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N and a positive parameterλ, we consider the fractional (p, q)-Laplacian problems involving a critical Sobolev-Hardy exponent


Academic year: 2022

シェア "N and a positive parameterλ, we consider the fractional (p, q)-Laplacian problems involving a critical Sobolev-Hardy exponent"


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ISSN: 1072-6691. URL: http://ejde.math.txstate.edu or http://ejde.math.unt.edu



Abstract. Let ΩRN be a bounded domain with smooth boundary and 0 Ω. For 0 < s <1, 1 r < q < p, 0 α < ps < N and a positive parameterλ, we consider the fractional (p, q)-Laplacian problems involving a critical Sobolev-Hardy exponent. This model comes from a nonlocal problem of Kirchhoff type


(−∆)spu+ (−∆)squ= |u|ps(α)−2u

|x|α +λf(x)|u|r−2u

|x|c in Ω, u= 0 inRN\Ω,

where a, b >0, c < sr+N(1r/p), θ (1, ps(α)/p) andps(α) is critical Sobolev-Hardy exponent. For a given suitablef(x), we prove that there are least two nontrivial solutions for smallλ, by way of the mountain pass theorem and Ekeland’s variational principle. Furthermore, we prove that these two solutions converge to two solutions of the limiting problem asa0+. For the limiting problem, we show the existence of infinitely many solutions, and the sequence tends to zero whenλbelongs to a suitable range.

1. Introduction

Let 0< s <1,q < p < Ns andBδ(x) ={y ∈RN :|x−y|< δ}. The fractional t-Laplacian (−∆)st witht∈ {p, q} is defined (up to normalization factors) for any x∈RN with

(−∆)stϕ= 2 lim




|ϕ(x)−ϕ(y)|t−2 ϕ(x)−ϕ(y)

|x−y|N+sp dy ∀ϕ∈C0(RN).

For further details on the fractionalp-Laplacian, we can refer to [17, 22] and the references therein. Let Ω⊂RN be a bounded domain with smooth boundary and 0∈Ω. In this paper, we prove the existence of multiple solutions for Kirchhoff type problem of fractional (p, q)-Laplacian, with 0≤α < spandλa positive parameter,


(−∆)spu+ (−∆)squ=|u|ps(α)−2u

|x|α +λf(x)|u|r−2u

|x|c in Ω, u= 0 inRN \Ω,


2010Mathematics Subject Classification. 35A15, 35B33, 35R11.

Key words and phrases. Fractional (p,q)-Kirchhoff operators; multiple solutions;

critical Sobolev-Hardy exponent; asymptotic behavior; symmetric mountain pass lemma.


2021. This work is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license.

Submitted January 12, 2021. Published August 10, 2021.



where a, b > 0,r ∈[1, q) is a constants, θ ∈(1, ps(α)/p) withps(α) = p(N−α)N−sp ≤ ps(0) =ps is the so-called critical Hardy-Sobolev exponent.

Nonlocal fractional operators arise in a quite natural way in contexts, such as optimization, continuum mechanics, phase transition phenomena, and game theory;

see [4, 5, 13, 17] and the references therein. As we know, for the classical setting of s= 1, problem (1.1) reduces to a (p, q)-Laplacian elliptic problem of the form

−∆pu−∆qu=g(x, u) in Ω u= 0 on∂Ω,

where several and interesting results have been obtained by many authors [6, 7, 24, 25, 36]. Fors = 1 and p=q = 2, He and Zou [21] proved the existence of infin- itely many solutions to a singular elliptic problem involving critical Hardy-Sobolev exponents. Subsequently, such a result has been extended to that of quasilinear equations in [26]. For the setting of fractionalp-Laplacian withp=q, Fiscella and Mirzaee [20] established the existence of infinitely many solutions to the problem


|x|ps =λ|u|q−2u

|x|a +|u|ps(b)−2u

|x|b in Ω, u= 0 in RN \Ω.

In particular, we would like to mention that Ambrosio and Isernia [3] also obtained the existence of infinitely many solutions to the fractional (p, q)-Laplacian problem involving critical Hardy-Sobolev exponents. To this end, the main point in the study of these problems is due to the lack of compactness caused by the presence of the critical Hardy-Sobolev exponent.

On the other hand, great interest recently has been devoted to Kichhoff type equations in the past decades. For example, Xie and Chen [33] presented a mul- tiplicity result on the Kirchhoff-type problems in the bounded domain by using the Nehari manifold, fibering maps and Ljusternik-Schnirelmann category. Xiang et al.[32] recently generalized the above fractional p-Laplacian analysis with the subscritical growth to the Kichhoff type problem

a+b Z Z



|x−y|N+ps dx dyθ−1

(−∆)spu=|u|ps(α)u+λf(x) inRN, and they proved the existence of at least two different solutions to the above prob- lem by way of a combination of mountain pass lemma and Ekeland variational principle. It is a well-known fact that the Kirchhoff equation is related to the following stationary analogue of equation


∂t2 − p0 h + E


Z L 0




∂x2 = 0,

where ρ, p0, h, E, Lare the constants which represent some physical meanings, re- spectively. This is an extension of the classical D’Alembert wave equation by con- sidering the effect of changes in the length of strings during the vibrations. The Kichhoff equation received much attention due to Lions’ seminal work [27] where he proposed an abstract framework to this kind of problems, see also for example [1, 11] and the references therein.

As a natural extension of the above papers, we are mainly interested in searching multiplicity of solutions to Problem (1.1). Our main point is here a combination of


fractional double-phase problems of (p, q)-Kichhoff problems and critical Sobolev- Hardy exponents. To the best of our knowledge, there is only few papers deal with fractional (p, q)-Kichhoff type problems with critical Sobolev-Hardy exponents and Hardy term. Our main aim is in an effort to handle the multiplicity of solutions to Problem (1.1) by comparison with the recent paper [3] regarding the existence of solutions. Inspired by the papers in [34, 35], we additionally prefer to study an asymptotic behavior of solutions to Problem (1.1). More precisely, we are to show that there exists a sequence of many arbitrarily small solutions converging to zero for the limit problem of (1.1) by using a new version of the symmetric mountain-pass lemma due to Kajikiya [23].

Before stating our main results, let us recall some related notations and useful facts. For 0< s <1, 1< p <∞, we first recall some basic conclusions involved in the fractional Sobolev spaceWs,p(RN), for more details also see [8]. Foru:RN →R be a measurable function, we set


s,p=Z Z



|x−y|N+ps dx dy1/p

. Then the fractional Sobolev space is

Ws,p(Ω) :=n

u∈Lp(Ω) :uis a measurable function and [u]s,p<∞o with the norm

u s,p =


with u



|u|pdx1/p .

Note that the fractional Sobolev space X:=W0s,p(Ω) ={u∈Ws,p(Ω)|u= 0, x∈ RN \Ω} is equipped with the norm k · k = [·]s,p, which is a uniformly convex Banach space. As mentioned in Section 2 below, we know thatW0s,p(Ω)⊂W0s,q(Ω) forq ≤p, which allows us to consider the problem (1.1) easily in X. We are now to give the definition of weak solution to (1.1).

Definition 1.1. We say thatu∈Xis a weak solution of (1.1), ifusatisfies a+bkuk(θ−1)p

hu, vis,p+hu, vis,q=hu, viHα+λ Z


|x|c dx, for allv∈X, where

hu, vis,p = Z Z


|u(x)−u(y)|p−2 u(x)−u(y)


|x−y|N+sp dx dy,

hu, vis,q= Z Z


|u(x)−u(y)|q−2 u(x)−u(y)


|x−y|N+sq dx dy,

hu, viHα= Z


|x|α dx.

The energy functionalI:X→Rassociated with problem (1.1) is I(u) = a

pkukp+ b


q[u]qs,q− 1 ps(α)



|x|α dx−λ r Z



Let us now make a necessary assumption on the functionf(x),

(A1) f ∈ L(Ω), and there are two positive constants ω1 and ω2 such that 0< ω1≤f(x)≤ω2<+∞,∀x∈Ω.


It is clear that we can employ the argument used in [31] to prove that I(u) is well-defined and of the classC1(X, R). Moreover, we see that any solution of the problem (1.1) is just a critical point of I(u). Therefore, we are now in a position to state our first main results as follows.

Theorem 1.2. Assume that f(x) satisfies (A1). Then there exists a constant λ > 0 such that problem (1.1) has at least two nontrivial solutions u1 and u2 satisfying

I(u2)<0< I(u1), ∀λ∈(0, λ).

To show the existence of at least two critical points of the energy functional.

We use the mountain pass theorem (cf. [2]) to prove the existence of solution u1 with I(u1) > 0, and employ Ekeland variational principle (cf.[18]) to show the second solutionu2 withI(u2)<0. Indeed, the techniques for finding the solutions are partially borrowed from Cao, Li and Zhou’s work in [10]. Here, a key point of proving Theorem 1.2 mainly stems from the critical nonlocal terms, where the (P S)c condition is verified by the concentration-compactness lemma developed by Fiscella [19] and Mosconi [28].

Furthermore, an asymptotic behavior of the solutions of Problem (1.1) obtained by Theorem 1.2 is stated as follows.

Theorem 1.3. Letf(x)satisfy(A1). Forλ∈(0, λ)and fixedb >0, ifu1a andu2a are two solutions of (1.1) obtained in Theorem 1.2. Then u1a →u1 and u2a →u2 in X as a → 0+, where u1 6=u2, respectively, are two nontrivial solutions of the problem

b[u](θ−1)ps,p (−∆)spu+ (−∆)squ= |u|ps(α)−2u

|x|α +λf(x)|u|r−2u

|x|c inΩ, u= 0 in RN\Ω.


Our approach of proving asymptotic behavior of the solutions for problem (1.1) comes from the idea of the papers [30, 35]. By analyzing the convergence property ofu1a andu2a asa→0+, we derive Theorem 1.3. Finally, we state the existence of infinitely many solutions of the problem (1.2).

Theorem 1.4. Letf(x)satisfy(A1). Then there exists a constantΛ>0such that (1.2)has infinitely many solutions for anyλ∈(0,Λ).

The idea to prove Theorem 1.4 is based on this argument developed by He and Zou in [21], where the authors proved the existence of infinitely many solutions by combining a variant of the fractional concentration-compactness lemma (cf. [19, 28]) and the symmetric mountain pass lemma (cf. [23]). Additionally, it is necessary to introduce a truncated functional that allows us to apply the symmetric mountain pass lemma in [23]. As its application of the above consequence, we know that the critical points of the corresponding truncated functional are just the solutions of the original problem (1.2). Finally, it is unavoidable that the presence of fractional (p, q)-Laplacian operators makes our analysis more complicated so that we employ a more delicate technique above to adapt our setting.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, the variational framework and some preliminaries are recalled. We devote Section 3 to show two distinct nontrivial weak solutions for problem (1.1) by using the mountain pass theorem and Ekeland variational principle. In Section 4, the concentration of the


weak solutions is considered. Finally, we focus on the existence of infinitely many solutions of the problem (1.2) based on the symmetric mountain pass theorem in Section 5.

2. Preliminaries

We devote this section to state some related notation and useful facts. Let us begin with recalling a few of elementary embedding inequalities.

Lemma 2.1 ([3]). For q≤p, the embeddingW0s,p(Ω) ,→W0s,q(Ω) is continuous, i.e., there exists a positive constantCq such that

[u]s,q≤Cq[u]s,p for anyu∈W0s,p(Ω).

Lemma 2.2 (Hardy-Sobolev inequality, [12, 19]). For0 ≤α < ps, there exists a positive constantCα possibly depending only onN,p,sandαsuch that


|u(x)|ps(α) dx







|x−y|N+sp dx dy1/p

(2.1) for everyu∈X.

Consequently, this fractional Hardy-Sobolev embedding relationX,→Lps(α)(Ω,

|x|−α) is continuous, but not compact. Further, the best Hardy-Sobolev constant Hα is given by

Hα= inf


[u]ps,p kukp




|x|α dxp1 s(α)


We remark that the numberHα is strictly positive, and it coincides with the best fractional Sobolev constant forα= 0. The following embedding results has been proved in [12, 19].

Lemma 2.3. For 0 ≤ α < ps, let Ω ⊂ RN be a bounded domain with smooth boundary, and0∈Ω. Then for any1≤r < p(NN−ps−α) andµ < sr+N(1−pr), there exists a constantCr,c=C(N, s, α, r, c)>0 such that



|x|µ dx≤Cr,ckukrH


for any u∈X. Moreover, the embedding X,→Lr(Ω,|x|−µ) is compact.

In what follows, let us introduce the Br´ezis-Lieb type Lemma (cf. [3, Lemma 2.1]). We briefly prove it by a usual way due to the lack for the fractional Sobolev version.

Lemma 2.4. If {un}n∈N is bounded in W0s,p(Ω), then, up to a subsequence, there exists a function uinWs,p(Ω) such that un* uin Ws,p(Ω) with

[un−u]ps,p = [un]ps,p−[u]ps,p+o(1), (2.2) kun−ukpHs(α)

α =kunkpHs(α)

α − kukpHs(α)

α +o(1) (2.3)

Proof. Thanks to the Br´ezis-Lieb Lemma [9], we see that if{gn}n∈N ⊂Lp(RN) for p∈(1,∞) is a bounded sequence such thatgn→g a.e. inRN, then we have

|gn−g|pLp(RN)=|gn|pLp(RN)− |g|pLp(RN)+on(1).


By taking

gn= un(x)−un(y)


and g=u(x)−u(y)

|x−y|N+spp , we find that

[un−u]ps,p = [un]ps,p−[u]ps,p+o(1),

which leads to the desired result (2.2). Similarly, we can obtain formula (2.3).

Next, we recall the concentration-compactness principle for the version of frac- tionalp-Laplacian. The following definition can be found in [31].

Definition 2.5. Let M(RN) denote the finite nonnegative Borel measure space in RN. For µ ∈ M(RN) with µ(RN) = kµk0, we say that µn * µ weakly ∗ in M(RN), if (µn, η)→(µ, η) holds for allη∈C0(RN) asn→ ∞.

Let us recall the following fractional concentration-compactness lemma, see [19, 28].

Lemma 2.6. For 0 ≤ α < sp, let {un}n∈N ⊂ Ds,p(RN) be a bounded sequence satisfying

un* u∈Ds,p(RN);




|x−y|N+sp dy * µ weakly* inM(RN);

|un|ps(α)|x|−α* ν weakly* inM(RN).

Then there exist a countable sequence of points {xj}j∈J ⊂ RN, the families of positive numbers{µj}j∈J and{νj}j∈J such that

ν =|u|ps(α)

|x|α +X


νjδxj, µ≥ Z



|x−y|N+sp dy+X




µj ≥Hανp/p


j for allj∈J, whereδxj is the Dirac mass centered at xj.

Finally, the following proposition, which can be found in [32], is useful to our main proofs.

Proposition 2.7. Assume that{un} ⊂Ds,p(RN)is the sequence given by Lemma 2.6. Let x0 ∈ RN be fixed point, and φ be a smooth cut-off function such that 0≤φ≤1, φ≡0 forx∈B2c(0),φ≡1 forx∈B1(0) and|∇φ| ≤2. Then for any ε >0, we have

ε→0limlim sup




φε,j(x)−φε,j(y) un(x)


|x−y|N+ps dx dy1/p

= 0, whereφε,j(x) =φ(x−xεj) for anyx∈RN.


3. Proof of Theorem 1.2

To show the existence of solutions for (1.1), let us recall the following general mountain pass theorem (cf. [2]), which allows us to find a (P S)c sequence.

Theorem 3.1. Let E be a real Banach space, and J ∈C1(E, R) with J(0) = 0.

Suppose that

(i) there existsρ, δ >0such that J(u)≥δforu∈E with kukE =ρ;

(ii) there existse∈E satisfyingkukE> ρsuch thatJ(e)<0.

Then, forΓ ={γ∈C1([0,1] ;E) :γ(0) = 0, γ(1) =e}we have c= inf

γ∈Γ max

0≤t≤1J γ(t)

≥δ, and there exists a(P S)c sequence {un}n ⊂E.

Before employing the mountain pass theorem to prove Theorem 1.2, we first verify that the functionalI possesses the mountain pass geometry (i) and (ii).

Lemma 3.2. Let f(·) satisfy Condition (A1). Then there exist λ0 > 0 and two positive constants δλ and ρ such that I(u) ≥δλ >0 (independent of a), for any u∈Xwithkuk=ρandλ∈(0, λ0).

Proof. By (A1) and Lemma 2.3, for allu∈Xwe have Z



|x|α dxr/ps(α)

. (3.1)

Therefore, I(u)≥ b

θpkukθp− 1 ps(α)



|x|α dx−λω2Cr,c

r Z


|x|α dxr/ps(α)

. It follows from the definition ofHα that

I(u)≥ b

θpkukθp− 1 ps(α)H−p


α [u]p


s,p −λω2Cr,c

r Hα−r/p[u]rs,p

≥ b

θpkukθp−r− 1 ps(α)H−p


α kukps(α)−r−λω2Cr,c

r Hα−r/p kukr. Let us define

g(t) := b

θptθp−r− 1


r Hα−r/p for allt≥0.

It is easy to check that fort=t= bp

s(α)(θp−r) θpHα−ps(α)/p ps(α)−r

p 1 s(α)−θp

one has

maxt≥0 g(t) = b ps(α)−θp θp ps(α)−r

bps(α)(θp−r) θpHα−ps(α)/p ps(α)−r

pθp−r s(α)−θp


r Hα−r/p>0, provided that

0< λ < λ0= bHαr/pr ps(α)−θp ω2Cr,cθp ps(α)−r

bps(α)(θp−r) θpHα−ps(α)/p ps(α)−r

pθp−r s(α)−θp

. Then the conclusion follows only by letting ρ=t >0 and δλ =g(ρ)ρr>0. The

proof is complete.


Lemma 3.3. Let f(·) satisfy (A1). Then there exists a > 0 such that for each a∈(0, a), we have I(e)<0 for some e∈X with kek> ρ, where ρ >0 is shown as in Lemma 3.2.

Proof. Firstly, we notice thatf(x)>0 for a.e.x∈Ω due to Condition (A1). Let us choose a functionu0∈Xsuch that

ku0k= 1 and 1 ps(α)



|x|α dx >0.



ptpku0kp+ b


qtq[u0]qs,q− 1

ps(α)tps(α) Z


|x|α dx.

By consideringq < p < θp < ps(α) we see that there existst≥1 large enough that ktu0k> ρandI(tu0)<0. The proof is proved by lettinge=tu0. With Lemmas 3.2–3.3 and Theorem 3.1 in hand, the (P S)c sequence of the functionalI(u) at the level

c:= inf

γ∈Γ max

0≤t≤1I γ(t)


can be constructed, where the set of paths is defined by Γ ={γ ∈C1([0,1] ;X) : γ(0) = 0, γ(1) =e}. In other words, there exists a sequence{un} ⊂Xsuch that

I(un)→c I0(un)→0 as n→ ∞.

Definition 3.4. A sequence {un}n ⊂X is called a (P S)c sequence, ifI(un)→ c andI0(un)→0. We sayI satisfies (P S)c condition if any (P S)c sequence admits a converging subsequence.

Lemma 3.5. Let f(·) satisfy (A1). If {un}n ⊂Xis a (P S)sequence, then there existsC >0(independent of aandn) such thatkunk ≤C for everya∈(0, a).

Proof. Let{un}n∈N⊂Xbe a Palais-Smale sequence ofI, that is to say,

I(un) =c+o(1) and hI0(un), uni=o(1)kunk asn→ ∞. (3.2) Taking into account (A1), 1≤r < q < pandθ∈(1, ps(α)/p), we obtain


=I(un)− 1

ps(α)hI0(un), uni

=a p− a


kunkp+ b θp− b


kunkθp−1 r− 1

ps(α) λ




≥ b θp − b


kunkθp−1 r − 1



which implies thatkunk ≤C (independent ofa) for allλ >0 becauseθp > r. This

completes the proof.

Lemma 3.6. Let f(·)satisfy(A1) andλ >0. Then there exists a>0 such that, for eacha∈(0, a),I(·)satisfies the(P S)c condition inXfor all

c < 1 θp− 1

ps(α) bHαθ

p s(α) p

s(α)−pθ −λ

p s(α) p




C0=(ps(α)−r) ps(α)


1 r − 1

θp 1

θp− 1 ps(α)



Proof. Since {un}n ⊂X is bounded, up to a subsequence, there exists a function u∈Xsuch thatun* uinX. Hence, in view of Lemma 2.6, there exist a countable sequence of points {xj}j∈J ⊂ RN and the families of positive numbers {µj}j∈J, {νj}j∈J such that asn→ ∞we have




|x−y|N+sp dy * µ≥ Z



|x−y|N+sp dy+X


µjδxj (3.3) and

|un|ps(α)|x|−α* ν=|u|ps(α)|x|−α+X


νjδxj (3.4) in the sense of measure, whereδxj is the Dirac measure concentrated atxj. More- over,

µj ≥Hαν

p p


j for allj∈J. (3.5)

Next, we prove that νj = 0 for all j ∈ J. To this end, let xj be a singular point of the measuresµ,ν, andm(kunk) := a+bkunk(θ−1)p

. We define a cut-off functionφε,j(x) :=φ x−xε j

, whereφ∈C0(Ω) is such that 0≤φ(x)≤1,φ(x) = 1 in B1(0), φ(x) = 0 in RN \B2(0) and |∇φ(x)| ≤ 2ε. Obviously, {φε,jun}n∈N is bounded inX. It follows from hI0(un), φε,juni →0 that

m(kunk) Z Z


|un(x)−un(y)|p−2 un(x)−un(y)

φε,j(x)−φε,j(y) un(x)

|x−y|N+ps dx dy

+ Z Z


|un(x)−un(y)|q−2 un(x)−un(y)

φε,j(x)−φε,j(y) un(x)

|x−y|N+qs dx dy

+m(kunk) Z Z



|x−y|N+ps φε,j(x)dx dy (3.6)

+ Z Z



|x−y|N+qs φε,j(x)dx dy

= Z


|x|α dx+λ Z


|x|c dx+o(1).

To the first term on the left hand side of the above formula (3.6), according to Proposition 2.7 we have

ε→0limlim sup




ϕε,j(x)−ϕε,j(y) un(x)


|x−y|N+ps dx dy1/p

= 0.

By employing H¨older’s inequality we obtain

m(kunk) Z Z


|un(x)−un(y)|p−2 un(x)−un(y)

φε,j(x)−φε,j(y) un(x)

|x−y|N+ps dx dy





|x−y|N+ps dx dy1−1p

×Z Z


ϕε,j(x)−ϕε,j(y) un(x)


|x−y|N+ps dx dy1/p





ϕε,j(x)−ϕε,j(y) un(x)


|x−y|N+ps dx dy1/p

→0 as ε→0, n→ ∞.

From the second term on the left-hand side of (3.6), similarly we obtain

ε→0lim lim




|un(x)−un(y)|q−2 un(x)−un(y)

φε,j(x)−φε,j(y) un(x)

|x−y|N+qs dx dy

= 0. (3.8)

For the third term on the left hand side of (3.6), it follows from a >0 and (3.3) that

ε→0limlim sup


m(kunk) Z Z



|x−y|N+ps φε,j(x)dx dy (3.9)


ε→0lim sup


bZ Z



|x−y|N+ps φε,j(x)dx dyθ



ε→0bZ Z



|x−y|N+ps φε,j(x)dx dy+µj


=bµθj. (3.11) In addition, by (3.4) we obtain that

ε→0lim lim




|x|α φε,j(x)dx= lim




|x|α φε,j(x)dx+νjj (3.12) and

ε→0lim lim




|x|c dx= lim




|x|c dx= 0, (3.13) where we used the fact that X ,→ Lr(RN,|x|−c) is a compact embedding due to Lemma 2.3.

Now let us put (3.7)–(3.13) into (3.6) to obtain that νj ≥bµθj.

Therefore,νj ≥bµθj ≥b Hανp/p

s(α) j


in accordance with (3.5). This givesνj = 0 orνj≥ bHαθ

p s(α) p


Next we prove by contradiction that it is impossible forνj ≥ bHαθ

p s(α) p

s(α)−θp for j∈J. Applying (A1), Lemma 2.6, (3.5) and Young’s inequality we obtain

c= lim

n→∞ I(un)− 1

θphI0(un), uni

≥ lim


a p− a


kunkp+ 1 θp− 1




|x|α dx−λ 1 r

− 1 θp



|x|c dx

≥1 θp − 1




|x|α dx+νj

−λ1 r− 1





|x|α dxr/ps(α)

≥1 θp − 1



p s(α) p

s(α)−r(ps(α)−r) ps(α)


ω2Cr,c(1 r − 1

θp)(1 θp− 1

ps(α))−r(p 1 s(α)−r)


≥ 1 θp− 1

ps(α) bHαθ

p s(α) p

s(α)−pθ −λ

p s(α) p


which contradicts c < θp1p1 s(α)


p s(α) p

s(α)−pθ −λ

p s(α) p

s(α)−rC0. Thereforeνj = 0 for anyj∈J, and then

n→∞lim Z


|x|α dx= Z


|x|α dx.

Moreover, using the Proposition 2.4 (Brezis-Lieb Lemma), we have

n→∞lim Z


|x|α dx= 0. (3.14)

Finally, we show that un → u in X. Let {un} be a (P S)c sequence, then we obtain

on(1) =hI0(un)−I0(u), un−ui

=m(kunk)hun, un−uis,p−m(kunk)hu, un−u


+ hun, un−uis,q− hu, un−uis,q

+ Z

|un|ps(α)−2un− |u|ps(α)−2u


|x|α dx

+λ Z

f(x) |un|r−2un− |u|r−2u


|x|c dx.


For the fourth term on the right-hand side of (3.15), we claim that

n→∞lim Z

|un|ps(α)−2un− |u|ps(α)−2u


|x|α dx= 0.

Indeed, since{un} is uniformly bounded inX, this means that there exists a sub- sequence of{un} (still denoted by{un}) andu∈Xsuch that

un* u inXand inLps(α)(Ω,|x|−α),

|un|ps(α)−2un*|u|ps(α)−2u in L

p s(α) p

s(α)−1(Ω,|x|−α), un→u a.e. in Ω,

|un|r−2un→ |u|r−2u inLr−1r (Ω,|x|−c)


asn→ ∞. This yields

n→∞lim Z

|un|ps(α)−2un− |u|ps(α)−2u


|x|α dx

= Z


|x|α dx+o(1),


which together with (3.14) implies

n→∞lim Z

|un|ps(α)−2un− |u|ps(α)−2u


|x|α dx= 0. (3.18)

For the last term on the right-hand side of (3.15), by (3.16) we have

n→∞lim Z

f(x) |un|r−2un− |u|r−2u


|x|c dx= 0. (3.19)


To estimate the third term on the right-hand side, let us recall the well-known Simon inequalities:


(Cp0 |ξ|p−2ξ− |η|p−2η

(ξ−η) forp≥2


|ξ|p−2ξ− |η|p−2η



for 1< p <2,


for all ξ, η ∈ RN, where Cp0 and Cp00 are positive constants depending only on p.

Therefore, to the third term on the right hand side of (3.15), we obtain

hun, un−uis,q− hu, un−uis,q≥0. (3.21) Let us now put (3.18), (3.19) and (3.21) into (3.15), which yields the inequality

o(1)≥m(kunk) hun, un−uis,p− hu, un−uis,p

+m(kunk)hu, un−uis,p−m(kunk)hu, un−uis,p. (3.22) Note that the {un}n is uniformly bounded which lead to that un * u in X, we deduce that

n→∞lim m(kunk)hu, un−uis,p= 0, lim

n→∞m(kunk)hu, un−uis,p= 0.


n→∞lim m(kunk) hun, un−uis,p− hu, un−uis,p


This together withd:= infn≥1kunk>0 andb >0 yields

n→∞lim hun, un−uis,p− hu, un−uis,p


It remains to prove the strong convergence of{un}inX. To this end, we part it in the settings ofp >2 and 1< p <2. Forp >2, it follows from (3.20) that

0≤ lim





− u(x)−u(y)


|x−y|N+ps dx dy

≤Cp0 lim

n→∞ hun, un−uis,p− hu, un−uis,p

≤0 asn→ ∞. Henceun →uin X. For 1< p <2, by (3.20) we have

0≤ lim





− u(x)−u(y)


|x−y|N+ps dx dy

≤Cp00 lim

n→∞ hun, un−uis,p− hu, un−uis,pp/2

×Z Z






|x−y|N+ps dx dy(2−p)/2

≤C lim

n→∞ hun, un−uis,p− hu, un−uis,p




asn→ ∞. Henceun →uinX. In conclusion, we obtainun→ustrongly in Xas n→ ∞.

Finally, we consider infn∈Nkunk = 0. If 0 is an accumulation point of the sequence {un}n, then there exists a subsequence of {un}n strongly converging to u = 0, which leads to the desired result. If 0 is an isolated point of the se- quence {un}n, then there exists a subsequence, still denoted by{un}n, such that infn∈Nkunk>0, which was proved as above. This completes the proof.


Next, we show that the corresponding energy functional satisfies the Palais-Smale condition at the levels less than

1 θp− 1

ps(α) bHαθ

p s(α) p


p s(α) p


by constructing sufficiently small mini-max levels, which is mainly inspired by the reference [16]. By Lemma 2.1 and Condition (A1), we have


pkukp+ b


q[u]qs,q− 1 ps(α)




pkukp+ b


qkukq− 1 ps(α)


|x|−α|u|ps(α)dx for allu∈X. Define the functionalJ(u) :X→Rby

J(u) =a

pkukp+ b


qkukq− 1 ps(α)



ThenI(u)≤J(u) for allu∈X. Hence it suffices to construct small mini-max levels forJ(u).

For any δ >0, one can choose φδ ∈C0(RN) with R

|x|−αδ|ps(α)dx = 1 and suppφδ⊂Ω such thatkφδk< δ. Thus, fort≥0 we have

J(tφδ) = atp

p δp+btθp

θp δθp+Ctq

q δq−tps(α) ps(α). Then there existst>0 such that

maxt≥0 J(tφδ) =J(tφδ) =atp

p δp+btθp

θp δθp+Ctq

q δq−tp




p δp+btθp

θp δθp+Ctq

q δq−tp


ps(α). Let us takeδ >0 small enough such that


p δp+btθp

θp δθp+Ctq

q δq−tps(α) ps(α) < 1

θp− 1 ps(α)


p s(α) p

s(α)−pθ −λ

p s(α) p

s(α)−rC0. This leads to the following result.

Lemma 3.7. Under the assumption of Lemma 3.2, there exist a >0 andλ >0 such that for each a∈(0, a) andλ∈(0, λ), we have thatφˆδ ∈Xwith kφˆδk> ρ, I( ˆφδ)<0 and


t∈[0,1]I(tφˆδ)≤ 1 θp− 1


bHαθ p

s(α) p

s(α)−pθ −λ

p s(α) p


Proof. It is obvious that there existsλ∈(0, λ0) independent ofasuch that 1

θp− 1 ps(α)


p s(α) p


p s(α) p

s(α)−rC0>0 for anyλ∈(0, λ).

Let φδ ∈ X be the function defined as above and choosing ˆt > 0 be such that ˆtkφδk> ρand I(tφδ)<0 for allt≥ˆt. The result follows by letting ˆφδ= ˆtφδ. Theorem 3.8. Letf(·)satisfy(A1). Then there exista>0andλ>0such that for each a∈(0, a) andλ∈(0, λ), Problem (1.1) has a nontrivial solutionu1 in Xwith I(u1)>0.


Proof. According to Lemma 3.7, we define c= inf

y∈Γ max

t∈[0,1]I(tφˆδ), where Γ ={y∈C [0,1],X

:y(0) = 0 andy(1) = ˆφδ}.

By Lemma 3.2, we have 0< δλ ≤c < θp1p1 s(α)


p s(α) p

s(α)−pθ −λ

p s(α) p

s(α)−rC0. In view of Lemma 3.6, we know that I satisfies the (P S)c condition, and there exists u1∈Xsuch that I0(u1) = 0 andI(u1) =cfor all λ∈(0, λ). Thus, u1 is a

solution of (1.1).

Before give the second solution, we need to introduce the following important proposition.

Proposition 3.9 (Ekeland variational principle, [18, Theorem 1.1]). Let V be a complete metric space and F : V → R∪ {+∞} be lower semicontiuous, bounded from below. Then, for anyε >0, there exists some pointν∈V with


V +ε, F(w)≥F(ν)−εd(ν, w) for allw∈V.

In the following, we setBρ={u∈X:kuk< ρ}, whereρ >0 is given by Lemma 3.2.

Theorem 3.10. Let f(·) satisfy (A1). Then there exist a >0 and λ >0 such that for each a ∈ (0, a) and λ ∈ (0, λ], Problem (1.1) has another nontrivial solution u2 inX withI(u2)<0.

Proof. Defineec= inf{I(u) :u∈Bρ}, we first claim thatec <0. Indeed, by choosing a nonnegative functionω0∈C0(RN) we have

τ→0lim I(τ ω0)

τr =−λ r Z

f(x)|ω0|rdx <0.

Therefore there exists a sufficiently smallτ >0 such thatkτ ω0k ≤ρandI(τ ω0)<

0, which yields thatec <0.

Considering Lemma 3.2 and the Ekeland variational principle yields that there exists a sequence{un}n such that

ec≤I(un)≤ec+ 1

n, (3.24)


n (3.25)

for allν∈Bρ.

Now we show thatkunk < ρ fornsufficiently large. Arguing by contradiction, we assume thatkunk=ρfor anyn∈N. By Lemma 3.2 we deduce that


This and (3.24) imply thatec≥δλ>0, which contradicts ec <0.

Next we prove thatI0(un)→0 inX. Set

ωn=un+τ ν, ∀ν∈B1:={ν∈X:kνk= 1},

whereτ >0 small enough that 0< τ ≤ρ− kunk for fixednlarge. Then kωnk=kun+τ νk ≤ kunk+τ ≤ρ,



The proof relies on some variational arguments based on a Z 2 -symmetric version for even functionals of the mountain pass theorem, the Ekeland’s variational principle and some

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