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A.D.BarbourandBrunoNietlispach ∗ ApproximationbytheDickmandistributionandquasi-logarithmiccombinatorialstructures


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ob a b il i t y

Vol. 16 (2011), Paper no. 29, pages 880–.

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Approximation by the Dickman distribution and quasi-logarithmic combinatorial structures

A. D. Barbour and Bruno Nietlispach

Institut für Mathematik, Universität Zürich Winterthurertrasse 190, CH-8057 ZÜRICH E-mails:a.d.barbour@math.uzh.ch; nietli@me.com


Quasi-logarithmic combinatorial structures are a class of decomposable combinatorial structures which extend the logarithmic class considered by Arratia, Barbour and Tavaré (2003). In or- der to obtain asymptotic approximations to their component spectrum, it is necessary first to establish an approximation to the sum of an associated sequence of independent random vari- ables in terms of the Dickman distribution. This in turn requires an argument that refines the Mineka coupling by incorporating a blocking construction, leading to exponentially sharper cou- pling rates for the sums in question. Applications include distributional limit theorems for the size of the largest component and for the vector of counts of the small components in a quasi- logarithmic combinatorial structure.

Key words:Logarithmic combinatorial structures, Dickman’s distribution, Mineka coupling . AMS 2000 Subject Classification:Primary 60C05, 60F05, 05A16.

Submitted to EJP on August 4, 2010, final version accepted April 14, 2011.

Work supported in part by Schweizerischer Nationalfonds Projekt Nr. 20–107935/1


1 Introduction

Many of the classical random decomposable combinatorial structures, such as random permutations and random polynomials over a finite field, have component structure satisfying aconditioning rela- tion: ifCi(n)denotes the number of components of sizei, the distribution of the vector of component counts(C1(n), . . . ,Cn(n))of a structure of sizencan be expressed as

L C1(n), . . . ,Cn(n)

=L Z1, . . . ,Zn


, (1.1)

where(Zi,i≥1)is a fixed sequence of independent non-negative integer valued random variables, andTa,n:=Pn

i=a+1i Zi, 0≤a<n. If, as in the examples above, theZi also satisfy

iP[Zi=1] → θ and iEZiθ, (1.2)

the combinatorial structure is calledlogarithmic. It is shown in Arratia, Barbour and Tavaré (2003) [ABT]that combinatorial structures satisfying the conditioning relation and slight strengthenings of the logarithmic condition share many common properties. For instance, if L(n) is the size of the largest component, then n1L(n)d L, where L has probability density function fθ(x) := eγθΓ(θ+1)xθ2pθ((1−x)/x), x ∈ (0, 1], and pθ is the density of the Dickman distribution Pθ with parameterθ, given in Vervaat (1972, p. 90). Furthermore, for any sequence(an,n≥1) with an=o(n),

nlim→∞dTV L(C1(n), . . . ,Ca(n)

n),L(Z1, . . . ,Zan)

=0 .

Both of these convergence results can be complemented by estimates of the approximation error, under appropriate conditions. The asymptotic behaviour is quite different ifEZiiαforα6=1: see, for example, Freiman and Granovsky (2002) and Barbour and Granovsky (2005).

Knopfmacher (1979) introduced the notion of additive arithmetic semigroups, which give rise to de- composable combinatorial structures satisfying the conditioning relation, with negative binomially distributed Zi. For these structures,iP[Zi =1]∼iEZi =θi, where theθi do not always converge to a limit asi→ ∞. In those cases in which they do not, they become close to the integer skeleton of a sum of cosine functions with differing frequencies:

θt0:=θ+ XL


λlcos(2πfltϕl), t∈R, (1.3)


l=1λlθ, and thus exhibit quasi-periodic behaviour. It is therefore natural to ask whether the asymptotic behaviour that holds generally for logarithmic combinatorial structures also holds for such structures, in which theθido not converge, but certain averages of theθi do, and, if so, to find weaker forms of the logarithmic condition that are enough to imply the same asymptotic behaviour.

In this paper, we define a family of combinatorial structures, the quasi-logarithmic class, that include the logarithmic structures as a special case, as well as those of Zhang (1996).

For such structures, we give conditions under which n1L(n)d L (Theorem 4.1) and limn→∞dTV L(C1(n), . . . ,Ca(n)

n),L(Z1, . . . ,Zan)

= 0 (Theorem 4.3), just as in the logarithmic case.

A key step in the proofs is to be able to show that, for sequences an = o(n), the normalized sum n1Tan,n converges both in distribution and locally to the Dickman distribution Pθ (Theorems


3.4 and 3.5), and that the error rates in these approximations can be controlled. To do so, it is in turn necessary to be able to show that, under suitable conditions,

n→∞lim dTV L(Tan,n),L(Tan,n+1)

= 0 , for allan=o(n), (1.4) and that the error rate can be bounded by a power of{(an+1)/n}.

A number of the arguments used are adapted to the more general context from those presented in [ABT]. There, the sum T0,n := Pn

i=1i Zi is close in distribution to that of T0,n :=Pn

i=1i Zi, where Zi∼Po(θi1), and the latter sum has a compound Poisson distribution CP(θ,n)whose properties are tractable. In the current situation, with theθi’s not all asymptotically equal, it is first necessary to show that CP(θ,n)is still a good approximation to the sumT0,n. This is by no means obviously the case. The intuition is nonetheless that, if the distributions ofT0,n andT0,n+1 are not too different, then havingθi =2θ andθi+1 =0 instead of θi =θi+1 =θ should leave the distributionL(T0,n) more or less unchanged; only the average behaviour of theθi should be important. Thus we first want to establish (1.4). Once we have done so, we are able to show, by way of Stein’s method, that L(T0,n)is indeed close to CP(θ,n)

Proving that (1.4) holds under conditions appropriate for our quasi-logarithmic structures turns out in itself to be an interesting problem. The standard Mineka coupling, used to bound the total variation distance between a sum of independent, integer valued random variables and its unit translate, gives a very poor approximation in this context. To overcome the difficulty, we introduce a new coupling strategy, which yields a much more precise statement in a rather general setting (Theorem 2.1). This is the substance of the next section. We then show that the distributions L(T0,n) and CP(θ,n) are close in Section 3, and conclude that quasi-logarithmic combinatorial structures behave like logarithmic structures in Section 4.

As observed by Manstaviˇcius (2009), when considering only the small components, the distances dTV L(C1(n), . . . ,Ca(n)

n),L(Z1, . . . ,Za


can be bounded, even without assuming that theθj’s converge on average to any fixedθ, as long as they are bounded and bounded away from 0 (we do not require the latter condition). He considers only the case of Poisson distributed Zi, for which, inspecting the proof of Theorem 4.3, it is enough to obtain an estimate of the form

n|P[Tan,n=nk]−P[Tan,n=nl]| ≤ C{|kl|/n}γ, 0≤k,ln/2,

for someγ >0. This he achieves by using his refined characteristic function arguments. Since we are also interested in approximating the distribution of the largest components, for which some form of convergence to aθ seems necessary, we do not attempt this refinement.

2 An alternative to the Mineka coupling

Let{Xi}i∈Nbe mutually independentZ-valued random variables, and letSn:=Pn

i=1Xi. The Mineka coupling, developed independently by Mineka (1973) and Rösler (1977) (see also Lindvall (2002, Section II.14)) yields a bound of the form

dTV L(Sn),L(Sn+1)

π 2


i=1ui −1/2

, (2.1)


ui :=

1−dTV L(Xi),L(Xi+1)



see Mattner & Roos (2007, Corollary 1.6). The proof is based on coupling copies {Xi0}i∈N and {X00i }i∈Nof{Xi}i∈Nin such a way that

Vn := Xn



, n∈N,

is a symmetric random walk with steps in{−1, 0, 1}; the coupling inequality (Lindvall, 2002, Section I.2) then shows that

dTV L(Sn),L(Sn+1)

≤ P[τ >n] = P[Vn∈ {−1, 0}],

whereτis the time at which{Vn}n∈Z+first hits level 1, the last equality following from the reflection principle. However, this inequality gives slow convergence rates, if Xi = i Zi and the Zi are as described in the Introduction; typically,dTV L(i Zi),L(i Zi+1)

is extremely close to 1, and, ifXi is taken instead to be(2i−1)Z2i−1+2i Z2i, we still expect to have 1−dTV L(Xi),L(Xi+1)

i1, leading to bounds of the form

dTV L(Sn),L(Sn+1)

=O (logn)1/2 .

In this section, by modifying the Mineka approach in the spirit of Rogers (1999) to allow the random walk V to make larger jumps, we show that error bounds of order n−γ for some γ > 0 can be achieved, representing an exponential improvement over the Mineka bounds.

Let(Xi,i≥1)be independentZ+-valued random variables, setSa,n:=Pn

i=a+1Xi, and define q(i,d) := min{P[Xi =0]P[Xi+d =i+d],P[Xi=i]P[Xi+d=0]}, i,d∈N.

Then it is possible to couple copies(Xi0,Xi+d0 )and(X00i ,Xi+d00 )of(Xi,Xi+d)for anyi,d in such a way that

P[(X0i,Xi0+d) = (0,i+d),(Xi00,Xi00+d) = (i, 0)]

= P[(Xi0,X0i+d) = (i, 0),(Xi00,Xi00+d) = (0,i+d)] = q(i,d); (2.2) P[(X0i,Xi+d0 ) = (Xi00,Xi+d00 )] = 1−2q(i,d).

Note that then

(Xi0+Xi0+d)−(X00i +X00i+d) =

d with probabilityq(i,d); 0 with probability 1−2q(i,d);

d with probabilityq(i,d),


so that sums of such differences, with non-overlapping indices, can be constructed so as to perform a symmetric random walk ondZ. By successively coupling pairs in this way, and by using different values ofd, it may thus be possible to couple the sumsSa,n0 :=1+Pn

i=a+1X0i andS00a,n:=Pn

i=a+1Xi00 quickly, even when many of the overlapsq(i,d)are zero. The following theorem is typical of what can be achieved.

Ford∈Nandψ >0, defineE(d,ψ):={i: q(i,d)≥ψ/(i+d)}. For Da subset ofN, suppose that there arek∈Nandψ >0 such that

E(d,ψ)∩ {jk+1, . . . ,(j+1)k} 6= ;, for alldD, j≥1. (2.4)


In particular, if Xi = i Zi with Zi ∼ Po(θi/i), and if 0 < θθi for all i, then clearly q(i,d)θ/(i+d)for alliandd∈N, and so (2.4) holds for anyDwithk=1 andψ=θ. However, (2.4) also holds for any Dif, for instance, 0< θθi is only given for i ∈3N∪ {7N+2}, now with k=21 andψ=θ.

Theorem 2.1. Let r,s∈Nbe co-prime, and set

D := {r} ∪ {s2g, g≥0}. (2.5) Suppose that, for some k,ψ, (2.4) is satisfied with D as above. Then there exist C,γ >0, depending on r,s,k andψ, such that

dTV(L(Sa,n),L(Sa,n+1)) ≤ 6{(a+1)/n}γ, for all0≤a<n for which a+1≤C n.

Proof. We takeSe00=1,eS000=0, and then successively defineSe0j:=Se00+P

iIjX0i,Se00j :=S000+P

iIjX00i , Tj := eS0j−eS00j, j ≥1. Here, the sequences (Xi0, 1 ≤ in) and(Xi00, 1 ≤ in) are two copies of the sequence(Xi, 1≤in)of independent random variables, constructed by successively coupling pairs (Xi0


j+dj) and (X00i


j+dj), for suitable ij and dj, realized independently of the random variables (X0i,Xi00, iIj−1), where Ij−1 := ∪lj−=11{il,il +dl}. This coupling of pairs typically omits some indicesi∈ {1, 2, . . . ,n}; for such i, we set Xi0= Xi00, chosen independently from L(Xi). The coupling of the pairs(X0i,Xi+d0 ) and(X00i ,Xi+d00 ) is accomplished by arranging thatL((Xi0,X0i+d)) = L((Xi00,X00i+d)) =L(Xi)× L(Xi+d)and that(Xi0+X0i+d)−(Xi00+Xi00+d) ∈ {−d, 0,d}, as described in (2.2). The indices are defined by taking i1 =min{i > a: iE(r,ψ)}, and then taking ij+1 := min{i>ij: iE(dj+1,ψ),i,i+dj+1/Ij}, where

dl :=

r, ifTl1/sZ; s2f2(Tl1/s), ifl> τ,Tl16=0;

0, ifTl−1=0,


and where f2(t)is the exponent of 2 in the prime factorization of|t|, t∈Z. If Tl1=0, we couple X0i

l =Xi00

l, and thusX0i

l0 =X00i

l0 for alll0l, withil0 running through alli>il−1 such thati/Il−1. With this construction, the sequenceTjcan only change in jumps of size±r until it first reachessZ. Thereafter, at any jump, the exponent f2(Tj/s)increases by 1 untilTjis of the form±s2l for somel;

after this, the value ofTj is either doubled or set to zero at each jump, in the latter case remaining in zero for ever. IfiJ+dJn, whereJ:=inf{j: Tj=0}, then

Sa,n0 := 1+




Xi0 =




Xi00 =: Sa,n00 ,

and L(S0a,n) = L(Sa,n+1), L(S00a,n) = L(Sa,n), so that, from the coupling inequality (Lindvall, 2002, Section I.2),

dTV(L(Sa,n),L(Sa,n+1)) ≤ P[iJ+dJ>n]. (2.7) We thus wish to bound this probability.

Now the process T, considered only at its jump times, has the law of a simple random walk of step length r starting in 1, until it first hits a multiple ofs, and the mean number of steps to do so is at


mosts2/4. Thus, and by the Markov property of the simple random walk, the number of jumps N1 until a multiple of sis hit is bounded in distribution by 1

2s2G1, where P[G1 > j] =2j, j ≥1; in particular, for anyγ >0,

P[N1>12s2γlog2(1n)] ≤ 2αγn,

where αn := (a+1)/n. The remaining number N2 of jumps required for T to reach 0 is then at most log2r (in order to reach the form ±s2l for some l), together with an independent random numberG2 of steps until 0 is reached, having the same distribution asG1; hence,

P[N2>2γlog2(1n)] ≤ 2αγn

also, ifn≥(a+1)r1. It remains to show that the processT has the opportunity to make this many jumps, with high probability, for suitable choice ofγ.

Now, in view of (2.4), every block of indices{jk+1, . . . ,(j+1)k}contains at least oneiE(r,ψ). Hence, for any 1/2≤β <1, we can choose a setS1 of non-overlapping pairs(il,il+r), 1lL, such thatilE(r,ψ)anda+1≤ilk(a+1)α−βnr for eachl, and such that





il+r > 1 2(k∨r)

b(a+1−βn c





4(k∨r) log(1n),

ifn≥32/β(a+1). The first factor 2 in the denominator is present because a pair(i,i+r)withiE(r,ψ) can be excluded fromS1, but only if i= il+r for some pair (il,il +r) already inS1; the other is to yield an inequality, rather than an asymptotic equality. In similar fashion, for any non- decreasing sequence(ρl, l ≥ 1), we can choose a set S2 of non-overlapping pairs(i0l,il0+s2ρlln), 1≤lL0, whereln:=b12log2nc, such thatk(a+1)α−βn <i0lnsbp

ncfor each l, and such that





i0l+s2ρl∧ln > 1 2k



i=d2(a+1−βn e+1

i1 ≥ 1−β

4k log(1n), if alson≥(a+1)(4k)2/(1−β).

We now show that, for suitable choices of γ and β, the pairs in S1 with high probability yield M112s2γlog2njumps ofT. We then show that those inS2, with the sequence ρl chosen in non- anticipating fashion such thatρ1is the exponent of 2 inTl at the firstl at whichTlsZ,ρl+1=ρl

ifTl =Tl16=0,ρl+1= (ρl+1)∧lnif 0<Tl6=Tl1 andρl+1=ln otherwise, yieldM2≥2γlog2n.

Indeed, by the Chernoff inequalities (Chung & Lu 2006, Theorem 3.1), ifϕ1, 0< ϕ1 < 1, is such that


2s2γlog2(1n) = βψ(1−ϕ1)

4(kr) log(1n), (2.8) then

P[M1< 12s2γlog2(1n)] ≤ exp{−3ϕ21βψlog(1n)/32(k∨r)} ≤ αγn,

if 3ϕ21s2/{16(1−ϕ1)log 2} ≥1. Similarly, using a martingale analogue of the Chernoff inequalities (Chung & Lu 2006, Theorem 6.1), for f2 such that 3ϕ22/{4(1−ϕ2)log 2} ≥1 and with

2γlog2(1n) = (1−β)ψ(1−ϕ2)

4k log(1n), (2.9)


we get

P[M2<2γlog2(1n)] ≤ exp{−3ϕ22(1−β)ψlog(1n)/32k} ≤ αγn.

Finally, for such choices of f1and f2, equations (2.8) and (2.9) can be satisfed with the same choice ofβifγis chosen such that

1 = 2γ ψlog 2

¨(k∨r)s2 1−ϕ1

+ 4k 1−ϕ2


; then

β = 2γ(kr)s2 (1−ϕ1)ψlog 2.

Choosingϕ2 to satisfy 3ϕ22/{4(1−ϕ2)log 2} =1, and then ϕ1 larger than its minimum value, if necessary, to ensure thatβ≥1/2, this yields the theorem.

Clearly, the exponent γ could be sharpened; the condition (2.4) could also be weakened to one ensuring a positive density of indices in each E(d,ψ)over longer intervals. The set D could also be constructed in other ways. One natural extension would be to replace r co-prime toswith any r1, . . . ,rm satisfying gcd{ri, . . . ,rm,s}=1. Note also that if, for some j0≥1,

E(d,ψ)∩ {jk+1, . . . ,(j+1)k} 6= ;, for alldD, jj0, then (2.4) holds withkreplaced by j0k.

The coupling used to establish Theorem 2.1 is not the only possibility. In the example of additive arithmetic semigroups, there is one case in which the setDcan be taken to consist of the integers {2g+1, g ≥0}, but no odd integers. Here, the jumps in the process T would always be even, and hence, sinceT0=1,T can never hit 0. However, if we define

q(i)˜ := min{P[Xi=0],P[Xi=i]}; eE(1,ψ) := {i∈2Z+1: ˜q(i)ψ/i}, and if, for all j≥1,

E(e 1,ψ)∩ {jk+1, . . . ,(j+1)k} 6= ;, (2.10) then one can begin the coupling construction by definingXi0=Xi00for even iand coupling Xi0and X00i for oddiin such a way that

P[X0i=i,Xi00=0] = P[Xi0=0,Xi00=i] = 1−P[X0i =0,X00i =0] = q˜(i),

until the first timei that Xi0 6=X00i , at which time the difference Ti is even, taking either the value i+1 ori−1. Thereafter, the coupling is concluded using jumps of sizes 2g+1, with the second half of the strategy in the previous proof. Now the number of steps required to complete the coupling depends on how big the first even value ofT happens to be, but Chernoff bounds are still sufficient to be able to conclude the following theorem, which we state without proof.

Theorem 2.2. Suppose that, for some k,ψ, (2.4) is satisfied with D ={2g+1, g ≥0}, and (2.10) is also satisfied. Then there exist C,γ >0, depending on k andψ, such that

dTV(L(Sa,n),L(Sa,n+1)) ≤ C{(a+1)/n}γ, for all0≤a<n.


3 Approximation by the Dickman distribution

As in the Introduction, let(C1(n), . . . ,Cn(n))be the component counts of a decomposable combinatorial structure of sizen, related to the sequence of independent random variables(Zi,i≥1)through the Conditioning Relation (1.1). In this section, we wish to bound the distance between the distribution of the normalized sumn−1Ta,n:=n−1Pn

i=a+1i Zi and the Dickman distribution Pθ, when the quan- tities θi :=iEZi converge in some weak, average sense toθ, and when iP[Zi =1]∼ θi also. In order to exploit the divisibility properties of the distributions of the random variablesZi that occur in many of the classical examples, it is convenient first to introduce some further notation.

As in[ABT], we suppose that the random variablesZi can be written as sumsZi:=Pri

j=1Zi j, where the random variables(Zi j,i≥1, 1≤ jri)are all independent, and, for eachi, theZi j, 1≤ jri are identically distributed. This can always be taken to be the case, by settingri=1, butricould be chosen arbitrarily large ifZi were infinitely divisible, and the bounds that we obtain may be smaller if theri can be chosen to be large. We then define

"ik := i ri θi

P[Zi1=k]1{k=1}, k≥1, (3.1) so that P

k≥1k"ik = 0 for all i, since θi = iEZi, and the "ik can be expected to be small if also iP[Zi =1]∼θi. Finally, we setµi:=P

k1ksupj≥i|"jk|, which we assume to be finite.

We now specify our analogue of (1.2). Clearly, assuming µi →0 yields random variables Zi that mostly only take the values 0 or 1, but we also need some regularity among theθi. To make this precise, we define

δ(m,θ) := sup


θ− 1 m




, (3.2)

and assume that it converges to zero, for someθ >0, asm→ ∞. Note that this already implies that θsup := sup


θi < ∞. (3.3)

In addition, we need to be able to apply Theorem 2.1, with Zi forXi and with Ta,n for Sa,n. For this, we need practical conditions on the θi which imply that (2.4) is satisfied for D as in (2.5), for some r,s,k and ψ. So we define i0 := min{i ≥ 3θsup: µi ≤ 1/2}, and set E0(d,ψ) := {ii0: min(θi,θi+d) ≥ ψ}. We now show that E0(d,ψ)E(d,ψ/8)∩[i0,∞), so that, if (2.4) is satisfied with E0 forE, for somer,scoprime,ψ >0 and Ddefined in (2.5), then the conditions of Theorem 2.1 are satisfied with the same values ofr,sandk, and withψ/8 forψ.

Lemma 3.1. Suppose that ii0and thatmin(θi,θi+d)≥ψ. Then

q(i,d):=min{P[Zi=0]P[Zi+d=i+d],P[Zi =i]P[Zi+d =0]} ≥ψ/8(i+d). Proof. Note first that, forii0,

P[Zi1=1] = θi

i ri(1+"i1) ≥ θi

2i ri; P[Zi1≥1] = θi i ri




≤ 3θi 2i ri, so that

P[Zi =0] = (1−P[Zi≥1])ri

1− 3θi

2i ri ri

≥ 1−3θi


≥ 1 2;


thus also

P[Zi=1] ≥ θi

2iP[Zi=0] ≥ θi

4i, and the lemma follows.

Using these preparations, we can now state relatively straightforward conditions under which a decomposable combinatorial structure can be said to be quasi–logarithmic. Our simplest condition is the following.

Definition 3.2. We say that a decomposable combinatorial structure satisfies the quasi–logarithmic condition QLC if it satisfies the Conditioning Relation (1.1), if

ilim→∞µi = 0; lim

m→∞δ(m,θ) = 0 for someθ >0,

and if, for somer,scoprime,ψ >0 andDdefined in (2.5), (2.4) is satisfied with E0forE.

For quantitative estimates, a slightly stronger assumption is useful.

Definition 3.3. We say that a decomposable combinatorial structure satisfies the quasi–logarithmic condition QLC2 if it satisfies the Conditioning Relation (1.1), if

µi = O(i−α); δ(m,θ) = O(m−β) for someθ,α,β >0,

and if, for somer,scoprime,ψ >0 andDdefined in (2.5), (2.4) is satisfied with E0forE.

Under such conditions, we now prove the close link betweenL(n−1Ta,n) and Pθ. Our method of proof involves showing first thatL(T0,n)is close to the compound Poisson distribution CP(θ,n):= L(Pn

i=1i Zi), where theZi∼Po(i1θ)are independent; the closeness ofn1CP(θ,n)andPθ is al- ready known[ABT, Theorems 11.10 and 12.11], and the Wasserstein distance betweenL(n1T0,n) andL(n1Ta,n)is at mostn1Pa


To bound the distance betweenL(Ta,n)and CP(θ,n), we use Stein’s method (Barbour, Chen & Loh 1992). For any Lipschitz test function f: Z+→R, one expresses f in the form

f(j)−CP(θ,n){f} = θ Xn


gf(j+i)j gf(j), (3.4) for an appropriate function gf [ABT, Chapter 9.1]. Hence, for instance, the Wasserstein distance betweenL(Ta,n)and CP(θ,n)can be estimated by bounding


( θ




gf(Ta,n+i)−Ta,ngf(Ta,n) )




E{θgf(Ta,n+i)i Zigf(Ta,n)}+ Xa



, (3.5)

uniformly for Lipschitz functions f ∈Lip1, for which functionskgfk ≤1[ABT, (9.14)]. The right hand side can now be relatively easily bounded.


First, we re-express the element

E{i Zigf(Ta,n)} =




E{i Zilgf(Ta,n)}

of (3.5) by observing that

E{i Zilgf(Ta,n)} = θi

ri (

Egf(Ta,n(i)+i) +X


k"ikEgf(Ta,n(i)+ik) )


whereTa,n(i):=Ta,ni Zi1,a<in. Hence, to bound (3.5), we have


( θ



gf(Ta,n+i)Ta,ngf(Ta,n) )




{(θ−θi)Egf(Ta,n+i) +θiE[gf(Ta,n+i)−gf(Ta,n(i)+i)]}







k|"ik|E|gf(Ta,n(i)+ik)|, (3.6) and


= θi

i ri (






; (3.7)

and, clearly,





|Egf(Ta,n+i)| ≤ aθkgfk. (3.8) With the help of these estimates, we can prove the following approximation theorem. We use the notation D1(T) to denote dTV(L(T),L(T +1)); D1(Ta,n) appears in the bound (3.9) by way of (3.11), and is controlled by applying Theorem 2.1 withZi forXi.

Theorem 3.4. With the definitions above, dW L(n1Ta,n), Pθ

n1(1+θ)2+ min

1≤m≤n"1(n,a,m), (3.9) where "1(n,a,m) is given in (3.11). If QLC holds, dW L(n−1Ta

n,n), Pθ

→0 for any sequence an = o(n). If QLC2 holds, then dW L(n1Ta,n), Pθ

=O({(a+1)/n}η1)for someη1>0.


Proof. We first consider dW L(Ta,n), CP(θ,n)

, for which we bound the quantities appearing in (3.5), as addressed in (3.6)–(3.8). The contribution from (3.8) is immediate. Then, defining

θ := max{1,θ, sup

i≥1θi} and σn := Xn



µi, 1 i ri


we can easily bound the third element in (3.6) by θσnkgfk, and the second, using (3.7), con- tributes at most 4θσnkgfk, since alsoi ri≥1. For the first term, we use Lemma 5.2(i) to give




≤ {2θm+nδ(m,θ) + (1/4)θmnD1(Ta,n)}kgfk. In all, and usingkgfk ≤1, this gives the bound

dW L(Ta,n), CP(θ,n)

n"1(n,a,m), (3.10) with

"1(n,a,m) := 1

4θmD1(Ta,n) +δ(m,θ) +n1θ{5θσn+2m+a}. (3.11) This bound, together with the inequality

dW L(n1Ta,n), Pθ

n1dW L(Ta,n), CP(θ,n)

+dW n1CP(θ,n), Pθ , now give the required estimate, since

dW n1CP(θ,n), Pθ

n1(1+θ)2; see[ABT, Theorem 11.10].

If QLC holds, D1(Ta,n) =O({(a+1)/n}γ)for someγ >0, and choosingm=mn tending to infinity slowly enough ensures that"1(n,an,mn)→0. If QLC2 holds, choosemto be an appropriate power of{(a+1)/n}.

With a little more difficulty, one can prove the analogous local approximation to the distribution ofTa,n. This is the main tool for establishing the asymptotic behaviour of quasi-logarithmic combi- natorial structures.

Theorem 3.5. For any0≤an and any r≥2a+1, we have


pθ(r/n)| ≤ min

1mn"5(n,a,m;r), (3.12) with "5(n,a,m;r) as defined in (3.24) below. If QLC holds, it follows that suprnx|nPTa,n = r

pθ(r/n)| → 0 for any x > 0 and any sequence an = o(n). If QLC2 holds, then supr≥nx|nPTa,n = r

pθ(r/n)| = O({(a+1)/n}η2), for any x > 0 and for some η2>0.


Proof. Withx:=r/n, we begin by writing

pθ(x)−nP[Ta,n=r] ≤ 1


θP[r−nTa,n<ra]rP[Ta,n=r] +

pθ(x)− 1

PrnTa,n<ra . Now the quantity

1(r) := θP[rnTa,n<ra]−rP[Ta,n=r] is of the formE¦θPn


, as in (3.6), withg:=1{r}. Takel0 such that P[Zl1=0]≥1/2 for allll0, and setC(l0):={min1≤l≤l0maxj≥1P[Zl1= j]}1; then we have

P[Ta,n(i)=s] ≤ 2P[Ta,n=s], il0; P[Ta,n(i)=s]C(l0)sup

j≥1P[Ta,n= j], (3.13) for alls≥0 and 1≤i<l0. Note also that, by considering expectations of functions of the form1[0,j],


j≥1P[Ta,n= j] ≤ D1(Ta,n). (3.14) Using these bounds, we can bound the third element in (3.6) by





C(l0iD1(Ta,n) + Xl−1


iD1(Ta,n) +2µl

 ,

for any ll0, since Pn

i=lP[Ta,n = rik] ≤ 1 for all k ≥ 1. The second element is bounded, using (3.7), in a very similar way, giving

2θ (l−1



(C(l0)∨2) 1

i ri(1+µi)D1(Ta,n) + 2

l rl(1+µl) )

. Finally, the first element in (3.6) is bounded by Lemma 5.2(ii) as





δ(m,θ) + 2+ m



D1(Ta,n). Combining these estimates, we conclude that, for anyll0,


"2(n,a,m), (3.15)


"2(n,a,m) := θmin


(l−1 X


(C(l0)∨2) 2

i ri(1+µi) +µi

D1(Ta,n) +4 1

l rl(1+µl) +µl


+ 2+ m



D1(Ta,n) +δ(m,θ). (3.16)


The next step is to bound the difference

2(r) := PrnTa,n<ra

−CP(θ,n){[rn,ra−1]}, which can once again be accomplished by using (3.4) and (3.5). Since, for f :=1[0,s−1],

kgfk ≤ (1+θ)/(s+θ),

by[ABT, Lemma 9.3], it follows as in the proof of (3.10) in the previous theorem that

|P[Ta,n<s]−CP(θ,n){[0,s−1]}| ≤ s1(1+θ)n"1(n,a,m), (3.17) for anys≥1. For 2a<rn, this gives

|∆2(r)| ≤ (ra)1(1+θ)n"1(n,a,m) ≤ 2r1n(1+θ)"1(n,a,m).

Forr>n, two differences as in (3.17) are needed. The first is just as before; the second is bounded by

"3(n,a,m;r) := min{(rn)1(1+θ)n"1(n,a,m),P[Ta,n<rn]+CP(θ,n){[0,rn−1]}}, (3.18) where the alternative is useful ifr is close ton. Now

CP(θ,n){[0,j]} ≤ Yn


Po(θi1){0} = exp

− Xn



j+1 n+1


. (3.19)

Rather similarly,

P[Ta,nj] ≤




{P[Zi1=0}ri ≤ exp





 exp




θiθ i

j+1 n+1



¨ 2e1+θ

j+1 n+1



from Lemma 5.3, and this in turn gives

P[Ta,nj] ≤ 2e1

(jj0) +1 n+1


, (3.20)

where µj+1 ≤ 1/2 and δ(j/2,θ) ≤ θ/2 for all jj0. Using (3.19) and (3.20) in (3.18), and optimizing with respect tor, gives

"3(n,a,m;r) ≤ 4e1{"1(n,a,m)}θ/(4) =: "4(n,a,m). Hence

|∆2(r)| ≤ 2nr1(1+θ)"1(n,a,m) +"4(n,a,m) (3.21)



Thus as a corollary, we get that if D is a finite dimensional division algebra over an algebraic number field K and G = SL 1,D , then the normal subgroup structure of G(K) is given

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