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高 3 ハイレベル英語 ~ 文法編 ~ 第 6 講テキスト 第 6 講 助動詞 ⑵ 助動詞 ⑵のポイント have p.p. have p.p. may well may as well might as well as ポイント 1 助動詞 have p.p. は 予想 と イヤミ may hav


Academic year: 2022

シェア "高 3 ハイレベル英語 ~ 文法編 ~ 第 6 講テキスト 第 6 講 助動詞 ⑵ 助動詞 ⑵のポイント have p.p. have p.p. may well may as well might as well as ポイント 1 助動詞 have p.p. は 予想 と イヤミ may hav"


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第6講  助動詞⑵


【1】  助動詞 have p.p. は「予想」と「イヤミ」

【2】  助動詞の過去形 have p.p. の判別

【3】 助動詞の慣用表現(特にmay well/may as well/might as well 〜 asの違い)

ポイント【1】 “助動詞havep.p.”は「予想」と「イヤミ」


①may have p.p.「〜だったかもしれない」= might have p.p.

  I may have dropped my purse.「サイフ落としたかも」

②must have p.p.「〜だったに違いない」

  He must have been an actor when he was young.


③canʼt have p.p.「〜だったはずがない」= couldnʼt have p.p.

  He canʼt have told a lie.「彼がウソをついたはずがない」


④should have p.p.「〜すべきだったのに(イヤミ)」「〜したはずだ(予想)」

⑤ought to have p.p.

  You should have seen a doctor earlier.



  should not have p.p.「〜すべきじゃなかったのに」 ※イヤミ   = ought not to have p.p. ※notの位置に注意(to不定詞の直前)

  He should not have said such a thing to her.



⑥ 「〜する必要はなかったのに」









⑴ I may ( ) this historical novel before, but I hardly remember the story.

1. read   2. be read   3. be reading   4. have read

⑵ The streets are wet; it ( ) while I was asleep.


1. must rain 2. might rain

3. cannot have rained 4. must have rained

⑶ A: Whatʼs that song youʼre listening to?

B: You donʼt know? Itʼs Yesterdayʼ by the Beatles. You ( ) it before!

1. hadnʼt heard 2. might hear 3. mustʼve heard 4. shouldnʼt hear

⑷ There ( ) something wrong with the host computer as all our computers crashed.

1. must have 2. must have been

3. would be 4. would have been

⑸ The English in this letter is too good. He canʼt ( ) it himself.

1. be writing 2. have to write

3. have written 4. write

⑹ A: Can I watch TV now, Mom?

  B: Go up to your room this minute and get back to work. You ( ) have done your homework very well in such a short time.

1. can   2. canʼt   3. shall   4. shouldnʼt




⑴ 空欄に入る最も適切なものを選びなさい。

It was a wonderful party. You ( ) have come.

1. may   2. might   3. would   4. should

⑵ 空欄に入る最も適切なものを選びなさい。

A: Why is this letter still here?

B: Oh, no! ( ) posted it yesterday afternoon but I completely forgot.

1. I mustʼve   2. I shouldʼve   3. Iʼve   4. Iʼd

⑶ 各英文の内容がほぼ同じになるように,空欄に入る最も適切なものを選びなさい。

If only he had taken a little more care.

= He ( ) have been a little more careful.

1. should   2. did   3. will   4. does

⑷ 空欄に入る最も適切なものを選びなさい。

You came back just to return this book, didnʼt you? Oh, you ( ). 1. shouldnʼt do it 2. shouldnʼt have done it

3. should have done it 4. could have done it

⑸ 日本文に合うように[  ]内の語句を並べかえて正しい英文を完成させなさい。


Jim [ as / done / to / have / ought ] his father told him.

⑹ 空欄に入る最も適切なものを選びなさい。

A: Where is the report I asked for?

B: That should ( ) care of by Jack last week.






⑺ 日本文に合うように[  ]内の語句を並べかえて正しい英文を完成させなさい。


  The letter I mailed two days ago [ by / have / my mother / ought / reached / to ] this time.


ポイント【2】 “助動詞の過去形havep.p.”の判別

助動詞 have p.p. 仮定法 過去への推量 イヤミ

would have p.p.

could have p.p.

might have p.p.

should have p.p.









⑴ I donʼt feel well. I might ( ) a cold.

1. be caught 2. been caught

3. have been caught 4. have caught

⑵ He ( ) have been in when you got there.

1. wasnʼt   2. didnʼt   3. hadnʼt   4. couldnʼt

⑶ I canʼt find my cell phone. I ( ) have left it at home, but itʼs also possible I dropped it somewhere.

1. can   2. could   3. should   4. will

⑷ A: I saw Mr. Yamada at Shinjuku Station this morning.

B: You ( ) have. Heʼs still on vacation in Hawaii.

1. couldnʼt   2. didnʼt   3. might   4. should


ポイント【3】 助動詞の慣用表現(特に may well / may as well / might as well~as の違い) 



①may well 〜「〜するのももっともだ」「きっと〜だろう」

②may as well 〜 / might as well 〜「〜してもいいだろう」

③might as well 〜 as …「…するくらいなら〜したほうがましだ」



①may well 〜

may well 〜   (a)「〜するのももっともだ/〜するのも無理はない」


You may well get angry with him.「君が彼に腹を立てるのも無理もない」

It may well rain tonight.「今夜はきっと雨だろう」

②may as well 〜

may as well 〜 / might as well 〜「〜してもいいだろう」

Itʼs not very far, so I may as well walk.


③might as well 〜 as …

may as well 〜 as …/ might as well 〜 as …


You might as well throw your money into the sea as lend it to him.










⑴ 各英文の内容がほぼ同じになるように,空欄に入る最も適切なものを選びなさい。

You may well get angry with him.

= It is ( ) that you should be angry with him.

1. surprising   2. a wonder   3. natural   4. bad

⑵ 空欄に入る最も適切なものを選びなさい。

You might as ( ) tell the truth.

1. good   2. better   3. if   4. well

⑶ 日本文に合うように[  ]内の語句を並べかえて正しい英文を完成させなさい。


  You [ into the sea / might / it / as well / throw / your money / as lend ] to him.



①had better

had better 原形「〜しなきゃいけない(じゃないと後で大変だよ)」 

You had better see that doctor.「医者に診てもらいなさい」

【否定】had better not 原形 「〜しないほうがよい」 ※notの位置に注意

You had better not play with those guys.「あんな子たちと遊んじゃいけません」

②cannot 〜 too …

cannot 〜 too …「いくら…しても,しすぎではない」

You cannot be too careful when you drive a car.


※tooは「やりすぎ」という意味です。直訳「やりすぎになるまで〜することはでき ない」→「どんなにやっても やりすぎ にはならない」→「いくら…しても,しす ぎではない」になります。







①「助動詞」のneed ※canと同じ使い方   直後に原形がくる

 【否定文】直後にnotを置く(need notの形)

  【疑問文】文頭にNeedを置く(Need S 原形の形)



  You need not go there.「そこへ行く必要はない」

  ※need not have p.p. 「〜する必要はなかったのに」

②「一般動詞」のneed ※wantと同じ使い方

  直後に目的語(特に to原形 )。-ingがくる場合は「受身の意味」になる。


  I need your help.「君の助けが必要だ」

  You need to study harder.「もっと一生懸命勉強する必要がある」

  You didnʼt need to do the work.「その仕事をする必要はなかったのに」


助動詞 need 一般動詞 need 肯定文 肯定文では使えない

(×)S need 原形.

S need 名詞./S need to 原形. S need –ing.

否定文 S need not 原形. S donʼt need to原形.

疑問文 Need S原形? Do S need to原形?

3単現のs 不要 必要(needs)

過去形 なし あり(needed)





[  ]内の語句を並べかえて正しい英文を完成させなさい。

⑴ You had better ( ) the fact that the Earthʼs average temperature has rapidly increased.

1. mention   2. to mention   3. mentioning   4. mentioned

⑵ You ( ) swim in this river.

1. had not to better 2. had better not 3. had not better to 4. had better not to

⑶ 「通りを渡る時は,どんなに注意してもしすぎるということはない。」

You [ too / cannot / you / careful / be / when ] cross the street.

⑷ You ( ) to take an umbrella with you. It is likely to rain this afternoon.

1. may   2. must   3. need   4. can







 ⑴〜⑹,⑻は空欄に入る最も適切なものを選びなさい。⑺は各英文の内容がほぼ同 じになるように,空欄に入る最も適切なものを選びなさい。

⑴ I may ( ) this historical novel before, but I hardly remember the story.

1. read   2. be read   3. be reading   4. have read

⑵ There ( ) something wrong with the host computer as all our computers crashed.

1. must have 2. must have been

3. would be 4. would have been

⑶ The English in this letter is too good. He canʼt ( ) it himself.

1. be writing   2. have to write   3. have written   4. write

⑷ A: Why is this letter still here?

B: Oh, no! ( ) posted it yesterday afternoon but I completely forgot.

1. I mustʼve   2. I shouldʼve   3. Iʼve   4. Iʼd

⑸ I donʼt feel well. I might ( ) a cold.

1. be caught  2. been caught  3. have been caught  4. have caught

⑹ A: I saw Mr. Yamada at Shinjuku Station this morning.

B: You ( ) have. Heʼs still on vacation in Hawaii.

1. couldnʼt   2. didnʼt   3. might   4. should

⑺ You may well get angry with him.

= It is ( ) that you should be angry with him.

1. surprising   2. a wonder   3. natural   4. bad

⑻ You ( ) swim in this river.

1. had not to better 2. had better not 3. had not better to 4. had better not to


第6講 助動詞⑵ 解答



⑴ 4


⑵ 4

⑶ 3


A: 君が聞いている歌は何ていう曲だい?

B: 知らないの? ビートルズの「Yesterday」って曲だよ。前に聞いたことがあるは ずだよ!

⑷ 2

(和訳 )全てのパソコンが故障したので,ホストコンピューターに何か異常があった に違いない。

⑸ 3


⑹ 2


A: ママ。今テレビを見てもいいかい? 

B: 今は部屋に行って勉強しなさい。こんな短い時間じゃきちんと宿題が終わっているは ずないもの。


⑴ 4







⑵ 2


A: なぜこの手紙がここにまだあるの?

B: あら! 昨日の午後にそれを投函しておくべきだったのに。すっかり忘れてたわ。

⑶ 1


⑷ 2

(和訳)この本を返しに戻ってきたのよね? まぁ,そんなことしなくてよかったのに。

⑸ Jim [ ought to have done as ] his father told him.

⑹ 3


A: 私が頼んでいた報告書はどこにありますか?

B: 先週ジャックが処理したはずです。

⑺ The letter I mailed two days ago [ ought to have reached my mother by ] this time.



⑴ 4


⑵ 4


⑶ 2

(和訳 )携帯電話が見つからない。ひょっとしたら家に置き忘れたのかもしれないが,



⑷ 1


A: 今朝,新宿駅で山田さんを見たよ。

B: そんなはずないよ。彼はまだ休暇中でハワイにいるからね。



⑴ 3


⑵ 4


⑶ You [ might as well throw your money into the sea as lend it ] to him.


⑴ 1


⑵ 2


⑶ You [ cannot be too careful when you ] cross the street.

⑷ 3







■第 6 講 解答

⑴ 4   ⑵ 2   ⑶ 3   ⑷ 2   ⑸ 4   ⑹ 1   ⑺ 3 

⑻ 2




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