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Pseudo 1-homogeneous distance-regular graphs


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DOI 10.1007/s10801-007-0115-y

Pseudo 1-homogeneous distance-regular graphs

Aleksandar Juriši´c·Paul Terwilliger

Received: 18 November 2005 / Accepted: 14 December 2007 / Published online: 4 January 2008

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2008

Abstract Let be a distance-regular graph of diameter d≥2 anda1=0. Letθ be a real number. A pseudo cosine sequence forθ is a sequence of real numbers σ0, . . . , σd such thatσ0=1 and ciσi1+aiσi +biσi+1=θ σi for all i∈ {0, . . . , d−1}. Furthermore, a pseudo primitive idempotent forθisEθ=sd

i=0σiAi, where sis any nonzero scalar. Letvˆbe the characteristic vector of a vertexvV . For an edgexy of and the characteristic vector wof the set of common neighbours of x andy, we say that the edgexy is tight with respect to θ wheneverθ=kand a nontrivial linear combination of vectorsExˆ,Eyˆ andEwis contained in Span{ˆz| zV , ∂(z, x)=d =∂(z, y)}. When an edge of is tight with respect to two distinct real numbers, a parameterization withd+1 parameters of the members of the intersection array of is given (using the pseudo cosines σ1, . . . , σd, and an auxiliary parameterε).

LetSbe the set of all the vertices ofthat are not at distancedfrom both vertices x andy that are adjacent. The graph is pseudo 1-homogeneous with respect to xy whenever the distance partition ofS corresponding to the distances fromx and y is equitable in the subgraph induced onS. We showis pseudo 1-homogeneous with respect to the edgexy if and only if the edgexy is tight with respect to two distinct real numbers. Finally, let us fix a vertexx of. Then the graphis pseudo 1-homogeneous with respect to any edgexy, and the local graph ofxis connected if and only if there is the above parameterization withd+1 parametersσ1, . . . , σd, ε and the local graph ofxis strongly regular with nontrivial eigenvaluesa1σ/(1+σ ) and2−1)/(σ−σ2).

A. Juriši´c (


Faculty of Computer and Informatic Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia e-mail:[email protected]

P. Terwilliger

Department of Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706-1388, USA


Keywords Distance-regular graphs·Primitive idempotents·Cosine sequence· Locally strongly regular·1-homogeneous property·Tight distance-regular graph· Pseudo primitive idempotent·Tight edges·Pseudo 1-homogeneous

1 Introduction

Let=(X, R)be a distance-regular graph with vertex setX, edge setRand diame- terd. ForuXandi∈ {0, . . . , d}we denote byi(u)the set of vertices at distancei fromu. Letx, yXbe two adjacent vertices and let us consider the distance partition of the vertex setXcorresponding toxandy. Denoting the intersectioni(x)j(y) byDij(x, y)or just byDij, we can describe this partition in the following way

π= {Dij|i, j=0, . . . , d}. (1) Note thatDij= ∅when|ij|>1 by the triangle inequality andDii+1= ∅ =Dii+1 fori=1, . . . , d−1. Let us assumea1=0. Then we have alsoDii= ∅for 1≤i < d (see Figure 4.1 and Section5). Finally,Ddd= ∅if and only ifad=0. Next we study this partition from an algebraic point of view.

Let MatX(R)denote theR-algebra consisting of all matrices with entries inR, whose rows and columns are indexed byX and letA∈MatX(R)be the adjacency matrix of. LetV =RXbe the vector space consisting of all column vectors with entries inR, whose coordinates are indexed byX. Observe that MatX(R)acts onV by left multiplication. For a subsetSXlet its characteristic vector be an element ofV, whose coordinates equal 1 if they correspond to the elements ofSand 0 other- wise. Letwijbe the characteristic vector ofDijandW=W (x, y)=Span{wij|i, j= 0, . . . , d}. Hence


3d ifad=0,

3d−1 ifad=0. (2)

One way to define a vertex partition ofto be equitable is to require that the span of characteristic vectors of all the parts ofπ beA-invariant, cf. [5, Lem. 5.2.1]. We say that the graphis 1-homogeneous with respect toxywhenever the partitionπ defined in (1) is equitable. Let us assume this is the case, i.e.,AWW. Since the Bose-Mesner algebra of, denoted byM, is the subalgebra of MatX(R)generated byA, we also haveMW=W.

Letvˆdenote the characteristic vector of{v}, wherevis a vertex of. Setw=w11 andH=H (x, y)=Span{ ˆx,y, wˆ }. We study the action ofMonH. Sinceis 1- homogeneous, an easy induction argument implies that the action ofMonHgener- ates the wholeW, i.e.,MH=W, whereMH means Span{mh|mM, hH}. Since the primitive idempotentsE0, E1, . . . , Ed form a basis for the Bose-Mesner algebraM, we have in view ofEiEj=δijEi for alli, j∈ {0, . . . , d},

MH= d


EiH (direct sum).


Note that dim(E0H )=1. Furthermore, for alli∈ {1, . . . , d}we have 3≥dim(EiH ) and, since the vectorsEixˆ andEiyˆ are linearly independent, cf. [7, Lem. 2.7], we also have dim(EiH )≥2. We say the edgexy is tight with respect toEi (or to the corresponding eigenvalueθ) whenever the vectors Eixˆ,Eiyˆ,Eiw are linearly dependent. So the edgexy is tight with respect toEi if and only if dim(EiH )=2.

By [7, Thm.5.2], dim(EiH )=2 impliesi∈ {1, d}, so

dim(MH )=3d+1−t, (3)

wheret denotes the number of nontrivial eigenvalues of with respect to which dim(EiH )=2, andt∈ {0,1,2}. However, the graphis 1-homogeneous with re- spect toxy, so we havet=0 by (2) andt=2 if and only ifad=0.

Letbe a distance-regular graph of diameterd≥3, and eigenvaluesθ0> θ1>

· · ·> θd. It was shown in Juriši´c, Koolen and Terwilliger [7] that the intersection numbersa1,b1satisfy the following inequality

θ1+ k a1+1

θd+ k a1+1

≥ − ka1b1

(a1+1)2, (4)

called the Fundamental Bound, andwas defined to be tight whenever it is not bipartite, and equality holds in (4). Tight graphs have been characterized in a number of interesting ways. See Juriši´c, Koolen and Terwilliger [7], Pascasio [8] and Go &

Terwilliger [4]. We collect some of their results in the following theorem.

Theorem 1.1 Letbe a distance-regular graph with diameterd3, eigenvalues θ0>· · ·> θdandθ,θ a pair of distinct nontrivial eigenvalues. Thenis tight if and only if any of the following conditions is true.

(i) a1=0 and there exists an edge ofwhich is tight with respect to bothθ1, θd. (ii) There existsxXsuch that the local graph ofxis connected, strongly-regular

with eigenvaluesa1,−1−b1/(1+θd)and−1−b1/(1+θ1).

(iii) a1=0, ad=0, andis 1-homogeneous with respect to at least one edge.

(iv) There exist real scalarsξ0, . . . , ξd, ε, hsuch thatξ0=1,ξd1=ξ1ξd,ε= −1, k=cd=h(ξ1ε)/(ξ1−1), and for alli∈ {1, . . . , d−1}we have


i−1ξi+1)(ξi+1ξi), ci=h(ξi+1ξ1ξi)(ξi1εξi) i+1ξi−1)(ξi−1ξi). Moreover, ifis tight, then the above conditions are satisfied for all edges and ver- tices of,{θ, θ } = {θ1, θd}, the sequenceξ0, . . . , ξdis a cosine sequence correspond- ing toθ1orθdand|ε| =(k2θ1θd)/(k(θ1θd)).

Other characterizations include the existence of tight cosine sequences, a property of primitive idempotents and the existence of short irreducibleT (x)-modules with end- point 1 for a vertexx. By extending this theory to so-called pseudo 1-homogeneous graphs, we are extending the approach that was developed in Juriši´c, Koolen and Terwilliger [7]. Our theory is satisfied by examples that are not necessarily tight, for example the halved cubes of odd diameter and the complement of the Higman-Sims graph.


This paper is organized as follows. After preliminaries about cosine sequences in Section2, we introduce in Section3pseudo cosine sequences as a sequence of real numbers that satisfy all but the last recurrence relation of the cosine sequences.

Then we introduce pseudo primitive idempotents that correspond to pseudo cosine sequences and were first defined in Terwilliger and Weng [11]. In Section4we define what it means for an edge to be tight with respect to a real number distinct from the valency of the graph, establish some basic properties and, in Section5, we study some combinatorial consequences of this property.

Letbe a distance-regular graph with diameterd≥2, that is not triangle-free. In Section6we introduce an auxiliary parameterεand in Section7we study the case when an edge ofis tight with respect to two distinct real numbers, in which case we give a parameterization withd+1 parameters of the members of intersection array of(namely with the pseudo cosinesσ1, . . . , σdandε).

LetS be the set of vertices of that are not at distanced from both verticesx andy. The graph is pseudo 1-homogeneous with respect to xy whenever the distance partition ofS corresponding to the distances fromx andy is equitable in the subgraph induced onS. Finally, we give two characterizations of the pseudo 1- homogeneous property with respect to an edge in Section9. First, we show that the graphis pseudo 1-homogeneous with respect to the edgexyif and only if the edge xyis tight with respect to two distinct real numbers. For the second, we first define the graphto be pseudo 1-homogeneous with respect to a vertexxwhenever it is pseudo 1-homogeneous with respect to all edges incident withx. Curtin and No- mura [3] have characterized graphs with this property in terms of their subconstituent algebra. We offer another characterization: the distance-regular graphis pseudo 1- homogeneous with respect to a vertexx such that the local graph ofxis connected if and only ifallows the above parameterization withd+1 parametersσ1, . . . , σd, ε and the local graph ofxis strongly regular with a nontrivial eigenvaluesa1σ/(1+σ ) and2−1)/(σ−σ2). We conclude the paper with an open problem.

2 Preliminaries

In this section, we review some definitions and basic concepts that have not been cov- ered in the introduction. See the books of Bannai and Ito [1], Godsil [5], or Brouwer, Cohen and Neumaier [2] for more background information.

Let=(X, R)be a graph. Letdenote a subset ofX. By the subgraph of induced on , we mean the graph with vertex set, and edge set consisting of those edges ofthat have both ends in. The subgraph induced on(u)=1(u) is called the local graph ofuand will be denoted by(u). We setki= |i(u)|, and forvi(u)alsoci = |i1(u)(v)|,ai= |i(u)(v)|,bi= |i+1(u)(v)| (note that the last three sets partition the local graph ofv). Assume from now onis distance-regular. Thenai,bi,ci andki are independent of choice ofuandvi(u).

Furthermore, for eachi, j, h∈ {0, . . . , d}there exists a constantphij such thatphij=

|i(x)j(y)|for any two verticesxandyat distanceh. Observeis regular with valencyk=b0=ci+ai +bi and the subgraph induced on i(u)is regular with valencyai andki vertices.


For each integeri, 0id, letAi be theith distance matrix in MatX(R), de- fined with


xy=1, if∂(x, y)=iand 0 otherwise. ThenA=A1. ObserveA0=I, A0+· · ·+Ad=J, whereJis the all 1’s matrix,Ati=Aifor alli∈ {0, . . . , d}, where tdenotes transposition, and for alli, j∈ {0, . . . , d}we haveAiAj=d

h=0pijhAh. In particular, by the triangle inequality, we haveAAj=cj+1Aj+1+ajAj+bj1Aj1 for allj ∈ {0, . . . , d}, where A1=Ad+1=0 and b1,cd+1 are unspecified. Us- ing the above properties one can readily show that matricesA0, . . . , Ad form a ba- sis for the Bose-Mesner algebra M. For i∈ {0, . . . , d} let fi ∈R[λ] denote the unique polynomial with degree i such that fi(A)=Ai. Then f0=1 and λfi = ci+1fi+1+aifi+bi1fi1for alli∈ {0, . . . , d−1}, withf1=0. For 0≤id we definepi =f0+ · · · +fi.

By Bannai and Ito [1, p.59, p.64], the algebraMhas a second basisE0, . . . , Ed such that E0= |X|1J, E0+. . .+Ed =I, Eit =Ei for all i∈ {0, . . . , d}, and EiEj =δijEi for alli, j ∈ {0, . . . , d}. The matrices E0, . . . , Ed are known as the primitive idempotents of. We refer toE0as the trivial idempotent. Letθ0, . . . , θd be the real numbers satisfyingA=d

i=0θiEi. ObserveAEi =EiA=θiEi for all i∈ {0, . . . , d}, and thatθ0, . . . , θdare distinct asAgeneratesM. It follows from the above properties thatθ0=k, and it is known thatkθi< kfor alli∈ {1, . . . , d}, see for example Bannai and Ito [1, p. 197]. We refer toθi as the eigenvalue of associated withEi, and callθ0the trivial eigenvalue. For each integeri, 0id, letmi denote the rank ofEi. We refer to mi as the multiplicity of Ei (or θi) and observem0=1.

We now recall the cosines. Letθ be an eigenvalue of , andE the associated primitive idempotent. Letσ0, . . . , σdbe the real numbers satisfying

E = m

|X| d


σiAi, (5)

wheremis the multiplicity ofθ. Taking the trace in (5), we findσ0=1. We often abbreviateσ=σ1. We refer to σi as theith cosine ofwith respect to θ (orE), and callσ0, . . . , σdthe cosine sequence ofassociated withθ (orE). The cosines can be interpreted as follows. We endowV =RXwith the Euclidean inner product satisfyingu, v =utvforu, vV, and note that{ ˆx|xX}is an orthonormal basis forRX. The following is an easy application of properties of primitive idempotents that we mentioned above. See [7, Lemma 2.1].

Lemma 2.1 Let=(X, R)be a distance-regular graph with diameterd. LetE be a primitive idempotent andσ0, . . . , σd its cosine sequence. Then for all integers i∈ {0, . . . , d}, and for all verticesxandyat distancei, the following holds.

(i) Ex,ˆ yˆ = ˆx, Eyˆ = Ex, Eˆ yˆ =i|X|1, wheremdenotes the multiplicity ofE.

(ii) The cosine of the angle between the vectorsExˆandEyˆequalsσi.

Let be a distance-regular graph with diameterd and letθ, σ0, . . . , σd be any complex numbers. Then, by Brouwer, Cohen and Neumaier [2, Sect. 4.1.B],θ is an


eigenvalue ofandσ0, . . . , σdis the associated cosine sequence if and only ifσ0=1, and we have for alli∈ {0, . . . , d}the following recursion

ciσi1+aiσi+biσi+1=θ σi, (6) whereσ1andσd+1are indeterminates.

3 Pseudo primitive idempotents

Letbe a distance-regular graph with diameterd. Supposeθ is a real number (not necessarily an eigenvalue of) and that the scalarsσ0, . . . , σdare defined byσ0=1 and the above recursion (6) for all i∈ {0, . . . , d−1}, or equivalently by σ0=1, =θ, and

cii1σi)biiσi+1)=k(σ−1)σi for alli∈ {1, . . . , d−1}. (7) Then we callσ0, . . . , σd the pseudo cosine sequence forθ. In particular, we have σ1=θ / k andσ2=2a1θk)/(kb1)when d≥2. Ifθ=k, then we say that the pseudo cosine sequence forθ is nontrivial. It is straightforward to verify that fi(θ )=σiki for alli∈ {0, . . . , d}. Therefore, for alli∈ {0, . . . , d−1}we have, by the recursionpi+1=fi+1+pi and (7), also

pi(θ )=kibi


kθ . (8)

This can be used in the following result, which describes three instances, where the pseudo cosine sequence is especially well behaved.

Lemma 3.1 Letbe a distance-regular graph with diameterd2, and eigenval- uesθ0>· · ·> θd. Letθ be a real number and assumek=θθ1 orθθd. Let σ0, . . . , σdbe a pseudo cosine sequence forθ.

(i) Ifθ > kthenσ0<· · ·< σd. (ii) Ifk > θθ1thenσ0>· · ·> σd.

(iii) Ifθθdthen (−1)iσi>0 for alli∈ {0, . . . , d}.

Proof Leti(0≤id−1) be an integer. By Terwilliger [9, Lem. 4.5], we get forθθ1thatpi(θ ) >0. Now the statements (i) and (ii) follow immediately by (8). Finally, the statement (iii) follows directly from [2, Prop. 4.1.1(ii)] and [2, Prop. 4.1.1(i)] that holds for any real number (and not just an eigenvalue).

Letθbe a real number. By a pseudo primitive idempotent forθwe mean Eθ=s



σiAi, (9)

wheres is any nonzero scalar andσ0, . . . , σd is the pseudo cosine sequence for θ defined above. WhileEθ2is in general not necessarily equal toEθ, we can still derive at least one property of primitive idempotents mentioned in the above Lemma2.1.


Lemma 3.2 Letbe a distance-regular graph with diameterd. Letσ0, . . . , σdbe a pseudo cosine sequence, letsbe a nonzero scalar andEthe corresponding pseudo primitive idempotent. Then for all integersi∈ {0, . . . , d}, and for all verticesxand yat distancei

Ex,ˆ y = ˆˆ x, Ey =ˆ i.

Proof By the definition of a pseudo primitive idempotent, see (9), we have ˆx, Eyˆ =s



σh ˆx, Ahyˆ =i.

Similarly we obtain alsoEx,ˆ yˆ =i.

The following result provides an alternative view of pseudo primitive idempotents.

Lemma 3.3 Letbe a distance-regular graph with diameterd. Letθbe a real num- ber. LetEbe an element of the Bose-Mesner algebra. ThenEis a pseudo primitive idempotent forθif and only ifE=0 and

(Aθ I )E∈Span(Ad). (10)

Proof SupposeE=0 and that (10) holds. SetE=d

i=0σiAifor some real numbers σi. Then there existsγ∈R, such that

γ Ad=(Aθ I )E=(Aθ I ) d


σjAj= d


Aj(cjσj1+ajσj+bjσj+1θ σj).

Hencecjσj1+ajσj+bjσj+1=θ σj for allj∈ {0,1, . . . , d−1}. The numberσ0 is nonzero, as otherwiseσi=0 for alli∈ {1, . . . , d}and thus alsoE=0. Therefore, if we divide all the members of the sequenceσ0, . . . , σd byσ0, we obtain a pseudo cosine sequence for θ. Thus E is a pseudo primitive idempotent. The converse is


4 Tight edges

We generalize the definition of an edge being tight with respect to an eigenvalue of a graph to the definition of an edge being tight with respect to any real number.

Letbe a distance-regular graph with diameterd≥2,a1=0. Let us define the scalarf =f (x, y) to be the average valency of the complement of the subgraph induced onD11=D11(x, y). Then the subgraph induced onD11hasa1(a1−1−f )/2 edges. Moreover, there are a1f edges connecting vertices in D11 with vertices in D21, anda1(b1f )edges connecting vertices inD11with vertices inD22. Therefore, 0≤f≤min{a1−1, b1}. Moreover,f =0 if and only if the setD11induces a clique,


Fig. 1 Local distance partitions of the graph, the left corresponding to a vertexxand the right corre- sponding to an edgexy. In the left figure we put in the circles the number of their vertices, while in the right one we put in the corresponding names of the sets. The number beside edges connecting two cells indicate how many neighbours a vertex from the closer cell has in the other cell. The number beside a cell is the valency of the graph induced by the vertices of the cell

f =a1−1 if and only if the graph induced onD11has no edges, andf=b1if and only if the graph induced onD12(x, y)has no edges.

Let be a distance-regular graph with diameterd ≥2 anda1=0. Letθ be a nontrivial eigenvalue ofandEthe corresponding primitive idempotent. Then the determinant of the matrix of inner products for vectorsEx,ˆ EyˆandEwis nonnega- tive, and this inequality translates to the following bound onf:

(k+θ )(1+θ ) fb1

k+θ (a1+1)

, (11)

see Juriši´c et al. [7, Lemma 3.3]. Equality is attained in (11) if and only if the vectors Exˆ,Eyˆ andEware linearly dependent. Therefore, the edgexy is tight with respect to an eigenvalueθ whenever equality holds in (11). We will generalize the property of an edge being tight with respect to an eigenvalue. To do this we need to introduce one more matrix. Fori, j∈ {0, . . . , d}letEij be a diagonal matrix in MatX(R)with


1, ifzDij(x, y), 0, otherwise.

ThenEijV =Span{ˆz|zDji(x, y)}.

Definition 4.1 Letbe a distance-regular graph with diameterd2 anda1=0.

Letθbe a real number,Ethe corresponding pseudo primitive idempotent and letxy be an edge of. We say the edgexyis tight with respect toθwhenever

(i) θ=k, and

(ii) a nontrivial linear combination of vectorsExˆ,EyˆandEwis contained inEdd V. Letθbe a nontrivial eigenvalue andxyan edge of. Then the edgexyis tight with respect toθ in the original sense if and only if the edge xy is tight with respect to θ by Definition 4.1. Since the “only if” part is obvious, let us show the “if” part.

LetEbe the primitive idempotent corresponding toθand suppose the condition (ii) holds. Let denote a nontrivial linear combination of vectors xˆ,yˆ andw. Then the assumptionsE,xˆ =0,E,yˆ =0 andE,zˆ =0 for eachzD11(x, y) implyE, =0. SinceE2=Ewe haveE, E =0 and finallyE=0.

We now obtain a result that is related to [7, Cor. 3.4(iii)].


Lemma 4.2 Letbe a distance-regular graph with diameterd2 anda1=0. Let θbe a real number andEthe corresponding pseudo primitive idempotent. Suppose an edgexyis tight with respect toθ. Thenθ= −k. Letσ be the corresponding first cosine and observeσ= −1. Then


1+σ(Exˆ+Ey)ˆ ∈EddV . (12) Proof By assumption, there exists real scalarsα,β,γ, not all zero, such that

αExˆ+βEyˆ+γ EwEdd V . (13) Sincea1=0 there existsuD11. Letσ0, . . . , σd be the pseudo cosine sequence for θ. Evaluating thex,yanducoordinates in the above line, by Lemma3.2andd≥2, we obtain the following system of linear equations

0=α+βσ+γ σ a1, (14)

0=ασ+β+γ σ a1, (15)

0=ασ+βσ+γ (1++(a1−1−h)σ2), (16) wherehis the number of neighbours ofuinD11. Observeσ=1, sinceθ=k. Suppose θ= −k, i.e.,σ= −1. Then from (14), (15) we findγ=0 andα=β, which does not work for (16). Thus we haveσ2=1, so we obtain the desired result by solving (14),

(15) forαandβ.

5 Combinatorial regularity and tight edges

Let be a distance-regular graph with diameterd ≥2, eigenvalues θ0>· · ·> θd anda1=0. Letθ be a real number. Suppose an edgexy is tight with respect toθ.

Our first result in this section is that local graphs of verticesxandy contain certain combinatorial regularities that we express bya1and the pseudo cosine sequence ofθ.

Then we show an edge xy is tight with respect to at most two real numbers. We assume the edgexy is tight with respect to real numbersθ andτ, withτ < θ, and showa1k < τθd andθ1θ. Finally, we use the first result of this section to derive a connection between the pseudo cosine sequences ofθ andτ that will later allow us to parameterize the intersection numbers ofusing onlyd+1 parameters.

Before we state our first result we need to determine for which integersiandj the setsDji =Dij(x, y)are nonempty. Since|Dji| =pij1, the triangle inequality implies

|ij| ≤1 if Dji = ∅. By Brouwer et al. [2, Prop. 5.5.1], the assumption a1=0 impliesai=0 for alli∈ {1, . . . , d−1}. Observe that for alli∈ {1, . . . , d}we have

|Dii−1| = |Dii1| =b1b2. . . bi1 c1c2. . . ci1,


|Dii| = |i(y)| − |Dii−1| − |Di+i 1| =ai

b1b2. . . bi1 c1c2. . . ci .


Therefore, Dii+1= ∅ =Dii+1 for all i∈ {0, . . . , d−1}, and Dii = ∅ for all i∈ {1, . . . , d−1}. Moreover,Ddd= ∅if and only ifad=0.

Theorem 5.1 Letbe a distance-regular graph with diameter d2 anda1=0.

Letθbe a real number,σ0, . . . , σdthe corresponding pseudo cosine sequence. Let us assume an edgexyis tight with respect toθand let us setDji =Dij(x, y). Then the following holds.

(i) For 1id we haveσi−1=σi and for alluDii1,

|i1(u)D11| = a1 1+σ

σ σi1σi σi1σi ,


|i(u)D11| = a1


σi1σ σi

σi1σi .

(ii) For 1id1, and for allvDii,

|i+1(v)D11| = |i1(v)D11|σi1σi

σiσi+1 +a11−σ 1+σ



, (19)

|i(v)D11| = −|i1(v)D11|σi1σi+1

σiσi+1 +a1 2σ 1+σ


1−σ 1+σ

σi+1 σiσi+1

. (20)

The denominators in (18)–(20) are nonzero.

Proof (i) ObserveD11containsa1 vertices, and each is either at distancei−1 ori fromu, so

|i1(u)D11| + |i(u)D11| =a1. (21) LetE be a pseudo primitive idempotent corresponding toθ. Then we haveEwa1σ (Exˆ+Ey)/(1ˆ +σ )Edd V by Lemma 4.2. Evaluating the u coordinate we obtain

σi−1|i1(u)D11| +σi|i(u)D11| = a1σ

1+σ(σi−1+σi). (22) Before we proceed, we verify σi1 =σi. Suppose σi1 =σi. Combining (22) and (21), we find σia1(1σ )is zero. Observe σi =0; otherwise σi =σi1=0 and recursivelyσ0=0, a contradiction. Observeσ=1, sinceθ=k. Finally, by as- sumptiona1=0, we concludeσi1=σi. Solving the system (21), (22), we routinely obtain (18).

(ii) Proceeding as in the proof of (i) part we find

|i1(v)D11| + |i(v)D11| + |i+1(v)D11| =a1, (23) σi1|i1(v)D11| +σi|i(v)D11| +σi+1|i+1(v)D11| =2σ σia1

1+σ . (24)


Solving (23), (24) for |i(v)D11|, |i+1(v)D11|, we routinely obtain (19)

and (20).

Corollary 5.2 Letbe a distance-regular graph with diameterd2 anda1=0.

Letθbe a real number and let us assume an edgexyis tight with respect toθ. Then the partition{{x}, D11(x, y), D12(x, y)}of the local graph ofy is equitable, i.e., the subgraphs induced onD11(x, y)and D21(x, y)are regular; denoting the valency of the complements resp. byf andg, we have

(k+θ )(1+θ )f=b1(k+θ (a1+1)), (25) (k+θ )(1+θ )g=a1(k+θ (a1+1)). (26) Moreover,θ= −1 anda1θ/(k+θ ),−1−b1/(θ+1)are eigenvalues of the local graph ofy and are therefore algebraic integers.

Proof ForzD11(x, y)definef (z)= |2(z)D11(x, y)|. Settingi=1 in (19) we find

f (z)= 1−σ σσ2+a1

1−σ 1+σ


σσ2. (27)

Therefore,f (z) is independent ofz, and thus the subgraph induced onD11(x, y)is regular. Evaluate (27) using (7) we get (25). Similarly, by settingi=2 in the left equality in (18), we obtain (26), so the subgraph induced on D21(x, y) is regular.

Therefore, the partition {x} ∪D11(x, y)D21(x, y) is equitable. Observe θ= −1, otherwise the LHS of (25) is 0 and the RHS of (25) isb21. By Lemma4.2, we have θ= −k. The eigenvalues of this partition area1,a1θ/(k+θ ),−1−b1/(θ+1). These scalars must be eigenvalues of the local graph ofy, so they are algebraic integers.

Suppose the assumptions of Corollary5.2hold. Then the subgraphs induced on D11(x, y)andD21(x, y)are regular, so we can consider the identities in Corollary5.2 from a different point of view, namely as equations forθ. Since we can obtain the relationgb1=f a1by a two way counting of edges betweenD11(x, y)andD21(x, y), the relations (25) and (26) are equivalent when considered as equations forθ.

Lemma 5.3 Let be a distance-regular graph with diameter d2, eigenvalues θ0>· · ·> θd anda1=0. Letxy be an edge ofandf denote the average valency of the complement of the subgraph induced onD11(x, y). Letq(λ)be the following polynomial

(k+λ)(1+λ)fb1(k+λ(a1+1)). (28) Then the following (i) and (ii) hold.

(i) Supposef =0. Thenk/(a1+1)is the only root ofq(λ).

(ii) Supposef =0. Then the polynomialq(λ)has two distinct real roots. The smaller root lies in interval[a1k, θd]and the bigger root is at leastθ1.


Proof (i) is clear. (ii) Observe, the coefficient ofλ2inq(λ)isf. The inequality (11) impliesq(θ1)≤0 andq(θd)≤0. Therefore, the rootsθandτ,θτ, of the quadratic functionq(λ)satisfyθθ1andτθd. By (11) andfb1, we haveq(a1k)≥0,


Corollary 5.4 Letbe a distance-regular graph with diameterd2, eigenvalues θ0>· · ·> θd anda1=0. Letxy be an edge ofandf denote the average valency of the complement of the subgraph induced onD11(x, y). Then the following (i)-(iv) hold.

(i) For θ∈R, if the edge xy is tight with respect to θ, then θ is a root of the polynomialq(λ)defined in (28).

(ii) Supposef =0. Then the edgexyis tight with respect to at most one real number.

(iii) Supposef =0. Then the edge xy is tight with respect to at most two distinct real numbers.

(iv) Supposeθ, τ ∈R,θ > τ. If the edgexy is tight with respect toθ andτ, then a1kτθdandθ1θ.

Theorem 5.5 Letbe a distance-regular graph with diameterd2 anda1=0. Let θandτ be two distinct real numbers, and letσ0, . . . , σdandρ0, . . . , ρdbe the corre- sponding pseudo cosine sequences. Let us assume an edgexy is tight with respect to bothθandτ. Then

σ σi1σi

(1+σ )(σi1σi)= ρρi1ρi

(1+ρ)(ρi1ρi) for alli∈ {1, . . . , d}, (29) and the denominators in (29) are nonzero.

Proof Straightforward by the second equation in (18). The denominators in (29) are

nonzero by Lemma3.1and Corollary5.4(iv).

6 The auxiliary parameter

Lemma 6.1 Letbe a distance-regular graph with diameterd2 anda1=0. Letθ andτ be real numbers such thatθ > τ, and letσ0, . . . , σdandρ0, . . . , ρdrespectively be their pseudo cosine sequences. Let us assume an edgexyis tight with respect to bothθandτ. Then there exists a real scalarεsuch that

σiρiσi1ρi1=ε(σi1ρiρi1σi) for alli∈ {1, . . . , d}. (30) Moreover, for each integeri∈ {1, . . . , d}the following hold:

(i)σi1=εσi, (ii)σi=εσi1.

Proof Clearing the denominators in (29) and simplifying it usingε=(1σρ)/(σρ), we get (30). By Corollary 5.4(iv), we have τθd andθ1θ. Together with


Lemma3.1this implies σi1=σi+1 for all i∈ {1, . . . , d −1}andρi =0 for all i∈ {0, . . . , d}. By k=θ > τ anda1kτθd, we have

ε+1=(kτ )(k+θ )(θτ )1k1>0 and ε−1=(k+τ )(kθ )(θτ )1k1=0.

Supposeσi−1=εσi for somei∈ {1, . . . , d}. Then, by (30), we findσiρi(1ε2)=0.

Suppose for the moment thatσi =0. Then σi1=0, contradictingσ0=1 by (6).

Thusσi=0. But then we haveρi=0, which is not possible. Henceσi1=εσi and (i) holds. The proof of (ii) is similar to the proof of (i).

We refer toεas the auxiliary parameter for θ andτ, and note that ε=(k2θ τ )/(k(θτ )), cf. [7, Sect.8].

Theorem 6.2 Letbe a distance-regular graph with diameter d2 anda1=0.

Let θ and τ be real numbers such that θ > τ, and let σ0, . . . , σd and ρ0, . . . , ρd respectively be their pseudo cosine sequences. Let us assume an edgexyis tight with respect to bothθandτ, and letεbe the auxiliary parameter forθandτ. Then





σjεσj1 for alli∈ {1, . . . , d}. (31) and the denominators in (31) are nonzero.

Proof By assumptions the relation (30) holds. Rearranging terms in it, we obtain ρiiεσi1)=ρi1i1εσi) for alli∈ {1, . . . , d}. (32) Observeσi=εσi1for 1≤id by Lemma6.1(ii), so the coefficient ofρi in (32) is never zero. Solving that equation forρi and applying induction, we routinely ob-

tain (31).

7 A parameterization

We begin with a result about arbitrary distance-regular graphs.

Lemma 7.1 Let be a distance-regular graph with diameter d2, eigenvalues θ0>· · ·> θdanda1=0. Letθandτ be distinct real numbers, such thatk=θθ1 andτθd. Letσ0, . . . , σd andρ0, . . . , ρd denote the corresponding pseudo cosine sequences. Then the intersection numbers ofare given by

k= σ2)(1ρ)ρ2)(1σ )

ρ2)(1σ )σσ2)(1ρ)ρ, (33) bi =k i1σi)(1ρ)ρii1ρi)(1σ )σi

iρi+1)(σi1σi)iσi+1)(ρi1ρi), (34)


ci =k −(σi+1σi)(1ρ)ρi+i+1ρi)(1σ )σi

iρi+1)(σi1σi)iσi+1)(ρi1ρi), (35) fori∈ {1, . . . , d−1}, and the denominators in (33)–(35) are nonzero.

Proof To obtain (34) and (35) pick any integeri (1id−1), and recall, by (7), that

cii1σi)biiσi+1)=k(σ−1)σi, (36) cii1ρi)biiρi+1)=k(ρ−1)ρi. (37) To solve this linear system for ci and bi, consider the determinant

Di :=det

σi1σi σiσi+1 ρi1ρi ρiρi+1


By Lemma3.1, we haveρiρi+1=0=ρiρi1,σi−1σi=0=σiσi+1, and sgn(ρiρi+1)=sgn(ρiρi1), sgn(σi1σi)=sgn(σiσi+1), thusDi =0. Now equations (36), (37) has the unique solution (34), (35) by elementary linear algebra.

The denominators in (34) and (35) equalDi; in particular they are not zero. To get

(33), we use (35) and the fact thatc1=1.

Theorem 7.2 Letbe a distance-regular graph with diameter d2 anda1=0.

Letθandτ be real numbers such thatθ > τ, and letσ0, . . . , σdbe the pseudo cosine sequence corresponding toθ. Let us assume an edgexy is tight with respect to both θ and τ. Let ε denote the auxiliary parameter forθ and τ. Then the intersection numbers are given by


σ−1, (38)

bi =h(σi−1σ σi)(σi+1εσi)

i1σi+1)(σi+1σi), (39) ci = −h(σi+1σ σi)(σi−1εσi)

i1σi+1)(σi1σi), (40) fori∈ {1, . . . , d−1}, where

h= (1σ )(1σ2)

2σ2)(1εσ ). (41)

We remark the denominators in (38)–(41) are all nonzero.

Proof Eliminating the pseudo cosine sequence ρ0, . . . , ρd corresponding to τ in (33)–(35) using (31), we routinely obtain (38)–(41). The denominator of h is nonzero by Corollary 5.4(ii), Theorem 5.1(i) and Lemma 6.1(ii). The denominators in (38)–(39) are nonzero by Lemma3.1and Corollary5.4(iv).



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