma 4.2.The derived geometryBof MðkÞatðy;0Þis a linear space,that is,any two distinct points can be uniquely joined by a line.

Proof. Given two distinct pointsðx1;y1Þandðx2;y2ÞinR2 we have to find a line of Bthat passes through them. Clearly, ifðx2x1Þðy2y1Þc0, then these points are on a vertical line or a Euclidean line of nonpositive slope. Furthermore, such a line is unique.

We now assume that ðx2x1Þðy2y1Þ>0. Without loss of generality we may further assume that x1<x2. Since the derived geometry at each point of D is an a‰ne plane by Corollary 3.2, we may moreover assume that none of the points is on H, that is,xiyi01 fori¼1;2. A line through the two points must then be of the formLu;vwhereu<0<v. By Corollary 2.2 a joining line will be unique and we only have to verify the existence of such a line.

Since each lineLu;vis the graph of a strictly increasing homeomorphism ofRand becauseLu;vpasses throughðu;1=uÞandðv;1=vÞ, we see thatðx1uÞy11u

>0 is a necessary condition, that is,


We similarly find that


compare Figure 2.

Depending on the position ofðx1;y1Þrelative to the coordinate axes and toHone obtains from the above two inequalities certain restrictions for u andvwhere IJ


ðy;0ÞandIþJð0;þyÞdenote the maximal (open) intervals we can chooseuand vfrom; see Table 2 below.

ForLu;vto pass throughðx1;y1Þwe find the condition

y1uvðgkðx1uÞ gkðx1vÞÞ ¼ugkðx1uÞ vgkðx1vÞ which yields


y1u1 ¼vgkðx1vÞ y1v1 that is,GðuÞ ¼GðvÞwhere

GðzÞ ¼zgkðzx1Þ y1z1

forzAR, y1z01. We denote byGGthe restriction of Gto the open intervalIG.G is di¤erentiable and has derivative

G0ðzÞ ¼jzx1jk1

ðy1z1Þ2ðky1z2 ðkþ1Þzþx1Þ:

The first term jzx1jk1=ðy1z1Þ2 in G0ðzÞ above is always positive on IG and it readily follows that the last factor qðzÞ ¼ky1z2 ðkþ1Þzþx1 has no zero inIG. (Note that qðzÞ ¼kzðy1z1Þ þ ðx1zÞ and that zðy1z1Þ and x1z have the same sign onIG.) In the above table the sign ofqG, that is, the restriction ofqtoIG, is indicated in the columns labelledqandqþ. HenceGGis strictly increasing or strictly decreasing onIG. In Table 2 this is indicated by an arrow up"or an arrow down#, respectively.

Clearly,Gð0Þ ¼Gðx1Þ ¼0,

z!limGyGðzÞ ¼

Gy; if y1>0;

y; if y1¼0;

Hy; if y1<0;



x1 y1 x1y1 I Iþ q qþ G Gþ a

d0 0 ðy;0Þ ðx1;þyÞ >0 <0 " # #

<0 0 ðy;x1Þ ð0;þyÞ >0 <0 " # # c0 >0 ðy;x1Þ ð0;1=y1Þ >0 <0 " # #

>0 >0 >1 ðy;0Þ ð1=y1;x1Þ >0 >0 " " "

>0 >0 <1 ðy;0Þ ðx1;1=y1Þ >0 <0 " # # d0 <0 ð1=y1;0Þ ðx1;þyÞ >0 <0 " # #

<0 <0 >1 ðx1;1=y1Þ ð0;þyÞ <0 <0 # # "

<0 <0 <1 ð1=y1;x1Þ ð0;þyÞ >0 <0 " # # Table 2.


and limz!1=y1GðzÞ ¼Gydepending on the relative position of y100 to 0 and x1, but the sign changes in any case whenzapproaches 1=y1from opposite sides. It then follows that in any caseGGtakesIGonto the negative real numbersðy;0Þ. In par- ticular, this shows that for each uAIthere is a unique vAIþ such thatLu;vpasses through ðx1;y1Þ. In fact, there is a homeomorphism a1:I!Iþ such that Lu;a1ðuÞ passes throughðx1;y1Þ. Clearly,a1 ¼Gþ1G, anda1is strictly decreasing if and only ifx1y1 <1 (that is,ðx1;y1Þis between the two branches of the Euclidean hyperbola H) and strictly increasing if and only ifx1y1>1 (that is,ðx1;y1Þis above or below H); see Table 2. Moreover,a1 is di¤erentiable and its derivative is given bya10ðuÞ ¼ G0ðuÞ=Gþ0ða1ðuÞÞ.

(Note that there is no explicit formula for a1 except for special cases. For exam- ple, in the casex1¼ y1¼0 one hasa1ðuÞ ¼ u. It then readily follows that there is a unique line Lu;u through a point ðx2;y2Þ where x2y2>0. Hence ð0;0Þ can be uniquely joined to any other point inB.)

One similarly obtains a homeomorphism a2: ~II!II~þ such that Lu;a2ðuÞ passes throughðx2;y2ÞwhereII~Jðy;0ÞandII~þJð0;þyÞare open intervals defined in a similar fashion as the intervalsIandIþfora1.

We consider the three connected components ofR2nH; more precisely, let Cþ¼ fðx;yÞAR2jxy>1;x>0g;

C0 ¼ fðx;yÞAR2jxy<1g;

C¼ fðx;yÞAR2jxy>1;x<0g;

see Figure 2. The reflectionr about the origin ofR2 given by rðx;yÞ ¼ ðx;yÞis an automorphism of the incidence structureB. (Note thatFðu;v;xÞ ¼Fðv;u;

xÞ.) Furthermore,r interchangesCþ andC and leavesC0 invariant. Using r and perhaps relabelling the points, if necessary, we can assume that x1<x2 and we can restrict ourselves to the four cases ðx1;y1ÞAC0, ðx2;y2ÞACþ or ðx1;y1Þ;ðx2;y2ÞA Cþ orðx1;y1Þ;ðx2;y2ÞAC0 orðx1;y1ÞAC,ðx2;y2ÞACþ for the relative positions of the two pointsðx1;y1Þandðx2;y2Þ. In each of theses cases we are looking at either a¼a1a12 ora¼a2a11 and verify thata fixes a point. Such a fixed pointvleads to u¼a12 ðvÞ ¼a11 ðvÞso thatLu;vis a line throughðx1;y1Þandðx2;y2Þ.

We encounter essentially two situations. In the first one a:I!J is a strictly increasing homeomorphism and I andJ are two open intervals inRsuch that J is finite and its closure J is contained in I. If J¼ ðc;dÞ, we define vn inductively by v0¼c and vnþ1¼aðvnÞ fornd0, that is, vn¼anðcÞ. Then the vn’s are increasing and bounded from above by d. Thus v¼limn!yvn exists and by continuity ofa it follows thata fixesv. In the other situationa:I!J is a strictly decreasing homeo- morphism andIandJ are two open intervals inRsuch thatIVJ is nonempty and J is finite. If I ¼ ða;bÞ, J ¼ ðc;dÞ and wAIVJ, we find that limx!aaðxÞ x¼ da>ww¼0 and limx!baðxÞ x¼cb<ww¼0. By continuity of a it follows that there is avAI such thataðvÞ v¼0, that is,afixesv.

For example, if we assume that ðx1;y1ÞAC0, ðx2;y2ÞACþ, then IJII~¼ ðy;0Þ,II~þ¼ ð1=y2;x2Þis finite andIþVII~þ0 qbecause this intersection contains


the first coordinate of the point of intersection of the positive branch of H and the line segment from ðx1;y1Þ toðx2;y2Þ. Moreover,a1 is strictly decreasing and a2 is strictly increasing so that a¼a2a11 :Iþ!a2ðIÞ is a strictly decreasing homeo- morphism. Since a2ðIÞJII~þ, we obtain thata2ðIÞis finite. In order to show that IþVa2ðIÞis nonempty we distinguish several cases.

If x1;y1d0, then I¼II~ and thus a2ðIÞ ¼II~þ. In case x1;y1c0 we have Iþ¼ ð0;þyÞso thata2ðIÞHIþ. Ifx1<0<y1, we haveI¼ ðy;x1ÞandIþ¼ ð0;1=y1Þ; see Table 2. But thena2ðIÞ ¼ ð1=y2;a2ðx1ÞÞand because 0<y1< y2 we obtain thatIþVa2ðIÞ ¼ ð1=y2;minf1=y1;a2ðx1ÞgÞ. Finally, ifx1>0>y1, we have I¼ ð1=y1;0ÞandIþ¼ ðx1;þyÞ; see Table 2. But thena2ðIÞ ¼ ða2ð1=y1Þ;x2Þand because 0<x1<x2we haveIþVa2ðIÞ ¼ ðmaxfx1;a2ð1=y1Þg;x2Þ.

The other cases are dealt with in a similar fashion. In any case one finds thatahas a fixed point.

This finally shows thatðx1;y1Þandðx2;y2Þcan be joined by a line inB. r In order to show thatMðkÞis a flat Minkowski plane we still have to verify that the parallel axiom is satisfied inB, that is, thatBis an a‰ne plane. As a first step in that direction we characterize parallelity inB.

Lemma 4.3.Two lines Lu;vand Lu0;v0 are parallel if and only if uv¼u0v0. Proof. We first assume thatuv0u0v0. Then the Euclidean lines given by

y¼ 1

kuv xkþ1 2 ðuþvÞ

and y¼ 1

ku0v0 xkþ1

2 ðu0þv0Þ

have di¤erent slopes and intersect transversally in a point. Since these Euclidean lines are oblique asymptotes to the linesLu;vandLu0;v0 by Lemma 4.1 we see thatLu;vand Lu0;v0 must also intersect in a point.

Conversely assume thatuv¼u0v0. Assume thatLu;vandLu0;v0have a pointðx0;y0Þ in common. Since we already have a linear space by Lemma 4.2 the two lines are either parallel (that is, Lu;v¼Lu0;v0) or ðx0;y0Þ is the only common point of Lu;v and Lu0;v0. In the latter case the asymptotes of Lu;v and Lu0;v0 are di¤erent parallel Euclidean lines so that Fðu;v;xÞ Fðu0;v0;xÞ has the same sign for large jxj. This then implies that Lu;v and Lu0;v0 touch analytically at ðx0;y0Þ, that is,


qxðu;v;x0Þ ¼qFqxðu0;v0;x0Þ.

We now show that Lu;v is uniquely determined by the point ðx0;y0Þ on it and the slope of the Euclidean tangent line at that point, that is, the partial derivative


qxðu;v;x0Þ. Then the second case is not possible and the two lines must be parallel.

By using the groupFwe may assume thatuv¼ 1. Letx0;y0;y00 AR, y00 >0. We then have to find a uniqueu<0 such that

Fðu;v;x0Þ ¼ y0


qxðu;v;x0Þ ¼ y00;


that is,

y0¼ 1

uv uþ ðuvÞðx0vÞgk0ðx0vÞ kðgkðx0uÞ gkðx0vÞÞ

¼ 1

uv vþ ðuvÞðx0uÞgk0ðx0uÞ kðgkðx0uÞ gkðx0vÞÞ

y00 ¼ðvuÞðgk0ðx0uÞgkðx0vÞ gkðuÞgk0ðx0vÞÞ uvðgkðx0uÞ gkðx0vÞÞ2

¼ ðvuÞ2gk0ðx0uÞgk0ðx0vÞ kuvðgkðx0uÞ gkðx0vÞÞ2: (Note thatkgkðxÞ ¼xgk0ðxÞfor allxAR.) Hence

y00ðx0uÞðx0vÞ þkðuy01Þðvy01Þ ¼0:

Butv¼ 1=u so that after multiplying through byuwe obtain the quadratic equa- tion

ðky0þx0y00Þðu21Þ þ ðkðy201Þ ðx201Þy00Þu¼0

for u. If ky0þx0y0000, then the above equation has precisely one positive and one negative zero (the coe‰cients of the quadratic and the constant terms have opposite signs). Thus there is at most oneu<0 that satisfies our two equations. If ky0þx0y00 ¼0, then we must also have kðy021Þ ðx201Þy00 ¼0. These two equations imply that y0¼ x0 and y00 ¼k. The first of these identities yields ðx0uÞgkðx0uÞ ¼ ðx0vÞgkðx0vÞ and further x0¼ ðuþvÞ=2. Thus u2 2x0u1¼0 andu¼x0 ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

x20þ1 q

. Hence there is again a uniqueu<0. r Note that the proof of Lemma 4.3 further shows that there is at most one lineLu;v with a given valueuvthrough a given point, that is, we have the following.

Corollary 4.4.Through each point there is at most one line Lu0;v0 parallel to a line Lu;v. Proposition 4.5.The derived geometryBofMðkÞatðy;0Þis an a‰ne plane.

Proof. It remains to show that the parallel axiom is satisfied inB. Since Euclidean lines of negative slope and lines of the form Lu;vare graphs of orientation-reversing and orientation-preserving homeomorphisms ofRwe see that a parallel of a Eucli- dean line or ofLu;vinBmust be of the same form. Hence there is a unique parallel in Bto a horizontal line, a vertical line or a Euclidean line of negative slope through a given point. Given a pointðx0;y0Þand a lineLu;vwe know from Lemma 4.3 that any parallel throughðx0;y0Þmust be of the form Lu0;v0 where u0v0¼uv. As in the proof of Lemma 4.3 we may assume that uv¼ 1. Then we have to find a unique u0<0


such thatFðu0;1=u0;x0Þ ¼ y0. ButhðzÞdefined byhðzÞ ¼Fðz;1=z;x0ÞforzAR, z<0, is continuous and limz!yhðzÞ ¼ þy and limz!0hðzÞ ¼ y. This shows thath is ontoRand there is at least oneu0 such thathðu0Þ ¼ y0. But Corollary 4.4 shows that such au0must be unique, that is, there is a unique parallel toLu;vthrough

ðx0;y0Þ. r

The transitivity ofSon points not onDimplies that Proposition 4.5 carries over to any point not onD.

Corollary 4.6.Each derived geometry ofMðkÞat a point not on D is an a‰ne plane.

Corollary 3.2 and Corollary 4.6 now imply the following.

Theorem 4.7.Each incidence geometryMðkÞfor k>1 as defined at the beginning of Section2is a flat Minkowski plane.

5 Isomorphism classes and automorphisms

Since each derived a‰ne plane of the classical flat Minkowski plane is Desarguesian, we immediately obtain the following from Lemma 3.3.

Theorem 5.1.No flat Minkowski planeMðkÞis classical.

We now turn to isomorphisms between the planesMðkÞand their automorphisms.

We want to show that, in fact, these planes are mutually non-isomorphic. As a first step in this direction we prove that any isomorphism must respect the point orbits.

Lemma 5.2. Let g:MðkÞ !MðlÞ be an isomorphism between the flat Minkowski planesMðkÞandMðlÞ.Thengtakes the distinguished circle D inMðkÞto the corre- sponding circle D inMðlÞ.

Proof. We assume thatgðDÞ0D. Then MðlÞ admits the 3-dimensional connected groupsSandgSg1as groups of automorphisms. SinceDis the only circle fixed byS, it follows thatS0gSg1 and hence that the automorphism groupGðlÞofMðlÞmust be at least 4-dimensional. From the classification of flat Minkowski planes of group dimension at least 4 (see [5] or [4], 4.4.5) we see thatMðlÞmust be classical or that GðlÞfixes two parallel classes. The former case is not possible by Theorem 5.1 and the latter cannot occur sinceSis already transitive on each set of allðGÞ-parallel classes.

r Theorem 5.3.Two flat Minkowski planesMðkÞandMðlÞare isomorphic if and only if k¼l.

Proof. Letg:MðkÞ !MðlÞbe an isomorphism between the flat Minkowski planes MðkÞandMðlÞ. Thengtakes the distinguished circleDinMðkÞto the distinguished



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We show that for a uniform co-Lipschitz mapping of the plane, the cardinality of the preimage of a point may be estimated in terms of the characteristic constants of the mapping,

It turns out that the symbol which is defined in a probabilistic way coincides with the analytic (in the sense of pseudo-differential operators) symbol for the class of Feller

We give a Dehn–Nielsen type theorem for the homology cobordism group of homol- ogy cylinders by considering its action on the acyclic closure, which was defined by Levine in [12]

Our method of proof can also be used to recover the rational homotopy of L K(2) S 0 as well as the chromatic splitting conjecture at primes p &gt; 3 [16]; we only need to use the

While conducting an experiment regarding fetal move- ments as a result of Pulsed Wave Doppler (PWD) ultrasound, [8] we encountered the severe artifacts in the acquired image2.