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Raising Awareness: A Study of Business English Students in Japanese High School


Academic year: 2021

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(1)Rais㎞gAw㎜㎝ess:AStudyofBusinessEng1ishStud㎝越inJapmeseHi虫Schoo1. 教育内容・方法開発専攻. 文化表現系教育コース. M 1 1 1 7 1 C 淺  岡  智  之.      The number of specialized high schoo1s in. in㎞sic motivation wi血afo岬hase mdelofin㈱st. Japan has been decreasi皿g,and they have had to merge. development.It is impo誠mt that teachers idenli吋whe肥. due to a dec肥ase m the mmber of em〕肚nents㎜d. 曲eir students㎝e− 奄氏@these motivationa1stages to gauge. unpopu1arity of a血ending this kind of high school.For. 曲eiraw鵬ness.A脆rthe㎞㎞nsicmdvadontheoリ,. business educadon,an㎞creased f㏄us on bushess. self−regulated 1earnmg theory ls 1nt11oduced  Students. Eng1ish is one ofthe ways to inc肥ase in屹肥st inbusiness. developed di価e11ent1eanling s血a1egies t11皿。ugh activities. schoo1s.The1=efore,the puTPose of this present research is. iIi tlle c1ass and they ch…mged theh1ea1・ning s血a−egies tO. to mvestlga胞how busmess English students change the皿. mprovetherskms胞。her1mguage aw㎜ness lsthen. a耐tudes towards血eh abilides a11d motivadons,㎝d how. m血。ducedm血enexts㏄tlonThe1㎎tsectiondiscusses. −eachers 舳nk about the changes of their students’. 皿eC1㎜nEm剛㎜ewo此。fRe胎肥n㏄for. altitudes.This paper f㏄uses㎝the bnowi㎎肥se㏄h. L…mguage施r d㏄1dmg whlch domam shou1d be f㏄used. quesdons:1)What㎞d ofgroups c㎝b舳md wi血. on i1=i the resea1℃h.. Ie危肥nce to acqui工ed abilities and正notivaIions?,2)、Vhat.      Chapter2shows the oven伯w of the en血℃. kind of abilities md motivations did stud㎝ts deve1op. 1=esearch  design 1=egarding the purposes, the data. through various business activities iIl the1essons?,alld3). elicitadonmdthedatam釦ysesoftwostudies.A. How do teache㎎view chmges in血eh students’acquired. quesdomaire was emp1oyed for Study1and2,and. abi1ilies mdmotivations?. teache肥’inteπiews we肥a1so emp1oyed鮎r Study2to.      Thisr鵬㎜hco岬hsesof丘vechapte㎎.. supp0111students’perception.. Chapter l pmvides a血eo爬dc刮back餌。und6f the.      Chap屹r3記po血。n血e肥su1ts a皿d findings of. p11esent study The fkst section discusses two levels of. thequ㎝dtadveana1ysisofStudyl,Thischapteris.

(2) re1atedtothe㎞trese㎜chquesdon.Them㎡npurposeof. theya1so肥汕zedtheimpo伽。eofthec1ari吋。ftheh. data e1icitation in this study is to see the learners’. speechinordemottocause㎝ymis㎜derstandi㎎among. ch㈹鮒。sbased㎝ab舳e1(C0㎜unicadOm舳s,. their audien㏄but to a血=act them.Fo㎜止,血e di価erences. Eng1ish proficiency md Bus㎞ess ski皿s)and moOvadons. between spoken…md wri脆n English we肥raised h. (E向。yme瓜 、㎜㎜ngness to Continue Leaming,and−. students’awπeness.Students usua皿y leam wri脆n. Mαming他1ness)usi㎎a c1uster alla1ysis.The am1ysis. Emglish m Eng1ish c1ass,but they learned1t1s not always. classi層ed four clus−ers in the行rst and second grade,and. apprOpria1e to use the exp11essions they1eanled in Eng1ish. O〃。 c1usters fbr the tl㎡工d g11ade.1b supPo血the resu1t of. c1ass.They we爬a1so awaコre of d冊e肥n㏄iI1mm㏄s. the c1uster ma1ysis,open{nded questions we誠心。. betweenthetwo1㎜guagesTherefore,tothmkmEnglish. ㎜創畔t・丘・dk・W・・d・f・・…hq…d㎝・f…h. 丘。m the begmnmg a1コ。ut what they w㎝t to say ls o口e of. cluster The findings here were as同1ows:血e m勾。riψof. s血ategies.L㎜t,血ey re汕zed there were a1ot of血ings. students we肥moliva㎞by the1essons,and some ofthe. 血ey do not㎞ow about the wor1d as we皿as theh o㎜. students we肥not motivated by the1ess011s.One of血e. coun岬.It seems ga㎞㎞g the new㎞ow1edge is one of. possible reasons is theiI−English proficiency. theh molivations.These find㎞gs we肥suppo血討by.       Chapter 4 dlscusses findmgs 丘。m the. teachers’ inten^ews. In  addi1二ion, 一eacher 1anguage. qua1itadve…m銚ysis of Study2.This chapter showed that. the肥were five poin㎏of salient aw鵬ness一㎞ough these. awareness is a1so1ooked at in伽s study..       FiIla皿y Chapter 5 conc1udes with some. 1essons.Firsしstuden越’self−mderstanding was en11m㏄d.. pedagogic訓imp1ications for promoting impo血mce of. S㏄ond,students were a1so ab1e to undemセmd othe㎎. busmess Englishわrthe血tu肥。fbusmess educ汕。n. mo肥.The㎞t and second f㎞dings we肥肥1a㎞。They had to thimk about others to c011ivey the廿 曲。ughts. 主任指導教員 中 田 賀 之. proper1y md to do that they n㈱ded to mders伽d. 指導教員中田賀之. themse1ves.Th止d,曲ey became awaIe of the imp01tance. ofp肥sentations in bus㎞ess.They rea1ized血e impo血m㏄. of p肥sentad㎝s㎞us in business㏄casions.Therefo肥,.




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