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Tyrosinase Inhibitory Active Components Contained in Bangladesh Medicinal Plants and Elucidation of the Inhibition Mechanism


Academic year: 2021

シェア "Tyrosinase Inhibitory Active Components Contained in Bangladesh Medicinal Plants and Elucidation of the Inhibition Mechanism"


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Tyrosinase Inhibitory Active Components Contained in

Bangladesh Medicinal Plants and Elucidation of the Inhibition

Mechanism( 内容と審査の要旨(Summary) )


Mohammad Nuruzzaman Masum

Report No.(Doctoral


博士(農学) 甲第715号

Issue Date











Ặ   ྡ㸦ᮏ㸦ᅜ㸧⡠㸧 Mohammad Nuruzzaman Masum

㸦ࣂࣥࢢࣛࢹࢩࣗேẸඹ࿴ᅜ㸧   Ꮫ ఩ ࡢ ✀ 㢮 ༤ኈ㸦㎰Ꮫ㸧   Ꮫ ఩ グ ␒ ྕ ㎰༤⏥➨㸵㸯㸳ྕ   Ꮫ ఩ ᤵ ୚ ᖺ ᭶ ᪥ ᖹᡂ㸱㸯ᖺ㸱᭶㸱㸯᪥   ◊ ✲ ⛉ ཬ ࡧ ᑓ ᨷ 㐃ྜ㎰Ꮫ◊✲⛉ ⏕≀㈨※⛉Ꮫᑓᨷ   ◊✲ᣦᑟࢆཷࡅࡓ኱Ꮫ ᒱ㜧኱Ꮫ

  Ꮫ ఩ ㄽ ᩥ 㢟 ┠     Tyrosinase Inhibitory Active Components Contained in Bangladesh Medicinal Plants and Elucidation of the

Inhibition Mechanism 㸦ࣂࣥࢢࣛࢹࢩࣗࡢ⸆⏝᳜≀࡟ྵࡲࢀࡿࢳࣟࢩࢼ࣮ࢮ㜼ᐖ άᛶᡂศ࡜㜼ᐖᶵᵓࡢゎ᫂㸧   ᑂ ᰝ ጤ ဨ ఍ ୺ᰝ ᒱ㜧኱Ꮫ ෸ᩍᤵ  ᑎ ᮏ ዲ 㑥 ๪ᰝ ᒱ㜧኱Ꮫ ᩍ ᤵ  ග Ọ   ᚭ ๪ᰝ 㟼ᒸ኱Ꮫ ᩍ ᤵ  Ἑ ྜ ┿ ࿃ ๪ᰝ ᒱ㜧኱Ꮫ ຓ ᩍ  ᒣ ෆ ᜏ ⏕

ㄽ ᩥ ࡢ ෆ ᐜ ࡢ せ ᪨

ᮏ◊✲ࡣࠊࣂࣥࢢࣛࢹࢩ࡛ࣗ᥇ྲྀࡋࡓ 7 ✀㢮ࡢ⸆⏝᳜≀࠿ࡽࠊB16 ࣓ࣛࣀ࣮࣐⣽⬊࡟ᑐࡋప ẘᛶ࡛ࠊࢳࣟࢩࢼ࣮ࢮ㜼ᐖ࠾ࡼࡧ࣓ࣛࢽࣥ⏕⏘ᢚไάᛶࢆ♧ࡍᢳฟ≀ࢆࢫࢡ࣮ࣜࢽࣥࢢࡋࠊࡑ ࡢάᛶᡂศࡢ༢㞳࡜ᵓ㐀ゎᯒࡉࡽ࡟άᛶᡂศࡢ࣓ࣛࢽࣥ⏕⏘ᢚไᶵᵓ࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ㄽࡌ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ 7 ✀ࡢ᳜≀୰ࠊPersicaria orientalisࡢ᰿ᢳฟ≀ࡢࡳࡀࢳࣟࢩࢼ࣮ࢮࣔࣀࣇ࢙ࣀ࣮ࣛࢮ࠾ࡼࡧ ࢪࣇ࢙ࣀ࣮ࣛࢮ㜼ᐖάᛶࢆ᭷ࡋࠊIC50 ࡣࡑࢀࡒࢀ 13 ࠾ࡼࡧ 17ȣg/ml ࡛࠶ࡗࡓࠋࡲࡓࠊ P.orientalis᰿ᢳฟ≀ࡢ50, 25 ࠾ࡼࡧ 12.5ȣg/ml ࡢฎ⌮⃰ᗘ࡛ B16 ⣽⬊࡟ᑐࡋ࡚㧗࠸⣽⬊⏕ Ꮡ⋡ࢆ♧ࡋࡓࠋࡑࡇ࡛ࠊࢳࣟࢩࢼ࣮ࢮ㜼ᐖάᛶᡂศࡢ༢㞳ࢆヨࡳࡓࠋࡲࡎࠊP.orientalisࡢ᰿࠿

ࡽMeOH ࡛ᢳฟ≀ࢆᚓࡓᚋࠊn-࣊࢟ࢧࣥࠊEtOAcࠊ࠾ࡼࡧ EtOH ࡛ࡑࢀࡒࢀศ㓄ࡋࡓࠋEtOAc ࠾ࡼࡧEtOH ྍ⁐㒊ࡣࠊࡑࢀࡒࢀ 39 ࠾ࡼࡧ 22ȣg/ml ࡢ IC50࡛ࠊᢳฟ≀࡜ࡋ࡚ࡣⰋዲ࡞ࢳࣟ ࢩࢼ࣮ࢮ㜼ᐖάᛶࢆ♧ࡋࡓࠋ᭷ຠᡂศࡣࠊEtOH ྍ⁐㒊ࢆࢩࣜ࢝ࢤࣝ࠾ࡼࡧ Sephadex LH-20 ࣒࢝ࣛࠊḟ࠸࡛C-18 ㏫┦ศྲྀ HPLC ࡟ࡼࡾ༢㞳ࡋࠊ1Dࠊ2D NMR ࠾ࡼࡧ MALD-TOFMS ศ ᯒ࠿ࡽࣄࢻࣟࣆ࣌ࣟࢩࢻ((1)㸪ࣂࢽࢥࢩࢻ A((2)㸪ࣂࢽࢥࢩࢻ B((3)㸪ࣂࢽࢥࢩࢻ C((4)㸪ࣂࢽࢥࢩ ࢻE((5)㸪࢚࢟ࢯࢳࢩࣥ(6)㸪࢚ࣆ࢝ࢸ࢟ࣥ-3-o-࣮࢞ࣞࢺ(7),࢞ࣜࢵࢡ㓟(8)࠾ࡼࡧ 3,4-ࢪࣄࢻࣟ࢟ ࢩᏳᜥ㤶㓟(9)࡜ྠᐃࡋࡓࠋࡑࡢ࠺ࡕ 5 ✀ࡣࣇ࢙ࢽࣝࣉࣟࣃࣀ࢖ࢻࢫࢡ࣮ࣟࢫ࢚ࢫࢸࣝ(໬ྜ≀ 1 㹼5)࡛P.orientalisࡢ᰿ࡢ୺せ࡞஧ḟ௦ㅰ⏘≀࡛࠶ࡗࡓࠋ༢㞳ࡉࢀࡓ໬ྜ≀1㹼5 ࡢࢳࣟࢩࢼ࣮ ࢮάᛶ㜼ᐖࢆホ౯ࡋࡓ࡜ࡇࢁࠊ࠸ࡎࢀࡶⰋዲ࡞ࢳࣟࢩࢼ࣮ࢮࣔࣀࣇ࢙ࣀ࣮ࣛࢮ࠾ࡼࡧࢪࣇ࢙ࣀ ࣮ࣛࢮ㜼ᐖάᛶࢆ♧ࡋࡓࠋࣔࣀࣇ࢙ࣀ࣮ࣛࢮ㜼ᐖάᛶ࡛ࡣࠊ໬ྜ≀1 ࡀ᭱ࡶᙉ࠸㜼ᐖ(IC50 27.1


ȣM)ࢆ♧ࡋࠊࢳࣟࢩࢼ࣮ࢮ㜼ᐖ๣࡜ࡋ࡚໬⢝ရ࡟㓄ྜࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࢥ࢘ࢪ㓟࡜࡯ࡰྠ➼ࡢ್ࢆ♧ ࡋࡓࠋࢪࣇ࢙ࣀ࣮ࣛࢮ㜼ᐖάᛶ࡛ࡣ໬ྜ≀4 ࡀຠᯝⓗ࡛ࠊࢥ࢘ࢪ㓟ࡢ⣙ 2 ಸࡢຠᯝࢆ♧ࡋࡓࠋ ḟ࡟໬ྜ≀11㹼5 ࡢ࣓ࣛࢽࣥ⏕⏘ᢚไస⏝࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ B16 ࣓ࣛࣀ࣮࣐⣽⬊࡛ホ౯ࡋࡓࠋ໬ྜ≀ 1 ࠾ࡼࡧ 4 ࡣࠊ㧗⃰ᗘ(50ȣM)᮲௳࡟࠾࠸࡚ࡶప⣽⬊ẘᛶࢆ♧ࡋࡓࠋࡉࡽ࡟ྛ໬ྜ≀ࡣ⃰ᗘ౫Ꮡ ⓗ࡟࣓ࣛࢽࣥ⏕⏘ᢚไస⏝ࢆ♧ࡋࠊ≉࡟໬ྜ≀3 ࡣࠊ50 ࠾ࡼࡧ 25ȣM ࡟࠾࠸࡚ࠊ᭷ព࡟㧗࠸ ⣽⬊እ࣓ࣛࢽࣥ㜼ᐖάᛶ⋡ࢆ♧ࡋࡓࠋ⨾ⓑ๣࡜ࡋ࡚໬⢝ရ࡟㓄ྜࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ࢔ࣝࣈࢳࣥࡣࠊ730 ȣM ࡛࣓ࣛࢽࣥྜᡂ࡟ᑐࡋ࡚ 58%ࡢ㜼ᐖຠᯝࢆ♧ࡋࡓࡀࠊ໬ྜ≀ 1ࠊ3 ࠾ࡼࡧ 4 ࡣࠊ50ȣM ࡜ ࠸࠺ẚ㍑ⓗప⃰ᗘ࡟࠾࠸࡚ࡶⰋዲ࡞࣓ࣛࢽࣥ⏘⏕ᢚไຠᯝࢆ♧ࡋࡓࠋࡲࡓࠊᵓ㐀άᛶ┦㛵ࡢ⤖ ᯝࠊࢢࣝࢥ࣮ࢫ6 ఩ࡢࣇ࢙ࣝࣟ࢖ࣝᇶ࠾ࡼࡧ 2 ఩ࡲࡓࡣ 3 ఩࡟࢔ࢭࢳࣝᇶࢆ᭷ࡍࡿᵓ㐀ࡣࠊ⣽ ⬊ẘᛶࡢᘬࡁ㔠࡟࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡿ஦ࡀ᫂☜࡜࡞ࡗࡓࠋ ௨ୖࡢ⤖ᯝ࠿ࡽࠊP.orientalisࡢ᰿ᢳฟ≀ࡣࠊࢳࣟࢩࢼ࣮ࢮ㜼ᐖ๣࠾ࡼࡧ࣓ࣛࢽࣥ⏕⏘ᢚไ๣ ࡜ࡋ౑⏝࡛ࡁࡿ」ᩘࡢ᭷ᮃ࡞໬ྜ≀ࢆྵ᭷ࡍࡿ஦ࡀ♧ࡉࢀࠊᐇ⏝ᛶࡢ࠶ࡿኳ↛⨾ⓑ๣ࡢ㛤Ⓨࡀ ᮇᚅࡉࢀࡿࠋ

ᑂ ᰝ ⤖ ᯝ ࡢ せ ᪨

⏦ㄳ⪅Mohammad Nuruzzaman Masum ࡣ㸪7 ✀ࡢࣂࣥࢢࣛࢹ࢕ࢩࣗ⏘⸆⏝᳜≀ࡢࢫࢡࣜ ࣮ࢽࣥࢢ࡟ࡼࡾ3HUVLFDULDRULHQWDOLVࡢ᰿࢚࢟ࢫࡢࡳࡀ᭷ᮃ࡞ࢳࣟࢩࢼ࣮ࢮ㜼ᐖάᛶࢆ᭷ ࡋ㸪ࡑࡢάᛶᡂศࢆ᥈⣴ࡋࡓ࡜ࡇࢁ㸪 ✀㢮ࡢ໬ྜ≀ࡢ༢㞳ྠᐃ࡟ᡂຌࡋࡓࠋࡑࡢ୰࡛ࢫࢡࣟ ࣮ࢫ࡟Sࢡ࣐ࣝ㓟  ศᏊࡀ⤖ྜࡋࡓ  ✀ࡢࣂࢽࢥࢩࢻㄏᑟయࡀࢳࣟࢩࢼ࣮ࢮ㜼ᐖάᛶ࠾ࡼࡧ % ࣓ࣛࣀ࣮࣐⣽⬊ࡢ࣓ࣛࢽࣥ⏕⏘ࢆᢚไࡋࡓࠋࡋ࠿ࡋ࡞ࡀࡽ㸪ࢢࣝࢥ࣮ࢫࡢ  ఩࠶ࡿ࠸ࡣ  ఩ࡀ࢔ࢭࢸ࣮ࢺ࠾ࡼࡧ  ఩ࡀࣇ࢙࣮ࣝࣞࢺ࡟࡞ࡗࡓ໬ྜ≀ ,9 ࡜ 9 ࡣ࣓ࣛࣀ࣮࣐⣽⬊࡟ᑐࡋ࡚ ᙉẘᛶࢆ♧ࡍ⤖ᯝ࡜࡞ࡗࡓࠋ௒ᚋࡣᵓ㐀άᛶ┦㛵◊✲ࡀ㐍ࡳ㸪⮫ᗋᐇ㦂࡛ࡢຠᯝࡀㄆࡵࡽࢀࢀ ࡤ㸪ᐇ⏝ᛶࡢ࠶ࡿኳ↛໬⢝ᩱ⨾ⓑ๣ࡢ㛤Ⓨ࡟⧅ࡀࡿࡇ࡜ࡀᮇᚅࡉࢀࡿࠋ

1. Mohammad Nuruzzaman Masum, Siwattra Choodej, Kosei Yamauchi and Tohru Mitsunaga (2018) Isolation of Phenylpropanoid Sucrose Esters from the Roots of Persicaria orientalis and Their Potential as Inhibitors of Melanogenesis. Medicinal Chemistry Research (iin press).

2. Mohammad N. Masum, Kosei Yamauchi and Tohru Mitsunaga (2018) Tyrosinase Inhibitors from Natural and Synthetic Sources as Skin-lightening Agents. Reviews in Agricultural Science (iin press).



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