• 検索結果がありません。

a 0 a g a A you fling all ight? Wll, I am a bit tid, to tll th tuth. Why do you think so? Ys, that s ight. You all can com if you ant to. s I just sta


Academic year: 2021

シェア "a 0 a g a A you fling all ight? Wll, I am a bit tid, to tll th tuth. Why do you think so? Ys, that s ight. You all can com if you ant to. s I just sta"


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2009 年度 一般入学試験 C 日程

〔注 意 事 項〕 1.試験開始の合図があるまで,問題冊子の中を見てはいけません。 2.問題冊子は 19 ページ,解答用紙はマーク・シート 1 枚です。監督者の指示に従っ て確認してください。 3.問題冊子の印刷不鮮明,ページの落丁・乱丁及び解答用紙の汚れ等に気付いた場 合は,手を挙げて監督者に知らせてください。 4.マークは,マーク・シートに記載してある「記入上の注意」をよく読んだうえで, 正しくマークしなさい。 5.受験番号及び氏名は,マーク・シートの所定欄に正確に記入し,また受験番号欄 の番号を正しくマークしなさい。 6.監督者の指示があってから,マーク・シートの左上部にある「科目欄」に受験す る科目名を記入しなさい。 7.試験終了後,問題冊子は持ち帰ってください。

英  語


英  語


(60 分 100 点)

第1問 次のa∼gの話しかけに対する受け答えとして最も適切なものを,それぞれ q∼rの中から 1 つ選びマークしなさい。(10 点)

a Are you feeling all right?

q Well, I am a bit tired, to tell the truth. w Why do you think so?

e Yes, that’s right.

r You all can come if you want to.

s I just stayed in last night and watched TV.

q I don’t agree. I went to a movie.

w Me, too. I almost never go out on school nights. e Not very long. I have a few minutes.

r Really? How late did you get home?

d How many visitors were at the exhibition?

q Four hundred people exhibited there. w I don’t see them very much.

e I hope it will be successful. r More than we expected.


─  ─2 f Desk jobs aren’t for me.

q I haven’t got a desk either. I use a table. w Me either. I prefer to work outside. e Me too. I could never work in a shop. r Really? Can you really make furniture?

g Can I turn this off?

q I’m sorry, but I really can’t. w No, I’m watching something. e Sure. It’s really difficult to use.


第2問 次のh∼¡0の日本文の意味を表す英文を完成させるために,それぞれの空欄 ]に入る最も適切な語句をq∼rの中から 1 つ選びマークしなさい。

(10 点)

h 洪水の被害を受けた町の住人たちは,病気の蔓まん延を心配している。

People in the flood-damaged town are worried[ ]the spread of disease.

q about w from e to r with

j 子どもの相手ができる学生が必要だ。

Students who are capable[ ]dealing with young children are required.

q against w for e of r to

k 結婚式はすばらしく,私たちは披露宴で様々な料理を楽しんだ。

The wedding ceremony was wonderful and we enjoyed[ ]a variety of dishes at the reception.

q have w having e of having r to have

l ここで少しお待ちいただけますか。彼女はもう帰ってくるはずです。

Would you wait for a minute here? She[ ]be back by now. q expects to w is supposed to


─  ─4

¡0 ちゃんとした保証が付いてない限り,契約書にサインすべきではない。

You should not sign the contract[ ]it comes with a good guarantee.


第3問 次の¡1∼¡5の日本文の意味を表す英文において,下線を引いた語句に誤りが あるものをq∼rの中から 1 つ選びマークしなさい。(10 点)

¡1 宇宙ステーションでの作業が,肉体的だけでなく精神的にも強い宇宙飛行士を 必要とすることは明らかである。

It is obvious that working on a space-station requires astronauts who is not only physically but also mentally strong.

¡2 事件が次々と起こっているときには彼女の人生はひどいもののように思えた が,最終的にそれらは彼女が幸せになるためにとても重要であったことが判明し た。

Although her life had seemed terribly when these events were happening, they turned out to be essential for her happiness.

¡3 姉の言うとおり,卒業アルバム用の写真を撮る前に髪を切ってもらっておくべ きだった。

As my sister told me, I should have had my hair cut before I was taken a picture for the school yearbook.

¡4 私の意見では,友情を最も手っ取り早く駄目にする方法は,朝,その人がまだ 起きるつもりがないのに起こしてしまうことだ。

In my opinion, the most quick way to spoil a friendship is to wake someone up in the morning before he or she is ready.

q e w r q e w r q e w r q e w r


─  ─6

¡5 日本経済は苦しみ続けているが,小さなベンチャー企業が新発明を生み出し, それが市場に熱気をもたらしている。

While the Japanese economy continues to struggle, small venture companies have come up to new inventions that are heating up the market.



w r


第4問 次の¡6∼™0の日本文の意味を表す英文を完成させるために,それぞれq∼t を並べかえて空欄を補い, 3 番目の空欄に入る語の番号をマークしなさい。

(10 点)

¡6 この件について,彼には話が通じていないようだ。

It seems that he hasn’t ¡6 happened. q about w been e has r informed t what

¡7 彼の持ってきた条件は話が出来過ぎているから気をつけたほうがいい。

The conditions ¡7 to be true, so you should be careful.

q good w he e offered r sound t too

¡8 家庭ほどくつろげる場所はない。

There is no place ¡8 feel at ease.

q home w like e make r to t you

¡9 フランクは睡眠時間 4 時間でやっていけると言っている。

Frank says he ¡9 hours’ sleep.

q along w can e four r get t on

™0 リラックスすることは,勉強することと同じように大切だ。

Taking time to relax is ™0 is.


─  ─8

第5問 次の文章を読み,後の設問™1∼£5に対する解答として最も適切なものをそれ ぞれの選択肢から 1 つ選びなさい。なお,設問の都合上,本文を[A]∼[K]の 部分に分けてある。また,本文中の下線部および空欄の番号は,設問の番号と 一致している。(45 点)

[A]Early English colonists who landed on the east coast of America met Native Americans of different tribes who all spoke the language called Algonquin. Let’s imagine what it would be like to be an Algonquin child at that time. We’re going to spend a day with a ten-year-old boy named Little Thunder.

[B]When the morning sun hits Little Thunder, he is lying on a warm bearskin. He walks outside


to see his father rubbing a red paste on his body. Little Thunder knows that his father has mixed mud with bear fat to make it. He watches his father cover his arms, chest, face, and legs, preparing for hunting. The paste will help( 22 )the mosquitoes away.

[C]Little Thunder sees his mother cooking breakfast over a fire. How good the food smells! Today he will eat a stew of corn and venison, the meat from the deer that his father and uncle brought home two days ago.

[D]As he eats his stew, Little Thunder admires


the way his father’s hair is shaved so that only a stripe of shiny black grows from the middle of his forehead to the back of his neck. When Little Thunder turns sixteen, he will wear his hair as the men do and get a tattoo on his arm, just like his father’s. It will hurt, but he will not let the pain show. He will proudly wear the sign of the wolf, showing that he is a man and a member of the Wolf Tribe.

[E]Each member of Little Thunder’s family has work to do today. His father will( 25a )hunting with other men. His mother and sister will 25b )the earth to plant corn. Later they will( 25c )fresh roots to


wooden fence that surrounds the village. He will check his traps to see 26 )he has caught any squirrels or rabbits.

[F]As he leaves the village, he passes the home of an elderly man who lies close to death. Little Thunder hears the deep, slow voice of the village

shaman, a medicine man, who is singing over the sick man and shaking a

rattle. Little Thunder remembers how his mother gathered plants to help heal the sick man. Sometimes the plants help, but( 27 ). Now the shaman sings to drive away the evil spirits that are making the old man so sick.

[G]A snake crosses Little Thunder’s path ― a sign of good luck, since the snake is the animal spirit that watches over Little Thunder. He is happy that the snake will protect him from harm. Little Thunder finds a rabbit in his trap and carries it home. At the edge of the forest, he meets his father, who is proud to see that his son is becoming a hunter.

[H]Something exciting is happening today in Little Thunder’s village. The chief sachem, the highest and most respected leader among many Algonquin tribes, has come. Little Thunder hears men cheering in the village center.


A game of stickball is being played. Two teams of young men run up and down the field, tossing and catching a ball with long-handled nets of woven leather strips. Little Thunder shouts when his favorite team wins.

[I]When the games are over, the chief sachem stands to speak. Everyone falls silent.

With a frown, the chief sachem announces, “We face the threat of war from another tribe. We must be strong. We must prepare.”


The men call out their support. Little Thunder sees his mother and knows from her sad eyes that she is worried.

[J]That night, Little Thunder and his tribe gather around the big campfire in the village center. The sound of the beating drums fills Little


─  ─10

suffering from diseases that they never knew before. The shaman cannot always frighten away these evil spirits. With so many of his people dying of disease, Little Thunder wishes that they would not fight other tribes. He wishes instead that the leaders would sit together, find ways to agree, and pass around the peace pipe.

[K]The drum beats louder than ever as the chief sachem calls men to the war dance. A man of the village sings about the brave deeds of their ancestors. Shadows from the campfire move across his face. He raises his arms like bird wings, pointing to the sky. More men join the dance. Caught up in the excitement of the drums, the dancing, and the singing, Little Thunder is( 33 ).


[設問] ™1 下線部

™1to see と同じ用法の to 不定詞を含む文を,次のq∼rの中から 1 つ選


q I forgot to buy a can of mushroom. w I have some work to finish by Monday. e I’m very glad to see you again.

r I woke up to find myself lying on the road.

™2 空欄 22 に入る語として最も適切なものを,次のq∼rの中から 1 つ選び マークしなさい。 q keep w make e run r stay ™3 下線部 ™3

the way his father’s hair is shaved で描写された髪型として最も適 切なものを,次のq∼rの中から 1 つ選びマークしなさい。


─  ─12 ™4 [D]の内容に一致するものを,次のq∼rの中から 1 つ選びマークしなさい。 q 入れ墨の模様は自分で決めることができる w 入れ墨をするのは痛いので,子どもは必ず涙を流す e 子どもは父親に入れ墨をしてもらうことを誇りとしている r 男子は 16 歳で成人し,入れ墨をする ™5 空欄( 25a )∼( 25d )に入る語の組み合わせとして最も適切なものを, 次のq∼rから 1 つ選びマークしなさい。

q go prepare gather spend w go spend prepare gather e prepare gather go spend r prepare go spend gather

™6 空欄 26 に入る語として最も適切なものを,次のq∼rの中から 1 つ選び マークしなさい。 q because w if e though r when


™7 空欄 27 に入る語句として最も適切なものを,次のq∼rの中から 1 つ選 びマークしなさい。

q all the time w for the first time e not this time r once upon a time

™8 [F]の内容に一致しないものを,次のq∼rの中から 1 つ選びマークしなさい。 q Little Thunder の母親は薬草を使ってこの老人の病気を治そうとしたこと があった w Little Thunder は病気で死にそうになっている老人のうめき声を聞いた e この部族では病気は悪霊が引き起こすものと信じられている r まじない師は歌をうたい,音が出る道具を使って病気を治そうとしていた ™9 [G]の内容に一致しないものを,次のq∼rの中から 1 つ選びマークしなさい。 q Little Thunder が仕掛けたわなにはウサギがかかっていた w Little Thunder にとって,ヘビは守り神のような存在である e Little Thunder は,獲物を家に持ち帰る途中で父親と出会った r Little Thunder はこの年齢ですでに一人前の猟師になっている £0 下線部 £0 A game of stickball に最も近い現代のスポーツを,次のq∼rの中か ら 1 つ選びマークしなさい。 q ゲートボール w テニス e ホッケー


─  ─14 £1 下線部


The men call out their support の内容として最も適切なものを,次 のq∼rの中から 1 つ選びマークしなさい。 q 男たちは自分の家族と連絡を取る w 男たちは戦争に対して反対の声を挙げる e 男たちは族長への賛成を声高に叫ぶ r 男たちは他の部族に支援を要請する £2 [J]の内容に一致しないものを,次のq∼rの中から 1 つ選びマークしなさ い。 q Little Thunder は,病気で多くの人が死んでいる今の状況で戦争はしてほ しくないと思っている w 現在アルゴンキン族を苦しめている病気は,白人がこの地方に持ち込んだも のと思われている e この地方の部族の長たちは,和平の印として一本のパイプを回して吸う r 太鼓の打ち鳴らされる音を聞いていると,Little Thunder はどんどん悲し い気持ちになった £3 空欄 33 に入る表現として最も適切なものを,次のq∼rの中から 1 つ選 びマークしなさい。

q bored with the war dance w dreaming of the white people e planning to get out of the village r proud of his people


£4 [K]の内容に一致するものを,次のq∼rの中から 1 つ選びマークしなさい。 q 男は自分自身の勇敢な行いについて歌った w 男は鳥の羽飾りをつけた腕を振り上げ,空を指差した e 歓迎の踊りが始まると,太鼓の音はそれまで以上に大きくなった r 最初は一人の男が演じ,後から続々と他の男たちが踊りに加わった £5 この文章の表題として最も適切なものを,次のq∼rの中から 1 つ選びマーク しなさい。

q A Day in the Life of a Native American Boy w A Shaman’s Remedy for Dangerous Diseases e What the War Brought to the Algonquins r Why He Is Called “Little Thunder”


─  ─16

第6問 次の会話文を読み,後の設問に答えなさい。(15 点)

Meg: Have you made any plans yet for the summer vacation?

Mai: We’re thinking of going camping in Canada.

Meg: Really? Camping? Are you sure you want to do that?

Mai: Why?( 36 )

Meg: Well, I went on a camping trip with my parents when I was a teenager and it was horrible!

Mai: Oh, really? Tell me about it.

Meg: My father likes to drive, you know. So, he wanted to rent a camper and drive all around Lake Superior, camping on the way.

Mai: That sounds like fun!( 37 )I’ve heard that there’s a lot of natural beauty in Canada.

Meg: Well, yeah, I suppose the scenery is nice there, usually, but it rained every day!

Mai: ( 38 )

Meg: And it was so cold and muddy, especially when we had to set up camp!

Mai: Set up camp? I thought you said you rented a camper.

Meg: Well, not exactly. It was like a truck, with a room on the back with beds. We had to set up a camping stove outside for cooking, and use the toilet and showers at the campground.

Mai: So, you didn’t enjoy it?

Meg: Not at all! I like my home comforts: my TV, my hair dryer, eating in a nice warm room...

Mai: But even if you didn’t like camping, you enjoyed yourself during the day, didn’t you?

Meg: Not really. I mean, all we did was drive all day, most days. So, there I was sitting by the window, looking out at the side of the road... 39


Mai: So, you wouldn’t go back to Canada, then?

Meg: ( 40 )In fact, I’m thinking of going to Vancouver on vacation. But


─  ─18 [設問]

£6 空欄 36 に入る表現として最も適切なものを,次のq∼rの中から 1 つ選 びマークしなさい。

q Do you feel like coming along? w I absolutely hate camping! e I’m really not sure who. r What’s wrong with camping?

£7 空欄 37 に入る表現として最も適切なものを,次のq∼rの中から 1 つ選 びマークしなさい。

q I couldn’t hear what you said just now. w The scenery must have been wonderful. e What’s so funny about that?

r Where did you spend the day?

£8 空欄 38 に入る表現として最も適切なものを,次のq∼rの中から 1 つ選 びマークしなさい。

q How wonderful! w Oh, bad luck! e Really? I didn’t. r Yeah, me too.


£9 空欄 39 に入る表現として最も適切なものを,次のq∼rの中から 1 つ選 びマークしなさい。

q I prefer a window seat. w I really enjoyed it. e It was pretty boring. r It was really beautiful.

¢0 空欄 40 に入る表現として最も適切なものを,次のq∼rの中から 1 つ選 びマークしなさい。

q I certainly wouldn’t! w I’m from Ireland, actually. e No, I’m not sure.



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